Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 14, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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James Vance, a Bophomore from
Medford, was elected this week by tho
student body of the University of
Oregon to manage the Oregana, tho
college annual, next year. He Is a
student In the department of zool
ogy and a member of Ileta Thetu PI
fraternity. Don Newbury, also from
Medford, was elected as a senior rep
resentative on the student council.
Mrs. 1earh. corsets marto to meas
urements guaranteed. Phone HS3 .I.
Lee Waddell of Prospect who en
listed Saturday ut the marine corps
recruiting office In the federal build
ing, loft today for Portland where he
will take the physical examination at
the state headquarters of the marino
corps. From there lie will he sent to
the training station at Mare Island,
San Francisco.
Dr. Holne fits Glasses correctly.
Former Mayor W. II. Cannon and
Mrs. Cannon are In the city from
Roseburg to spend two weeks here
visiting relatives and friends.
Dally Auto Stage, Medford to Horn
brook, Montague, Yreka and return.
Same as railroad fare. Leave Med
ford Hotel at 8 a. m. dally. Bliss
Heine, B. E. Haney. 48
W. H, Taylor has gono to Alberta,
Canada, where he has large holdings
of wheat and other lands. Kn routo
to Alberta he stopped at Eugene to
visit hl brother, George Taylor, of
that city.
Baths 26c, Hotel. Holland
Phono 884 Heath's Drug Store.
A. Larsen and family of Tacoma,
who recently tradod property In that
city for the Adams farm near Tolo,
have located on tho farm. Ho brought
with him a full carload of horses,
dairy cows, household effects and
farm implements. He formerly was
engaged in the dairy business near
Bakery goods at De Voe's.
Dr. Henry Hart, Jackson County
Bank building. Office hours 2 to 4
p. m.
Mrs. John D. Samuels and little son
Jack have gone to Salt Lake City to
visit relatives.
Bee Dave Wood about that fire in
surance policy. Office, Room 404 M.
F. A H. Bldg. ,
Invitations have been Issued by the
Bisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart
hospital and tho graduating class of
1917 for the commencement exorcises
Tuesday evening, May 22, at 8 o'clock
at the natatorlum hall.
Gasoline and oil nt De Voe's.
Mett cars at Rlvorslde Garage.
J. C. Aitken has resigned as county
fruit Inspector to accept a situation
with the Jlodford Fruit company as
produce buyer.
, Sweet elder at De Voe's.
Metz cars at Rlvorslde Garage.
Dr. R. W. Clancy left Sunday for
Portland where ho will take the ex
amination for the army medical corps,
expecting to be sent to France.
Tent fastory now in Nat.
Mrs. E. Maule loft Monday to visit
her brother, George .Murray, nt llnn
ford, Calif. Sho was accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Eleanor.
Dr. Hargrave, Farmers and Fruit
growers Bank bldg. Phone 230.
Buttermilk lOo gal De Voe's.
Mrs. H. I.. Unrnelllo of Grants pass
returned Monday to her home nrtor
some tlmo spent In Medford helping
nurse tho children of her son, (I rover,
who were 111 with measles.
Mrs. Vernon Castle, 1'ngo theatre
tonight. I.'i
Ruth and Earl Ramsey, t ho young
children of Mrs. K. It. Ramsey of An
chorago, Alaska, who havn been stay
ing for some time Willi Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. VolU in this city, led Monday
to Join their mother at. Seal lie. when
the family will return to Anchorage.
Top factory now In Nnt.
Wilbur Asbpole loft Monday morn
ing for Chleo, Calif., to nurrhnao cat
tle. A-l paper hanger, tlnter. 840-J.
Mrs. It. A. Clnl liter, of Williams,
Arl?.., Mrs. II. (I. Work of Weed, Calif,
and Mrs. A. M. IHuad of Ashland are
guests of Mrs. .1. Sollss.
For the best Insuranco see Holmes,
the Insurance Man.
A. K. lieaincs went to Grants Pass
Monday whore he will he ciiKiiKcd In
a court trial for two days.
"1'atrla," Page theatre tonight. 4,".
J. E. Clements, superintendent of
tho Westerlund orchard, who was In
jured recently In a runaway accident,
IS now able lo sit up, hut it will he
several weeks jel hereto he Is fully
recovered. Besides oilier Injuries sus
tained, several riis were broken.
Gates sells Ford cars, J.'OO down
and (25 a month.
