' VACV, TOT.TR, iMT.DFOTJD MATL TRTBUXE, MTCnFOTTO, OTCECJOX. MOXDAY. JUXE 2.". 1917 f OCAL AND L' PERSONAL MIms Marie, Aiiii'IIa mill rlilllplne S.iuor ot Omnia l'u who lmve been Malting Mrs. Vnnco llostivk-k re tnnieil homo Unlay. Jntinsua fur tin:, clasa watch re pnlrhiK. tf Siiieiiiiteiileiit of Sehonlf V. Med io IHIMs nml f iiiulty are hh'iiiIIiik Iho summer lu Idaho mill at Iho present time nro vUlllnit hi lUdpe. llutlorinllk, 10c sal. PeVoe'a. The Niilulorltim plunge will ho oreued some lime I Ilia work for Iho minunor season, I'akery goods at MWi Tho Seattle, Wa.h., Times of Juno !lli niihllsht'il liliotagraph of Mr, llertiert lloltnilllor. it hrlilo of May SSrd Ul. Mr. mitl Mr. Iloiimlllor Mill make iliolr homo In Medford. See Pave Wood iihoiit lht fire In atiram'e policy. Office, liootn 404, M k. 11. n.iin. .V.lsso Mary and Josephine Taylor of Kiweno are hero for mi extended vWt mltli Mr. mid Mr. IV W. llrls eoll. Thoy arrived Saturday. Ills Ro milk shakes at IVWi nr. S. A, Miilkoy. the well known Central Point dentist, has decided lo locate In rorlland and leave till week for tho nietivpola aeeonipanied ly Mrs. Miilkoy mid Iliolr daughter. Mis Relda. Hr, llolno fits flum eorreetly, Tho tYndlelon Honndiin delegation of twenty mon mid womon rough rid ers, eex-upying a special tourist car. pased thm tho rtty this morning on rout to Ashland where thoy will par ticipate In tho Ws roundup doings of July S, 4, and S, On Iho same train were their forty horses eceupylng in c;res car. r'resh Chocolates at rvVoe'a. Among Kagio Tolnt people who spent tho week ond In tho city woro Mr and Mrs. W. K. Ilammol. S. II. lie-tines, W. 11. Crandall and T. 3. A OIK, Vr tho host Insurance too Holmea. tho Insurance Man, Medford for a sJtort llnio Saturday v.lght entertained an ovorflow from tho celc'.-iation of Ashland or tho !o-.ihliv.S hy that clly and Iho smith :i.l of tho county of thotr allotted l', Cw amount. Several hundred ev.th'.is-.astie Ah!ander In from So to 10.1 a ,tos, which or decorated wnh K 1 Cnw hannors, drove thru t".e fiixvis of this city with honking ho. ns '.i,l cheering, Pr, Frank Ror-erts, dentist 8". Mark ru-.S.lir.g. Khort SJS-Y. Mr, and Mr. W. H, Johnson and Mrs.. J. W. Williams of Ogden. I'tah, an a'l aM"omo.'lio tourist tarty who iv.M j)-.o xiivk ond in Mol:ord and i.' ".;:y. l!a:.s. t:-o. llotol Holland. "rs K M Wt'.sn loft this mornini: for Wo-,!. Oa'.iforma. lo ho at tho bol s; lo .t s'.sior. Mr. H. & Wollv .o jv.rr.l a strwko of mt'dsii S r..'.x r.'tM and Is In a or',:u-al rios !S4 lioJUh" fir.(! Stor Modford liolola and restaurants aro maklnit proparntloua lo help rars for tho Rront crowd timt will attond tho Ashland roundup rolohrstlon from all parts of tho stnlo mid California. Ful ly "5,009 opl aro expected and Ashland will be unable lo care for nil of llioni, even tho many of tho homes of that city will entertain guests ilur Ihk the roundup period. The Mod ford hotels are arranging lo plnco cots tit all available space. In fact It now looks as If many Modford people will bo called upon to