PAGE TWO 10CAL AND ' PERSONAL Th 8o1dlcra-Auxiliary Is now com pietinc arrangements lor a concert and play (or the benefit of the Sev enth company mess fund, which will be gives in. the Page theatre In the very near future. The exact ditto aud program will be announced later. ' Dr, Heine, eye, ear, nose, throat Miss Merle Coffeen went to Grants Fax this morning to take the govern ment civil service examination for the first grade In clerical workand will Tlslt friends In that city over Sunday Johnson for hlglwslass vatch re pairing. -A ! t . Mrs. T. D. Brown of Sacramento In visiting friends In the'clty. '" Meti cars at Riverside Garage. mm Novle Lounsbury left thin morning for San Francisco where sho will take a special two weeks course to millinery designing under two. ex perts from i.Vew York City. .l ump supplies, meal, lodging at Union Creek, O, V. Verblck 118 : Alexander Anderson of Central Mnt was a visitor In the city yester- . Irrigating hose at the teat factory to, the Nat. m Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Rader and daughter, Lily, returned to Ashland today after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. P, T.' Wilson and family. Jehnsoa for high-class watch re- Mring. tf . Oscar G. Peterson ol Portland, who has been driving one of the Crate Lake stages for Alfred ParkhurBt for the past month, left today for Now Ifork to, report for duty as chauffeur la the quartermaster's department of tnaarmy. He recently took the exanv lna'tlon, tor this position. His salary will ue 11000 a year. winnow soreens, screen doors. Pa- ff Furn. & Tlx. Factory, I. H. HUdreth, Sr., of, Butto Falls aa a Saturday visitor In Medford ' , Hammock at the tent factory in the .Nat. ' , n6 r;Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. TotnJInsou and Michael McGulrk left this noon tor a short sojourn at Crater Lake. , racirie Package goods, on sale. Handicraft Shop. .' Attorney M. 8. Lamport of Salem, brother of B. H. Lamport of this city, and. who has been In the officers' reserve training camp in San Fran. oisca tor the past three months, has Just been commissioned a first lieu tenant In the army. He will return home for a short, visit before going tatq active, service, . Mrs, Avon Hall Is. spending the Week end at Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. H.- F. Lewis and chauffeur of Honolulu and F. M. Lew Is Of 8n Francisco are guests regis tered, at the Medtord hotel. ' J.. A. McKay and mother of Mill- Cord, Utah, who stopped In Med ford ror a short visit, continued Oa their Jurney to Seattle today. Mr. McKay, who Is station agent of the Southern Pacific, and manager of the Western Union at MlUtord, la on bis vacation and U spending It by touring thru the qaat country. They will also visit CUry, Canada, before returnlug noma, , Call Taxi 303. . Mr. ana Mrs. A. B. Hill, R. M. Hill and A. B, P. Hill, Jr., are a party of auto tourists enjoying the attractions Qt the city aud valley. They are from ftUliuuai California. ur. Drank Roberts, dentist, St. Mark's building. Phone 323-Y. .Among the tourists visiting in the City are Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Newman ot Naw York. c. Oregon Agricultural College Fruit ft vegetable Evaporator, built accord ing to official specifications at Pacific rum, ft Fix. Factory. , , Charles F. Roirbstclu loft for Wlld rvUle. Oregon, this morning for a ahort business visit in that vlclulty. ,.' Sea Dare Wood about that fir In surance policy. Office, Room 40t. M. F. ft H. butdtlng. ...Saturday waa the best and hlKKrat day of tho season at the public mar ket., Thero waa a largo supply of vegetables, produce and fruits, which wereolosod out early to the-many cus ytttor. There was a big demand for tyd raspborrles, but none wore to be had. and thero will probably be no ljwr this soason. Last Thursday tho laat of the Applegato raspWrlos wore , gold in the market. " ' j. fllngor sewing- machine shop, C. A. Chapman. Phone 903-R. 245 South