Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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(Continued from Page One.)
whirl. vs set mlril'l yt-stcrdiiy land
ed within the liritisii lines
Terrific Slaughter.
Stories of the (ierniiin eonntei' at
tacks tiiere havo been eight sepa
rate, attempts to capture (iavrclle
since Monday evening tell of almost
ineredihie tactics employed by the
ficnuuris in sending forward troops
in mns formation, giving the 'British
artillery the greatest opportunity for
open target shoolin it has had in
the last, two years. Several thousand
jiray-clad (icimans were advancing
in one of these allaeks ate Tuesday
when the British eurlaiii of fire shut
down in front of them. Still other
British puns fired straight through
the curtain on the advancing men.
Not (i man passed beyond that eur
tain and when ils obscuring smoke
lifted lliere win not a moving (lemian
in sight. Nothing was to be seen
hut ploughed ground littered with
sprawling dead.
One British regiment has a par
ticular grievance against the (Jer
inans. The night before the attack
n stray (terman shell landed direct
on the regimental rum cart, destroy
ing (tH gallons. Some of the men
who had been sleeping and fighting
in the open for three days were de
prived of their drams whieh usually
are distributed juM before dawn these
bitter cold mornings. There, were
several ammunition dumps nearby
which might have been hit by the shell
hut us lin k would have it the rum
earl was the mark.
Knormous Sacrifice,
FltANCK, Wednesday evening, April
The Hermans today unsuccess
fully hurled masses of men against
llurtehise Farm, westward of (Vn
onuo. The only result of several
strong Ciennan attempts to recover
the territory won from them in the
last week's severe fighting was an
enormous sacrifice of some of their
best troops.
I hiring these attacks the corres
pondent watched the French artillery
liurling wide salvos of shells which
dropped with methodical precision on
the (ierman lines further eastward in
the vicinilv of Ville-Aux-Bois.
Hundred Factories Rush Construc
tion cf Big "Mosquito Fleet," Cal
culated to End "Mad Don" Sub
marine Warfare.
BY R M. K Eli BY.
HAYONXE, X. J., April 26. Uncle
Sam is going about the work of pro
ducing fleets of submarine chasers,
eventually running into the thousands
in numbers, like u toymaker turning
out "tin soldiers" from n mold. Hun
dreds of shipbuilding plants have
To see how these chasers nre built
I have just been permitted to go thru
the plant of the Electric Launch com
pany ff Bnyonuc, which built 55(1
chasers for the British government
in f)50 days, and has procured con
tracts for the new 110-foot model
"sen wasps," designed by the navy de
partment. KlJtndanlimtlon the Secret,
Special guards surround the plant
and no one without official pass is
permitted to enter.
"Standardization" is the secret of
the rapid construction of these rninn
ture destroyers. Every part, down
to the most minute screw and boll
is standardized.
The "jitneys of the sea" are heing
turned out like chickens from an in
cubator. I saw piled ready for the
workmen, doens of engine parts;
hundreds of pieces of seasoned wood
cut by the mills to fit the specifica
tions, barrels of copper rivets, bun
dles of the small masts, hundreds of
coils of steel wire, and countless sep
arate parts.
In the steam shop, the seasoned
wood is steamed for warping into the
shape which the ribs of the vessels
must take. The floor was covered
with shaped blocks of wood, nailed
to the flot r. around which the ribs
are bent as ihey come from the steam
Cluisors ltO-Fool Typo.
Other forms are built to hold con
crete until it hardens, and around
thes other pieces of wood are bent
until they take the form necessary
for the builders.
These chasers are of the 110-foot
class, designed to develop 1500 horse
power with their triple engines, from
which it is hoped to get a speed of
20 knots, or 2t miles an hour.
This award was in addition to
awards previously made, and in ad
dition also to a large number of craft
between 00 and 1 00 feet in length
purchased by the deportment and
now in commission.
The food preparedness lectures
given by the O. A. ('. extension ser
vice directors at the hiuh school and
Washing I on and Bineolu schools
Thursday forenoon, and at the arm
ory this afternoon were well attend
ed by M'edlWd housewives and oth
ers interested.
