Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr. mill Mrs. ("lias. II. Ilriiiiniioiiil P. 1). Allen lias rcturncil to li Ik
rrlved In lilt: -itv
M. (. Lawrence of Ashland, owner
of lluckthorn lodge, who buffered ii
Kecond stroke' of paralysis ol .I'awi
dona last week, in reported an slow
ly recuperating, though bis left side
1H affected. The Lawrences have de
cided to Fell Hie lodge, I lift finest
mountain In the enmity and
famous for Us mineral springs.
Mrs. Leach, ror.-otlorro. Models up
to date. Guaranteed. 1'hono 0K3-.I.
William Hart Hamilton, who with
bin Hou Sliernood, arrived from Snn
.lose Tuesday to look after their
Eagle F'oiul rnneh, retnrnK tonight,
leaving lit" fn ot the rnneh.
See Dave Wood about that fire In
surance polley. Office, Hooni 401 XI.
P. ft H. Bldg.
-Ml. and Mrs. W. Ituwliind ot Jus-
brldgo, Nov.. are .Medford visitors tor
B few days.
American Ailfitoirney gtveK full
play to Dim inimitable Douglas Fair
banks at the I'ngu tomorrow, matinee
and evening. 292
Alllo Thompson of Portland Ih In
the city for a few dun on business.
-flDIg oe milk shakos at Do Voe's.
71. It. Kbel of San Francisco, Cul.
Httdltor of the Cullfornlit-OrnKon Pow
or Co., Is spendiiiK a few days in the
city visiting friends and attending to
business matters.
Gates sells Ford curs, $300 down
and J23 a month. '
C. n. Dean spent Thursday In Ash
land attending to business matters
Sweet elder at Do Voe's.
Mr. and -Mrs. 10. Cole of Klamath
Kails arc upending a few duys in the
'Money to loan at reasonable rate
V. 1j. Ton Vollo, .liic.lisoiivllle. Ore. 2!12
P. Hi Naro of Hilt, Cul., Is making
the city a business visit.
Hot waffles at Campbell's C'afo.
CI. . Wlnior of Dnrrls, Cat., spent
Thursday and Friday In the city at
tending to btiHlneiiS mntlers.
Dr. ilolnn, physician nud surgeon
Specialty, eye, oar, nose, throat. Of
lice over Meeker's. (Jlasses fitted
Mr. and .Mrs. K C. Iteekwllh of
Sparta, Jllrh., aro spending n few
days In the city.
Fresh ehncolatea nt Do Voe's.
x. K. hnnmiiit or (mints 1'ass wiih
lu tho city Thursday and Friday on
U. 8, Mall school tablets inc. Med
Jord Hook Store.
.tohli Anderson of Talent left Fii
day morning for the Blue Lodge mine
driving a Tour mule learn with which
he will haul ore to Jacksonville. Six
othor four-horue outfits are now en
aimed In freighting out the ore for
'Millinery display Saturday, March
:l. Miss Lounshiiry, M. M. Dept.
Htoro. ' 2;i 2
Volnny A. Kvnns of Seattle, Wn
transacted business In Medford
Thursday mid Friday.
Tor tho best Insurnnco see Holmes.
Cns Insurnnco Man.
iW. 'B. Kennedy of Kugour, Is a Med
fnrtl business visitor for a few days
To revive the dend spots in your
lawn uso tho ruinous Wizard fertl
llaer. Monarch Seed and Feed do.
B. .1. Monrno of Oakland, Cel., is
upending a few days In the city at-
tendlim to business matters,
filths 25c, Hotel Holland.
J. K Frnser of Snn Francisco. Cal
in among the out of town business
visitors In tho city.
e carry a inn line or lawn, car
den and field fertilizer. Monarch
Seed and Feed Co.
.1. Fin key of Snn Francisco. Cal
was In the eliy the latter part of the
week. looking alter business Inter
Inspec t l.nttlu Howard's line of new
Muring millinery, L'SM
.1. W. Day of I'orltund attended
to business mailers In the city Thill's
day and Friday.
I'akery goods al IV Voe's.
N. I., ( ro ., of Seattle Is among
the out of town bn-duess visitor In
the city.
Take that broken pump to the Pa
cific IlkhMav C.'.iag,-, 1 South Hail
letl st. Dnvles Welds ny thing.
0. W. Cooduiu of t-'iunrlseo.
Cal., Is In Cue city f,ir a few (ius UI1
Old papers for sale at thlg office
nt 2i)e per 10.
('. K. Towers of Portland Is a bus
lne? visitor fur a few days.
1 Vou -nn not ne Hie Heather
i inn Linnpouiiii aiel retain Milir
cough. Try it nri. I soo. r "c and
lleath s Drug Store, opposite
i- t i . . ... ...
neieu ill liivinpla. ii.. ,)
hi Ike eliy Hie tall, r part or t lie
week DtteudiiiK to business mailers
What ahout Mtur eaily Rardet.
