Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA O R TWO
A. II. Ferguson of Portland li
spending a few days in the elty on
Mrs. Leach, corsets made to meas
urements guaranteed. Phone 083-J.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Illgelow ot' St.
Louis, Mo., are tourist visitors In the
Don't wait until you want to wear
that Panama hat, have It cleaned
now. Pantoriuin. 2 IS
II. T. Ilolden of Portland transud
ed business with Medford merchants
the first of tho week.
Johnson for high class watch re
pairing. tf
Miss Winifred Clark returned to
Mcdford Tuesday from Eugene where
she spent a few days visiting univcr
slty friends.
Rugs and apronB at Presbyterian
Aid Society Bale Saturday, April 7th
In building on North Central former
ly occupied by Japanese store. 1 1 '
Leonard Undorwi.od of Portland 1?
among the out of iovrn business vlsl
tors In the city.
Two new Bongs, "The Twilight
Hour," and "Crater Lake." 821
W. A. Voltss of San Kranelsco Is
spending a few days In the city on
Join our suit pressing club, four
suits sponged, pressed and delivered
for $1.00. Pantorlum. 218
William M. Colvlg of Portland Is
spending a few days In the city visit
ing relatives and attending to bus!
ness matters.
Phone 884 Heath's Drug Stor.
William J. Darker of San r'raiicls
co is in me city lor a few days on
Buy your Knstor dinner nt tho
Presbyterian Aid Society sale Satur
day. n
O. D. Grant of Portland Is among
the out of town business visitors In
the city.
Dr. Hart, physician and surgeon,
office Jackson County Bank Build
ing, Howard If. Williams of Klamath
county was a Modford arrival Tues
day evening.
We believe In preparedness, have
your clothes cleaned before you want
to use them. Pantorlum. 218
H. B. Corn .vol 1 of San Francisco Is
In tho city on business.
Buttermilk 10c gal. De Voe's.
Leonla Cook of LOs Angeles was a
Medford arrival Tuesday evening.
Homo made candy at Prosbytorlan
Aid Society sale Saturday. 11
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hyers of San
Francisco woro Mcdford visitors the
first of the week.
Gasoline and oil at De Voe's.
J. M. Chamberlain of Portland was
among the out of town business visi
tors in tho city Wednesduy.
Take that brokon pump to the Pa
cific Highway Garago, 20 South Bart
lett st. Davles Welds Anything.
J. L. Coppago ot San Francisco
spent Wednosday In tho city transact
ing biiBlnoss with local merchants.
Johnson for high class watch re
pairing. . tr.
A. P. Close of Taconur Is a Modford
business visitor rr a few days.
Fresh doughnuts at Presbyterian
Aid Society snlo Saturday. 1 1
Chester A. Kubll of Applognto spent
Tuesday and Wednesday In Medford
visiting friends and attending to bus
iness mattors.
Bakery goods nt De Voe's.
r. ii. nergor or I'resno, Oil., was
among the out of town business vil
tors In tho city the first of the week
Mots cars, 29 South Grnpo St.
Evorolt Miller of Applumito attend
ed to business matters In tho city the
nrst of the week.
Ladles or the Ohrlatlnn church will
hold a bazaar Snturdny, April 7th, In
ihnioi Minding, next to May company
Aprons and caps a specially. i;
S. M. Calkins is a Mcdrord business
visitor for a few days from Portland.
Just received a- fresh supply of
bonf scrap, fish scrap and poultry
supplies. L. p. Drown. ,
C. J. third of Kugene nllendcd to
business mutters In Medford Tuesdnv
and Wednesday.
If you have n fly for a tent 1'JxH
In good condition for sale iiddi,.,. r
earo Mall Tribune.
1 1
r. t xi.i...... , ,-, ,
- "" " ""Mann. al., Is a
Modford business visitor Tor a few
W. 11, Drown, upholstering, mat
tress renovating, auto trimming and
top work. 14 2 N. Kront ,,,,
146-J. 3J7
O. 11. Porter of Holland Is spend
ing a few days In , city nllendliu
to business matters.
Place orders now for vegetable
plant, ot all kinds. Portland Avenue
Greenhouse. Phono 87-lt. Js
E. 11. Dyer of Chicago spent (h.
first of tho woek In the city transact
ing business.
