Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 29, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Port kind Livestock.
PORTLAND, Ore., March 29 Hogs
steady. Receipts 2J0. Bulk of pack
ing grades $14.25(514.40; heavy
packing, $14.35 14.50; light smok
ing, $14.20 14.35; rough heavies,
$13 13.50; pigs and skips, $12.75
13; stock hogs, $11.50 12.75.
Cattle steady. Receipts 111. Steers,
prime light $9.35 9.65; prime heavy
$9.509.76; good, $8.909.25;
cows, choice. $SS.25; medium to
good, $77.75; ordinary to fair,
$0.25 0.75;- heifers, $0.508.60;
bulls $D7.25; calves $G10. .
Sheep, . Bteady. Receipts 197.
Lambs, east of mountains $13.25 4i
13.50; lambs, valley $1313.25
lambs, shorn $10.75012.25; prime
wethers $11.50 12; choice ewes
$10.50 12; heavy ewes $8.75
Portland llutter.
PORTLAND, Or., March 29.
tcr very firm.
Portland Grain.
PORTLAND, March 29. Wheat
strong. Trading light. Spot bids un
changed to lc higher all at new rec
ords. Sales at highest prices in his
I tory of Pacific northwest. Bluestem
$1.76; fortyfold $1.72; club $1.70;
red Russian $1.67.
Barley unchanged.
Today's car receipts: Whoat
flour 4; oats 3; hay 3.
Chicago Wheat.
CHICAGO, March 29. Wheat:
Oien Close
May i- $1.94 $1.97
July .1.67 1.66
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sti.
Circuit 'Court.
J. M. Kilgore vs. H. T. Findlay, et
al, summons.
M. C. Mahoney vs. Butte Falls Su
gar Pine Lumber Co., order for publi
cation of summons.
J. M. Rader vs. T. J. Parton. de
fltit, decree, cost bill.
H. H. Markham vs. S. S. Oster, et
al, default, decree, cost bill.
"Kelly's Island Club," articles of
Pnilmto Court.
Victor C. Koch estato, .decree of
distribution, final account.
Heal Estate Transfers.
H. A. Hnffley, et ux to Wm. I.
Vawter estate, laud in Sec.
19, 20 and 30, T. 37 R. 1 E.
Jackson County Bank to John
W. Opp, lease and option,
land in T. 37 R. 3 W
Eugene V. Foster to Edytho
Floy Prichard, land in T. 38,
H. 2 W
Anlo L. Tanner to Mrs. Sarah
E. Grave, lot 10, block 2,
Carlton Add., Medford
5r. R. Kaylor to Clara V. Flem
ing, land in Sec. 12, T. 41
R. 3 W. '
L. C. Ulm, et ux to Clarks Fork
Valley Bank of Fromborg,
land in T. 37, R. 2 W.
W. L. Black, et ux to Frank
A. Pefley, et ux, land In T.
37, R. 1 W.
Lavinla Hathaway, et vlr to
Emmet S. Palmer, land in T.
3(1, R. 2 W 12,000
By A. C. Howlett
K. A. Mass, one of the directors of
the Cnmmoreiiil Orchard company,
William Yn dor llellon nnd family,
one of our hardware merchants, and
James W. I'ew of Ahlnnd, were
among the cullers last Sunday.
Monday was one of unusually dull
(lavs as (here were hut very few of
ffie people from the country came in
and (here seemed to he hut very lit
tle doin. Miss Mae Multhy, one of
the lady touchers came, out on the
V. & E. motor, took the K. I'.-l'ersist
stage for I.oiifr liranch, where she
is enquired to teach. She came mil
n week before, went up io teach hut
found the snow so deep that the chil
dren could not attend, so postponed
fur anollicr week. Most of the
schools in the mountain districts
have hud to suspend on account of
the deep snow.
Itoed Charley, son of ?,cnnon Char
ley, was in town Monday evening
1 brought in a few sacks of spuds for
iieo. Ilrown & Sons, and sent a pack
age of choice seed off by parcels
II. C. Chirk, formerly of Ashland,
but more recently of Hosohurg, who
at one time hail a homestead on the
side of Hound Top, came nut Mon
day morning, procured a rig nnd driv
er of S. II. Ilaniish s livery stahli
and went up in the Lake creek and
Salt creek country, on n business
venture, rctiirninir about 8 p. m. to
the Smiiiysiile lor supper and the
next morning ate his breukfast and
was off for Medford by 5:110. lie is
some goer.