receive roundup vis itors In tholr homes, both for meals mid sleeping nrt'oimnodntious. Alco Taxi Phono JS. Mrs. M. C. Harbor, w ho has Just re lumed from a five days visit with her son. Newell, nt the army aviation school nonr San IMogo, and the oilier Medford boys there and reports them as all happy. In good health and en thusiastic spirits. Soeley Hall is ac tually getting fat. Mutl Williamson Is still a little pale from a recent Ill ness. All the Modford soldier flyers sent with Mrs. Harbor tholr best wish es to relatives and friends hero. Information regarding rates and coverage of compensation Insurance upon ranch and orchard employes fur nished hy the McCurdy Agency. Tele phone Number One, Two Three, SI The Alpha Iielta class of the Chris tian church will meet with Mrs. Hoy fltiyer Wednesday afternoou at S:S0. The program Is In charge of Miss Graves. The serving committee is as follows: Mrs. K, K. Robinson, Mrs. Hoy Ouyor, Mrs. O. O. Alonderfor. Mrs, Qulsenherry and Miss Anna Jot frey. This will be the last meeting before the vacation season and a large attendance is desired. Ashland Chaulaq.ua. July 11 to !0. Take a vacation and tent in the park Splendid program and a great now auditorium. Something doing all the time, for season tickets call Medford i0. EAGLE POJN T EAGLETS By A. a Hewlett Miss lvlllve Hrown of Lebanon. Oregon, who Is in the employ of Elll-son-Whlte Chautauqua company came out from Medford to visit Miss Bea trice Thurston, who Is also In the em ploy of the same company, but when when she reached the Sunny-side hotel found that she had started in the morning toward PrownsNro, so Ihe telephone was brought Into play and about o'clock p. i. she was located and Miss p. s-evnred the services of F-red Kdsall, with Ms auto to go after her. and In a short time the two girls were togvther. That Miss Thurston earns her salary Is not a debatable question and she seems to be meeting with success la hoc undertaking. The wxt day Mtss Prown went to Batte raV.s with Mr. Kdsall la his a:o to look ever the jrespe.-t in tjist swtien return'.r.g the SJinie days. Vrotn ev ery evrearar.ee we are going to have a ger.aine Chaatasqna tier this fa. 5. i Thsrsdaj C. C- Cite, oar county yathoo'.fist, J. R. Kline oar doe-.ilv f?u;t insrec:or. Hearv Town r.o:,fr cv..).ny of Iho engineers' , ...... , i- '.tii1 CATV'S tsassvst t? surely been going some Ihe past few. days. 1 have not been able to ascer-! tnln Ihe amount thoy have raised, but I notice soma of the objects of their search dodging nroiind the corners of tho buildings and one lady, who seemed to be on a "hot trail" ran sqiuiro against our road supervisor and came near running Into me as I was talking to him nt the time, but he braced himself and kept from full ing and I dodged back Just In time, but there was no harm done and the aforesaid Indy Is Just as pleasant as over. I understand that they have boon very successful In their under taking. Miss Wllmer Morris, one of Ihe young Indies who came out from Putte Kails to thin apples on the All vista orchard, was