Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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OREnor, Tuesday, may 22, 1917
Tho whirlwind good roads cam
paign began In this county yesterday
afternoon when a delegation of prom
inent citizens of this city and vicinity
assembled at the headquarters of the
Trl-State Good Roads association, In
the Holland hotel building, and pro
vided ways and meand for conduct
ing it.
Speakers were appointed, places
at which meetings shall be held were
selected, dates given and names of
prominent citizens in each community
selected to act In conjunction with
the committees appointed at the init
ial meeting yesterday.
Among those present who will take
pijnmlnent part In the campaign every
day until the 4th of June, on which
date the people of the state will de
termine the fate of the $6,000,000
bond measure, were W. H. Gore, joint
representative; Mayor C. E. Gates,
Banker C. W. McDonald, City Attor
ney Fred W. Mears, President J. A
Westerlund and Secretary Geo. E
Boos of the Trl-State association;
Geo. B. Carpenter, Glonn O. Taylor.
D. W. Stone, Judge E. E. Kelly and
Active Participants
These gentlemen were named In
tho final action of the meeting as ac
tive participants In the campaign, to
gether with H. L. Walther, Attorney
Porter J. Neff, Attorney Gus New
bury, Earl C.'Gaddls. John H. Carkln
Geo. Putnam, R. W. Ruhl, S. S.
Smith, W. W. Watson, Mrs. C. L,
Schleffelin, Mrs. John A. Perl, Mrs.
R. J. Conroy, Mis. J. A. Andrews,
Mrs. C. W. McDonald and Mrs. F. E.
Geo. E. Boos and W. W. Watson
werjj, appointed a committee to select
speaVers for the campaign and at
once filed tho names of C. E. Gates,
W. H. Gore, F. W. Mears, Gus New
bury, Porter J. Neff, E. E. Kelly,
John H. Carktn, Mrs. C. L. Schlef
felin and Mrs. John A. Perl.
Among those who donated tho uso
of automobiles to tho campaigners
are I. A. Westerlund, H. L: Walthers,
Vf. U. Ooro, C. E. dates, C. W. Mo
Donald, Geo. T. Collins, Ed Pottingcr,
H. E. Kelly, J. C. Barnes, Dolroy
Gotchcl, E. C CaddlB nnd John' A.
Perl. A few more will bo needed
Meetings to He Held
Tho first 1lg meeting will be hold
at the Applogate picnic, which is
always all unusual event In point of
attendance nnd general Interest. That
will be on Thursday of this week
May 24, at which all of the campaign
ers will assemble for a great start.
The Becond event will be at Talent
at which point H. W. Frame, W. Bee
son, Geo. Morris, Prof. F. C. Reimor,
Louis Brown, Blin Coleman and Prof.
G. W. Ager were chosen to assist,
and Jacksonville, whore Ixmls Ulrich
. f. L. Tou Velle, Emll Brltt, Geo,
Gardner and Ralph Jennings will
sist. The campaign committee will
divide Jts forces each night, owing to
the brief period for the work, half
going to one point and the other half
to another.
On Saturday night. May 28, meet
ings will be held at Eagle Point and
Willow Springs. Eagle Point repre
sentatives appointed aro Frank
Brown, Wm. Von dor Hellon, A. E.
strong. Fred Pclouze and Thomas
Nichols. At Willow Springs are W,
C. Leover, D. W. Stone and R. W
All of Next Week
Monday night, May 2S, will be do
voted to Gold Hill and Rogue River.
At Gold Hill Joe H. Bceman, A. Ii
ivonogg, Mr. Truax and D. H. Miller
will be the local representatives; at
Rogue River, Sam Mathls, Don Wil
son. Wm. Wetherill, D. Tcrrott and
Judgo Gilmore will take care of the
local situation.