Tuesday was a busy day in our lit
tle town. When the P. & K. train,
nine cars, came it brought in quite
a number of passengers, und u ear
of hay for Walter Wood, another for
Mike lliinley nud a part of a ear to
be taken to Derby for Fred Kelso, in
addition to the car of hay for Mike
llanley it brot a tin if rolled bar.i-y
and a ton of alfalfa menl for him
and at this writing has his teams
hauling it up to his ranch on the X.
F. of Little Butte. In addition to
that there was a iiuuitity of goods
uuluuded here for our merchants.
Anion); the passengers were the
Misses Ethel Fredonburg, nnd Mabel
Johnson of Butte Falls. Miss Ethel
has been teaching in tho Butte ereek
district, about three miles above
Brownsbnro and Miss Mabel is teach-,
inr in Butte Falls. Mr. A. E. I.a
I'ort of Central Point of the I. X. L.
monument works. Also Mr. Henry
l'eck of Medford nnd Messrs J. II.
Ridgeway und 11. Pronidissa of San
Diego, Oil. They all three took early
dinner at the Sunnyside, then went to
the Lake creek country in Meyor's
stage, the two last named noinjt up
to look over a tract of land in that
section, returning today, Wednesday.
Mike Hanley and .Mr. J. II. Tem
ple, a traveling mnn for a firm in
lildlumi polls, )imL, fttoje also here
Tuesday for dinner.
John Butler shipped, via the P. &
E. route, a iot of bacon to J, 1'.
Hughes of Butte Kails. George Sto
well shipped a case of cream and
two crates of eu-js on the P. & E. to
Central Point. George says that if
it was not for his hens he would
starve, lie lias ISO hens and ships
00 dozen eggs a week.
The P. & E. also brought out five
hundred pounds of poisoned grain to
be. used by the larmers to rid the
country of digger squirrels. It was
shipped to George Brown and sous.
As Frank Brown is secretary-treasurer
of the club, lie is distributing
it among the farmers. Those who
took advantage of the shipment, so
far as I have learned, were Henry
French, A. A. Betts, John Butler,
Pete and Nick -Young, George Rtowell,
Frank Neil of Derby, John Singleton,
Fred nnd E. C. Bellows, Sam Coy-
Mr. Throckmorton, A. E. Strong,
Charles Painter, Frank Smith, John
Greb, J. D. Roberts, James F. John
son nnd your Eagle Point correspon
dent. So the readers may be looking
for results, as many of them took
more than the seven pounds Diluted
to them for their membership fee in
joining the club.. la a former letter
stated that the price would be, to
members of the club, six cents per
pound, but on account of freight nnd
druvuge, it was found necessary to
raise the price to seven cents, but that
that is about four or five times
cheaper than when bought in the
stores. Lot everybody . join in and
scatter the poinsonod grain and it
will result in gathering dollars at the
William Nickle of Lake ereek pass
ed through hero Tuesday with a. load
of baled hay for Gas Nichols,
J. E. Gribble, ono of the forest
rangers, came- out Wednesday mora
ine on the P. & E., took the Eagle
Point-Lake Creek stago for the west,
going to the Carlson road camp, near
Dead Indian soda springs.
There was a meeting of the board
of directors of the "Go Get 'Em
Club" held in Brown's hall Tuesday
anil arrangement niade to extend tin
distribution of the sipiirrel poison
I have just received a request over
the telephone to send The Daily Mail
Tribune to Louie Bins of (he Free
ferry. The people want and will have
the best newspapers and consequent
lv call for The Daily Mail Tribune.
Since my last W. E. Ilaminel and
George Von dor Helton have renewed
their subscriptions to The Daily Mud
H. J. Kirkley and H. R. Lowe, sell
ing horse shoe nails, were doing busi
nosx with our blacksmith, V. I
Childretli, Wednesday.
a horse last week but lit standing on
her feet with a smile.
Ernest Buck did business at Ruch
laBt week.
Otis Buck is working for Mrs. Cora
Harry was out to visit M.
Ernest Forman last week.
Those present at Frank Cameron's
Saturday night were Mrs. W. L.
