ASHLAND AND VIGINiTY The Ah'uiwl wixilbry of tb Ka tionul (.ills' If'iior 0:iii'l win ir(.-!in-izi'il nt the Armory mi Saturday iiivlit with 'AO cui'illi'il. I'n liii.i.irv to or Kfinizution, pani'lul in tin- nrtiTnoun, I'-.'i'rti'd liy u cunnM-nt of Kitst Coiiijiiiny of tli.' Artillery ors pri.tcnlintf ii fiiw Hi'iirnn'c in their nutty blue iuiif"rn.-i and attnw-tive ciipH. Tlie (riiiinl will ii.i'i t in the week to i'Iioo-c officers. Miss I'.ut ter!icld i tn!;iir,' u li'inlin:? part in the ifiovi-nicrit. Mrs. Harvey l.injf Hi"! tin' Misses Esther Vliit"ii, I !.rtn- Winter, l.u eilie llnrher nml A II it- Shim were n bevy of Ashland younger social set, who were the "ue-t-. of Mi-s t'lnyre Johu-on of Meilfonl at dinner on Sunday. According to the nnnoiineeineiit nili'le hy llai-v W. Ileln,., ehainiiun of press, ihe .'ir-t Solilhern Oie-'n iJistrict, r'cileiatioii of Women Cjnh which win lo hohl its annual meeting in OnintH I'nns, April I J, i:S and I I Iiiih heen postponed indefinitely, ow ini; to ii ui tlil epiilemie of nieuJles in the ki-IiooIh of that city. AiiHtin (.'hisholm nml Amos Nin ineer of thin eity are niemher-i of the entertainment nemmitee of the Tri StanteH Itoml meetiii'', to he hehl at Meilfonl, May Hi ami 17. Frank .1. Shinn is tin- new scere tary of the ( ,'hiiutniiipiu association in plaee of If. I'. ( 'ainiiliell, who re tire to ilevote his attention to raneh interests. This is an instanee of one firstrate officer siippliuitin another whose merits as seerelary met every rentiiremeiit. Hoth are eft'ieient anil ahle, ohiiein to the limit in mei-tine ileinanil dtirine; the liu-y as-enihly Helicon. W. -II. tiowdy, eorre--jKinilenl of Oranile City I Ionic lend No. I0f;7, Hrotheihoml of Amerienii Voemen, Icl'l for I'orllaml the fir-l of the week to atteml a state eimehiveiof the onler, of whieh lie is master of" ae eointts in the Oregon juti.-dicfion. The loeal hninesteail has a niemlier ship nf .'ID, anil is a representative of Yoeniiin al'filialions, whieh nffonl insiiranee henefils amoni; Ilia fra ternal nrilers. Dick Thomns:.en, ,'whu has heen living at Meill'oril, while walking on tlie Sonlliern Pacific near Aer, lust Friilay afternoon, was hit hy a loco motive anil Neriiiiisly injureil. lie was lirmiiit to the home of his brother, Jesse, on Walker avenue, on Katinilay mnriiin:;. When the acci dent liappelieil, he was on his way to work on a raneh in the vieinily of A(er. Itr. Itoslouh, railway sur (;eiin. iM cnriii;; for Ihe injured lean. Ashland Inline nf Masons will eon- fer the Ihiril dcjr n Tlmi'sdny eveninjr, April IU. This annonnee inent is of no partieular significance except for the fuel that Ihe work will he ilnne by a tenia nf pnt-mas-ters, nail assignments have been Hindi" aeeorilinyly. The lollies at Meilfonl, Ceiilral I'olal, .liieksonville nml f 1 in ( k l'a-s have been invileil to alteml, ami I lie piilheriii promises to he one of more lhan ordinary roii litie nml soeial interest. I. K. Anilerson, taanauer of the I'ilot Knob mine near (!nllni!!i, in Siskiyou eniinly, was renewing neiiiuintanees here last I'Yiduy. on bis way to .Meilfonl, hu-iness mailers cilllihu Mill there. He reports sliuw to Ihe ileplh ol cicjit feel on Ihe level in Ihe vieinily of Ihe mini' the pres ent wilder, Ihe property heim. loealeil nil Kmpire deck near the Klaaialll river, (ioltnille rejoices in a new Kleel briilu'e al thai poinl. 