Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 20, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Tli(! now school lion nl nt ils f'rst
iiivi'tiiij? lii-lil la-t nijjlit voti-J to ten
der llifi id-il Cross eh.-ipti-r the use of
the hewing inaehiiu-s in the hij;h
school ami also the use of the buiMirif:
for i-il Cro-'? purposes. The only
ni'iriitne vote- was east by V. E.
rhiiis. Tin- only absent r was II.
O. Noplwiek.
Jiiiiiii'iliati.-ly ofti-r Drs. K. IL Por
ter anil K. ('. Kiihli l, the newly elei-t-i-d
members, had been sworn in, anil
the purpose or the special meeting
hail been e.vplaineil by President
I'aliner, Dr. I'orter presented a nio
tion to permit the Hed Cross the use
of the building and sewing maehines.
Dr. Kiddel at onee seeoniled the mo
tion. Hi-lore the motion eouhi lie put
.Mr. I'hipps di'iaaiidi ii a yea mid nav
vole, and made stroni; obieelions in
a lengthy address against the motion.
l1tipIS OppOMSS Itl'll ClUSH.
Mr. I'hipps held that the board had
no authority in law lo loan the sew
iiijf maehines in fuel I'oiitended that
the aetion would be illegal. During
the eourse of his remarks .Mr. I'hipps
is quoted as saying:
''How do you know where the
money (;oes I hat is beiiiK eolb-i-ted for
the Hod Cross turnout the United
States? The war may last billy I lire
monhs and llien who knows but it
might happen that the most of that
million dollar fund may be used by
persons high in the ed Cross to lake
n jaunt to Kurope to have a look at
the battle fields.
"If the Indie (refcrrinjr to the
Meilford Chapter of the Hed C ross )
want to do sniiielliiiiir for the lied
Cross le them pi out into the oii-li-ards
and thin fruit and (jive Ihe
money they earn that way to the Hed
I'orter lli-fencls ltl Cross.
Hardly had Mr. I'hipps concluded
than Dr. I'orler was on his feet mak
ing n vigorous defense of the lied
Cross and explaining to Mr. I'hipps
that in his remarks he had shown lie
was iirnorunt of the purposes and na
ture of Ihe Hed Cross. He slated
that Ihe Hed Cross was Ihe only trout
world charily when- ll.'i or !l(i peioenl
of ils funds aolnally urns lo relieve
want nail sulTering, and explaining
the workings of the ., Cross and
Ihe great wolk it had perfonned in
the past, even citing local instances.
Dr. I'orler also lohl Mr. I'hipps
that lie had the wmng oouceplion of
the make up of the local chapter, and
that many of the women who meet
daily at lieaihpiartors lo sew ban
dages, etc., for Ihe wounded soldiers
Wore of middle ngc and beyond, and
would be incapable of working in
orchards if they wanted to.
Talks of Injunction.
No ill Iceling was shown at Ihe
meeting, but jusl lis it had conclud
ed Mr. I'hipps romarkeil:
"You ought lo lime looked into Un
law of this thing (before passing thai
motion. Who knows but that some
citizen may pet ou( an injunction
against your loaning (hose sewing
"Why, my tlonr man," Vr. Porter
replied: "I can conceive of no man
being so small as to seek such an in
junction. Why if a person Iriod il.
there aio enough people in Medlonl
who would cany him bodily from
llu- citv and county - yes, oven drive
him out of tin- slot,- and nation, and
I for one iM.uld help do il."
No action as taken at Ihi- meelinir
(o oust II. S. Stine. who was rc-elo.-t-
ed clerk by tin- old I i, :,t ii a
meeting. At that rm.-lii'e Mr. Stine
informed n- 1,,,-mlvi- bi-forc the vote
was taken that ho ha.! mi oionion
from Ihe alt. .racy gnu-rul of the -into
that it Would l.e total for the old
board lo relet him.
The new board lias writ.-en to the
Mate nltomcy general for mi oouiioii
lis lo the Ic-ality of Mr. Stim's re
eleclion, and an answer is evi.i-,.,t
before the nevt regular niceiii' of
Ihe hoard which i-i lo l.n i..,'
weeks from ln-t ni-.-hl.