On Tuesdav nlpM Xlnw on
infX will bo held at Phoenix and
Griffin creek., E. G. Coleman, F. E,
Furry, W. V. Bnrniim, A. IT. Fisher
and Geo. T. Hughes will organize the
forces for the meeting, and at Griffin
creek Nick Klme, Theo. Holmroth
Chas. Darby, J. A. Roso and ,T. K
Judy will look after tho local situa
Oh Wednesday night. May 30th
wie campaigners will assemble at
Table Rock and Agate. Col. Wash
burn. .1. C. Pendleton and Ed. Carl
ton will take care of tho situation at
Table Rock for that night, and K. M
Brown, of the Rogue River Canal
company, will organize the forces fo
the meeting at Agate.
dicing tfto
Leaving Thursday, Mny 31 an open
dale, meetings will be held on Frlda
night, June 1, nt Eagle Point and
Lake creek. At Eagle Point, W. C
Leever, Wm. Freeman and W. Beebe
will organize for the meeting, and 1
l.ake Creek the local committee will
ne announced later.
At Medtord, on Saturday night, a
farmers' mass meeting will be held In
the city park. If the weather he agree
aide, at, which prominent speakers
will explain the full text of the bond
measure and all of Its provisions.
Arrangements will be made for the
band to occupy tho band stnnd In tho
park and favor the assemblage with a
selection of patriotic numbers. Gov
ernor Wlthyconibe said, In his ad
dress in this city last week, that the
completion of tho Pacific highway is
a military necessity.
Ashland, through Its Commercial
club and other organizations, will
take euro of that part of tho valley.
It Is expected that every person In
terested In good roads (and who Is
not?) will take active part in-the
close of this good roads campaign.
By A. C. HowloM '
Miss Ruby Haley was shopping in
our town Wednesday last. '
Win, Hoiman of Climax was a
pleasant caller Wednesday afternoon
and while here renewed his sub. to
the W M. T. and tho next day re
turned to his home. Mr. II. is the
man who had his leg broken last win
ter in a runaway sniasliup and has
been stopping in this section ever
We now have two barber 3hops in
our little village, Mr. S!os3cr has
moved into his own shop and Wm.
Whitman has opened up In the place
that Mr. S. vacated. He is the man
who has rented the old Farmers ho
tel. Ho has given me his sub. to the
D. M. T. beforo ho opened the barber
shop. I i
On Thursday morning the P. & E.
train arrived on time as usual and
among the passongcrs was Mr and
Mrs. O. B. Morris and son, Mrs. H. O.
Mills of Butte Falls, A. L. Cross also
of B. F. who had been out to Medford
on special business and while there
visited a tonsorlal parlor and was re
lieved of his whiskers, greatly Im
proving his appearance. George Llnd-
lcy, Vice-president of the Jackson
County Bank was also a passenger on
the P. & E., also Lucius Klngcald the
noted panther hunter of Prospect and
John Greb, one of our citizens who
has Joined Co. 7 of the coast artillery
Percy Botthby of Prospect came
out .Thursday nnd spent the night at
tho Sunnyside.
Mies Margaret McQueslion one of
tho enterprising teachers of Jackson
county emtio out from Medford Thurs
day evening on the P. & E. motor,
went to tho S. S. to spond the night
and tho next morning by six o'clock
had secured a rig and driver, and was
off for Lake Creek to look after bus!
ness affairs before leaving for Los
Angeles, Cal.
Friday Morning Mrs. Gus Nygren
widow of tho late G. iXygren of Lake
Creek nnd her children Frank, Carl,
Alice, Anna and Eric came out from
their homo In time to catch tho P
& E. motor, went to Medford and at
tended to their business returning the
same day. i
Among the passengers on the P. &
E. motor Friday morning was Ed
Hndfield of Ashland, he was out here
looking for a small tract of land to
rent so he could add his mite to the
supply of eatables.
Fred Johnson, Glen Goodman A. E.
LaPonto of Central Point I. X. L.
