foETF0R7) MATH TRTTiTJOT!," MEDFOTCT), OTfEOON", TTITJTRTAY, .TTJNE 28, lf17. 50 FOOT DAM BREAKSFLOODING POWDER VALLEY Towns and Farms in Path of Flood Submerged When Killmacue Dam, Belonging to Eastern Oregon Power Company, Goes Out Town of Rock Creek Practically Destroyed. RAKER, Or., June 18. Thousands of gallons of rugnig water swept down a monntuinsido and carried sev eral barns and farm houses away when a fifty-foot dam at the flooded Killmacue lake, fifteen miles west of Haines, Or., gave wav todav. Com- - mJnicution with tiie flooded section (has t4en cut off and it is not known whether any lives were lost. Reports from Haines said the little town of Rock Creek was practically swept away. Almost every building in the town, including the Farmers' Trading company toll house, was de , stroyed. Residents of Haines, which is in the path of the flood, were re ported hurrying for high ground. People Are Fleeing, i Along the entire path of the ugly waters people arc fleeing, carrying with them what few belongings they iwore able to gather, according to re ports reaching here. .. Several ranches have been com pletely flooded. The loss will run i into thousands of dollars, it is be lieved, as the district affected is con sidered one of the most 'productive j grain and hay sections of Oregon. Killmacue lake is located on the ; summit of the Elkhorn mountain range. When the dam gave way the voters cut a path 2(10 yards wide ''own the mountainside. <e dnm 'belonged to the Eastern Oregon Light & Power companv, which constructed it to supply power to towns in this vicinity. The lake covers about thirty acres and is of natural formation. riant Is Useless. It is reported the, company's plant at Keck Creek, two miles oast and below Killinncuo lake, escaped, but soverul outbuildings at the plant were curried away, Tho plant was ren dered useless. When the waters reached Powder valley, below the lake, they moved quietly, sounding like the wind in the trees, reports said. Many farmers were unaware of thier danger until the 'water was upon them. Killmacue lake was recently stock ed with trout and was a resort, for fishermen. It is feared many of the fish have been swept out over the fields. v CENTRAL POINT Mrs. Ray Ager, of Heppncr, Oregon, was called here the first of the week to be in attendance at the bedslro of her mother, Mrs. Cummlngs, who has been very ill. Mrs. Ager, until very Tccently, was a resident of our city and has a: host of friends here who are much pleased to have her once moro among them. Mr. and Mrs. Tiico. Glass and Earl Case, mother and sister of Beagle, motored hore Sunday morning and spyit a few hours with Mrs. Julia owen and her son. Will Owens, after which the two families accompanied by, the above named Central Point people autoed to Ashland and vicinity and spent the remainder of the day, returning home In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jessup and fam ily of Keyes, California, and P. E. Wilson of Saratoga, Wyoming, spent a few days the past week with their friends, Mrs. Mattle Parker and A. R. 'flfcrker. Mr. Wilson left tho last of the week for his home, the Jessup family also departing for California haunts. I "'WlJiWI City Recorder J. W. Jacobs and Councilman W. C. Leevcr spent Tues day afternoon in Medford attending to city business. The many friends of little MIrs Mil dred Hawk will be pleased to learn that she Is on the road to recovery from her recent severe Illness ant" will soon bo out abong them again Miss Hawk has been very 111 and for some tlmo there were doubts of her recovery, but conditions aro now so favorable that a sneedy return to health In expected. Masters Oatls and Donald Broad- bent spent several days with their grandmother, Mrs. Campbell in Med ford. Miss Maggie Foley of Gold Hill was greeting friends here the latter part of the week. Ir. S. A. Mulkey, the renowned Central Point dentist, and family ex pect to leave