Prof. Y. S. Brown and 0. ( jmh
gave the chief lectures, and instruc
tive talks and practical demonstra
tions were given by Miss Helen Cow
gill and Miss Johnson. The subjects
discussed covered home canning,
food preparation, vegetable growiim
and poultry raising.
At tile high school Wednesday ev
ening Miss Cowgill and Prof. Brown
had chai'ire of the program.
The O. A. l exhibit ears which
were vi-ited by many people Thurs
day will he taken to (iranK Pass this
A very largo attendance in expected
at the reception for the Sevonth com
pany Friday evening nt the Natntori
iim to be given under the auspices of
the OrtMitor Medford club. Plana for
mi exceptionally enjoyable, time nre
iuo being made by the committee In
Donations for the BUppep to be giv
en to the. Seventh company and the
honor gucHtR are to be taken to the
natntorlum Friday afternoon between
the hours of 1! and ti o'clock.
The whole public ia cordially in
vited to attend and enjoy the musical
program and dance beginning at S
o'clock In the large hull or the uata-torium.
Barring the Mail Order Houses
(Prom the keystone Weekly )
Aunt her large miMc tnag house,
one of whose is cinltiei
with a eli -I'll la I ton of more i hun a
million coph'K, a a ao ii m il some
week a ago that, tienlnninu with lis
April Issue, all mail oi ler tidwrii
Jug would be cxrluded tinin Us cnl
ninns. The publication referred to i.
tlx Itellncator, wiii h has i onie out
flat-fooled la favor of th.' "Huy. at
home nun e men t," and w hieh pro
claims tin purpose to conduct a cam
paign In the interest id the retailer
for the following very excellent rea
sons: .Mall-order houses have groun rich
at the expense of the local merchant.
Kvery dollar that goes to n mail
order house In-Mead of purchasing
from n local dealer leaven town never
to return.
Often customer! of a local store
have transferred a large part of their
trade to a mall-order concern long be
fore the merchant learned anything
about II.
The smaller the town fhe greater
tho weight of the mail-order house on
the necks of the local merchants.
The Interest of the local n-taller is
(lianietrlca'ly opposed to thnt of the
mail-order house. In many entire
states mail-order bonnes are no
Strongly entrenched that they get
hardly a contest from the local stores.
Itetail stores nre a necessity to ev
ry town and hamlet. Spending mon
v at home is a necessity to the pros-t-iity
of every town and hamlet.
Sending money oway from homo for
articles that could he purchased Is n
direct blow to the local retailer, to
to the local newspaper, to the local
hank to the entire town.
Needless to say, this radical action
by publishers will mean the loss of
the very suhMantlul Income from
these advertisements, nut every mer
chant, every combination of mer
chants, every association of local
business men and all public-spirited
dtieiis in any community should, in
their own interest, support these pub
lications In order that they may be
compensated lu some measure at least
for this voluntary sacrifice to honesty
anil the protection of retail interests.
It Is unite unlikely - certain In fact -that
no mtion will tie taken at this
special session of congress on the
me; sure to tax the mail-order houses
or on any other business measure,
but all retail Interest shotttd make
known their views on the subject and
their determination to force some
such legislation for their protection,
so that when reintroduced t the next
session t he measure will be given
prompt uud serious consideration.
l'urt, of I'ncli' Sum's fli'W. if kiiI
nuirliHi Iiiisci- iH'intt tiil'iicd out in
tlio rii( of oho a tiny nt the lliiyoiino
plant of the Klro roinpiiny.
During (he past week the Rogue
Illvcr Fruit & Producers association
has had interesting visits with Mr.
E. O. McCormick, vice president of
the Southern Pacific company, and
Mr. George M. Pope, of Dennis, Klm
ball & Pope who handle the associa
tions auction and export business.
Mr. McCormick states very positive
ly thnt the refrigerator car service
the coming season will ho hotter than
in 1 9 1 C and ho does not look for any
serious car shortage. Mr. Pope looks
for good prices for the season's crop.
Tho prosperity of tills country has
never been greater. IMkIi prices nre
already beiiiK paid everywhei;- for
oil kinds of fruit for canning and iry
Ing purposes and in general for all
other commodities. Tho export out
look Is for certainly as good condi
tions as last year and in case of ter
mination of tho war, the condition
should lie undoubtedly better. Tho
entry of the United Status into tho
war Willi tho tremendous financial
support already assured should great
ly stimulate trade between tho two
countries and make very probable
tl.o lemoval of the present embargo
on the shipments of fresh fruits.
