MfiDFOKn MATL TT?TTSTTXE "MEPFORD, OTtFiOK, MOXDAY. APRIL 2.. 1017. SOIDIFRS GETTING RIFLES READY FOR WAR REVEB i TARE StlBSTiTOItt BOYS ASKED 10 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY fOCAL AND 1 PERSONAL FOR SAI.K Immediate sal" tahlo, six chairs. $22; aeivliiK ma chine, $i:.; hrass hen, ?.: piano. PliOIK PAfiTC TWO I Uif v hi a kit ON Must sell Tuesday. 17!). Married At St. Murk'H rlturch at noon, March 111, 1M7. Kllzaliotli Walker Norwood of Central 1'olnt, and Harry iSu;;cno lloko of Meilfurii. Mrs. Loach, corsets nuitlo to meas urenionls guarantocd. Phono 6S3-J. 0. C. (Iriffen of Trail spoilt the week-end in the city vIbIIIiik friends. Johnson for hIKh class watch re pairing. It' C. A. Law urn of Astoria, Ore., is BpendlUK a lew days l:i Clio city on business. Two now songs, "Toe TwIllKlit Hour," and "Crnlor I-ake." 321 Serjeant W. .M. Koro of the recruit lag service returned to Medford Sun day from Grants Pass. Phono 884 Heath's Drug Stor. Fred K. Cntton of Portland Is amoni; the out of town IhisIiichs vis itors In the city. Or. Hurl, physician and surKeon, office .lai-ksnn Count) Hank Build ing John Morrison left Sunday nlfclit for his homo al Los Angeles aftct- spending a week In the city visilim; friends and attending to liusincs; matters. Buttermilk lOo pal. Do Voe's. Alma K. Gall of Hod llluff, Cal spent the weck-eud in the city. Gasoline nnd oil at De Voe'a. E. S. Hatea of K:isene Is n Medford business visitor for a few days. Take that broken pump to the Pa cific Highway Garage, 20 South Bart lott st. Davlcs Welds Anything. E. A. Taft of Portland Is spending a few days in the city looking nfler business Interests. Johnson for high clasa watch re pairing, tf K. M. Johns of Cleveland, Ohio. wis In the city over the week-end Bakery goods at Do Voe'a. ' Harry A. Nell and ICil Lyman ar rived -In Medford Monday morning from Santa Barbara, Cat. Well cars. 29 South Grape St. ' A. S. Itosenbatim, S. P. claim agent spent tho week-end In the city visit In friends nnd attending to huslneis .natters. Just received a fresh supply of beef scrap, fish scrap nnd poultry supplies. I.. II. Broun. J. S. Barnes Is a business vlslto In tho city for a few days from Port land. W. H. Brown, upholstering, mat tress renovating, auto trimming and top work. 113 N. Frout. Phone 145-J. 307 O. II. Sharren of IWiMey Is anion; the out of town business visitors .the city. Place orders now for vegetable plants of all kinds. Portland Avenue Greenhouse. Phone S7-H. ; Wm. M. Colvlg of Portland Is li, the city for a few c ays nttendin-; In luslmss matters ana visiting re tlves. Tho season Is gettltfg late. Setd with beardless barley. We liave it In any quantity. L. B. Brown. . Mr. and Mrs. It. T. l!ior's of Win nipeg, Out., are tonrM .l-ltors In ti c -it. Seo Pave Wood about thnt fire In urance policy. Office. Room 404 M F. II. BUlg. A. K. Pee or Ta.Mivn. Wash.. I-"-Wong the out of town business vis I'ors In the city. Just received a fresh supply of beef scrap, fish foril, and rwiltn supplies. L. It. Prow ii. . "'r i.nd Mrs. e. of Los An ge!es, Oil., are ........ li-K f,,w lla. In -Medford. Tho season Is getting late. Seed with bearless barley, w havo it In any qunntltv ,. n nron , lien Mc'adden c r ., m spent tN v eek end In the .-u, !...,. (ri, ,.. and attending to b rines m,iii,.,-s Big Pc milk shakes at Do Voe's. I'-. W. Monroe e' Ponland w A , among the bitslnes. vi.-iiors In n.e city the (list ,.f ,,,. ..,.lc. Gates sells Ford cars, ll'.ln f S"TT (Air, a - I i i r -s i r 1 ni t J t ff' . .5 i rv 1V V f x ' RAISING CORN To 0 (luns are Iumiik iiuii.-hrd up ami U'steil, bayonets gharpenod and other equipment for war service potten ready in the armories of the l.'nited Slates for tho call to arms. Soldiers of a New York armory aro here shoown preparing for the emeinncy. F. N. Itr.zeHon of Santa Clara, Cal., An immense cloud of blark smoke spent Sunday iml o.Mudiiy in tut- omh cf .Medford Saturday afternoon attracted the atteiition of many peo ple on the streets. The smudge arose city. Dr. Ilnrgrato, Farmer's and Fruit rowera Hank bldg. Fhone 230. J. H. I'eltinnlll of Medford, field superintendent of the l iah-Idalio Su c::r company, was a (.Iiunts l'ass vis itor Saturday. Met?, cars, 2.t South Crape St. Prof. C. V. Cate of .Medford, one of tho best known pathologists of the Fnited Stutef, will he the principal speaker at the chamber of commerce's noonday luncheon Monday. The day's from tho burning of a quantity of crude oil spilled at the wreck three weeks a;o at Yoorliies crossing. A meeting of the Crater Lake road committee was held at the commer cial club building this afternoon. C. K. liurlson of Klamath Falls is spending a few days in the city vis iting friends and relatives and at tending to business matters. Miss lierna Roberts and Harvey discussion will bo on the general sub- Fields were married Samrdav after- ject. "Uow can the business man and noon at tho parsonage of the Uev. II farmer mutually help ch other.' Carstens. The bride is a daugh- Proniinent loerl amdcntHralists ami ; u-r of Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Roberts. business men will help cover the i question. (iranis Fuss Courier. Fresh chocolates at Voe's. Four violators of the motor M'hicle laws with haled before 1'olice Judge Taylor Monday ni'rnini:. T. (1. A i-J kins, was fined $7 :" r- spe-rdiim. ! .1. C. Aitkin. It. F. I.umsden and A. j S. I shell were Cmis 3rd after tie I re.idiuq of complaints charging them j wilh leaving their ears on tho Hear iTit'Ii hridco eon 1 1 ai y to city onii tiance. The Medford Vuicaniing Works has moved to No. 1 : N. Fir .it reel. ' Miss Ci;re .lehi'.sen :-pent Sunda at Astilard v'.-iim relative. J The groom is junior partner of -the firm of C. M. Kidd & Co. T The ihysieal training and rnnsie ileparttuents of the Medford pnblie seliools will .stupe nn entertainment of music, drills, folk ptinies mul exor cises tit the l'ape theater April 20 at '2 :HU under the direct ion of Miss Hun ter, physical training teacher anil Miss French, music teaefier. Pupils from nil Meilfurd schools, grade and hih schools, will particiKite. llih school students will stace the operetta. "Hiawatha's Childhood," tlie nccoiiinaniment Ihmol'- funiishiMl Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hopkins oth... ,i,. i,:.,., ..i,,,,.! ,,r,.i,ult stopped off in .Medford I ' ti,,, t.."i,.,ti. nm, ,,f ,1,-iit l.inia, Ohio Moniiay mornin en route to San all(1 ,-:m,s is ns ,i OWS The Shoe- ineco where they will spend a few maklTi n,,v i.itti0 l.llssie, Dnni.h r'u'n",s' jliivetinsr. Indian Clubs, H. S. Wnlk, James I.oftus of Weed, Cal., was n j l-'tr.