Dr. Frank ltoberls. dentist, SI
Marks' building. ' ,
M. Collen of llulda. Minn.. , In
Afedrorrt Tuesday and Wednesday
looking over business prospects,
; Gates sells Ford cars, aoo down
and $25 a month. ,
D. F. Dimmer of Staylon, .Minn.. Is
among the out of town visitors In the
The season Is getting late. Seed
with beardless barley. We have It In
any quantity. L. II. Brown.
Mrs. X. I). Stoddard of Uutle Falls
is visiting Medford friends for a few
See Dave Wood about that firs in-
turance policy. Office, Room 404 M.
F. & II. Dldg.
W. J. Heed of Kansas City Is spend
ing a few days In the city on business.
Kverythlng in Easter millinery at
Lottlo Howard's. 1 i'
Charles Whftlng of Long Ileach,
Cat., Is among the out of town visitors
in tho city.
Just received a fresh supply of
boot scrap, fish scrap and poultry
supplies. L. II. Ilrown.
A. C, Williams of Medford spent
tho first of the week at Grants Pass.
Tho season Is getting late. Seed
with bearless barley. We have It In
any quantity. L. B. Brown.
Tho Pago Creek nursery has re
cently sent a large number of forest
trees to tho Crater national forest,
whero they will be planted. Tho ship-
ment Included 25,000 western vellow j
pine of two-yenr old stock and 700
three year old white pine. Tho trees
uro to be planted near Tallowbox
mountain on Applegate. Tlio trees
will cover an area of about thirty
acres, allowing 1000 trees to the acre.
Molvln Lewis Is In charge of the
Pago Creek nursery. GrantB Pass
Big Cc milk shakes at De Voe's.
Carl Stunley of Urownsboro Is
spending a few days In Medford on
The ladles of tho M. K, church will
hold an Faster food sulo Saturday,
April 7th, In the room vacated by
Ewlng's Gun Store on West Main St.
Como and get good things for your
Easter dinner. ,11
Clarence Buck of Buncom Id Ii) tho
city for a few days on business.
Tho Medford Vulcanizing Works
has moved to No. 15 N. Fir Btrcot.
jneouoro mass or iieagle Is among
tho out of town business visitors in
the city. i
Fresh chocolates at De Voe's.
Clarence Case of Beaglo spent the
first of (ho week In the city attending
to business matters.
Jlotz cars, 2!) South Grape St.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hllcy of Hnglo
Point spent TueBday in Modford.
Dr. Hargrnve, Farmer's and Fruit
growers Bunk bldg. Phone 230.
lien Harris of Helena, Mont., Is
spending tho week in the city attend
lug to business mutters.
F. H. Horgor Is a Medford business
visitor for a fow days from Fresno,
The Grizzlies will hold their regu
lar monthly meeting and social even
ing on Thursday night, April 6th, nt
tho homo of Mlsa Ethel Curry, 301
S. Central.
For tho best Insurance see Holmes,
'.ne Insurance Man.
Vinton ltlvo of Lnkevlow, Ore., Is
& Medford business visitor for n few
For the benefit of the ladles "Al
exander" will glvo a mntlnee Friday
at 2 p. m. for Indies only, at tho Pago
Dr. Holne, physician and surgeon.
Spoclalty, eyo. onr, noso, throat. Of
fice over Meeker's. Glasses fitted.
J. O. Gray Is spending a few days
at Eugene visiting friends and attend
ing to business matters.
Thomas Merriiuan has roturned
from Portland where be accompanied
his son Myrlo who enlisted In the
army aviation corps.
Mrs. Norn Kllcnhaiumer wns fined
$5 hi justice court Tuesday for fail
ure to have license on her car. Or.
Hart was apprehended on a similar
charge. Ills case has not yet been
Edwin Heche, of Grants Pass spent
tho first of the week In Medford on
husl ness.
Keep The Blood Stream Pure
You ir more tntarttd In your own health than
anybody elie. If Jrou keep your blood pure and
ditPBte but
are all sign
Iff r.".z.".TT
'! K wintwonc ca
Ski tcS'Z'm,
II. A. Jensen left Wednesday on a
brief business trip to northern Cali
fornia. Charles Johnson of Gold Hill spent
Tuesday In Medford nansactlng busl-
Sweet elder at De Voe's.
Bon Gregory ot Stelnman. Ore., Is
among the out of town business visi
tors In Medford this week.