the latter part of the week for Portland, where they con template waking tlnir homo tor the future. Dr. Mulkey and family have been residents of our city for the past three years and.they have a very large circle of friends here who feel keenly their departure from our midst. These estimable citizens have been desirable residents in every respect of the word, progressive, generous and leaders in every good work. They certainly will be missed here. The best wishes of Central Points and vicinity follow them to their new home. Mrs. Maria Purkeyplle recently vis ited among Ashland friends. The condition of Mrs. Cummlngs, who has been seriously ill, is reported as being much Improved at thiB writ ing and high hopes are now held for her ulck recovery. Miss Jessie Chauncey of Medford spnt today with her mother and sis ters here. Mrs. W. H. NorcrosB and daughter, 'Miss Helen, will leave the last of the week for Iowa, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. W. E. Kahler leaves tonight for Portland, whore she will visit among friends and relatives for a fort night. - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prlco and fam ily depart Saturday for Crescent City. where they expect to spend the Fourth of July and enjoy tc week's rest. Mrs. Campbell of Medford is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. O. Broadbent, for a few days. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church were beautifully entertained at the home of Mrs. F. E. Scott in Medford Wednesday afternoon. A large crowd of ladies were present and each are full of praise of the very hospitable and charming way In which Mrs Scott made hor guests welcome. Mrs. Clyde Boles and little son, Roland, who have been absent from the city on a vacation trip north for the past several weeks," have returned to their home here. Miss A'ta Norcross arrived herf Saturday morning from San Jose. California, at which place, she ' been attending the normal for the past ten months. Miss Norcross grad uated from that Institution of learn ing this year and will again take up teaching the coming year. Miss Maratha Italmoy of Red Bluff California, is spending this week with her mother here. IT Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wells of the county farm were inMedford Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rose and family wore all day guests at the Rader home Tuesday. Mrs. Jane Clemens of Medford vis ited Mrs. Chandler and Mrs C. Carey last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Henry and fam ily of North Talent visited their daughter, Mrs. M. Stockgord of Grif fin creek last Sunday. Mrs. Nannie Wolf of Phoenix left Tuesday for Cottage Grove to attend the Relief Corps convention. ' J. W. Eldin and Mr. and Mrs. Ban dy, who are visiting relatives in Cen tral Point, were pleasant callers of Professor and Mrs. Relmer, last Sun day evening. Miss Laura Cabcree of Roseburg Is visiting Mrs. N. Chandler ths week. Miss Cabcree is a trained nurse and has been in California for a month's vacation. Mrs. Ted Furry and Miss .liianita Furry were among tho visitors to Ash land Sunday, Mrs. C. Carey will have many fine new varlctlos of dahlias for the ex hibit to be held this summer. The plants are budded for bloom now. Mr. and Mrs. Mohaffoy of Klamath Falls are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Rader. Mrs. Mehaffoy, nee Maude Newbury, and Mr. Meliaffey were married In Klamath Falls last Sunday and started by auto for the valley the same day. After a few weeks visit In tho valley, the happy young couple will return to Klamath Falls to re side. A Jolly picnic party to the Dig Ap- plcgate Sunday was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Turnbough of Central Point, Prof Bowman and wife and daughter, Alice of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. F. c. Relmer and family and Mr. Mc Cormick of Talent. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKay of Fein Valley wero In Ashland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey of North Tal ent spent Sunday lu Ashland. - Miss Fay Carver of Phoenix was at Ashland last Sunday. Harry Roams of Phoenix was ainone those who visited Ashland park Sunday. John Xyswiinicr, who bus been working at the Hluc Ledge for some time, returned to Talent recent I v nnd left for Hilt, Oil., Thursday morning. lr. Griffin has been under the weather for some lime with lumbago. Miss (lerllui Chirk of Millionaire How is the guest of Miss Edna Wells tins wrk. Mrs. High's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Kvans, also her sister, Miss Lotta Evans, were recent quests at the limb home. Miss Lottie will remain with her si-ler for u while. ill; Cuiiliue likhardsvu UOil Er TALK If the housewife cannot make lo able to make some delicious tart dishes, provided she 1ms supply of cheap canned rhubarb. In the. fol lowing recipes, either the freshly st ewed or tho canned rhubarb may be used. Rhubarb Pudding War Stylo. Line a buttered pudding dish with a layer of bread crumbs which have been soaked in water and lemon juice. Sprinkle with sugar and bits of but ter, then add a layer of slewed rhu barb which has been well sweetened. Fill dish with alternate layers of crumbs and rhubarb, cover top with dry bread crumbs and bits of butter, nest Jaeobson were quietly married lit the home of H. C. High by Rev. Rol lins' of Medford, only tho relatives mid a few friends of the bride and rroom being present. The young couple have the well wishes of Talent and vicinity. A firo broke out in tho garage on the Sum-rest orchard, caused, it be lieved, by the explosion of one of the machines, destroying the garage and part of tho bunk house. Some of the boys working at the orchard also lost their clothes and bicvole. Arthur Brown was a Talent caller Thursday. Mrs. H. H, King entertained Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chirk, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Mr. and Mis. J. W. Mills, Jr., at five hundred Saturday evening. The following Indies of the Talent Red Cross circle visited the Ashland auxiliary Friday afternoon: Mrs. Foss, Mrs. Glimes, Mrs. Ed Foss, Mrs. Ella lloldridge, Mrs. Charles lloldridge, Mrs. Frank lloldridge, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Mann ing, Airs. Trycr, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Burgan nnd Mrs, Crawford. Mrs. John Robinson was shopping in Aslilund Friday afternoon. Mrs. Matty Turner was an Aslw land visitor Friday.' Mrs. Gulhcrt was visiting in Ash land Friday. Mr. Hliss of Medford was purchas ing a cow in Talent- Friday. Mrs. A. If. Miller and son, Harney, of Ashland, visited at Hie home of Mrs. Sawyer on Wagner creek on Thursday. Miss Lorn Sawyer of Oakland, Oil., is spending her summer vaca tion with her father on Wagner creek. Rev. Sf. B. Pnronnngran, confer ence Sunday school missionary, of Salem, was a guest at the Jr. C. Reed home last week. He went from here to Klamath Falls and the Indian agency. Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. H. If. King were Ashland visitors Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glimes nnd son, Marry of Wagner creek, Mrs, Perry and Mrs. liurgim of Talent nltentlecl the Red Cross picnic ut Ashland last Monday. Ralph Bowman is sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oilheys vis ited with friends cast of Medford last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jumes Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. II. (1. Elnian of Ashland were guests at Oakmont farm Sim day. Mr. and Mrs. Pet (larrelt of Ash land and Mrs. Waldo Klinn, also of Ashland, visited at the home of Harry Lynch on Wagner creek Tlmrsduy. 