Monument Co. were passengers on the
P. & E. tho samo morning and Mr.
LaPonte to dinner at the S. S.
Rob Pelouzc, son of one of our en
terprising farmers, who has made his
mark in the world by his energy and
perseverance, came up from the Stan
ford university to visit his parents
before leaving with his company to
go to Join in tho great struggle In
France to try to secure the establish
ment of democracy in Europe. While
here his many friends gave hlin a re
ception Saturday evening in the opera
house. There were about fifty guests
and they spent the evening In danc
ing and other ways of amusement.
W. E. Hnmmel passed through our
town In his now Chevrolet on his wny
toward Medford.
W. F. Horn, agent for Continental
Taylors, Chicago, 111., camo out from
Medford Saturday morning and was
busy all day. He put the night with
us at the S. S. hotel. Among tho oth
er passengers on tho P. & E. were
GoorgoW. Baker and wife the Butte
Falls banker. E. R. Hlldreth, the
deputy assessor for that district, Mrs.
Steve Bremble and II. M. Mclntyro of
Derby. I
There was a meeting of tho stock
men's association here Saturday af
ternoon and about all of the stock
men who belong to the association
were here, but I was unavoidable hin
dered from attending- tho meeting
and thus giving an account of what
ever was done, but perhaps will give
the names of the officers In my next
Among those who were with us at
dinner was John Howard, C. Clark,
Owen Wood, 0I1 Hill, Thomas Carl
ton and wife, lliirbcrt Carlton, Mr.
Gaines of Trail, I Henry Meyer and
wife, L. C, Roy Stanley and wife of
Trail and O. V. Meyer of the A. W.
Walker Auto Co. Medford,
Tho Red Cross Society will give a
dance on Saturday! eve June the sec
ond. 1
There will be melnorial exercises In
tho Sunday school next Sunday and
at night conducted ly Rev, Paul Uon-
dy pastor of tho Presbytorlan church
of Central Point at 8 o'clock sharp.
Tho I-udles' Improvement club mot
at tho library Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Fee was In charge of the program on
Cleanup Day. A committee consist
ing of Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Wetherell
anK Mrs. Snndry was appointed to
carry on tho clean-up campaign. Mrs.
Fowler and Mrs. Smack were appoint
ed to arrange for a bulletin board In
the postofflce.
There was a Red Cross meeting at
tho library on Saturday afternoon at
A few of Mrs. James Martin's
friends surprised her Friday evening
by calling to help her celebrate her
Agricultural Defense day was ob
served In Rogue River Saturday af
ternoon by a meeting at the library.
The senior play, "Daddle," given at
Owens hall Saturday evening was well
attended and highly appreciated by
those present.
Miss Agnes Dunlap of Central Point
spoke at the church Sunday morning
on Y. M. C. A. work In the war.
James Martin, Jr., and a party of
young people from Grants Pass ot
tended the senior play Saturday ev
Amos JackBon nnd family left Tues
day morning for an overland trip to
California poiuts.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Chandler were
business visitors in Jacksonville Mon
day. .
Dayld Martin returned from col
lege at Albany Tuesday to assist on
the ranch until he Is called to military
service for which he enlisted some
time ago.
Mrs. G. T. Aldrlch returned Mon
day from a vlBlt to her old home at
Oregon City, Oregon. She was ac
companied by her daughter, Mrs. G.
Patterson, and small granddaughter,
who will make an extended visit at
tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cary.
County Superintendent Ager ad
dressed the Parent-Teachers' associa
tion Tuesday evening at the school
house on the menace of the housefly
A goodly number were present and a
social good time was enjoyed after
tho serving of refreshments.
F. Wertz returned Tuesday even
ing after spending tho winter with
relatives nt Sheridan, Oregon. Mrs
Wertz will return tho first of noxt
month. ,
M. M. Deon took N. D. Norcross and
family to tho sawmill In S,wccd valley
where they will spend the summer,
Mr. Decn and his family aro leaving
in a few days to spend tho summer In
the samo place. 1
Mrs. E. Fowler spent Thursday In
Grants Pass.