The members of (he city eoune
were considerably peeved al their
meeting last night when n communi
cation from the Medford banks was
rend in which the banks stated that
(hey accepted the recent order of the
council to furnish surety company
bonds to protect city deposits, but
that hereafter they would pay no in
terest on city ilejiosits.
The teniH-r of the councilmcn fls
shown in remarks last night is such
that unless the Medford banks con
tinue In pay inleres( on city deposits,
the council will place city funds in
banks that will pay interest. Mayor
Oates said: ''Kvervtime we usk
something of the banks they take
away something from the city. They
first reduced the rate of interest and
now they refuse to pay any interest.
A CliuHer Provision.
The charter of the city stipulates
thai Ihe council must require surety
bonds of the banks.
The entire matter was placed in the
bunds of the council finance commit
tee with the suggestion Mint n mu
tual agreement of same kind might
l.e made with Ihe bankers which would
lead to a eoatiuuation of paying in
The council members will spend
Friday at the city water works
take to decide on the best means to
provide the city with an mleipiute
and healthful water supply with Un
limited linances which at present can
be devoted lo this matter.
(Iiaagm in System.
The concensus of opinion of (he
i oiiii i i I in i-ri is that while (he present
intake must be removed to another
location as soon as possible, the pres
ent flimsy intake structure may be
repaired at expense of several hun
dred dollars to last for several months
or until su-h time ns the council bus
funds on hand which will permit the
removal of Ihe intake to another loca
Altho plans were informally dis
ussed to obtain the city's water sup
ply from an entirely new source than
the Fish Lake dam, it was generally
admlllcil thai such talk was useless
at Ihe present lime because it will
be several years al least before tin
ily can spend from 12"i.()(IO to
tJllO.lltll) on a new source of supph
(Continued from page 1.)
$5000 IN 2 DAYS
ASHLAND, June 20. lied Cross
subscriptions for the Ashluml district
totaled at noon $.jl)H0,the amount des
ignated. The committee will, however,
proceed with securing subscriptions.
Ten people gave $i"0 each. Nine
teams of four in each teuin are at
The various lied Cross committees
are working. overtime with gratifying
results. Hy a comprehensive system
At last night's colincll meeting
Mayor Gates presented the following
proclamation to the people of Med
ford: "To the Citizens of Medford:
"In making the final arrangements
to complete the Hanson plan of refi
nancing the city, the cltlzcs of Med
ford owing for public Improvements,
either sewer, paving or water, can call
at the City Hali and pay any amount ! "ie workers are not constantly em
desired from one dollar to tho f ull l'"yd '!!. ilnY. ;iven territory. The
amount of the assessments, thereby j f''',ns l" '"" ,0 dlnnKc ,hpm
reducing the amount to be bonded by ,h'f to da' orler se-
the city. cure best. results. In other words
"Tbe'new lien docket Is now . ""' ,'"m miKht e'l in a s-iven
pleto and all improvement assess- j ''"'' w ,e : , l,rcv",,,s e fui-l-mcnts
have been consolidated. I be-1 Already the lied Cross badge is om
lleve it to be the patriotic duty of all ' '"l""'"- testifying as to the success
citizens who are financially able to do I "'" , , "s or 1,10 ean
so, to pay up as much of their assess-! V" sst''s; ",c H-h""' f ""'"i"'-' -...ents
as possihle, thereby increasing : ,""'"1'':ls afforded by ladies
the credit of the city as well as In-!;'1 ,he v!"'""s t tlie noon
creasing the Belling value of the In- " " , " ' V 1 , L , m r'IKS tcl"
dobtedness to bo bonded. I1'1''', l",'"lnS on Tuesday, is correct
I resnectfllllv reonnst all clllvons "-'"-"'"" puoilsacu win, mo ex
iiw im -a nia ncuaiE ut uic uiv ui , .
heart to eo-onerate with ih dtv ' " " -""ic
ministration in making the refinanc
ing or tho city a success by paying at
least a part of their Improvement In
debtedness now.
