PAflE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TKIBUXE EEDFORD, OUEOOX. FRTDAY. APTJ1I, 20, 1017 TOCAL AND PERSONAL Grand Master Wrsllirook of Po't lanii is paving his offiiid visit to val ley lodRPS of Odd Fellows. Sirs. l'ach, corsets made to meas urements guaranteed. Phone GS3-J. John F. Hampshire of the Twohy Bros. Co., manager of the Queen of Bronze mine, Josephine county, was married Wednesday. April IS, at Lin coln, Neb., to Miss Zola Harvey. They are expected to arrive In the valley May 1 and make their home at Grants Pass. Dr. Hart, physician and surgeon, office Jackson County Bank Build ing. Rusfell Evans of Medford has re ceived word from his sisters, Ada aud Mabel, who were recently culled to Bremerton, that they are both pleas antly and profitably employed In the naval telephone office, at good wages and convenient hours. The officer In charge Informed them that they would have time to do considerable fancy work, and as they only avur age about eight calls a day, this ad' vice was well founded. There will bo a patriotic ball In the pavilion at Gold Hill Saturday even Ing, April 21. Music by Howell's or chestra, drill by squad of 7th Co. C. A. C, patriotic songs and a general good time. 25 Miss Mabel nay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Hay, of this city, re turned Thursday evening from an ex tended visit with friends in Oukland and Berkeley, California. See Dave Wood about that fire In surance policy. Office, Room 4 04 M. F. & H. Uldg. E. W. J.lljogran, the lonl nMylit, went j Grants' Pnss Piurst!;; even ing on business. Ho returned today 'la.'. For Sale Some wall paper tints, paints. Phone 8 40-J. 49 K. L.' Jones, owner of thii Copper king, 1b rapidly Improving f.-oiw III lecfr.t operation mii will bo able to return to the lA.ii Ledge district shortly. H. B. Hardman of Grand ltapids, Mich., who for 87 years was a legltl mato and vaudeville actor. Is spend ing several days In Medford on busi ness aid on Thursday night enlivened the lodge session of a frnternul order with orlglnnl stories. Try California Washing Powder makes your clothes white as snow Your grocer keeps It. 2S County Surveyor A. T. Brown i spending several duys at Butte Falls relative to county road work In that vicinity. Onion sets at Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Mrs. Ida M. Osgood left today for I.iis Angeles for an extended visit in that city with her daughter, Mrs. Hurry Morgan. Buttermilk lflc gal. lie Voc's. Leslie M. Osborne, a former lino type operator on the Mail Tribune several years ago, and now a resi dent of Berkley, V. Va., writes to a Jlodford friend that he was married on March 2uth last, and then adds: "Hellovo me, it Is the only life." Johnson for high class watch re pairing. tf The "Tennis Dance" of the Klks will be held at the clubhouse Friday nignt beginning at 8:30 o'clock. A number of out of town guests will be In Attenunnce. The new oleetrle sewing machine Is now on sale at Paul's Electric Store. 3d. II. Calne, who was former ly In the garage business In Medf jrd. ar.d left this city about five year? ago. I now located at Koolbert.i. Wcs lorn Australia, nud writes to a Med ford friond that ho expects to return to this country before the end of the jrar. A-l paper hanger, tinier. S40-J. 4!l lrs. K. Mi'l'iilUiugli of Mcdfon'. left Friday fur Eugene for a visit with friends and rel:i ivei. Dr. Heine. phsMnn and surgeon. Specialty, eye. ear. nose, throat. Of fice over Meeker's. Glasses fitted. Prof. F. C. Smith, former head of (he Jacksonville su-hoo!.;. and at cue t'inr- a candidate for I bo s ii'erii.ten dttuy of the Medfntd sclu.d.-. Is mow licnicd at Dietrich, Main. Why pay more than S:!e f,r pig tight fence, when )0u can get It for that price r.t Pells, Ashland. All kinds of wlro and fencing in propor tion. Kmll Pell. :f, lliifil Gregory has ne-nicd hi..,,,, from Klamath f alls where he tiled en A iraet of v-i m-re o' ti.,t fai n. i,,;i, In the Tule lake goveriunr a !..! t..nt. The lrln ii K h 1,1 ; i Lakevlew on April ::, - if a. i, k) at the drawing certain'v ,-.. a fine parcel of r. li land," ,,.,! Mr Gregory on Friday, and I am i -lap ling to cut 1! all In canary si... s far as 1 could learn no other Ylnlfor,! men have made filings yet." Bakery goods at De Voe's i George Holmes of Medford v. ho re-' 'icntly enlisted In the army aviation corps and has been at the Vancouver !nrrae':s. ha been transferred to the Quartering tcr's department n' San Antonio. Texas. He passed ti-nui;!! -Medford on Friday enroute tp San Antonio and was met at the depot by a number of friends. Place orders non for vegetable plants of all kinds. Portland Avenue Greenhouse. Phone 87-R. 2S Plant blooming pansy plants now. Get them at Pierce, the Florist. 