antral. , . . . in V. O. Taylor of Klamath Falls in ponding the wnek end in this city. One-fourth off. Pacific Package food. Handicraft Shop. 115 H. J. Wenderoth and Jamm flc Farland of Salom, Ori-gon, left this morning to spend the week end at Ahaata Springs, , Thoy arrived In the elty la their auto Inst Wednesday and pent Thursday and Friday at Crater Lake, returning from that resort last Bight. Mnsars Wnd"ioth and Mc rarland are connected with the IjkM ft Bush bank of Salem, and wlillo In this city visited a number of friends, tnetudlng B. H. I-smport. Crochet thread, 7c ball. Handicraft Boo. 115" Butt Falls have, gong, to Portland, for short visit., . , 4. Hat cakes and coffee, 10c. Dhv mond Restaurant, 127 Sixth St. 140 Mr. aud Mrs. J. Parish of Detroit. Michigan, are auto tourists who ar rived In the city last night to upend the week end in the city. Thel twelve-cylinder Paokard roadster Is attracting much attention on th streets. They are guests at the Hol land hotel. Call Taxi 303 Mrs. A. A. Finch of Astoria, Oregon 1b a visitor In the city. ) ' ! ; The Ewauna Box 1 company, of I'amath Falls, Oregonoffers employ ment for experienced box men and In experienced. laborers, and at all times solicits correspondence,. with (Any one Interested. Good wages and oppor tunity for advancement Is the rule with this company. - 12 Miss Ella Udseth left for San Fran Cisco this morning to make a study of the fall mllllnory stockB In that city. Dr. Cna. T. Sweeney, Physician and Surgeon, Phlpps Bldg. Phone 30, tf Mrs. C. H. H. Parker and daughter, Miss Charlotte, of Los Angeles, wh came to this city lost week to see her son Herbert depart with the Seventh compiftiy for Fort Stevens, loft fo home this morning. The Parkers stilt own' a ranch east of the city where thoy resided for four years. They removed to Los Angeles six years ago. ' For the best Insurance, see Holmes the Insurance Man. ' The Foley and Burko Carfnlval company, which recently played In Modford under tho auspices of tho Sevonth Company, wna in Eugene all this week and next'week wlU show all week in Roseburg. 1 ' Dr, Heine fits glasses correctly. ' Fred Sample, who has been elec trlclan at the Storllng mine for the past four years, loft this morning for Copco, where he has accepted a Blmi- position at the plant of the Callfornla- Oregori Power company. Four hundred-acre Block ranch for sale. The old Enyart place on Rogue River, the Crater Lake highway. Stone house. 11 rooms and bath, sonic f'i'nlture, 100 acres bottom land, 130 Irrigated, 70 ac-os alfalfa; 10 utile, S horses, 8 hogs, chickens and turkeys. Write or suo on nor. , Gor do on C, Qlften, Trail, Orevx " The Crater Lake Btage departed this morning for Crater Lake with half a dozen tourists and With one pnssongor for Prospect.' " ' Mets cars at Rlversldo Garage. H. Louis Bonnott of Bend, who has boen spondlng a fow days IP Medford loft for Bend Saturday. 'His father, L. B6nnett accompanied blm.' Mr. and Mrs: K. G. Trowbrldgo, Sr., and party of friends will leave Sunday for a vlslt to Crater Lako. " Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Berkley' and Honry Eshbnch ot Fresno, California, and Mrs.' A. L. Berkley ot Portland are' a party of tourists spending the week end in tho city. Theodore J. Sulders and Goo. K. Gulden 'aro tourists visiting In the Ity from Emrlck, N. D. Baths, 25a Holland Hotel. V. A. Hoftner of Trail. E. V. Rals ton of Tolo, Bruco Buck of Watktns nd Mr. and Mrs. Fry Blaln ot Central 'olnt aro among tho visitors In the olty today from near by points. Mrs. Stanley1 Taylor and four chll ren of Bhelburn, Oregon, who hnvo boen visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Stlnson, for the past Iwb months, left for homo this morning.