Miss Alameda Orr came In from
-Medford Wednesday evening for a
few days visit at her homo on Evans
The junior clasB of tho high school
gave the annual banquet In honor of
the seniors Saturday evening.
Agnes Scott arrived' Saturday ev
ening for a short visit with her sister,
Mrs. W. P. Wetherell.
Don F. Wilson and wife and W. P.
Wetherell and wife were Sunday vis
itors at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Parent at Gold Hill.
Mrs. Henry Morgan, of Hilt Cali
fornia, Is visiting home folks, Mr. nnd
Mrs. George Stacy and family at
Miss Ora Vincent of Sams Valley Is
working for Mrs. Pendleton of the Ta
ble Rock district.
The meetings aro still going on at
Antloch with large attendance each
Mr. and Mrs. Jossc Glass, Mr. Ab
bott and Mr. McCay of Antloch wore
among those who woro doing business
In the valley towns last Saturday.
Davo Cottrell of the Meadows was
repairing his auto Sunday which was
damaged some time ago and left at
the homo of Theo. Glass In Antloch.
Florence Walker hns rented the D.
Russell ranch at Beagle and will
move his family to tho place In tho
near future. Mr. Walker Intends to
put tho ranch Into corn.
Percy Chapman and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Chapman wore visiting
Clnudo Chapman east ot Medford,
who Is very sick.
Percy Chapman and wlfo and Lee
Hedgpath called at the home of W. C.
Chapman Friday and tho evening was
spent with music nnd singing.
A number of nutos from Medford
passed through the valley Sunday out
on pleasure trips.
Mrs. Ed Mooro returned homo this
week from Medford where she has
been staying with her daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Robert Moore and child
who has been very sick.
, ., v I, ,n r,.irni.,l'fiil Remedy. Unlike any other for
Iron, ()'. ,. I.', for the summer.
Mrs, M. M. ( t-oksf y, who siient tlie
winter in Portland visiting horl
daughter, is ugain ut home in this
city. I
Henry Freeman, who has beeu at
tending college, has returned here nnd
accepted a position in the Central
Point State 'mink.
. James Vestal visited here the past
week, just from the O. A. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gene I'liililers have
returned to their homo in Klnmnlli
county after spending lliu winter
The high school commencement ex
ercises, held ill I cut nil Mall 1 riiiny
evening, with a large audience in at
tendance. Rev. Rollins of Medford
delivered the class address. Tin1
graduating class were; Misses Edith
Jacobs. Jessie Chauncey, Marguerite
Hull, Viola Lull, l.ela M. Penrt,
Christina Ueckmnn, lluttie Pence
I.ysle Gregory, Rose Mettle, Katlier
ine Nenlon and Irvin Hurley, Russell
Harris, William Welch and Wilbur
The miinv friends of D. C. Grim
will be pained to hear that he is con
fined to his home by illness, nnd all
hope for his early recovery.
Mrs. Oaks nnd little daughter, Or-
lcnn, spent the week end here with
her mother, Sirs. J. F. liny.
W. E. Price, Jr., who broke hiscol-
Inr bone nt Weed some days ngo, is
now nt home in this city nnd is do
ing as well ns could bo expected.
Mrsh. Boyd Keiznr, nee Mabel
Mjinn, left Sunday night for Portland
to join Mr. Keizur-, who is encamped
neur Portland.
W. T. Stidhnm nnd mother of
Grunts Pass, who spent last week
with relatives nnd friends here, re
turned home Suturdny.
Among thoso Who attended the F.p-
worth league convention nt Ashland
were the Misses Esther Pankey, Vnua
Alliums, Blanche Arnold nnd Clnribel
Arnold and Miss Jessie Chnnncey.
