MEDFOTtT) MATT; TTvTBU?JT3 MEDFOTiT), OEOO??, MONDAY. APTtTL 2. 1017. PA AH SEVEN1 .1 II '1 L FIELD DAY - MEET MAY 3 AT EAGLE POINT Thursday, May 3, is llio date set (or tho second annual Eagle Point field moot and community gathering. Twenty-eight schools are invited to compete (or the silver cup. At noon there will be a big picnic dinner, fol lowed by speaking, (ree-tor-all sports, special moving pictures, big "Friend ship Fire," "weiner roast" and the evening, closing with a big dance. All the schools in the territory trib utary to Eaglo Point have been invit ed to participate in the big annual event, and It is oxpected that most o( them will take part. The silver cup that was won Inst year by Eagle Point school is offered again this year and wyi bo awarded to the school scoring tire highest number of points. Small schools stand practically as good chance as do the larger ones, for It is the average that counts. The boys I are divided into three classes accord ing to weight; tho girls aro divided Into two classos according to ago. It a school has only one boy in a given class, his score counts in each event for his class. If a school is repre sented by ten boys In one class, it is tho average of all their scores that counts for their school. This method eliminates the old plan wherein only tho stars are represented. The new way Instead brings out and develops those who really need physical dovol opment. At least 80 per cent of the pupils in each school are required to participate; otherwise the school'ls not eligible to compete for the cup. This plan is endorsed by tho Univer sity of Oregon and by the Oregon Agricultural College. Also It has been thoroughly tried out through several years in the county by W. 0. Wheeler, who is the principal director In stag ing the coming event. It is planned to have all the Inter school events closed by noon, at which1 time all will participate In a big powwow and picnic dinner. Free if(ce with cream and sugar will be furnished for all comers, but the vis itors are expected to bring their own roughage. In the afternoon there will be a spectacular list of free-for-all sports, for which liberal prizes will be of fered. An innovation In this line for this section will be a potato polo race Tho contestants ride horses, and are divided Into two teams. At one end of the field is a box of potatoes (If the price goes dorvn by that time) at tho other end of tho field Is a goal for each team. Each rider has wooden strtff, sharpened at ono end with which ho spears a potato and tries to deposit it in 'he goal for h! team, tho opponents try to pre vent him from delivering tho pota toes. At the end of the alloted time tho team with the most potatoes to Its credit is considered the winning !de. The game is exceedingly excit lng if well played. Not the least Important event of tho day will be an address by M. S, Pittmnn. rural field representative of tho Oregon normal School. Mr. Pitt man is recognized as one of the most fluent, orators In Oregon. An effort Is being made to secure V. I-. Finley wjth his moving bird .lid animal pictures. The lecture and pictures, if secured, will be offered free to all during tho latter part of tho afternoon and evening. When the sun Is low In tho west and tho visitors begin to feel weary after the strenuous day, a big "Friendship Flro" will be lighted around which all will gather for the "weiner" roast and evening lunch. Tho day w ill close with a big dance In the Kaglo Point hall. MONKEY SERUM SAVES NEW YORK BABIES NEW YORK, April 2. Results o( Investigation undertaken by the Rockefeller Institute last summer after tho outbreak of lufantllo paral ysis-ind carried on since through ex perlments on monkeys, are set forth In tho April number of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, the