i J irRnroRD matt; trtritnk m"tcdfotit), OTiF.GOX. FRTDAY. 'APTJTT 20, 1917 pagf, ftttc P HOARDING ' ;rUUU IS UKY I CHWWOMEN CHICAGO, April 20. "Stop hoard ing food!" That was the cry that swept Chi cago today as tw o new restraints were thrown against the steadily growing wave o( householb buying. n..t .... i........,!.... ... ..........,. that speculators were cramming the warehouses in au effort to corner the market in certain foodstuffs was begun by city officials. I Second through ""its president, Mrs. T. Vernette Morse, the Home Makers Guild, Instituted a nutlon wjde movement to check the hoard ing of foods through appeals to the patriotism of women. ;i)esplte the restraints thrown about fjfd hoarding by the quantity limita tiens established oy grocers, buying by householders who feared further llvnnnAD panMiorl n ilntrrao nf l,tla il,ty which led grocers In many sec tions nf tile litv tn Inatttiita what amounted to the virtual disruption of the retail grocery trade routine. Deliveries in many instances were stopped entirely or limited to certain products. Quantity restrictions were expanded until they covered almost every staple. In many instances tel ephone orders were refused and in still others telephones were left to ring unanswered. Heports were received today that -grocers' shelves in many instances had been swept clean of the very Sales of which the grocers bad sought to limit canned goods, sugar and flour. Chicago Wheat. CHICAGO, April 20. Wheat: Open. Close. May - $2.:i0:!4 $2.3Vi ..ily 2.04 2.00 Portland Hut tor. POKTI.AXI), Or., April 20. llttl tcr, weak; sharp tlrop expected first of lite week. Cubo extras, 40c; prime firsts, .'!!); firsts, 38c', dairy, 30c. PortUintl Grain. PORTLAND, Or., April 20. Wheat strong; no trading. Spot bids un changed to c lower. Blucstcin, $2.31 ; Fortyfold, $2.27; club, $2.27; red Russian, $2.25. Oats at new record; No. 1 feed, $ro. Hurley at new record; No. 1 feed, $.n.r.o. ' Today's ear receipts: Wheat 27, oats 4 hay 3. Portland Livestock. 4 POI1TLAXT), Or., April 20 Hogs steady; receipts 433. Iiufk of pack ing grades, $15.25(i15.:i:'i; lieavy packing, $15.35( 15.50; light packing 915.10(O'15.25; rough heavies, $14(j 14.75; pigs and skips, $13.50()14; sotck hogs, $12(i-13.24. Cattle steady; receipts 2113. Steers, prime light, $10( 10.25; prime lieavy $fl.7."( 10.15; good, $0.25(ti 9.75 ; cows, choice, $8.25(ti !); medium good, $7.75(8.25; ordinary to fair, $(i.75((i 7.50; heifers, $8.25(ff); hulls, $(i(?8; calves, $7( 10. Sheep steady; receipts 514. Lambs, "Gome on Over, See MyComFall Off!" ul Put' 2 Drops of 'GeU-I? on last flight-Now Watch-" See all you havo to do la to um your two finders nnd lift the corn rifiht off. That's tho way '0ts-lt' always works, You Junt put on about 2 drops. Then the corn not only shrivels, hut loosens from tho toe, without affecting the eu r round - Ing flesh in the least. Why, It's al- most a pleasure to have corns and Tt W flnlck Fnnrrsl That Cora Had Wltk Ucu-lt'." see how 'Oftn-Tl gMs them off In ft nurrv tinn wiiiiul m inwi yin. . can wear tight ihoei, dance and walk M tbmidh I never had coma.'' "(;ets-It" makes tho use of toe Irrltatlnir sMves, bundling bnnilaR-es. tape, plasters and othr things not only foolish, but unnecessary. I so this wonderful discovery, 'ilets-It." tn anv mnft or hnrri COFTI Or CSllUS. It Is the new. slmnle, easy, quick way, and It never falls. You'll never nave to cut a com aic-tio wim biui or scissors, anil run chances of blood tnl.,., Trv V.etS-Il" tOnlSht. "(lets-It" Is sold everywhere, tfe, bottle, or sent on receipt of prleo by a. Lwreno -o., wai Bold Id Mcdford and recommended as the world's beet corn remedy by Ienn It, Ha.sk Ins, Medford lluu-mary, and Heath's Drug Store. TODAY'S MARKETS R0 cast of mountains, $13(f i3.'0; litmus vu Hey, $12.".)((Ti;i.23; lambs, sliorn. 11.50; prime wethers, ll.")0(a 12; elioiee ewes, if 10(ff 10.7."; heavy ewes, !?!)