-t of May, Dumb Bells. German Medford visitor the last of last week, j Cl.-r-pinsr. Indian Club Special, Moun- M. II. Cordon of I!o:ii;Ie spent Sat-j tain March. Sailors Horn 1'ipe, unlay in MedlorJ visitiiiK friends and; Wane!-, Nations, attending to 1-usiness matters. . ' I mm .lack !- MorriM nlin hat 11,0 UltU winter at Honolulu will sail Wt -Incsoav for home. I the Younger Hoys of Jackson County: iow is ine lime to serve your coun try! You may he too yuiii;' to join the nnny. Itnt mini, loyal soldiers are needed at home as well as at the front. It i just ns honorable to serve your count rv in tlic corn field as on ihe bnttlq field. The world's food supply was never lower than at present. liiir.L'er crops than ever should he jrrown this year. You can help. You should do vour part, (ilow nn ncre of corn. The Fanners and Fruitgrowers bank of Medfonl has supplied us with 400 pounds of pood yellow dent seed corn for free distribution niiion: the live hoys of Jack-on county. Hut before ,i:ivinr you the seed, we must know thnt you have suitable land upon which to prow it. Nearly every wide awake boy can nrranpe for the use of nn ncre of ground. W'c do not nsk you to give or donate tiny of the crop in return, with the possible ex ception of n small exhibits (10 cars.) The crop will be yours to sell and yon nre reasonably well assured of a pood big price. .Samples of the seed com have been tested in various schools. Out of 4o tests for peniiinution, 3") have reported 100 per cent. The average of nil the 4.1 tests is 0S.4 per cent. It is time right now to be getting the ground ready for com planting. If you nre to join this army, you must enlist now. Sign and return the following to me, or write similar ly on a postal card : "I want to join the Army of Boy Corngrowers of Jackson County. 1 am years old. Address Boys growing this corn may com pete for any of the various local, county, slate and national prizes that are offered. K. I?. PKTERSOX, Kural School Supervisor. Medfonl. Ore.. Aoril 2. 1(117. .Mr. and Mrs. John T. li.lrkvunth C, Peace With Honor If you want peace take your automobile to the Cra ter Lake Garage, who must have expert mechanics to 41 live; OO .Morrill who has spent the u,tu ' uj.,v,tlii,i 11 , i-LMJ l .... I'll., n.1... ..If. .fll. 1 1 I. I'll TV .11 next 1 '"vi, ni- . i acKarn, c auiiiae, irraiiKJin. I !' ""I"- d,,cd nt "'e fa,""v "ome ' Chalmers, Buick, Stiuie- (.! North liartktt. Aur 1st. ated 4S ! , , . . 1'iii ry uf iliit. Cal.. is anions 1 v.,..0 ... ,,.,..,. ' haKcr, 1 MHlU'C JUHL (. ilCYrolCT. nt o:' tov. a imim ss Manors in nn.-i Fun.-! V Tor f I'rovidence, 11. I., ilors in the i iiy. arrivi d in the eiv ; visit with Mi'diord fri.-nds. Fire of nn k w n origin Saturday 1 eveninir de.-trov'd tiio l:-.rir it t: shop of Put I toom on Molly street, en- j tailing a loss of nlniut J.". ed to l"it'i!