1 A BAPTISTS 10 HOLD MEDF01HV MAIL TT?TBU1E - MEDFOBB, OREfKW, TTlTTTiSDAY, APT7TT; 2(, 1fH7 THREE B The liogiie River Baptist Assoclu tlon will hold Its annual meeting at the First Baptist elturcli ot this city, beginning at 10 a. m., Friday, April 27th. The programs for the morning, af ternoon, and evening sessions are as follows: Morning Session. 10 a. m., devotional service, con ducted by Rev. W. F, Smith. 10:30 a. m Greetings from the pastor of the Medford Baptist church, Rev. Frederick W. Carstens. 11 a. m., Introduction of new pas tors and ministers, by Hon. II. C. Garnett. , 11:30 a. m., annual sermon, by Tiev. S. A. Douglas, pastor Baptist church, Grants Pass. Afternoon Session. 1:30, devotional service, conducted by Rev. C. H. Fredenbnrg. 2:00, reports from committees and reading of church letters. 2:30, address by Rev. Frederick W. Carstens on "Our Association; Us Needs and Opportunities." 3:30, address by Rev. A. M. Potty, D. D on "The Fivo Year Program and What Is Coming of It." Kveuiug Session, 7:15, song service, conducted by Rev. Jlr. Oliver. 7:45, address, "State Convention Work," by Rev. C. C. Wright, D. D. 8:15, address, "Home and Foreign Missions, or Watchman, What of the Night," by Dr. A. M. Petty. Each session ot the day promises to be highly Interesting and profit able. Hon. H. C. Garnett, of thoGar-nett-Corey Hardware store, is the moderator of the association. Lunch and dinner will be served in the tent back of the church to all delegates. All who are not delegates are invited to bring their lunch with Jliem. Fresh coffee, without cost, will be furnished to ail who lunch at the church. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend and hear the big, bright, and brainy men talk. FREDERICK. W. CARSTENS, Tastor. ARGENTINE WOULD BRING 200,000 SOLDIERS AND m 10 WAR AGAiNST SHUNT PRESS CONDEMNS ESPIONAGE BILL XKW YOKK, April 2(5 Tile press censorship clause of the espionage hilt now before congress is eoniieinniMl by the American Neivi'nper VJublisli crs association on (lie rtohuiI llint il imperils free institutions and strikes Ht the fundamental rialits of the peo ple. A resolution unanimously adopt ed at the association's annual con vention yeslerday, reipiesl.s congress to eliminate this clause. ''A volnnlary censorship, sjiircst cd by the government is hcim; care fully observed by the papers of the Vailed fslales,-' says the resolution, '"ami lii loyal newspaper will know ingly print that which would (live aid to the enemv.' GOVERNOR WITHCOMBE TO BE IN VALLEY MAY I5TH Governor James Wlthycombe will spend three da.vs in southern Oregon next month. On tho evening of the 14th he will be guest of honor and speak at a commercial club luncheon at 7 p. m. at Grants Pass and will como to Medford on the morning of the 15th, spending the forenoon driv ing over the city and visiting some of the orchards. He will he a guest of honor and make a short talk at n non day luncheon at the Hotel Aus tin, given by tho Ashland commercial club. In tho afternoon ho will be taken for a drive over tho Siskiyou highway and will visit soma ot the towns in the comity If time permits. In the evening an Informal reception will be held for the governor to meet Ills many friends. On tho lfith he will attend and address Ihe Tri-stules Good Roads