PAfiE TWO IOCAL AND i- PERSONAL Mr. ini! Mrs. Waiter Mrckay and) son of Portland, who have hecn stoprmB in Mollord a lew days re-i turned to tlu-ir home Thursday i-von-j in?. Mr. Mar'nay owns a trai t of or chard land. mar J.u-kfonvill. in com pany with Fletcher l.lnn, a former: Jacksonville lay. Sirs. Leach, corsets maflo to meas-j urements guaranteed. Phone 6S3-J. j Sor-tewM brooks, in cliarso of the Medford olfiro of the t". S. marine cots an.l who vir-ited Kai:lc Point on! Thursday, eipeit-s k of en listments from that vi.inity within a week. Itrooks is in touch iih al.out twenty yotins nien in Modford and vi cinity who are undecided as yvt .whether to enlist ia the marine corps or the Seventh Company. C. A. C. Just received a Iresh supply of beef scrap, fish scrap and poultry supplies. 1.. B. Drown. Among the MedforJ men enlisted In (ho naval coast reserve who have been summoned this week to report for duty at the Hremerlon navy yard are I,ee Hoot and A. V. Clark. Root Is assigned as paymaster and Clark is classed as ensign. Johnson for high class watch re pairing, tf The little hamlet of Wolf Creek is not a hit backward in patriotism, for all its youim men eligible for military service have either enlisted or have been rejected for enlistment. The last to enlist were Walter Maloney and Leo Matstrele who came to Medford Thursday and sicned up with the Seventh Company, C. A. C. Royr.l (1. Carter of Wolf Creek, who applied for enlistment In the marines at Metlford was rejected because he Is a married man. The 1. S. marine corps will not enlist married men. Dr. Hart, physician and (urgeon, office Jackson County Back Build ins. In accord with the sussestion that all meant lots be cultivated, the li brary has brought together, where it cr.n be easily consulted. Its material on pradenlug. This consists of ref erence b(HhS. booKs that circulate, government bulletins on the different grains and vegetables, a file of the Harden Magaxint and other material. See Pave Wood about that fire In surance policy. Office. Room 404 XI. F. II. Tildcr Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thlerof of Med ford are registered at Hotel Portland. Portland. Oregon. Try California Washing Powder makes yonr cluhes while as snow. lour grower keevs it. 2S O. K. Kichslein left Friday morn ing for a short business trip to We-.'d. Calif, tlcorge T. Andersen also went to Weed on Friday on business. Tho Medford Vulcanlrlns Works has moved to No. 13 X. Fir street. ' James Lawrence of Gold Hill ac companled ly Ms stst.'r. Mrs. Tboir.a: Cornell o' Cold Hill, was in Medford on Fri.iry enroute to Weed, wh Mr. l-iwrence will spend the summer In a logging camp Mrs. Lawrence , aud their fr children will probaM join him later. Lime and sulphur In barrel or by the bulk. Hard well Fruit Co. Phore 114. Tile two-montlis-nUl son of Attorn ey and Mr John H. e'arktTi is ser iously 111 with ers: el;-.s a: the family home en Park ver.i:e. in- J. F.,! ef tlrants Pas spoilt Friday In Me.itor.! Pakery g.Kxls at Ie Vce'i. Mtts ears. 2? South vlrapo Pt. l.ol-ir: K ar.s. a V.-.:;-,1 laborer, when Inrl ea the c'v.ri..' of intou.t tion Frid v iH'lorr- Ja!ice Taylor. Hobcrt J. Brevard returned Friday from a four months' visit with rela tives at Atlanta cud other southern points. Fresh chocolates at D Voe'a. L'dgar llafer returned Friday from a week's visit at San Francisco. . Our guaranteed spray hose handles any kind of mixture. Crater Lake Hardware Co. :0 John T Hill, superintendent of construction of the Warren Construc tion company, who with his wife has been spending tli? whiter with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. lawrence Hill, left Friday for Hlsmark. S. D.. wher he will be engaged for some time on a l.