r TACT! FOTTTi NrRPronp matt; tribune, mctfotit),. precox, Friday, jttly in. 1917 CANNING LECTURE IN PUBLIC MARKET FOR HOUSEWIVES IOCAL AND PERSONAL i' i ' Horn, (o Mr. and Mrs. John C. Miiiin, lit llit'ir lionie, 27 Geneva ave nue, this inoriiliiK, a girl weighing 8 pound. OrcKnn, California, U. S. Land, liooldot frin. Write Joseph Clark, fcaiTiimonlo, California. 106 Mrs. l.rna Porter of Kansas City ar rived In tlio oily yesterday to visit her aunt, Mrs. II. U. Garnett, for the next tea days. Dr. Heine, eye, car, nose, throat. (',. It. Harper, former deputy sheriff iliirlnj? August Singler's adiulnlstra t S on . lilts l en localed in Marshfleld for some time and was recently elect ed secretary of the I K, Conway .Morliage Company of that city. Ono of thu conipauy'K activities is the de veloping of tlio dairy industry of the Coos Hey country. The company has a cheese anil htitler factory at Co qutllo which is turning out over a ton of cheese dally and hotter than 1000 pounds of butler. Mr. Harper this week scut by parcel post a fine young America cheese to tlio Medford lodge of Klks. Johnson for high-class watch re pairing. tf II. (1. Wortmnn returned Friday morning Troiu u business trip to Port land and .Marshfleld. Ho had been absent fivo days. Motz cars nt Hlvernldo Onrnge. O. A. Tferger of San Kranciseo, rep resenting a piano manufacturing firm, arrived In Medford Friday morn ing for a visit with C. A. Chapman. Alio Taxi. Phono 88. (,'noigo Shaw left Medford Friday tuiirnliig on a business trip to Horn brook. Johnson .for high-class watch re pairing. tf Hr. Oliver N. Johnston, denn of ro mance languages at 1, eland Htanford Junior university, who had been one or tlio speakers at the National Kilu cailon association convention at Port laud this week, nrrived In Medford Friday morning for a visit with IiIb brother-in-law, O. C. Hoggs. Window screens, scroon doors. Pa cific Furn. & Fix. Fnctory. Tlio Girls' Honor guard will hold a food sale at the public market Satur day morning. Paths, r,c. Holland Hotel. W, I. alio Shannon of Camden, N. J., formerly secretary of tlio New JorBey Housing association, arrived In Med ford Friday morning. A trip to Cra ter Lake Is included In his Itinerary. Sco Pavo Wood about that fire In miranco policy. Office, Room 404, M. V..& II. building. Dr. H. J. Van Fossen, superintend ent of llio Klamath district, Methodist Kpiscopal church, went to Grants Piisb Friday morning to attend tho funeral of tlio father of Robert A. lluoth of Kiigono. Patients cared for. fi22 South Central. Trained nurse In attend ance. Heferouco given. Phono iniw. lit' Professor H. K. Owen, director of music in the San Jose, California, city n-liools, arrived in Medford Friday morning. He had attended tho niinii it convention of the National F.duca 1 1on association at Port land. Tho pro fessor Is an elfuslvo and enthusiastic admirer of Medford, which ho alluded to as "the little San Francisco." Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Darneillo of Oakland, California, arrived In Med ford from Grants iPass Friday morn-in,- lor a visit with tho former's brother, Grover Darneillo. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1'illi A I -Chalmers Model K, cheap. Phono 1.11, Central Point. 118 Mil; SAI.I) Modern five-room bun galow. Ideally located. Perfect condition. Furnished or unfur-' nl:. beil. A real snap. Investigate.' .No n.'.ciils. Phono :!:!!. 101 Foil SAI.K- llcdsteuds, dressers, lie box, chairs. Call 111 X. Oakdale. lot I Mtb. Jano Transou, who has been visiting a sou, C. K. Hull Intro, for several days, returned to her home in Hornhrook Friday morning. For the best insurance, see Holmes, the Insurance Man. Einmett N. Palmer's country resi dence, which will be situated about four miles northwest of Central Point, Is Hearing completion. Dr. Henry Hart, Jackson County Dank building. Office hours, to to 4 P. m. F. M. Amy returned Thursday night from a four-days' trip to the Oregon caves. Amy used the Sucker Creek-Holland route. Mctz cars at Riverside Garage.' C. L. Scheffclin went to Grants Pass Friday morning on business. Orders have been received to make another big cut lu prices on tho Hell bronner Btock of Men's Furnishings. 