We have full f frc-h bulk
seeds thai it row. We. hur.tir aHa'ia.
red and crimson clover, sweet cbn-er
and evertiilns In the urass teed
line. If yon v looklr.t; fur uni-lily
WO hale il. Monarch Se-J mir:
IVeii Co. .
('. II. Homer of Poitland Is a Ale.l
ford business visltoi lor a f,.v ilavs.
Johnson for hliih class watch re
julrlnj;. tf
few days in the fit y on business. (
Abner ilepper or tileiidaie was a
.MeiUord business visitor tlie middle
of the week.
Charles Kohrer ot Klamath Falls
Monarch Seed and lis spending ihe week in tho city vls-
ItiiiK friends and altendliiK to busi
ness mutters. '
Court Hall lias returned to Med
ford from a business trip to Khuiiutb
of Syracuse. -N". V
Friday mornliin.
A'o are exclusive eitei.n for
Southern Oreiion for thn famous
Ruckeye incubators and brooders.
Come in and let us demoiistrat'i and
net our prb
Feed Co.
Fred W. Davis of Portland Is spend-
inn a few days in Metliord on busi
ness. I
Dr. Hart, physician and surgeon,
offlco Jackson County Dunk Build
Mrs. C, Dean wan In Ashland
rlday visiting friends.
Now- Js Hie lime to plani perenlals.
Home grown slock, fierce tho Flor
ist. Phono 874. 302
llerl Matlein of .Whlnm! spent
''hursday evening lu the city.'
Dr. Hargrave. Farmer's and Fruit
growers itank bldg. Phone 230.
Fred W. Davis of Portland spent
Tiiursduy and Friday in tho city on
Phone 8S4 Heath's Drug Store.
J. P, Mc.N'amara of Vrelin. Cul., Is
among Ihe out of town business vis
itors ill llurrlly.
If you have a cough. You haven't
used Heitlhnr Pine compound, or you
wouldn't have u cough. At Healh's
Drug Store only. 292
Mr, and Mrs. .1. F. llrown are Med
ford visitors for a few duys from
Knglo Point,
Johnson for high class watch re
pairing, if
.1. II. Smith of Or.inls Pass was a
Medford visitor Thursday and Friday
Pierce the Florist for rose hushes.
A fluo line of standard and new va
rlctles. Phone 374. 302
.Mrs. W. F. Gloeckner of tirunts
Pass spent Thursday lu the cily at
tending a meeting of the executive
buiird of tho Southern Oregon I'res
byterlal board.
Gasoline and oil at De Voe'n. '
Government Trapper John Hiini-
niersley has been spending a short
time In (he city, returning today to
his camp nt the Willows. Ho has
been hiiiiling for cuugar and Inst
month killed two large ones. Grants
Pass Courier. A month Ugo Ham
morsley starred in a rairy tale en
titled "Katen by Wolves."
Pesl coffee al Campbells Cure.
U. It. Hlelght, formerly a salesman
for the Northwestern Floctric Co..
of Portland, has entered the employ
of Paul's Klectric Store. Mr. Sleiabi
has had considerable experience us
demons! rulor of electric ranges,
washing machines, and other electric
appliances and adds another man to
Ihe payroll of the ever-growing elec
trical Industry lu this valley.
'.Miss l.ounsbury. Milliner at the M.
M. Dept. Store, will have the same ex
cellent trimmer, who bus pleased the
people with her splendid stylo during
the past season. 2:i2
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall are visit
ing friends at Kams valley, prepara
tory to leaving for tho Willamette
Dr. Myrtle S. I.orkwood has re
sumed practice. Hours 2:30 to !i p.
!o:i-n i o-:: 1 1 m. f. & n. i,n,.
lug- 2 ;t o
W. C. ltoss of Grants Pass was lu
Meill'oril Thursday, leaving later for
the lllui) Lodge mine.
Huttornillk 10c gal. De Voo'a.
Sam Sundry of Hogue It Ivor was in
tho city attending to business mat
ters Thursday afternoon.
The Jackson County bank is offer
ing it prize of $10 ror the best letter
of not over Kin words lolling In w hat
way they best fill Ho- banking needs
of the clllens of Medford. See their
J. A. Samuels or Oregon City, is
spending a few days In Medford and
other valley tawns.
At booth 111. public maikel Sat
urday, fresh prime In ef, veal and
sausage. 2f.i
Chester CuiMr ol l.akovlcw. Ore.,
Is among the out nl' town vfsliors In
Ihe city this week.
W. W. 1'ssher of Ashland spent
Thursday afternoon In Ihe cit;- on
Harry of Yreka. Cal.. is in
.Medford for a few ds i-iiin
friends and relatives and aiteiolin to ;
business matleis. (
home at Weed. Cal , niter spending a
Tho hiU'Ht addition to the ores
which arc being moved thmuf;h Med-
I I I ,,... All ilnrliiK t li
Arthur WJlon ot C'liico, Cal., Ih ; '
' v mi ier u in its oi inih mv uui ut?t-u
piled up near the Southern Oregon
Kpendiim u few days in the eily on
IjpKter Took of Trail was in Med
ford looking after business inatterti
A. K. Jolius ol flold Hill wan a
Aledford buslnes.H vi.sitor the middle
of tho week.
