PACE TWO MEDFOTID . MATL TRTBTTNE MEDFOTJT), OREfiON, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1917 I0CAL AND PERSONAL ; Walter liunlap formerly clerk of tho hotel JoBculilne, CiraritH I'ass, 1 has accepted a situation at the Hotel Medfonl. i Mrs. l.eueli, cornets made to meao- urements guaranteed. I'lione fK:i-J. Mrs. Leigh Swltieon left Saturday to join lier husband wlio wan called ; to tho eoloi-H hy tlio naval reserved ; last week and in now stationed upon rccrultini; duty at Portland. Johnson for hlnh class! watch re pairing. , if Tom Morrlman, who was called to the colors aw blacksmith in the naval fst-rvo Saturday, took IiIb family to Hromorlon with him, having dispos od of Ills blacksmith shop, Dr. Hart, physician and surgeon, office Jacksen , County Hank Bulld lng. Mrs. E. I.. Miller, field for ti'.c- Home Mission of Ihe Vcthodlr-t Kpincopal cliurch, leaves left for Hosehui'K Saturday morning, where sho will speak in tho church Sunday In the Interest of Homo Jlie sion work. See Dave Wood about that fire In surance policy. Office, Koom 404 M. F. & H. Bldg. M. h. Meadows of Jacksonville, formerly of Modford, who enlisted a few weeks ago In the naval roeserves as a carpenter's niato, has been ord ered to report for duty at the Ureui- erton naval yards. He has also been directed to bring with him James M. Mock, fireman, ad class; and Albert A. Mitchell, yconmtii 3d class. All these are Jacksonville boys and nre enlisted in the naval reserves. They expect to leave Medford Sunday even ing. Just received a fresh supply of ' beef scrap, fish scrap and poultry supplies. L. n. Drown. Miss Mildred Hilton, who enlisted recently In tho naval reserves as lolophono operator, has been sent transportation from Modford to Brem erton for herself and six other enlist ed glr'.s. As mail orders havo not been received aB yet from the navy yards she does not know the names of tiio girls whom she is to take with her. Try California Washing Powder makes your clolhes white as snow. Voiir grocer keeps it. 2S S. 15. Hullls has a foreo of men at work out at his Sterling mine getting ready for spring mining. Water hi just beginning to como down from the mountains and tho ditc.i Is near ly filled. Ho has some very rich ground to work off this season and with an abundance of water ho ought to realize a rich clean-up. Tho Medford Vulcanizing Works has moved to No. ir N. Fir street, Joe Itroad of Jacksonville Is spen 1 Ing iieverul days In Medford prior to returning to the Mine Ledge mine, where he hai been located since last October. liakeiy goods at Do Voc's. Hort Stanclil'l, of Iliinsmulr, Cal., Is visiting friends in Medford. Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10 unci 1 1, Jackson Co. Dank Dldg. 30 George llaussen or ltosehurg Is spending several days in Medfonl on a lHNin't& mission. Fresh chocolates at De Voo's. A. J. Van Waning, agent of the Southern Pacific railroad at Medford, left Saturday for a short visit al ltosehurg. Dig He milk shakes at He Voe's. Air. nud .Mrs. .;, r;irr Wbo have been visiting In Medford. havo re turned to their homo in Vreka. Dr. Heine, physician and surgeon. pecmiiy, eye, ear, nose, throat. Of fice over Mocker's. Glasses filled. .Mm. liny Humphries and children are visiting relatives In Albany. Johnson for high class watch re pairing. If. Harry M. Kiihvcil recently of Bal timore. Mel., has localcd in the llogue river valley aini will acllvely enter Hie fruit gam,.. Mr. Kldwell has as sociated hlmselr with Doctor Web ster at Talent and will take ncllve part In (he fruit industry. Mr. Kid- wen followed Ihe commission busi ness in Baltimore for over :Mi years and he unhesitatingly siates the Slew rt Fruit company is rcnanlcd Ihe best and most reliable large fruit dealers In Hie Fulled Slates. Baths a ,1c. Hotel, Holland George M. Pope of Ihe firm of Den nis, Kimball aud Pope, apple and pear exporters, spent Saturday visit lug In Mcdtord and examining local conditions. u0 h optimistic the prospects for the coming season and predicts that the Kuropcan war will be