James Mooro of Iloseburg 13 spend
ing a few days In the city on busi
ness. 1). P .Longmiro of Weed, Cal., Is
spending the week In the city visiting
friends and attending to business
Baths 25c, Hotel Holland.
Georgo Felix bas returned to his
home at Klamath Falls after spending
a week In tho city.
Dr. Clara Dunn, office rooms 10
and 11, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. 35
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
homo of Mrs. Brown, 916 East Main,
Thursday afternoon. Business to be
transacted and a program rendered.
Everybody welcome.
Walter Damroscb, conductor of the
Symphony society of New York Is
celebrated not olono for his rendition
of the great symphonic compositions,
but as an accompanist as well. Ills
onductr was received from Lllll Leb-
inunn when he was a young musician
and at the conductor's desk at the
Metropolitan opera house. Lchmann
was the principal singer In the Ger
man operas and sang often in the
French and Italian operas which were
allotted to young Walter. One day,
ho was busy giving signs to bis mu
sicians In tho orchestra, when Loh
niann turned to him and said:
"Walter, In theuo operas, watch
the mouth of the singer and breathe
with her. The orchestra will follow
eye, but tho singer Is lost unless she
can feel the conductor with her all
tho time."
Mrs. If. B. Stephenson of Buncom
was In the city Wednesday visiting
kudo .Moore or Sams valley was
among the business visitors In the city
A. D. McKeo of Buncom spent Wed
nesduy In Medford visiting friends
and relatives and attending to bust
ness matters.
Live ronltry.
DUCKS Young, 10c; old, 8c.
HENS lb'c; springs, 18e.
(1KKSE Kat, Ori! 11c.
TUH KEYS Fiit young, lC20c;
old tonis, j'Je.
liny and Grain.
(Buving prices.)
WHEAT $1.40.
OATS $10 ton.
i I AY Grain, $17; alfalfa, $17 ton
BAK LEY Whole, $10.
(Prices paid producers.)
VKAI-r Dressed, 8(ii 12c.
SHEEP Ewes, (i(H!7e; wethers, 7
JTHc; lambs, 8(10c.
COWS Alive, l',(i7fin.
HOGS Alive, 0ii:ie.
STEEHS Alive, rl28c.
Trices Pali by Dealers.
POIfK l'ie.
BEEF 10(u Ll'ic
EGGS 22 '..
POTATOES $;i.r,0 per 100 lbs.
HONEY 12((?llo per lb.
CI DEI! 2.rie.
Dl'TTElf FAT 42',ic
Bl TTEi; - Wholesale, l2Ue.
l-'Ol'TS Gison-iKV co.
Buy your food stuffs that you may
need In tho near future as everything
is going up and not one Item la de
clining In prlco. Congress may put a
war tax on many Items and sugar us-
unll beads the list.
Vou are much lest rpt to contract
the blood muit o kepi strong
ad pure to do it work.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eciema, Scrofula
of disordered blood, and you
should heed the nrst warnings they give
tn looking for blood medicine, get
vegetable preparation of undoubted merit
We recommend S. S. S which Is auaran-
teed purely vegetable, and we know It hat
purified the blood of thousands tn Its fifty
years existence. Get S, S, 5. at eny drug
D. ur. and get tb ffsnuln. S. 5. S.
Write our Medical Department freely
nd without rhnrge.
C'OI'ENHAGKX, April A The Her
lin Tngcblntt says Unit lubor diffi
culties have broken out in tho big
Vulcan shipbuilding works ut Ham
burg. The workmen demand a on"
third increase in their wages. The
Vulcan works lire where most of
flermuny's great ocean liners have
been built.
Labor difficulties nnd strikes have
been reported from various sections
of (jermnny in the lust few months.
Trouble of n serious nature in I ram
burg was reported from various sour
ces following the Hussinn revolution.
These reports were substantiated by
statements of socialist deputies m
the reicbstag referring to "tho de
plorable events in Hamburg uml Bre
men." A strike occurred in February m
the Krupp works ut Essen, the heart
of Genuniiv's munition and nrtillcrj
ndustry. More recently strikes have
been reported among the munition
workers ut IJusseldorf and among the.
coal miners ut I'enzburg. Ihesc
strikes were suid to have been cuu.s-
d by tlio food shortage, which was
also credited with being responsible
for serious riots in Berlin nnd other
big German cities.