( 10. Ashland's financial credit remains not only at par in the money market, but comiminds a premium, us is evi denced by the recent sale of the city's $15,000 Chautauqua park bond issue nt par accrued interest and nearly $200 premium, which was the bid submitted by the Citizens' bank of this city among half a dozen com petitors. The bonds hear 5 per cent interest nnd are to be redeemed ser ially. By way of comparison, early this week the state of Oregon open ed bids on $250,000 worth of bonds in the state farm loan classification, without receiving a single offer on a par basis, consequently all bids were rejected. The state securities are also to draw 5 per cent. The allot ment of tho local bonds lo the Citi zens' bank is in behalf of investors. All aboard for Grants Puss on Monday morning, April 23. in re sxnse to an invitation from the chamber of commerce of that city, and Ashltind residents in general are invited. A noonday lunch will be followed by the discussion of vital topics as affecting the entire valley. The invitation is hearty and the re sponse should be generous. Sign up early for tins visit, which will be full of pleasant memories. At n meeting of Malta Command- ery, No. 4, Knights Templar, held on Wednesday evening, YV. II. Day was elected to the office of recorder, a position made vacant by the resigna tion of V. H. McXuir, who, as a member of First company, may be ordered out witli the artillery corps. Miss Gertrude Engle, principal of tile junior high school, recently as sisted in an interesting program at the Hellevicw school given under the auspices of the purent-tcneher asso ciation of that enterprising district. I lor topic was the opportune one of "Encouragement to tho Pupil." Mnyor Gntes of Medford, by offi cial proclamation, has designated April 21 ns "Paper day." On this particular date contributions of pa pers, magazines and periodicals in general are solicited, the donations being required to meet emergent con dilitms, and special committees are making an active canvass for these supplies on behalf of the army and navy. llcv. II. J. Van Fossen and wife go to Drain next week, where the district superintendent officiates at a wedding. Professor C. A. Dana nnd family have returned to their former home in Colorado to remain indefinitely in order to look after property inter ests. ' In lino witli n number of. realty transactions in town proerty here of late, negotiations arc under way which may leifd to the transfer of the Cnlkuis residence oh Laurel street in tins near future. Vernon .Milam of Gold Hill, son of Professor G. V. Milam, formerly principal of tho Kast school, has joined the navy and gone to San Francisco to receive an assignment in the service. The city council of Medford ha appropriated $200 as a fund to meet spccinl contingencies, which laav face Seventh compuny incident to preparation for war and active ser vice. K. O. McCorniick of Sun Fran cisco, vice-president of tho Southern Pacific, was here early In the week on business, certain phases of which were outside the domain of railroad matters. He was accompanied by several minor officials, the party oc copying the private car "Sunset." there will be n patriotic muss meeting at the Armory on Friday evening, April 20. The status of all war prcparulion activities will be re viewed, notably tho Hod Cross move ment, details concerning' the organ ization and its work being fully ex- Jiliuned. This is to be one id' the chief rallies of the season and nil ought to be present by way of en couragement to pntriotic sentiment at a critical hour in the nation's civic and military history. The familiar yellow miner so well known throughout Southern Pacific offices in the way of way hills and other stationery supplies, is to he (lis. curded, n sweeping order having been issued recently to that effect. Plain white paper will supplant nil other kinds ns soon as present stocks arc iHed up. Tho change has been mad for several reasons, a chief one being economy. A daughter was born nt Weed, Ap ril 11, to .Mr. and Mrs. Frank IMi- crlie. Frank formerly resided hen anil is now conducting n floiirisliini; laundry business in that lumber town. Mrs. James II. Fuller has bomrht through the YV. I), llodi-son Keultv agency, the K.liuson residence at the corner of North Main and Laurel streets. It is reorted that Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Klmore will