Inst! tute publication, proofs of which were made public today. Definite announcement is made that Immune syrup derived from the blood o( those v. ho have reeov cred from the disease Is of definite curative value. The report contains an analysis of 2G cases In which rec ords were taken. In four rases, the serum was administered before 1 Paralysis had developed. Signs of paralysis followed In only four of these, of the entire 2fi. a largo pro iwrtlon showed Improvement after the treatment. "As far as the present results can he Interpreted," says Ur. Simon Flex ner, "the therapeutic valuo of Im mune serum Is largely confined to the early period of the disease, cor responding with its onset. The value Is much less definitely shown, though not excluded, for the later since. non paralyfis has already appeared nd Is extending." Portland (imin. I'OIiTLAXl), Or., April 2. Wheat tronj;, no inulin;:. Siwt bills 3 lo oo higher. All new records. Illuestem 1.T7; I'ortvfoM ifl.72; club $1.75; red linsMiin $1.70. Hurley at new record. No. 1 land i.:o. Car receipt ludu.v: Wlieat Ilti, Ihij flour 8. Chicago Wheat. CHICAGO, April 21 Wheal : Open !fl. !)."''. r.W'j,' Close !fl-0-'--'s l.U7-; May .. July .... Portland Mvostock. rORTLAXn, Ore., April 2. Hogs steady; receipts 1422. Hulk of pack inn; grades, $l-1.2f(n 14.-10: heavy put-king-, $14.:).")(14.ri0; 1 is.-1; t puckim.', .14.20V!U4.3,; r.Migh hen vies, ,L'I (i? 13.50; piss and skips, $12.7.-.(,i, Kl; stock hogs, .-fll.."ill(n 12.7.'). Cattle receipts UOi. Steady. Steers, prime lisihl. $!l.o."! !).(;.": prime heavy, $fl..r(l((i !l.7; l-imuI N.H0 (0.2."i; cows, choice, .r'Hf.-' H.'J.V, uic- lium to pond, .tp7fi('7.7."i: ordinary lo fair $(i.5i)(a(!.7.' ; hi-i.'crs, if(i .'ill 50; hulls, $."(;.; -,.7." ; calves, -f(i( 10. Sheep receipts 48.". Kicmlv. Liunlis east of mountains, $i:!.2."(i 13.50: Iambs, vallev, $13(n'13.2.; lambs. shorn, .$107."i(n:,l-.-); prime wethers, (?ll.-r0(ifl'2-, chnii-c ewes, '$10.r.0(? 11; heavy ewes. -H.7."(u O.2."). IVii-Cind Unlter. PORTLAND, Ore., April -Rut- ter firm. COURT HOUSE REPORT Reported ab stract Co., Jackson County Ab Slxth and Fir Sti. Ileal Kttc Transfers. O. Isaacson, et ux, to Archie Quisenberry, W. 1). to part of lot 10, of Cooksey Add. Central Point 10 L. J. Quiglcv, ct ux, to R. V. Antic, Q. C. D. to lot 1, blk. 38, Medford 10 Louis D. Cranfield, ct ux, to J. E. Bean, deed, land in sec. 22, T. 34 K. 3Y 10 Mary F. Reddy, et vir, to Frank G-. Owen, W. D. to wind in T. 37, It 1 W 10 John Hall to William W. Cott- rell, land in 21-34-1 W 10 E. B. Pickel, et ux, to Jose phine P. Porter, land in block C7, Medford 10 Dollio B. Ziders, ct vir, to O. E. Monroe, ct ux, land In block J, Railroad Add., Ash land 10 Louis Denis to W. B. Dennis, nlnd on Iowa St., Ashland.... 10 J. W. Carson to C. F. Arant, et al, land in 3-39-1 E Leaso W. A. Jones, sheriff to Eliza beth Beale, tax deed lot 5, bWk 1, Central Point 42 $6000 DEAL IN CITY PROPERTY LAST SATURDAY Tho largest real estate deal In city property last week was consum mated Saturday, by a deal whereby Dr. E. II. Porter bought from Dr. I B. Pickel, the quarter block opposite tho federal building on Sixth and Holly streets, for a consideration of ?i;oii0. The deal was mado through Karl S. Tinny. Dr. Porter plans tho erection Im mediately upon the site a private san llarliiin and hn.spllul to cost $1,1,0110. Tho plans for tho building arc now In tho hands of the architect, and w ill be delivered early next week. Other details regarding the new project arc in course of formation. THE PROPER COURSE Information Priceless Value- to Every Medford Citizen. I low to act In an emergency Is knowledge of inestimable worth, nnd tills is particularly true of the diseas es and Ills of the human body. If you suffer with kidney backache, url:;ary disorders, or