TABOR, Idaho, Apr. 4. As a re
sult of a report that a German flag
was flying over this community,
where a number of persons of Ger
man birth or extraction reside, 100
Black foot men chartered a special
train to come hero with the purpose
of taking the flag down and giving a
lesson In patriotism but on their ar
rival could find no trace of disloyal
ty. The German clement hero resent
forcibly tho suspicion cast on their
Oliver Hurbaugh was a Medford
visitor Wednesday from Jacksonville.
llceiinso It's for One Thing Only and
Med ford People Appreciate This.
Nothing can bo good for everything.
'Doing one thing well brings suc
cess. Doan's Kidney Pills aro for one
thing only.
For weak or disordered kidneys.
Hero is Medford evidence to prove
their worth.
J. II. Atwell, painter nnd paper
hanger, ll!9 W. Kleventh street, Med
ford, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills aro
all that is claimed of theni to be and
I never hesitato to rocominend any
thing I bellevo will be of benefit to
others. I luivo taken Doan's Kidney
Pills on different occasions when I
have bad any trouble with my back
or kidneys and they have always
tho work. A few doses now
then keeps my kidneys in good
ing order."
Price r.Oc, at all dealers.
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Atwell had. Foater-Mllburn Co.,
Props., Iluffalo. N. Y.
FOR SALK Monarch range, gasoline
stove, dining table and chairs, sew
ing machine. One-half price.
Phono 1 79. 11
FOIl SALK One six-hole steel range,
cheap. Call a 13 S. Newtown or
phono tSS-11. Ill
The Portland Hotel
Tlio Rose City's worKl-famcd hotel, occupying an
entire Mock. All outside rooms. Superior (lining
nutl grill service. An atmosphere of refinement, with
a service of courtesy.
European Plan, $1.50 and Up
SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 4. In
a decision handed down today by the
appellate court here the conviction
of llev. Madison Slaughter on the
charge of wronging Gertrude Lam
son ut Chko was unanimously up
hold. The minister now Is at San
Quentln prison, having been there al
most a year. Unless the supreme
court should reverse the lower court
in case un appeal Is taken, Slaughter
must serve bis sentence of fit'teeu
years. ' i ; ,i . .
It. Phillips was a Medford busl
noss visitor Wednesday from Apple
gate. 1
Save Vour Hair! Jlako It Thick,
Wavy, Glossy and lieautifiil ut
Try as you will, after an applica
tion of Danderlue, you can not find a
single traco of dandruff or falling
hair and your scalp will not Itch, but
what will please you most, will be
after a few weeks' use, when you see
new hair, fine and downy at first-
yes but really new hair growing
all over tho scalp.
A llttlo Handerlne Immediately
doubles the beauty of your hair. Ko
difference bow dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect Is im
mediate and amazing your hair will
be light, fluffy and wavy, and have
an appearance of abundance; an in
comparable lustre, softness and luxur
lance, the beauty and shinier of true
hair health.
Get a SS-eent bottle or Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or tol
lot counter, and provo that your hah
is as pretty and soft as any that it
has been neglected or Injured by care-
loss treatment. A 2.rp-cent bottle will
double tho beauty of your hair.
Matinee Friday Ladies Only
Prices Night,25, 50, 75c. Mat 25, 50.
The Man Who Knows.
You Can Be Your
Own Garageman
by purclKishiR your automobilo sup
plies from us. Vo have everything
from cup Kri'iU'o to body polish. It
la 11 n-iil pleasure to uso our polish
tho dirt comes off so easily, and the
Kloss ries a brightly an the sun.
done iWm ftPa' ::-
and fel!,
work- u-mmmmK'wi -n
tcriniM K. ivbCUii :t
tou by Ail. i ;:,'.;! inisccuts
ItolK-rt Conness and .Mabel Tina
nolle in
based on two notable contributions
to literature, "In J 1 is Rtepr." ami
"The Crucifixion of Pbillp Strom;"
by Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, which
created a profound Impression at
tho timo of their publication.
"Should a preacher preach as he
sees things or as his congregation
wants bim to see them."
Also Vlt. Comedy
"A JKAMllS (it V."
TOMORROW.-" A Modern Cln
lrella." GIM CHUNG
China Herb Store
Herb cure for earacho, headache,
catarrh, diphtheria, sore throat,
lung trouble, kidney trouble, stom
ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and
fever, cramps, coughs, poor circula
tion, carbuncles, tumors, caked
breast, cures all kinds of goitors.
