Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 8TX
uttitos plan hi niiiku n-i.-lralin dny
for the new urrny ron.-rriplion tin;
oeeasioii for fetes anil patriotic dem
onstrations, according to reports
reach in t lie war department today.
"The spirit of pal riot i.-ni seems
to have entered into the arrange
ments for the occasion which have
been imule by many of the state offi
cials," says a war department state
ment issued today.
'The questions which are to he
Answered involve comparatively few
Mibjects: The name in full, the njro
in years, the home address, the date
of birth, the quality of citizenship,
natural born, naturalized or the con
dition of declaration of intention, the
pin eo of birth, trade, occupation or
office, employment and by whom em
ployed; dependents, if any; married
or Hinyle; race; former military serv
ice and where it was rendered and
lastly, claims of exemption from draft
with the specific grounds therefor.
"Several of the states have relieved
the government entirely of expense
connected with tho work of weeurinfr
complete repst ration; in fact, help
fulness seems to be common (o the
By A. C. Kowlotl
N. P. Horn of Mcilfnril, agent for
the Continental Tailors, Chicago.
ciiwm out Thursday iiHirninu and
took n room ill I hp Sutmvsido hotel
mid during tho day and Friday took
Kcvcral orders orders for suits, lie
remained until Saturday.
V. C. Whcelor and wife, tlie irin
cijml nnd primary teneher in our
seliool, were, visited by Mrs..lnniiil
HiiKon of Talent, Mr. lind Mrs. Wil
liuin lioheils of Ashland, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. H. Koliiii! (.11 of Talent. The
Inst two named, Mr. and Mrs. Wuli
inson, are the parents of Mis. Whcel
or.' Mr. Frank Klliolt, Mis Murinn
Shew of Talent and l-.v.irett lliisni all
of Talent. They are old friends and
nci.dihors of Mr. and Mrs. Whcelor
mid took advantage nf the oporlu
nny id pay tncin a visit ami enjoy
lilt" day durui!,' tlm track meet.
(In Wednesday the following ynitii
people enine ill from Hulle H'nlls anil
took rooms at the Siinnyside: Misses
IVnrl I., (lould, Ktla Stewart, Nor
na Stewail, Mildred Morris, Malile
Johnson, Hilda Aliliott, Mrs. llurnice
Haker and Master llyron Stewart.
There was u nice lot of hoys out at
the .same time, lint they camped in
stead of taliini; rooms. Thev were
tho teachers from the ltutte Kails and
Crater Lake districts who cnnio out
to take part in the various exercises
nt the school grounds Tliursdav.
There was a nice crowd of people
nnd everythinif passed off nicely; the
day was an ideal one and the chil
dren from the various schools vied
with each other in the contests for
the prizes. The Itutte Falls school
outclassed the F. P. school tint he
enuse they lacked in liavimr the prop
cr percentai; of representatives they
were ruled out. The roads are so
nispriilily hud between here nnd Unite
Fnll that it is with difficulty that
one can e,1'' out and the result was
iihoul the only way they could enmc
was to walk, although the youuc; la
dies hired W. V. I'arkcr lo brim;
them down as far as l',i-ownhoro and
they were met there bv two iiulos, r
Moll and Mr. Whcelor mccttn-r then
anil oniiL'iic,' llleui ilown an, I laKini
them back u'aiu to Itrownsboro and
Mr. I'arkcr met them there and took
tin-in home Friday.
There wi s ii crowd cMimulcd to be
There was a crowd estimated to hi
iiliout l.ollll people. A picnic ilinnci
wns served in the park and ipiite n
number hail their lunch ba l;els nhmc
nnd about 'J Ml or : El ,) took their meah
at the Sunnysiilc. This includes llmst
who eaiue tor the two nienU, dinner
and KiipHr. Al the danee there wen
sold 1 ticket- at 1 each and tin
ladies who sold soil drinks, cio..
netted !". Tnkint: eervt!umr into
eonsideralion, Thuisdav, Mav II.