Emll llrltt of Jacksonville, was a
visitor In tho oily Monday.
Johnson for high class watch re
pairing, (f.
John Walsh of I.nkn Creek lias re
turned homo after a business visit to
tho city.
Big 5c milk snakes at De Voe's.
Among the visitors In tlio city from
Kagle Point Saturday and Sunday
were Edward Hut ton , Major and
Mrs, John Nichols, Corhtn Kdgcll, lr
,W. P. H"lt n'l Kdwurd Connolly.
County Agriculture Agent Cato re-i
quests that all the fanners who re
ceive the farm survey blanks at the
various meetings held In tho county
Saturday, either mnll them In or do
llver them personally to Mr. Cate's
office within the next two days. Any
farmers who did not get blanks and
who desire to do so can obtain them
at Mr. Cate's offlco in the Garnet
Corey buildings.
Johnson for high class watch re
pairing, tf
Officials and Invited guests of the
local chapter of tho Rod Cross at a
luncheon meeting at tho Me'dford ho
tel Monday noon transacted consider
able business and discussed plans for
carrying on tho Red Cross work.
It's time to plant dahlia bulbs and
up to June 15th. Send one dollar to
R. H. Paxson, Central Point, or come
and get eight assorted, labeled, field
grown roots. We have lots of higher
priced ones, too. Wo pay the post
age. h. H. Carloton of Ashland, who was
arrested Saturday by Constable Ham
mond on tho charge of operating two
automobiles under one license, was
fined $10 In Justice Taylor's court.
Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10
and 11, Jackson County Bank build
ing. 62
Mrs. B, L. Parks and two children
left Monday for Copco, Cal., to Join
Mr, Parks, who located thero some
tlmo ago. "
Plenty of hay at Watklns' Feed
Store, $25.00 a ton. 4!)
W. A. Gates, who Is chairman of
tho committee to procure automobiles
In which to tuko tho good roads con
vention deelgates and visitors over
the Pacific highway next Thursday,
says that thirty cars will be needed,
and asks owners of cars to volunteer
for service that day.
Have your mattresses renovated,
upholstering, auto top and trimming
done at W. H. Brown's, 142 North
Front. Phone 145-J, 65
Leo Schuchard, son of A. A, Sehu
chard and a graduate of tho Medford
high school, who has been attending
tho University of California for three
years, has hnd tho degroo of doctor of
dental surgery conferred upon him.
Mr. Schuchard deserves a great deal
of credit for tho unusual high stand
ing of his work In college. Ho has not
decided whore ho will open an office.
Dr. Frnnk Roberts, dentist. St.
Rnwles Moore. Attorney at Law.
M. F. & H. building. tf
Assistant Postmaster Warner and
his aides- had a busy time Monday
forenoon In receiving from the ninny
applicants the 5000 eggs Hint are ,to
bo placed In tho electric incubators In
tho basement of tho federal building
for hatching. Tho eggs will probably
not be placed In tho Incubators until
Tuesday morning. No person will re
ceive chicks from tho same eggs he
brought in but. will receive chicks of
tho sumo breed ns tho eggs that ho
turned over to tho Incubators.
Fresh chocolntes nt De Voe's.
All members of the Homo Guard
are expected to appear with gun of
some kind nt high school at 7:15 p.
m., Tuesday night to practice for Do
Our Hit parade Wednesday morning.
Dr. Frnnk Roberts, dentist, St.
Marks Building. Phono 323-V.
Tho May dnnco of the Elks, with
special music and new features, and
In charge of Carl Bowman, will bo
held at the Elks club Tnesdav even
ing. M. Purdln, lawyer. Room 406 M.
F. & II. Bldg. 60
All tho officials of the federal
court who wero hero at the special
term held last week departed for
Portland on Sunday. In the last case
tried. Hint against Buck Anderson
and A. W. Saunders charged with
bringing liquor onto the Klamath In
dian reservation, the Jury lalo Satur
day brought In a verdict of acquittal.
There was a quiet wed dim; last
Thursday afternoon al the home of
Mr. and Mis. Stewart, (inner of N.
ttakdale and IVnn avenue. Mr. W. H.
Harris and Mi-s Mathilda Johnson,
both of Central 1'oinl, eluded their
friend- and iiiietly clipped over to
Medford and called linv. .1. Herbert
Horan down from A-hland to perform
the ceremony. The beautiful home of
the Stewarts was profusely decorated
with wild i lower. IVIieious ivh em
inent were sen ed. Mr. and Mrs.