taken sick and had to go home on the train Thursday morning and I have learned since that she will have lo undergo an operation before she can get well. Win. G. Knighton, one of our best cltiicns. started early Friday morning to take Mrs. C. Painter to Medford in his Ford to be with her mother, Grandma Curtice, who Is falling very rapidly, as she is in the S9th year of her age. Swan Pergqulst, one of our enterpris ing farmers went up to the Edsall station Thursday to assist in placing a valuatlou on some of the real estate In that section for men who desire to take advantage of the federal loan act. The farmers who have had alfalfa to cut and euro have had a fine time to do It as we have bad a long dry spell, and now thoy aro ready to do something else, as the first crop Is about all cared for. Tho Von dor Hellen lldw. Co. have succeeded In getting installed a motor blower for the use of the autolsts who come in with flat tires. A very great convenience. James Culberlson and daughter of l C, motored In Friday. W. E. Hammel was a business call er Thursday. Mayor Gates with Me.tsrs Carkin. Gaddis, Hargrsve and the Irrespressl Me Pr. Keene accompanied by the city engineer of Medford, Mr. Am- spiger. who had been up to the In take of the Medford water system, stopped here and had soft drinks at Lewis' confectionery and a smoke. They seemed to think that the Fish Lake dam was all right as long as the company did not raise the water any higher, but we wjmt no thtr.ks aNsut It, bat a positive know that it is safe, and no foolishness about, it tor there are some of our ciliseas will bo pre mature gray on account of the scare they had when the din washed away from the reeks that had been tirown in the dam, S-.nce my last report Henry Town of Lake Creek aad Mrs- P. S. Nichols hav renewed tkeir sab- to the M. M. T.. the first to the W. M. T. and tie svtved to the IV M. T.. aid J. K Spenccd hits g-en me his sab. to tic Vedlord Sxs. This Saturday Kerning a'Soa: Je;5t. I raet Mr. Iie-n-.n Mejer err rr.a: carrier rrera fcfre to 1. C, and a.skei hint why io fcaj ac-i sv ,v, -.), t.;tk:r.g ii,a! rvrhaps sore ere ,as s;.k. ar.i ic sji;d thu fc ricr.t, Mr r.d Mrs. J. T. Sj3e .adja. ra., sd n-, clrricj a p,.-k Mr. ar,3 Mr. . A S of AU43sl rake ar.i .rti . .. v. E COHIC, June 2,r. M'uehino suns woro usfcl on t tic Sinn Koinors in the disturbance here ycr-tordnv niorniiij;. Thov were Lrouijlit into action after iho police with clulis bail faile 1 to restore order. Xne noti r was killed, another severely wounded while a dozen were treated in hospitals for Imyonol and other wounds. The riot event tuilly wius quelled without the Iroojis eominir iulo action. I.ON'IXVV. June 2o. The number of jHTSons injured more or less ser iously in the rioting in Cork last nipht is triven as about tlyrty, nc coniinir to a Central News dispatch from that city. One police inspector was seriously injured and policemen had narrow cscupes. When machine puns were. trained on the crowd most of the rioters disainH-ared. her idle ears in oeration; another tliuiisand