! ' 1 7, will be a day I0111; to be re
nieiubeied by many of the selimd
children in this part of the county.
(lus and Frit IV. h nf Lake ('reck
were anions the Inc-iness eallcis Fii
I. T. I. a '.vton. uho i-- in the employ
of the state to I k u!t. r (!ie MviuV
and tneasnics, wa
looking over i'ir
arcs ainoni.' our b;
fllllllll (hat Til en,:
been iiivint a h ill
ton much with c: !
he re!!nhi!rd hi- v
r. Xi-i
i'., 1 ,.1
old. '
lie nciirrally fci;i d I'ic iV. e.r
Lise ll.'rtiiinn, t'ic lnii::t builder
was nut Friday un, while heic In
evainiiicd the w 11 sou h' iih c and fVni'i
tllfll it Wlis so' w .ii 11 out the1
pose (hat we will have to have n
new bridge built: this one wus built
in 1SS8, 'JU yens nyn, allhoiivh il
has been repairi-d anil is now con
sidered sale for ordinary loads.
Our town mayor, Mr. John Nichols,
and wife, went lo Medford Friday
with his son-in-lnw and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert Jack, in Iheir new
Thomas Abbott, who is workinj:
for (lus Nichois on Salt Creek,, came
out nnd went lo Medford some ten
.days a;:o and had an operation per
' fonucd on his nose, returnimr Knt
I unlay. His mother. Mrs. M. L. Ab
hott. who has been staying with her
I son Frank and family for the pat
two week's, returned to her home in
Unite Fulls Saturday.
Mrs. Carl Jackson and her sister,
Miss llcssie Chambers, who have been
stopping with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 11.
Jackson for some time, returned to
their home in liutle Falls Saturday.
Miss Maud Merrill of Derby, who
has been working in our town for
the mist winter, went up home Satur
day on the I, ii' K.
Our sheriff, Ua'ph 0. Jennings,
was a passenyer on the 1 & K. l'or
Butte Fulls Saturday morning.
There was n car of crushed rock
and sand sent to llulfe Fulls for Mr.
Mills Saturday and on the same train
there were five barrels of spray for
Thomas Farlow of L. C.
Mrs. Herman .Meyer,, sr., wife of
our mil il eoutraetor between K. P.
and L. ('., came o il Saturday nihrn
ing to interview our deputy assessor
(leorge It. Wamslev and try to
straighten out the tux li: t on her
property in Hrownsboro. Mr. W. says
that the lols are all disarranged and
that a new plot will have to be made.
There will ho a dunce given by
the lied Cross society for the benefit
of the lied Cross May 2, 11117.
'Mrs. Al Mayfield is here visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. 0. Knighton.
Mrs. Charles Peclor relumed home
from Medford Saturday.
K. A. llildrcth returned from n
business trip to Jacksonville Satur
day. I'rof, l'.noy returned from Kticne
v Al llildrcth returned from a busi
ness trip to Medford Saturday.
M'iss l)i ni Smith returned to her
home' ia Medford Saturday after a
few weeks visit witli her sister, Mrs.
.lack Tunyate of this place.
.lack Tnnuate went to Central
Poinl Saturday to attend an uncteV
funeral, ivlnrnint homo Tuesday.
Charles 1'eelor made a business
trip to Medford Tuesday.
Ira Tunuate and wife moved to lMi
pray Tuesday where he has work fur
the hcasou.
Mrs. liupert Oleeson and Miss
llonri Patterson came up from Med
ford Thursday,
Mrs. Winifred Lucy left Saturday
for her home in Medford after a vImI
with the llildrelhs here.