The ocean lanes or traffic should
be ni lied better guarded, both to K'u
ropo and to South America, and a
eonsldcr'bly larger business with
Hrazil and tho Argentine should re
sult. This Is all very gratifying news.
for while it Is ridiculous lo attempt
to estimate the crop of this district
nt tills time, there is undoubtedly a
possibility that the lioguo river val
ley wil lharvest in 1917 the largest
crop of apples and pears In its bib
lory. A brief statement of what tho as
sociation has done during the past
season, is now doing, and expects to
do with the 1917 crop, is interesting
In tills connection. Tho association
sold and accounted to the growers
luforo Christmas 1916 for every box
of Partlett, Howell, Anfou, Bosc and
Coi.iice pears, and of Sjitzenberg nao
Jonathan apples. The total pear
r.VM'upe was $1.74 per box on theec
vanclies; the total ni'lie average
wr.s J1.00, which inci.vird all tho
poor prices obtained for the Jona
'ii.v. apples. The grand p.verago for
all these pears and applss sold i:ud
tiC'.n:inted for before ("iriMnias, wms
$1 0 0 1 er box. All thee prices w re
f. o. b. Medford, all selling charges
out. Incidentally the .prices on
Spltzenberg apples ranged from 14c
to 20c a box higher than tho adver
tised prices of the Fruit Growers' ex
change of Hood Itlvcf.
The total sum. thus accounted for
before Christinas J91G, was over
$1:17,000. rtcfore February first,
1917, every box of Hen Davis apples
were sold and accounted .'or 1 1 the
growers. Tho net proceed:; on this
vurkty, or a tqtal of over $.17e(.
This loft, after Fobrunry first, noth
ing l'iiaccountcd for except Wii.ler
Nells pears and Newtown apples.
Tho last car of Winter Nolis pears
has now been sold and the pool
prices nre being made up. Tho asso
ciation has advanced to the. growers
of the Winter .Veils pool up to date,
nproximntely $9000.
All the cars of N'ewtown apples
have now been sold and the pro
ceeds on all the cars with the excep
tion of four recently sold in Fugl.ind,
bavo been received. The actual ac
count sales and money on these curs
are expected prior to May first which
v. ill enable the association to close ils
season's business previous to its an
nual meeting, May Sth. The assjei i-
jtion has advanced to Newtown grow
lers to date approximately $30,000.
Advices as to the prices at which the
last four cars of Newtowns were sold,
aro that they ranged worn 1G shil
lings to twenty-one shillings per box
delivered. This should mean an av
erage f. o. h. Medford price of $2.00
or better. Approximately 50 per
cent of the total 1910 tonnage was
sold at private sale to the associa
tion's own carlot customers or thru
ils own private brokers. On all
such sales the selling charge to the
growers was a flat 10c per box. On
all domestic consignment sales the
charge was 7 per cent of tho deliver
ed price. These selling charges will
be maintained again on the 1917
As to orchard supplies: The asso
ciation has handled considerably over
50 per cent of the total orchard sup
plies used In the Hogue River val
ley this season. Its prices, In all
cases, have met and will meet, all
reasonable competition. It succeed
ed in obtaining a price on smudge oil
for the season which was substantial
ly less than the best prices obtainable
elsewhere. Its first carload of Gras-
selli Arsenate of Lead Paste has
been delivered and is ready for de
livery to the growers. It has two
other carloads in transit, the last of
which Includes a small consignment
of dry lead.
As to the association's plans and
expectations as to the handling of
tho 1917 crop, it will charge a fix
ed price for packing pears, half-pears
and apples which will cover all labor
and all materials including carload
Ing. These prices will meet any reas-
onabo competition. All pears will be
hauled at night and every pear haul
ed one night will be packed and down
stairs in the pro-cooling rooms or in
a refrigerator car by 7 o'clock the
following evening. All fruit will be
pooled unless the grower expressly
notifies tho association that he de
sires his fruit sold for his separate
account. All packing charges will
bo advanced by the association, in
eluding all labor and material and
carloading, and deducted from the
Take It
8 NJhs.
Travi'lei's wln find it licttor for their licalih to nlistain from I'oflVc, niul there
are mnny) earry a tin of Instant PCotum ami iu'eiiare their own lteveratro at
Put a level teaspoonl'iil of
in a eiiv . iiioiv or less to suit imli iilual taste dissolve with hot water and
add siitjar and cream.
