MEDFORD MATL TRTBUCT, MEDFOTTD, ORECiOK, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1017. PAGE Til HEP GREA I CROWDS OPEN HYiU-HEH E CELEBRATION Ideal Weather Conditions Prevail Band Concerts, Boxing Matches, Roundup Contests on Opening Day Fourth Big Day With Patriotic Pa rade and Fireworks. T ASHLAND, July 3. Undor Ideal weather conditions the attendance at the Hylu-Hohe Round up and general celebration here promises to rival the enormous crowds of last year. The town Is already full of visitors and tho invasion will be at its crest by Wednesday morning, which will be tho eventful day In tho celebration calendar. This morning the whistle at the round house gave the initial toot at 9 o'clock, which set tho celebration roll ing, followed by band concerts, box ing matches, tennis tournaments, and baseball games. The events of the roundup proper began at 1:30 p. m. Inasmuch as the major events on the program await the finals on Thurs day, very few definite results aro yet available There was a monster crowd on the grounds, taxing even the ca pacity added since the last year's event. I'roffrnm for Fourth. The program on July 4, the big day will be as follows, and with the excep tion of a baseball game at 10:30 a. m the morning hours will be devoted to a patriotic parade, supplemented by a program of like tenor In the city park at 11:30, ushered In by the Grants Pass band playing "Columbia"; op portune remarks, E. V. Carter, chair man; "Red, White and Blue," sung by Mrs. H. T. Elmore, the Girls Honor Guard joining in the chorus; reading striking passages of President Wil son's message to congress, Ernest Ab bott; address, Prof. Irving Vining; anthem, "America." Incident to un furling the big flag by tho Misses Mary Klmoro and Marjorie Wolf, tho band will play the "Star Spangled Banner. Daylight fireworks Immedl ately following unfurling of tho flag. Display consisting of the largest nov elties In Japanese and Amorican bombs, shells and rockets. Afternoon lYoffnun. 1 : 30 p. m. Rogue Ulvcr Roundup. Take autos to grounds on East Main street. Admission to grounds, GO; grandstands 50c extra. Auto fare to grounds, 15c. Patronize the autos who display tho official yellow auto licenso card. 2 p. m. Wnter sports at tho Nata torlum. 2 p. m. and continuous all day and evening. Dancing at tho Hylu Hche open air pavilion and at tho Bunga low. I 2 to 3:30 p. m. Concert In Llthla Park by Dunsmulr band. 3 to 5 p. m. Baby Show, held un der tho auspices of tho Sunshine So ciety for charitable purposes. 4 to 5:30 p. m. Concert In Llthla Park by Grants Pass band. 6:45 to S p. m. Concert In Llthla Park by Ashland band. S:15 p. m. Concert by Portland Police band In tho new Chautauqua building. 8:15 to 9:30 p. m. Concert in Ll thla park by Dunsmulr band. 9:30 p. m. Patriotic fireworks In Llthla park. The American flag, Lib erty bell, a battleship In action and many othor distinctive set pieces. Visitors should bear m mind that the special train for Medford, Grants Pass and Intermediate points leaves Ashland at 1 1 : 15 p. m. on Wednesday and Thursday. Workmen aro at it hammer and longs getting the Chautauqua build ing ready for tho Initial concert by the Portland Police band for Tuesday evening. It will be worth tho price of admission to view tho interior of tho fine new auditorium, I lit! I'laK Infiiilcd. The big flag to bo unfurled at the patriotic demonstration on Wednes day forenoon Is the gift of tho Park Jloard of Ashland to the celebration. It Is a fine creation, 40x75 feet In Blzc. The Ashland Red Cros9 auxiliary will Install emergency headquarters nt the society's rooms in Ulks block, where first aid will bo available on short notice In case of accident. The information bureau Is In city hall under charge of W. H. Gowdy, where "I live hero ask me" will be much in evidence. Ilest rooms will be available In con venient quarters on the plaza under auspice of the Sunshine society. The boxing bouts are being held in the morning, the preliminaries at 10:30, and main events at 11:15. They are staged under auspices of tho Sunset Athletic club or San Francisco, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Not much surprise was created In this vicinity when the federal grand jury in Portland, In its report made Saturday, returned an indlctmont against W'llliam E. Collins and Sam Slide for burglarizing the Phoenix postofflce. Another indictment re turned against tho two men was for the attempted burglary of the post offico at Riddle. Slide was indicted under the name Sam Rubber. Last week all