with an appropriate number of cars to free the congested freight terminals and another 8."0 aunuully to meet the deficiency between Rus sia's manufacture and her needs for renewal and new construction. The United States, the professor said, is Russia's hope in this hupe program and negotiations are now in progress which are most promising. KEEPS SHIPS IDLE BOSTON'. June S,". Pespite the entente allies acute need of ship, arisinc from the submarine menace, more than 1.000,000 tons of nentral shipping is swinpnir idly at anchor in the harbors of boHiyereut nations, according to a statement made by Atijruslo Ciuffelli, former member of the ItalisV eabinel and member of the Italian mission, to the Associated Press here today. Oroed. he said, was the movinc i.ie Private reports received by the As sociated Press up to the end of the second week of June describe pros pects for 1SIT as anything iNut bril liant. They say that rains are urg ently needed aad If they come oppor tunely could do much to same suffer ing spring grain and in-.prov winter grain prospects but in no case eon'd produce better than a bare n-,:ddie harvest. PKTHOGHAD, June 25. The pro provisional irovemment Unlay decided to solve bv radical state socialistic methods (he crisis caused by complete lack of manufactured poods. To morrow it will issue a devree mak ini; M. Pieschehonotf, minister of food and supplies, responsible for fumishiiiir the population with all in dispensable industrial products, es peoiallv textiles, shoes, soap ajid kerosene. A fund therefor w ill be at the min ister's disposal bv the senate. The ministry will, where neeesary, proceed itself lo manufacture the aforesaid foods. The existin? provincial or 1 conizations created by the provision lal government April 7 for distribut- inir food, will in the future also pro duce and distribute manufactured articles. W. W. Potter of Dunsmulr. Califor- ; nia. Is a Tisitor in the city for several ', days on business. BOTH MOTHER AND DAUGHTER j Relieved From Pain and : Suffering by Lydia E. PLnkham's Vegetable 1 Compound. RUSSIA NEEDS : Starr, a hardware a3ei-.a ilvM'.ar.J. Gerpo NVhes aid lVe Creek. Jt. O. JV.lct aid wife of !. city S .?..! tn route f?vm San Fratacisc .v V - i ..-.'.t. ijiVe. ashir.ston, C,c'.-.T. ar.d oil at IVVceX 1 Yl.-r ef l'..xr.-.x rl le eck ?.. -.a the city. .. .. .. iiMsvxv v a.,:,7r.-.a. rercYser.t;7.g rs-'Wr.vv-r v. v, v .. H 1 , !. t vr,' Vj.,m K-.t-!,. . . ., ,k. w k.g e t N?7 ku; je-j lrTVWH V. i;fa.l llTiT.C ,V?f.VJH. V-.T)-., V . . . ... .caT.e in frcw .-.s .. ,. . " , , 3 ""-- io oj srje werk en t!e read its) aj.,-ve vjv. WASH!NC.TtN". Jjcc 2 Loee-Tr.otives- 5tVaoit es ard st;:l core locwaor.vcs.- arc 3.e f&ia riei:s of Ks:a tox:.ay, acooT;.r. t ;svr Uvaseoioif. ra-Jrd n;n ister wr.h lie Rsssdta E.:s.fia. v-i!e frank- 1 cjio s-i.y to yo.j. or.r At.ver.caa frieze.-," he s:A. "jAf r.s cot:c r.i we siili p-e yoa ir.-.'