Cameron, Mabel Hanson, Miss El
more, Fred Combest, Bert Golsby,
Raymond Garrett, Virginia Cameron
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron.
Miss Hanson spent Tuesday night
with Miss Cora Goldsby.
Arthur Kleinhammer was in town
last week.
T. L. Devore Is working for Frank
Randlove. ,
'Bert Harr was in town last week
on business matters.
Mrs. Art Smith was a visitor at Dr.
Cameron's recently.
Clarence Gllbanks made a flying
trip on his pony to Ruch last week.
Dr. Cameron has everyday calls.
Fred Com'uest was in town Mon
Mrs. Stephenson and family were
out riding Sunday.
Walter Zeldler has gone to Call
fornla to hunt work.
Ethel Pusel, who has been work
ing in Medford, Is now at homo to
Born March 25, 1917, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Glnct, a daughter.
Raymond Uullls was la town re
Mrs. Crumi) wac visiting Mrs. C
C. Pursell recently.
Mrs. Wilbur Cameron Is on the
sick list we are sorry to say.
Hollls Parks was at Ruch Sunday
Ora Goldsby was visiting a short
time at home Sunday.
Bllle Anderson lias gone to Call
fornla for work.
Ed llostwlrk, who has been on the
sick list for sometime, is not much
Mabel Hanson was bucked off of
The Schoolmasters Club of South
ern Oregon recently decided to or-
amze a circuit lor the purpose of
bowing educational stereoptienn
slides in the schools of the county at
a nominal expense.
Anient has lust received its first
shipment of slides und tho children
ull fool that they have been bene
fitted by them, as well as having
some entertainment. This shipment
contains slides picturing "beautiful
Japan," France, Belgium and Italy,
und a historical selection on' Paul
Revere's ride.
The Olympic society of the Talent
schools in canvassing the community
for old papers, rags, rubber und
nietnls. It is their plan to sell these
nnd obtain money to (finance the
field meet. Every one having any o1'
these things Hint they would give for
such a purpose will confer a favor by
notifying any of the school children.
Talent has been -chosen for the
field nnd track meet, of tho second
and third class districts again this
year. We have the best track und
other equipments for such a" meet
and are planning upon some very ex
tensive improvements. There have
been some changes made in the rules
for the meet, which will be of spec
ial intesest to the rural schools. The
larger schools of Rogue River, Gold
Hill, Central Point, Jacksonville,
Phoenix Talent are to be in a league
and meet by themselves to compete
for the Olympic society's cup. All
the schools not so listed are to com
pete among themselves for an indoor
baseball outfit. This arrangement
ives the rural schools a chance to
feci their strength with schools of
their size, nnd to compare themselves
ith the larger schools. Any school
ishing further information is re
quested (o write to either Mr. G. W.
Agor, manager, at Jacksonville, or
to the Olympic society at Talent.
Talent school rojMirts several now
pupils this week. Miss Anne Ellis
and Clayton Bishop registering in
the junior high school, Miss Ellis in
the ninth grade and Clayton in the
seventh. Cadwaladr Ellis, Mildred:
Lynch, Eleanor Lynch, Vera Lynch,
Russet Bishop, Million L. Bickerdike
and Hose W. Bickerdike entered in
the grades.
All the teachers in the Talent
schools have been rc-eloctod and all
have signified their intentions of re
turning for unother voar.
Dr. Mnlgrein and Dr. Griffin made
a thorough inspection of the pupils
in the school last Thursday. They
reported only ono case of infection
and that not virulent.
Dr. George 0. Jarvis of Ihc sanitar
ium at Ashland gave a talk to the
Parent-Teacher Association Tuesday
veiling, on "School Hygiene." This
is a subject which should he of in
teres! to every home in the state al
this tune.
J. Brandt is seriously ill at bis
home in North Talent.
N. O. Powers mid son were in from
Wagner creek Monday afternoon
Dan Combs was in from Wiigncr
rook Monday,
l . ( . MoCurdy, the real estate man
of Mcdtord was a business I'allcr
in Tub-lit Mondnv.
Dave lilitckmorc from Honibronl
an old residciitatiter of Jacksonville
(topped off at Talent on his way
town to the vnley, whore lie is at
tending to business matters.