occupy the place. The lots nre extensive in that locality and the seller retains the one ASHLAND AND VICINITY which lies between this recent pur- huse and the West school. Mrs. C'nssius Miller, wife of the foreman of signal maintenance of the Southern Pacific in local territory, left on Thursday for a two weeks' visit witli relatives and friends in Sacramento and Sifn Francisco. Miss Pearl Wilshire has been re quisitioned from here as assistant in t lie Jackson County Abstract com pany's offices at Medford, owing to the depletion of the clerical force due to enlistments from thut city ill the army and navy. Dave llerrin of Portland, former Ashland resilient, has been elected trrund master of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. George T. Bald win of Klamath Fulls is among the appointees on the committee of juris prudence. Frank Strickfaden, now of Los An geles, has been here this week meet ing many old friends, and incident ally inspecting the ruin by fire of his old homo on Nob Hill. Fire in suite No. G of tho Potter rooming house on Fourth street Wed nesday evening did some damage to bedding. The occupant registered ns Jim Cullen. Cleveland, O., and he dis appeared Thursday morning early. From peculiar actions it is thought that he was mentally unbalanced. D. B. Grant of Portland is in town this week as n solicitor in the life in surance field. Charley TTosley has installed nn exclusive fish market in rooms near the old motor depot. Ilis stock is imported from Klamath lakes. A sermon u)Mn "Signs of the Times," delivered by Rev. M. C. Heed of this city, nt the Methodist church. Talent, 'last Sunday morning, won more than usual compliments owing to the scope of the text and merits of its delineation, the "signs" having in corporated a hope nnd presaged an erpcetnncy in connection with the term universal as npplied to democ racy, peace, prohibition nnd Chris tianity. The Klinson residence having been sold, Dr. Gordon MoCrncken will move soon from there to the Header house at the corner of East Main and Fourth streets, nenr tho Copgregn tional church. George Evans, Dean Scott and Frank Homes nro recent enlistments in First conipnny from t lie Belleview neighborhood, in addition to other members of that organization from tile same locality. Henry Carter, former clerk with Heche & Kinney, is now in Southern Pacific employ in the local yards. The next assembling of the Jnek son-rounty grand jury will bo held "on the third Monday in May, the date being the 21st, nt which time it is cx jiectcd the Ashlnnd incendiary cases connected witli the Strickfaden house fire will be investigated. It is suggested that certain por tions of tlie ninrriage service be changed. For instance, eliminate the interrogatory to the bride, "Will you obey?" nnd substitute the direct nnd emergent query, "Will. you enlist?" to prospective bridegrooms, n recruit ing officer to be the clergyman's right-hand man when the knot is tied. SAMS VALLEY M. S. Johnson delivered from Gold Hill n fine creum separator to Rich ard Straus this week. Spraguc Ueigel left for San Fran cisco Saturday, where he expects !o meettJack Morrill on his return from Honolulu. Mr. nnd Mi's. F. A. Myers and the. Misses Bigluim attended church in Gold Hill Sunday. Mrs. W. ('. Kinney visited in Cen tral Point nnd Medford Friday ami Saturday. Thomas Parduc, in comimny with friends from Table Hock, visited here Sunday. Mr. West and family have moved from this vicinity into the Table Hock district. Fruit Inspector Kline was inter viewing our orcliardists tins week. Mrs. George Haft of Gold Hill spent Sunday witli Mrs. Gilchrist. We are glad to say Mrs. W. W. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now Bv-use tylft decree that women crowd and buckle up their Under toes In high heel footwear they etiffer from corns, then they cut and trim at thene painful pes to which morel y makt the corn crow hard. Thin suicidal habit ciay cause lockjaw fm'l women are warned, to atop it. A. few dropt of a drag called freez one applied directly upon a aoro corn Rives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a Quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs Tcry little but Is sufficient to re- ?iore every hard or soft com or callua rom one's feet. This drug is an ether eompound and dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or wo Irritating the surrounrfiiiK I.muc or akin. Clip this out and iin on your wife's dresser. Ellington, who has been quite ill, is rapidly improving. Mr. Fox of Ashland passed through here Monday witli n bunch of goats which he expects to turn on the range near here. Mr. Strauss was visited Thursday by friends from California. There was milch excitement here this week over the report that the kaiser had left Germany and many felt disappointed in finding it was only n report nnd the war would still continue ii while longer. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Day attended ic concert in Medford Tuesday evening. COURT HOUSE REPORT Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. Slarruige License Wllinm Raymond Crawford to Grace Ethlyn Miller. 1 Circuit. Alden Galhreath vs. M. E. Doane et al, miner's lien. Clyde Galbreath vs. R. E. Doamo et al, miner's Hen. State vs. Nan Stricktuddeu et al, transcript from Justice court. Una S. Miller vs. W. H. Taylor, foreclosure. F. E. Merrick et al vs. Wm. M Holmes, motion to strike. lTolHitc. James M. oo estate, admitted to probate. Standlsh Rogers Brown estate, ad mlteed to probate. Carl lloefft estate, citation. EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS Take a glass of Baits before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. tTh American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and al( our food is rich. Our blood is filled with urio acid which the kidneys etrivo to filter out. they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues ologand the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurta or tho urine is cloudy, full of scdimenb or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bod, get from your phar macist about four ounces of J ad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been' used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Qjad Salts is inexpensive cannot in jLvre, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flush ing any time. HOW "TIZ" GLADDENS TIRED. ACHING FEE! No more sore, puffed-up, tender, aching feet no corns or callouses. "Tii" JnakM sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away K tho aches and pains, the corns, calloutes, blisters, bunions and chilblains. "Tig" draws out tlie acids and poisons that puff up your fret. No nutter how hard you work, how lonir you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "Tiz" brings restful foot comfort. "Ti" Is magical, grand, won derful for tired, aching, swollen, smart ing feet. All I Utrvf comfortable, how liapny you feci. Your feet just tingle for joy ; shoes nnver hurt or seem tight. Get a 25 cent hox of "Tit" now from any druggist or (lqiartment store. End foot torture forever wear smaller ahocs, keep your fjet fresh, sweet and happy. Just think I a whole year's lout comfort for only 25 cents. SIMMONS In tho Circuit Court ot tho State of Oregon, for Jurkxon coni.ty. Itoguo Hlvnr Valley Caiml Com pany, a corporation, rbhitlff, vh Mnlilo M. Zupf, di'fendnnt. To the nliovu niiiiicd durcndnul: In tho name of thi Sluto of Ore gon: You aro hereby fltttniuoncd and required to appear in fho ahovn entitled court and cause and answer It lie complaint of the plaintiff within MX weeKB &LHT inn uuiu ui too ini publication of HiIh HiiniinoitB, which data Is Mun b 30, 19 17. And you will further take notice that If you full to appear nnd answer said complaint nllhln the lime afore said, that plaintiff will nnply to the court for tho relief demanded In the complaint, a purrlm't statement of which Is ns follows, towlt: 1. That tho rourt determine the value of the ric.ht of ay hereinafter described over and across the follow Ing described tract of real estate, sit uate In Jackson county, Oregon, own ed by tho defendant, towlt: Commencing at a point that Is south lis, east 19.05 chains from the southeast corner or Donation Mind Claim No. 40 In township :1K south raiiKO 2 west, said point being the southeast