-j tni; mul tnols. FI !n h.. sv fi'i- ;i ti:ne' nien.n e.1 the F.n k ro!i.: . ho; e '. ilte Pa i t ie Fnrninn e ar.d 1'iMu.v uuMtTy jitheironK. The lire , uiv'Kly e:ini;tiif In d A 1. r .i e'.oui .uiierd to wicifss the ev.Mietr.ent. years. Mrs. Haker had been a res-1 idem of Medford for the past ten j cs, wo can fix vour Ford all kinds of jras STOP! The Kins 1 lircd the prc-iclcnt j n f.nir of an cour-,. I; 1 ir,;-iv 111 the present , ri is. 1 ;:ts .- I'-.-n taki 11 l cm i v i:i-K p 1' I liid'il States I. t o aad IM Vincii! ef Tal'I -IH'nt Moii'l.i in tli- ci; t and att"tiii -l 1.1 i ! h. .111l.1 I P'ir.-uc .n tioa f .i.:e ir. l; II. M. I'-.u ,l v of Po n liiii; feu 1l.11 s Til tli itllu re!.. lives. '! !c tirav rs of Sprlnst MoilUud visitor Moudav. .1 lim k .si..-. ' 1; v- V iMtilu: ; of t :u to iMi.iiies ;i:-tl i jUi'io .ind .".-!s 1 it v i- ' !m:h vears. Itesidea her husband she ' TOO. ailtl ! i:i .-oo smith, a grandson of : leaves four children, Mrs. Kdith Car-' otlchieS. Vis. So -imth of Medford. recently j,, or of Itor-elmr!;. Dorothy, Ira Allen. 0 "'' ''x-V'"1 h0!iP'I-'- Mr- and I.elia Pakor of Medford. The fun- CFSlPrl flkfiGaraCC t" -"! a a ii.inins man uflcra! will he held Wednesday at 2:30 1 KUftvSVai iluite. .Mont. jat the Christian church, .Medford. In-j AND MACHINE SHOPS .V.r. and .Vis. William Von dor Hoi-j torment will he in 1. O. O. F. ceiu- I Phone 100 CoiU't Hall Pl'OH : m 01 r..ii;ie i oiiu wire .MCtllora vi--:etcrv. .tors .Mop. W. Vv". J'-'sher of A!n:ind spent! I'ANKKV--Nancy .lane r.inkey, M.M,.;.i in the city u:tcnd;r..s to has-''1'1''1 ;lt Central Point April 2, used iiu'- ::-;i;ters. ;T- ears r. months. Mrs. Pankey . , I had resided in Jackson county since' !l'-77. She leaves seven children, W. 11. Pankey. of Klamath county; O. H. ml II. T. Pankey of Central ivass Mooro of Lake I.. Haiina of Caston, Thomas W. Cimaid The funeral will he , hehl at the Christian church Tuesday I at l':::o. Interment In Central Point eonii'tery. WEDDING BELLS M Point: Mrs v-ir.i1.....i,r; v, a ::-,,, M,, , '': :'r 1:1 ".Ore., and Mrs oilier of Vrs. T. C. Law o: Willow of ,, nn.-. a n,i I:. is just completed -Hi! ten. 1 of school as tciiher K ho dc trii t near .l;u oitviile. vei po,-i.!.ir in Lie vicinity of Splices and Cci'.tr.i! Point, t 1:1.1 l-i.ite of the Point 1 l.oel of 1 lie 1 lass of 1 I t . Mr. AMI SC.MKNTS TIXK,1IT po nd $3 a month. P. Navarre , Medford h-i lues, visitor Mond.iv from s.-u'. Vsh. Sweet older at He Voe's. SerBcant .!;,,,, y nr,,0:,s , enrd r.criiltlin: effu-. - f,.r the t m .-nines ni.uin,, i-,.rps 1,, t luillilini; Hr. Heine. rhvl-;n nnd r.irseon. Spoclalty. eve, ,,r. rose, throat. Of- flea nmr l.,..i..- ..- ' 1 '-4se fitted. ! U It. S. Thoa.pscn of Sot-.,.!.,,. C.ii j B Beiit Sunddv and ,.,!, , h,, f,.vi jj IWUKlllIt Alii Iloniema Par I A. tl. M.ihei-. ' -. , rending a f. ,1 .,, . tending to liu-in, -s All kinds sala ls. ( .1 II. C. Chrlstofi. rs.-i visitor for a fi ,!..,. , fael. Cal. For th best Insuriai 500 iLvln-e . tn tnsuranco Man ' C. Cowman of K -. . Tioeli-cnd In the city vi- -.-and attending to husi . ; Path J5c. Hotel iioMi-a M. .nk in is ai.