(SigneiD'C. E. CATKS,
Tho decision of Judge Calkins yes
terday afternoon sustaining the Han
son plan held that the plan had been
properly submitted to the people and
was in no sense a competitive mea
sure to the Medynskl plan. The fail
ure to provide an enacting cause was
held to be not fatal and the signing
option thut the Catholics furnished
the Methodists under auspices of the
Teacup club on Saturday, June 211,
the "finals" in Ihe dining calendar
lo be a chicken pie affair.
At (he urgent soIIcKadon of the
Rogue River FruK and Produce asso-
:cla(lon, Sena(or Chamberlain has ap
, pealed to the war department to per-
,mit the' employment of nadonal
PARIS, June 20. General de la
Croix publishes in (he Temps the re
sults of his study, supposedly from
authoritative cources, of the present
number of German reserves. He esti
mates that the grand total of German
troops of all kinds and classes up to
June 1 reached 13,130,000 and that
this total was depleted by losses of
3,630.0-00 2,200,000 rendered unfit
thru wounds and 1,130,000 resident
in foreign countries.
General de laCroix estimates that
of the balance nearly 5,500,000 are
employed as first line, rear line and
Interior troops, leaving a moveable
balance of reserves of about 755,000.
This number will be Increased In No
vember by 450,000 of the class of
919. These troops will not, however,
be available before that, for any serv
ice, any more than those In forma
tion. On this -basis General de la Croix
figures that Germany has 575,000 re
serves wi(h which to cover her losses
until -Novembor, or 115,000 a month
plus 85,00 monthly of those who re
cover from their wonds, a grand total
of 200.000 a month. The general
points out that German losses In April
and May have been at least 300,000
monthly, making a debit balance
which he says has Tieen met by a
shortening of tho German front and
fewer atacks. The advance of re
serve has caused, he claims an ob
vious shift from the old tactics of
the German general staff.
flP !i
Ability to Make and Save
EF0RE one may expect credit from a
bank he must show ability to both
MAKE and SAVE money. Therefore the
conduct of his business affairs and the
size of his bank balance are considered.
We shall be glad to have anyone anticipate
their future needs by etablislng and main
taining a connection with the 1st National
Members of Federal Reserve System.
work in all departments of activity.
of applications under the
act does not constitute a
constitution. The plan, held the
court, was legally adopted and Is In
full force and effect.
Welch, Dr. K. (i. Riddell, Dr. T. (1
Heine. K (1. Trowbridge, Jonas Wold
('.us Newbury, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Ihe Jacksonville (cam in Ihe lied
Cross drive reported by telephone Ibis
urternoon thai Ihoy bad raised 1 "((
so far, of which $11:15 was raised
Tuesday. Lewis Virion, is captain of
the team whose oilier members nre
John M. Williams, Albert X. (lum
inous (. A. (iardner, Kmil Uritt uiid
. II. Johnson.
IMltch Stofliner Sunk.
ihkSTON, Juno 2 0. The Dutch
steamer Kemdljk, which left lloston
May l:i for Rotterdam with grain for
Ihe Holland government bus been
sunk according to advices received by
agents hero today, l-'irst reports gave
no details as to the safety of the crew
Samuel Ward of llutte Falls was
visitor In the city Wednesday.
What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Advertisement.
rnmlno In Teach Bov lo F'v.
NI-:V VOIte.-, June 20. Twelve
I'renrh aviators, all commlRHloned of
ficers of tho flying oorpn ami the mn
Jorlty wearing one or more decora
tions for distinguished service, ar
rived here today in serve as inslruc
(ors In American flying corps now
training for duly In Kninoe. All of
tho men urn illicit from the front,
having received only four days notice
to sail for thin country.