100 Ceorgo C Wlldoll and Harry and O. W, Knglo are Klamath Falls residents registered Friday nt a local hotel. Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist, St. Mark's building. Phone 323-Y. ThomuB J. Fuson, of the Pacific Telephono and Telegraph company, returned to Medford and to work Thursday, after a two weeks' vaca tion, spent at the Ashland rundtip and on a fishing trip In tho Klamath dis trict. Tom, it Is reported, has a new pair of rubber hoots, specially de signed for him, which, after a slight Impact with a fish, causes the fish to bo stunned and he can thus pick it up In his b ii mis with impunity. Our 2.'lc sale of lilue Bird station ery Is great vuluo. Friday and Sat urday. Heath's Drug storo. Ilecause ho operated an employ ment agency without a license, Frank Wulters of Medford was sentenced to servo twenty days In tho county jail by Police Judgo Taylor Friday morn ing. Walters pleaded guilty. Te re fused to employ counsel. Walters has been operating the labor bureau fur about three nionthB. Singor sewing machine shop, C. A. Chapman, Phono 903-11. 245 South Central. 117 A. D. Cornell, southern Oregon dis trict agent for an Oregon life Insur ance company, with headquarters at Grants Pass, returned home Friday morning, lie attended the Chautau qua opening at Ashland. Dr. Heine fits glasses correctly. P. C. Wllfort of Richmond, Vir ginia, Is stopping at a local hotel. In a hurry, call 88. An eight-pound baby daughter ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. li. Judy Frldny morning. 'PjIuo Ulril Btntlonery, box paper, tablets and correspondence cards, 4 0c value, 23c, Friday and Saturday. Heath's Drug Store. Miss Glndys Wilson returned Thursday from a threo-wooks visit with friends at San FrnnclBco and Sacra men to. Sam, Joe nnd S. R. Danncnbaiim, San Francisco business men, comprise an automobile party that Is seeing the wonders of Cratur lako this week. J. J. Itichardson of Portland Is lit a local hotel. J, W. Hiirraln. In chnrgo of tho fish luntchery at llutto Fulls, Is a Medford visitor Friday. CLEARANCE SALE on all WHITE CANVAS and BUCK SHOES and PUMPS at SCHMIDT'S "Good Shoes" Mrs. Scott Wolf Is seriously III at her home In Medford. 'Her Illness promises to be a lingering one. She was taken to Portlahd several days ago for examination and a diagnosis of the Portland physicians agreed with that of the local physician. Orders have been received to make another big cut In prices on the Hell bronner stock of Men's Furnishings. 100 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Isaacs and Mrs. Isaacs' sister, Miss Grace Urown, returned to Medford Thursday night from a week's automobile tour In northern California. Shasta Springs and Klamath Hot Springs were among the places visited. I.. II. Hasklns Is this week attend ing the annual convention of the Ore gon Pharmaceutical association at Seaside. FOREST FIRES ARE FEARED BY SUPERVISOR Unless there Is rain soon Forest Supervisor M. L. Erlckson fears one of tho most disastrous forest firo seasons In many years. "Tlio conditions haven't been so alarming" said Mr. Erlckson yester day, "since 1910, when troops had to bo sent to tho valley to fight the fires. Of course we have a more efficient fire fighting organization now, but there Is danger or a labor shortage tills year which more than offsets that advantage. The extreme heat and the constant hot wind has parch ed the soil and trees throughout the forest reserve and. the department makes an urgent appeal to the people of southern Oregon to co-operate In preventing fires. Campers are par ticularly urged to be careful of their fires and of their cigar and cigarette stubs, also lighted matches. It would take very little to start a devastating blaze with the forests In their present condition." The forest service Is rushing the three fire-lookouts on Windy Peak, .rt. McLoughlln and Rustler Butte, so that there will be no delay In prepara tions for fire fighting. The trail from the Blue Ledge mine to Windy Peak, which runs from the mine through the rock precipices to the Duck and Sullivan Gap, Is finished, the forest service and the Blue Ledge mine do ing the work jointly. The trail will be used extensively by miners In or der to get Into the Buck Sullivan dis trict. Tho fire-lookout houses, knocked down, have been shipped from Port land as have ten government mules which are to be used to transport the houses to the peaks. It Is hoped to liavo all tho lookouts established in the very near future. Pete Peterson, a young man In his early twenties, after a preliminary hearing In police court Friday morn ing on a complaint signed by District Attorney Roberts of contributing to the delinquency of Mamie Davis, eith er 14 or 15 years of age the little girl did not know which was bound over to the grand jury by Judge Tay lor. 