Miss tesie Chambers went to
Katrle Point Saturday to visit the
(loo. liiehardson, John Swnnson,
Wm. Hughes and dack Cadzon left
Sunday to lake up their work at Pel
ican Pay lumber camp for tho sum
mer. Charles Patton went up to the Al
Vn plaee Saturday ret urning Ii'me
Most of the hich school and sev
eral other youn people went lo Kaule
Point Wednesday lo attend (he field
At the rirtd meeting t Kalc I'tdat
last week, Pnule Point m IiooI won (he
silver cup, hut Ut ene creek came in it
elo: hecond. The niitnes were all
;ood and there was n larKe crowd. In
tho "free-for-all" In the afternoon
several nf the 11 rose Creek people
won prios. A mons t he sureessf al
one!' were; ,Mrn. Cerie Hollows In the
women'n ruaiiiim race; Kdward Pel
lows in the crah race; 'Nye Mat -ihcttft
In the pie contort and lUtlle
.loliiiHoa won a prle or two.
Keoe CreeK elo.-etl an oitfht
montlia teun of school Tiidav.
The hoys arc now onlitiiii? in the
Ol a fields.
The fanners are late with their
Top because of I he late xprtug,
The orchard? have boon henut if ul
the last week ninny of the trees were
In full bloom and have the appear
aneo of u ood yti'ld of fruit, If there
is not n late frost.
Henry Ttuty, the River Uoad ami
Ti a '1 rotiie ma 11 ran '.'', ha- been
;hImk in his car th- lat week. The
j:iio!-; i im hv traclins; on the
i'ctrv ro;n'. Hit1 wrt'k or .o,
Ciiri-; !omiiui:i. who ttas butt a
hort time iuo hy lii: team vi
plowhii:. is i; Utut: all nul'I au '-In
Viis, Clui.t iU'i'ttumn railed on Mrs
KoiniilUeo one day last week, cornier
JUT l) i ;ines w jf li pit Mvnre.
Willa:l llo'.'-.i.on li.i.v pntiiethihK
2,1 oh-iii oi er one of his v c:. He II h
h's s'ster, Mh Ant:, wont to Moil
in! d t' eeur-nlt a spei lulli .
"Prohibition - Is Bolng to mako U:i
Lons, KniiKna City, Mo., society girl,
a mascot at tho home show.
EhkIc Point spent last Sunday at tho
homo of his parents. .
Mrs. W. Sane formerly Miss Rose
Xealon, was at tho field meet and
went home with .Mr. nnd Mrs. Aer
and visited friends at Reese Creek for
a few days. She exneetu to return to
her home in Montana the first of
Mr. Lewis, the sheep man, has
bought the I'inloy place and expects
to move soon.
Tho Xiindcl boys have moved into
the Watklna homestead house.
Mrs. Sam Courtney is visiting her
sister, Mrs. V. E. Hanimel this week.
William Whitman tho KurIu I'oint
harbor culled on H. Wntklns Sunday.
Also the boys from the Riverside.
Mrs. Sieve Smith made a business
t rip to Jacksonville, Tuesday, ro
turnin M'edneday.
The road supervisor is working in
this section on I he roads.
Mr. and Mrs. AK'in Conover were
vidtitir Iriends on the west ide of
the river Thursday.
Xurmnn (ai:'rettirued from a busi
ness trip lo Ashland.
A luru.e number of people from
tins section were in Kaude Point last
Friday a'ienditiir the I'estivilies.
I)r. KirohjresMier made a trip to Ihe
Trail count ry lately.
Tobe b'nimy was in Ihe valley InM
Tuesday m business.
V. C'ottral was in the valley al
tending to business matters Satur
day. V. W. Willi! s of Persist hauled
a load of provisions homo Saturday.
Mrs. Tom b'aimy relumed from a
i'imI to her dnuhlor, Mrs. K. Ilous
ton, Saturday.
Steve Smith plauled a little patch
if four acres of polaloes. It' all
the farmers will raise that many in
proportion (here ouuht to be enough
to supplv any demand.
Considerable corn will lie planted
where the w heat proved un-al i--t ac
tor v.