over by Aogn.t. (ItTsollne nud oil ai e Voe's. Ml. s .Mildred union, daughter of A, S. Hiil on was still without orders Saturday as to when she and the six other enlist, .il girls In the naval re serve slutitld Tcport fur duly al the I'ugi't Sound navy yard. The com mandant of the navy yard bus sent trnnaporlalton tirkeu to Miss Dliion for tho parly. Place orders now for vegetable plants of nil kinds. Portland Avenue Greenhouse. Phono X7 II. lis The free illuutratid lecture to he given at tho Free Methodist church Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Cnsberg will begin at 7:30 o'clock. They are returned missionaries from. India. Sweet elder at Do Vote's. County Prosecutor C, G. Hohorts is in Portland for several days on business pertaining to his official du ties. Gates sells Ford cars, $200 down and 2u a month, Mrs. Ada Porclval of Weed, Cal., Is visiting relatives In .Tedford. Just received a fresh supply ol beef scrap, fish scrap aud poultry supplies. L. I). Drown. County Commissioner Madden re turned Saturday from a business vis it to Seattle. For the best Insurance seo J-Iolmes, tho Insurance Man. In fining Hugo Daly $12.35 for speeding Police Judge Taylor Friday suggested that tho friends who were riding with Daly in his car chip in and help pay the fine. The boys were arrested on order of Mayor Gates by Chief of Police illttson for exceeding the speed limit while en route to place a flag on the wireless station near Central Point. Several citizens complained to the mayor about tho speed tho car was making. The Beason Is getting late. Seed with beardless barley. We have it In any quantity. L. 13. Drown. W. It. Cook, a prominent business man of Salem, Is in Medford for a several days sojourn to look ove" the city and valley geiiorr.lly: Duttcrmlllc 10c gal. De Voe's. Saturday was the (iiltest day at the public market In its history of five years. Farmers are now buying pro duce and the llko Instead of selling This 1b mainly duo to the late grow ing season and the peculiar conditions which exist generally over tho coun try caused by the war. Take that broken pump to the Pa cific Highway Garage, 20 South Bart l'ett st. Davles Welds Anything. Albert Clark left for Bremerton Wednesday evening, having been call ed to tho colors. He enlisted as en sign in the mosiptito fleet which tho government Is organizing to meet the submarine menace. Mr. Clark comes of a distinguished lino of American fighters and pioneers in the cause of liberty, beginning witli Sir John Clll hort, half brother of Sir Walter ltal elgn, and included sixteen John Gil berts, who fought valiantly in the revolutionary war. Lieutenant Col. John Ross Clark, an.uuclo of Mr. Clark's, ilistlng'.iishod himself in the Civil war, as did also his father. Phono 8S4 Heath's Drug Store, The citizens aro gathering a car load of old magazines and newspa pers to ship. The money Is to go to purchnso suplies for tho Hod Cross of Medford. You can help by bring ing your old papers to the .Modford Flro department. Tho season Is getting late. Seodi Willi bearless barley. Wo havo it In I any quantity, h. H. Drown. "Some of my friends havo confus ed my name wllh that of Miss Jos ephine Clark, who was to have left Medford tomorrow for duly at the Paget Sound navy yard," said Miss B'lorniu - e Clark, a talented young Mod ford musician Saturday. "1 havo en listed and 1 am anxious to he called to duty. 1 would have been in the party that leaves tomorrow only I missed seeing the recruiting officer when he was here." .Metz cars, 211 South Grape St. The Medford women enlisted In Ihe naval roservo who have received orders within Ihe past few days lo report for duly will depart from the clly Sunday for the Paget Sound navy yard, lino party will lie In charge of .Miss Marian D. Towue, and tho other in chargo of Miss Bornlce Cameron. Miss Josephine Chirk, who Is employ ed iu I ho Jackson County Abstract Co, office aud woh was ordered to report for duly Is In tin. Sacred Heart hospital recovering from an appen dicitis operation. Dr. Haigrave, Farmers