'reka is ri"-pomlni'A to Hie war erv nml is nrnaiii.iiii,' a i-umpanv of na tiomtl aarilsiaen, with nun nlreaily enrolleil. Kenneth Sno-milh, a mining man nf Itiille, Muni., who ilie.l in n I'iiiI Imnl 1 1 .-1 1 1 ; 1 1 leeeullv. Has a rainl soa of llie lale (leneral Snov-milb of Meilfonl. Kev. .1. II. Duran, rural mail ear ner, oeeupie,! the pnlpil f the I'll- bylerii Inn eh mi Samlay. Mr. ami Mis. 1 C . . ! . . -f t Newman ol the oivlia 1 ,1s mar Meil fonl, wen. M-ilnrs al Ihe mateinal I of Mis. I.eah t'ablwell, l.nui. I Ktl'eet, Sallinlay neliinv, on ttluili iisinii a number of IViemK were invileil In while Ihe lime attuv in a llelli'llllul reiiniiiu. Mr,. Newman 'IIS for -!y M, s lieiilah Cal.luell. a popular tea. her in Ve- s, I . I The fanulv of 1 ii. r, ;. n,.r baek, ehiniiu aeiur. e. I.realni ..' Ilollsd keepne.' here pl.p.iiali.n ,, removal lo i ilnr h.lil. In ilM ineaiilnne Ihe iloelor will lm Ii. I'i-ii lanil nml take a emii -e in t -.i.iil mile work. Aeeurilner to oh .i ! v i r . pa triolie fervor ran he-h nl l,,lt,.i,: with Ihe ehise ol palm. lie vv , , !, ,,,; j till' till It II of K.I -1 e I't 1 1 ! e, S.,lM',.,v ! nijthl witm I a !, raUv al i.i Nat. Slllnlat iia.liiii :; at tlie 1'ir-, ! bvleriali ihilieh Seventh i..u..m! ntleniteil ilit ine rv ie a limit . aial ill the evenim: I 'npiiiin Vm laai'.-i ii. wtirrinvr mhln s .. Al the Meili.el- i i eliiiri'li in tl ten:!, i- I'm- (I. A. mill V. C H. inai lia',,1 Hum- t ..--. . iinil n lieaiitit'ul Ha; was pie I'llle.l In I llC I'hlll'ell t'illl 11 PI il of I in I e e tele I e.. A. II. Daveiibill. ..I Tw o (I,,; ,j ruucli iu tlie Vulli'itiew ilisiii.t, is1 the iluly aeen-iliteil aent for t!i- ilis frlbution of joisonerl trratii in thu war oairist roilent ;ets in that ter ! litory. I Malta Commaii'ler !". 4, Knitfht-T.-mpiar, will meet on We,Ineilay ; evening, April .'t, Steteil eonelave I ami w.,rk in the lieil fio-s decree. A revi-eil Ii-t of recruits here for the naval reserve forees in ea-e of ena-ru'eney irehules Ilruee Lininyer as yoeinan: Mill I'raeht, onlinary sea man: ''. Torrenee, ship filler: ! I'erry A-herafr, rnaehinisi's inati.; Karl Weaver, a-is!ant civil ent'i i neer; Will lltitler, machinist's niate: I Abe Kuileliffe, blaek-mith. W. W. ('--her, manager of the local tele- ecfialiL'c, is the Warwick of the eonlinfent as as-istant pay-ma-ier. N. K. Hemphill, former A-h-laial re-iih-nt, i- enrolleil from .Meil fonl as electrician. The lists re main ojen wilh a jin. raise of aihli tional enli-tments in local tei'ritory. The A-hhiml Metho'iist ebiircb uiaa'uiatcil a las-ion anil Win Mv ( hiiin Week,' hc'inriin with the, evening service on Sunilav ami eon liniiinir until the Ka-ter observance, at wliieh time fhcre will be special uiu-ie by ihe choir in the morning ami by the Sun, lay i-chool iu the evening. Kev. Charles Hani, pa-tor of Ihe I'rc-hyleria'f church at ,!bi!iiath Falls ami a prorriiueai worker in the Sonlliern trn-'on Fre-bylcrv, has re irieil ami will beeoa.e iiicnl ii ieil wilh Ihe .Ml. linker church iu I'orl laml. The Hokui! liiver Minislerlal lesn eialion met at Mckonl on April '1, session, bcire': hehl ii; ihe cily library. 