.itjiry s access-" Ras' rii-vs .t one JM ls-:c-3 Aaxr.cia lcvEotiw lo jvsi Frvvirrr. X.T. Tcr tire or fcer years I severed a irreat deal of raua reriodicaZl'T. so 1 wemji hare to &e &ws. My cci icccii zb acd 1 wrcja fe- I very weak aaa erarue- I ress terec b?w rr v er had fna reijel frcen psin by osisg Lydia E- Pir khr 'a Ve p e t a b 1 e Cco-roc-i asd I oeosai to try it. ar5 tfTn-rs to tie CocTTonai if bejrieid r jb$3 as it id rr.y or'aer. . I am ire frrmi pta. ceoeral weaiTes that was so to tear. I ta r4e to do ray w-nrk darmj ssci titses azj ass recvir.?ieor'ig Lydn E. Pi-kha-m a VepetaWe Ceirnnii' te rr.y frienis wbo s?er ks I cii" Kim Wita TttTEK ocx, 162; Je2enas Are, Bnxi'rn, X. Y, To know whether t,Td: F. rinkbjra's Vecetahle Componod will help you. jost try it. For drier write toLydla E-Pinkham Medicine Cx eottfidenrtad Lynn, Ma.. Y oar lerterwi 11 he opened, read and ansvrered by vroroAD, auid heJd lu lUict con4coc. i lard Hiat W. S.cl'ey of Sas rras-'j 5.a: it iai spii owr ai V.4Tk v ... r Je.'.5x4 to tpuni Samrvia; n.ir !!rt. ..i.J. Of! .'a.-Vs Oetay l.vtrs, J to I Tc eawe 1 te a 3o4 ef Hairs it tt ,t! m,,, Jt ,1.v.t to e -osvi .y Y T. O. S A sriie r.vais s.v trey are M rv.. Vy via: ' re Su c' .mv . Vts it oi!.v4 a4 . K? 'CR C J...7f.SS ) , . -. ! . i; -. i ; ; i -. : it-; i ;.jre vc- ; j, I? ).( t 1 l-t . C7. .', J i ; 'tc r ; . 1 1 n-f, i f -.I rfw-r ' i .-.a. i-.ti i.i A If 5 1. i.s;i.-r. r t. isi.77. : i ' ( V ei!- ft II 1 .O .j -s a i V 7 I I 7t.S' t i : fM1 i:. f. V-'j. t 7-M V f-fitl. fm- .kSBO. 70. S.I.-il.-: t- "T-it :"i, i i.c s,i,,..:,t or 7J T. V"i.l:;.. " Sid. hi. ''. k '' V ( .-,...!; te . 1 J, Kr..:. r "i , ) i Ti-.in. ,t.f trc a iHi-t-' i. i (, vi : i y.oH. r."t v' i.t v )!.- ; i.n ii r,-r .7,1 Si ! n. ,i. ;.( i i i "(.-''. Wi 4 I'C ' r i n '-t i,. ) tii, t-c-sss. f-aycis, Vi7.T.e.Ma, ea.ls for cir.Trr. V!r e :e,- rcr.cwej i.-.s t lie W ' V 7 r4 a'.sie jave the itfre tia; . j.ii llat Tf.v7..7.f fA-'r.fil ett t.-e Jwj c.f wvmi s.yev at 4 so'i ss Sei eA Rrcwa A S.-.7S fcr t)..rvj'u' ars ai.4 s.-A;y vr.;s. a'rrosi f;vt i.V.'.ars rc Voai. j Tltrsi.'a r.:,-"i..7.t TV W r 5ic": fft ;.r Vfi !.ri te it Mr. las w.! "I Aar,t.:s,r, M .s Y.mh. irt Mrs, i ic'v Sit.: sc. Vrs. A T y.ntx ul f? :.;i)e ai.frer .ai:y tS Pi'Ve; f O'.-. 'en. iv V-s. V.,m ari )-f,r .ti.iite? K l.iw l'i ixi i 'f c rr-e Mi),i Lli VK,"l."'(y. ..)( ;H .1.::? lis iii ,T.f li:'.v.'. ill .if vi.vr !iwi tki.i,! a Tart tt t . 7i-fj..s tl'fy fr f-M at -.I f Si.j t.'-sodf. Vn u a M V-s. Kf.M n .k imj i.; if h a j.n J ;) n.n u-ec ;t tn VW'. n,ve. Sot O-ms Min.'ttor tier rs: .:s tire f MASTER FOOD Drape-Nuts Aww'SEWEHtl ) -ot' s..v i-.-.is t.. nvt.. c: s:,.-iy. i-.sr. n -;. 'a-n ki-f.x ;) -ari f. I i l'1'M-ti i'.l .' ' KM;,, AVrT.V Ve' e.il:.l 7-17.it TK-.M Hl-S. !i".l,( Ml ;i.r- il 71. ii t 7. 71. St l.'. l: l-K. 1 : CdllK Jll rjl..t rs .'1 ' .1 1-4 1, ,kia wa7.il re-; M.f. V t- P.HICHESTtR S PILLS t'Ofiri: 1 ) k itwl. . l.f inr Uly- f2 V"'" 'i'iSiw., 17,r., if.-t. i ': Tiki.i, ,"t jw. a;:irA r5V V,ti'lii MoStiW ""rj F7i.-'ff,:ay STAR TONIGHT Wm. Russell The Torch Bearer CHi Ovmei. COMING Wed. and Thur. June 27-28 NAZIMOVA Augmented Orchestra 7 ; -; 1 'v Trn.-,? i t 5 & Twice Daily aj4 V m. Vt:.iiw j.