31m. Nelson of Oakland, Cal.. was the miest of Mrs. Sawyer this week. Mrs. Adamson nnd daughter will leave Saturday to .spend the Fourth and ('liniitaiiiiiii season in Ashland. She. has rented Hie (. J. Young resi dence on 1'pper Gninile street.. Miss Verna Oilman was the gties! of Central Point friends Inst week. Mrs. Charles Jcffcry moved into her new home on Railroad avenue Thursday. Mrs, Ralph Koozer, w ho has been under Dr. Seelv's care the past week at the home of Mrs. Marie Otlerdule in Medford, returned Thursday. Her friends will be glad to lenm she is very much improved. J. S. Spitzer and family molored lo Ashland Monday aflcmoon. Mr. and Mrs. '.. (1. Tividivclt spent Monday afternoon in A-hliind, Mrs. J. T. Sawyer was shopping ill Ashland Monday. Mrs. George Zideis mid dmiS'iter were Ashland visitors .Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Estes ()( Oiendnle are vKitinsr relative in lown nnd will stay till after the 4lh of July. J. ('. Ward and Willinm Smidlcv were trading in town from Wagner creek Monday .Mrs. !i ii Coleman of Jiiek-oinill Km lat eck at tier father's lome nion pies next winter, on account of bake 30 minutes covered, then uncov er and bake 10 minutes' longer. Serve with a hard sauce flavored with nut meg. Jthenlxuli .Salad, Cut fresh rhubarb into inch long! lis and stew until tender. Strain thru a seive. Mix 2 cnpl'uls of sweetened juice with 1 ounce of gelatin which has been dissolved in cold water. Hold ami serve on lett nee leaves with and preferred salad dressing, - on Wagner creek, taking care of her brother, Edgar Adams, who has been sick with the measles. W. W. Wells and family spent Stin ilay afternoon in Ashland. Mr. and Sirs. Fred Brandt spent Sunday afternoon in Ashland. Mrs. Ed Lemming was nn Ashland business caller Tuesday morning. Marion Tryer, the Talent shoe man, spent Tuesday afternoon m Medford. The Community club entertained at their room in the town ball in honor of the old Indies of Talent. Tho hall was beautifully decorated iu roses and evergreens in honor of the occasion. A delicious lunch of ice cream, cake and tea was served. A large number of the club were present to do honor to (ho passing genera lion. The following guests weiv; in vited: Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Talent, Mrs. Foss, Mrs. Toogood, Mrs. Miittison, Mrs. Holdrcdge, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Bonhum, Mrs. Rich ardson, Mrs. Spitzer, Mrs. Of ford, Mrs. Truman, Mrs, Pace, Mrs. Her ring, Mrs. Amos, Mrs. Biirnit, Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. Shidlcr, Mrs. Woiks, Sirs. Adams, Mrs. Terrill, Mrs. Mur phy. Mrs. Ueiss, Mrs. Foxhnll, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Estes, Airs. Vogeli, Mrs. Btiriier, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. McMahon, Sirs. Witlirow, Mrs. Man-I nis, Mrs. Giinii, Mrs. , Glciuis, Mr.s. Smith, Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Patch, Mrs. J Cook, Mrs. Bcdl, Jin, Dossier. Mr.s. Heed, Mrs. Keith, Mrs. Firestone. Tho prize, a beautiful bouiiuct of roses, was awarded to Mjs. Fire stone, who IwouUl reach Iter Sftih birthday next month, and who had lirty-eight great grandchildren. N. O. J1 iwers was n business caller in Medford Tuesday afternoon. W. D. Withrow was attending to business mutters in Medford Tues day. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Beeson Thursday. E. E. Cook was an Ashland visitor Tuesday afternoon. Services at the Methodist church next Sunday us , usual. Sunday sellout, 111 a. m. ; preaching at 11; bible study, 0 p. in.; l'.pworth league, t p. in. A eordial invitation is ex tended to all? The first meeting of the Red Cross circle of Talcit met nt the school house Tuesday afternoon witu a membership of twenty-six. It is be lieved a great many more will take an interest in this work. Services at the Christian church next Sunday. Sunday .school, 10 a. m.: preaching, 1 1 ; Christian En deavor, 7 p. in.: evening service. H o'clock. All are cordially welcome. Several people from Reese Creek attended tho dnnce nt Kaglo Point Saturday night, given by