1,'ev. II. A. CaninhiiM of this eity, preventeil frota alien, lin' by illness. His recovery bills fair to be spee,!y, news which will be of inferc-t to a ho.-t of warm personal frienil-, not only here, hill Ibrouithout the eoanly. The Women of Womlcrafl, as rei-re-e,itc, by Acorn Circle, in view oi" univer.-al prepargilness measure-, are v.resllinu' wilh the iplestiou, "Why Our Munition Factories Shoubl lie Movcl Fiiilber Inlanil." In view of emergent contingencies and the movement lo the front of youiieer militants, sui".'e-tions an; in onler as to the onjaniatiou of a horn!.' oiniril ('lenient in various eoii' muuilioes throiieboal the stale. John F. Itoeho is nilvoculiii" the iilea here ami is shapini; a movement to that eflecl. I!y the way, the stars anil Mripes have been prominently dis jilayeil on Ihe lioeho iremises ever cilice Wilson was re-eeetcl, not ile hiyine; Ihe unfurling of Ihe starry banner until Ihe a, heat of patriolie Week. Ucv. W. I,. Mdliiis-er, pa-lor of the Christian church, will enter the Chaulauipia field vfor the summer inunlhs, beirinninir early in May. In Ihe meantime the church will make arraneeiaeiits tor a temporary sup ply iu the pastorate here. I'nil'essnr (I. W. Milam, supciin- lemlent of Ihe Hold Hill scl s, a visitor here on Saturday, renew ine acMllaiutanees and atleudia to busi ness mailers, lie was formerly prin cipal of Ihe Kust .school ail, -elains properly interests iu Ashland. He reports fish I'iiircr for the bait iu Ihe Idicac, Ihe finny tribe evidently mil carin',' a "dam" for tl bslruelions lo anuliii'.' which have at times pre vailed al Hold Kay. .1. M. deliver, liavini' sold his resi lei on Avery street, is now domi ciled wilh his familv on Winier street Wei Ashland. Work on Ihe new Chanlainpia huihlui'is hriii;r rushed. Frank Jor dan, ep," ii laelll Wall,, i , alien, I lie,' to I I'll I branch of Ihe job which is elcnsjve, b'ooliin' malerial al a eic- appiotiniallnc S'Mmn is alieailv eimlraeied for. I'.uihliiiu' plans is revised will provide a structure even larger lhan previous estimates, anil Ihe new auihliiiiuiu will meet all as- hl.v as well as (.'eiicral reipiirc- laenls. All on hanlisl un. a'lain remimleil thai instructions ainilahli. free of chin l'c upon appliealiuu either t" Ihe cttelisim, s,.-vi,.,. ,,f . A -ii. nl liiral ('..llevc at Corvallis ,,r Ihe ,1a. I, soil e. unity, in reuanl lo -piatni;'. 'fhe-e inslrti.tiniis are elllil..e, iu bllllelius No-. Idil I,, ll'li inclusive, ami include Ihe elilin scope nf operation us applied f, apple-, pear-, prunes, plains, praehe. I , In rries. I he Chaulauipia I'ark i lab al a ---- 1 . 1 1- 11,1 .-t illtr tat Kllilav eleele.l Mi-. S.uah I'aller-on president ana Mis. Marietta Mailt, seel, lery. 'I he nl'.'aill.ilioll stands pled I i, ,.,,. Un1: lis wink of carnc'. fur the I nai I a ii,ii;i ui nains pi npei , ami wl n-c l!- he-t en.h.ivois in ,roinotit,v the law InlihliM;; opera t ion s, labor, alnie: practical hues in tlie eneonnic HI ,'t tv Inch Ihe ladles et el lead a "'i n - hand. I. nial p. is',, 'p..,. einpli.te. ars ei ' baled ill a sw .purr eovel iiinei t nriler cull I in:; their aid in a limv c I I o I.--I-I the Ich lal b ail nl mve tiealioll HI the deteellotl of sun ami otlieis ei!..aed in plots an, I m lle.;iies iieain.t the -ov erein: V of !' I ailed Slates, a ,,,ea i.i. of I I. Ihe A-.hl.iml po-lnfi. . , I'.