-rse contract. Mrs. Hill w MI remain in Medford another mouth before rejoining her husband at IJis mark. Big 5c milk shakes at De Voe'a. Dr. Heine, physician and surgeon. Specialty, eye, ear, nose, throat. Of fice over Meeker's. Glasses fitted. Only two members of Company I. O. N. 11.. Woodburn, Ore., are now on the sick list at Sacred Heart hospital. One of these is recovering from an at tack of measles. The other is recov ering from effects of recent vaccina tion. Three other Company I men who were also ill from vaccination have returned to duty. The season is getting late. Seed with bearless barley. We have it in any quantity. L. B. Brown. Miss Laura Krutzler has gone to Sacramento, Cel.. to spend the sum mer with her sister. Tho season Is getting late. Seed with beardless barley. We have it In any quantity. L. B. Brown. ' R. 11. Jones of San Diego, an em ploye of the San Diego electric rail way company is In Medford to spend a vacation of three weeks. Guard your home against dirt, germs and disease with the Franti Premier Klectric Cleaner from Pauls Electric Store. Easy payments now. 19 The condition of John Bahr. who was seriously injured on a county Sixty navy recruits, en route from the Pcrtland navy recruiting office to the Mare Island training station passed through Medford on Thurs day forenoon. On the same train were fifty army recrulu and soldiers en route to the pon-commlssloued of ficers training camp at San Fran cisco. Buttermilk 10c gal. De Voe'i. Ira A. Baker, lf.-year-old son of H. 11. Baker of Mtdford. was enlisted at the Medford recruiting office of the navy Friday. His mother died re- ently. Tako that broken pump to the Pa cific Highway Carage, 20 South Bart- lett st. Davlcs Welds Anything. Meti cars. 2 South Urape St. I'nder the war department's recent ruling that married men will not be permitted to remain In the National Guard. Captain Vance said Friday that the Seventh Company, C. A. C. ould probably lose five of its mem bers, who are married. Frank Cole man, deputy county clerk, is one of the late recruits of tho company. Others who enlisted la the company Thursdr.y are Wilson Walt, cornet so loist In the Medford band; William U. Ingram, Jess J. Ingram, Floyd Ross and Murel M. Kindle of Central Point, and Frederick L. Luy of Wel len, f hone 884 Heath's Drug Store. BRITISH HOSPITAL SHIP IS TORPEDOED LONDON. April 13. The British hospital ship Glouster Castle was tor pedoed without warning in the Eng lish channel on March 30. The Brit ish hospital ship Salta was sunk by tr mine In the English channel on April 10. the war office announces and 52 lersons were drowned. XKW MANAUKR OK HALK PIAXO HOISK OLD GLORY DRAPED i Ed J. Walmer. recently from San Diego, Calif., the new sales munirger of thA Hale Piano romnanv. hat ar- bridge near Gold Hill, when he fell rlved and uken charge o the v.ork. from a derrick and whose skull was Mr. Walmer is an experienced piano irepnineei oy nr. k. J. ejonroy at tne Sacred Heart Hospital Thursday night. In much Improved. He is ex pected to recover. Just received a fresh supply of beef scrap, fish scrap and poultry supplies. U B. Brown. Baths 25c. Hotel Holland. IN NAVAL RESERVE Six more women well known Medford and vicinity who enlisted the Xuvul 'oust lletense Reserve re cently have received orders to report for duty at onee at the l'mret Sound navy yurd. Tho telegraphic oiler which came Friday to Miss Marian 11. Toivne of Phoenix, r. chief yeo man, was received a tiay late. Mi-s- Tiwue iinmceiiateiy noiifuil the other five recruits. At n meet inir bcinu' held in Medford Friday at" te-rnoon they will dce-uie on the time of their departure. The time will probably he Sunday forenoon. The following arc tile recruits in eluded in the order: Miss Maricn H. Towne. chief yeo man; Mrs. M. T. Edwards, yeoman: Miss Gladys Curry, yeoman