30 William T. Norniile left Thursday night for a several days' business trip to Portland. Phono 884 Heath's Drug Store. The Medford Vulcanizing Works has moved to No. 13 X. Fir street. Among citizens of Medford who will tlend the patriotic rally at Ashland this evening are llev. J. C. Rollins, Dr. R. W. Clancy and Kev. J. Law rence Hill. Special attention to Red Cross preparatory work will be a fea ture of the meeting. Metz cars, 2s South Grape St. Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10 and 11, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. 30 J. F. Bakeman, father of Mrs. Basil Gregory, departed for Klamath Falls on Friday to spend the summer with another daughter, Mrs. A. E. Whit man. Fresh chocolates at De Voe's. Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist, St. Marks' building. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Pryor of Bosr ton are eastern tourists spending Fri day in Medford, combining business with pleasure. See Pierce, the Florist, for per rennial plants. Phone. 30 Dr. Hargrave, Farmers and Fruit growers Bank bldg. Phone 230. D. J. Sldwell of Harrisburg, Pa.. representative of a large enstern in surance company, is In Medford In vestlgating conditions with a view to establishing a branch agency of the company here. Baths 25c, Hotel. Holland B. I. Shannon, a former well known Medford man, and now In the forest reserve service and stationed until recently In Galice creek, was mar ried In Washington, D. C, his former anr,ie, last December to his boyhood sweetheart. Miss Anna McCoach. He will remain In Washington for duty for several months yet, before return ing to Oregon. "While I am enjoy ing life here." writes Shannon to a Medford friend, "yet when it conies to climate and all around good scouts tbo Roguo river valley is the pick of the world." Johnson for high class watch re pairing, tf George R. Justus, C5 years old, who was born and raised on the site of Medford, and who plowed and har vested all over tho present site, ar rived In tho city Friday from Stev enson. Cal., where he has resided for ten years past, to locate here perma nently, having traded his farm at Stevenson for two houses and lots In Medford. His father crossed the plains from the east in 1S.'.4 and lo cnted on land which, is now a largo portion of Medford. M. Purdin, lawyer. Room 406 M !'. & H. Bldg. 50 A Medford citizen who has Just re-. lace, Idaho, funeral services were Postmaster Minis on Friday that res-1 identa near the mouth of Mule creek on Rogue river, Curry county, arJ much exercised over the conduct of a German ranched there, who they claim spends much time In rabid nouse of President Wilson and the V. S. army end government. Rose bushes at Pierce, florist. 30 Sweet cider at De Voe's. A very large crowd at the Page thater enjoyed the first annual ex- ........uu o. lu f'J-"' n..u...s - The olher son, L. E. Proebsting is a musical department of the public ;stu(lent at the unlversily of CaMfor. schools Friday afternoon, consisting j na Tne pa, beare,s were c M of drills and folk games and the pres- Ki(d Dr R w Clancy Leon Has entatlon of the operetta, "Hiawatha's ,,. an, ,,, ,, .,,, Tho . were conducted by Kev. J. C. Rollins etery over the late E. L. Proebsting of Wallace, brother-in-law of Dr. T. 0. Heine. A large number of friends cf Dr. and Mrs. Heine and a number I of business men wt-.