tho Red Cross. They say they took In over a hundred dollars (of course expenses will ooiiio out of that) but financially it wns a success. Will Crandalt's visited at Bert Ctar no's Sunday. Mrs. l,ottle Woods and Blanch Con over spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff t'onorver. Mrs. Isabel! visited at Mr. flam mel's one evening last week. Mrs. Logan of Eagle Point raited on Mrs. Wutklns ont afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ilaninict made a flying trip to Medford and back Sat urday evening. The Sunday school hour at Hcee Creek has been changed from 2 p. in. to 10 a. m. Mr. Briltson of Medford preached nt Reese Creek Sunday morning, lie returned to Medford this week. Elmer Robertson has been hauling wood this week. The Eagle Point, Derby, Trait. Laurel Hill and Itceso Creek Sunday M', liS for a U day REESE CREEK RIPLETS the II. 0. c-f lemons, she will still be lCbuluu'b aud Divlcs, A delicious mix! urn for turls is made of dales and rhubarb. Stone 'i pound of dates and stew for 5 minutes. Add II cupfuls of rhu barb ent into inch lengths and cook until rhubabr is tender. Sweeten to taste. Riiisins and figs can bo used with rliuburh in: the same way. Rhubarb and raisins may be canned together for pies. convention July 15. All are to bring dinner and eat on the grounds. Mr. McCabe visited at Mr. Robert son's Sunday. '"',' Mrs. Sarah McKay spent a few hours with Mrs. J. V. Ilieks on Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Birkholz motored to Rogue River on Sunday. Mrs, R, W. Elden was hostess to the Pan-Hellenic club at her home on KSalurduy afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Hull of Grants Puss spent (he week end with Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Tompkins. The Parent-Teacher ctiib will meet on June 3(1 at the home of Mrs. (). S. Weeher. Mr. and Sirs. Sum Anderson nnd family and A. V. Carlson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Andren of Medford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. Elden nnd fam ily, Miss Rose Jones nnd Mrs. llirk holr, and son Roland spent Tuesday at the Ashland park. Mrs, Wallace Bergman is visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ilert Cfanio. W. Crandal was in Medford Satur day. Irwin Howen of Trail, while play ing hull, injured bis ankle badly. Mrs. Kit Houston and daughter and Jack Houston returned from Medford Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Steve Smith were in Luke (.'reck lust week attending to business matters. Juspar lfuniin, who lias been in California, returned Sunday. Dr. Kirehgcssner was ill Appbgalc count rv last week. Mr. Mansfield drove a bund of sheep from I he valley to pasture (hem on the Dcbenger ranch, which he has leased. Perry Foster and Henry French were in r.iigle Point 1 uesilav. Mrs. (IhIk Carvel ami daughter, Grace, of San Francisco, are visiting her sister, Mrs. It. ,1. Kirehgcssner. C01I HOUSE REPORT Reported by Jackson County Ab Btract Co., Sixth and Fir 8t. Marrbigo License, Raymond S. Iiouslry and Willeskn Sf. Roberts. Mark Wiuuiugham uiid Martha Walk ins. Kdwunl P. Creasar and Lillian Frances potter. Circuit Court, F.tta M. Vawter et. nt Gi nrge F. King et al, proof of mailing. Luke Rvan et nl vs. Grunt Alder et al, proof of mailing. Herbert 11. Leonard vs. Abbie Cluiinpliii, mechanics lien. Slate of Oregon vs. Acey C. Mar tin, transcript. I'rolNMc Court. K'futo of Jumes I. Frrdenhurg, will, order udiiiitliiig, older aihmt ing appraisers. Gllurdiaicdiip of Jolm Milloil KoU- ei'lson, order. tv-tolo of Grunt. Finlev, order for eitolioii. K-tate of W. S. Mill, order f. -ii le. proof of publication. CHICHESTER S PILLS f ttrs nowti tt Km, Aliri KL sot er ORteorsis ivtRWMtre III). lMllllf IIHATIU, Jk Cr's&. rim til rd ai .uiiiAV I i. Jf BIAMllMI MIMMl t'll-llMtl Real Estate Transfers. I'niott Oil & I.