PACE TWO MTDFOTiD WATT, TT?TP,TTNT3 ArEDFOTRD. otctxiox. TTTTTJsmY. may in. 1017. A.V pum- 1: TIlB Mall. 'I Hull patchc lnul ttintl the tins B: 1 TOCAL AND V PERSONAL U 1 George Vilas has arrived home orflc from the Oregon Agricultural C'ollige Nor"' : He recently enlisted in the Seventh company, C A. C. era On Mrs. Leach 1. corsets m&ae to meas- G arements guaranteed. Phone CS3-J. Miss Frances Bacon and Miss Nellie On m". cmPbe" wl" arrive home Kriday ev Per nti ening from the I'niversity of Califor- Modi . eni. nia. Sum"'"! Dr. Heine fits Glafsos correctly. : Weatonka trilio and Woatoura ottc,l"t council of the Improved Order of Hed men will entertain at the wigwam Mct'lfoi next Saturday evening All Kedmcn 8i 18lt and their wives are Invited to be pres- ent on this occasion. Baths 25c, Hotel. Holland The postofflce employes of Med ford or of any other postoffk-e in the country who respond to the call of the president for volunteers by enlisting in the army, marines or navy can feel assured that when they return from service their position will be waiting them. The war department order giving the above information has just been received by Postmaster Mims. The order states that the names of postofflce employes who enlist will u carried on the postofflce payroll as if they were on a leave of absence. Agricultural Defense Day, May 12 A plea to Patriotic Farmers. ' Tonight will be past exalted rulers ' night at the Elks' lodge session when 0f t all the past exalted rulers of the lodge who are in the city will occupy the leadlne lodi:e offices. Preparations lu,"i have been made for on unusually large attendance. The past exalted rulers of the Medford lodge who will ba present nre Clarence L. Reames. letlew jj McGowan, T. E. Daniels and It Leon B. Hasklns. The places of past ?f " exalted rulers T. E. Heilbronnor and ll's' Art Burgess, who are residing in oth P er cities will be filled by C. E. Gates, l)lcJ past exalted ruler of the Xoblesville, 18 F Ind., lodge, and George E. Boos, past S exalted ruler of the Seattle, Wash., '; lodge. and Bakery goods at De Voe's. iim Through the kindness of F. E. Mor- mill rick and a number of Individual Elks slit baths have been flttod up in the base- ins," mont of the natatorlum for the ex enk elusive use of the members ot Com !' pany I. The Elks lodge had planned Ni to fit up shower baths for the com- ci'm pany In the Elks' building, but the on plan was given up when It was learn ing ed that the heating tank now In use rut would be too small to accommodate I so many men and it would take too rut long to Install a new one. Mr. Mer lin rick offered the free use of tho nata I,,. toriura baths and a number of indi Tidual Elks agreed to pay for the ill heating and maintenance. The com 1 pany began using the new baths Wed ,r nesday. Hj,? See Dave Wood about that fire In i,l surance policy. Office, Room 404 M. ,. F. ft H. Bldg. pr Mrs. E. F. Guthrie of Medford Is registered at Hotel Portland, Port land, Oregon. Wear a flower In honor of your mother, Sunday. May 13. riorco, the florist. Phone 374. 40 Allen C. Hopkins arived In Med ford Thursday from Eugene, and spent tho d;ry visiting relatives and friends, leaving on the evening train for San Francisco, where he will en ter the officers' training camp for the new army. He was one of thlr- teen out of ISO applicants accepted from Eugene. Ho left his position in the school of commerce, and the "' position will be held open tor him if he returns. '" Gasoline and oil at De Voe's. 1" . George E. Boos, secretary of the r Trl-Stato Good Koads association has '' removed his headquarters to the of H flees formerly occupied by the Kehl v Investment company, soulh of the Holland hotel main entrance. 11 A dime's north of curlittle will kill ! all your gophers. 0. E. Gates Auto ' Company. 42 r A rudo shock Is coming to Medford 'I housewivw as the price of flour in nthe Portland nuirket Jumped 1.;) a (barrel Wednesday. The wholesalers liso notified Medrord grocers today. 