meeting In this city and will return to Salem on tho morning of the 17th. MAXWELL CARS INCREASE IN PRICE FIRST OF MAY The price of Mexwell cars will in crease in price $30 each on May 1. "This is necessary because of Ihe rise in steel and other materials entering into the manufacture of the cars and the company's determination to keep bp tho high standard of th lr cars." says A. V. Walker, the local acent. "We have several of the cars on hand that we will sell prior to May 1st at the old price and 1 would advise those wanting a Maxwell to come before thev are all gone." WASIIlNOTON, April 20. South America is cimuns gradiiallv into lute in (lie war ngmnst Germutiv. Arux'ti- m is on me verjrc or eiileting, and if Areiitmu gets in it will menu the addition of JIM.OW) soldiers, more than AO warships and (he exportation of vast quantities wheat, beef and other products to (he nliies. Argentina enn feed J().t)l)l,t)l)l) per- . - . I ::.?" i$ I - i sous a year on wheat nloiie. Willi her animal food there would lie enough tor (lie. whole wesfrm liemis pliere, cxi-lmling the L'mted States. Argentina's nren is about 3,153, 000 square miles; its population is nearly 8.000,01)0. Shipments to Argcniinn Inst ypnr amounted to about $220,000,000 wtiile exports from (lint country rose to .".-) 0,000,000, leaving a buluuea of !f320,000,0()0 in Argentina's favor. Between JU15 niul 3(11.5, Oenniin trade with Argentina increased three fold, while (ireut. livit urn's imports only doubled. Kvurlv .$100.1)1)0,01)0 in German (rude, has been cut olt by 1 tie war. Argent inn's entry mnv nienn the transfer of tins trade to the United States, knglnnd and Iranee. The Argentine army is based on compulsory service tor men between 20 and 4.) years of line. Iir the iirst 10 years the men arc m the active army, the next ien vein's in the na tional paard and the lust live years in the (crriloriai pnnrtl. Of Amcndim s 40 ships, (wo are modern dreadnaughts, the Moreno mid Kivadiivin, each cnriyins twelve 12-iitch fruns, tivelve 0-inch and. six teen 4-inch guns. ; i " Trrr- " ' a ii e 1 T1-'-'" ' t . ...... . J sirKmifino soMi(n iimk liKe tfie tiormun stuotovs Xttvy may mgut-. ri hi jiD.s ivrtir, Ihoy also nso ihe Herman gwtso stei... Aintrox tho iwivcsl At'fCutltto tlrwwluuj;lif Moivuo, ami IjUtlvut mjHH Iflj;.V'. BALFOUR REACHES AGREEMENT M SEiEIAffllOO WASHtXCTOX, A)i! 26 Pvitish Fwveiirn Ji'mister iinlfny niiii Sveve try McAlo bve arrived fli n com jdete wndcrsdviuUuj; s iwestiaii wf feeting i'mann trade, shipjnotTj liunkini:, cxclmnne, nnd kindred )ro?i lems, it wns announced liny. The wurUinc; out f details of the brmid riiic)(ie.s int lined wili form the tiuijor futrtton of the next teu days' work of the commission. The foremost 5uutit of dtfferetice bciwcci) ih Amwica)) ml the nliirii pu'crtiiuetits rehttes to tcticic both villi (he enemy nm! wiili iipiiivni pv erameiits. There in a pp between (he esireme vcbirb (!iis sovrrameni believes justified under 'iutertuitton al faw niiii (be )nie(ives of (lie nl iies. As a result the Vti'ded States will mss ns s(vie( iws tvs jwssible and nllomr the entente t rarry out (!ier vesfvictiuins whivb they lmv found necessnry. The Uritisls eumndssUmer received !i !e))er of greet inj; from if. Vivian). Mr. liilfot luticlied t the British cinbussy am! pniii nil officiiil rail o the French eoniiuissecui, T.atcr lie. ra-ci-ivei! n cull from I bo Chinese jnin-isler. 