corner of N. (1. Andrews (arm and running thencu north ZU lt.'nl KMtito Transfer". Tho Sterling Applegute Co. to Sterling Mining Co. pt. 28- 33-27 T 3S 2V S 1 Italpli (J. Jennings. Sheriff, to Alice Dole Hoppln, pt :lti-4V Sheriff's deed 1,226 Ernest Oorn to Willam Doru, pt 40-3W" 10 William Doin to Ernest Doru pt 40-3W 500 Edward II. Tucker to Eurl E. Tucker, pt 36-1 E 2,000 QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is llie joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab lets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time en emy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, sooth ing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth" now and then a bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver and are constipated, you'll find quick, sure and only pleasant results from one or two little Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two every night just to keep right. Try them. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. degrees 20 minutes east 30 chains to the center of the Jacksonville and Ashland road; thence south 76 de grees 20 minutes east on said center line 5 chains lCMi linksw thence south 20 degrees 20 minutes west 30 chains; thence north 76 degrees 20 minutes west 5 chains 16 links to tho place of beginning, containing 15 acres. Said right of way being particular ly described as follows, towlt: A right of way for an Irrigation ca nal along and over a strip of land thirty feet in width being fifteen feeul on each sldo of the center line there of, which center lino Is described as follows, towlt: Beginning at a point 106 feet south of the northeiist corner of the preni Iscb above described; thence north 02 degroes 32 minutes west 20 feet thence north 75 degrees 39 minutes west 300 feet; thence north 55 de grees 10 minutes west 25 feet to a point 88 feet south of the northwost corner of said premises, containing 2 4 acres. Said right of way to be subject to the following conditions, to-wlt: That the grantee shall perform its work of construction, maintaining and repairing said canal In a work manlike manner and shall do no un necessury dnmuge to tho adjacent premises; that said canal shall bo constructed nnd slmll be at all times maintained In a uniform grade, so that when not In use no stagnant water shall stand or remain therein: and that snld Irrigation can al Bhall never becomo a nuisanco to persons being or residing upon the adjacent premises, and that plaintiff shall construct and at all times main tain sultnblo fences, and hog gates across said right of way and canal, where tho samo enterB and departs from tho premises ot tho defendant above described, and shall construct and maintain over Bald canal at such points as defedant may designate one wnnon bridge at least twelve feet in width sufficient to sustain a load of four tons, and that tho court ahull also determine the damage, If any, to tho remaining premises of defendant above described by reason of the tnk ing of saldr Ight of way for Bald pur pose subject to said conditions, and thut said valuo and said (lamaKCs lie ascertained in the manner provided by law. 2. That upon tho payment of the nmounts so ascertained into court, plaintirr Have JmlKincnt against de fendant appropriating to It said land for said right of way purposes, to gether with Its cost and dlnliiirsments herein. This summons is published pursu nnt to order of tho Honorable l M. Calkins. Judge of tho above named Court, duted, March 30th, 1917. I'OKTKK J. NKKK, Attorney for Plaintiff. XOTK'K OK SU.K or ItHAr, I'ltOI Kin v. In the county court of tho Mate of Oregon for Clacknmas county. In the matter of theestuto of ICzek- lel Beers, decaesod. Notice is hereby given that tin un (lorslgned udiuliilslriitor nf the estulc of Kzcktcl Beers, deceased, will oi! and after the 7th day of May, lit 17 at tho office of the Medford Jinll Tri bune, where all bids may bo left, sell at privato sale to the highest bidder for cu:;h, subject to the confirmation of tho court, the following ibtsi-ribi'd real property, to-wlt: Commend:! at thu N. Vv, coiner of D. Ii. C. No 00, Tp. 37 S. It. 2 west of tho Wll lametto Meridian nnd running thuui'e south 0.4 I chains to a place tit begin ning; thence east 9.64 chains; thence- soiim H.iiii chulns; thence west 2.4 chains; thence north 4.1") chains: thence west 7.2.1 chains; thence north 4,i0 chnlns to the place of beginning All In Jackson county. Oregon. Kit AN K BEKU.S, Administrator. 