PAGE P0T7TC Medford Mail Tribune AW lNnrPVUHRMT NKWKPAPKK PUBIjIKHED EVEHY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY TUB MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Office Mi. II Tribune Building, 86-27-2 North Fir itreet; telephone 75. Th rMtn(wrfttlo Tlmi. The Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune. The South ern Oregontan, The Ann xriDune. OKORGB PUTNAM. Editor. BUBSCBXPTXON &ATEBI Onm Twir. bv mail One month, by mall ,60 .16.00 Per month, delivered by carrier In Ai"Oioru, Asninnu, j'uoeaix, i ai mnt. Jacksonville and Central Point .80 Saturday only, by mail, per year. 1.00 Weekly, per year...- 1.60 Official paper of the City of M'dford. oiriciai paper or jacKaon county. Kntered as second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March Bworn Circulation far l&J Full leased wire Associated Press dis patches. EM-TEES CANNING THE KAI8ER LONDON The newspapers declare toduy that (lie American soldiers and mnrlnes have already found a slogan which is "Can the kaiser?" The llrl- IhIi are much puzzled by the ability of the Americans to Invent new slang and the paiierg explain that the word "can" Is used in the sense of liermet ically sealing the Ualser to prevent his further activity. (Tune: "Marching Through Georgia") llring tlio good old bugle, boys, we'll sing another song, Slug It with a spirit that will move the world along, Sing It as we need to sing It, halt a million strong While we are canning the Kaiser. Chorus Oh, llill! Oh, mil! We're on the Job toduy! Oh, Illll! Oh, Bill! We'll seal you so you'll stay We'll put you up In ginger In the good old Yankee way While wo are canning the Kaiser. Hear the song we're sinning on the shinning roads of France, Hear the Tommies cheering, and see the Follus prance; Africanders and Kunucks and Scots without their pantB ' WhI lo we are canning the Kaiser. llring llio guns from liftthlehem, by way of Old New York, llring the beans from Huston and don't forgot the pork; llring a loud of soda-pop, and pull the grape Juice cork-- ' While we are canning the Kaiser. Come, you men from Dixieland, you lumber jacks from Mulno; Como, you Texas cowboyB nud you farmers of the plain ; From Florida to Oregon, we boast the Yankee strain Whllo wo are canning tlio Knlsot Now we've started on the Job, mean to put It through; Ship the kings nud kuiKcrs, all, mnko the world anew; Clear the wny for common folk. men like mo ami you Whllo we are canning the Knisnr. for MANN BEGINS t'OPH.VIIAOKN, Aug. !). An offi cial dispatch from Berlin Buys that Dr. von Kuchlmitnn begun his duties as foreign minister yesterday. He has gone with Chancellor Mlihaolls and Dr. Wllllnm von Stumm, under secretary for forolgn affairs, to main heudquarters of tho army, where he will bo Joined by VIcc-Chitncollor Ilolferlch. After leaving headquar ters, Dr. Mlchaells will visit tho Grand Dukes of Iladen and Darm stadt. OOI'lOXUAUKN. Aug. 9. Dr. Ml chaells, Imperial German chancellor, has been promoted from captain to Iletilcnnnt-coloiicl. Dr. von Hetli mann-llollweg, Dr. Mithnells' prede cessor, bore tho title of mnjor-gon crul. AMERICAN PEOPLE SOON 10 EAT HORSES MINNKAl'Ol.lS, Minn., Am:. 11. CliurlcH (Irismrr of Itimiklvn wns clcrlcd president Imliiy by Hie Tint ed Miixler Huli'licrs of America in 11 ti ii 1 1 ii I convention here. Mr. (Irixmer snicl lie believed the American people would soon be using liorse nieiit n food, "People cut Mirk without nitcs lioii," lie mi id. "Jut think luxv much cleaner n horse liven than ft hog. Horse flesh in whulesomo nnd us pnl Uttiblo oe the best beef. vrmTinnTi i rTrr mi I i 1 1 Kl Li IV1 KiJjr UJIJJ JMAllJ llVllJUlirj, "GOTT STRAFE AMERIKA" A' Gerard, German naper monev now bears the legend "Goit strafe England nnd Amerika." Photographs of this money are printed as illustrations in his copyrighted narrative of his experiences as ambassador. i Persons returning from Germany eonfirm the report that German hate, formerly concentrated upon England, is now centered upon the United States, and an American is not safe from attack in German cities. : . ! The interference of England in behalf of the weaker nations spoiled the well-laid German plans for a brief con quest of Europe and overlordship of the world. Hence for months the hymn of hate was daily sung against the Brit ish. The participation