4 tint) this means that very soon here the relall pilco ot flour will he ad vanced 35 cents a sack, making the retail price, of flour fit. 75 a sink. Pancako flours have aiso Jnmpeil ' cents a ten-pound sack. At the pres Mit lime 'a tiumher of the leading grocers of tho city are selling flour at tprlrnn bolow (tin present who.Male. tprlre, having made large purchases Ihoforo the recent rises started In. I Tent fastpry now In Nat. I Tho Girls' Glee oluh of tho I'nlver- lulty of Oregon will give a concert at tho Natatorlum on Friday evening. May IS. tinder the auspices of Talis man lodge. No. 31, Knlghisof Pythias for the benefit of the Mr, I ford chap iter of the Itcil Cross. Inasmuch as tho giro club Is nn excellent organlra tlou, and tho Knights of Pythias anil local University of Oiegon alumni members will work hard for tho sue , res of the concert, a very large audi ence Is anticipated. The entire pro coeds will go to the lied Cn. Sweet elder at Je Voo's. field, HraunlKr: rl,'lll "'" llnle ,.nter field. Hdioolcr. !i PATIENCE WORTH, THE MYSTERIOUS BABY E IL ':'V-1 ' .k-; -'-.-",: 1'atlence AVorth. ST. I.oriS, Mo., May S. Will n baby jrirl, a red-liaired tot only a few months old, lie Hie child of destiny who will sweep iiside the veil which separates the lure from the here after f Will I'atieuce Worth, miracle haby, whose adoption was directed by an unseen hand, break down tho barriers tiiat prevent free communication be tween the living and deadf St. Louis today is asking these questions, as the remarkable infant develops townrd her first birthday at the home of her foster-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Ciirran. Intiri'-t in the child has spread far beyond St. Louis, for scientists studying psychic phenomena are nsk-iiifc-: Who is Patience Worth, the mys terious personage who t;ilks to the t'urrans throni;h their "wceijee board"t I Two carloads of recruits for all branches of army service passed through tho city Thursday en routo to Fort McDowell at San Francisco from tho Vancouver barracks. Dr. Hargrave, Farmers and Fruit growers Bank bldg. Phone 230. Top factory now In Nat. David Spencer of Trail, road su pervisor of that district, is spending Thursday In the city. A-l paper hanger, tlnter. S40-J. 43 Do not worry about your washing. bring It to us. Specially on comforts and fancy pieces; family wash. 25c doien, Ironed 75c. Wo will guaran tee to pleaso you. Give us a trial. hone 35 9-M. Henry Meyer of I.lck Creek came to the city Thursday on a shopping and business trip. For the best insurance see Holmes. the Insuranco Man. Every day is Mothers' Day at the Medford Fish Market. 4:'. Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook of Horn- brook, en route to Eugene where Mr. Holbrook has accepted a position in a lepartment store, stopped off in Med ford for a day to visit Mr. and Mrs. I.. J. Holtirook. Do you know that you can get fan cy eating potatoes at Faber's Grocery. Centrnl Point, 4 .50. 33 K. E. Spink of Spring Creek. Klam ath county. Is in the cliv on a busi ness trip of several days, having ar rived here Wednesday night. They are very choice, those craUs. shrimps, clam ami oysters at the Medford Klsh Market. t; Charles llorton. tho well known stock buyer, who been buying stock in tomhern Oregon for some time, returned Thursday to Klamath' Fulls. Johnson for high class watch re pairing. t(t How about a nice plere of Chinook salmon to bake Then e have choice salmon trout and Iw'ihut. Mi-dionl Fish Market. Samuel Sanmitrs of KU.h i-,ti. lft Thursday morn in: for th Hap; tamp mining di.trt,t In i alifornla. where they ill spend the s-i:i::ner. Johnson for high class watch re pairing. tf. Kgg will ho evlren:. It h ch this winter. It Is erption-.y to tut up enough to tide ou Cironph the e pensive mason FkkIo is the i-e--t preserver at Health's Drug Store only 4-!' Mr. and Mm. Charles Talent of nrownsuiio arried in the ciiv Thursday to attend the funeral o( , Mrs. Talent's father, Noah 11. Brad bury. Gates sells Ford cars, :0v down and $25 a month. How lil she know the instant this baby was horn, and direct the Cur runs as to her adoption? Why nre this baby's eyes, hair and features exactly like those described by the unseen "Patience'' in a por trait of herself? And will this baby iiihcrit from her spiritual (foilmother the power to bridge the cup between the world and the nfter-lil'e? The baby Patience coos and crows contentedly, little bothered by the at tention showered upon her, hut al ready enthusiasts of Patience Worth cult are seeiiur in her eyes a far-away look which they interpret to mean that the infant is receiving the first dim communication from her spirit mother. For several years the