Siewiirt are old friends of the bride
and room.
An the Mormon Mornl?
Some BJdonisbluR ideas are set
forth In mi nrtlele on the Mormons of
Salt I.ako City by Louis Shetwin in
the current Issue of Tho Smart Set
Magazine. Mr. Sherwin Is a Gentile
and ho vigorously defend the Sninl
with nil the ardor of a convert. Not
only does ho bikuo that they have
been grossly libeled by Oentlto crit
ics; ho even maintains thai they me
far more mornl, truthful nnd thrifty
than any of tho dentil". The artlclo
contains nm BHtonUMn revolutions
and Is raupttiK a great deal of gossip
and speculation. 4
'(Ml SI.K-Oni 1SUH l-'nril register.
Yuiuii' (iiiraco, v.i"
In an intercstrns game tho team
of Company I of Woodburn, dofoated
tho nine of the Seventh company at
the baseball park Sunday afternoon
by the score of 9 to 4. Tho Company
Seven team was outplayed all around
duo to'the lack of practice.
Another game between the same
two nines will bo played Wednesday
afternoon at the baseball park at 2:30
o'clock. The admission feet will be
25 cents and tho proceeds will go to
tho sick fund of the two companies.
The Medford boys promise to turn the
scales on the visiting mllitiameh and
will put in some hard practice be
tween now and tho time of the game.
Tho threatening weather Sunday kept
the size of the crowd down. Follow
ing Is the lino up of Wednesday's
gam: 1
Company I. Red Sems, Coleman,
if; Degulre, ss; Wolfard, c; Whitman
3b; Branlger 2b; Dejnrdine, Schooler
rf; L. Sems, Allcman lb! Canard cf;
Rice Sims, p.
Medford Hill c; Miller p; Ross
lb; Turner 21; Mclntyro ss; Moran,
3b; Coleman cf; Antlo If; Ingram rf.
l.ONDOX, May 11. Uritish naval
forces destroyed Zeppelin L-22 in the
North Sua this morning, according to
an ofl'lcM statement issued by tho
admiralty. 1 1
A dispatch to the Star from the
Kasit Const Kowa wns received early
tills morning that tho L-22 was ap
proaching tho coast. A squadron of
naval aircraft went In pursuit. The
Zoppelin was attacked by a battle
plano which overhauled it and was
seen to hurst into flames.
Two members of tho airship's crew
jumped into tho sea, the Star says,
and the other disappeared with the
burning Zeppelin.
The destruction of the1 L-'J2 marks
the fourth attempt, at Zeppelin raids
within the last year which has end
ed in disaster.. Two ut the mamollh
airship.s were shot down during a raid
on London on September '2'A, 1!)Hi,
and two months later two more Zep
pelins were destroyed oil' the Knulish
coast. On lUurch 17 French urtil
ierymen shot down a Zeppelin behind
the French lines while it was endeav
oring to reach Paris. .
At their preliminary hearing In
Justice Taylor's court Monday fore
noon Sam Slide and V. K, Collins,
who nro charged with the burglary of
tho Phoenix pontoffice and tho Phoe
nix Mercantile) company storo last
woek, wero held to the grand jury
under bail of $1000 each. There is a
strong case of circumstantial evidence-
against them. Tho prisoners
wero represented In court by 13. 13.
Kelly. nesses from Phoenix testified
to seeing Slide in Phoenix the day be
fore tho burglary and to seeing him
in thy storo where ho purchased some
brend. A noekolbook which was
found on one of tho prisoners wns
Identified as one that was taken from
the store safe the night of the bur
glary. Due of tho prisoners has a
criminal record and his picture from
the rogues gallery of the Portland
police was Introduced in court.
KUiKNK, Ore. May 1 I. Patriot
ic Micietic- or other oianialions in
Oregon volunteering to raie war
clinks tor boys and ;irU will be
provided with iuculm! or, w it bout
rbat'ire for use during the summer in
connection wild the late Itahhini: of
poultry as the (piickesi means of in
creatmr meat production, ueeordim:
to an nnnnnnccincnt by E. J. Mc
Clnualiau, president of the Oregon
Poultry Breeders' iissociiition.
-Mr. MeCliinnliun stated that he wns
prepared wilii equipment for projects
in 20 cities or towns.