Kil! nil suck i no: tm:'5. Thnt:!
rnnwrs lo hk out lor A pi lis,
IVar Psvlla. TIicsl' nckine iusoMs have Ivcomo ;i real mrnnce
in manv orchards. Owuiij to their
in-ikvtivc iu li-.i.-t '.win. You n:ut
Control Orchard Pests
I.c:if 10. f rinnM-i. ti!--i il h Tht
liuor;Hr.(ie-l( l.Huvt le, K y. Works
' n " 't ku, nnnn',ii: hum iiiit'-u
i1 ' it'iiiii-i Mus Wi.i a, i te -pr:n let ilfs double Uioy. inif lo
lUciiUaLfcir-UttlniMUn'-lv -t 40, 1'iit tit t ! ' in) 'i Ireil ntui !-e rwf U low.
k Ul.n'XitUlUv.'L'.tlUtl Uy AtfllwUilUt UH ulil -.rt rttlll K;vrmiUUk9lUllUlU.
tiic cru
Ml IH (H;li i;t to : t Corey lhirdttiiro t o Vn urm Kvuti Co., Pogue
Itlver 'n.opecntttr I Milt limwor .mi., Kotue llivrr I'mlt nnd Prmluco
sH ial it'll.
0$ -
vr"E l t
i;eum to capital Boclety, whon Miss
takes her jiet ilg to Wnsliinnton as
J. W, Klden, who has been serious
ly 111 for tho last two months, is now
almost fully recovered. We trust
that In a few weeks time he will have
regained his former strength.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J, Hrophy and fam
ily of Derby spent a. few hours with
the Parker family on Sunday after
noon. -Mrs. V'. A. Thompson motored to
Medford on Saturday afternoon with
.Mrs. .Manning.
Mrs. Lucy King of Iiookfnrd, Illi
nois, and mother of Mrs. R. W. Elden,
presented the Willow Springs school
with a very beautiful piece of work
appropriately framed. Tho picture
represents the evolution of the Amer
ican flag In its different singes. A
wealthy resident of Iloekford present
ed one of these tokens to every public
school in the state of Illinois and had
20,000 extra copies made, to he sold
to whom ever desired one, .Mrs.
King very kindly remembered tho lit
tle school house in the far west about
which her grand children often write
her. It Is a valuable and instructive
addition to the school room wall.
Many tbanVs are duo Mrs. King for
her kind remembrance.
Miss A. Thomas, aunt of Mrs. J. W.
lUrkholz, spent tho week end with
Mr. and Mr;. A. Wylbcrg at the
llomewood farm at Grauts Pans,
I Mrs. S. .1. Miner and Mrs. Young
iworo trading in Central Point on Prt
i day.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. .T. Coy, an
'eight-pound baby irl, on May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. p. C. Helmer and
j daughter. Lillian, wero Sunday din
jner guests at tho It. W. Klden home.
Mih. Prank Palmer has boon hccii
lout driving one nice sunny day. We
j hope the weather wtll soon be warm
er ho as to permit her to visit among
, her friends.
A number of Willow Springs men
folks attended tho lecture In Medford
.on Saturday glieti by II. W. Campbell
one 1V step. Wo arc advtsmp
Wtndlv AnhK Red Hue- and
liubiu of lite, ank-mcal suraya are
ICnit nevv 'iil.i. .-c Tr.'nnt Pii'iinnnv.
ieutlv us a m-o.t;.v spray or with
i hhi r, :;u:'i nun nun 'uu mniir i'm inu
Free Spray Chart
In mifl jjt't ft fri-riaH ihnlnff b-Iiim n.l
o( Liveit, vlui t lowers ana vittciaUic.
' V i 'J t A '
Vf Kills
tlie export farmer. Mr. Woolly Ulilen
being uble to attend Invited several
neighbors to rido with nim in Ills car.
.Mre. M. F. Young visited with .Mrs.
