Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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AMSTERDAM, July 21, General
Von Ludondorff, tho German quartor-
mastor general, In discussing tho mili
tary situation for the benefit of the
members of the relchstag, according
to a semi-official telegram received
from Berlin, said:
"In starting the submarine war
fare, the supreme army command was
guided by a desire to hit the enemy's
war industry, especially the produc
tion of ammunition. Thru tho sub
marine warfare our armies in the
west were greatly rellovedi and the
icnemy's production of ammunition
haig decreased, thus our U-boats
fulfilled their task.
w "The supreme army command ex
fpecta tho submarine warfare to break
.England's ability to prepare for war
by lessening her tonnage. Fulfill
ment of this wish will come despite
America and with it the end of the
fworld war and peace which is doslred
by tho supremo army command."
f Portland Livestock. .
PORTLAND, July 21. Hogs,
steady; receipts, 60. Prime heavies,
$15.25T 15.35; light butchers and
packing, $15 4? 15.30; bulk of sales.
)$1515.25; rought heavies, $14
l4.50; pigs and skips, $12,500 13.50;
Ihiock nogs, ?iz(!ji;i.
Cattle, steady; receipts, none.
,fc rtLeers. nr n in erni. sxc,u- nr mo
i heavy, $8.50S'9; good, $7.5008;
r. cows, choice, $(!.50(g7; medium to
jgoSd. $5.750.25; ordinary to fair,
j$5.5.50; heifers, $5(i(7.25; bulls,
$5fe G.50; calves, $7e, 9.'
i Shoep, lower; receipts, 53. Spring
jlambs, $ll(f(11.50; spring lambs.
sculls, $6 7.75 ; ihest wethers, $8.50
I&9; heavy ewes,-.$0S; best year
clings, $9 10.
I .
Chicago Wheat.
CHICAGO, July 21. Wheat:
Open. Close.
July $2.50 $2.55
September : 2.18 2. IS
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir 8t.
Heal Estate Transfers.
J. B. Ilunmih ct ux to Jackson
County, strip of lund (iU
feet wide across lot 7, Sec.
8, T. 35, 1 W.r-for Medford
and Crater Lake" Highway...? J
W'-JiJ'. Morgan et ux to Jack
son County, si rip of land f0
feet wide, neross lund in
See. l(i, T. :t4, 1 W., for
Moeil'ord unci Crater Lake
Highway 3
Eclw. E. Ash et ux lo Jackson
County, strip of hind (id
feet, wide across land in
(, Sec. 3, T. 31, t V for
Mccll'orel and Cralcr Lake
J. C. Hannah lo Jackson
County, strip of land (ill
feet wide in Sec. 12!), Sec.
-S. Sec. ''l, all in T. 31,
1 V for Mod ford and Cra
lcr Lake Highway 1
A. K. Moore ct al lo Jackson
County 'strip of lund (ill
feet wide across land in
Sec. HI, T. 37, 1 W lor
Mcdforil and Crater Lake
Highway 1
Floyd V. Howard el al lo
Jackson County, X. 1 -j of
ttV. "i of Sec' J.',, K ' "f '
SK. ' j of Sec. Hi, T. 3.", 3,
K., ali road 2 feel wide
across NW. of Sec. 1",
T. 3.-, 3 V. 1
A. 10. Moore ct al to Jack
son County, strip of land
3(1 rect wide in V.I-37-1W 1
K H. I'ickcl c ux to Jackson
county, mad in 38-37-1W
lioguo River Canal Co. lo
. JneksusV county, voud in 7
and 18-3(I-1W - 1
Wo, the undersigned, fifty and more
owners of land susceptible of Irriga
tion, lying within the boundaries of
the propped Irrigation District here
inafter described, desiring lo provide
tor the construction of works for the
Irrigation of the same, or for the re
construction, betterment, extension,
purchase, niieratlon or maintenance
of works already constructed, or for
the assumption as principal or guar
antor of Indebtedness on account of
District Lands to the Culled Stales
under the Federal Reclamation Laws,
berebv propose the organisation of an
litigation. District wider the provis
ions of Chapter 357 of tho General
Laws of Oregon adopted bv the Twen
ty ninth Regular Session of the Legis
lative Assembly, approved by tho Gov
ernor of the State of Oregon and filed
In the Office of the Secretary of Stale
February 21st. 1017. and accordingly
we have signed and do hereby present
to the County Court of the State or
Oregon for the County of Jackson,
within which county all of said lands
He, our petition therefor.