CHICAGO, June 211. -Two armed
men. their faces bidden by handker
chief h, entered the Adams Kvpress
company ear of a Chicago, llurliiiKton
& Qnlncy train number threo as It
stood in the yards last ntuht. bound
Ward it. Smiley, tho lyessonner, and
A. R. Andrews, his assistant and
escaped with between $25,000 and
f. 10,001) according lo the story (old
by Smiley tonight.
rttorson, N.J. " I thank you for
the l.ydia K. l'inkhain remedies a they
have made me well
and healthy, s-omo-timo
oro 1 felt so
rundown, had pains
in my back and side,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did not feel like eat
ing and had short
breath. 1 road your
advertisement. In
(ho newtnaners and
decided (o try a bo(tle of Lydia IU'ink
ham'a Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the lirst bottle, so 1 took a second
and a third, also a bottlo of Lydia K.
Pinkham'a Klood Purifier, and now 1 am
just as well as any otter woman. 1 ad
vino every woman, single or married,
Who if troubled with any of the a.'ore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
VegeUibls Compound and Mood Purifier
nod I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles as (hey did me."
Mrs. Kijsik J. Van per Sanpe, S6 No.
York SL, Paterson. N. J.
Wri(e(he Lydia K. Pinkham Mrdicina
Co, (confidential), Must, if you
Ds-c-d upcciul advicu,
t.. .......r.
1 rami labor hy working In tho fields
contract ., ... . ... . , ..
within the prohibition of the federal1:." "J". "7 7. P '
u".ui:(l ui litis I line.
As a result, about 25 members of
Company I. O. X.. G., of Woodburn,
Ri:itinnn1 In (htn Mi i
In answer to the Stnlley action the . .r . h ,
court hold the bonds Issued under the'. , , , , p "u
Bancroft act are Beneral obllKatlon ?' W, W ' begl"nlns today- eub
bonds and the character of the bonds j, ' -
to h i.-oci n,i, n, ,, ,n !' y "me during that period. Cap-
is Identical with the old bonds. Tho ! an,ToM re"vf." instructions from
UHsnHamentB levied uKtiliiHt the pron- . "
, , .... ... 1 that effect.
hold valid and Stalley Is estopped J " '8,f P"rt df ', W8r Ae'"lH
th(9 ,mo inents policy to assist in every way
I In tho promotion of preparedness
guardsmen, not on actual duty, to as-1 conceding that the production of food
slst in overcoming the shortage of supplies is one of the most essential
features of the general plan.
At this particular season, Company
I will be able to render vital assis
tance to farmers and orchardlsts
whose usual source of labor supply
has "gone to war."
:The consciousness of having the hair
'and scalp sweet and sanitary,
brings a feeling ofcomforting
'self assurance1
Applications at the better barber shop
Guaranteed by The Herpiclde Oe.
Said Everywhere
Rout 'Em Out Safe
Good Shoe News for Women
With Small Feet
A lot of small sizes in Pump3, Colonials and Button
Shoes. The sizes and widths included are 2, 3,
32. 4, 4i2 AA, A, B, and C.
$L65 AT ONLY 1
You Couldn't Duplicate Them at $4.00 a Pair,
At the
Sifrn of
21 North
Central Ave.
"fine!) Sttors"
1ft wAta
From the "Front"
YES, your suit should look as good from the "front" as it
does from the back. But that isn't the main idea in the
heading: many of those spirited sport suit touches are from
the "front1' military ideas.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
have produced for us the lively, designs
that you want. All we ask is a chance
to show you.
Prices $20 to $35
Other Suits $12.50 to $20
HATS This is tho right place to
come fur the right hat. "We have
all the best styles ami values.
Priecd s? 2 lo $'".
STRAW HATS Genuine Pana
mas, fedoras, telescopes, sunken
crowns and full crowns as well as
the over-popular sailors. Prices
;U)0 to $8.00.
SWIM'S Now ones in stripes,
figures, plain colors, at $1.25 up.
Sizes for every man.
NKCKWI'AUV-Kverytliinff new
and linlihy in nockwoar, including
summer "tub" ties and the new
Oriental silks, from 2.1c up.
FNDKK'WKAK'-We can satisfy
every want in men's and bovs'
underwear for this hot weather.