10 WASHINGTON April 2fi. Coi- to tfoimimnd the North Pac'tfuf vaaai t Seattle ,a'coivhnir to unnouuci'. mvnt mmto (otiny by the wnr ticjwnl- jiiciit. The order is effective Slay 1. Six mnjnrrt ami n scove of ')- tains in the newly ereaiel quarter master officers reserve tovjw were summoned to active diity. RAPIDLY RECOVERING MOW YOKK, Atirlt 2fi. Tho (rhy Iriana aHoinUnK Sarah J5PThartJt, apparently rerorerttiR from uti oper ation performed last week because of an Infected kidney, eaid today her improvement was so marked that they would reduce the ntimher of con sultations each day from three to two. EDiTED W CENSOR COPKXUAtiKX, April 26. The protasis of a Bociallst rfprcseii((it(vo In the Relch.itai? eommlttee yesterdny rpvpaleil the fart (hat (ievninn news papers must now snlimlt to censor ship hcfoio bciiis pirm(t(pil (o loaw the country an as to block the channel throiixli whlrh ilisagrecalilc nc ban reached foreign ears. AMSTKR1IAM, Arll !. The Deriin Vorwprt, ioinllim out (hat f is (he turn of the Sodal-lemocra!l parly to appoint a chairman of the constituent committee of the Jteich slns, fay lliat I'liiliipp Scbciiiciiiann, leader of the majority Socialist.-!, will he seiecteil. The VorwaerO reganli tlils an a hopeful beginning for the reform r( Ihe roiis'liliiilon. COtlKGffl 20 FERCEHT UREASE XKW YOUK, April 2i. Cm Mien estimate that the twenty per cent. ,vaire increase jrnmttut to 1 min ers in the anthracite fields wilt raise the retail jiricc of hard coal an nver tifce of (10 cents a (cm. The irrec nient signed last niyht hy rejircsenta tives of the operators nml ihe t'nit ed Jlitte Wttrkers iC America adds approNimalely ,;i(if0(10,(HM yer to the miners waires atid is the largest inwease nwariini in liie history of the anthracite indastrv. GERMANS GONTSNUE LTQ WI ROSSURS PKTROGH.Sf), April 2ft. A tele gram received here from Risa Indi cates that the Germans are rontinw ing nreH(Htinf;iy tlieir attempts to par toy with the Russian soldiers. Ot one place tlie Germans displayed a placard on which was written: "Kns sians: lo not attack. We also will not attack." STREETS OF WISCONSIN TOWN MADE GARDEN ONAKASKA, Wis., April The cuntu'it has decided U allow )Uwinjr np n' the city's hark streets i'ttr the cultivation1 of Jl(H'S. The. high ways will he cultivated hy high school (kvs. MUNITION 1PMIS HERiSED MEXEO l X t A flftTO X, April 2 , Asen ts of tJie Southern Iaet?lc lines have tteeu tUHtnu'ted U refuse siiinments of war munitions of any character !or Mexican Iiordev dentin at tons oxc.cnt on government hi))n ot )attis on reqttep.t of Major (ieneral t'ershins. SI. PAUL WOMAN MYSTERIOUSLY SLA!N ST. PAVU Mti !. MVs. Mii-o M. IJimti, farmt'i- wife of Feiitilc 3. Dunn, was n!rrci ci'iy iiiis ini' ig by a matt wlt brake tttio tito itttt oi' ht-r jnvtiiHf rnhvwl i(t yfn in ti liiclt she ottd a yatmsji'r t-isiet' were sifp), siiot bey Jvsiro snii finniiy eluliliecl her to i((!t uith hi ! The sprenms of Jsw sisirr, Jui!i ei'tne, (iirohe her parents and a hroth (r loo ine !ic mm cspnjwi?. Her sisler is said to have tl(t the jioiU'c thai v,lwn iw !nn 'uf;rl iwr room he commanded her hi 'It foul; diuCi wuttt vow. 1 v-'imt to i!i n iiliip !!)