The boundaries of said proposed Ir
rigation District are hereby set forth
and particularly described as follows:
Beginning al the section corner
common to sections twentv-anven (27),
twenty-eight (28). thirty-three (33),
and thirty-four (34), iu township thirty-six
(36), south, range one (1) west,
Willamette Meridian, in Jackson Coun
ty, Oregon: thence south one and one
fourth (1'4) miles; thence west one
fourth ( M ) mile: thence south ono (11
mile, moro or less, to tho intersection
with the north lino of Donntlon Land
Claim number sixty-six- (00), in town
ship thirty-seven (37), range one (1)
west, Willamette Meridian, produced
eastward: thenco west three hundred
forty-seven and four-tenths (117.4)
feet to the northeast corner of said
Donation Land Claim No. 6IS: thence
south thirtv-two and thirlv-three hun
dredths (32.33) chains: (hence south
thirty-six degrees and foitv-flve min
utes west (30d 45m) W. two hundred
and forty-nine and three-tenths (24!) 3)
feet: thence east ono hundred fifty
(150) feet; thence south three hun
dred forty-six and five-tenths (310.5)
feet to the northwest corner of Lot 0
in Section 9. Township Tliirly-Rcvpu
(37) south, range ono (1) west, Will
amette Meridian; (hence east twenty
five and sixty-seven hundredths
(25.07) chains to the northeast corner
of the southeast quarter of the south
east quarter of section 0, township
thirty-seven (37). range one (1) west,
Willamette Meridian: thence east one
fourth (Yt) mric: tjienco south lli'-ee-fourths
() mile; trience west one-
fourth (14) mile: thence south three-
fourths (-yit mile: thence east one'
fourth ( yA ) mile: thence south three-
fourths () mile: theirce west one
fourth (VI) mile; thence south three
fourths () mile; 'henco east ono
hnlf (i) mile; tl?nce south ten hun
dred twenty and nix-tenths (1020.0)
feet; thenco west nine and four-tenths
(9.4) chains; thenco south fiftyelght
(58) chains: thence east ten and
eighty-five hundredths (10.85) chains
to the quarter section line running
north and south through center of
section thirty-four (31) in township
thirty-seven (371 south, range one (1)
west, Willumette Meridian: (hence
south twenty-eight (2S) chains to the
south one-fourth (tt) section corner
of section thirty-four (34) township
thirty-seven (37) south, range one (1)
west, Willamette Meridian; thence
west one hundred twenty (120) feet
to the wost lino of Donation Land
Claim No. elghty-flvo (85), in town
ship thirty-eight (38) smith, range one
(1) west. Willamette Meridian; thence
south thirty-nine (39) chains to the
southwest corner of said Donntlon
Land Claim No. eighty-five t&5)
thence east one hundred twenty (1201
feet; thenco south ono (f) chain to'
the center of section three (3) in
township thirty-eight. (38) south,
range one (1) west, Willamette Merid
ian; thence south two (2) miles lo tho
center of section fifteen (15! in town
ship thirty-eight (38) soulh, range
one (1) west, Wiiainette Meridian;
thence west, one-eighth (A) mile to
the main irrigation ditch of the Rogue
River Valley Canal Company known
as the Phoenix Mill Ditch which irri
gation ditch runs from Hear Creek In
a northwesterly direction through the
town of Phoenix and beyond; thence
along the Phoenix Mill Ditch to the
southwest corner of the southeast one
fourth () of the northwest one
fourth fW) of section eight (8), town
Ship thirty-eight (38) south, range
one (1) west, Willamette Meridian:
thence west one and one-fourth (li)
miles to the one-fourth ( Vi ) corner
on the west lino of section seven (7).
township thirty-eight 3S) south,
range one (1) west. W. M.; thence
north seven-eights () mile io the
Jacksonville-Phoenix Road; thence
along said road in a northwesterly di
rection to the west line of section
one (1), township thirty eight (3K)
south, range two (2) west, W. M.:
thence north one-fourth ( VS ) mile,
more or less, to the northwest, corner
of the southwest quarter of the north
west quarter of section one (I), town
ship thirty-eight CIS) south, range two
(2) west, W. M.; thence west one
and one half (!) miles; thence north
one fourth ( '4 ) mile; thence wesl
one-fourth (14) mile; thence north
one-eighth (Is) mile; thence west
one-fourth ( '4 ) mile: thence north
one-fourth (14) mile; thence west
one-half ( 14) mile; Ibenco north one
eighth ( 'A ) mile, to the center of .sec
tion thlrly-ihree (33), township thirty
seven 137) south, range two (21 west.