Mrs. Green has moved her resi
dence from Fourth and Laurel streets
to the Cornelius property on Mnnzn
nita street, between Fourth and
Mrs. Ted Hill of Medford stopped
here between trains Saturday even
ing en route to Seven Oaks.
W. L. Lewis has sold the Lewis
nulo line between Central Point nnd
Medford to his brother, L. L. Lewis.
Tho concert given under the aus
pices of the lied Cross at the Pres
liyto.rinn church Thursday evening
was a great succoss in every respect
and was much appreciated by nil who
attended. Tho musical tnlent of Hie
evening was nil first class, nnd was
led by George Andrews of Medford.
There was quite u heavy frost one
night last week. Mr. Grahinn says it
froze ice nt his place, but it wns
cloudy t lie next morning till quite
lute and there Wns no damage done.
Mr. MeCnbc's brother-in-law,
Charles Butler, visited them last
week. He bus been in Josephine
county mining for gold. The trail is
quite sleep and narrow up to the
lies, so they have to puck in for
quite a distance.
Wig Jack, crnie nnd linleigli
Mathews look their cattle up inlo the
hills last week.
W. E. llnninicl and wife motored to
Medford last Friday in their new cur.
Mr. Weaver, who has been working
nl Wolfer Jack's, is there confined to
his lied with the measles. He is get
ting tilling very nicely, however.
L. A. Smith and wife of Eagle
Point visited lit the home of .Mrs.
Smith's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J.
Avres, last Sunday.
Chnrley Pettigrew has been help
ing Mr. Isabel with his work the first
of the week.
Curl Bergninn is putting in corn on
his T'nclc Chris Bergman's place.
Elmer and Lewis Robertson liiiulcd
n load of wooil to Englo Point lust
week. ' '
II. Wnlkins visited tho Little Unite
,'ind Lake Creek country recently nnd
snys the crops nrn looking well, es
pecially the nlfnlfn.
Last Sunday Hie Reese creek Sun
day school reorganized, or rnlher
continued the organization and elect
ed the following officers: Superin
tendent, T. J. Pillion; assistant su
perintendent, Anna Robertson; secre
tary, Tom Vestal; organist, Mary
lioherlson. These newly elected of
ficers hope to mnko the school more
The Sunday before Sunday school
wns organized at Laurel Hill school,
Mr. Still was elected superintendent.
With Medford trade Is Medford made
Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of
tho Stomach and Intestines, Auto-In
toxication Yellow Jaundice, Appen
dlcltls and other fatal ailments re
suit from Stomach Trouble. Thous
ands of Stomach Sufferers owe their
complete recovery to Mayr'i Wonder.
Stomach Ailments. For sale hy'drug-
1 8lts everywhere
Reported, by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Bti.
Marriage Licenses.
Harold A. Lincoln nnd Eva Davis.
Edgar W. Mnxson and Lucy Graco
Juincs K, McWIIllnms and Rebecca
L. Johnson.
Circuit Court.
Frank H. Fender ot nl. ,vs. IlcnJ. F.
Fuller et nl. Undertaking order.
State vs. Irving Ohler. Obtaining
goods under false pretenses.
Stato vs. Lloyd Parker, Larceny
from a dwelling.
Jackson County Building & Loan
Association vs. Richard Sherwood et
al. Foreclosure.
Lllllth May Wdiltlock vs. Harry C.
Whit lock, Divorce.
Nicholas Kltno vs. William S. Ham
mond. Damages.
Mario Baker vs. Bayloss Baker.
Divorce. I
S. A. Nye et ux vs. A. S. Bllton et nl.
Suit In equity.
Lucllo L. Stover (administratrix)
vs. Roguo River Valley Canal Co.
Suit In equity.
Earl W. Ralston vs. Bessie M. Ral
ston. Divorce.
Modfurd Lumber Co. vs. Boavor
Portland Cement Co. Motion.
Charles Dodge vs. C. W. Post. Sat
isfaction of Judgment.
