Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 02, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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I lav
Patriotism Conquers Greatest World
City, and Foremost American City
Ending Sordid Rule of Dollars
Materialism Dropping Off Like Old
Garment Spiritual Side Foremost
NKW YORK, April 2. What do
yon think of tills old town now?
I have lived here thlr; years, off
and on, and I tell you frankly It has
got me going.
It used to lie the most material,
cynical, wooden-faced place In Amer
ica. Cold-drawn business and all
' that, and as for patriotism you might
as woll try to strike fire from .an
That's what wo UBcd to say. Pat
rlotlsm in New York there wasn't
any such thing! All tho rest of the
country in an emergency might get
up and holler hut little old New York
would stick to Its dollar-chase and
nover give a hang ahout anything
Woll, wo wore wrong; that's all!
Tho emergency has come all right,
and Instead of giving the Icy stare as
wo prophets all predicted, the old girl
has popped up with an enthusiasm no
hody knew alio possessed. What do
you know about that?
Kmei'gency I his ('iine.
Of course, too, New York, for such
a showing, has every kind of handi
cap there is going and then some. It
Is tho grandest mixturo of nationali
ties under tho sun. You can find
hero every kind of man that walks,
hops or crawls. You know all that
good old dope about New York being
tho fourth (loritian city of Che world,
at tho snmo tlmo that It Is tho second
Hungarian, and the second Greek,
mid the third Italian, and so on. All
right. Hut It Is also the largest Amer
ican city, and In these days It Is com
ing across with some good old Amer
icanism of tho best brands.
After, of course, you net past some
aliens, anarchists, (lernians. Cerman
agents and Cerman spies, clods,
dreamers and pcaco-nt-cnv-iirii e inol
Visks. This Is to be exported. Hut
lho majority Is not only all right an. I
sound nfler having been for genera
tions tho scorn or Three Oaks and
Rolling Prairie, but 1H now giving les
sons in patriotism to the proud Inter
ior! Tho streets nro aflame wllh Ameri
can flags, often in masses very won
derful and moving. About every cith-
or man you meet has an American
flag In his button hole. At every
mooting where there Is the least pat
riotic suggestion the feeling Is extra
ordinary. Wherever ynu go the peo
ple arc talking about It and among
all Americans there Is slinwv the fl-i-est
possible spirit, which you mljiht
miinniiirlzc, from lhe(icomiucMis ;.i,n
hear, aboul like t.itn:
"Ww aro In a Flute of war, not for
dollars, business or self-interest, Si'H
for tho sako of an ideal. II is lictKr I
to fight, sacrifice or din for an ideal
than to lot nil Ideals perish from the
earth. Whatever the cost may i.e.
wo are In, we nro right In being In.
and wo will go straight through o
tho end. whatever that may be."
I think that Is pretty fine spirit -for
a city supposed to be without hu
man feeling. Also men say:
No Siiiiiiliils Wmih.iI.
"No nonsense cues with us about a
merely defensive war or any nice lit
tle sword-dance staged where milmdv
will get hurt. I..I K with everything
we have and let Ko quick, clean the
Job up right that the world iuii have
peace, have It soon ami have ll Ii.
.Voro than that, I can report that
any attempt to turn those fat old
tricks that were turned In imis an, I
gouge profits out 01 ii. necessities
of tho government, will not be verv
popular In New York this tilp. T ',.
Is a very different feeling now in th,
nuilerlnl obi place. hat goes imw
Is to give what the nation needs .1:1,1
be glad of a chance to give It. what
over it is!
I sat Krldny at a table In 11 do'vi,
town restaurant w I' , five oilier men
oil typical New Yorkers, and In the I
course of tho luncheon the fai t 1 uue
out casually tl at cac h of the five had
offered something fioo:y to the go-.
eminent - a yacht, a motor boat, an
automobile or the man hlmselr and
all quietly assur ed that all other no n
would do tho like.
And lo a great rx'cnt they will
greater extent th:ui wo have ever
H'cn before In this mi'lnn!
Xevv I i'lln Ik II., in.
The truth Is. brethren, a strange,
now, unselfish feeling takes po-es
iilon of all of us when no slop to con
template this war and wait It means
id what it has already dune for
city mm
(Continued From rage One.)