V. M.: thence west one-half (14)
mile; (hence north one-fourth I )
mile; thenco west one-fourth I 14 )
mile: thence north one-half (14) mile;
thence west one-fourth ( U ) mile:
thence north one-fourth (14) mile
to the center of section Iwenly nine
(29), in township thirty-seven (37)
south, range two (2) west, W. M.;
thence west one-fourth ( 14 ) mile:
thence north one (II mile; thence
cast one fourth I '4 I mile to the cen
ter of section twenty (20), In town
ship thirty-seven (37) south, ranee
two (2) west, W. M.: Ibenco north
one-rourth (14) mile; thence east one
fourth (14) mile: thence north three
13) chains: thence east one fourth
C4) mile; thence north one and one
fourth (114) miles to the northeast
corner of section seventeen (17i. in
township thirty-seven (37) south, range
two (21 west, W. M.; thence west, fine
fourth (14) niile; thence north one
(1) mile; thence west one-fourth ( 14 )
mile; thence north one-half (14 Tulle
to the center of section flvo (5) In
township thlrtysevcn (371 soulh,
range two (21 west. W. M : thence
southeasterly along the somberly side
of the main irrigation catinl of the
Rogue River Valley Canal company ex
tending thru sections five (5) ami tour
(II of said township and range, which
canal Is known as the Hopkins Canal
Kxtenslon, to the southeast corner of
Ivot seven (71, section four (4(, town
ship thirty-seven (37) south, rang"
two 121 west. W. M.; thence in a
southeasterly direction along the Hop
kins Canal Kxtenslon through sections
nine (91. sixteen (101, tilteen (Uil
fourteen (14), to a point due south of
the nuartcr corner between sections
thirteen (13) and fourteen H4i, town
shi thirty seven (371 south, nigc
two 121 west, W. M . ainl distant
llicreliotu twenty-three liuadieU Icel
(2300), more or less; thenco south on
line between Baid sections thirteen
(13) and fourteen (14), twenty-one
hundred (210(1) feet, more or less, to
(he county road running enst and wat
through the north half of section
twenty-four (24). of sulci townshto and
range; thenco enst one-fourth (14)
tulle: thence south twenty-seven hun
dred (2700) feet, moro or less, to tho
city limits of the city of Medt'ord.
Oregon; thence on tho northwesterly
and north boundaries of the city of
Meilford, Oregon, to Hear Creole at a
point approximately sixteen hundred
(1000) feet south of the section corner
common to sections tlilrteeiu13),
eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and
twenty-four (24), in township thirty
seven (37) south, ranges one (1) nnd
two (2), west, W. M.; thenco north
and east along tho south nnd east
sides of the main canal of the Rogue
River Valley Canal Company known
as tho Hopkins Cannl through sections
nineteen (19), eighteen (18), seven
(7), eight (8), five (5). four (4), to
the quarter comer on the norlh line
of section four (4), township thirty
seven (37) south, ranee ono (1) west.
W. M.; thence northeasterly along
the soulh and east sides of the Hop
kins Canal through sectfon Ihlrtv
three (33). township thirty-six (30)
soulh, range ono (1) west. W. M to
tho north line, thereof; thence east,
nine hundred (900) feet more or less,
to the point of beginning.
Excepting and excluding (mm the
ahovo hounded land, all land lying
w'tliin the exterior limits of the City
of Mcdford, an incorporated city In
Jackson Countv, Oregon, as tho geo
granhical limits nnd boundaries of
Fald city are described and specilical
Iv set forth In the present Charter of
the said City of Medford.
And further excepting and exclud
ing from iho above bounded land, ail
laud lying within tho exterior limits
of tho City of Jacksonville, an incor
porated city In Jackson County, Ore
gon, as tho geographical limits and
boundaries of said city are described
and specifically set forlli in tho pres
ent Charter of said City of Jackson
And further excepting and exclud
ing from the above bounded land, all
land lying within the exterior limits
of tho Town of Phoenix, an incorpo
rated town in Jackson County, Ore
gon, as the geographical limits and
boundaries of said town are described
and snecifically set forth in the pres
ent Charter of said Town of Phoenix.
And further excepting and exclud
ing from the ahovo bounded land, all
land lying within the exterior limits
of Kl Mar Addition, Medford. Oregon
a plaited subdivision adjacent to the
said City of Medford, chiefly valuable
for residence purposes, as said Kl
Mar Addition is bounded and de
scribed on the official plat thereof, re
corded in the Office of tho County
Recorder of Jackson County, Oregon.
in Volume 3 of Plat Records, at pnge
And further excepting and exclud
lug from the above bounded lands, all
land lying wilhln the exlerior ilmirs
of Fast. HelghlR Addition, Medford.
Oregon, a platted subdivision adjacent
to the sajd City of Medford, chiefly
valuable for residence purposes, nf
said Fast Heights Addition is hound
ed and described on the official plat
thereof, recorded iu Hie said Record
er's Office, in Volume 2 of Plat Rec
ords, at. page 37.