Workmen said to number close to .500
i who hiive been on strike ut the two
I 0. A. Smith lumber mills here for n
week, returned to work today, having
compromised their demands for high
er wages. The men were receiving
an average of .f'i.rHI u day and struek
for .$3. They were granted an in
crease of 25 cents u day and a bonus
of six per cent of their monthly pay
(Continued from page 1.)
of directors held here this morning it'
was decided to discontinue all trad
ing in May corn and May oats. It
was further decided that for a pe-j
rind of two days no' purchases of;
wheat whatever will be permitted ox-!
eept to liquidate existing contracts.
The latter action auomntically de
bars any individual, firm, corpora-j
tion or government from bidding up:
the price of wheat. The directors
further restricted the operations in
wheat by confining those dealers de
siring to close existing eontarlc to
a maximum price which is based on
Saturday's tdose. The action of the
board has been after consultation
with the accredited representatives
of the allied governments. Likewise
every step followed by ns lias been
in cooperation with this govern
ment.", Closing prices lust Saturday were:
Wheat: July .$'2.7:t to $2,h; Sep
tember, $2.44 to $2.4(1.
Corn: May, $l.(iP2; July, $! Wh
to &1.4!) ; Sept. $1,417 to $1.42.
; Oats: May, 7V2; July 674 to
!G72i Wept. 58. .
' The resolution of the directors
given out after the statement of facts
Honed' Statement,
"Resolved, "from the opening of the
market .May HUD 17, !):"() a. m. In
tlie close of the market May J5, 1:15
p. in,, members of this board fdiall
confine nil trades in contract grades
of wheat for future delivery in reg
ular elevators to transactions for
July and September deliveries. No
member shall make any purchases of
wheat during the period staled except
in liquidation of existing contracts.
Members may enter into contracts of
sale within limitation except as to
price as hereinafter stated. No eon-
tracts for July delivery shall be en
tered into at a price in excess of
$2.75 per bushel; no contracts for
September shall be entered into at a
price in excess of $2.45 per bushel
"He it resolved, that any mem
ber trading in violation of the fore
going shall bo deemed to have com
mitted a grave offense against the
name of the association.
The directors also prohibited trad
ing in indemnities, known also as
"bids and offers," and years age
more commonly as "put; and calls.'1
This order reads as follows:
"All transactions in indemnities
in May corn and oals and all deliv
eries of wheat expiring today arc
hereby declared null and void and
the buyer shall refund to the seller
the purchase price of the indemnities
and furthermore all trading in in
demnities in wheat until further no
tice is discontinued.'
,A committee fixed the settlement
price of May corn at $HlVj and May
oats at 7;tV4i the closing figures of
drain brokers trfomselven, irrespec
tive of action by tho board of trade,
are expected to ceaso handling spec
ulative grain accounts by night.
Three of them announced that until
further notice they would accept no
trades in wheat, corn or oats options
except to sell or to close up existing
contracts. Tho three firms wore Lo
gan and Itryati, which Is one of the
biggest. In the country, tho Thomson
McKlnnon company, aud Wngner nnd
company. Other big bouses were said
to have similar action under consid
eration. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 14. Di
rectors of the Kansas City board of
trade voted today to take action in
u-pendinir trading temporarily sim
ilar to that of the Chicago grain ex
chnntre. There Goes One
of our roRiilnr customers. He buys
all his (mpplips from us Imvuuso ho
knows wo will lisvo what ho
wants no uiattor w-hat ho niny need.
BprlnRS, sptlnR clips, piston rlnsru.
platinum points, generator brushes.
In fact cverythlni; for his car.
G. E. Gates Auto Co.
The arrangements for the line up
of tho hlg "Do Our Hit." patriotic pre
paredness parade on Wednesday are
praetfcally complete. In case tho com
mittee has accidentally overlooked
any organization in the line up which
appears below, it wlH have been en
tirely unintentional and it is hoped
that they will accept this as an
invitation. The committee will glad
ly assign positions to any such organ
izations. Tho above invitation may be partic
ularly applied to individuals who are
not otherwise affiliated to appear
armed with a hoe, rake or spade and
join the ranks of the "army of the
Hoe" commanded by County Path
ologist C. C. Cate. Assemblage point
for this organization Is on Main street
just west of Mistletoe, facing east.