of tho United States renders cer tain the eventual failure of German ambition, hence the vials of wrath poured upon Albion are . condensed upon America. . ' r This is in keeping with the chivalry and humanity the Germans have shown their enemies, which the kaiser brags about. We have had many instances of this ehiv' airy. It began early in the war my maiming Belgian and French children, murdering their parents, ravishing their f-istei's, deporting their men and women into slavery and burning their cities. It was 'continued by bombardments of defenseless towns, ot Zeppelin raids upon farming com munities, bv destruction of ocean liners at sea, thru sub marine warfare, by shelling of lifeboats, by poison gas, liquid fire and a thousand barbarities. Murder, rapine tho torch, famine and terrorism have been the instruments of the chivalrous supermen. German chivalry has not been confined to enemy na tions. Up to the time Germany forced America into the conflict by waging Avar against the United States by de stroying American life and property at home and on the sea, and by conspiring with other nations for the invasion ot the United States, Gorman chivalry had, without warn ing, sunk 849 ships of friendly neutral nations, with a ton nage of 1,653,654 tons. The list comprised 20 American ships, 76 Dutch ships, 10.1 Swedish ships, 436 Norwegian ships, 114 Uanisli snips, w fopanisli snips, I iirazuian ships, 60 Greek ships, and one ship each of Argentine, Peru and Uruguay. The only reason all these nations have not declared war upon (lermnay is because they are little and powerless against German might, and fear even to cease feeding Germany because of threats of German ruthlessness. This slaughter of innocents of every nationality, these tragedies of the sea, these murders of friends engaged in valiantly relieving German distress, guilty of no belliger ent acts; this universal impoverishment of the world which humanity will never forgive and history never forget, is an instance of German chivalry. Who wants the friendship of such a nation of moral monstrosities? There is nothing to gain from such friend ship. What self-respecting nation seeks it? It is indeed a compliment to be the bullseye of the target of German hate. But the realization that German autocracy is pray ing to God to strike down America, and the realization of what America's fate will be in case of German victory as a vassal nation, should stop the seditious tongues of the sissy pacifists who still claim to be Americans, and silence ihc sueuring snarls of the flunkeys of juggertum. Peace? There can be no peace for the world until au tocracy is beaten to its knees and the world made free for democracy to solve the problems of humanity and the menace of the mailed fist forever removed. GeiTnany's war is a war upon civilization, and the kaiser, still defiant uiiu urn cpciiuuii, iii iri iiu cu curs in i-uiuiici, as sun uias phemously and familiarly calling rtpon God to strike down democracy. Napoleon remarked that God was on the side that had Ihc biggest guns and the strongest armies and it is up to America to secure the Lord's assistance by meriting it in the field which we are going to do and instead of, like heathens, calling upon God to strike their enemies, Germans will be praying to llini to save Germany a Christian prayer. MULCTING THE FARMER MEDFORD. OTJEGON". TTTTTRSDAY. AFGFST 9. 1917 HOW TO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NECK Tl 1 1' annual skinning of the farmers of the Rogue Uiver valley is in progress by grain and hay speculators. Wheat is selling in Portland as high as $2.40, and in east ern Oregon at $2,125 and upwards, and being sold here at $2. The crop of the nation is short, the war ha s created an abnormal demand and wheat will not fall below these fig ures. Yet the local farmers, who organize only to fight irrigation, which would benefit them, do not organize to build their own warehouses and elevators, to hold, fi:.,mce and market their own crops. , The Rogue River valley does not produce half enough grain to supply local demands. There is practically no grain, flour or feed shipped out. It is bought up after harvest at Portland prices, less the freight, held and resold later at Portland prices plus the freight. The farmer could have these profits, instead of the speculator