And furthes excepting and exclud
lug from the nbove bounded land, all
land lvlng within the exterior limits
of lllgheroft. Addition to the City of
Medford, a plntlcd subdivision edja
cent to the said City of Medford, chief
ly valuable for residence purposes .as
said Highcroft Addition to the city
of Medford is bounded and described
on the official plat thereof, recorded
in the said Recorders Office, in Vol
ume 3 of Plat Records, at page 20.
And further excepting nnd exclud
fug from tho above bounded land, all
land lying within the exterior limit of
Capitol Hill Addition. Medford, Ore
gon, a platted subdivision adjacent to
tho said City of Medrord, chiefly vain
ablo for residence purposes, as said
Capitol Hill addition is hounded and
described on tho official plat, thereof,
recorded in said Recorder's office. In
Valunie 3 of Plat Records, al. page (i.
And further excepting and excliul
ing from Hie above hounded land, all
land lying within the exterior limits
of Oukwood Subdivision of Illock 2 of
the Kxtenslon to Siskiyou Heights
Addition to tho City of Medford, a
plaited subdivision adjacent, to the
said City of Medford, chiefly valuable
for residence purMises, as said Oak
wood Subdivision is bounded and de
scribed on the official plat thereof, re
corded iu the said Recorder's Office,
In Volume 4 of Plat Records, at page
And further excepting nnd evcluil
lug from Iho above bounded land, all
land lying within the exterior limits
of Frances Addition to the City of
Medford, a platted subdivision adja
cent to the sabl City or .Medford,
chiefly valuable for residence purpos
es. as said I ranees Addition Is boon
ed nnd described on tho official plat
thereof, recorded In the said Record
er's orflco. In Volume 3 of Pint Rec
ords, at. page 32.
Anil further excepting and exclud
ing from the above boiimled land, all
land lying wilhln the exterior Mini's of
Mountain View Addition, a plaltc
subdivision adjacent, to the said City
of Medford, chiefly valuable for resl
donee purposes, as said Mountain
View Addition Is bounded and de
seribed on the official pint thereof,
recorded In the said Recorder's Office ,
In Volume 1 of Plat Records, at pag"
And further excepting nnd exclud-1
Ing from the above bounded land, all1
land lying within the exterior !-.nlts
nf Alberts' Subdivision of Lot 4. Mlock
2, Nlrkoll'B Addition to Medford. Ore
gon, a platted subdivision ndjHCoit toj
the said City of .Medfoid, rbleily nUi-t
aide for residence purposes, as said ,
Nickoll's Addition Is hounded and de
scribed on the official plat, thereof,
recorded In the said Recorder's OTttce,
In Volume 2 of Plat Recotds, at page
45. I
And further excepting and exclud-'
Ing from the above bounded land, all ,
land lying within the exterior limits
of Woodlauil Heights Addition. a
platted subdivision adjacent, to rhej
sabl City or Medford, cliioNy valuable!
for residence puiposcH, as said Wood-;
lawn Heights Addition Is hounded and
described on the official plat thereof,,
recorded In the said Recorder's Office,!
in Volume 1 of Plat Records, at page1
And fmtlier cYc-eiit Ine and exclud-'
Ins iruiu the ubvve buuudeU luud, all'
land lying within the exterior limits
of Hunker Hill Addition to Mcdfoni,
a platted subdivision adjacent to the
said City of Medford. chiefly valuable
for residence purposes, as said Hun
ker Hill Addition Is hounded and de
scribed, on Iho official plat thereof,
recorded In the said Recorder's Office,
In Volume 1 of Plat Records, at page
And further excepling and exclud
ing from the above bounded lan,', all
land lying within the exterior limits
of Palm's Second Addition to the City
of Medford. a plaited subdivision ad
jacent to tho said City of Medford,
chiefly valuable for residence pur
noses, as said Palm's Second Addition
Is bounded nnd described on tho of
ficial ilat thereof, recorded In the said
Recorder's Office, in Volumo 2 of Plat
Records, at page 22.
And further excepting nnd exclud
ing from the above bounded land, all
land lying within tho exterior limits of
,uiirelhurst Addition, a plaited subdi
vision adjacent to the said City of
Medford, chiefly valuable for resi
dence purposes, as said Laurelhurst
Addition is bounded and described on
the officin plat thereof, recorded In
the said Recorder's Office, in Volume
3, of Plat Records, at pago 27.
we hereby altego that It Is tho pur-
nose of tho petitioners to organize an
Irrigation District comprising tho
above bounded nnd described lands
under the provisions of said Act.