!;." Fntttk 3. Utitttt, front !tm M. J)n )i)jye ihan n yf-nr ngo vj.s fCt'ttttteil st'stitmte ttuttcttcttttttfc nttct t Kilh-e licttl(uartcrs httt re!escl a 11 it !w ini's("jlii. soeiiisK WASHINGTON, Apr!! 26. The tlcstntction without ant!tts tty ssh marino Rnnflra of Did American echooncv Percy !iir!tttl of New York was reported toiiay to liio stale i!i parttticttt. Tima and jiiacc were not ; announced. I Tito fiutrmarlite tired ten ghats, scf : en ot wbSrb strm-k lf mliounw bff- j tax" the water titte, soma at them while the captain anil crew of nine Here taking la the haats. Tho stir vlvoia were rei rij ly a ISrKlsb pa trol lioat after hetn In the baa to a!ot on hour ami a half. Tho ttlrdsall hvik ot 112? tons Kvoro, foisllt In W1I)1hrIob, Hut., In li, and was owned hy Edward 1-. llol!e. Hftaww B W n mv 1 "Tti"-.t.'Ji.VH t B f ' Stamped Good hy Old Man Avera&o' Just as you are most likely to be stamped good for a long life by an insurance company, if you have good antecedents and respectable Cy the earn tofecn "Old Man Av aQ" ana v.e have locked behind the scenes and are convinced that Dia monds are bound to have tesjiect- aole ttaucts oiid long ma. We know that 5W0 mileftpM Dia- jnond vira la Condon m:te than not a good deal tnote. Vet thcii ptice itt .oui. Every DininoTt6 Tre must at liver fuSJ value in rrvice. If ever a Diamond Te filr a theerfuj, willing adjuttmrnt will be jTompy naoe i..u mm.,M,iru, It! ft Oft the hebh of tloiiphte at ourgioettor tow tif.gaaaUne.accesiorics aaU life advit. Garnett-Carcy HIwe Co., Medford, Ore, t iirW"' T " ' i THE -SMOOTHEST .51KINJJIPMOOO jyOME wasrtt Jtv built in a day, neither was anything else worth while. It takes mo' than two years to build a tin of Velvet. VELVET isn't "the smoothest smoking to bacco just be cause we call it so It is the smoothest smoking tobacco be-' cause of its two years meiiowing in wood en hogsheads. But don't take our word i or it. Try VELVET ' and take your own. t m This Bank is Receiving Subscriptions FOR IL S. Government Bonds We will be pleased to handle your subscription without any profit or commission on our part. The Jackson County Bank KSTAm.KttlKti ! Ladies in Southern Oregon Should Reahze the Saving on Low and High Shoes at VAU PEL'S ASHLAND at 98cf $1.98 and $2.50 a pair MEDFORD WEDNESDAY, May 2000 ANIMAL. ACTORS IHCLUBtftQ ! Elephant : Kangaroo : Bear Lion Tlr, La(tanr . S Lton ; Vog I Costa Monkey Etc.. 150 ANIMAL E TRAINERS 30 -lions- 30 )H ONI ACT Mcst StmsDontl Wild Animal Spcacl EvarWUaad ONLY REAL WILD kHMkl CIRCUS V MOTH EVERV ANtMAI. A PEBFOfiMEB Hew (Sii8-l85g Street Paratie at t0:38 7 qJerformancKt Dally, 2 anJ 't ) Ooora Ofian," I and T, 4 65 Amazing. Amatinc TbriHin WfSi Animal Acts tf 550 Pramlam Nar n Evcy Oa' Aa Actor ' 506 PEOPlt 40 ANf MAI C tO WH 4 Good reasons why iftf " J Union Pacific System; Automatic Safety Signals Pratixttcg every fuot of this w,ir to Chicago, 1240 Miles of DoubleTrack Higfw-tt type of ruutl fcaf conjtruction. Top'Notch Trains 1 ftrougfi bsceping -Cars and Diner Columbia River Route East Parallels Amtrica's Creates Highway through the Umaus gtirge, between tai itvi tvvcr. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM JiMNJ WE1T AXO tAST WITH A BOULCVARO aFSTCO. TORTLAND CITY OrFJCE,T(.o .TWANaTOH 7