first class; Miss Josephine Clark, yeoman third class; Mi;- Hertha Loftus, yeo man see-ond elas, anei Mrs. Helen Minkler, yeoman. Miss Tewne was for years assist ant county clerk and is a former member of the legislature from Jack son county. Mrs. Minkler is employ ed in the business office of the local telephone company. Miss Curry is employee! in the office of the Jack son County Abstract company. Mrs. Kdwareis is a public stenographer. Miss Loft us is night lonp-distance ojerator in the local telephone ex change. Miss Clark is well known in musical circles, being; a talented vio linist The twenty-five Medford men who ree'eived orders Thursday te report for duty at the Pueet Sound navy yard will depart for that place Sat urday morning upon the 8:20 train. man, having spent seventeen years in the business and likes this field very much. His father was superintendent cf Voce & Sons' piano house in Boston for many years. The Hale Piano company is one of ftia larcoct In cniilharn Ctrntrnn bpH E. E. Russell, who has been third 'm- - in - man for the company. trick operator in the Southern Pa clfie depot ticket office, has been transferred from Medford to Oswego,' Ore., where he now holds the position 1 of station agent and operator. Gasoline and oil at De Vos'a. Grizzlies to Until First Outing. The C.rizilies will have their first outing of the season next Sunday. Vnrtl 11 Thft trlie will tn llifi Sevornl hundred persons attended clif(s Mft 0( Ta!e.1(. Many have exjireed a great de sire to visit this very interesting plrco which offers many points of interest. The Grey Bus will leave the C.arnetl-Corey buiMins Sunday morning at 9 o'clock sharp. Bring your cups and plenty good eats: com mittee will furnish hot coffee. Non- :i;emtfrs will lo chnj-cd 25c. Round lace orders now for vegetable 1 lltfndance ,m.ii3 e'i an Kinus. romana Avenue elreonhouse. the rally of the Flying Squadron of the Seventh Company, c A. C. at' the Cuthbort building Thursday night.) T. 11. E. Hathaway presided and speeches were made by Mayor C. K I Hates. Lieutenant P. r. r'.aokden, R. ! A. Kowley. It. A. Canady and Ir. E. II. Porter. The high school :and fur-j uished music. I Sweet cider at De Voe's. ! SUBJECT OF LECTURE Prof. A. L. Peck, head of the landscape gardening department of the Ore-gon Agricultural eedlege. wili vi.-it Medfe.rd nevt Sunday and Mon day, and on Monday will pive a pub lic kvturv here on lac eare of lawns and flower carders, and settin; of shrubbery and trees. Prof. Peck will also leet ire at A-iiland nlemg the same lines. In his Medford talk he is exVcteM to coirnienl on the general apeannee ef the lawns, flower gardens and .-hrulihery i-f the eirv. Colonel George P. Minis supplied the flnj; and five patriotic hoys of this city flubit it to the breeze ;.t the pinnacle of the mast of the wireless station near Central Point, where Old filory now wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave, .'IH" feet 'above tho venial bloom of the valley. The young' men who placed the Hag there are Hugo Daie-y, West ley Cof ,fevn, Kverett Jolmsein, Lester fA'wis and Jack Clmissen. all under the age of 'JO. Iialey, ('.tl'een and Johnson a.-cended the mast to the top, hut found it somewhat difficult to wire the emblem to the steel pole. How ever, thev attached it securely and at once a stirring breeze unfurled it. in inspiring insignia to lie viewed with pride for many miles in nil di- rectiifns. By iiovenimcnt order, the wireless equipment was removed a lew nays lgo. i m Johnson for high class watch re pairing. W L. YY. f'opehind, a well known' rancher and stock raiser of Fort j Klamath, who lias been vi-itim; his, daughters. Miss I'.iniie Copland an'l j Mrs. M. D. Hall al Jacksonville, leltj Friday for a vi.