the Phoenix and Med ford witnesses who testified against Collins and Slide at their preliminary hearing in this city and who were summoned to testify against them at their trial in circuit court, gave their testimony again bofore the grand jury at Portland. It will bo remembered that at their trial in Jacksonville Collins and Rub ber, alias Slide, were given their free dom on motion of their attorney, E. E. Kelly, when he called attention to a technical fault in the Indictment. The erstwhile prisoners lost no time in heading northward. It is claimed that they burglarized a store in Glen dale and committed other burglaries before they were captured In Riddle. The circumstantial evidence against the two men In connection with the Phoenix burglary is much stronger now than before, as on the third man connected with them In the Riddle at tempted burglary was found several of the gold nuggets which were stolen from the safe of tho Phoenix Mercan tile company. Several months ago Collins and Slide and two other burglars were re leased from the1 San Quentln, Califor nia, penitentiary. Prior to their In carceration at San Qttentin, Collins served a term in the Walla Walla, Washington, penitentiary. Collins and Slide are suspected of numerous postofflce burglaries In the Pacific Coast country, and the postof flce authorities are bending every ef fort to fasten on them as much as possible so as to keep them in Im prisonment for years to come. Neither the Medford police nor the Jackson county authorities know any thing about Donald Mathcson, the ac complice of Slldo and Collins in the Riddle affair. He was also Indicted by the federal grand Jury. 10 OVERLOOK 4 STATES (PETROGRAD, July 3. A force of Cossacks, acting under orders from the provisional government, raided tho villa of formor Minister Duronovo, which since the revolution has been the headquarters of Maximalists and anarchists, many of whim were re turned exiles from America. The gov ernment has given order to arrest criminals among the anarchists and also persons who helped to rolcaso of fenders detained In the Krcstl prison. When the Cossacks entered the yard scvoral bombs were thrown by anar chists. Tho bombs, however, failed to explode. The Cossacks did not reply, but on entering the villa they found tho body of a well known anarchist named A fin, whose comrades declared ho had committed sulcldo. Arrests were made and the villa is now in the hands of tho troops. TEACH FRENCH TO MEMBERS OF THE SEVENTH COMPANY The boys of Company Seven nre to lie instructed in the French laniiae before I hey leave for active service. Mrs. Alan Itruekinrccd offered her services yesterday to Captain Vunec, as inslrui'lress and the offer was promptly accepted. Mrs. Hnickinreed will start at once and hopes to be able lo give ft dozen lessons or more before the final call is received. Mrs. llraekinreed is a native French wom an, and has hail many years of prac tical experience in tcuchinn the liin jriinije. The experience of Knylish and Anierii-an soldiers on the western front has shown the value of a knowl edge of French, even n few words often lieinir the cause of saving ser ious misunderstandings between the soldiers and French civilians. The members of Ciimpnny Seven are very glad to have this opportunity before they leave for the front. YAKIMA LABOR STATUS IS MENACE TO CROP HARVEST NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., July ?,. -The state council of defense, meeting here this afternoon, unanimously adopted a special committee report, declaring that labor conditions In Yakima valley constitute a menace to rood production, and asking Governor Lister to call upon the federal govern ment for protection In the Cle Elum, Kllensburg and Yakima districts. BUFFALO BILL MEMORIAL i - - 3? V -SO1 : - "" OF The national monument to the Into Colonel William P. Cody, "Buffalo IU1I," will be sltunUHl on Lookout Mitintnlu, near Denver, I olornuo, as hero shown, 20(H) foot above the city and at ft point from which part of four states, Colorrmlo, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas,. may bo seen. rreoipitulion as recorded ut the different stations in tho valley for the month of June: Inches llillcrest' orchard 10 Ilolloway orchard , .05 Foothills orchard .. :.. .11 Newhalls orchard .1)1! Modoc, orchard 21 Kxperiment station .12 Hall ranch : OH Aloha ranch 1... ,1)0 Gardner's ranch '. 21 Orchard Home 00 NOTICE. Barber shops will be open Tuosdny, July 3d, until 10 o'clock p. m. Closed all day Wednesday, the Fourth. 