J. N. Rice, the janitor at Ihc schoo
had die misfortune to run a sliver in
his hand which resulted in hlooi
poisoning. Mr. iiice is a little bet
tor at this writing although lie has
boon ciuite sick.
Mrs. Nellie J. lioeson bus bought
the 10-acre tract of orchard on
Wagner crock, fomiorly ewnod by
Mrs. Jessie Bvimhull of Curtiu, Lane
County. The deal was made by j. C.
Mason, our Talent real estate man.
Mr. and Mi's. John Fuller enter
tained at their ranch home in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heliiweli,
who are soon to leave for Cottage
J. Patterson of North Talent was
a business cnlter in town Tuesday.
John Calvin of Anderson ereek
was a business caller Saturdav,
Jeff Davis was in from Wagner
creek Saturday and took the jitney
for Ashland. Mr. Davis received a
slight injury bv the breaking of n
stretcher which fiew back mid
struck him on the knee.
Earl and Everett Beeson of Wne
no Creek wore business cnllers Sat-iirduv.
Jiiduc Toi, Ve"o and wife motored
through Talent Sundnv.
Anv one wishing to nurehnse a
ood. one-horse, second-hand "'foron
" ill do well to call on Hie Talent
blacksmith. This wagon is utmost
Mq. li. A. Morae was a visitor al
the Talent school Moi'dn" afternoon
W. Garvin was a Medford caller
the Inst of the week, visiting friend:
and nttending to busies".
J: Y. Baker was n Medford busi
ness eulter Saturdav.
J. B. Robinson and wife of Ander
con creek were shopping in town
Don't throw nwnv those shoes
Marion Frver can fiv then.
Fifty-six auto loads of Ashland
'bnntnufinn boosters missed throneh
Talent Fi'idnv afternoon on their
nv n Mooford to advertise th
rnnnd-iin and the cbnutiinnnn session
which "''II lie held in Ashlnnd next
.T,(lv. The parade presented a nrett
si.rlit the Tioin decomted with
flags and banners advertising the
Mrs. Chester Walters is entertain
ing her sister from Weed, California,
Miss May Clark, who has been
visiting at Bray, California, for the
last two months, returned recently.
Mark Klune, who lias been at the
Sacred Heart Hospital for some time
rot limed the lust of the week and is
at the home of H. E. Bowman. Mr
Kline seems to be getting along nicely.
Dr. Hart, former county physician
for Jackson county, but now of Mod
ford, wus attending to business u
Talent. Monday.
John Boeson, Art Rose, Hurry
Glinie, Ted Seaman, played tennis
Ashland Sunday.
J. I). Brown (bettor known as
Farmer Brown) was in Ashland at
nding to business matters Monday
A. V. Aitkin's team, which was
tied at M'. Crawford's (the cham
pion fisherman of Talent) took fright
at a train Monday, ran away and
smashed n the buggy somewhat. No
other damage was reported.
The rain of Monday has again re
tarded farming operations somewhat
in this section.
F. E. W. Smith was in town from
Wagner creek attending to business
mutters Tuesday.
II. S. Lynch came in from bis
ranch on Wagner creek to get some
stock which had 'been put in Ihc
piund in Talent.
D. O. Hurley was in from across
15ear Creek Tuesday.
Charley Chapman went up into the
hills on Wagner creek Tuesday.
PEKING, March 28, The Chinese
government bus recognised the new
government in Russia.
Ttils ITov To t Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid I
. M. WILSON Certified FuMSe
Accountant, room -111 M. F. & H.
Bldg., Medford, Oregon.
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant in the Pa
cific northwest. Vso our snrtntrs
when others fail. Sold aniinr writ
ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth.
St., Portland, Ore.
Alton, eys
In ono minute your clogged nostrils
yfiil in, the air p&ggsgeg of your head
will elear end you can breath freely.
No 'more hawking, eauuling, blowing,
headache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night, your cold or catarrh
will be gone.
Get a suiall bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggieit now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your noBtrils. It pen
etrate tbrough every air passage of the
bead, soothes the inflamed or swollen
ouicous uicaibruuo and relict comes in
stantly. It's just fine. " Don't stay stufTca-np
with si cold or siasij? cuUrrli Keiiof
comes so quickly.
GEOK013 A. CODDINO Lawyer,
Boom 412, Garnott-Coroy Bldg., Py.