or middleman. The wheat the fanner sells now will be resold later, with out moving out of the valley, for from $2.50 to $3.50. in 1910 we imported -IS cars of oats and barley, 432 cars of flour and milU'eed. n .1911, 23 cars of grain, 276 of flour and feed. In 1913, 40 ears of grain and 403 of 'lour and feed. In 191 1, 74 cars of grain and 4(53 of flour and feed. In 1915, 3t ears of grain and 413 of flour and feed, and a still greater quantity in 191(5, while the exports were negligible all of which proves that there is a home market for every kernel of grain raised. It is the same with hay. All hay growers should save their hay for local feeding. There is a shortage turnout the country. .11' the hay is sold to speculators or foreign purchasers, and sent out of the valley, hay td replace it will 1iave to be bought elsewhere and shipped in. If the hay leaves the valley, the livestock will be driven out to where it can be obtained and the industry be crippled. Let the fanners organize to market their own grain and hay and secure the profits now going to those who neither sow nor reap. The entire valley would profit, no oue more than the growers. f , .-vfV H-f ".v! J , ' ' v 0w Y&y$ a ' , By IDAH McGLONE CIBSOX. "I know of nowhere that the aes thetic laws of gradation and gentle curvature are more beautifully Illus trated than In the column that sup ports Justine Johnstone's head upon her exquisite shoulders,', said the man who sat across from me at a cabaret table. And as usual, he was right' Jus tine Johnstone has that exquisite line from ear to shoulder that made Mrs. Langtry's fame as a . professional beauty. . , ' ' . ' MMany women spend -hours beauti fying their faces-, but stop there, .ii have always contended If one. mas saged the .head and neck carefully little time need be spent on the face. ' No girl can afford to get fat If she wishes to have' a beautiful neck, for nothing Is so fatal as rolls of fat to columnar beauty. An excellent cream to use on one's throat Is made of sweet almond oil, 1-8 pound; white wax, 1-2 ounce; spermaceti, 1-2 ounce; ' oil of bitter almonds, 1-10 dram; oil of geranium 1-8 dram; tincture of benzoin, 10 drops. Melt at together and beat with an egg-beater until cold. ' It you wish a beautiful neck, do not wear a yery low necked bathing costume. Sunburned skin never re gains its delicate. texture. TO BE REMODELED. LI WASHINGTON", Aus. 0. Rclne lions of the strength of American nriny division to the European stan dard o 19,000 men and revival ot' the old army corps major, tnetien! unit was recommended, it was learn ed today, by Major General Persh ing, after a careful study of comii tions at the front. Americiin offi cers are convinced that sound mili tary reasons induced the French, and British war offices to adopt this tac tical formation for trench warfare. Reductions of the divisions means n bis job for the war department. Much administrative work, already completed, probably will have to be thrown aside and dono over. Gen eral Pershing's recommendations are positive, however, and the depart ment's nttitnde is the same as it was toward General Funston iliirin? the Mexican trouble. The wishes of the men on the ground, on whom rests the responsibility for nciu.i! nperq tions, will be met as far 3 practic able. . One effect of the reduction of both brigades and divisions will be' Id create many additional vacancies in the grades of major and brigadier-gonerul. RHENISH WESTPHAUA ONIONS OPPOSE PEACE , AMSTERDAM, Aug. 9 Two hun dred delegates from the Rhenish Westphaliun Indnstrian unions as sembled in congress nf Dortmund, Germany, adopted a resolution against Hie peace declaration of the reichstng majority, and : "recorded their condemnation of any partici pation of the ' international social democrat movement fostered by ene mies to sow dissension in the ranks of the German workers. " KERENSKY TO HEAD DEFENSE OF RUSSIA I,ON'IK)NT, Aug. 9. The special de partment of defense of Russia, or the war cabinet, Renter's correspon dent nt 1'etrogrnd learns, will he un der the control of Premier Kerensky and will include Foreign Minister Teretchenko, Vice Premier Xcklia- soff, Minister of thejnterior Aksen tieff and M. Stivinkoff, the assistant minister of war. '. The meetings will be attended by General Korniloff, the eommnnder-in-chief, when his duties permit. CHICHESTER S PILLS V? - THE lHAUOND D ELAND. A. J " ' "V Loillnl Asii jmr urucfiu tor a M t?4 Ct)I.