-' MIS Susan Cornell, who hns been visiting friends In Hertford and Ash land for some tlmo, left thlB morning for her home at (ilendale, Oregon Among out of town visitors In the city today aro F. L. Maxwell of Osh- kosh. Wis.: William Owens. Frank arrcn aud Frank Slegehiraii of San Francisco; Annie K. Dowoll of Los Angoles; F. S. Hamilton of Roseburg: A. Sanford of Pasadena, Cal.: K. C Van lloutto of Eugene: Mllo Thomp son, W. C. Plcktord. W. J. I'hllltns. T. Klnnilrt aud A, I. (ioorgo of nrltund, and T. II. Thompson ot OuK- aid, California. Dr. and Mrs. C, C. Van rtcoyoc and lilldren are enjoying a week of camp- g out In tho Dead Indian country, Mr. and Mrs. George K. Johnson nd sons have gono to Portland for a several days visit there. . . In Juvenile court Friday afternoon tidpo TouVelle severely lectured John Parker, the youth who purloin ed tho automobile of Frank- Owehs nd County Prosecutor Rdtxtrts re- ently and used (hem for Joy-rides. The court then paroled I'arker Into the custody of II. :. liarnett. Judge TouVellu viotiernted Fred SoMtbern. who was arrested on a'slmllar rharce. as the testimony showed that he had nothing to do. with the taking ot the ears and Innocently took part In the Joy rides, thinking esrh tlmo that the car was rented by Parker, Judge W. K. Crowoll has returned from his vacation and will reinsln In the city until August 1 1. Mr, and Mrs. David MoCurdy and son, Ralph, are touring the roast In the Coos llsy district. Judge K. K. Kelly and family leave .Sunday for a brief visit to Crescent City. .;M and Mr a. H. O. Mills of MEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE. HISTORIC FLAG AT CRATER LAKE K. OF P. CONCLAVE All uri'miKcinunls, huve been com plcUul,tJ?oi;.,.lU(i pig; jcola,ve, oi' the Jvnighl ofl.J'y.thias.biliMwil! be held; at.Cruttr Luke, Aunsta-1, M") qndvie;' 'and Ihdica'tiolis tfoiht to"a vcrv )rjc " attendaflce' bt - knights trom ftlroVer'the'1 Ktate. 'The con clave will be held under the auspices of Tufisinah Lodge',' Nor 91, 6f Med- lord. "' '"' '' "..1 1 - AH 'the'grMUl of ficers' of the stijte will W in utten'ita'nW and: will put on the knight! rank oil ' Wiaard ' Hlhnil Ansutt'la:-" Member of the' oriWr nre coming" td the 'Boiit-laVe from kll over- Orefco 'by Auto'-artd train. The riulnmds httve.irmde a special, rato. ) - Historic Battle Fla. " A Dig feature of the becasion will he the prewnca at the conclave of the buttle flnir that fie ort 'the bridfte bf the Olympia in the battle' of Manila bny,: and of William Speaker, the color' sergeant' under Admiral Dewey; who watt on the bridirc with the admiral during' the 'buttle and hundled the flag. "' Speaker ' in a member of Huir Lodge, No. i:il, bf Suusalito: Cal and the flag'fe the pn)erty of this lodge. It 18 sal'redly guarded and has never been used or taken out of the lodge room but on 'one previous occasion. 'The lodge carries ,f500 iu- suran,ca on the' fTntt,' and it is kept loeketf in a 'tepcciiil re'ceptacle made for ft and is never td be otit of the posseSHion '6f some special deputucd member whose duty it is to g'tiard it. The' ihforrtintion that the flag and Mr. Bpcnkofwill attend the conclave hns just been received in the city in letter from J.' E. Stihson; siicciul deputy grand commander, 'of Suusa lito, who ulso' writes that himself and n ninnhBi-!fither'niember! of the lodge will attend the conclave..,. MiiiiiUtli) Commissary, , Tulisman lodge will muintain a commissury department during the conclave, hud nil meals Will be 'solv ed at k huge triangular-tnble. ' The knights will sleep out in the open and all visiting knights attending the'eon cluve should bring ulong blankets. All members of Talisman lodge nre requested to nltcnd the meeting of tho lodge Monday night, when mat ters in connection with the coming conclave will bo further considered. BOOS OFF FOR FAMILY ' REUNION AT SEATTLE George' E. Koos leuves ' tomorrow for an extended visit to Seattle to be present at the ' Boos fhmilv re. unioh. ' Air. Boos states this will be the first meeting of all his' family sineo 18'.!!), and he looks forward to ouco more sitting at the head of the lablc hud bossing the .fob. 