110 ni.v utmost endeavor to be nb.-o-lnlrlv
lair nnil I invoke the nid of all
the members in doing so.
"ll is absolutely unnecessary and
siilicrflous (o lecture I he membership
on patriotism. We nro alt patriots as
are the people who ol"e!ed us. We
are nil Americans whether natives or
foreign horn, ns oiir constituents. On
many questions we are 'distinct lis
1! ft m'r
Chump (.'lark,
flu; liilliius, yet we ar one its tiv
si-n,' when tin iimior nml safety nf
tin republic arc involved, l'nlilies
limls tin pljicf? in this house wlun
(he e;eneral welfare and Hie enminiin
Intense of the nation are at . stake.
Let all the ends we aim to lie our
country's and in the accomplishment
of these ends may the God of our
fathers he with us and uide us in
the way which will redound to the
honor and perpetuity of the greatest
republic that ever existed in all the
flood of lime."
The speaker took the oath at !:"()
o'clock and members then were sworn
into office in -i roups by slates.
Speaker ('larks election "was af
fected in exactly one hour and forty
minutes after Ihc Iioiim convened, the
exact time lie predicted a fortnight
Notice ; Kit-lit Cylinder Cmlillnc
The Cadillac factory has seat uh
typo carburetors to Install In Cud
ll!;:e types I and ,":t, free of cost, ex
cept inst-,!l;'.l!"n charges. Owners
111a phone or write iih to appoint
ment.'! or time In cliHimiiiK Fame.
l lt.Vrat I.AKK C.AitAtIK AND
Owney lieddy of (Irants I'nss Is
vIsliitiK In Meilfonl f()r a f,.v dtiya.
ruinkind. Tho spectacle of It nssin
(-ie. and its new-horn fredom threat
end by surviving a if'idiitism u' one
'1 inn that hai proroui-diy sta-i-'d us
l.ere, there is no doun" of that.
And then the spec; ;wW of France
Menlini; from a thousand wound rm!
.-tit' t'i. 'i t, -j. tin and tn;-, king al' iIm-sp
icc fi ic : it ril'it es, not for h'-nu If
alone Imii for all manU'ud that c.rir;
us more every tin v. !n the li'hi of
tl'c;e thini;:-, dol'.ar.s loi; rbeap, a;ii
ae:s seems tawdry and t)ic na'.io:1
wait s up to its oppnrt 11:111 y and duty.
It is a wonderful thiiiK to think of.
Materialism dropping off us like an
old mmnent and tho .iptritual side of
man touched to an amazinn activity
and reality- even here In old New
Young Wife Almost in De
spair. Now has Beautiful
Eaby Girl.
Thcro Is nothing more rlinrminir than
n happy and hcaliliv mollu r of rhilclrcn,
and iiul.'cd rhild-liirth under the ni:l:t
ci'ii.iitinns need he 1111 h.i.'itnl to livnilh
r hcaiiiy. I.ydia i:. I u.kham'a ci;
i t.iMc I'omiwund has lin uthl joy to
rmny childless women 1 v rcstorip;; them
to normal lu 1.HI1. Here lr a notable- Ckse.
Cmaha. Nek "I ..:!!', rod from fe
tiMilc trouble when I was n vontecn
ycnr.i 'ad. Ateicht-
een I V.1..1 ll.nrried
ami my tiMul'lo was
no I viler no 1 con
suited a physician
w ho said that them
w a s not much 1
could do ami I could
not have children.
I read of l.ydia K.
1'iiil.linm'a Voire
talI.'i'oniHiuiidiiiul decided to try it,
ami it lias proved
ivorth its weight in t;old to mr for I am
not only well Imt have a hahy Rirl, so
when I hear of any woman sud'erinR an
I was 1 tell her of l.ydni K. riukham's
Vctretahle t'omooimd " Mrs. VV.
Ii'i;,i,.,ti,. Apts.,(lmabn.Neli.
In tunny other homes, once childless,
there are now children hecsuse of the
fact that l.ydia K. I'mkham's Vet;etsMo
I .imimuiKI innkcs Wvlllen livnuul,
bealltiy and utrvii);.
ft- iiit? ..1
mm m
1 1 far
(Continued From Page One.)
