VMM TWO MKDFORlV MAIL TT'lliPXrc MKDFORD. ORKflON. SATURDAY. MARf'I f 21. 1017. m ii (tit MM CM iJ5 JOCAL AND JL personal Horn To Mr. and .Mrs. I!. Viin Ho. nburK of Bhiiih Vulley, an X mud girl, Saturday, March 24, at o Kucred Heart hospital. Mother id child aro doliiK well. Mrs. Leach, corsets made to moas cineiitH gliurahteod. Phone CS.'i-J. Mr. and Mm. Jt. IllKulow of Dallas, c, aro KpeiidiiiK it, few dnyfs In tho Johnson for high class watch re IrlnK. ' ' tf T. Vldiioff of I'orUnnd. Is iiinouK i out or town visitors In t tie i lty. Two new souks', "The Twilight our, ' and Crater Lake. 321 J. O. DaviB, It. 1. Shear and Sam ono are Medford vhdtors from Sac monto, Cul. Phone 884 Heath's Drug Store. City Attorney Kieil MearK this ornlng filed nit answer to the hoc (1 amended complaint filed against ii city In the case or Charles I). Col vs. City of Medfurd to test tho va llty of tho Hanson plan. Dr. Hart, physician and surgeon, flee Jackson County Hank Build' S. Harry (!. Wortman, grand ehuneol- i- of the Knights of Pythias lodge, ho resides In Medford, Is In tho city visit tho local lodge, and will at nd a special meetlni; of the lodge Castle Hall tonight. Klamath iIIh Herald. Buttermilk 10c gal. De Voe's Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hodal ol Mux iss, i. I)., stopped off In Medford Iday night. GnBollne and oil nt De Voe'a. V. 10. Harden of Seattle, Wash., is In tho city tho last of tho week buslnosB. Take thnt broken pump to the Pa flo Illghwny Onrago, 20 South Bart- tt st. Bavles Wolds Anything. !'. H. rtussoll of Portland Is among o out of town business visitors in o city. Bakery goods nt Do Vqc's. K. P. IMvey arrived In tho city FN, y vonlng from Sealtlo and 'will end n few days in Medford on busl- is. Johnson for high class wnlcb ro- lrlng. if Howard Chandler left Saturday irnlng for his home at Hugeno after Itlng Medford friends for tho past o weoks. Old papers for snlo tit this office 20c por 100. Air. and Mrs. floorgo Wheaten of lerdeno, WbhIi., spent Friday and turdny In the city. W. II. Brown, upholstorlng, mnt- 'ss renovating, nuto trlmnilng mid worn, us n. Front. Phono :-J. 327 MniHall Hooper of Salem is In the y for a few days attending to busl- ss matters in ills capacity as slate nk examiner, Sco Davo Wood shout that fire In rnnco pollry. Office, Hoom 404 M & II. llldg. H. X. Starr of Portland Is ninong ii out of town business visitors In i city. Big Cc milk shakes nt Do Voo's. I. Cray of New York city spent last of the week In Medford on slness. hoc. Mis. Kliauk nliout dress mnli-J r. "07 West .Main. j llanlel llristow or Kugene was in dford Friday ami Snliiriiay visiting ends anil allendlng to business iltl'1'H. Gates sells Ford cars, $200 down d (25 a month. Kdward C. Heeil or San Francisco, among the out of town visitors in i city. Sweet cider nt He Voe's. P. nigclmv or Portland Is In the V for a few days looking alter bus- ss Interests. Dr. Ilelno, physician and surgeon. eclaity, eye, ear, nose, throat. Of- e over Meeker's. Classes fitted. Mrs. 1''. w. t'nrnithaii or the Blue dgo mine Is in tlie city for a few Uomemudo pastry, fe. Campbell's I. II. O'liell of Oakland, Cul., Is In! i city f,.r a few days attending In1 -.loess mailers. ' All kinds salads. Campbell's cafe. Mrs. Ainm Weaver and daughter, i Miilliud vlsitnrs for a few days' mi .Myrtle Creek. ! For tho hest Insurance eo Holmes, Insiirincn Man. lr. and Mrs. Milton ( ioKb in It li tt urn dford visitors the hitter part of " week frore New York. I Tho Mod font Vulcanizing Works II inovo to So. Ui North Fir street or before April Int. ody WOOD Fir E-lnch $2.23 .... 