-it to Kiigcnc nndj Portland. "I "as snowed up wij long this winler," said Mr. Coptd:inl.i m 'Friday, "that I'm mnkins up fr in.-t time now tin.-l I can put out. It . was the wor-t wiutei' over in our; country t It.-tt I have known for -H , vears. There was not much loss o! j "sto.-k around Fort Klamath us we; had a g""d .-lock of hay. I.,wi-vi-r.; we w ill al! have to ship in hay before : the new cr"" -iines in, as our -ur-j plus'-tock has been exilau-lcii. May: this winter, has sld as high as sjo ; a t.m in our territory, but I sojn wa.ii I could spare to luy neighbors for $12." Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10 and 11, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. 31! Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion A FOE to the HIGH COST OF LIVING I f: i la g B, rm -w "4 . v m. '.-7 ' ' "Tn" mtTft imi in III rim jJ! IK SOOHING M "My, how 'Ti:' gladdens tired, swollen, btirning feet It's glorious!" . Thone s:-R. Por further information phone chairman of committee, John Good- 1S traveler, for a Seattle house, and well' 2 " ' knonn In Me-dlord. and Southern Ore-j son. who was initii'.td in a local sc-1 cret order Thursday t.isht. left for hi.'j home at Portland e-.i Friday. j Gates sells Ford cars, $200 down sad $:S a month, At the Seventh Company armory at T:;;i o'clock Friday evening a' nuet:::g il ibe held to discuss plans; KOCTS (ilKH'KHV t. It il! cost you only r.Hc to try one pound of oleomargarine. It looks like butter and tastes like butter sr.d is a perfectly pure food. Now is the time to lay in a pood supply of gro ceries as the prices arc goin? sky ward by lear-s and boan '.s. tor orcautriiig a Nations.-'. ami I " Trln j volunteer association. All ex-meters I . . Iuu t-LaairT 'of i ne c:isrj and c-e:ur.tev:- arc i'vlK SAl.K Almost new Monarch mil-d M au. rd tarce. r.ickel kettles. 5-V. piar.o Ker the K.-t Insurance see Holmes. I ! .. !!: mahogany settee. JT r.o lnsurane-e Wan. King. IS w as s jail. that 1 e'lfli 1'r )!.ir At i cr-ie ill' e ! e rs ia. t!-i'.. e r l. gin a : ;n 1 te' Mitea e.l ii:ciii i K-.avi k.' Ft.'iik I. ii:.!:-g t: , Vr. r i Al eul.:g. Mr r.tut:,,- i r I wil'l lai: iu :'.'. t " : 't e'i; :o t-n day isw-IleSi .! t wk !:. ia Hii.h rt. In the cit e c-M'.dition .1 tiie Hiuc . nt;:r : 11 C ' : o ni 1 n I -,re. il'.i.- in thc:r If You Suffer From Catarrh iJon't ir.aVe tho fatal riUtake cf ro trrirjr it as a triJl'.rsr matter. Au ihoriiu's (;re that Cata-rh is an in fevtion cf the b:txi. CorscuentW. fprays, salv5 and loti.'rs can ai fcrvi only ttmpcrarv riuf, bvau?e thvT tie r.ot rrach t: fourve cf :h ih?tAe. ire bUxsi. When yu deprxi r a the,- t c m fo r a ry ttat ed : a; one ycur case is uxeiy to grow yteaauy w?e uiiVl it Uvcir.cs .hrvcic ar.d ro.ib!y ttToct the tut et if the ififev-tion does ttc-i p tlus far. tho conV.r.-ieMii" vt i:: T'.e a:, tr.t ?pitt:n and hawking and evil odc cf the breath will not only cause misery to you. but will xr.ake your pre?ence obnoxious to others, S, 5, whi.-h ha been the :anoard blood mechrire for rifty years, wiil reheva your catarrh, because it will purify your bioo-d a.-l relieve it cf the ac cumu'.tted poiwr.s. S. S. contains no mir.tfral op habit-formir.? drup?. S. S. S. is on sale at all drurvist and the advWe of our medical department is at Jfour dUpo!, free of charre. Swift Specific S02 Swifl Building, Atlanta, Ga. Ah! what relief. Xo more tired feet; Co more burning ft: no more rwoiJsn. ah)Hjr. tencor. sweaty feft. No more orcaesa in core. cAooses, bonions. Zo matter what it$ your fvi or what under We sua you've trwd ;ui out pet tir.i: relief, just ue "Tul" "1z' is the enry rdy tiat drains oat all tS f-o:fono exud-uons wbkh puff un tie feet. "Tlx" cure your foot trouble to yc-ull never limp or draw up your face in Mia. Your shoes won't soem tirat aad your feet