Those who desire a delirious, sal is I' drink that is free from the harm
ful el'I'ei-ls of coffee should Use Postlllll--
There's a Reason"
proceeds of the fruit. Additional
reasonable advances will be made to
any grower upon proper terms.
The association will follow, on a
much larger scale than ever before,
Its established practice of selling ev
erything possible f. o. b. Medford.
pinna Imve already been made for
for this service, and with cm-lot cus
tomers and private brokers all over
the United Stntes, Canada and Eu
roep who handled the Triangle brand
for venrs and know their value, there
is no doubt of Its continued and in
creased success in this line. All
fruit not sold f. o. b. will again be
consigned to Messrs. Dennis, Kimball
& Pope both for domestic and ex
oort sales. The record of this firm
In this district is too well and fa
vorably known to require any argu
ment to establish its efficiency. It
is a fact of some possible significance
however, that Mr. Dennis has, with
in the past few weeks, been appointed
government controller for the whole
of Great Britain, of all fresh fruits
and vegetables. This appointment
ia the highest tribute the British gov
ernment could give to his ability and
standing as an expert on fresh fruits
and vegetables.
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
si mercury will mlrely uVtMroy tho BPme or smell
and coniileli'ly di-rniiiiv tlit? wbut' HymiMa when
t-iuerlug It tlirouiili the uitK-ou ur!iicv. Xtib
trtlrK-H sbi-ulil never be uel exceiit on ureik-rlp-Hon
from n-initulile lbyk-Uug. a tbe unmade
they will do Ik leu fold to tbe Knod you cuu iua.
Blhly derive (rnul tbeui. Uull'H Catiirrh Cure
rounilfHettirod by V. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, ()'
contiiliiii ito mereury, and la taken internally,
aelltig directly uiion the blood and nntcnui, HUrl
faces of tho syateui. In buying llall'a Catarrh
Cure be sure you Ket the genuine. It la taken
Internally and resile In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J,
Cheney & Co. Testimonial free.
Sold by PrufcgUts. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Fills tor constWutloa.
$5 Millinery Sale
All trimmed hats J
valued up to $10
will be put on
special Sale
Friday and Saturday
April 27 and 28.
Choice while they
last $5
at M. M. Dept. Store
This Bu
Before it .
Kills Your Profit?
It's AoKis. and is destrovincr Annt nrndia vnr.
where. Already regarded by many growers the
most aesirucuve nnm lnnen. ir weabvna fh .
Hopper and other soft-bodied, nap.sucking insects with
Manufactured by Tho Kentucky Tobacco Product Co., In.
corporatea, l-ouisville, is.y. Can be used with Lime-Sul-phur,
Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux and other sprays at
recommended. May be used separately, if desired.
una at aimosiany ume. iviixes perfectly with water.
Costs about one cent per gallon diluted for the trees.
Hecommcndcd by Agricultural Collerei and Experiment
'. ouwanieca oy us ana its manufacturer!.
Free Spray Chart and Booklets
.owing ana now ro pray, and how to pro
ten, ii ceo, vines ana vcgciauies irom iniect petu.
aiKDKOUD (Jnriiott-Corry Ilnrriwuru Co., Troducei-fl Fruit Co., Rogue
River Co-Ojietiulvo Km it i rowers Assn., Roguo River Fruit and Produce
ASH LAM) Ashland Fruit and Produce Association.
Every factor of a pood investment is
inet in the Ford car for business util
itylow first cost, small upkeep,
minimum depreciation. With these
merits, is all the motor ear perform
ance you can buy at any price In
city or country Ford service is close
at hand the service that keeps more
than 1.7."0.000 Ford cars in dailv use.
Tourinjr Car (iO. K'unahout $343,
Coupelct $3(13; Town Car $393, Sedan
$1:13 all f. o. 1). Detroit. Kcniember,
Ford owners drive their ears all the
year around.
Fasv terms.