2.75 -inch oreyWOODComp'j hone 654-J. 37 North Fir St. W. I,. Kadderly of Corvallls Is among the out of town visitors in the city. Baths 2.1c, Hotel Holland. Ottis Brown of St. Louis, Mo., Is spending a few days in the city trans acting business with local merchants. Dr. Margrave, Farmer's and Fruit growers Bank bids. Phono 230. J. A. All wall of Weed, Cal., is In tho city for a few days visiting with friends and attending to business af fairs. I do all kinds of spraying, Call 2 4 7-X, or Bee H. S. Allen. 310 A. Borden and family are Medford visitors for u few days from Clinton, Ills. Frosh chocolates at De Voe's. Vv'. Carvln of Talent spent the last of tho week In tho city visiting with friends and attending to business af fairs. Tho special easy payments on Frantz Premier cleaners make It pos sible for you to clean house electric ally this spring. Paul's Electric Storo. 3i3 Hllllo Anderson of Much was a Med ford visitor Friday and Saturday. Why Is California Washing Powder called California Washing Powder and manufactured hero In Oregon? Manufacturers of tho east are estali llshed In tho west and yet go under eastern names. Their branch far: torles bring more money to tho west, while tho cities do all the manufac turing. Hollars ran bo mado whore pennies aro now In tho Begun river valley. Factories aro ono spoke In the wheel. You are tho Judges. Charles Ferns of Phoenix was In tho city tho latter part of tho week attending to business matters. Every man can get a safety razor rree at ilson's cigar store. s .1. F. Baker or Talent spent Satur day In Mud ford looking after busi ness Interests. When tho Symphony Society of New York begins lis annual spring tour, which this year will ho tho most pretentious ever nttempted by a symphony orchestra, Walter Dnni rosch; conductor of tho famous or ganization, will have with hi in the en tire orchestra as It appeared In the -S'ow York concert series. As sololrt ho will hnvo Krrem Zlmballst, a young Russian violinist, who ranks with the finest concert artists of tho world. Will bo heard In Medford ut Nat- Tuesday, April 17th. . Miles Ageo Is a Medford visitor for a few days from Slennibonl. A clever 2-reel Fox comedy, "His Ticklish .lob," featuring Hank .Mann at Page tonight. (leorgo Croft of Hnglo Point was among tho Mod ford visitors Satur day. Harvey Hall left Saturday for (ire nada, Cal., whore ho hna secured em ployment. W. I,, iloborts of Ashland Is n new barber In White's barber shop. W. H. Croft was n Medford visitor Saturday from Fugle Point. H. P. Hopkins, employed nt the HH ranch, spent Saturday In Medford visiting friends. When Ffren Zlnihall.it comnleteK his engagement as soloist In tho con certs of tho annual spring tour of tho New York Symphony Orcheslrn, of which Waller Damrosch Is con ductor and director, tho famous llus slnn violinist will have einMiui..,.i ., travel record of ono season' never ap proached by other concert artists In tho coast-to-coast trip that Includes the principal cities of the country In lis itinerary the artists will adil more than HI, ooo miles to his season's travels, making n tolal of nearly 20, uo mill's since his first concert In October. He will nlav in Meiir,-,i . Nat., April 17th. Thomas McAndrews, accused by uciiis Klncnld of wnntunlv and ma liciously injuring dous. unit lifiiiti.l r to tlie grand Jury, at n henrlim ro .insure III,. nil o. Tnvlor I'll 'mi aiier noon. ! r;.. d at The delense set run Ii l.. r Mc w ere Andrews showed that tlie ,t,. running deer. Both parties in Hie case reside near Derby. Have von noticed Unit vour neich- bor Is not coughing as he was a r,. da ago? He has used l,io., .., tho Heather Cough Syrup. You try it- t Heath's linn. Ki ..... ....... Typewriter Paper Carbons Ribbons Erasers Office Supplies ' of All Kinds .'it the West Side Pharmacy J. R. Woodford, Prop. Kd Clngcudo of Fagle Point spent Saturday in tho city visiting friends anil