'Mr. Boos has three children, all mnrried. nnd two grandchildren.' Mrs. Boos, him- solf, Rdw. (J. Boos, a prominent bus iness 'niau of Missoula, Monl.'; Mrs. ("hnrlotta Boos Hart of Kent'neL'v. nd Mrs. N. li. McKay of Seattle will participate. During Mr. Boos' ab sence' W. B. Jackson, Modford Na tional bank, will look after his in- nrance business! "Mail addressed In P. 0. Hox lO tli w ill reu'cli Mr. Boos. OBITUARY I.MU.KY. Seldom does a young nmn occupy so large a place In a com munity as tho late Nolo Lindloy. A native son, he grow to manhood in this romuinulty, graduated with hou- ors from the city schools and was rap idly making a place for himself in uslness circles when the end came. Mr. Lindloy was born In Medtord tweuty-threo years ago and tor the past three years had boon employed In tho Jaokson Comity Hank, of which his father I vice-president. U re ceived promotion from tlmo to time lull beginning with July he was In hargo of the windows. Nolo was a young man of sterling hrlstlan character. Ills activities extended Into evory department of the church ot which he was an honored member. I la was servinn his second oar a president of the Epworth league, tho largest chapter In the dis trict. As n executive he was alort. painstaking and optimistic. For tho past year he has served as treasurer the church and a nivmlicr of the trivial board. In the Sunday school EYEGLASSES INCREASE YOUR ' EFFICIENCY You cannot do as well ns the (lunger person HtllcM you can SC as well. Don't lie handiMuped by poor vis- Ion -I'tiuti hult yAu. . '. DR. RICKERT K.VK-HKillT M'KCIAMST Suite 1-2, Over May Co. ' MEDFORD, OR EG OX, ,--i2,00O Pf:RSON8 MAKE MAMMOTH BIBtE f 1 4K f 1 "it1. 1 hi ( VPr4 pi Vn?r 2U H Umk 13,000 workers to mako lilbte crusailo by tho Oxford University rect two inches by tlirco feet ten inches, and when open is sercn feet ten inches across.;: Twelve laree eoatsklns he' displayed the same keen enthusi asm and for two years has been chor ister of the school. ' ' ' " - The last public appearance was 'on Decoration day when the quartet of which he was second tenor sang for the old votorans. ' They were recalled again and again. The same 'evening he was stricken with Internal hemor hage. - After a -mouth's test he re sumed hla -place' In the' bank,'' but agitlh on July 24 he suffered Intesti nal' rupture and passed Into the be yond on Sunday at midnight. : ' The funeral services were attonded by his' pastor, Dr. J. C. Rollins, and a great-throng of people paid tribute to his beautiful Christian life.' Ev erywhere will he be missed.' His pas tor has lost a 'Stalwart and loyal as sistant, whom he had learned to love as a son. Such a life Is worth while, tho It seems to have been rudely and ntimely broken. Life Is never mcas- rod by years, biit by quality of living. Brought up in a Christian homo, by precept hnd example taught to love God and honor the church, the child grew into a symmetrical manhood, clean and wholeabmoi We shall miss him, hilt' we rejoice to have known lilm and bech honored with his friend ship. Boclcty Is Sweeter, the church richor and hcaveri morO attractive be cause' of such ns;be. ' To to the sor rowing home wo offer our slncero sympathy nnd loVe. The funeral services test Wednes day afternoon from the residence of his parents oh Siskiyou Heights, wore probably the largest private funeral service ever seen 1n Jackson county. The several - batiks' of the city closed for tho hour of servlco out of respect to his memory. The floral offerings woro exceeding elaborate and beauti ful. 'His Is a fragrant memory a llfoi abundant. " Toward the end, In extreme weak ness, he said moro than onco, "It Is all right." and so It Is. tho we sec not the why because of tears, we trust and hope. "All's well, ' Ood love theo yet, Heart, smile,' ' Sleep sweot, nor tret." KERENSKY'S PLAN IS DEFEATED BY DEMOCRATS LONDON1, Aug; 4-i.The negotia tions between the Russian 'cabinet. Premier Korensky and the constitu tional democrats, with a view to the latter Joining a coalition government, says a Renter's dispatch from Petro Krad. dated Thursday, have been bro ken off. . 