Medford, Ore. 5;.h
GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney an
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jnckson Coun
tv Bank Building, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
PORTER I. TTEPF Attorney at Uw,
rooms 8 and 9, Moiirord National
Bank Building.
Mother-Made, Quick
Acting Cough Syrup
Should be Kept Hnnily In Every
if eou-Eumi iy Vrepured n&d
Co'U Little.
Mothers, you'll never know what you
are missing until 5 make up this in
expensive, quick-acting cough Byrup and
trv it.. (.Iiihlrcii love tn lllcasant tustt:
aiid nothing else will loosen a cough or
chest cold and heal tho inflamed or
awnllpn tlirnat. mnmhrtlllca with such
ease and promptness. It's equally as
good tor grown-ups aB for childreu.
This splendid coiuth syrup is mude by
pouring 2Vj ounces of Pinex (50 cents
worth), into a pint bottle und tilling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
3yniT. This gives you a foil pint a
fkniilv fmiinlv of much bettor collirll
remedy than you could buy rcady-mado
for $2.50 a clear saving of $2.
The moment it touches the inflamed,
cokl-coiigoiitod aieiuliraaes that line the
throat and air pannages, l tho healing 1)0
jilis, the phlegm loosens, soreness
loaves, cough spasms lesbcn and soon
disappear altogether, thu ending o
eough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
soughs are conquered bv it in 24 houre
jr less. Kxcellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
I'inex is a liighiv concentrated com
pound of genuine Konvuy pine cxtrnct,
combined with guuiaeol and is famous
the world over for its quick healing
etl'eet on the membranes.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
flrmwittt for ounces of Pinex" with
directions and "don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute witis-
faction or money reiunuea. luu l'inc?
Co., Ft. Wuvne. I"J.
Iflffram Sei Work.
UlUi4i sua
yP Get a Can
mat SAL.H Six-room house and 4
lots on N. Quince Stroet. Mrs
Ramsey. 10 -N. Quince. 11
collected some accounts 14 years
old. We know how to Rot the
money. The Bullock Mercantile
Agency. Inc.. Rooms 1, 2, 3. Has
kins' Bldg., 216 E. Main at
WANTUD Poultry, Wo are In tho
market for all Itlndr of poultry
duilv. Got our dish and trade
. prices. Phoonix Mercantile Co.
WANTED C. A. Hamlin, dealer In
hides, wool and mohair. Highest
nrlces nald. Office Laurel St. mar
ket. Phone 475-3,, 32
STKAY1SD From the slaughter
house at Phoenix, one red and one
blue hog. Finder please notify
Star Market, Medford. 8
WANTUD Alan to cut tier wood
Frank Van Dyke. '
WA.NTi4i Married man wants work
at once. Phone J. W. Shepherd,
4II3-H-1. 11
WANTED To rent Modern unfurn
ished house. Desire good location,
Give full particulars. II. W. blUB
ham, SiedfortS.
W ANTE I) Old falee teeth. Don't
matter if broken. I pay J1.00 to
$5.00 per set. Mall to L. Muzor
SOM S, Fifth street, Philadelphia
Pa. Will send cash by return mail
VANTED Roglstorod Duroc sow and
three slits, eligible to registry.
Call Ashland 4-P13 or address Ilox
B0. Mall Tribune. 310
WANTED Houses to move.
488-M, or 488-X.
WANThJU Young woman bookkeeUr
er and stenographer. Address 11.
13, L., Tribune.
WANTED Middle-aged lady with
nice home would like care of child
or baby; live In the city. Pox 9,
caro Mail Tribune. 8
TO TRADE For team, wagon and
harness, 40 acre farm. Some im
provements; creek, school. For
particulars address llox 75, Mall
Tribune. !)
k The In.
liaby rmiil.
hmulxhj Ul,ll mlL
GO AT ""'MIL K ,
A fwrftt Food 1 liwUi.
at liadino onuaoisT
11. Tlx
I.OST Hetween Jacksonville and
Medford 1 pair 37x.iV& tiro chains.
2 sets mud iiooks, 1 pair brown
cloth grave straps anil several auto
tools. Reward; notify John A.
Perl, Medford, Ore.
IjOST One ladies' coat In Golden
Kulo suit box. Please return to
Medford general delivery.