ouija-bourd writing of Patience Wortli have been coming to Mrs. (Virran. Patience is supposed to lie a woman who lived in New England before the revolu- A well attended informal farmers meeting held In the hall in Sams Val - ley Wednesday night was addressed by County Pathologist Cato on agri-, for over a week. Mrs. Newbury, who cultural conditions, the food prepar-lwent to Los Angeles with him, will edness campaign and general farmers remain in that city several days he organization work now being carried : fore returning; home. on. The Sams Valley farmers will probably soon form a permanent or ganization. Get our prices on liquid glass, tho egg preserver. Heath's Drug Store. 43 Dr. Henry Hart, Jackson County Bank building. Office hours 2 to 4 P. m. Tho Home Guard company will drill next Tuesday night Instead of Wednesday on uccount of the mem bers taking part In the big patriotic parade on Wednesday. Sergeants for the company were appointed at last nltht's drill as follows: First, Blaine Klum: second, W. C. Wright: third.!,,. ,,, 'W. Y. Crowson: F. W. Newman. C. W Davis and 11. L. Walther. It's time to plant dahlia bulbs and up to June 15th. Send one dollar to ! It. It. Paxson, Central Point, or come and get eight assorted, labeled, field grown roots. We havo lots of higher priced ones. too. We pay the post age. May and June eggs are the best keepers. Get your liquid glass at Heath's Itruc Store. 43" KVI.I5 P.UKAIi A I.F.XS? S.ive the pieces we will do the ret. We duplicate any lens, regardless of here you bought it. DR. RICKERT Suite t-a. Over May CO. MEI'FOHP. CUE. Potato Planters Garden Cultivators and Seeders Alfalfa, Clover Seed Wizard Fertilizer for Lawns and Gardens Full line of Pratt's Poultry Remedies MONARCH SEED & FEED CO. ATLANTA. CA. I ! i Mrs. J. H. Oil-ran. tion: her remarks ore couched in nn old Knirlish form devoid of modem words. Mie has "dictated jwetry and stories, which Mrs. Curnin has read olf as. the pointer flew from letter to letter on the ouija-bourd. lne most amazmfr communication, however, was that which required the t urrns to adopt a baby and name it Patience Worth. "Select a poor linhy," was the de mand, "and make all arrangements for adoption before its birth.". So the Cnrruns nrr.m'e,l wirli n j poverty-stricken prospective mother for the udopiion of her child, should it be a girl. The night of the baby's arrival, a session with the bourd was inter rupted when Patience said: "There be other things adoing." Later it was found this interrup tion came at the exact moment of the baby's biith, in a distant section of the eitv. - Gus Newbury returned home ; Thursday morning from Los Angeles ' where has has been on legal business Egs;Io. the lest preparation for keeping egts is sold only at Heath's Drug Store. 43 Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10 and 11, Jackson County Bank build ing. 62 Mrs. H. H. Natwlck and daughter, of Fargo, N. D., are visitors In the city, having arrived Wednesday night. Have your mattresses renovated, upholstering, auto top and trimming dono at W. H. Brown's, 142 North Front. Phone 145-J. 65 Tho Farmers and Fruit Growers Icacue will hold a meeting at the pub- .iic iiui.ii, Aiianiat afternoon at 2:30 o'clock to which all farmers and fruit 'growers are invited. I Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist. St. i Dance at L'acle Point Saturday. !May 12. benefit lied Cross Society. 43 .XMISF.MKXTS D A fT? TONIGHT llWjLj LAST TIME Theda Bara IN The Darling of Paris I'triit: xi:s 1 Kt'icular ltic,-s I Saturday THE HOfSE OF TKH- R1HI.E SC WDALS. j AMI KMi:TS Star Med ford's Coty Photoplay Theatre. Tonight Only E. H. SOUTHERN S ;pported l.y I'U.GV in I. AMI In THE CHATTEL Comedy w u.i.s ami w u.loi's tovorhow iu.M'HF. ,. Frr 1- l-ester Rogers of Beagle is trans acting business in the city today. M. Purdin, lawyer. Room 406 M. F. & H. DIdg. 50 C. J. Chadwick of Chicago, who has been here for some time looking after his ranch near Talent, will leave for Chicago tonight. Marks' building. Phone 323-V. Attorney M. S. Lamport of Salem, brother of E. H. Lamport, passed through the city Thursday en route to the officers reserve corps training camp at San Francisco. The brothers had a brief visit at the depot during the train stop. Metz cars at Riverside Garage. W. Summerfield of Albany is business visitor In the city today. Fresh chocolates at De Voe's. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Langdon of Portland are visitors in the city for several days and are guests at the Medford hotel. Buttermilk 10c gal. De Voe's. R. J. Nixon of Vreka and until just recently postmaster of that city Ar rived in the city Thursday morning from Portland for a week's visit here. He is the guest of T. E. Daniels. Metz cars at Riverside Garage. Miss Annette Wakeman left Thurs day to spend the week end at Eugene. Big 5c milk snakes at De Voe's. Mrs. C. C. Huff of Corvallls ar rived in the city Wednesday night for several days visit. Daily Auto Stage, Medford to Horn brook, Montague, Yreka and return. Same as railroad fare. Leave Med ford Hotel at 8 a. m. daily. Bliss Heine, B. E. Haney. 4S County Surveyor A. T. Brown went to Rogue River this morning to look after county work In that vicinity. Rawles Moore, Attorney at Law. M. F. & H. building. tf QUALITY H-AT5 QUA -QUALITY, HATS IQUAl HATS QUA1 HATS QJJAl HATS QUAL HAT5 QUAL HATS ,Q.UAL HATS QUAt HAT5 QUA! HAT! QJJAl HATS QUAL Have Seen dhL The New Spring Blocks are in my windows Knox Hats S5.00 Mallory Hats $3.00 I take pride in the exclusive aseney for these hats. They are the best values at the pi'i-e in America. Let rae prove it to you. Daniels for Duds HATSI HA QUAUTY HAT5 QUiTffALITY PAGE THEATER TOMORROW NIGHT THE MOST POPULAR SHOW OF THE SEASON THE BIG FUN SHOW OF TUNES AND DANCING "SEPTEMBER MORN" GREAT CAST STUNNING CHORUS WITH Ruth Wilkins as Argentina "The World's (in atest McmIith 1 ),uncr." 22 I!1 40 People 20 STUNG A WORLD OF COMEDY AND JOY Prices John M. Williams the Jacksonville merchant transacted business in the city Thursday. Phone SS4 Heath's Drug Store. John A. Westerlund. president, and Geo. E. Doos, secretary of the Tri State Good Roads association, accom panied by Geo. B. Collins, chairman lot the entertainment committee, re turned this afternoon from Ashland, where they went to perfect arrange ments for the entertainment of the delegates and visitors on Thursday of j next week, the second day of the con- i vention Dance at Eagle Point Saturday. May 12,benefit Red Cross Society. 4 The California and Oregon Power company has furnished all the neces sary wiring and will f jrnish the elec- jtricity, free of charge, for tho incu- bators in the federal bailcling v. here 5000 eggs will be hatched. H. W. Paul has agreed to furnish all needed electrical supplies free of charge. DENY ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE KAISER BF.RI.IX, May 10. The report re cently emanating from Z.iricii that an attempt had been made to a.-su-inatc KmiMTor William, is denied in nn of ficial statement made tmiav. FI XEHAL NOTICE. Funeral services over the late Noah B. Bradbury, who died Wednesday, will be held from the family home. 308 Apple street, at 2:30 o'clock Fri day afternoon. Rev. F. W. Carstens and Rev. Dr. J. C. Rollins will con duct the services. Interment will be in the I. O. O. F. cemtery. The G. A. R. and Women's Relief corps will at- I tend in the body, and the G. A. R. will 'conduct the service at the grave. 'QUALITY ITYVHAT5 QUALITY HATS jTY. 15 LITY ,at's 4.ITY HAT 5 M.ITY W5 Ml TV HATS V,UTY HATS tLITY HATS ALITY HATS rXLlTY AT5 iUTY NATS 5M-1TY HAT5 You Th Lem: HATS QUALITY TY HATS aUALlTY HATS m - . , A v. X r F ... -TfT ) A Sinning, Dancing, Musical Whirl VNLITY f s x r i 1 First 12 Rows. Floor J 51 Balance Floor t cq Balcony 50c. 75c and $l Ct) Seats Selling at Box Office. SHOE SALE Still Going On Muleskin Shoes Elk Hide Shoes Big Heavy Shoes U. S. Army Shoes Men's Dress Shoes Men's Button Shoes Men's Tan Shoes Men's Lace Shoes Men's Oxford Boys' Scout Shoes' Boys' Knockabout Shoes Men's Cushion Sole Shoe SHOES! SHOES! We also have a fine line of Men's All-Wool SUITS . made to fit by some of the best tailors in the country, and cut to ... . $12.50 Fifteen dollar Suits . . . $7.50 A few of those Boys' Long Pants Suits left and going at . $1.98 Boys' Coats . .98 Dressers . . 2.98 One Sideboard 6.00 Two Violins Two Graphophones Three Refrigerators ;ThreeShotgunsat$2.50 One fine Gold Watch 16-sizeWaltham$6.00 One extra fine pair of jField Glasses Five Cameras 1 liree good second hand Trunks And hundreds of other bargains you can't afford to miss That's All Today Will H. Wilson "The Live Wire" Push the Money Under the Door