'Ball was fixed at $1000 and a com mitment Issued which, with the de fendant, was delivered to Sheriff Jen nings. At an early hour this after noon Peterson had not obtained ball. 1 WEDDING BELLS if 4 1 Irwin II. Howe and Rena M. Ash, of Trail, Oregon, were united In holy wedlock at the Ashland Congrega tional manse, Tuesday, July 3, at 7 p. m. Rev. G. Southwell Brett offi ciated. The young couple returned to Trail Friday, where they received the well wishes of their many friends. Miss Anna M. Turley of the Oregon Agricultural College and Claude C. Cato, county pathologist, wil lconduct a series of canning and drying demon strations In Jackson county, starting with a meeting at the Medford public market Saturday, July 14, at 10 a. in. Instead of 2 p. m., as previously an nounced. Fruits and vegetahles will be can ned and evaporated and the processes explained to those attending. They will also exhibit a small dryer suita ble for home use. The other meeting places and dates of the several meetings are as fol lows: Monday. July 10, 10 a. m., Phoenix high school; Monday, July 1C, 2 p. m., Talent high school; Tuesday, July 17, 10 a. m., Eagle Point; Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Central Point; Yednesday, July 18, 10 a. m., Ashland Llthla park. TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS TONIGHT MUSICAL SELECTIONS PAGE THEATRE ' ORCHESTRA NOVELETTE AMNA Hv Liueke. IH'MOKESQUE By Dvorak. PAULINE FREDERICK in . ALI'IIOXSO DATOET'S SAPHO Miss Frederick presents a wo man essentially sensual ill a milli ner to make her appear almost spiritual al limes, und from first to lust nppcnlinc.lv human and sympathetic. M. P. News sa;Z this play has never been more finely interpreted than in this Paramount production. Also METRO COMEDY HIS WIFE'S MOTHER TOMORROW R0BTHA HARR0N as THE OLD FASHIONED YOUNG MAN PAPTT Adults li 1 lYVJlv Children AMUSEMENTS. LAST TIME TONIGHT E.RSouthern IX Tlm YitngTiiph Hint1 Kililion Feature The Man of Mystery ALSO FRANK DANIELS COMEDY CAPTAIN JINKS' DILEMMA TOMORROW Kitty Gordon QrP T) Ahvnvs a O 1 i'VlV CoodShov Jill Nu- - -l - 1 t lira I r iliilUluiiiunm JvaHM CAPITAL $100,000. Save With Profit SAVING is not a profitless task. In addition to being prepared for the "rainy day" or opportunity, the one who saves steadily sees his money automatic ly Increase. Here at the 1st National Bank, we pay 4 Per Cent interest on Sav ings, computed twice each year. We invite the nci'ouiits of men, women nml children. One I) ilia r will start n Savings Account; only n reesonnhlc amount rcipiircd for t'lieeKiiii:. Member of Federal Reserve System. 1 JJL at Motional Bank MEDFORD OREGON PETERSON HELD FOR f y f ? T T f y f ? I I y y t f f ? ? ? ? y f y ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? f f ? ? f f x y ? ? ? y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y r y y y y y MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED WE PREPAY MAIL OR EXPRESS PARASOLS 50 women's good parasols, some of them silk, all new styles; values up to $2.50 This sale," each TheWomarfs Store 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON HOUSE DRESSES 100 women's gingham and percale house dresses; all sizes, fast colors, good stj'les. Up to $1.50 values. This sale, each... Crowds Are Attending Our July Clearance Sales l If you have not been in to buy your share of this extremely low priced merchandise, we can only offer you our urgent advice to do so at once. The savings on whatever you purchase will warrant your attendance. New Star lots are put on sale every day. WATCH THE STARS FOR GREAT VALUES. Children'sDresses Good gingham and percale dresses, new styles; 3 to 6 years. ifi Very special for this sale, each... 0C Children's dresses, 'made of good gingham and percale; new styles; fi years to 14 veal's. Very special, each 69c m . A ..