attending to business matters. A crowd of fifty personB had gath ered at the Natatorlum last night to witness a basketball game between tho Junior high school teams of the Washington and Lincoln schools when tlie principal of the Lincoln school appeared and stopped Hie game be cause of the outbreak of measles In the Lincoln school. Admission fees were refunded to tho spectators. John Murtaugh, who died at Sacred Heart hospital, March 22, was buried at Jacksonville cemetery Saturday morning, the funeral services being held at the Catholic church, Med ford, ut 9 a. in.. Father Powers offl cli.ting. Mr. Murtaugh hud been a resident of Phoenix for tho past year. He Is survived by a brother, a priest, at Sheffield, III., and by two sons, both In tho army, one stationed in the Philippines and one at the bonier. If you want your cough stopped as your neighbor's cough was stopped, take a bottlo of tho Heather Cough Syrup, riOc und 2T,c at Heath's Drug Sloro only. Arthur ShuNr, II. P. Thelss and .virs. unarms H. Coniinor were charged before Justice Taylor this morning with violating that section of the motor vehicle law which de mands that license pli-.tes bo affixed to front and rcur of all cers. The hearings will bo held Monday. N. L. Potter of r;::nda!e silent t ie last of tho week In the city on busi ness. Wilbur Townsend of Pendleton. Ore., Is spondlng a row days in Med ford visiting friends and attending to business mutters. Wanted Agents or high-class household necessity. Liberal com mission; rapid seller. Address Lacko Specialty Co., 1115 Folsom St., San Francisco. ' 31. C. Llttlerield of Fden Precinct was a Medford visitor Saturday. Frank Johnson Is a Medford busi ness visitor for a few days from (llen- dalo. I'orry Thomas has returned to his homo at Klamath Falls after a short business visit in .Medford. Snm Benton of Olendalo tvas a Medford business visitor the last of the week. Don't forget wafflo luncheon at St. Mark's hull Tuesday, March 27tli. :i Charles tllll of Cold Beach Is amonir the out of town visitors In the rity. Harry Taltson of Itosebnrg Is spondlng a few days In Medford at tending to business matters. Mrs. Kdwnrd Samuels was a Med ford visitor Friday from lioaiin Hlver Hecent purchasers of Iteo cars are C. I. Hutchison und F. L. Benson, seven passenger "sixes;" T. C. Dugan and Grant Davis, five linKueiit'nr fours." Something different. Warric luncheon served by the ladles of St. Mark's Culld Tuesday from u.:!i) to o'clock. jj Harry Tlnims has returned to his home nt Salmon Bar, Cal., alter spending a week In the city. To know where to buy is as important', in glasses as any tliinr; else. We hope our 11)11110 is all tlio iiiilo yon iiood. It moans tlie best of even thine.' (lp ical. DR. RIGKERT Snllo 1.1!, Over May Co, Before it . Kills Your Profiit It's Aphis, and is destroying Apple profits every where. Already regarded by many growers the moil (iratriictive npnic mecct. It iutra thr (rutt. You can control liopp.T und other sott-bodirrl, ap Mnnufcturc(t by The Kentucky Tobacco Product Co.. In coipomtcH. Louisville, Kv. Cnn be used with Limr-Sul-pluir. Arsenate of ,L.cnd. Powlcnux nd other sprays at recommenced. iv.nv D mel separately, H demfd, nnd t almost any time. Mixn perfrtitly with water. Cost ahout onrcenl per inlUn diluted for the trees. HfronmitnilH kmi 'ltui,l ttiioni. vmii.rrt;ti uy u uia its tiitiulUuicta. Free Spray Chart and Booktotm hrmin min and how i,t iniunr. iiuriwiu .riiriauwi UOIIt 111 I ft. pcl. See List o( Df.iiers Below. MEDFORD Garnott Corey Hardware Co., Producers Fruit Co.. Rogue Rivev Co Operative Fruit Growei's Assn., Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association. ASHLAND Ashland Fruit and Produce Association B. L. C'orde of Dorris, Cal., was lu the city tho lest of the week on busi ness. Miss Alice Vunn of Cold Hill vis ited Medford friends and relatives Friday afternoon. K. J. Kalsei", postmaster of Ash land, was a Medford visitor Friday aftet iioon. "Coolgardle" Jones was operated upon at the Sacred Heart hospital yesterday by Dr. Conroy. He stood tho operation well but it will be some weeks before ho can be out again. Frank Longmire or Yreka, Cal., was a Medford business visitor the last or the week. . Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Sears of Gold Hill were visiting Medford friends Frlduy. Attention! Tho Culld ladies will begln to serve waffles at 1 1:30 Tues day. ; ; K. P. Klmoro of Alameda, Cal., is among the out of town visitors In the city. A. T. Itoyson of Sutherlin. Ore., Is spending a few days In the city on business. Unless Inclement weather Inter feres, tho "Itoguo Itlvor Pippins," the -' recently formed .Medford gun club, will hold a practice Bhoot on the club grounds tomorrow. The club was re cently formed through the efforts of Peter J. Holohun and James P. Bull, professionals of Portland. Local -members are K. II. Lamport, Italph L'wing, W. W. Williams, James Mor ris, William Bates and Chris Cotlicb. The club has decided to enter the Co-lumbla-Willanietto Trapshooters' As sociation and i:hoot for the Oregonian trophies which will ho awarded to flrnt and second clubs. The local club has one Western and ono Legget trap. William Bates look high score among tho locals last Saturday after noon in a practice shoot with CI hits out of a possible 7.1. Other scores wero: Holohan, (111; Lamport. -II; F.wing, 37; Williams, ti; Morris, II; (iotlieb, f.li; Bull. 70. Dr. Frank Huberts, dentist, S,-. Mark's Building. Lee Farlow and Dean Terrell of Lake Creek spent Friday afternoon In the city visiting friends and attending to business matters. A. W. Bradshaw of Wellen spent Friday afternoon In the city on busi ness, i Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with I.oiWI. AI'l'l.irAI'IONS. n tlirr onnnnt ri'ii.-tl tlii fi.-nt .f tlin .IUU'Ik... ('utiirrli In n t.louil or L-onallliilliiiil iIIhi'Iiki., mill In unli-r to cure It j.iu must tnko Inti-riiiil l-i-im-Mlli-M. Hull's Cutun-U rum ill tiik.-u liiiiTtiullr, Bnil acts llr.--tly iiiiotr tlio Ulooil mill Inn 1 Hiirfii. '. Hiill'l CataiTa I'uri. la tint n qiiiirk ini'ilNliii.. It- wnH ir. ncrlli.-il liy oil), ut IliM !'.--t i-liynlcliiiiH In 'Jim r.iunirjr fur yinrs r.tnl In n ri-mihir rri'sorlptluii. It Is iMiiiiiosi-.l of tlie Iii-st tunics kiiuirn. cum-Mn.-it wltli tlio li.-st Ii!.mI imrlllprs. lu-t'liu ill-r.-i'tljr on tli- tmimns mirfHr.'s. Tim r.-rf.-t r.tmlilnnllu i of lliu two Initri'ilt.-tils I wtmt .ro-iln.-rs mi.-Ii -Touili-rfnl r.snlts lu curium t-uUrrb. Uetnl f..r tt-slln: minis, in-o. K. J. rll'INlIY A CO.. Troiis., Toll-Jo, O. Sil.l liy IlriiKclsts, irl..i Toe. Tuko Hull's rninlly I'llls for oo-istlnotlon. A M C S F.M i-: X TS T ) N 1 1 i II T Dorothy Clish and Triangle Kid dles, headed by George Stone, In Till-. CIHLHHF.X OF TIM-. I Kl'P Note This play is based on ac tual happenings of the Allen brothers' atlack on tho Hillsvillo court houso In Vlrglna about three years ago. And n clover Fox Comedy HIS TICKLISH JOB Featuring Hank Mann. Tomorrow Kinniy Whltten in "Viinily." "Musty Surfer." Comedy, PAGE venken! the trers nnd in Aphis, Kcd liup, Li-.u - ucking insect with KIIIs ollf and r.Tpct iiucnl imav. hw h riO . ll-jadi-d hy the l.ithia City hand, 5ti earioads of Aslilallders invaded Medrord Friday arternoon advertls Ing the roundup and Chautauqua ses sion to be held at Ashland next July. The ears were decorated with flat;s and banners boosting the events. More people were in the parade boost ing an Ashland enterprise than at tended tho Jackson county fair on