S. Rirhardson or Hoas Lane on Mon
day afternoon.
The regular meeting of the parent
leachcrs' club was held on Saturday
nt the home of Mrs. Hert Nichols with
tho aesls-taiR'O of Mrs. Roy Nichols.
MoBt of the lnenibei'B were present.
In response to the roll call, health
suggestions were given and many val
uable ones wero read and told about.
Election of officers was In order nnd
Mrs. F, Tompkins was chosen presi
dent for the ensuing year. After the
business meeting dainty refreshments
wore served by. the hostesses. The
Dext meeting will bo at Mrs. George
Davis', homo. Members will please
remember tho date, being the first
Saturday in the month.
Mrs. Sam Anderson called on Miss
M. Johnston Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ora Vincent spent several
days with relatives at Table Itock last
week, returning homo Wednesday.
Preaching by Mr. Abbott and Mr.
MeCake has been held in the Antioch
school house several nights tills week
with a large attendance each night.
Mr. and Mrs. Moscoe Doty of the
Modoc orchard were visiting Sunday
with home folks In Beagle, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar nodgers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Will llanscom and
family "Of Agate wore visiting Mrs.
Honscom's sister, Mil Jesse Glass
and family at Antiochnlie first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and chil
dren were visiting with rolativos in
Medford Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Davo Cottrell and Mr.
and Mrs. Wyland and daughter, of the
Meadows while on their way to town
had a breakdown south of Antioch
last Friday evening. They returned
to Jesse Glass homo and atended
church at Antioch.
" Several from this precinct attended
the Barnes circus at Medford Inst
Israel Lewis of Central Point was
out in the valley Sunday looking for
beef cattle.
Most of the grain sowing Is over
now and the farmers are busy plant
ing corn, etc. '
Ruth Strathcn was visiting with
friends Tn Central Polnl last week.
Mrs. Alberta .ToneB who lias been
teaching the Antioch school, will close
her term of school next Friday.
Co-Opers.tive Extensicn Work in Agricultura and Home Economics, Oregon Agricultu
ral Cortege and U. S. Department of Arciciifere Co-Operating Extension Service.
1. The plan for raising and distributing farm labor may be made known, and labor ap
plication blanks distributed. '
2. Tlie policy of the Secretary of Agriculture fcr the protection of the farmer by the
adoption of a minimum price and anti-food inspection law may be explained.
3. Reliable information on the National and world food supply may be presented. '
4. A census of Oregon crop and livestock cenditions may be taken.
Time and Places of Meetings in Jackson County are Listed Below:
(All meetings May 12 except as noted.
BELLVIEW 8:00 P. M. CLUB 8:00 P-M-
PHOENIX 3:00 P. M. SAM3 VALLEY 8:00 P. M.
TALENT 8:00 P.M. GOLD HILL 2:30 P.M.
RUCH 2:00 P. M. WIMER GRANGE 2:00 P. M.
GRANGE 8:00 P. M. LAKE CREEK 2:00 P.M.
Should WMM
a Tire
1 CtirActt-Ciirci Ht1i:o. Co.
Gur.icll-Ccrcy I!il::-c. Co.
THIS may be a good deal like Abraham
Lincoln's question: "How long should a
man's legs be?" And it can be an
swered almost as shortly.
You don't
than the
1 li
j,,,- .
Attend a Meeting
need to pay a cent more
price of a Diamond Tire
r all the service and mileage
y-ou can ever hope to get from
any tire.
Come into our store today
and learn tho "Fair List"
price for your size. We
will be -jlad to tell you, if
we can, how to get more
mileage out of the tires
now on your car.
Every Diamond Tie mast
deliver full value in ser
vice. If ever a Diamond
Tire fails, a cheerful,
willing adjustment vi!l
be promptly niada.
Hdwe, Co.
Medford, Ore.
County Agricultural Agent.
eld. matinlnar: rlflit fw,t, ut
ile: .enter now. rcuuon..