-md Co. -to Unit ed Copper Co., mining lands ill upper Grave creek milling district t 1 S. S. Fluhiivt to United Cop per Co., mining lands in up per Grave creek milling dis trict 1 Ralph 0. Jennings, sheriff, to l. Xiedcrmever, land in tp. H7-2W -1,0110 Ralph G. Jeuniugs, sheriff, to L. Niedermever, land in twp. 37-2W .'. 2,120 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Rauch cook for ten men. Phoue 129. Rogue River Yallev Canal Co. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work and care of children. Mrs. W. J. Warnor. Bt9 S. Oakdale Avenue. Phone 696-M. SO WANTED Middle-aged or older wo man for light housework. Phono 348-R. 86 WAiNTKD Girl for general house work. Phono 784-W. WANTED fih-1 for general house work. Call 567-J2. HELP WASTKD MALE WANTED Man and wife on ranch near Medford. . Woman to run cook house. Inquire Bnrdwell Fruit Co. WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch, woman to cook for men cm ployed on ranch. Address A. (1 Bishop, Eagle Point, Oregon. 8! FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE harness. Good horse, buggy and Phone 541-X. 88 FOR SALE Young team of horses, or will trade for wood. Call phone 825-L. 8T FOR SALE Young cows and hetfors. Box 58, R. 2, Medford. 85 FOR SALE Sow and pigs. A. E. Hall, R. Griffin Creek. five weanod 1, Box D5A 84 FOB SALE MISiCKliLAXEOUS FOR SALE Second-hand 12x14 tent. 329 N. Barttott. 84 FOR SALE-Or trado, housohold fur niture, horse, harness, buggy, cow and calf, large gardon, good garden tools, chickens and canaries. Phone , 578-R. & FOR SALE Two-burner hot ga& stove with combination sum mer burner. Almost new at half price. Phono Si20-U days. FOR SALE M. -Grand hay, Phono zm 8! FOR SALE A confocttonery store fee crenm nnrlor. notions. clKurs aifd tobacco, in conjunction with a , pool parlor, tor sale cheap. ' Owner wants to ranch.. Write R. J. Wil- lard, Elna, California. 84 FOR SALE- Donsehold goods, fntit Jars, etc. 142 ,N. Ivy. Phone SSIt W. FOR SALE First class smalt crenm separator, cheap. Phone 6 89-.I 87 TOR SADE Light 1916 modol tour- ing car in good condition. Has selt-stnrter and electric lights. Would trade on house and lot In (Medford. Box 1, E., Mall Tribune. 87 FOR SALE Ftve-pnssorigor touring car in first class conrtttfon; good tires; will sacrifice for a quick solo. W. W. Hartley. Phono 20 1-R2. 87 FOll SALE ('heap, fi-pussenger Ford touring car, 1914 model, tn first- class condition. Medford Junk Co. I'-Oll SALE Maxwell Ante, 1911 model. Fair condition. Prlco 1150. E. S. Wilson. Jacksonville. 83 FOR SALE Cheap, on account of sickness, teaso on fivo acres, throo acres In fruit, berries and garden balanco pasture; five-room hiuma- low, ano cow, cluckena anil furni ture. Enstl4tbSt. 84 FOR SALE BEAli liSTATB FOR SALE Farming land, fruit land, stock ranches, timber land, from HO per acre up. on long time, easy payments. Address-Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE Six-room house and gar den 90x200: t50." Phono 382-L 85 I.WUM Itiri MIIVL'V In I'.inudlnn Pnclftc mil. way lands. Far literature, aud spe cial excursion leaving Ashland, W. I). Hodgson, Agnttt, Ashland, On- gtm. W A N TED M IS ELI. A N EOI'S WANTED Twenty-five, npplo thin ners. Call t Guy Conner's w house. Phone 64. !S WANTED Medford teaehor will coach pupils during vacation Phone 83 t-R. M WANTED To ronl for six weeks ucntlo niftk cow. Mrs. Ncff, 1 Oil Lincoln St.. Harvey homo. 84 WANTICI1 Hay to bnlo for power buler. first class work, Cull It. D Powell. Phono Ashland KV 13, on Mlra Vista ors'lwsl. Phone 5!7-.!2 WANTKI Some good apples, at Do- Voe's. WANTED Pasture for two horses near Medford. Running water in pasture. Phone 1126, WANTED To buy 50 cords fir wood Jackson County Creamery. WANTED Urlng u your egg and Poultry. Wo pay cash. Medford Poultry and Egg Co, WASTED Hwt to mor m-U, Or 4SS-X. Phone FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished Apt. summer rates. The Berben. Phone &38-R. FOR RENT One completely furnish ed apartment at Hotel Holtnnrt. FOR RKN1 MOVSES FOR RENT Mortens furnished bun galow. 