Medford, Oregon, Jan. IS, 1917
This is to certify that I, the un
designed, bad very severe stomach
trouble and had been bothered for
several years and last August was not
expected to live, una hearing of Gim
Chung (whose Herb Store Is at 241
South Front street in Medford) I de
cided to get herbs for my stomach
trouble and I started to feeling bet
ter as soon as I used them, and today
am a well man and can heartily rec
ommend anyone afflicted as I was to
see Gim Chung and try his Herbs.
(Signed) W. It. JOHNSON,
M. A. Anderson, Medford.
S. B. Holmes, Eagle Polut.
Frank Lewis, Eagle Point.
Win. Lewis. Eagle Point.
W. L. Childreth, Eagle Polut.
C. E. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point.
Geo. B. Von der Hellen, Eagle Point
Thos. E. Nichols, Eigle Point.
TO ORDER $25.03 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing nnd Aitr-rlnt
li!8 E MflIM IIPSTfino
Vo have a fine Buappy lino of
woolens to choose from.
Wo guarantco to glvo yon the
highest class of tailoring that is pos-
Wo guarantee a perfect fit or no
Old Reliable Cleaners.
i.? 'i. .i.
Is your properly or auto in
sureil ! Jf IP it see
McCurdy Insurance
PHONE 1-2-3
Get at the Real Cause-Take Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
suffered whlt thousands of stomach
t "kino re do"lff now- Instead of
r,rr d"'"' or tr'inS t0 Patch "P a
cttSt'? tl,cy are stacking the
""' of the ailment clogged liver
Dr. httwnr.' . .
i, i- v-mve "Diets arouse
ll'Ln L V soothinK. healing way.
I ....v. "".i ana hnive c nrt ni.
, forming their natural functions, away
goes indigestion and stomach troubles.
I If ,vou have a tad taste in your
; mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor,
lazy, don l-care feeling, no ambition or
enerpy, troubled with undigested foods,
you should take Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel.
I Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
olive color. They do the work without
jrriping, cramps or pain.
I ' Take one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can eat what you like.
At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all the stomach, liver,
and bowel poisons before
To feel your best day In and day out,
to feel clean inside; no sour bile to
coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head; no constipa
tion, bilious attacks, sick beadacbo,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom
ach, you must bathe on the inside lllta
you bathe outside. This is vastly more
important, because the skin pores do
not ubsorb impurities into the blood,
whllo tho bowel pores do, says a well
known physician.
To keep these poisonsand toxins
well flushed from the Btomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before break
fast each day, a glass of hot water
with a teaspoonful of limestone phos
phate in it. This will cleanse, purify
and freshen the entire alimentary tract.
' before putting more food Into tho
Get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
is inexpensive and almost tasteless,
except a sourish twinge which is not
unplcasaut. Drink pbosphated hot
water every morning to rid your sys
tem of these vile poisons and toxins;
also to prevent their formation.
To feel like young folks feel; like
you felt before your blood, nerves and
j muscles became saturated with an ac
; cumulation of body poisons, begin this
I treatment and above all, keep it no!
, As soap and hot water act on the skin,
I cleansing, swcetenbig and purifying, so
limestone phosphate and hot water be
fore breakfast, net on tho stomach,
uver, Kidneys ana Dowels,
2 usmns cucaiypius uinimeni
TU0E3 25C JAF13 50C
Attention, Farmers
31-33 N. Bartlett St.
Pay Highest Prices for
Green hides per lb 17o
Dry bides, per lb. 260
Green calf bides, per lb 2oo
Dry calf bides, per lb 30o
We Huy Sheep Pelts and Goat
New Barber Shop
Kxnert Harbor and grinder of safety
razor blades, shears, knives, clippers
1 ordinary razors. Patronize home
Industry. 17 X. Centra Ave-.
Body fir wood by tier or cord. 12-
inch chunks, $2; ii-iuch, $2.50.
Pucific rnel Company, yard P. & E.
i. It. Main St. Phone 5HI-H.
That Grow
We have a choice line of
Harden Seeds, including the
Famous Bmpees in packages
and bulk. f!) varieties of
Spencer's Sweet Peas.
The Mcdford Florist and Seed Man
Phone 872.
Body WOOD Fir
I Phone 654-J.
37 North Fir St.