and Fruit growers Bank bldg. Phone 2.10. Sergeant w. W. Fore. In charge of recruiting In southern Oregon Tor all branches of Ihe regular army, ar rived In Medford today from Uluni alli Falls. He will make his head ouailer.i al Medford at Ihe Holland hotel instead of a; Grants Pass as heretofore. Fore will receive appli cauls al the hotel at any time of the day or night. l.lme and sulphur In barrel or by Ihe bulk. Bardwell Fruit Co. Fhot'o KM. . SlllI without cooks Is the Seventh company, c. A. c. "We've just got to enlist two men cooks." Sijid Cap tain Vance Saturday. Mui who hne bail experience lu mining or railroad camps are preferred. Metz cars, 2!l South Grape St. Five Jacksonville men who enlist ed some lime aso in Ihe nnvnl reserve expect to leave Medford Sunday to report tor duty at Ihe Paget Sound navy yard. They aio George I.. Thompson, James M. Ivw, Albert A Mitchell, ,. 1,. Meadows and .lane; M. 1,'oik. Tho order '.or the men to report al Ihe navy yard was received hv Mr. Meadows. !r, Marks I'rank KuPens, building. dentist, st FRANCES CARSON AND GE0RG E ALLISON IN " "DADDY LONG LEGS" AT THE PAGE, APRIL 24 "'4,1 fN SUGAR COMPANY DOLLAR MELON Shareholders of tho Utah-Idaho Sugar company will vote tit Salt Lake Clly Tuesday on increasing the authorized capital stock from $10,- i( 00,000 to $20,000,000, tho new stock to bo issued as a 300 per cent divi dend. An official statement issued says that tho assets justify this step, as the earnings of the past two years, duo to war prices received for sugar and tho profit realized in disposing of its Hear Kiver power plant have been hold In accumulation until now. Tho total issue will represent actual values. Operating as the Oregon-Utah prominent in the boot sugar indus try in Utah and Idaho, tho new sugar factory at Grants Pass lias recently closed its first season and is encour aging tiie production of moro sugar heels in tho Willamette valley. An other plant Is in prospect at Inde pendence. Tho Utah-Idaho Sugar company's new plant In Yakima val ley will be ready for operation this fall, when beets from 15,000 acres are harvested. Drcrnr L HLOLiiVL ECRUnS OFF 10 JOIN IHE COLORS .Many f 1 it1 mis muY rvhxi ivos ga(li ori'd at 1W ilepot Saturday morning to bid I'mvwrll to thu Mi'dlord men depart in?; lor thu l'not Sound navy yard for duty in tho naval ro si'i'Ve. Threo elieors weio ivlmi by the crowd as the train started to pull out. The party was to have numbered -Ti but Karl Reynolds obtained per mission to dealy his departure until Monday, and An-hie It. Fletcher is sick at his homo with (onslliils. Mi; Fletcher will report for duty v.a soon as he recover. N. 12. Hemphill who also was summoned, died Thursday. Those departing Saturday with .John Shriek in eharo were; Louis linker, A. 1. AppleMate, Fred A. Tow ell, Perry 1,. Ashentft, Ga.Uord M. Luomis, Kverett C. Ferguson, Robert S. Murray. Kdward H. Kdwards, ira fuseholt, John U. Van Horn, F.roer K. Purdiu, Tho. T. Merriinun, Ken neth F. Murray, Paniel V, liimshaw, Jr., ('art K. Swainson, James C. Mur ray. Albert F, Urr, Jay Wiuans li:t inend, ('. F. Iturke, L. V. Famerou and James F. Walter. At - o'clock Monday afternoon at Ihe public library, Prof. A. U Peck, bead of t lie landscape gardening de partment of Ihe luvricullural college vltl deliver a loci are on civic improve ments and the general appearance and i.'le o! Mcdt'oid flower c..7rii'-lls, hr.ielTv and lawns. Tiie puiiiic is invited. "lr Kunnintee.l spray hose handles any kind of mixture, crater I 1 1 arnw ai c to. ;n I "' "fit ' f;ii;3.i II I - ; FINE IS REWARD OF FLAG RAISERS The following statement from the four boys who hung a flag on the top of Hie Central Point wireless station and were "pinched" for displaying their patriotism by excessive noise and sce(l, and fined $12.35 by Jus tice Taylor, have issued the follow ing statement, warning niilithnncn and soldiers to he careful in express ing llieir pntriotism, lest they suffer similar fate : "To I lie Kdilor: "The Morning Sun pubiishes an exaggerated statement of the arrest