any form of kidney trouble, the advice contained in the (oltowlng statement should ndd a vnluablc psset to your store of kno-.vl edge. What could be more ronvinc lng proof of the efficiency of Doau'i Kidney Pills than tlio statement of i Medford citizen who used them nnd who publicly tells of the benefk de rived. Mrs. Mary Jones, 208 Trlnp Si Medford, snys: "I used to have so much trouble w-ith my back that when I bent over, 1 had to straighten up by degrees. Sharp, shooting pains often caught me across my kidneys nnd for a few minutes I couldn't breathe. My kidneys were also Ir regular In action. Since I have been taking Doan's Kidney Pills, I don't have any trouble with my back and my kidneys are normal." Price ROc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask (or a kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney Pills the seme that Mrs. Jones had. Foster -Mllhiirn Co. Props , Buffalo, N. V, FOOTS CREEK HEMS Henry Woolridge sold ills team and farming appratus to Joe- Woodcox and will leave the creek. Plowing has again commenced this neighborhood. Will Coverdalo was a caller in in Grants Pars Monday. Kd Kocster was a caller In lioguo River Monday for the purpose of buy. lng hay. Editor Sears and family of Gold Hill spent Tuesday on Foots creek. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Woodcox and baby lelt Friday for Waldo. It is reported that three quartz mills will be established in this vi cinity, two of which will be put up on Foots creek and one on Birdseyo creek. Ono on Foots creek is to be built by Hourk & Hayes of Gold Hill. Ray Holing and wlfo of Gold Hill were visitors on Foots creek Sunday. Mrs. Anderson and son Ed wore callers in Gold Hill last week Mrs. A. D. Billings, who has been visiting E. II. I'onieroy and wife of this vicinity, returned to her home at Portland the first of the week. Glenn Owens, who has been cm ployed In northern California for the past few months, arrived home Mon day evening (or a short visit with relatives here. Mr. Owens expects to return Tliursday. Floyd Kyle, who lias been attend ing the Willamette university at Sa lem, arrived homo Monday evening for a visit with realtives. Mr. Henderson was a business vis Itor at Grants Pass recently. B. H. Dyer and wife spent Sunday visiting relatives in Grants Pass. Mrs.Seldon Hill visited relatives and friends at Seven Oaks the fore part of the week. M. Marshall left for Tacoma Tues day evening, where he will attend to business matters and visit friends In that vicinity. N. D. Good, representing tho Wheeler Motor Co., of St.- Joseph Mo., was transacting business with our local merchants the forepart of the week. other Washington points Saturday evening. Mr. Sanderson Is salesman for the Granada Land company and Is said to be one of the best salesmen on tho Pacific coast. W. A. Pyburn and Miss Sarnh Bobb of this city were married Sunday at Kogue River. This camo as a sur prise to their many friends and wo all wish them much happiness in their married life. Walter Gray Is at Eugene this week where he was called by the death o( his brother. James Amick died nt Weed, Calif the (Irst of the week, and tho remains were brought here Tuesday evening Mr. Amick was a brother of Mrs. A M. Henderson of thlF city, and tho funeral took place from the Hender son residence Thursday morning and burial at the Antloch cemetery Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Houston and Mr. Brown of Biggs, California, ac compnniod the body of Mr. Amick ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted iVH.k Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price. WOOD Body fir wood by tier or cord. Inch chunks, $2; Ill-Inch, $2.50, livercd. Special on smudge wood. Pacific Fuel Company, yard P, & I- It. It. .V Main St, I'liime .IKI-lt. GIM CHUNG China