'Ditto of first piibllrnllon April 0 1917. Dale of last publication Mny 4, 1917. II I ; l.l- V. XT K.ll I'K.M A I,K a 1 1. 1 1 - Help for housework; can be home nights. Mrs. W. T. York, 120 I.anro Isttect. 2S WANTED Cook. Apply Mrs. Kred Hopkins. Telephone 19S-J1. 26 WANTED Competent cook for country. Also girl to do second work. 'Telephone .Mrs. Conner, 59 Jacksonville. 25 WANTED - Young girl for general . housework. Phone 132-Y. 2.' ASS FOR and GET Horlicls The Original ' Malted Milk Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price. HUM' WAXTKD M W,K WANTED Mnn with team to run spray rig. Permanent work for summer. Box a, Mail Tribune. 27 WANTED SITUATION'S WANTED Position hy a young lady Btenograplior oi ability anu some office experience. Adress Box 44, Mull Tribune. 20 WANTED MISCKI,r.iAN'KOl!8 WANTED 150 lbs. stock carrots. 217 Vancouver at. 2 0 WANTED Bring ub your eggs and Poultry. We pay cash. Medford Poultry and Egg Co. WANTED Poultry. We are In the mnrkot far all kinds of poultry dally. Got our cash and trade prices. Phoenix Mercantile Co. WANTED C. A. Hamlin, dealer in hides, wool and mohair. Highest prices paid. Office Laurel St. mar ket. Phone 475-L. 32 WANTED Houses to move. Phone 488-M. or 488-X. POH KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. TOR KENT Knrnlshed Bleeping rooms; bath. 245 N. Grape st. l'OIt RENT HOUSES FOR HENiT Modern nicely furnish ed bungalow, close In. Phone 799. FOR RENT Furnished house; 3 rooms and bath. Close in. Cull 730-R. 46 FOR RENT Modern cozy six-room furnished bungalow; flro place; piano; sleeping porch; close In. Address E. L. Taylor, 521 Penn Ave., Phone 9-F22. 20 FOR RENT Small furnished cot- tago, new, modern, close in. 245 N. Grape. 20 yfjR RENT Furnished and unfur nished houses. Employment Agon cy. M. A. Rader, 123 East Main. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Desirable furnished apartment. The Uorben. Phone 938-R. FOR RENT One completely furnish ed apartment at llotol Holland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 160 ucro foothill ranch, cheap, or will consider car in good condition. Box 145, Eagle Point, Ore. ' 27 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Fancy wnito leghorn eggs, 4c each. Phone 386-M. . 32 FOR SALE S. C. Rhode Island Rod eggs for setting. Phone 247. Ell- nest Webb, Central Point. 40 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE cotiditlon. -Kord roadster In good 345 N. Burtlett. 25 KOR SALE Canton riding gang plow cheap at Belmont ranch. Phone 14-F12. 26 KOR RENT Singer sewing machines Shop 245 So. C, Phono 9IKI-H. 50 KOR SALE (ius stove, A-l condi tion, $9. 113 Coltngo street. 26 KOR SALE Maxwell, Kord and Ov erland cars; bargains. C. M. Jon nings, Nash Hotel. 30 KOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle, two speed and sidecar, cheap, for quick sulo. 5 North Kir. 20 KOR SALIC Keo truck, 35 h. p. in good condition; cheap for cush. Star Mout Murkot. 27 KOR SALE Yellow Dent seed corn, 3c pound. Phono 19-K21. 28 FOR SALE Redwood water tanks, capacity 15,500 gallons. MS W. Holly street. Phono 82 1-H. 28 KOR SALE Manure; hnvri your lots plowed. Phone 473-r. FOR SALE Household furniture, carpets and power wash machine) must be sold ut oiico. 310 W. Klllgllt, 20 KOR HALE -John Deoro riding cul tivator; 3 'A wagon; box and small farming lolls ut bargain. 3L0 W. Kulght. 26 KOR SALE Extra fancy Newtown apples, $1.00 Jumlile pack; $1.25 wrapped. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 4 0 KOR SALE Recleaned homegrown alfalfa send, 17c per pound. II. L. Hodge, 19 Geneva avenue, Medford. Phone 911-R. 33 FOR SALE Paxson's superb dahlias. Eight named labeled bulbs, $1; as sorted colors and classes, cactus, poony and decorative. Ten unla beled, $1. Postage paid. Send for list. R. II. Paxson, Central Point, Oregon. 