-.- K S'leiln 1; lloba- s I .t .1 t a an ia.llcs anion;: nb,e ., Willi Meiltonl Inldi- Is Meiltonl nia.le il TALENT TALK i J. II. Fuller and wife of Warner creek were Mcdford callers Wednes day. Frank ('enters of Anderson creek was a business caller in Medford on Wednesday. V. F. Scentlin was in from Fern valley attcndiiir to bu.-iness mutters. J. N. Face is reported much bet ter. I)r. Charles Hni.-te.'iiid W'as in from his mine on Warner Creek Wcdn day. H. K. l';in has rented the Itasey place, ami will move bis lainily then soon. Fred Combs was in town from Wae-ncr Creek Wednesday. Mrs. Stewart, an aunt of Mrs. Combs, who has been visilintr her for the past three months, left Wednesday inorninr for Arizona. Walter Jeffcries was in Wednes day from east of Hear Creek at- teadine; to btisine-s .natters. J. I'randt, who has been quite ill is reported much better. Fred I. mailt and his sister, Mrs, Kate lirandt. of Talent, motored to Mcdford Wednesday. Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Herring; were visitors at Ihe school Wednes day. Mrs. Arthur lirown, the liusincsi aoent for The Mail Tribune, was il Talent at!cndiijr to business matters Thursday. Hob Wilcox, who has been working in the Ashlnnd mines, is in town a'.'ain, owinr to Hie mines bavinL' been closed for a few weeks. John I.ceson was in from War ner Creek all cii,iiii- to business mat ters Thursday. Mrs. VryT and daiic-hfer, Laura, aisited at Mrs. Kred Itraudt's Wednes day afternoon. William I'clric from Anilerson Creek, was a business caller in A-h land Thursday. Wiley Jones of Warner Creek wa a business caller in Ashland. Wnitner Creek bridge near Fred Hnpp's has been washed lint by the rising vvater. I-rank Snook was in i'rorn Wae;- ner ereek Friday. Comiiiny 7, C. A. ('., visited Tal ent riiursday nfternoon. Serte:inl Ted Hill pive the pupils of the hieji school an address on the issue that is intcrcsline- om- eoiinlry nt this tune. The company was accompan ied by representatives of Ihe lied Cross society. We understand two recruits were ublaiiicl and we hope lhat. Talent will respond with a larger number in Ihe near future,. We hear t il v njrree wilh Mr. Will O. Steel of Mcdford and prcpa ration for Hie re eeilion of (rerinany .should she try to e;ct a foot -bold on American soil, should be made with all speed. Our fhifr is as jtooil for us lo fi-jlit for, as any ficriuan s is, was, or ever will be. Jo-b I'alterson of North Talent was in Mcdford Wcilncsdny afler iioon, ii t ti'tnlin ', to business mailers. Mr. K. F. Cook and son, Fred, were Ashland business callers Fri day. An A. II. C. social was eit-cn al. Ihe M. K. church Thursday evenin-r. Mi's. Charles lloldlide, was hostess. A social evenine; was spent in frames and siellin:. Mr. K. K. Cook, the hardware merchant, won the prize for hiiib klckiiiL'. Fruit puiiclics of different kinds were served. All had an enjoyable lime. Mr. and' Mrs. C. A. Hrovvn are e.v- peeleil In ailite from Collate (irovc loday as Kaddie, Ihcir llilvance acnl, arrivcl some lime last niulil t the Soul hern l'aeil ie depot. Frank llcllittell was liiadin1,' his effects Thursday, prcparatorv to slnppinr lliein to Collac;,' (irove. Mr. and Mis. Ilelliwell arc inlendim; Icav intr lor thai