"In the Champagne several Ger
man counter attacks against the posi
tions which wo recaptured west of
Maisons de Champagne wero checked
We repulsed attacks on small posts
east of Aubcrive and west of Xavarin
"In Alsace W'e niado a successful
surprise attack at Carspach wood and
took prisoners.''
(toiinan Account
IlKKLIN, April 2. Battles begun
yesterday between the Itrltish and
German forces south of Arras, on the
road to Cambria, and on both hanks
of tho Iliver Sommc west of St. Quen -
tin wero further developed this niorn -
ing, says the official statement issued
today. The British forces, the an-
nounccnicnt adds, suffered consider-
anie losses and only gained ground
where the German troops gave way
under orders.
On both sides of the Olse-Alsne
canal and on the highlands of Vregny
It is announced, tho French made
some advance under heavylosses.
Cicorgo Faber of Salem was a Mod-
ford business visitor tho first of the
Ladies' Gloves.
Kayscr, Short Silk (loves, Mack
or white 50
Kavser, roiifr Silk (Jloves, black
o'r white $1.00 and $1.50
Ladies' Kid (lives $1.50 and $1.75
. MV,"
suit. I hev 11
of things.
Our Mine Serge is a leader at $16.50
Pure worsted Suits, sp-vial values . ..$15
Moiiagoinery all wool Suits, special
t $11.50
Young men's all wool suits $12.50, $15
GOLD HILL, Ore., April 2. An
other deal of considerable Importance
to this mining district, was made ill
this city this week, whereby tho
Cheney, Simmons, May, and Hnff
group of quartz claims have changed
I hands. Those properties are contig
uous claiuib upon the same ledgo;
I situated threv mill.'-, northeast of this
city, and consist of 240 acres.
These properties have been oper
ated by H. A. Hay. and G. L.. Haff,
local mine operators, tho last two
years. They were the owners of these
))r0pert,ea excepting the Slmmoiu
' Cneney c,am8i whcn they opcr.
. vtod unlier a ,case from tho owners.
!Tno new ownerg are Sacrnment0 pe0.
I)lej who n'ave been representcd horo
; hy j. w Dayle3i of that cUy Tho
consideration is in tho neighborhood
0 $80 000 00
(Continued From rage one.)
command of Olirctron mid Hill, hut
outside the city within renohiiur dis
tance nrc other troops under l'nblo
Gonzales, who, with certain other
military chiefs, it is believed by those
eominir from the capital is loyal lo
And everybody will want to "Dress Up." At this store you will see
f 1 at their best women's newest
Suits, Coats,
It would please us inost if were able to see you all amid ask you to conic here sec and try on these beautiful
garments. The prices are, moderate in every instance.
Women's Suiis $15 to $32.50 Women's Waists S2.50 to S5.50 omen's Dresses $10 to $17-50
Women's Skirts ....$2.50 to $7.00 Women's Coats $5.50 to $20. "'n al" 100
, lU'i'iiinore aist, $2.00
Ladies' Shoes
Kvcry one enjoys a nice, 'fancy shoe and your
Kasler apparel is not complete without' a'nicc
iicatly-rittiiitr pair of dress shoes. Our stock
is complete.
Ladies' fancv lace Kid Loots, in Havana
Mrown at " $7.50
Ladies' Black Kid Vamp, grav kid top,
ktce boot at '. $7.50
Ladies' brown lace Kid Boot at $7.50
Ladies' black Kid Vamp, white washable
ki.'l top at $6.00
Ladies' Patent Vamp, jrrav kid top, lace
'"'"L ft '. $0-00
l adies' Whole Canvas Lace Hoot at. ...$2.75
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, and Mary
''' ' $1.50 and $1.90
Men's Apparel
,w;!"t rix to- Trobably
help vou to ire! ill the snii-it
Cnrranza and would support him in
event of any break with the military
party. According to the ntories
brought here, Carran.n has ordered
a million cartridges issued to these
outside troops.
Proof of Disbursements.
According to one story told. Cab
rera on his return to Mexico from
Washington brought with him evi
dence of the influence exercised by
Germany on certain Mexican lenders
nnd proof of the disbursement of
funds by Germany to gnin her ends.