25 FOR SALE Egg casus and flllors. Medfitrd Poultry k Kga Co. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Wanted, parly who will advance the necessary cash , to guarantee tho ill I pin cut of a car load of automobiles to Medford. Will pay legal rale ot Interest and divide agency commis sion on snlo of curs for same. Car ono of the best modulate priced makes In the market. Have Jackson, Josephine and Siskiyou counties ex clusively, and can furnish, best of ref erences. Address Auto Agency, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Young Jersey cow. Phone 473-Y. 30 FOR SALE Cientlo riding pony, $6i. Boudlnot Conner, Phone 59 Jack sonville. 26 FOR SALE Oood milk cow. Cray Crags Orchard, Tuble Kock. 20 WA'NTEl) Very good family milk cow. C. J. Brommer, Phone D89-.I2. 29 FOR SALE Two cows, one fresh soon, ono light wagon, practically new. 906 W. 11th, or phone 81-3 between 11 and 12 a. ra. 2 7 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, rich heavy milker; also farm wagon. Jus. Campbell. 25 FOR SALE Four-yoar-old grade Belgian utallion. W. S. Stanellfr, Phoenix. 2X MISCELLANEOUS MORPHINE AND LIQUOR addiction cured In from three to four days, without suffering. Dr. Griffin. Talent, Ore. 32 IXST LOST Or stolon from where It was hidden near the south end of King's highway, a boy's bicycle. Reward If returned to this office. MONEY TO IX)A.V TO LOAN $1000 to 510,000 on ranch security. Phono 353-J. J.U. Andrews. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ails to Supplies LATTER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant tn the Pa cific northwest Use our springs whon otherB fall. Sold under writ ton guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Bank Building, entrance N, Central, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law, rooms 5 anu 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. B. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. Collections COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected some accounts 14 yearn old. We know how to got the money. The Bullock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3. Has klns' Bldg., 318 E. Main st. Dentists DR. T. T. SHAW Dontlst. Over Dan iels Clothing Store In rooms for merly occupied hy Dr. Jones. Phone 692-Y. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett Corey Bldg., Suite til Medford, Ore. Phone 856. Engineer nnd Contractor FRED N. CUMMINdS Engineer and contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bid Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain age, orchard and land Improvement, Gnrbitffo GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city gurbago wagons fo good service. Phone 874-L. Y. Allen. Mni'hlo nnd (iiaiilto Works, LINCOLN! GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS Mouiiuieutul, Coiling and Cemetery Work of All Kinds. Vaults and 1 loadstones:., fci.eciuliy of Lincoln Pearl nnd Bluck Dia mond (linnlte. Write tor Prices, etc. Lincoln, Oil. 46 Inst ruction In Music KRED ALTON HA10I1T Teacher ol piano and harmony. Halght Music Studio, 401 Garnett Coroy Bldg., Phone 73. Iiisiirnnco EARL S. T U M Y General Insurance office, Fire, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract and Surety Bonds. Excellent com panies, good locnl service. No. 21t Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Medical MRS. GEO. JACKSON Vlavi Deal- er. I'lione l.itK, residence llUi East Main Street. Physicians anil Surgeons DH. CLAUA DLNX. Physician ami Surgeon. During past 14 years has given special attention to dis eases of women nnd children, and to disorders of thu nervous system. Officii rooms 10 and 11 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone 2 60. 35 DR. W. W. IrOWAitD Osteopathic physician. 303 Garuott-Corey build; Ing. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and snrgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 567, Printers nml Publishers MEDKORD PRINTING CO., has the best equlpned printing office In Southern Oregon; Bonk binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir sU Tiiinsfer BADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front st Phone 315. Prices rlgiiL Hoi vice guaranteed.