Ora Edith' Ragsdalo vs. John L
Ragsdalo, Notice. .
W. E. Phlpps vs. Mary G. Moe ot al.
Elizabeth A. Smith ya. Fradle I
Farnhnm. Summons.
First National Bank of Medford vs.
J. G. Gablo ot al. Order.
John Mlnter vs. Drusllla Brown et
al. Domurror.
I. W. Thomas Estate. Order.
F. P. SwInBon Estate. Order.
Martha E. Phlpps Estate Petition
Mary J. Smith Estato. Ordor to
mortgago realty.
Carl Hofft Estato. Guardian ap
August Rohkoff Estate. Order.
Anna Nygren, Alice Nygren and
Carl Nygren (minors). Guardianship
Admitted to probate.
Iloul Estate Transfer.
J. W. Schiiinpf to Rohort Phi
ley et al, lnnd In Sec. 17, T.
3 8-4, west
Henry A. Uuhkoft et ux to
Robert Flnley ot nl, land In
T. 38-4 west
Henry A. Rehkorf ot nx to
Goorgo II. Forost ot ux, land
In T. 38-4 west
PORTLAND, May 22. Captain G.
ST. Jessen and four officers of the
stoamer Breakwater were arrested
late today, following a rnld on tho
vessel by a "dry" squad, who found a
largo quantity of liquor. Captain Jos-
Of Blood-Root, Golden Seal, Stono
and Queen's Root
Also Cherry Bark nnd Sacrcdj Bark
with glycerine makes a wonderful
tonic, called " Gulden Medical Discov
ery," making thousands of Oregon
eopie strong. Ask your ncignuor
le can tell yoiu
Corvallis, Oregon. " Doctor Pierce's
remedies navo
been iiHcd in my
father's family
ever sinco 1 can
remember. My
mother took thu
Miolden Mi'dicnk
Discovery' and
the 'Pleasant
relicts' anil was
cured. Father
tonk the 'Discov
ery' tfor torpid
liver nnd indiges
tion and wns grcntly benetited. I,
nlso, took the 'Discovery' lor Kinney,
liver and. stomach trouble and received
grent beneiit. I am glad to tell others
of the merits of Dr. Pierce's .Golden
Medical Discovery. X). II. Dl'Lb,
527 8. 5th Street.
Get good blood through the use of
Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery,
and you will have no morn weakness.
It is tho world's proved blood purilier
anil tonic. It's not a Bicret remedy lor
its ingredients are printed on tho wrap
per. For snlo by druggists in liquid
or tablets. Start to take it to-dny and
beforo another dnv has passed the iin-
fmrities of the blood will begin to
cave your body lhroni;b the liver,
kidneys, bowels nnd skin, and In a
few days you will know by your
steadier nervcB, firmer step, keener
mind, brighter eyes and clearer skin,
that the bad blood is passing out ami
new, rich, pure blood is lilllug your
arteries. Rend Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.,
ten cents for trial package.
Notice 'oiicenilnir Water Certificated.
In pursuance of Ordinance No. 877
passed by the City Council Mnrch 22,
mi 7, no water certificates will bo Is
sued upon payment of water main as
sessments after May 31, 191 7. I'p to
and Including this date, wutcr certifi
cates will be Issued for amount of the
principal of any water main assess
ment paid.
These certificates will be acreptcd
at any tlmo In payment of water rent.
Your co-operatton In gelling the
city finances In bettor condition will
be appreciated.
This notice published by direction
of the City Council.
City Treasurer.
sen and his officers wore released on
bonds In time for tho Breakwater to
depart tonight for Coos Bny and Sun
You reckless men and women who
are pestered with corns nnd who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockJ,w or blood poison
ere now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called rreezone, which
the moment a few drops are tpplled
to any corn, the soreness is relieved
and soon the entire corn, root and all,
lifts out with the fingers.