place some lime about Ihe first of April. We certainly re gret losing them. Nick llrophy was iu fnun Ander son Creek mi business Friday. lalwaid Dickey was a business from Waener creek. .1. If. Fuller whs in fnun Anderson Creek Kriilav nioniin-j- Jiiii May was in fnun Anderson Creek, altendinf to business matters Friday nioniiti;;. Hill Kerhv tvas a Medloid business caller from Anderson Creek Friday. The school lunch has been iliscon- lil d because of the hi;:h cost of food s nil's. I. II. I 'cuhi nd tvas in tottn from cast f Hear Creel, Friday. William Iticcsc has purchased tlie ranch bcloli;;iti' lo Waller Iv'e.vitnhls, who reside- al Salem, ( ire.-oii. Mr. Hives, . ha . been foiiunate in obtain in: sin 1, ti desirable location. It i--situated miM lo tin- I tai: ley ('aniline mi part's land. Mr. and Mrs. II, S. (Ilirui, llarrt (iiiein, and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. IVrrv alien, led the theater in 'Mcdford on Wednesday etcnin:,. Mr. and Mrs. Yaiidci sluis, M,--, c. D. Hurmili and Mr. and Mrs. lieoiiie lioss allelliled Ihe 1'ase Weillle-dat et eliiii'.'. Dr. Daisied lell town lor his min tni: claim Finlat niornuis-. I redelli k lles-, luratc n eelillv Ie eeitcd the s.,, news ,,f the dealb ol his sister in Seattle, Washni.-ton. Mi's. Sinaii, rs ot Warner Creek e:.H-cts to sx-nd the summer in Ash land ami has moved her household ef fect there. Mrs. Olive Woltcrs has pulled up the apple trees on two acres of her orchard and will plant "ruin. C. W. Clark ih called home from Hray, ('al., by the .serious illness of his son, Clurn. Mr. and Mrs. William Han-ison of Anderson Creek are reeeivin" con gratulations on the birth of a son. born March 2H.h. William Foxall is recovering from a severe ease of blood poisoning on his face, received while pruning black berry bushes. Mrs. J. ,J. Kin and two dauirhters, were shopping in town. Frank liillard returned Thursday .from a business trip up on the moun tains. K. .1. I.iike was iu Talent from his rari'-h home in Frederick Friday. .Miss I.owe one of the Talent teach ers, will make her home for the rest of the school year, with Mr. and -Mrs. Jay Terrill. Mrs. John I'rader and son motored into town Friday irjorniutr from An derson Creek, notwithstanding the had roads and weather. Kverett Heesi, -' was in from War ner Creeek Thin sday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hrnwn are to be the quests of Mr. and Mrs. William Stump. I)r. il. IC. floldes rGtiiiaeii from a i,.i:.ii.t.::; trip lo Walla Walla Tkurs- !. Kckelson spent Thurs day afternoon In Medford. Mrs. Ksse Wilson was a Medford visitor one day this week. Miles ('antral!, Brycnt Hamilton and II. II. Taylor motored in from Applegato on business Monday. Mrs. Klla Cook, who has been vis Iti.iK with Ashland and Medford fiends for the past five weeks, re turned home Sunday. Chris L'Irlcli mado a hu .iness trip to Central Point Wednesday. Mrs. John Dunnlngton spent a few hours In Medford Wednesday after noon. Mrs. It. Y. Jennings and son mo tored to Ashland last Sunday. K. A. Fleming attended to busi ness matters in Medford Thursday. Fred Furry of Phoenix transacted business In Jacksonville this week. Harry Luy made a business trip to .Medford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunnlngton of Medford