304 S. Central. FOll RENT A beautiful six-room up-to-date cottage, including sleep ing porches, for rent at 29 Summitt Avonue. Price. $18.00. J, W. Wakefield, Medford, Oregon. 08 ?OH RENT Modern five-room house and garage. Phono 370-W, FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished houses., Emnlcvment Agen cy. t. A. Rartnv. 123 Pas Mi STRAYED. STltAYEIli From my ranch at Pro- volt, Oregon, April. tt?. ono fccown mare five years old, branded C7 on hip with bell on when last 8oen:one black yearling mare colt, no brand, also ono ltcht roan mure four years old branded C7, on hip strayed In April, 1916, A liberal reward will be paid for their recov ery. F, B, Lichens, Provolt, Ore. Kt MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO DO AN On Kood secur ity. Phone 647-J. J. B. Andrews. MONEY TO LOAN From ttOftO to J5&90 on hand to loan at 7 per cent, on good farm security. Earl Tumy, 210 Garnott-Corey Bldg. tf MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on Medford property. Easy month ly payments. See D, U- Wood. BUSINESS DIKECTORT Accountant. B. M. WILSON Certified Public Ac countant, room 411, M. F. & H. Bldg., Medford, Oregon. A us to Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and beat equipped plant in the P& etflc northwest. TJse our Bpringa when others fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fiflconth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. H. RE AMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garnetb Collections COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS W collected some accounts 14 year old. We know how to get th money. The Bullock Morcantllt Agency, Inc., Rooms I, 2, 3. Hoa kiaa' Bldg., 218 E. Main at lentlsts DR. T. T. SHAW Dentist. Over Dan lets Clothing Store In rooms for merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phona ses-Y. Engineer and Contractor FRED N. CUMM1NGS Engineer and contractor, 40 M. F. & H. Bid Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain age, orchard and land Improvement Carlmgo UARBAUE Get your premise cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city gorbage wagona fov good service. Phone 874-L. Y. Allen. . Instruction In Music FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher oi piano aud harmuny, Haiglit MusU Studio, 401 Garaett-Corey Bldg, Phoae 72, Insurance BARD H. TUMY General Insurance office, Fire, Automobile Accident, Liability, Plata Glass, Contrast and Surety Slonds. Excellent com panies, good local aorvlce. No. 21t Oarnett-Corey Bldg. I'hyslelnns and Surgeona DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physician. S03 Qarnett-Corey build ing, Phone IM. DR. J, J. EMMENS3 Physician and anrgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and tbront. Eyes aclen. tfflcully tested and glussna sup piled. Oculist and Autlat fur S, P, R. R. Co. Otriroa u, V. & J!. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 687. I'rinlora and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hua th best eipitpped printing office la Southern Oregon; Hook binding, loose leaf ledger, billing systems, etc Portland price. 27 Nortlt Fir t Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Office 42 North Ptunt St. Pnnn 815, Price rlxbt. Bjiviee gur atlteed IXTEItl IGIAX AITOCAU O, TIME CARD. Leave Medford for Ashlnnd. Talent, and Phoenix dally, except Suuday, at 8:00 A. m., 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Iso on Saturday at 10:15 p, m. Sun y leave at 8 and 10:30 a. m, and :00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:3H p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford daily, except Sunday, at 9:00 a, m., 1:00, 4:00 and R; 15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at f!:Kf. Simrtnjj leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m., and 10.3Q a. nt., UOO, 4:30, S ; 30, aud 10:30 p. m.