1 - : ' A dispatch to tho same agency dat ed Friday In Petrogrnd says that M. Avksentief, chairman of the executive committee of the council ot peasants' delegstes, has beon appointed minis tor of ,llio IntcrloV. " " Warm Weather Specials Women's Tennis Shoes nnd Pumps 90c to $2.50 ChiUhrn's Tennis Shoes 65c to $1.25 Jlen'st Tennis Shoes L.$1.25 to $2.25 Unvs' Tennis Shoes G5c, 75c and 85c Ladies' Waisfs, values to $LX) 69c Utinpiln'w Anrons 75c House Dresses ...98c to $2.25 Men's Union Suits 75c and $1.00 Medford Sample Store 218 East Main Where Cash Beats Credit SATURDAY, .AUGUST 4, fKy 2 aV Yi 41 - ' W -H V . an, r this great nuuiuscrlut blblo for tli Press of England. It measures six nmke 1111 tJio iiiiwiinn- ,.i., TO THE NORTHWEST BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 4. That the I. W. W. are a direct and serious men ace In the northwest and that Id the city of Butte alono thero are more than 500 members of tho order, was a part of the report made today by United State District Attorney B. K Wheeler to Washington. The report was made following a request from Washington for a full report on labor troubles and I. W. W. activities in the northwest. Mr. Wheelor reported that condi tions in tho lumber camps of the west ern part of Montana are at present the most eerlous aspect to the situa tion. Reports that certain men In Missoula have been making seditious speeches wore investigated and ported back to the government as without foundation by the district at torney.' - - GERMANS FEAR THEY WILL LOSE WAR BRITISH HEADQUARTERS ' IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM, Aug. 3: German officers captured' n tho bat tle in Fhyiders have discussed quito freely both the military and political situation as It affects the fatherland. Germany's loss In man power they admit to be sorious. The Interesting information has been volunteered by the prisoners that tho entire class of 1918 recruits now is in the field and. what Is more significant,' It Is said small elements of the 1919 class si ready are at the front, although it Is claimed they are serving only as vol unteers. This is the first time any Gorman officer has admitted that any men ot the 191! class were on the battle front. Tho whole trend ot the statements made by the captive officers Is that they aro beginning to fear they may loae. tho war. Moro depressing than anything else Is tho fear that there may bo another winter campaign. Peace without annexation or Indem nity Is endorsed by all officers who have discussed tho question, but most of them bavo Indicated that they favor the annexation of oastcrn Bel gium and a part of tho coast of Flan ders, if such a thlug possibly could be done. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Carload body fir or oak cordwood, September delivery. Ad dress University Club, Mcdford, Oregon. 12 o WANTED Girl for general house work. Airs. M. I.. Eiickson, 9 Rose Avenue. 1 1 n 0 r r 1917 ALL BUT 20 OF BVANSVILLE, lud., Aug. 4 It was reported that all but twenty of the 200 entombed miners lu tho West Kentucky: Coal company's inlnp at Clay, Kentucky,- had beenubronght to the Wrface''earrg 't'mi aru'rhdoh'. 'Six: mon are known to ceud. 'tli fee' wliites;Bnf tlireb'"negrocs. Sixteen ot the rescued men are badly burned. Mine dfrlcials At Clay expressed hopes that the'remaihinft' 20 men Would bo rescued with few casualties. 