The petitioners accompany their pe
tition with, and hereby present for the
approval of this Court, a good nnd
sufficient bond in the . sum of Five
Hundred Dollars, which is double the
amount of the probahlo cost of or
ganizing such District, conditioned
that the bondsman will pay all said
costs in case said organization be not
W11HRKFORE your tietltioners pray
that this Court approve the said bond
and that said Irrigation District lie
organized under iho provisions of said
Act, and (hat this Court shall make
and enter an order, establishing and
defining tho boundaries of such Irri
gation District; determining whether
the requisite number of owners of
land within such proposed District
shall have petitioned for ttfe formation
thereof; nnd whether the petition nnd
notice of tho time of presentation
thereof shall hnve been duly published
as in said Act provided: and designat
ing tho name of said Distrlct-and di
viding said District Into three divis
ions of an nearly equal szo as may be
practicable, and establishing a con
venient, number of Flection Precincts
Is said proposed Districts, and defin
ing tho boundaries thereof: and mak
ing such other directions and provis
ions as may ho just and proper un
der said Act.
Dated Julv 13lh, 1917.
K. H. Pickel, R. W. Clancy. Win. Mc
Credio, W. A. Folger, Leonard 'ar
penfer, Jackson County Hank, J. A.
I'errv, Louis Knips, D. W. Luke. Frank
P. Dul Ion. Goo. 11. Young. F. T. Llt
tle.Mrs. P. W. Harmon, M. S. Janes,
W. C. Janes, H. L. Nnblit, II. B. Janes.
D. It. Smith, Ceo. R. Lindley, V. II.
Vawtor: First National Hank, Med
ford, Ore, by Vm..(!. Tait, Pres.;
I interest Orchard Co.,. by Reginald II.
Parsons. Pres. and Mgr.; H. W. Illns
hum, Alfred R. V. Carpenter, Wlnnl-
frcd Grant, A. II. Miller, Porter J.
Nerr, K. If. Jnnney. C. C. Pierce, A.
V. Slone, F. C. Kdmcados. George H.
Carpenter. Robert W. Rillll. II. C. Gar
nelt, J. W. Smvlie, Geo. K. Sprague,
W. R. Lamb. S. A. Nye. Dillon R.
Hill. If. li. Nye, Geo. W. Wallers, J.
I,. Sample; Potter At Ooold, by G. 0.
(ioold; C. C. Heard, James P. Han
sen. H. F. Vandyke, W. V. llarnnm.
.1. Cj Dobemeck, II. H. ltoycr. Cath
arine Van Dyke, D. K. Patterson, Tom
Hushong, C. W. Abercroinbie, Jan.
Campbell, Wm. O'llara, C. A. Mycin,
Kdgar S. Hafer, Geo. L. Yost, M. F.
Sheets, F. Coming Kenley; Kgan Or
chard Co., by H. Chandler Hgan; P.
M. Jannev, Harvey Walter, Charles N.
Hansen, W, M. Van Scoyoc, (I. M.
Ioomis. R. A. Clark. F. L. Hoppln,
Mrs. Flora Anna Irving, R. L. Wilson,
J. B. Median, Ralph Raymond, G. W.
Slovens, 1). O. Hippensteel, W. C.
Ilaynes, Paul Krulzlor, Chns. M. Kng
lish. A. A. Allen.
STATU OF ORKGON, County of Jack
son, HS.
1, K. H. Pickel, being duly sworn,
say: That I am one of the petitioners
who signed tin foregoing petition, that
Dear Sir: You NEED a car. Let us Introduce the F.LCAR. Man
power Is scarce and tho logical way lo Increase your ability to ''do" Is
to make more time possible "on-llie-job" mid less "on tho move."
Tho ELCAR will do this, and then General Sherman said all work
nnd no play Is "not good for a soldier, neither Is It good for you."
v A car solves tho recreation as well as tho more-work problem and
takes the wife and kiddles in on tho Joy-limn to-bool, and let me suy
right here lhat for an honest-to-goodness joy-Jog the ELCAIl Is
Johnny-on-the-spot with tho pleased-to-go look In every line.
You can afford to have a car, In fact, you can't afford to bo with
out one.
The only question to decldeis "Who Is Iho man behind?"
doubt you remember the old buggy, carriage or spring wagon on
your grandfather's ranch; you remember the name plate on the back
nxlo from which you used to rub the dust nnd spell the name "Elk
hart Carriage! Co." when you wero a boy? We ll, the name Is (here
yet, nnd Just think, it was Iu 1817 whim (he company first placed this
name plate on the good rigs of this country.