Herb Store Herb cure for earache, headache, catarrh, diphtheria, sore throat, lung trouble, kidney trouble, Btoni ach trouble, heart trouble, chills nnd fever, cramps, coughs, poor circula tion, carbuncles, tumors, caked breast, cures all kinds of goiters. NO OPERATION. Medford, Oregon, Jan. 18, 1917 TC WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that I, the un designed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of aim Chung (whose Herb Store Is at 241 South Front Btreet In Medford) I de cided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to feeling bet ter as soon as 2 used them, and today am a well man and can heartily rec ommend anyone afflicted as I was to ee Glm Chung and try his Herbs, (8lgned) W. R. JOHNSON, Witnesses: M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. I). Holmes, Eagle Point. Frank Lewis, Eagle Point. Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point W. L. Chlldrcth, Eagle Point. C. E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mrlnlyre. Eagle Point, Geo. B. Von der Ilellen, Eagle Point Tuos. E. Nichols, Eagle Poltit, here. W. J. Rogers and Lester Rog ! ors of Beagle met the body of the late James Amlclc hero. The funeral of tho late Frank H. Hatfield was the largest seen in Con- al Point for many years, and all our people deplore his early demise, and extend their most heartfelt sym pathy to tho bereaved family. Mrs. Williams, sister to Mrs. L. Hatfield, of San Francisco, attended the funerul of her ncphow, tho late Frank Hatfield, and is spending a few- days with her sister. B, 11. Dyer, owing to norvouB pros tration, left Grants Pass (or Califor nia to spend the time with his sister to recuperate. Mrs. Campbell of Medford Is visit lng her daughter, Mrs. M. O. Broad bent of this city. Mrs. Ward Hopkins of Portland was a recent visitor here. W. II. Pankey of Klamath county Is here at the bedsido of his mother, Mrs. Nancy Pnnkoy. John Stillo of Derby was visiting friends here tho first of tho week, The dance given at Ash's hall Sat. u rday night was well attended In spito of stormy weather. Music was furnished by Joo Hall and Boyd Tucker. from, her trip to tho valley. Manford Zlnimerleo has sold Ills ranch to Mr. Hoskins of Phoenix. The WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Married man wants work nt onco. Phono J. W. Shepherd 403-11-1. 11 HELP WANTED l'F.MA I.E WANTED Young woman bookkeep er and stenographer. Address B B. L., Tribune. WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Two snleslauios exper ienced in dry goods and ready to wear, to go to Kliunath Falls. Give age, reference and experience in first letter with salary expected. .1 F. Magulre Co.,, Inc. 10 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB SALE Mule, 8 years, 1200 lbs Phono 788-R-o. Call Chas. y.Un merman. 1-1 FOR SALE Nice Jersey hoifer, months old. Phono 820-X. 11 FOR SALE Cheap, largo mule, good worker, single or double. Box 12 Mail Tribune 10 FOIt SALE Two yearling Perchcron colts, two 2-year-old Belgian colts cheap if sold at onco. Phone 6.S9-J-1. 10 KOIl SALE Sows nnd plg3 3 to weeks old, at Westerlund orchards. J. E. Clemens, mgr., Phono 8-F-2 'Oil SALE Three good young rows Call after 7 p. in. Phone 630-11-2 FOR SALE Four-year-old grnd Belgian stallion. W. S. Stoncllff, Phoenix. 