It is asserted that men in close
touch with official circles nre au
thority for the statement that the
pressure brought to bear upon Pas
tor Rouaix, formerly minister of Fo
ntento, by the military party, was
the cause of his resignation last week.
The military men, it is said, attempt
ed to induce liouuix to declare void
numerous concessions owned by citi
zens of countries hostile to Germany.
(Continued From Page One).
young men came out of the senator's
office and began to beat Ilannwart,
striking also a young lady in the
ledge's Wrsion.
The version of the affair at the
Dresses, Skirts,
Ladies' Hose.
Phoenix Silk Hose 80 to $1.05
White Silk Hose 55
Ladies' White Lvle lose 25 and 35
Ladies' Black Lylc Hose 25 and 35
Children's White hose at 15 and 25
for "Dress-Up" Week and Easter
you'll be needing a few fixings ties, shirts, collars, socks
. '
capltol was that it was Banuwart who
was knocked down and that Bannart
was the aggressor.
Sonator Lodge's formal statement
"I was trying to get away from
them. They were very violent. 1
said: 'Well we must agree to differ.'
"Then this man, whom 1 after
ward learned was Bannwart. said:
You're a damned coward.' I said,
'You are 0 liar.' Ho struck me and '
I struck him. Then the whole party
rushed at me and pushed me against
the wall. I
"A young man from Arizona who'
was In the corridor, my secretaries
apd Senator Stone's messenger inter
vened for my protection and drove
them off."
Senator Lodge declared that tha
If Your System Is Poisoned
Vrith acids, yon cannot know what it
is to be healthy. Acids poison the
blood and are the source of many dis
eases affecting the heart and arteries,
skin and mucous surfaces, joints and
muscles, and the brain and general
nervous system. Some of these dis
eases are Rheumatism in various
forms, Catarrh, Eczema, Pimples,
boils, rashes, and other skin diseases.
Malaria, Scrofula and general blood
troubles. In order to restore yourself
to a healthy condition, you must drive
Waists, etc.
Men's Hose.
Phoenix Silk J lose at 55
Men's Black Lylc Hose at 25
Men's White Lylc Hose at 25
Men's Palm Beach Hose at 25
Men's Black Hose at 15
Men's Dress Shoes
The Barry shoe for men who care to dress
well. Don't fail lo see our lino and get our
rices bcofre buying. Our shoes are, guar
anteed to give satisfaction.
Barry Dress Shoes at
$ 1.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $5.60
Peters Dress Shoes at ....$4.50, $5 and $6
Otlipv Ktniul-ii'il liiwu,,r M,.ii V C'l
1 v. ........ ., ,.n ii ,t i .ivM ninir
at $3.15, $3.75 and $4.00
Boy's Dress Shoes at
$1.95, $2.45, $2.55,
Dress Hats $1.65
K and W. Dress Shirts $1.00
Four i ii-1 land Ties 25 and 50
slH,l t s,li, 75? and $1.00 ',
Dress Sus lenders at .....25? and 50?
r,li"" s,lits 59?, 93 and $1.00
statement of the arfair Issued by the
pacifists was an "absolute false
AVpmi' Stiiteinf nt.
Senator Weeks Issued a statement
testifying that Senator Lodge was not
the aggressor, but was attacked by
Bannwart and the pacifist par:y.
Weeks said:
"The unprovoked and disgraceful
a3ault has a far wider significance
than simply pn assault upon an Indi
vidual. It is well for the country to
take notice '.bat those who claim to
be trying tc keep the country out cf
war are among the most Intolerant
of our citizens. Such people should
be watched. I doubt tho good faith
and loyalty of men and women who
are so far lost to the proprieties as
these who committed the offense."
these acids from your system and
purify your blood.
S. S. S. has been purifying and re
vitalizing the blood of thousandsfor
fifty years. It is a purely vegetable
remedy, and is the most efficient agent
known for cleansing tha .blood and,
building up the system.
Ask for it at your druggist's, and
don't accept a substitute. For special
medical advice write to Medical De-,
Sartment, Swift Specific Co., 308 Swifr
uildins, Atlanta, Ga.
$2.65 and $3
h;,t or new
, "u ot taw
in in
7 I I