-e in attendance, j and also met the widow at the train, j Prior to the services the funeral party reviewed the remains at Perl's chapel. I A delegation from the Medford lodge j of Elks wr.s also In attendance. j The remains arrived in Medford j late Thursday night accompanied by i Lee Proebsting. of Uisbee, An., a son. childhood." Take that broken pump to the Pa cific Highway Garage, 20 South Bart- lett st. Davles Welds Anything. Gasoline and oil at De Voe's. William McKlnlcy Pepper of Med ford is the latest enlistment in the U. S. Marine corps obtained by Sergeant 1-rooks. whose office Is In the post office building. Peppers is a brother of Clarence Pepper 0t Central Point. His sister. Miss Elizabeth Pepper Is in the employ of Attorney O. C. Boggs. Gates sells Ford cars, J200 down and $25 a month. Big 5c milk shakes at De Voe's. Following the arrest of a traveling salesman Thursday night on the charge of intoxication, and his being fined $12.35 before Police Judge Taylor this morning, the police and County Prosecutor Roberts got busy and an Important arrest on a charge of bootlegging is expected within 24 hours. Cut hyacinths, choice dahlias. Phone 16-F11. Mrs. C. Carey. of the-Methodist church, and a quar tet composed of Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoe, Mrs. J. V. Kerns, Clarence Meeker and Dr. Carlow rendered sev eral songs. RHODES Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Rhoades., 417 X. Bartlett, at Sacred Heart hospital, Thursday, April 19, from the results of an oper ation for goiter. Deceased was twelve years three months and IS days old, was a pupil of the sixth grade Lin coln school, and is survived by his parents and one brother. Funeral services from the Christian church Saturday at 3 p. m., burial in I. O. O. F. cemetery. VINCENT Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Vincent, one of Jackson county's well known pioneer women, passed away Thursday, April 19, 1917, at the Vincent home near Table Rock at the age of 7fl years. Mrs. Vincent suffered a stroke of paralysis three years ago from which she never fully For the best insurance see Holmes, I rccovered- Last Saturday she became ueiuun iiagu oi me cent purchased the farm which is now the Vincent home and there Mrs. Vincent lived up to the time of her death. Mrs. Vincent leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss, A. L. Vincent with whom she made her home. J. W. Vincent of Jacksonville, aud Mrs. Olive Green living in Wash ington. Two daughters, Mrs. Mary Pankey and Mrs. Anna Fields of lled ford'dled four or five years ago. There are four sisters and a brother still living. G. R. Meyers of Central Point. Mrs. George Jackson of Med ford, Mrs. Mary Vincent of Antioch, MIes Lottie Vincent of Medford, and a fourth sister living at Glendale. The funeral was held at the Antioch cemetery, Friday, April 20th at 2:30, Elder J. S. March of Cen tral Point officiating. were eased by the dogs who licked the infected places, but they were not cured, juany mouern pvuym . L . ,1,1 in hoil tt-PMl.Tr.eiit ine suuic iiici.. " of boils, pimples, rashes, carbuncles, nm and other skin diseases. Tnuy apply a salve or lotion to the sore -.rr fiu iTYiixrin thev have UlSlCa uii ...... cured them. The important fact which skin diseases ere diseases of the bloou, and that no external treatment can permanently cure them, because they are essentially lnUirnsii Ciimtuu,. A Bet for l.iver and ltowols, for liil lous, Sour Stonutcli and Constipation. the Insurance Man T. C. Osgood is at Gold Hill today submitting complete plans and es timates for the proposed Gold Hill ir rigation district to the directors of the district. Mr. Osgood, as engi neer for the directors, has been engag ed in the work for some time. Metz cars, 29 South Grape St. OBITUARY Shortly after the arrival or the widow and son, L. E. Proebsting. In the city Friday forenoon from Wal- For Skin Blotches unconscious a brain finally causing death. Mrs. Vincent wt,s born in Benton county, Indiana, Februury 3, 1841 and January 9th, ISO 2 was married to Benton Vincent, tho young couple leaving two years later for the Pacific coast by ox team. They were six months on the way finally settling in southern Oregon. In 1S77 Mr. Vin- Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggists. There is une remctiy that seldom fails to clear away all pimples, blot dies and other skin eruptions and that makes the skin suit, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, cc:en:a, .tch, p:m- ! pies, rashes, black heads in most cases ; give way to zemo. Frequently, minor j blemishes disappear overnight. Itching j usually stops instantly. Zemo is a sate, j antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and ; dependable. It costs only 25c; an extra j large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is j not greasy or sticky and is positively , safe for tender, sensitive skins. i Th K. W. ltoj.