28 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN $1000 to loan. Box S Mail Tribune. HAXCIIES FOR SALE FOR SALE OR closo in, well B23-U. KENT Five acn. Improved. Phono 111 FOIt SALE OH EXCHANGE HiO acre ranch, 70 acres In cultivation both timber and pasture land room two-sloi-y house, 5-ner young pruno orchard. Price $10 000. Will take In exchange small ranch noar Mcilloi'l to the value of $.Min, balance terms. Address B. llnnsleo, CHnynnvlilc, Ore. 1 FOR SALE Fanning land, fruit land, stock ranc-lioH, timber laud from $10 per ncrn up, on long time, easy payments. Address It caro Tribune. I't ltMSHEIl AI'AltT.MEXTS 'OR RENT Furnished housokec lng apartments. Parlies engaging them for two months will lie giv a receipt for two and onchalf months. Phone 2 4 7-L. 12 FOR npt. RENT Desirable furnished The Berboti, 10 Quince, 321 FOR RENT MISCELLANEors I- Oil RENT $211 until October 1st I Vii acres with six room lion barn, chit-ken house and (In shade trees. P. 1. Janney, Juc son County Abstract Co. 1 FOR RENT Gaidi-n lands, (arming land, stock randies. Gold Ray Realty t o. MISCEI.I.A VEOI S RELIGION" lly ir. Charles W lot, and other I'nitarlau llicraiur sent (roe to Inquirers. Addros, Mir Hazel Burton, Central Point R. F. D. No. I. Oregon. 1 I MORPHINE AND LIQt Olt nddlrtlo cured In (rom tlireo lo (our davs. without suffering. Dr. tirllfl 1 al-nt, Ore. FOIt RENT IIOI SEH r'OR RENT Furnished and nnfur nlshed houses. Employment Agen ev. M. A. Rador. 123 East Main FOIt EXCTIANOB IO TRADE- tor team, wagon and hsrnesi, 40 acre farm. Bomn ini proveiueiits; creek, S'bool. For Particulars nddiess Box Mall Tribune, Hoskins family will move up to tho place In about two weeks. The river raised so high Tuesday morning that the Btago could not cross on the ferry. Wm. Zlnimerleo went to Phoonlx on business Tuesday. Tom Morgan has gone to Hilt. Cal ifornia, where ho will work In a log ging ramp. Sanford Houston went to tho valley to work. Miss Maultby of Medford has re turned to resume her teaching at l-iong Branch. A few flakes of snow foil Monday morning but soon melted away. A dunce held at Trail Saturday evening is reported as having been most snlisfactorv to nil present. Carl llcrgnian was n visitor at the (luge ranch lust Sunday. Tom Morgan has gone io Califor nia to work. CHICHESTER S PILLS l.nJI-al Ank your ItruuvUi fur . 1'lilaiii Ilttl an.l Hold iitmllk' 'VJ 1'wi.o no other. Hujr atyunr , felled with Ulna Klllmn, m.VMONII HltAM l'IM.H,f yean known at licit, Satat, Alwty SOLD 67 DRUGGISTS EVERVWhTRE FOR RENT I-'CIINISIIEI) IIOVSES FOR RENT Modern (urnished lour- room house; on pavement. Phono 370-W. FOR SALE POl'LTRY 'OR SALE Fancy white leghorn eggs, 4c each. Phono 3S0-M. FOR SALE;) thoroughbred W. L. cockerels, $1.50 each, or $1.00 for 3. F. S. Carpenter. Phono 401-R4 il FOR SALK Rhode Island Red cges for hatching. Mated under IloRan system. Phono 4SS-X. !) FOR SALE White LoKhorns, Silver Lnco Wyandotts, for hatching. Phono 2 04-W. P. E. Wynkoop. 328 FOR SALE HOUSKS FOR SALIC Six-room houso and 4 lots on N. Quince Street. Sirs. Ramsey, 10 X. Qulnco. 11 WA.VTF.l) MISCULLAXICOl'S WANTE1J To buy weaned pigs and pounds. II. W. shoats' up to GO lllnKham. WANTED Poultry. Wo are In the market for all kinds of poultry daily. Cot our cash and trade prices. Phoenix Mercantile Co. WANTED C. A. Ilamlln, denier In hides, wool and mohair. Highest prices paid. Office Laurel St. mar ket. Phono 475-L. 32 WANTED To rent Modern unfurn ished house. Deslro good location. Givo full particulars. H. W. Ring ham, Medford. WANTED Old falso tooth. Don't matter if broken. 1 pay $1.0(1 to fu.ftO per set. Mall to I,. Ma.or, 2007 8. Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Will send cash by return mall 32C WANTED Houses to move. Phone 4 88-M, or 488-X. WANTED Vacuum cleaning. Gov ernment endorsed machine. Satis faction guaranteed. Harry A. Wy song, phono Jacksonville 282. 329 FOR HA I.I -MIS(V,!,L;NICI'H FOIt SALE lleator, kitchen table, iron hods and springs. Cyphers in cubator, roll-iterator , cultivator slimy pump and wagon. Photic !:!-R. 10 FOR SALE -at. a bargain, ono 7 h. p. electric motor and one K rough centrifugal pump, with Hiir-tLin pipe, belt etc., Call on or address L. A. .Murtlu, Roguu River, Ore R-l 111 FOR SALE - Early Sunrise seed po tatoes. Phono I."i2-W. C. .l. Par- kcr. is FOR SALE I V4 m.