spent a few hours visiting with Jacksonville friends Thursday. Judgo und MrW'F. L. Ton Vellc motored to Talent Sunday. Fred Combest, Raymond tiullls, Arthur Kleinliainmer and licit Ilarr were among those in from Iluncom this week. Mrs. Harry Porter and daughter of Granada, Cab, spent Sunday with rel atives living here. Hd Wend left for Portland the first of tho ween m receive aiedical atten tion. Mrs. Hies Chapman was hosless to Ihe 'Amecllla Girls" on Friday of this week. The public school, which has been ior uio past week owing to several cases of measles, will he re opened on .Monday, April 2. Ira Tailgate of Itulte Falls spent several days in town this week, Among tho .voiing people of Jack sonville who responded to Cnele Sam's call for volunteers were: Les ter Thompson, Louis linker, Ivan Ap plcgato. Albert .Mitchell. Meriltt Dav is, Dan llagshaw and J. M. Itock, Jr., The girls to enlist were: Jewell I): Hoy. Pauline Greaves and Gretchen I'll lit. RIVERSIDE RIPPLES Mrs. Koso (iny is making a two wtM'ks' visit with hop motlMT In Pnrr- latKl. Mr. Kh.Ioo f Ouklund was an ov-TMinday pu.t of Mr. ami M,-. ihaiiiiilniii;. I'. C. Klliott and family wnro down 'rom MtMirord Sunday in ihrir m-w Saxon Six car .alliiiK at tho homo oi' Mr. and .Mrs. (Miurlcst Vi:li. Mr. and Mrs. Kli-liard llniii'l wrr liiints I'hss vi-itorH Saturday. -M rw. CtuirU'i. Wall! lias just re coivt'd ii fine lino of now sprim; IiatH wlilrh urn on play at ln-r storo. .Mrs. W. W. ntttlo and i tiildrcn arc in Ashland niakiiu; a wook-ond vhlt with ridr.llvi's. II. i. Joihvs has hvon laid up for few dn. from ll)J",t,, ri-ivod b latlii-K from a w:ii;oii. .Mrs. .larohs, (icori; .larohft and I. I. I'ortor and f inlliy took ailv:n.t:it:p f Uu ploa'-iiat woalhrr on Sunday nm plt'TiitiMl on Knots t'rrok. Kit-hard. Swj-rkor In analn workiiu: hU mlnr on Hinbuo itim1).. County work is ln'un on tho Uiv oi si,!,, mad tiv Mr. Karhart and a for of nn-n and trrtn... Tho. an radlh v mad to tho Panfir hii.'li- way mailt1. This luifl Imu: hon ihmmI ami wo are etud to i-oo tho work fi.o on. D. II. Slead returned from Mcd ford Thumday with ihree fine I foi st, in rows. H8 new house Ik coni plcied ?r.d about 7"u little chickens occupy it. He expects to increase the nuniber to about one thoiieand. G. II. Alden Is also rais-ing a lare flock of White Leyhornti. He took C',0 c-hi.shs from his incubator last week. One incubator vieUkd a 90 per cent hatch. Sir. and Mrs. K. K. Wahl were down from Medford Sunday calling on Ittv erside friends. Mrs. Knilly Sprague is In Phoenix J this w eek with Miss Alice Harper. 2 IS If you have a globe trotting friend who has $1,000,000 in the bargain, tell him about this. Quite frankly, the only reason we told you about it was to show you how big a $1,000,000 is. And the reason that we are talking about a $1,000, -000 is that we want you to know the reason behind the mellow fragrance of your OWL Cigar. Here it is quick. a e a a 8 a. jar a m a a B 9 3 IB la Showing exact size of 1s, i .. -i.oJi.B,.,Ieiw mmm a !9 .S3 It' A. GUNST KEEP A JAR OF MUSTEROLE HAN It Quickly Loosens Up Coughs and Colds in Throat or Chest Just a little llMcl-olc rubbed on your -rre, t:uht clicst ln-furc ym ;n to" bed will h.fvtn up coiiRcsii-.n nid liroak up mu,t Sf'vcrt? cnlds and. cniitriT.. MtUvtcndi: h a ckan wltiti oinimrnt fiale with oil oi inctinrd. Simpiy riib it t.;i. o planter nocc.