1 CLAY, Ky., Aug. 4. Two hundred miners aro entombed In Mine No. 7 of the West Kentucky Coal company at 7:30 this mornln. The explosion at 7:3 Otitis morning. The explosion occurred in the south end of the mine where negroes largely are employed. Debris, It was said, choked the pas sageway to tho nortii end where the remainder of the force Including forty whlto men were at work. Fire which followed tho explosion raged for sovoral hours and tho it Is now thought to bo extinguished, the presence of "black damp" has made further rescue work imposslblo pend ing the arrival of a mine rcscuo car from Evansvllle, Ind. BARBARISM OF GERMAN SUBMARINE COMMANDER A BRITISH PORT, Aug. 4.. Thlr-ly-elght m ambers of tho crow of tho steamship Belgian Prince wore drowned in a most deliberate manner by the German submarine which sanl. her, according to the account given by survivors of that British vessel, who have reached Bi'ik'h shores. Til chief engineer of tho steamer, who many times after tho steamer wes torpedoed was perilously near drown ing, gave the following narrative, of his expe'iences: "About 8 o'clock on Tut sdny even ing, when we were 200 miles off land. I saw the wake of an approacliii torpedo. Tho vessel gavo at lurch us she was lilt and I was thrown to the deck amoug the debris. Tho vosh:1 listed heavily and all of us.took to the boats. "Tho submarine approached aud ihollcd tho vessol nnd then ordcrcl tho small boats alongside tho slibmnr-. ino, The'sklppor was summoned and' taken Inside The others word miiS' tered on the. deck of the submniino. 'The Germans removed the life belts and the outer clothing of all except eight 'of us, smashed tho life boats with axes and then re-entered the submnrino nnd closed the hatches leaving us on deck. Tho submarine went about two miles and then sub. merged. I had a life belt. iNear me was an apprentice boy of 16 years, shouting for help. 'I went to him and held him up until midnight, but he became uncon scious and died of exposure. CHICHESTER S PILLS W,? . 1'V.V. DIAMOND Hit AM. A Lntllmt A-ikynnrUruafrUiferX . iiii,'ne.i.'r i aJtain.tHiu iirunajf I'll U in Krd nrui Isold nituULVV 1r, sc.ikil mith Illuo RI!-U-n. X TiiI.q no other. Hiiy of Toor v . lfriipol'tt. A'kfnrC'IIM'rtKK.TRItf' lMAJloND ltKAl 1ML1.H, for 5 yortkuown at Best. S.ifett, Alwavs R r-linl le SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHtRE WANTED Laborers and Teamsters $3 for 8 hours' work.. "Will pay bonus of 20c per day. providing men remain on work till eonipletion, about Dee. 1st, 1917. Dated a) Marshfield, Ore.. July 21, 1317. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 Fiast Main Street,! v Medford . i The Only Exelu5v Commercial Photogra plier in Southern Oregon. Negatives Made any time oi plaec by appointment. Pbonell7-J. Well do the rest. J. B. PALMES. ' Unapproachable In all of its distinctive cliar'actorfstlcaA I f ivianneiio rowaer lias' wpn .favor' among millions of Ajiie,rica's siiiart women. MARINELLO HAIR SHOP 107 Garnctt-t'orcy lihlg. AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT ' COMEDY' l ' T- D'RAMA' AND THE INCOMPARABLE : PAGE THEATER ' !: ' OBOHESTrfA IN COMEDY Max Wants A Divorce V.'birli vonM you choose for a Inido a beautiful Mnitjnite or u good apple, pie cook? SEE ' .. " Might and ...... the,. Man before dceidinj?. A play that is full of hutch's mid' plenty of ac tion. ' ' TOMORROW FATTY ARBUCKLE in "Reckless Romeo.". Also Hist Scoor. '. Mini, RllEfJin Revolution mul KniiifU Nelson in "Tlie llcaiililul I'.io.' Southern Oregon's .Greatest Place of Amusement AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT QT A D '.Alwivvsa alAR: Good Show G AIL KANE In w 1 The . Scarlet Oath Miss. Kane docs ndinirnlile work in n.diial role in (his, ilnuna oE Ilus sian nihilism. Also ' Triamile Comedy A DISHONEST BURGLAR TOMORROW NANCE 0 NEIL 1 In , THE FINAL PAYMENT nnd - Musty Suffer Comedy As It is , . TRUE that '" . . CARO FIBRE ' Fruit Wrappers PROLONG THE LIFE of APPLES You who ;riv Apples with kreat KHMiso should JDivss them Warm nnd AltrartlvcJy. I'sc Your ltrnlns In Wrap Vimr I'Ynlt. (ilvo Your Andes KhIh Show. Jct tho Top 1'ilc. , The Apirlo lluycr knows tar1 I'.i'irc. ., Wouldn't Vol; Toy a Utile moro tor a Imx of w(.iies If yon knew thiit It Would Keep l.oiiKer? If Your Shipper Don't I'se CARO FIBRE FRUIT -WRAPPERS 1" not giving your fruit a Fair Show, , Union Waxed and Parch ment Paper Company Manufacturers V. It. Unllnin, Purine Coast Repre sentative 117 Market St., Snn KniiH lco.J ....:-. t li .. '): r LINGER