-iiil wagon, now lunulro Talent blacksmith shop. 11 FOR SALE -icd tank. Fruit Co. New 2 nun gal. gaivan i'houo 12 1. liardwoll 1 I I-'OR SALE Seed corn, pentor, phono 20I-R4 F. S. Car- 1' OR SALE OK EXCHANGE- Fol ical online ono live passenger auto, ;i0-horso power; ulso one two. filiated carriage, good ns new. Ad dn-SH llox So, .Mall Tribune. ' FOR SALE CHEAP Mlllldlligs on iu-itcly property, end of Roddy ave line. on,, ill op-: bin in, 22x2 i with loft; lti feet under eaves with 2 good sized li-jin-ons, one 12x0 two ruomed plastered bouse will small covered poarch; two chicken houses, tiixlu and one plgon noui-e ami a lot of 2 Inch m chicken wire. Apply 211 GarneU t orey lliillding or phono 17; u FOR HALE Paxson s superb dahlias Eight named labeled bulbs, $1; as Horted colors und classes, (actus, peony and dccorutlvo. Ten u n hi bclcd, l. Postage paid. Send for I'si. R. il. 1'axaon, Central Point Oregon. FOR SALE Seed, alfalfa, rod clovoi sweet, clover, timothy and othei grasses; strictly fancy stocks. Write tor samples, Ralph Waldo Elden neutral point. Ore. r-Uii CML.I-J ok TRADE On a light car, horso, buggy, Imrnoss. Good cuuuiuon, hox o, .Mall Tribune. 324 i-i)K MA I.E Egg rases and fillers -nemum Poultry Egg (jQi Nunnun (Imo is hauling- hay for Mr. W. Coltress. Dr. Kirclisrcsscr made u trip to Applegnlo last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. Clarno made n trip lo town Saturday. Cris Bergman has gone lo his mountain ranch for u short time. .Mr. Me Ihmnld of Rn;rue Elk is visitim; with Joe llanuu. AllhiU,--h (hi- roads are in had con dition, several aulos have made trips through this section. Miss Helen More, Inichor of the Laurel school, spent Sunday in Mod fold wilh Hiss Margaret Ilodson, who teaches nt the IVhiuiior school. Hurry Bank, of Trail is in Medford on business. Sieve Smith took u loud of hogs j to Central Point this week. Dave Pent, nnd Stanford lions ston are in I he valley on business. To Overcome Eczema Never inind bow oitcn you have tried and failed, yui can stop burning, itching eczema tjuickly by apr!y:n a lrt'.Ie zemo iiirnishetl by any dnrxgist for 25c. Ex tra lar;-;e bottle, $1X'J. Healing begins (be moment in applied. In a short lime usually every trace of eczema, tet ter, pimples, rash, bl.-.ek heads and sim ilar skin diseases will be removed. For ctcaring &c skin and ivaking it vigorously healthy, iiiays use zemo, the nenctratnur, antiseptic liquid,. It is not a greasy salve and it doi-s not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of all kinds. The H. V. Hobd Co., Clovi Inm), O. BUS1XKS9 DIKECTOIIY Accountant . M. WILSON Cert If toil Public Accountant, room 411 M. F, & H. Illdg., Medford, Oregon. Allt.n Supplies LAI1ER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and beat equipped plant In tho Pa clflo northweRt. Cue our sprlngf whon others fail. Sold under writ- ton Eunranteo. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys GEORGE A. CODDIXO Lawyer, Room 412, Garnott-Corey Bldg. Medford, Ore. GEO. W, CHERRY Attorney anil Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Rank Building, entrance N Central, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law rooms 8 and 8, Medford National Rank Building. A. E. REAMES- -Lawyer. Oarnett Corey bldg. Collections COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS W collected some accounts 14 yoarf old. We know how to gel thf money. The Dullock Morcnntllf Agoncv, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3. Has kins' Hldg., 21(5 E. Mnln nt. Ik-ntlsts DR. T. T. SHAW Dentist. Over Dan iels Clothing Storo in rooms for merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phone 692-Y. Pit. W. M. VAN RCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnett Coroy llldg., Suite Medford, Oro. Phono 850. 