88 COAL WASHINGTON!, July 3. Clifford Thome, representing tho Iowa League of Municipalities, told tho senato In terstate commerce committee today that If tentative coal prices arranged last week between the operators and tho council of national defense bo came permanent they would cost con sumers $700,000,000 over last year's soft coal bill. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 3. Beginning or construction or tho Klamath Falls Municipal railroad to Dairy, Oregon, tho first unit of the Strahorn central Oregon railroad sys tem, was being colebraled here today and tomorrow. Today has boon des ignated "Railroad Day" and tho after noon's exercises aro planned to close when Mrs. Robert K. Strahorn turns the first shovelful of dirt for the new line. Robert E. Strahorn, Spokane rail road promoter, who Is prosident of the Orogon, California & Eastern Rail road line, which is intended to web central Oregon, and who has the con tract for reconstructing tho Klamath unit, is to speak at a banquet to be given tonight. George Palmer Putnam, secretary to Governor Wlthycombo, will repre sent the state executive at the ban quet. Other speakers will bo William Paul Johnson, chairman of tho Klam ath Falls committed, Hlshop Matt S. Hughes, Portland, and W. D. Choney, Seattle. Tho Klamath Falls Indians will help commemorate tho coming of the railroad and have sent their own band from the reservation to parade in the pageants to bo held today and tomorrow. Tomorrow a patriotic demonstration will be hold. Visitors are here from many sections of Oro gon and California. ROOSEVELT'S SONS IN FRANCE WITH TROOPS PARIS, July 3. Major Theodore Ifoosevelt Jr. and Captain Archibald Hoosevelt have arrived in Franco to join the American expeditionary forces. CHAUTAUQUA AUDITORIUM TO BE OPENED TONIGHT The new Chautauqua auditorium at Ashland will be formally opened to night with a concert by the Portland Police band, an- organization of 42 pieces which won first prizo at the Panama-Pacific exposition . at San Francisco. Added to, that unusual at traction on the evening of the Fourth will bo Miss Myrtlo Stedman, one of tho leading screen stars of tho world, who will appear In person and rondor fH SMOOTHEST ill I flP SMOKING TOBACCO j i JiiJ3rim?,SaiuAW f Don't try to beat a fellow at his own game. Tobacco curin is Nature s iTUlUIC JIUUU garnet an all the rules. Real Mellowness in Tobacco x Must Be the Work of Time and Nature A chemical process may make tobacco look mel low or even smell mellow. But when it comes to tasting mellow, that is Nature's job and it takes time. No get tine around that. VELVET is cured in Nature's way. If ii w.t ...i. BSS son yourseii. uecausc velvets a 11... . . . . i u miici taste in your pijc i tne strong est argument we can make in favor of tlic Velvet way of curing tobacco two years natural ageing in the original wooden hogshead. Daji 10c Tina 1 lb. Clan KjmiJari a number of the popular songs of the day. This combination will be the greatest musical treat in the history of southern Oregon. On tho evening of the 0th an all-star vaudeville at traction will appear with ten big fea tures. Doors open promptly at 7 o'clock each evening. i - r - wet. - Independence Dary Let each man think, as ho celebrates tho Birthday of our Nation, what Inde pendence means. It gives him tho right to live- his life, unhampered by laws to restrict his freedom or his progrosslve ness. If he desires to save money and thus provido independence for his old age, every facility tor doing so is his. And ho will profit by his wisdom. Begin today save for Indopendonco! The Jackson County Bark lvstubllsliod 1888. It mm THE MOTORIST knows tho convenience and pleasure of having; a store where he can get just what he wants in the way of auto mobile accessories whenever he wants it. We aim to have everything to supply lavgei and small needs. C. E. Gates Auto Qi Water Rent Due First Ward For quarter, July 1st to Oct. 1st. Delinquent after July 15th. GUS H. SAMUELS, City Treasurer. DENNEY&CO. Fruit Marketing Agents 1 Specializing in the dis tribution of northwest ern boxed fruits. M.E.ROOT, Representative 1 Medford, Phone 294 Main Office Chicago, III. Western Office Payette, Idaho- v. II. Horuc, Western Matagcr, em The Portland Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Rose City's world-famed hotel, occupying an entiro block. 'All outsido rooms. Superior dining and grill service. An atmosphere of refinement, with a service of courtesy. European Plan, $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILD3, Manager