It iB a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels the orn without inflam
ing or even irritating the surround
ing tissue or skin. It Is claimed that
a quarter of an ounce of freczone will
cobt very little at any of the drug stores,
but is sufficient to rid one's feet of
every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn ia a suicidal habit.
FOR RENT Desirable furnished
apartment. The Berben. Phone
FOR RENT One completely furnish
ed apartment at Hotol Holland. '
FOR RENT .Modern furnished hoiiBo
close in. Phono 61 3-11. 54
FOR RENT iNicely furnished house
closo in, piano, sleeping porch,
lawn, garden. Phone 5S0-Y. 57
FOR RENT Six-room furnished
house on 8. Central. Close in.
Phono 218-Y. 59
FOR RENT Nicely furnished six-
room bnngalow, close in, sleeping
porch, piano. Phone 9F2.
FOR RENT Six-room modern bun
galow, garden, fruit, roses, Mrs.
F. O. Wicks. Phone 428-L. 53
fOR RENT Modern five-room houso
and garage. Phone 370-W.
FOR RENT Six-room modern bun
galow, east front, fine shade; range
connected. Phone 488-X.
FOR RENT- Furnished and unfur
nished houses. Employment Agen
cy. M. A. Racier, 123 East Main.
FOR SALE Fifty cords four-foot fir
at a bargain. Box 60, Mall Tribune.
I 53
FOR SALE Cheap, 700 of the best
bred VVhlln Leghorn Iioiib In tho
valley. Phone or write, Contra!
Point Poultry Co.
FOR SALIC Household furniture, 8
horso power Oldsmohllo engine,
garden cultivntor, electrical and
mechanical engineering 'books, etc.
132 Vancouver Ave. 67
FOR SALE McCprmlck mower, $10.
J. M. Winter, Ross Lano, Medford.
i 54
FOR SAL13 Or trade for real estato,
soven-pnssengor car, electrically
equipped. C. J. McCoy, Central
Point, R 2. 52
FOR SALE Good tomato plants, $4
porlOOO. Phono 118. Carl Uecbo.
Central Point, Oregon. 57
FOIl SALE Ford car In good run
ning order, f22i). Address Uox w,
Mnll Tribune. 52
FOR SALE Refrigerator, rocking
chair, oil stove and oven, ingrain
rug. 603 South Riverside. 54
FOR SALE Good top buggy I gave
$100.00 for, will tako $20.00. E.
Conger, Jacksonville. 53
FOR SALE Ueo hives, $1.50 each.
W. J. llartzcll. Phono 61
FOR SALE Majestic Range, house
hold goods at a bargain. Phono
4 2S-L. 63
FOR HA 1,10-382-L.
-Property cheap.
FOR SALU llarRaln If taken at once
230 stock ranch with improve
ments. $11011; $1100 ensh. balance
to suit. Inquire Uox T., Mall Tri
bune. 62
from the city of Ashland, Oregon
111.27 acres. In crop, all tillable.
rented nt present time; IB. 09 acres
of virgin ground, most all tillable
good quality; 21.24 acres, part of
which has been tilled, all can bo
with some work; 5 acres facing a
good lane, all tillable; i acres, all
tillable, black and: 10.14 acres se
ecled from 1 100-ncro tract, all till
able; 22 acres fenced on three
sides, eood land on a sloping hill;
10.90 nercH, county road at end.
black land, some loose stones
28.74 acres, most all tillable, no
trees to movo, levoj ground; 10
acres with county road running
through It, 6 acres choicest land;
31.16 ncres with two-story house,
burn, woodshed, hay scnlos and 8
acres In alfalfa, running water un
til July. The above tracts aro suit
able for farming or fruit raising,
nnd tho prices aro right, without
any Inflation, by a parly who has
been In tho valley and connected
with land values tho past fifty
yenrH. For prices and display, call
on (1. H. lliitler. 4 1 ijrauito sireei
Ashland. Oregon. 62
FOR HALK My 80-ncre ranch near
Griffin Creek, three miles from
Medford; fine new bungalow, build
lngs, fruit nnd alfalfa. $3200, If
sold nl once. .1. 11. Patterson
Hlghwood, Al on t alia. 5
FOR SALE Ranch of 133 acres on
Itogun River at free ferry, cheap on
easy terms. Hotel and toed barns
In Engle Point for sale or rent.