- Co., Cleveland. O. AMCSKMKXTS TONIGHT VIVIAN MAKTIX IN" a wonderfully human story filled with bits of comedy IX THK KU;HT DIKhXTIOX Also Sidney Drew Comedy Tomorrow Bessie Love as "Xina the Flower Girl." PAGE The Bails Of S. S. S. Is tho only proper remedy ftr this breaking out of the skin, because it acts upon Uie blood, cleansing and revitalizing it, and removing the causa o' infection. It should be borne in mind that. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, mace from native roots, herbs and barks, ami that it contains no habit forming druxs or other injurious in trrcdients. Obtain a bottle of S. S. S. from vour diujpist and if you need the advice of a physician, write to the Medical Deuartmcnt, Swift Specific Co., 01 Sv.ii't Luiidir.g, Atlanta, Ga. Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indi gestion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, wh'ch cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and fer ments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery - indigestion, foul gases, bad breath yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your con stipnted bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleeji a lu cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Carscaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget the children their lit tle insides need a good, gentle cleans ing, too. Potato Planters Garden Cultivators and Seeders Alfalfa, Clover Seed Wizard Fertilizer for Lawns and Gardens Full line of Pratt's Poultry Remedies MONARCH SEED & FEED CO. YOUR COLD will be easily relieved by taking B spoonful of scam mmmu after each meal. It fortifies the throat and chest while A,v it enriches the blood to JS help avoid grippe, bron- L Lu:- I cuius cuiu even pneu- c n. ii h ii inuuia. ijiuii a is wen fyi worth insisting upon. P TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOlt 8AI.K One to miii of be, F. O. Williams, It. K u. 0 ;. Hoi 3, Medford. 30 11 Just Around the Corner and leave your order for meats for the Sunday dinner. We j have everything in this line. j TRY OUR Homc-Grown, Home Cured Ham and Bacon Independent Market PHONE 27 (X000'.XOOCXjOOOCOOOOC 003CCKXOOOOOOCXXCOOOOCXC April 17, 1915 Cash Capital 20c Second Anniversary of Sillimans Sugar Bowl In appreciation of the support the people of Medford and vicinity have given me, I will sell all Saturday only CANDIES . at 15c Pound Except Chocolates in rouna Lots only During the two years I have handled $11,000 of Medford money. Fresh and Pure Candies, Small Profits and Large Sales is my motto I will start Ice Cream and Sherbets Saturday 5 cents a dish, 25c and 35c a quart, respectively. Sundaes 10c I thank you E. C. SILLIMAN rxxxxxxCKXxxcooocoooooooo ooooooooooocKvxxoeoc ro mm EM m W tot fc V ANY user will tell you that Michelio , Universals give remarkable mile age. Why? Because these unequalled tires contain more quality rubber and labric. Prove this by having us weigh a Michelin in compari son with other non-skids. You will find the Michelin Irom 12 to 15 ? heavier than the average. You owe it to yourself lo give these h i g h-q uai i ty, niudcrate-pi iced ! tirc3 a ma!. Medford Vulcanizing Works Michelin Casing3 arejusl as vood as Michelin Red Inner Tuhes, Widdi ere ojttn imitated in color &uf rets in quoity. K ii 11 II 9 lie 5 Your appetite naturally calls for vege tables and fruits. We have a nice line for this week end GREEN PEAS RADISHES GREEN ONIONE SPINACH RHUBARB BANANAS LEMONS ASPARAGUS HEAD LETTUCE LEAF LETTUCE CAULIFLOWER ORANGES CRAPE FRUIT APPLES PERSONAL ATTENTION PROMPT SERVICE Second door east of First National Eank. Phone 252 BEDDING PLANTS Tt's time to phm for your I'lnwcr rilfii. We are better prepared than ever hrl'mr 1 supply your wants for all kinds of outdoor pl.Mits. Call at green house at 100") Kiist M;iin or 'IV'cplione :7I. PIERCE Medford's Leading Florist PAPF ONE NIGHT riXKjEj Tuesday, April TKC MOST FASCINATINO COMEDY Of-" THE. DAY andean Webster JT'BS SEASON H ENTIRE SEASON t WJWtHS--niEATBt. GAIETY THEATRt. NEVy YBK ChtCAGQ. HENRY MILLER Mail Crdors Now Seat S i'p Sat -jrt'av. Apri! 21. 10 a. m Lowff Floor first 14 r ws. $1 50: last 4, S I 03. Balcony, fiiit 4 rows, $1; next 4. 7Cc; bai.inre, 50o. V mnueif pronaniy in not imp; nut mm p