-o v.,11 and f.oerablv Id, was a 1 knew n in the vicinity of .tacksonv ille. j- eliK the ov nor of n fine farm and Vaughn of pevton who lias ; mii'-er holdinus near that pla.f. The' otMmi: 'or some i:u-e at tl.e hai'pv couple vt!l malve t tit ir home 1 a-d Kom-.o oTi h.-.rd. was ajoa Mr.'.iu s farm luar .!.uk.-o:i-! d v iter ! oiid.i v . v :lle. a 1. 1 1 Monmi In the cl:v 1 ( r 1mi-!-,,-. ( ;, i ji . tj r 1' i'Tvl""1 - , 7 I II R' Is: r ;k - t 1 riTt 'j pheil's are. if 01 1 1 K.i- '1 1 r j ,1 ir'jJ n I Ji A Substantial Bank "tTITH a rombincd Capital and Sur V plus of Out Hundred and Twenty fiic Thous.111,1 Dollars, tlif 1st National Bank is staple in character and adaptable i'i ('inrtnin. Tlie former me.ns mien for t'v institution: t!ie lattrr ui.lirditeil scope f i r the patron. t i-. Hillio Huiko in -The Hitler Truth.' Also TIIK HOYAI. I'Al l'Klt described as a whinislcally quaint anil happily optimistic story, which wiil delicht tho youngsters while tWILii: an interestini: dramatic story wliich w ill enthrall the older lovers of picture drama. Keatur ir.c Kranclne LaTrimore. TtiMonRiiW Alexander. PAGE I Ts your jn-iirt rty or auto in surod ' If not see McCurdy Insurance Agency PHONE 1-2-3 Capital $100,000 V" U Ml Mi.:. II. t.v ! ' siKsitonnfQank M f.DFORO ORHGON The Portland Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON The Pose City's worM-famed hotel, occupying an entire Hock. All outside rooms. Superior dining nnd grill service. An atmosphere of refinement, vith a service of courtesy. European Plan, $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager li - M mm L-wwiifiiKrffcf.i-i&i. I ' You may need some of the fol lowing Jewelry to make yoiu person harmonize with your' dress: A Bracelet Watch A Pendant and Chain, A new Ring A Dainty Erooch A Pair of Beauty Pins A Strand of Pearls A Flower Pin A Pair of Hat Pins A Watch Foil A Pair of puff Links Our full line of the very latest Jewelry will greatly assist you in making your .selection. Everything Marked in Plain Figures Johnsons Jewelry Store' 'One Quality Only "The Very Finest" m C3 "ii nrnmm .wwwl--iwbi You Can Be Your Own Garageman by purclu;sinK your automobile su;i plies from nr.. We have everything from cup grease to body polish. It is a real pleasure to use our polish -tlie dirt comes off so ea.-ly, and the gloss rises as brightly as the sun. C. E. GATES ,AGE THEATRE PRICES NIGHT, 25c, 50c, 75c. LADIES' MATINEE, 25c, 50c. AYS Tuesday 3rd com. I APR. J THE MAN WHO HNOW's MYSTERY ILLUSION magic mmj.. LLI I 11 . (- v H , l) Oriental Dancers START LING PUZ ZLING GRIP PING WEIRD BEWILDERING THE PEER OF CRYSTAL SEER? AND KING REGNANT OF MYSTERY DIRECT FROM EASTERN CITIES. FIRST FART A series cf the most mystifying and awe inspiring fer.t3 ef magic nnd disap pearances ever pre sented on an Ameri can stare. WEIRD AND SWITCH ING ORIENTAL DANCES SECOND PART Alexander's world famed SIMLA SEANCE The most marve lous exhibition of power of tho 'Joth century. ,,u v',i!1 l', tl;M.'.,tre tlmn-u-lilv Wwihl.r r .1 a,,.! rule.l ,!,., ever !.. :,, sin,-o tho'eroation of tho liattai p'.u:..'!.- ,.f mmlern s.Menoe and study vl ir.ui.i over in.ut, r. DURING THE SIMLA SEANCE futiiro fato. Alovr.u.l. r will tell v,. ;,'.