In Tuesdays local papers, assem
blage points for all organizations will
bo specifically given and individuals
of all organization are urged to care
fully note their assigned places and
to bo on hand promptly at 9:30 a. m.
to avoid any confusion as at least two
thousand are expected to belli the
final lineup.
The marching order follows:
Grand marshal.
Ashland bund.
. Company I, Hrl infantry,
Lieut. Benton Killin, commanding.
, 2. 7th Company, C. A. C, Lieut.
E. T. Foss commanding.
3., 1st Company, 0. A. C, Lieut
Spencer commundtn;.
4. lied Cross, Medford, Mrs. C. L.
Schiei'l'elin commanding,
5. lied Cross, Ashland.
Hospital corps.
(i. Girls' Honor Guard, Medford.
7. Auto Geo. J. Carpenter, Gov.
Vi( iiyeomhc, Oregon; Mayor Gales,
Miss K. rulnam, representative of
lied Cross; Caplain A. J. Yunce, Co.
7, C. A. C.
Auto V. 11. Gore, Governor Lis
ter, Washington ; ('has. W. Davis,
president city council; Mrs. II. C.
Conner, vice-cliairmnn lied Cross;
Capt. Todd, llrd infantry.
Auto Delroy Gelehell. Members
slate highway commission; Mrs. W.
K. Tmuy, Ked Cross; Lieut. E. T.
Foss, 7 tli Co., Q.-A. !..-' - ;
Auto li. V. Carlei'. Members of
Ashland eily council; officers Ash
land lied Cross; Lieut. Livesy, C.
I, 3rd infantry.
8. Grand Army of t lie Kcpublio.
!). Spanish war veterans.
10. Medford Home Guards, Cap
tain Newport commanding.
11. Table Hock guards.
12. Gold Hill guards.
13. National Kifle association, IT.
A. Cnmiday commanding.
P $100,000
Wednesday, May 16
11:30 to 1 o'clock
At St. Marks Hull hy tho Ijidlcs (itiihl
m i: x r
xdoim.k soup
hkkf l.oaf am) hot ohavy.
hot nirtcriT aiti.i: r ii-:
It's time to plant your flower pirden. AVo arc
bettor jiropared than over before to siiiy your
wants for all kinds of outdoor plants. Call at green
house nt 1'XVi East Main or Telephone 37 4.
PIERCE Medford's J.eadincr Florist
11. Officers and rcprcsi-ntiilivcs
Tri-State Good Roads association.
lo. Ancient Free and Ac-cnteil
Masons. '
Hi. Independent Order of (Mi!
17. Knights of J'ythias.
18. Benevolent and I'roto-tive
Order of F.Iks.
1!). Independent Older of Kid
Men. '
21). Woodmen of the World,
lliah School band.
21. City schools, Supl. Ilillis
22. Ladies' Hiding club, Mrs. (!.
IL Satehwell commuudin.r.
2:1. Greater Medford did).
24. Ashland Hound-I'p.
25. Jackson County Tt'isiness
Men's association.
20. Japanese association, M. M:ini
27. Rogue River Valley I'nivcr.-.ily
club, President 11. 11. llart command
ing. 28. Medford Commercial club.
29. Regiment of the Army of Ibe
Hoc, Col. Claude C, Cate rommnud
ing. 30. Sledford fire department.
A large congregation was present j
at the Presbyterian church yesterday j
morning when ".Mother's Day" was
observed. Appropriate musie was!
furnished. A special feature of 1 1 1 o .
program was the reading of the scrip- j
tore by Mother Johnson of Central;
Point, the oldest women member of
the church. She is S.") years old.
Mother Johnson recited the 23il
psalm, which could be heaid distinct
ly all over the large auditorium A
chorus of more than 7(1 moLhers sung
"1 Heard the Voice of Jesus Say."