and fining of the undersigned, which we desire to correct. The facts briefly nre liiat we were proceeding in tin ordinary speed and not an ex cessive one, to t!n wireless station when we met the mayor. Tiie pres ence of I lie Hag and tiie mission may linve feni !a lillie enthusiasm to the greeting, lint there was certainly nothing disorderly-, or disturbing about tiie salute. When we returned we were arrested ami fined without any plea or without submitting evi denee. Our ignorance of court pro cedure led us lo believe that tiie court had the power to assess pun ishment in Ihe summary manner thus taken, which we now learn was more or less on (he 'kangaroo' order. "Wo suuuest lhat ihe mililel'y or iiamznihcis confempiafing mobilizing in tho valley procure Maxim silencers for bugles, muffle the drums ami liidiliy furl Ihe flag, lest ils flap ping in Ihe breeze niny aroue some local pacili. t from his middav siesta. "WKSI.KY nii'TKKN. "IR'GO 11A1.KY. "1.. I,. I.KW1S. "JACK CLAI'SKN. "K. J. JOHNSTON." Page -Today IX1KOTIIY (ilSU in "TIIK MTTI.K YANK." Also Kov Comedy, "There's Many u l-xd" a burlesque on a "Fool There Was.". TOMOUHOW Viola !ana. it- r--V-S ft?.?Vt'r-KEa HKi '1 W-V '-Fi ?1 1 tJ V.'J V IT A liinr.iilflccnt and comprehensive showing of everything new and up to (late In MILLINERY for women, misses and children. Wo a.k your inspection. .iVanityHatShop Mi. il sol Til 1 111. I Eiy, A delegation of eighteen Indies from Medford attended the annual convention of the Home .Mission soci ety, Klmmith district, held at Ash land, April 11. Tile convention wns opened by the district president, Mrs. M .0. Heed of Ashland mid Mrs. O. G. Howard, recording secretary. Much credit should be gien io the presi dent, Mrs. Heed, in carrying put of ihe splendid program. Mrs, E. L. Miller, field worker in the western stnies, gave inspiring tailcs on the work being done by this organization. She emphasized the fact, that if tho American people do not bring Chris tianity to tiie thousands coming into this country to' make their homes they will not believe this the Chris. tiun land t he foreign missionaries are telling them of, in Ihcir own native homes. Another startling fact is the selling of young girls. Less ilian three months ago a Chinese girl was rescued mid is now being cared for by the mission in San Francisco. This girl was sold at t lint time for .frtooo. The Ashland ladies proved again what royal entertainers they are making. All those attending wish they might soon have ihe privilege of again enjoying their hospitality. Th. program enrried out was ns follows Morning Devotional service, Mrs; ,13. S. Hathaway, Ashland; organiza tion and appointment of committees; meeting guests and welcome, Mrs. Y. .J. Douglass; greetings and experi ences from the district, Mrs, John IT. Carkin and auxiliaries; "Our Publi- IHE CROSS CHILD IS BILIOUS, FEVERISH Look at Tongue! if Coated, Clean Idltlo Stmnneh, Liver, 1 towels. Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tongue ia coated; this is a sure sign its little stonmch, liver and howels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath had, throat sore, doesn't oat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, indigestion, diarr hoea, glvo a teaspoonful of "Callfor iia Syrup of l'"ig3," and in a few hours all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of the howels and you have a well and play ful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and moth ers can rest easy after giving it, he cause it never fails to make their liltlo "insides" clean and sweet. Keep it handy, Mother! A little given today saves a sick child to morrow, hut get tho genuine. Ask your druggist for a :0-cent hottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plain ly on tho bottle. Remember there are counterfeits sold here, so surely look ami see that yours is undo hy tho "California Fig Syrup Company." Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. MRS. A. TRUE LUNDY District Manager. HOTKIi Mi;i1FOUI Nil HOXK COKSKTS Trices $3. HO up. Appointment by phono or call nt llooni 409 after 3 p. m. Agents wanted choice territory. Star - Today HOllKltT U AKWK'K and RAIL KAXK ill "TIIK IIHAIIT (!' A Ill.ltO." Also (iood Comedy "1X1VK I'XDKR COVKIf TOMORROW "Kliijt l.ear." Potato Planters Garden Cultivators and Seeders Alfalfa, Clover Seed Wizard Fertilizer for Lawns and Gardens Full line of Pratt's Poultry Remedies MONARCH SEED & FEED CO. cations," Mrs. H. K. King, Tale election of officers; solo, Miss Ji Anderson; "Snapshots J'rom Field," Mrs. E. h. Miller. Afternoon ''Quiet . Hour i Memories," Mrs. Kva McN'ary, M ford; solo, Miss Mary Young; "I" Ye Forget the Ased," Mrs. K. Swot ford, Salem; "(bwl's Children the liorder," Mrs. K. U Miller; ception io ileleeaies ol Hie home Mrs. M. C. Heed, i7 Scenic Drive Evening I'ruyer, Itev. V,'. There is Nothing Like it, Nothing that can take the place of ?j v -Ti ' v U 1 1 -VWi'V.? l.nini;. !ii-,. v,0i kmithv nnd A .KWV'iW-"1 I i it m Licatit inantD bub imu . j - 1 I toilet-not a luxury, but a requisite i 3tPKL u KA.n I OS arkhln liJt ill mw wilwi ' Enr man End woman in eot(J to tlio nttncltli of dandruff which to contaeiouj and ntnoty nine out ol every hundred ore BugorinK from it's annoyances. The booklet published br The Herpicide Comcany, on the hair and ita cure. of ! intens o mtoivst. and HEKFICID E itseu la a revelation lo au. A sample puiue n nr,.Tm.Uo will be sent to any addreas upon receipt of Ten Onta m poataffe op silver to coyer cost ot packing: and mailing. AddreaB THE HEKI'ICIDi; CO., Dept. S, Detroit, Mich. i Two sizes, 50cand$1.00 Sold Everywhere Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co.' 'Applications at the better Demand Genuine Ladies in Southern Oregon Should Realize the Saving on Low and High Shoes at ASHLAND- at 98c, $1.98 PAGE mm Mail Orders Now-Scat Sale Satartiay, April 21, in a. m. Lower Floor first 14 r,.ws, $1,150; last 4, $1.00. Balcony, first 4 rows, $1; next S, 75c; balance, 50c. mi Should Be Followed by the Call io Farms World Wide War Causing Food Shortage and Famine Threatens SAFETY FIRST: BE FRLiV.''f. K.,,v family, pv(ry imli- Vl.l,,,',! slllli,l lit ,.,. ,,.,..,. , . ..' ,,; , ,..,:, ., s!Hi ilriIt,n. All v.i.'imt liin,U ,-lui'iM I,. The Ci.,l ;,V licpily I. nil -('fi'l-al il'llliilVil iii'i'r- ( i ' i Tiio (.l,t K u i;..;,!. t , ...j.iiy ,,::, r '..r m.Il lumls from $10 per aere iiiv.-inl-, nn lKiS ,..,.y ;.;,wi:.i. Back to the land. .Ml i.-..i ,,,1-,.. Tli.;w -m vrirc rnp. i.liy.M,! llu- imd-al-.iu ,.. ...r li-h ).,, ,. ki,s of food l'1'""1"' i"ry,:ii . i, , V. . :;'.! ! ..l,li,.rs. We cannot have .-..Wiei- witla.m t,a ,i. ,!.,; tU. (,.m .pro.hi.-inc army nml ro l'a'k .l l!;e ;".; ami ' .- j .U'. Douglass; solo', Mrs.. Henry Terry Elmore; reading, Mrs. T. G. Heine, Medford; (iiartet, Mrs... Angwin, Mis-es Cherry, Anderson and Young; address, Mrs. E. h. Miller, l'asudenu; mu,-.ii"; benediction. On account of the rain and genera! ! inclement weather the outing of the I Crizzlies, who were to have visited I the dil l's east of Talent on Sunday, than boon postponed to some future dale. ' ' it VOU are irouuieu wim umiujuii, world of comfort in NEWBRO'S' II K lirninirln'' ieoipiyiUG f HERPICIDE. Try it. One application wil IH convince. The ieeling ot coolness, me sensefe of cleanliness and the exquisite odor aref efficient dandruff eradicator, a delightful hair dressing, a cleanser and an antiseptic. NEWBRO'S HERPIdlDE gives the hair uu v;iiihjv iwKth i.v a softness and luxuriance uiai. us mwaya associated with the use of this scalp prophy lactic. Hair that isn't healthy cannot be TTpppTi 'Trtle hv rendering the scalD sweet and keens it so. It is indispensable to the barber shops and Beauty Parlors.' Herpicide and GET IT EL' S and $2.50 a pair ONE NIGHT A T a e sd ay, A pril TMt MOST FASCINATING COMEDY of -the; DAY mi &y Jean Webster EMT1RE SEASON et ENTIRE SEASON t POWERS-' THEATRE, GAIETY THEATRE. CHICAC-a NEW YOgK HENRY MILLER R fi iv: !.',! ,..! (.Iimicl. "Mfr i'., i- ihis .iun Free Rent ':.n m I im I - nf niie iiLTu upwiirils. i flrmc s limits 1