Ashland day lust fall. Miles Ageo of Steamboat, Ore., was a Medford visitor Saturday. ltubo Johnson, i-'runk Jonnson, A. (I. Bishop and John Simmons were Medford visitors Friday afternoon from Kugle Point. If the United States enters the Kreat European war, OreKon will he called upon to furnish for the army from its present national Kiiard or ganization approximately 4o00 men and officers, aei-ordinR to information received from the war department by Adjutant Cienerul White of Portland. This Includes all brunches of the na tional guard. You Hold It . Aro you doing the things for your boy that you wish your father hud dono for you? Is ho going to have an education? Js he going to get a start in business? is he going to have sumo money put away when he gets married? If ho Is you should start to provide Sor him now. And THE. JACKvSON COUNTY BANK ft V f "Hi y f Damrosch and With the New York Symphony Ninety Musicians Musical Event of tli And What It Means to You Our Interest Doesn't Cease When the Goods Leave Our Store Isn't it some satisfaction to know that when yov. hv.y t.n imple ment there is somebody besides yourself who i; concerned as to whether or not it makes good? You can buy nuutls of a pi'ddli-r and net what ymi i iiiisidci' a bargain. In case tin' i;iuds jiI'dvc a disaiinitit lllcllt tlli'l'C is liu lvcnlll-sr -till1 icil dlcr is iutiTi'stcd solely ill tln iniiiu dialc sale and inois mi to other fields. We don't eoiidiiit our business lllolli;' ledillei' lilies we couldn't if We wanted to. No mutter what yon buy of ns. we are concerned in its ivinl; satisfaction. We live here anions you -this is our homo and we know that we can't make future stiles hv selling linieliahle t;oods. And so when our iiuilemeins nive satistac- h:i of Snir.'i in the ciiy on vaUcy bUM- l.ii't.j i visit' : ns Aic-.i- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOit SALIC Good second hand pi ano, almost new; Monarch niu:;e; sewing nu chino, in ass bed, si.rli'..'s, Phone 3 79. L' TO TUADIJ !) ac.cs T:xas to. ill or country prupeny; miglit a.i:ii:ie Mill particulars first letter. Hex Acres, Ma'l Trl.mu. KOIl SALIC llaTnh, modern ini provements. Terms, low rate o' interest, .-.dd'e-is Owner, Mai! Tribune. :: LOST -On corner or -till St., Uosc avenue or on .'.th street near post office, stick pin with r.reen setting and tie elaso with the lniih.il S 53 liose Av . in the Hollow MEDFORD, OREGON. Kstablislie-; 1HNH. William V.M. spent Si. mi dav ness. Ira Cof finaii among the bu.i ford Saturdav. mpimajMm.rf118irri Mtisicsl Treat for Medford andRogueRiverVaiSzy OUR SERVIGi tloll 11 l OVi s Steps I ll! We do the saiut our i;,! ,". We serve i hit ion tl.i This ilitel-e - it I'e'.ievcs I that lie w il! I, tioii. Our delice : Ma'-, w hen i ll:d HUBBARD BROS. John Henaiilt of Jacksonville was in the city Saturday visiting friends. lir. and Mrs. Henry Tut'iuu of Los Cito, Cal., are In the city for a few daj's looking ovi. i- openings for the (-tali'islim-'nt of an a:ito supply business. BEST 2 1 That Grow ,; AVc have a choice line of Ciunlcn .Seeds, including the Famous Eurpces in packages and bulk. ;")') varieties of Sjicii'-cr's Sweet Peas. Broadley Tlie t.'ic.iforcl Florist and Seed Man Plume of Your Hand make him help. Xo hoy is good ior anythins when his fath"r dues it all. Start a savings bank account for him in his own name and teach him to save some of bis own money wlieu you havo started him. Vour buy's account will be wel comed at tho SO t O Season 9 1! ;. And if anything !: i "-i-.M we take remedy the trouble, over and over willi .11.: ill!' ' I ' and the extent: of 1 ! -nds I'jioit how well au '.in, the pojui 'ninimiiy. 1 is worth while ''nvhas-T of the fear Seated in the transae- lided on coufi- our lie; ijiiavtci's a. 4