House, four lots In Phoenix, Ore
gon. J. F, Zlininorlee. ICuglu Point,
Oregon. 70
FOR SALU Team of horses, harness
and wagon, all first elans. Call af
ter 5 p. in. 244 S. Crape St. 06
FOR SALE Extra fine saddlo mare;
also genornl driving mare, buggy
and humous. Call 2SJ1. fi4
W1ANTKI) Young Indv will hoop
house for widower or bachelor. Col
onial Flats, Room f. r.-l
WANTBI) To hear direct from own
er of ranches or city property nnd
business of any kind tluit wants to
soli. Am no real e :,l:ito man, so
there Is no commission t'l puy, A!
dross, J. D. K Tribune. iiG
WANTED Orchards to plow and cul
tivate, also garden cultivator and
llsk harrow. Phono 4 7:i-Y. B2
WANTED Bring us your cgg and
Poultry. We pay cash. Medford
Poultry and Egg Co.
WANTED Houses to move.
4S8-M. or 4S8-X.
WANTED Woman or girl for com
pany, nt once, by woman teacher
alone in country; Jitney nnd train
service. Box M. S. II., Mail Tribune.
, i 53
LOST On Main street, between Cot
tage and Laurel, opal lavalior. Re
ward if returned to Bohling Shoe
Store. 53
Works, 36 North Front St. Ladles'
and gonts lints cleaned, blocked,
any style and shape. 59
FOR TRADE Ono largo team,
weighing about 3400 lbs., for team
weighing 1250 to 1300 lbs. Call
MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan
on Medford property. Easy month
ly payments. See D. R. Wood.
E. M. WILSON Certified Public Ac
countant, room 411, M. F. & H.
Bldg., Medford, Oregon.
Ails to Supplies
are operating the largost, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
clflo northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold undor writ
ten guarantee. 34 North Flftoonth
St., Portlnnd, Oro.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney nt law,
rooms 8 and 9, Meuroru National
Bank Building.
-Lawyer. Gamett
Corey bldg.
collected some accounts 14 yeara
old. We know how to got the
money. . The Bullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3. Hag
kins' Bldg., 216 E. Mnln Bt.
DR. T. T. SHAW Dontlst. Over Dan.
lels Clothing Store In rooms roN
merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phone
Garnett Corey Bldg., Suite 81f
Modford, Ore. Phone 856.
Engineer nnd Contractor
KIIKD N. CUMM1NGS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bid
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain
age, orchard and land Improvement
IlAltllAllhl (let your premise!
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city gnrbago wagons fo
good service Phone 874-L. f1.
Y. Allen.
Instruction in Music
FRi:i) ALTON HAlOtir Teacher o
piano and harmony. Halght Mustt
Studio, 40L Garnett-Coroy Bldg,
Phone 72.
KARL S. TIj'MY General Insurance
office. Flro. Automobile, Accident
Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract
and Surety Honda. Excellent com
panics, good local sorvlce. No. 211
Darnell-Corey Bldg.
Physicians and Surgeons
DR. W. W. iroWAKD Osteopathic
physician. 303 Garnett-Corey build
ing. Phuno 130.
DR. J, J. EMMENS Phystclnn and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat Eyes scien
tifically testod nnd glasses .bud
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P, O. Phone 667,
Printers anil I'ulillshers
best equipped priutlng office In
Southern Oregon; Hook binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 Nurtfl
Fir St.
Office 42 North Fron' st. Pbona
816. Prices tiM Hnvlce guar
an teed. .