-i.-ns -fii:. 1 .r. rf n ' ie: i'.i. .-..a j . I l,rv i-r r-rtr-, .' i r. in :.c i -'tvts a,r. Hil t re ft '. i 1 "! r i "; v.- WAR BRIDES V, a Vi u Pia, Kt--?: t ra-f ' "to ". r.".l. AU.l tU Cm- .inM:ii f:c-( n-r" ut 1 1; :"' l.u 'X-t !:i.-t-iif :i a,i 'Tmi- is I'.-'-.l t.r t,r 3"-ni f iy ri-v :: tir-n ji..'t "r.t "lVa 7:i-i 4.1 Irr li Lnni a ..i.-.t-..i ii. t f.c u.f f.-i-. --.n n "- I (Vvi rrr lit: -.in r-'tis' Nu: rw''i :it. i t C :ii -.M nt-y r.rtr. t n u-t ! Ms'-" -! nirK iiftl nm.1. .: l ii:.T7. rt J..U Imttt r.A hi-, fit; t-M'L i r.i -n." wt tuf . t 7.f:f.;n" id Mil n: -j! t-i .n.cs ii! :.ti( t,t-f. "" 400,000 Messages Every 24 hours, more than 400,000 mes sages are sent by WESTERN UNION to 26,000 cities, towns and hamlets. Over 40,000 employees give them faithful and efficient attention. TekeramtDay Letters Night Letters Cablegrams I oney T rans) 'erred by Wire THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. CONSERVE FOODS! BEGIN NOW Prevent food waste by being ready to can, pre serve, dry, pickle, salt, or store surplus fruits and vegetables... See that everything needed is at hand and ready to use. As tin cans may be scarce (1) Can for home use in glass or stoneware contain ers. (2) Eeserve tight-sealing containers for canning. Tnr ii-,-, -ionia inllii.c TimcnlTlM! nilrl tVllifr. a iti 1 j i 1 1. . j . . . . j-. . .. - . , ...... . - . - juices in glasses or bottles sealed with cork or paper and parifi'in. (3) Concentrate products, especially soup mixtures, so that each rontainer will hold as much canned food and as little water as possible. (4 l Dry sm-h vegetables as corn, string beans, navy Ivans, mature lima beans, okra, etc. Piekle or brine suitaMo vegetables in crocks. (-5 i Make your fields or home gardens produce dry Wans, pcatuuts. soy beans, cabbage, potatoes, and root crops, that can be stored in pit or cellar. - - - DON'T HAVE AN EMPTY CONTAINER IN Y0FR NEIGHBORHOOD NEXT FALL U. S. DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D. C. IMKTUXD JOCRNAL sars: As delightful and altogether as fascln i:izc a j-ic-.or'.ar as ose would care to see. Is 'The Law of the North,' j?;jL.-r,i.f tie rreitr Shirley Mason, at the Columbia. :HERE TONIGHT ONLY: -MUSIC- SHIRLEY MASON ( Y arU laana'i t.l.lne la xhc abwrbitifi. swnically beau- Page Theater Orchestra ufal drama of the Canadian wil.ls. Harry HOWell, Director. LAWoithe NORTH Tlie Groat Drama of "North of SU." AVhere a Mans a Man and I in l'nst is His Own . It Deals With the liove-lifo sr.d Strife of the Famous j xokthwkstpolhm;- I; You'll Fairh Tingle Witli Its Tlivoh-1'ii-g Romance. ,9 ALSO PTRI Thi Xuui,vr- 5tagod in the West, r. .,hows ? TrvvP t CowN.ys Whose a.: iirr -i I ail'.r.g :s Very Sonational. Az.iVz::e Sin's Fila. "Life in tie Navy in Time ii-Vci. -vslI War" acMmjinied by lecturvr. -TOMORROW BIG BILL HART S0'-RE J.i t ntn Imtr rcifiu. ti 'mit;r'T, f.fitjr. TT7 a x fx-..ru,Un-si! mm -ia kit ULAL iitn.i-en ii M t.u. jit-! u,u rt-i?. N" PAGE Regular Prices Aii 15c; Ctildwn 5c PAGE 1,... u Rpr.v.r.vvvsVv ITI'C-.