Rev. Hogg said in pari; Al'ler giv
ing a brief sketch of woman's pusi
tion in non-cliristian lands: "In India
there is a Hindu proverb which says i
tho threshold of a house weeps !()
days when a girl child is born, the1
wife is only one of tho many wives
in the home. She is petted and loved j
for a while, after marriaiic, until her
husband grows tired of her; then
there rises before her the awful )
shadow of a second wife and a third
"In this day observed all over the
christian world in honor of motlier-1
hood, every thoughtful holy is furred'
to ask herself the (piestidii "what
makes such a great difference be
tween the christian mothers pnMtimi
and the social condition of your sis
ters in heathen hinds. The answer
is the gospel of Jesus Christ. When
Christ wns born of a woman wom
anhood and motherhood was exalted
elevated, adorned, beautified jiud
forever sanctified and now one of
the sweetest relationships established,
so that the sweetest word and name
in our language is 'Mother.' "
Kg 1
How to Bank by Mail
SEND us your initial deposit by MAIL
(registered If in currency). We
will return you a Passbook showing en
try therein for amount deposited. In case
of Checking Account we will forward a
Checkbook for your convenience in making
Thus, n si To. convcniuiit mnl sys
temntic fWtn of lnnikin is :iv;iiliiblc
here al the Isl Njitiuual Hank lor
the Country Man, Woman or Child
who realizes the value of estaMMi
in hank areount and n luuiliiit;
eonutM'tioi). Will vou do it 7
m i
Why She Recommends Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Chicago, III "I was in poor health
for two years, caused by a displacement.
' Ul
and during six
months of this time
was under a doc
tor's care without
i'L-ttinj? any help.
I decided to try
Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Com
pound and it made
me feel like a new
woman. I am en
tirely relieved of
the displacement
jJ and periodic pains.
end r.m now the mother of a beautiful
heal thy baby. I am a graduate nurse
nnd will be glad to recommend Lydia
L. pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
other women." Mrs. R. W. Sloan,
C02G So: Park Avenue, Chicago, 111.
There are mcny women who suffer
as Mrs. Sioan did and who are bejj;i
benefited by this great medicine every
day. It has helped thousands of women
who have been troubled with displace
ments, inflammation ulceration, irreg
ularities, periodic pains, backache, that
bearing down feeling, indigestion, and
nervous prostration.
If you need special advice write
Lydia'E.. Pinkhnm Medicine Co. (cornl
Uential), Lynn, Macb.
faded. str&ked or
lifeless it may ba L
Goutte-Coutt will
reatoro your h(r to
-1 f 1 mUmAm
DRAB or uw,
r . 1 t.. 111 1 t ..J nlniM. vfrfl m
orey, Iwting. natural color that will not
tado or ruD oir on pmow.
Goulto doe not dUcolor tho ap.
.It color a oven mo roooi iueEiuuj
Sold and Aonlied in All
Good Hairdressing Establishments
A hnirdresercan color yoar bfcr ntb
factorily, safety and lastingly only IfcUhl
La Goutte-A-Goutto. so bo uro bo us
nothing el.
A -interesting IlltHtratea pamphlet on
the hatr and Bcalp mailed free on request.
L PIERRE VrtUlfiNY, 14 E. 44tti St., New York
La (iouttc-a-Coutto Is sold and up
plied in Jledl'ord by Miss Muy Jn
KP.Ils, Mine, !owd Jcffers, Miss Cora.
I t ley. .
" W:lAi Ve;drir, my specialty. Ar
tistic c:i;;reviii. l'roitipt-Korvieo, per
sonal al tenf inn. No. r-.7 North Cen
tra! Avenue, Mrdlord, ClrcKon. Phone
Tiioiuas 11. Iim ( s Million-Uolliir lro
The tv:if'st proilurtion of modern
I iinrs. AduU s --V; ( liiUlten, lOc.
-;i-7-I . in.
13 - Southern Oregon!
i CI 56 ;'-catcst, plnco of
f5 Amusement.
"'UI.I.," a romance of society
: : d prep u-r.-hic.s, with the Idol of
Yl'ri''s Mr. Vernon
' '"-. "TliK I..VST SKXTKXOB,"
:.!"tirii-nll.,ii of .Maxwell lirny's
: " ' start-inn Miriam Xesbitt and
"' ?.;;e-liermoU. .Moving plc-
X "': "Cood, healthy
:' from fir.t , i,, ,ubMn!!
o-er with iiiiMsunl Ini idents."
T.-,!.!!ii()V-rj!0 IU1.I, HART
in Tin: ( i n l i(;ii-n;it
C-., .Mcdford'g Cozy
V? Itljik I'botoplay Theatre.
Thf reiMnraed WII.I.IAM ms
M.l.l,. la
"Tiii: i.ovi: hi:i:mit,"
Tiie pior.v of h limn whose heart
i -i-ii' a'-.-ln.-.t womankind and
' :' ba.-k acain.
1 oiiifdy -"Tlio I-Tjliiu'."
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