-hutrrlIsaidnlBriidlrS pUf'k I'lIU In K. d ! Gold netillkV CM-ffaM-trr'kUIsaitnd UrnOS I'lIU In K. d tad (J old netilllc l,-i. sealcil with Dlua Ribbon. 1 Tako no other. But f rear , Dranlit Aik foCHI-IIEH.TER DIAMO.ND I1RANU FILLS, for OA ycadkaown BsBst,Safcst. Always Rcliil'ta SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE i K The In comparable lialij rood. btibict hralthy; ktfpt. healthy batiiai welt. "Nearest to itoihm' Milk" WIDEMANN'S rOBi. UNfWIIf ENID. SVAPOATIO GOAT MILK A Pwfict Food oho for Invalid, AT LEADING DRUGGISTS lla Tit. a H. WIDEMANN GOAT MILK CD. Physician Bli. San F'Hiks Cat JOHN A. PERL UlTDERTAKIl Lady Assistant. m SOUTH BAUTLETT. Pbone M. 41 and 47-J-3. Austomoblle Hearse Sorrice. $106 Reward, $100 Unm that there Lf til l.'jt otii tln iii J dliwatm that iciencft h bvm able to cure In ill Its taget), nil that ! Cattrrb. Hall CaUrrb Cur i. h. nnlv miritlv euro miw kuuHu to ftn Dir-d- hal fralerintr. CaUrrb Luy. cuaittluttuiMl Itlfmil trt.'MtlS('Uti i.t-i IIhII'i raturrli Curt Is tkiu liiU-nmllr. cti-CT' dlrttly ujiun th blooa and muruuit urfi nt' the Hj-ntt'tii, trfby destrojlng tlif found tloti uf the dlaoaw, and irivliifc tho iatliit itrtntttli by bulldiiif up die count i tut ton anil alntliir iiu ture In dt'liiir ita work. Tli pro;irli'lfini hnT mufh fulib In it curat It prnvt-rn that tber ofTor Ono llilitdri'd Doll urn for any ciiko that It faila to cure. Send Cor list ot tetilimmlaU. Addreas F. 3. CIIKNEY A CO., TuU-do, O. Bold by alt DruvirUti, 75o. Take Hnll'i PbDiIIt Pllla for cooatlpitloo. Wiregrip Tires have been' tried out and proven the' best on the market. See them at Riverside Garage Delicious and Refreshing ftere's every gtrl's drink. j"A delicious, refreshing Ice Cream Soda. i Vhy not come in ono of these days and try one ot our Thirst Quenching Sodas with Pure Velvet Ice Cream lq it. It's a pure, wholesome, keep cool drink. It's bound to please yon. WESTON'S Camera Shop 1 1 - 208 East Main Street, . JVLedtord The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer in Southern Oregon. Negatives Made any time or place by appointment. ; " Phone I47-J. Well do the rest. J. B. PALMER. i Good Farming Now MeansWeaith ' '. .',.., . ' . ft t, .. i) i .1 . . i ) '- ,. ' . '.' '' t f ? t r t t t r r r I Farm products have never been so high as now, and the hitnw, even the many, many years 'of recon struction following the world war, holds forth no hope of cheap food for the consumer." Let us carefully consider our every opportunity, both present and future, and wisely decide to , .... Become Producers Instead of Consumers To start with, a couple of cows, a few pigs nnd chickens and a good big garden nnd, family orchard on a few acres of productive, well tilled land will make an independent living and will cost but comparatively little on a real good homestead. As you bring more land under cultivation your products will bring you a big cash price, be grain or livestock or small farm produce. -We "wish to impress upon you that you are about to witness in the near future one of tho Greatest Government Land Openings in All History Millions of acres of railway land has been forfeited, known as the. 0. & 0. grant. Some of it is good, some poor, some rough 'and moiiiitaiiiiius, but to our absolute knowledge there are many thousands of acres that wc have personally cruised very carefully that constitute some of the best agricultural lauds of all Oregon, often adjoining improved farms, near towns, etc. i , " THE FINDING AND ACCURATE SHOWING OF THIS BEST LAND NOW IS OUR BUSINESS Call and ee us for particulars of our club plan and auto excursion of inspection. NO LOCATION FEE-"? OTAL COST $3$.00-MONEY BACK IF MISREPRESENTED 'And money talks. Do not deceive yourself or let others discourage you and ruin your opportunity. Nine-tenths of all wisdom consists of being wise in time, says Roosevelt, know the' facts. See for yourself. Later on it will certainly be too late splendid opportunity wliich none of us can ever see iiigain. s ... . .., Act now. ' Investigate. We Let its tell you all about this See The Oregon Homestead Cruisers at the Office of J. C. Barnes, 102 West Main St., Medford, Ore. t f t t y r y t t r f y f t r t t i