LOST On corner of Fourth St. and
Hose avenue or on Fifth near nost
office, stickpin with green setting
and tio clasp with tho initial
b'A Rose avenue.
FOIt ItKNT ITltNlsnUll 1IOI si-:s.
FOR RENT .Modern five-room fur
nlshod house, 3 lots. 305 Portland
FOR RENT Modern furnished four-
room house; on pavement. Phone
I-'Olt SALE POri.TltY
FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred W. L.
cockerels, $1.50 each, or $4.0(1 for
.1. K. S. Carpenter, Phone 401-R4
r un ma i.e. Kliodu Island lied eggs
lor Hatching. Muted under Uogun
nystciii. Phone 4S1-X. ti
FOR SALE White Leghorns, Rllvo
Laco Wyandotts, for hatching
1'Uone 204-W. J. E. Wynkoop.
Have? (wo clients who wish
fi) purchase Mcilford im
proved property if juiced
riirht. Wind have von o
offer. Set the
VpIiI TnvPRtTnfint. fin
MglMh&S! .North. Tir street,
WANTED Vacuum cleaning. Gov
ernment endorsed machine. Satis
faction Bunrantoed. Harry A. Wy-
song, phone Jacksonville 282. 329
WALVTED To share car with party
shipping household goods to im
perial valley, California1. Have half
carload of goods. Address 318 N.
Contral, Medford, Ore.
FOR SALE Team, harness, 3-Inch
vagon, price $170. Phone Central
Point 183. 14
''OR SALKJ Cheap, large mule, good
worker, single or double, ilox 12.
Moil Tribune. Hi
FOIt SALE At onco, good :i4 -Inch
wagon, spray pump, eiiltlvator. Cy
phers 1 -Ill-egg incubator, iron beds
and springs, refrigerator, kitchen
Uiblo, heater. Phono 4oti-R from
8 a. in. to 8 p. m. ' 8
FOR SALE Two yearling Percheron
colts, two 2-year-old Delgian colls
cheap if sold at once. I'honn
6S0-J-1. 10
FOR SALE Sows and pigs 3 to li
weeks old, at Westerlund orchards.
J. E. Clemens, mgr., Phono 8 F-2.
FOR SAI.F Three good young cows.
Cull after 7 p. in. Phono 350U2. 9
FOR SALE Fl..e Jersey low, Just
fresh; aiso registered Buroe boar,
large, prolific strain. J. E. Judy
phone SGU-W.
FOIt SALE -Four-year-old grade
iieigian stallion. W, S. Stancliff,
Phoenix. 2 8
MO.NEV 'IV) Ui.l.V
TO LOAN $1000 to $10,000 on
good ranch property as security.
Phone 353-J. J. U. Andrews.
TO LOAN $1000 to loan.
Mali TriVnnn
Box 8
FOii tfALK it) acres of inmi elieai
if taken at once.- Address llox
05-A, R , Talent, Ore.
acre ranch, 70 acres in cultivation
both timber and pasture land, H
room two-story house, b-aori1
young prune orchard. Price $10
boo. Will Like in cubango small
ranch near Medford to the value of
$5001), balance terms. Address J
It. Honslee, Canyonvllle, Ore. 1
FOR SALE Farming land, fruit
land, stock ranches, timber land
from $10 per acre up, on long
linii), easy pr.yiuonts. AddroHS it.
care Tribune,
KENT Dcsiralilu furnished
Tho llcrlieu, 10 Qiilnco. 321
FOIt KENT Ganlei, lauds, farming
land, atoi-k ranches. Gold Ha)
Realty Co.
Elliott, and other Cuitarlan iliera
tare. Free to Inquire. Miss Ha
noi llurton, Central Point. R. 1
I). No. 1.
EOll RENT lilirsES
t'Oll RENT Furnished and unfur
nished houses. Employment Agen
cy, M. A. Ruder, 123 iisst Main,
. E. REAMES Lawyer.
Corey bldg.
DR. T. T, SHAW Dentist. Over Dan
iels Clothing Store in rooms for
merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phone
OBrnett Corey Hldg., Suite US
Medford, Ore. Phone DCS.
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMM1NGS Engineer and
contractor, 44 M. F. A iL Bbig
Burveys, estimates, Indexation drain
age, orchard and land improvement.