-.-ary. Urttcr" than inn-tard -Inticr and docs nul bliator. Thousands who use Music-role will tell what r-Akl it pivos from sore tlirat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stilT ntvk, ;itbin.-, nouraliria, hculriche,, pU-'.irisy. rheum itistn, Imubapo, pnius and aclu-s of the back or join..., sprains, sore inuscVs;, brtiisrs. chilblains, frosted feet and cold.-. ( it ii ten prevents pneumonia i. v2; l.l-T I S HI'. Vl)l It TAII.Olt Ve liavo a fliio snappy lino of woolens to ehooso from. Wo gnar.intro to filvo j'ou tlio hluln-st class of tailoring that la pos sililo. Wo Riiarantoe a rorfect fit or no sale. Old ItcllaWo Cleaners. The Iteeieiitton Club met Thurs day .-.flernoon with .Mrs. I'aullne Wahl. Mrs. Martha Striker was ad mit'ed to membership in Ihe club. Mrs. Maudo C'hainplln conducted a very interesting program on .lainr.H Whltcomb Itiley. Itccilatloas were nlven by Mrs. Hwaeker and Mis. por ter, all members kIvIiii. (flotations from Itiley. The next mectlnx will ho with Mrs. Chamidhi and there will be i: Luther liarlank program conducted by Mrs. Anna Lnttcl. C. !t. t:-.a) and lamlly are, com fortably located l.i the C. W. Mc- i Donald house, otherw ise known as the All aboard for the big ride! 40,000,000 miles for $1,000,000 Every bit of leaf that goes in every Owl Cigar must be time-cured to the very turn of mellow fragrance. And that takes many long months. To make sure that there is always sufficient OWL leaf on hand, "ready", in Owl fragrance, requires that we constantly keep curing a leaf-reserve worth, at the very least, $1,000,000. Just old-fashioned care, friends, plus a $1,000,000 invest ment is what makes the Owl Cigar tlie fragrant smoke it is. Demonstrate it! 5c in the nearest cigar store. THE MILLION dollar CIGAR BRANCH, Insist Upon Home Products THESE GOODS ARE MADE IM THE ROGUE riVE3 VALLEY KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME - .. i -.I f. in 'i HiTirJ If g'ood little pigs you'll bo each morn, And drink your milk and cat your corn, You'll soon grow into that dolectablo fame Of having "AC0RX" llama and Uncoil for vonr n:nnr INDEPENDENT MARKET "Around the Corner" OUR SERVICE STATION For Tclcplione 8!)0 GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATEIi and 1UR1GATIX0 PIPE do ti) J. A. SMITH, 123 N. Grape St. cliih hoii.e. They hava invited the iliverslde people to a party there Sat. ardny tveaiiiB at which time each oil o present Is expected to take some part on the pruKram or pay a ten tent line. With Medford trade is Modfor.l made. n K i i.i.. n ' nd ; :; cs lion. One package ir- If WmmfMMt mom your protection GENERAL CIGAR CO., INC. It Is Only Once In a low; ppari h Hint you find a shop so nxi'prt as our In tho repair ot au toinoliilo tops, u took science to construct them in the first place, and It takes science, plus Infinite care to repair them successfully. We do that. Medford Auto TopFactory ii. V.. A('KI,i:V, Proprietor. IIS South Central. flOGUE WIVE-ULo .ft& AND! Poimt paC- Patronize the Institution that Maintains the Largest Payroll in Medford The Medford Printing Co. Tho P..:-l K.juipped Job iPlar.t in Orcg-.n Outside of ' Portland ,s . "y j r. r r v " ' x k vi-s r,o