Nine years ago this same company began Ihe manufacture of nu
tomnhllcs, and as they had been building tho belter class of rigs for
about 00 years, they wero in a bettor position than most manurnc
turers to know just what kind of a car would stand the road text and
ss a result they produced tho ELCAR, a car which Is worthy of their
name plate.
You know Ibe value of experience In any line nnd for a bang-up,
down-to-tlie-inlioite Joy-buggy, tho J;I.CAIt bus just piit-lhe-skids
under car trouble of all kinds, and from Hie llwic that you step-on-lho
starter until you arrive, the KLCAIt answers the throttle with Hie
hcart-lhrobs-of-a-thuroughbred and unconsciously you begin to trust
In the ability of Tho Man Behind, who was road-wlf.e, and then again
when you see Ihe plcased-to-be-hcre expression on the face of the lady
In tho back seat, you will know that the KLCAIl'S spring are some
thing more than Just mere shock absorbers. The KLCAR Is the result
of 711 years building vehicles and nine years buildings cars. III; Y
THE I EMI. INVESTMENT COMPANY are the Agents, 127 West
Main Street.
Drop in and Take a Ride
I have read the same and know the
contents thereof, and that 1 believe
It to be true.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me
this 13th dav of Julv, 1917.
Notary Public for Oregon.
My commission expires Nov. 23rd,
Please take notice Ibat tho forego
ing petition for the organization of
an Irrigation District out of tho Innd
therein described will be presented to
the County Court of the Sta'o of
Oregon for tho County of Jackson
and a hearing on said petition will be
had. during the August term of said
Court at a meeting to be held in (he
County Court House in Jacksonville.
Oregon, on the 13th clay of August
1917, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of
Hint day.
10. P, Pickel, R. W. Clancy, Wm
McCredlo, W. A. Folger, Leonard Car
penter, Mrs. P. W. Harmon. M. S
Janes. W. C. Janes. II. L. Nohllt. II
H. Janes. B. D. Smith, Geo. R. Lindley.
V. II. Vawtor. Jackson County Hank:
First National Dank, Medford, Ore., by
Wm. O. Tall. Pres.: Louis Knips.
Frnnlc P. Put ton. D. W. Luke, Ceo. l!.
Young, J. T. Llltlo, J. W. Smylle, Gen.
E. Sprague. W. R. Lamb, S. A. Nye,
Harvey Walter, Charles N. Hansen.
W. M. Van Scovoc. G. M. I.oomis.
R. A. Clark, F. L. Hoppln: lllllcrest
Orchard Co., by Reginald H. Parsons.
PreB. and Mgr.; II. W. Illnghnni.
Alfred S. V. Carpenter, Wlnnlfred
Grant, A. It. Miller, Porlor J. Neff.
E. H. Janney. C. C. Pierce, A. W.
Stone, F. C. Edmendcs, Georgo P.. Car
penter, Robert W. Ruhl. H. C. Garnctt,
Edgar S. Hafer. Geo. L. t Yost, M. F.
Sheets. F. Coming Kenley; Egnn Or
chard Co.. by H. Chandler Egnn; P.
M. Jnnney, ('has. M. English, J. A.
Perrv. 'Mrs. Flora Ann Irving, R. L.
Wilson, ,1. I). Median, Ralph Ray
mond, G. W. Stevens, D. O. Illppen-
sleel, W. C. Ilaynes. Paul Krulzlor,
Dillon II. Hill, H. It. Nye. Geo. W. Wal
ters, J. O. Sample; Potter & Goold.
by G. G. Goold; C. C. Heard, .liiines
P. Hnnsen, B. F. Vnn Dyke. W. V.
Harnum, J. C. Doberneck, II. H. Boyer.
Catlinrlne Van Dyke, D. E. Pallcrson,
Tom Pushong, C. W. Aborernmbio,
.las. Campbell, William O'llara, C. A
Myers, A. A. Allen.
FOR RENT Furnished Apt. summer
rntes. The Borbon. Phone 938-R.
FOIl RENT One completely furnish
ed apartment at Hotel Hollnnd. 1
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house
on South Hotly street. Eleven-room
honso furnished close In. Phono
218-Y. 108
FOR KENT Nicely furnished house.
Phono 929-W. 10l!
FOR RENT Furnished, four rooms,
strictly modern, ono block from
new pnstolfice. Phone IIOI-L, or
call at 243 North Dolly street, city.
FOR RENT Six-room modern bun
galow, big sleeping porch, all mod
ern conveniences. Dr. E. J I. Por
ter. "Oil RENT Modern tlvo-ronra houso
" and garage. Phone' 370-W.
FOR RENT FurnlBhed and unfur
nished houses. Employment Agen
cy. M. A. Rader. 123 East Main.