- ....b'7 Great Bargains in Silk 3ri-inch imported Japanese silk, in the new finish, cheap at $1.25. This sale, yard 98c Kayser's Italian knit silk for blouses and coats, knitted, not woven, comes in the new shades of pigeon blue, sa phire, emerald green, magenta, coral, gold and flesh red. Uegular Qtl ftr price $2.50. This sale, yanl.U.ad P(i-inch chiffon taffeta, all colors and changeable. A splendid $2.00 cloth. Special for this sale only. ff rn per jyard !....'..... lDw Bathing Suits and Caps Summer Waists 100 Women's "Wirllimore" Waists, all new styles; sizes IK! to &4 52; on sale Saturday, each V 50 new Crepe de Chine Waists, worth $1.00: this sale, ' fj "Women's and Children's good styles, all si.es, this sale, each Middles. $1.25 GoodLeatherHandbags98c Summer Gloves Women's Lisle Thread Gloves eoloi-s but not all sizes; while they last, pair all 25c Wash Goods 'All Summer Materials greatly reduced for this great sale, come in and see this display on the tables. 27-inch vard . Lace Cloth, a 9 no-inch Batiste, a yd..l5d 40-inch Voiles; a yd..24 .".(i-inch Crepes, a yd..33 Silk Mixtures, a yd..49 An odd lot of Fancy Wash Goods, sold up to $1.00; to be closed out in this sale nt, a 00. yard Towel Sale Bought before the recent rise in price. Large size Huck Towels, real values 12' c; ft now, each TURKISH TOWELS 50 doz. fine Turkish Bath Towels, good quality. worth 15c; very special, each 12Jc Kayser's Long Silk Gloves, sizes, a splendid grade, very special, a pair ! in nil Spring Suits Price Largo size Bath Towels, extraordinarily cheap nt 35c; this sale," OQ each 4Jt BATH SETS Consisting of 1 large Bath Towel. 1 small Towel, I Wash Cloth, all good ((unl it v. worth $1.50; $4 f A this sale, set $1.X Boys' Wash Suits New styles in wash suits for boys; 2-piece; fast colors. fiQ Very special, a suit 05L Boys wash suits, made of good ging ham, two-piece, all sizes. Two years to eight years. AO a Special, a suit vOl, Summer Underwear Women's fine knit Summer Vests, good quality, very special ! L for this sale, each lvv Women's fine grade Union Suits, all sizes, worth 35c; for this sale 0l only, suit Kayser's Knit Union Suits, all styles and sizes, worth 75c; this CQ sale, a suit wwv Women's "Knickers" in white awl flesh, special, OQp each 0v Women's Muslin Night Gowns, cheap at 75c; for this sale fflp only, each IVL Women's extra fine Lingerie Gowns, nicelv trimmed; cheap at df A A $2.00; for this sale, each $1.UV Children's Hats . . 48c Summer Hosiery Women's and Children's black and white Hose, worth 20c, for -J C this sale, a pair 1L Women's fine Silk Lisle Hose, all col ors and sizes, verv special, a pair . wDt Women's fancy Silk Hose, all col ors, special, a $1 1 Q pair GoodTalcumPowder9ccan White Skirts Women's White Skirts, made of shrunk linen finish suiting; ff-l MQ worth $2.00; this sale, each Women's PiquetSkirts, good quality, special for this sale, ffrt AO each $4.00 LONGING FOR A CHILD Young Wife Almost in De spair. Now has Beautiful Baby Girl. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. Lydio E. IMnkham'n Veg etable Compound haa brought joy to many childless women by restoring them to normal health. Here is a notable case. Omaha, Neb. "I suffered from fe male troubles when I va3 seventeen years oid. At eight een I was married and my trouble was no better so I con sulted a physician who said that there was not much I could do and I could not have children. I read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and decided to try it, and it has nrovul worth its weight in gold to me for I afi not only well but have a baby girl, au when I hear of any woman suffering as ( was I tell her of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound." Mrs. W. Hughes, 19 Majestic Apts., Omaha, Neb. In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, beultby und strung, ? ? ? ? ? ? y f ? t t T ? T t f t ? ? t f ? f Y t I t ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T Spring Coats V Price i SUITS 7lcin I VI FOR I VULOltlK AMUSEMENTS if