GAKBAGH Get your promise!
eleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city gnrhnge wnsrons fn
good service. Phone 871-L. .
Y. Ailea. .
Instruction in Mu"ic
piano and barmony. Ilaight Musi.
Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy Bldg.,
Phone 72.
l' lt HA LE M IS( 'ELLA N EOl'S
Oil SALE 2 fa. p. gasoline engine.
Phone 8-R- 2. 8
FOR SALE New 2001) i?ai. Kiiivan-
Ized tank. Phono 121. llardwell
Fruit Co. 11
FOIt SALE 4)l roils aood wallpap
er, tints, paints varnishes, stains
and a few other articles at a bar
gain. Phone 54 4-M. First come
first served. 5 1 1 N. Fir.
cheap. li. O. Illppensteel, Ross
Lane C
EARL S. TUMY General Insurance
' office, Fire, Auloinobllo, Accident,
Liability, Plate Glass, Contract
and Surety Bonds, Excellent com
panies, good locnl sorvlce. No. 210
Garnett-Corcy lildg.
er. Phono 154Y, residence 90S
East Main Street.
Physicians and Surgeons
DR? V. "iKAVAItlVlosteopathlo
physician. 303 Garuett-Corey build
ing. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Pructlce limited to eye,
ear, noss and throaL Eyes scien
tifically tested nnd glassos sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. 11. Co. Offices M. P. & 11. Coy
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 667.
FOR SALE Seed corn. F, S3, Car
penter, Phono 201-111 0
real estate one five passenger
auto, 30-horse power; also one two
seated carriage, good as now. Ad
dress llox 8U, Mall Tribune.
FOR SALE CHEAP Ituiidings on
Roddy property, end of Roddy ave
nue. One drop-sido barn 22x2 4,
with loft; 10 feet under eaves with
2 good sized lean-oiiK, ono 12x20
two roomed plastered house with
small covered poarch; two chicken
houses, 10x10 und one pigeon
liousn and u lot of 2 Inch mesh
chicken wire. Apply 211 Gamett
Coioy Building or phono 170 1)
I'l-intcrs ami Publishers
best equipped printing office la
Southern Oregon; Pook binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st,
Office 42 North Front st. Phone
815. Prices right. Sorsice guaranteed.
FOR SALE-Nuwtown.
Kimball piano.
Phone 281-X.
124 S.
FOR HALE Reading lamp, Trail
Jars, crocks, iixmiiilxtcr rug 0x12.
305 Portland ave. 7
FOR HALK Early Sunrise peed po
tatoes. Phone 4 52-W. C. M. Park
er. 6
FOIt SALE Fine electric range,
nearly new, perfect condition. Price
very low. Easy tonus. Phoue
428-.I. 0
FOR SALE Puxson's superb dahlias.
Eight named iaiieied tiiiibs, $t; as
sorted colors and classes, cactus,
peony and decorative. Ton unla
beled. Postage paid. Send for
list. It. II. Paxson, Ccntrul Point,
Oregon, 25
run DAI. 1-4 fjueu, allalla, red tiuvm
sHeei ciovui iiuioio aua utner
grasses; lritAiy fancy stoens, Nvrilu
lor etunpiOB. itaipu Vt&Kio &ideii,
i;uniiai Point, ore, "
Full dALE Ancoua eggs tor hutch
ing. $1.60 for 15, Great layers.
Mrs. licit Hooker, 205 West Jack
son Street. 316
car, horse, buggy, harness. Hood
condition, llox O, Mall Tribune.
FOR SALE Egg ease and fillers.
Medford Poultry & Sgg Co,
Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent
nd Phoenix daily, except Sunday, st
8:00 a. m l;flO, 2:00, 4:00 asd 5:16
p. m, Also on Saturday at 10:15 p.
m, Sundays leave at 10:30 a. m. and
2:00, 6:00 and 9:30 p. m. Leave
Ashland for Medford daily, except
Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00,
4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Satur
day nights at 6:30. Sundays leave
Ashland at 9:00 a. ro. and J:0, 6:00
and 10:30 p. m.
Camera SP
203 East Main Stm-t,
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Vlintogrnplier
in Southern Oregon.
Negatives Matlc nny time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-.T.
We'll do the rest.
E. D, WE3T0H, Prop.