FOIl RENT. House.
Wost Main.
Call at 1123
'VIA A NEW LINE of Soup, Extracts,
Toilet Goods, Perfumes, etc., for
agents. 100 per cent profit. Sam
plo free. Writo quick. Lncasslan
Co., Dept. 55, St. Louis, Mo. 103
WANTED Tired of inside work? We
hnvo a good paying proposition to
Iho right man, one who loves na
ture, flowers, trees and shrubs pre
ferred. Wrlto for terms. Refer
ence llrown llrolhers Company,
Rochester, N. V. 103
WANTKD Girl for general house
work In family of two. Telephone
Mrs. Donald Clark, C.7F3. 101
,ViANTKI Woman to do laundry and
general housework. CalUMrs. .1. r .
Roddy, 122 Oregon Terrace, or
Phono (153.
W.AXTKP-Young girl to nsslst In
housework. Apply Phone 303-11.
SALESMAN -For gonnral mercantile
trade in Oregon, to sell a new prop
osition of merit. Vacancy now. At
tractive commission contract. $35
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Hix
ler Co.. Wholesalo Jewelers, 22929
Carllu Itldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 103
WANTED Salesmen. Sidollno men.
Do you want a real ono that one
order a day will pay you $9.00. No
samples lo carry. Something new.
Write todav. Canflold Mfg. Co.,
20S Slgol St., Chicago 111. 103
WANTED Mail for portor work at
Depot hotel, Ashland. W'rllo or
phono. 102
WANTED Man to operate tractor.
Apply Mira Vista Orcliaru. Phono
WAiNTED -Man nnd wlfo for ranch
work. M. A. Radcr, 123 E. Main
WANTED Teams to linul wood for
season. Inquire Wm. Sears, Uutlo
Falls, Oregon. 104
WANTED Cattle and hogs to pas
ture Phone II. D. Powell, Ashland
4K13, or lL W. Bingham, Mira
Vista Orchard, Medford.
WANTED To buy stock hogs.
W. Bingham. Medford.
WANTED 5000 pounds of poultry
weekly. We assure you fair treat
ment and highest prices in the city.
Got our trado and cash prices. War
ner, wormian & Gore.
WANTED Bring us your eggs and
Poultry. We pay cash. Medford
Poultry and Egg Co.
WANTED Houses to move.
488-M. or 4 88-X.
WANTED Will pay cash for flvo or
six room bungalow with good-sized
garden In Medford or Ashland, or
for ono or two acres Improved with
good houso close In. Wrlto Chas.
A. Nutter, City Engineer, Ely, Min
nesota, giving full particulars and
location, also lowest price. 102
FOR SALE Good all round work
maro and saddle pony. Phone 100
FOR SALE Good 1200-pound team,
prlco $225. Address ('. N. Calon
Conrrnl Point, Oregon, R. F. 1). 2
or phono 29X3. 1 0E
FOR SALE Ouo single driving bar
ness. prlco $20. Call 004 Park
avenue. 101
FOR SALE Two mares, weight 1200
each; sell ono or both. Ono .lorsey
cow; all cheap. Call 707R1 alter (i
p. m. or beforo 7 a. m. 10!
FOIl SALE Twenty-flvo or 30 head
of good stock cattle; no Jersey
Fred Sturgis, Trail, Oregon. 103
FOIl SALE You may pick nlco plo
cherries for 2c per pound at Gold
Button Orchard, Gold Hill, Oregon
Ready to gather now. Come early
and gel tho best. 1 01
FOR SALE, Cheap for cash, 5-pas
senger automobile in first, class con
dlllon. Nearly new tires. .
demonstration, call 19I-.I2, or see
II. F. Meader, 013 CatbOrinn Street
FOR SALE 1910 Oakland No. 0, 5
passenger, with self-starter, $12!
cash, If sold before Tuesday. A p
ply Sugar Howl. 103
FOR SALE Get your apricots Sun
day fine for canning, 4c on tree.
ltoso orchard. 597-R1. 10
FOIl SALE Cnderwood typewriter
In good condition, tit a reasonable
price. Seo it at tlio Bennett Invest
incut Co. 103
her in the dancing plulforni located
on Mill street, near the cily park.
Prospective buyers will do well to
call and look at lumber while the
dance plntfrom Is In tho courso of
const ruction. Over ten thousand
feet. Inquire of J. C. McElroy, Co
lumbia Hotel, Ashland, Or. 103
FOR SALE One largo refrigerator,
capacity 400 pounds. At condition
cheap. Louis Ulrlc h, Jacksonville,
Oregon. 103
FOR SALE Large size rainlly refrig
erator In A I condition at iJeVoc's.