will never. ne-.Tr fcurt or pet ofe and swollea. Think of it, bo more loot misery, no more aony from cores. c!!oiifea or bunioo. Get a ioent box at aay dmr store or deTvirtinent store and cvt iutAnt re hef. Wear tnxV.rr ho. Jut once try "Ti-" Get a wh?le yeir foot com fort for otTy cents. Thitk of it. food is rich in brain and body building nourishment wonderfully attractive to the palate and A SAVER OF MONEY AND HEALTH 91 ii I I V I I fi The jnlce of two fresb lemons stralncil Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard whlto makes a whole iiiirtcr jiint of tlu most re iiiarhulilo lemon shin heautifier at a'ooiit the cost one must pay for a small par of the ordinary cold creams. Care should he taken to (train the lemon juice through a fino cloth so no lemon imlp Bets in, then this lo lion will l.e'li fresh for months. Ev ery woman knows that lemon Juice is used to bkacli and remove such blem ishes as freckles, sallowncsB and tan and is the Ideal thin softener, smooth oner ami her.iitilier. Ju-t try ill M-ke m a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen, and brills out the liid(lej roses and beauty of any skin. It Is wonji rful for roufh, red hands! Your druggist will sell three ounces or orchard white at little eost, and ' any grocer wi'l supply the lemons. .'lant N ow Sweet Peas. Pansies and all Morse's Grand' Priifl California Seeds CiVbafZ-Cirrtrt. Ocion. BretJ.Pem, A Spiaul: aati Tump S:eds should be S. planted it onrc. Dcn't take eaeds iattTC'ju$iasgoodt' GetMortc'a. f Oo Site lr mH Leading Detleni Seedsman If T ir 'SnXrr 2st Bet carry Mo f rrai. fi .-i cirrt tor trar etuiefat Frt V-r or&'S wiii is pri ftjy tuUd to' C. C. MORSE S CO San Francisco isco bi i?mMS Rankin? hv Mail m i J :v5j r 0U may open and maintain a Check- y I 1 'E'I' & I f i J- Ing or Savings Account at the First ! ' fr:?l K Mi'i F t - i National Bank by mail. Send us your first J ! 13 g-.; te-! ' depesit by pcstcftice or express mcnty i a 8j -U-e- order cr in case of currency, by regis- j H'v;Si'-:rSF?'1i- it tered letter or package. 1 Lj viJ .'.v..!. I-,,, he ,iVv k:,;' .! l y M Capital 0.--:::u;K:.,r:ve:;:. - fp $100,000 v":- fi llsiMaiionaiBank I MEDFORD OREGON rd-g 1 IfV 6? Srr, r'3 Large line imported favors STYLE PARADE I.KT I S HE YOUR TAILOR We have a fine snappy lino of woolens to choose from. We c' to give you the hl.-he it class of tailoring that is pos- Wc guarantee a rerfect fit or no .lie. Old Kc'.ia'.i'e Cleaners. r:1?'l NlLE CLOTH 8-INCH TOP I ' r,. ; ' LACE BOOT W'iiii'- .is :.i--.v. ..... I'i-u'.i r.- i-r . i ;t.-k. v ft . I, at::r.-s. . I'V I'M 1 1 ' . At the sy t.t cliaii. will !nt a!; e-r Ki.i t.iton ln's after a WE HAVE YOUR SIZE JTrA.'ra'i 21 North -.t---' Central Ave. "GOOD SKOES"' BUILT OUR BUSINESS THE MERE FACT THAT Scott's Emulsion is generously used in tuberculosis camps is proof positive that it is the most energizing prepa ration in the world. It has power to create power. It warms and nourishes; it enriches the blood, stops loss of Cash and builds you up. SCOTT'S IS PURE AND RICH AND FREE FROM ALCOHOL AMVSKMK.NTS TOMt.HT . j -- t t. . i. m . - r . . SUITS V0 USDER $25.00 UP Also O.ininn. Pressing and Altering l'R f Mat (IMSTiB Bud Lawrentz 4 has r'lrch.iscil an Inteerst wltl 0. F. Wil'.iatBs In tho it ledford Page -Today i win: ki a "1I IV i f. T 1ST." Si;-port4 l y !cart sV-' aci T-'ly Vi.-hAll. AlKi CC-J e .-n.eJ.e '-rat XHel TXiVoniliW- n.':n!l. (" -h - - ITS r. - i - 1 1 i.i j ' i ac i i io j i( ... ..w - Ik. a ic r.-t .1 . . 'i. ' Cleaning Works ' -All klr.:? cf c'..ic!ng work fur" anli"d. We r',l for and dell"' I'hono ST ft 8. (irntr! EXCEPTIGNAL LINE VEGETAEL Z FD? TSE WEEK END MARSH BENNETT Window Screens Screen Doors Lattice Material Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factor)'