811 KngliHH-r nnd Contractor FRED N. CUMMINOS Englnoor and contractor, 404 M. F. & IL Rld Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain age, orchard and land Improvement (ei-hago lAltllAGE (lot your premise) cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wngnng fo good sorvlce. Phono 874-L. I Y. Allen. Insii-tirthui In Mti-le 'RED ALTON IIAIOH r Teacher ol piano and harmony, llaight Mnslt Studio, 401 Oarnett Coroy Bldg. F-none 72. lnsnt-iince "lAIlL S. TUMY General Insurance offlee, Flro, Autonmbllo, Accident Llnblllty, Plato Glass, Conlrad and Surely Bonds. Excellent com panics, good local service. No. 21V (larnett-C-irey llldg. M.-dlutl MRS. GEO. JACKSON Vlavl Deal er. Phono 154Y, residence UCJ Ens. Main Street. Physicians and Surgi-ons Lit. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathli physician. .103 Garnott-Corey build lng. Phono 130. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician ar.4 surgeon. 'Practice limited to eye ear, n-iso nnd throat. Eyes sclen tlflenlly tested and glnRoa mip piled. Oculist and Aunst for 8. P I!. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 6C7. Printers and Publishers MEIil'Oltli I'ltlNTIN'G CO., 1ms thi best eipilpiied printing ofLce It Southern Oregon; Hook binding looso leaf ledgers, hilling systems etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortl Fir at. Transfer iIAHS & SI'ORAUE CO Office 43 North Front st. Phoni 3b. 1'iicin right, aortlce ail teed. guar QUICK RELIEF FROM : CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is ilic joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab- , lets, the substitute for calomel. Ur. lulwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time en emy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, sooth ins vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little suijar-coati'd, olive-colored tablets. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth" now and then a bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver and arc constipated, you'll find quick, sure and only pleasant results from one or two little Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two every night just to keep right. Try them. l()c fnn Z.ic ner nox. mi aruRKisis. Bud Lawrentz has purchased an Inteerst with Q. F. Williams in tho Medford Cleaning Works All kinds of cleaning work guar anteed. We call for and deliver goods. Phone 07 8 8. Central TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering t8 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS Body WOOD Fir 12-Inch 16-inch ..$255 ..2.75 MoreyWOODComp'y Phone 654-J. 37 North Fir St. New Barber Shop AL C, WHITE Export Bnrbor and griudor of safety razor blados, shears, knives, clippers and ordinary rnzors. Patronize home Industry, 17 N. Central Ave. Attention, Farmers MKDFORD JUNK COMPANY 31-33 N. Bartlott St. Fay Highest Prices for mniiS! Green hides per lb . . 17a Dry hides, per lb. 2Bo ' Green calf hides, per lb. 25o Dry calf hides, per lb. . .80o We Jso Buy Sheep Felta and Goat Skins. WANTED Have two clients who wish to purchase Medford im proved property if priced ritfht. What have you to offer. See the Fohl Investment Co. 37 North Fir street, INTEHimilAN AUTOCAK CO. TIME CARD. Leave Medford tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 10:16 p. m. Sundays lonve at 10:30 a, m. and 2:00, 6:00 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4.-00 and 5:15 p. in. Also on Satur day nights at 6:30. Sundays leave ijliland at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 6:00 and 10:30 p. m. WESTON'S Camera Shop VjlLo.HEyblJl 1 iJ V1eo7oiw 203 East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer in Southern Oregon. ' Negatives Mado any time or place by appointment. Phone 1-17-J. We'll do the rest. E. D. WESTON, Prop, j