Mini Vista orchard. Phono 51I7-J2.
FOR HALE Land. Any ono desiring
a good home and 23 ncroB of fine
land would do well to consult John
S. Norwood, Central Point. 104
FOR SALE Or might exchange for
other clear properly, fanning land,
fruit land, stockranc hes, timber
land, from $10 per acre up, on long
time, easy payments. Address Gold
Ray Realty Co.
FOR SALE Stock of general mer
chatidist. Will Involco around $2,
500 with fixtures. I will rent build
ing for a term of years at a very
low rent, or pell nt option of pur
chaser. Good country trado and a
bargain for tho right man. Address
Box 71, Butto Falls, Orugon, 117
AI'To SERVICE Anywhere, niitlag,
rishliiK, ramping, private parties
specialty. Clins, W. Austin. Phone
CiO-U 105
FOIl EXOIivJjtil!,
KXCIIAXCH KigMy acres, Texas for
. city or country proprrtv or live
stock. Address A. II. C, cure Mail
Tribune. 20 1
WANTED Orchard from J'JO.OOO to
,), 000 for apartment houso lit
Berkeley, California. Address own
er 224 1 Durant Avenue, Berkeley,
California. 100
TO EXCHANGE New $350 Krallso
piano and somo ca:h for nuto in
good condition. Box 233, Ashland,
Oregon. 12 1
TO LOAN Small sums lo loan on
A-l farm proporty. Calkin and
MONEY TO LOAN On good secur
ity. Phono 647-J. J. H. Andrews.
Medford Business College Bldg.,
Room 2.
MONEY TO LOAN From $1000 to
$5000 on hand to loan at 7 per
cent, on good farm security. Earl
Tumy, 210 Gamett-Corey Bids. tf
MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan
on Medford property. Easy month
ly payments. See D. R. Wood.
LOST Watch, open face, 15 jewel.
T. J. Thoinus Special. 208 South
Central. Reward. 103
LOST On Sunday, 8th Inst., leather
suit case, containing clothes, bo
tween Murphy nnd Jacksonville.
Reward. Return to K. Koike, 410
M. F. & II. building, Medford, Ore
gon. 103
FOUND Watch opposite) Holland ho
tel. Apply Lloyd Donman al. Mont
gonicry'houso afler 0 tonight. 102
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Bank Building.
A. B. RE AMES Lawyer.
Corey bldg.
E. M. WILSON Certified Public Ac
countant, room 4 11, M. F. & II.
Bldg., Medford, Oregon.
Ansio Supplies
are operntlng the lnrgest, oldest
and best equipped plant Iu the Pfc
ciric northwest. Use our spring
when others fall. Sold under writ
ton guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth
St., Portland, Oro.
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. We know how to gel th
money. Tho Rullock 1 Mercantlli
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, ,2, 3. Has
kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main St.
DR. T. T. SHAW Dentist, Over Dan.
lei a Clothing Store In rooms for
merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Pbons
Rnglnoer nnd Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINOH Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Blda,
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain'
age, orchard and Innd Improvement
Farm Ijonns.
UiANS - MefllorcPanil ltogue -II Ivor
Nitllonul Farm Loan associations,
5 lo 4 0 years, Inleresl 5 per cent
0 per cent $3 seinl-nnnually on
each $luil of loan pays interest and
principal In 30 years. Privilege of
paying $25 or any multiple I hereof
after 5 years. Deposits received, 4
per cent, convertible Into 4 '.j per
cent Farm Loan Bonds. Iluy u
bond $25, $.".0, $100, $500 and
$100(1. E. II. Iliird, Secrelary
Treasurer. Gnrnctt-l.'orcy Building,
Medford, Oregon. 120
UARIIAGI'l (let your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons fc
good sorvlce. Pbona 874-L. t.
Y. Alien.
Instruction In MuMo
piano aud harmony. Halght Muxlt
Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy Bldg,
Phone 72.
EARL S. TUMY General Insurant
office. Fire, Aiitoiicdille, Accident;
Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract
and Surety Bonds. Excellent com
panies, good local service. No. 21C
Oarnett-Corcy Bldg.
I'liyslclnns nnd Surgeons
DR. W. W. IrOWARK Osteopathia
physician. 303 Garnett-Corey build
Ing. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose nnd throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurwt for S. P.
It. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. 0. Phono 667.
Printers end Publishers
best equipped printing office lo
Southern Oregon; Hook binding,
loose leaf ledgers, hi 1 1 In K' systemi,
etc. Portland prices. 87 Nortk
Fir si.
Office 42 Norlh Front St. Phoim
1116. Price Tlht Sotvlot guar