A. I. Young of Klamath Falls is
a business visitor in .Medford for a
few days.
Kd Urown has returned to the city
from a visit to Nevada, Arizona nud
other South AVeMeni points. Wo re
ports all the mining camps of that
.section booming.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson of
Ashland were Medford visitors Fri
day morning.
Waiter Hostwlek of llnnconi was
in the city on business Thursday
Carson Wilson of Kalanm, Wn., is
among the out of town visitors In
the city.
Frank Snydur of Applegato la a
Medford visitor for a few days.
James Owens of Wollcn was among
the business visitors lu tho city Fri
i day.
Phil Metschun of Portland was a
Medford visitor the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. IX W. Stone, who
have spent tho winter at Ulversitle
and Long Bench, Calif., returned to
their home near Central Point this
week. . .
Hossor Henry K. lttM-d, whose depu
tjeH today completed appraising all
toodstocks on hand here.
"It looks like tsomebody was hold
ing for higher prices," .Mr. KeeU de
clared today. "The potatoes were as
sessed at t;u per cent of their market
Wholesalers de( lare the potatoes
have been Bold for shipment eat, hut
are unable to go forward on account
ol' hick of cars.
Carl Richards of Prospect is
spending a lew clays in the city visit
ing friends and attending to busl-
Traction Co., depot. According to nous matters.
the owners of the ore. 1 1 . Iloxworth '"" 1 " - -
and S. Carpenter, a deal has been
made whereby it will lie shipped tja
New York. The freight embargo has, j
however, complicated matters, and !
alter having loaded part of the ship
ment work has been stopped pending
ap.sniguce that tho shipment will be
able to be sent through.
The mine from which the ore was
taken is located 1 i miles west of
Jacksonville, a mile beyond Palmer
creek on the road to the Ulue Ledge.
One other antimony property in that
section, belonging to J. Anderson is
also being developed.
The ore, according to the owners,
assays on the average 50 per cent,
while some runs as high as GG per
c.ent. Antimony Is now quoted at 3U
cents a pound, and the market is ris
ing. The material is used in niakin
bearing metal, especially babbitt.
Al the present market price the
ore is worth $300 per ton.
Carpenter slated today that tho
I'nlted States government is now In
the market fof large quantities of
antimony, as well as many large in
dustrial corporations.' The heavy de
mand will probably lead to the active
shipping of ore from local properties.
AV. T. Humphrey
William T. Humphrey, whose fun
eral is announced for ;i o'rloek on tho
afternoon of Mureh 2. at Medford,
Orron, died al his home ut the Mos
iiulto SpriiiK mine near ltay Gold on
February 2S, 1917.
JMr. Humphrey had been constantly
and actively earnmed in the develop
ment of this quartr. mine for the past
four years, in partnership with cer
tain associates resldlni; -at HellliiR
ham, W' About seven years ano
he began his first operations upon the
property and eondueled development
work upon II for several years prior
to his association "with the nellliiB-
ham parlies. Ho was an experienced
quart?, miner and bore the reputation
in the community of beini; well vers
ed In iiiinliiK operations.
He was born in tho state of Penn
sylvania si.ty-flve year sai;o. lu 1ST."
ho was married to Miss l.ola Smith
At that time and for some years fol
IowIuk he was ennancd In the lumber
business in Pennsylvania with his
fnllier Abraham Humphrey. Prom
thero lie moved with his family to
Colorado about twenty yearn uvo, and
for seven or eight years ho was
actively enmined In miniim lu that
stnte. He came to .laekson county
about twelve years iiro and has since
resided here, lie leaves a widow and
seven children, the widow- and the
following; children beitiK residents of
the county: 'Mrs. James I.nwrence.
Mrs. Hon Houuham and MclWn Hum
phrey. William Humphrey Mas a man
who was well and favorably l-nown
tlirnilKbout Jackson county. He was
a man of very stroiiR friendships and
loaves a Inriie circle of friends who
were very really shocked and t;rlev.-
POKTLAXD, Ore., .March 2.
Eighty thousand sacks of potatoes are
stored in Portland cold storage
Warehouses, according to County As-
Try 'Ibis: Hair ;ets Thick, (.lossy,
Wavy and lleaiil iful ut Once.
Immediate? Yes! Certain that's
the joy of it. Your hair becomes
light, wavy, fluffy, uboundaut and
uppeurs as soft, lustrous and beauti
ful as a young gild's after a !)an
derlno hair cleanse. Just try this
moisten a cloth with a little Damler
ino and carefully draw It through
your hair, taking one small strand
at a time. This will cleanse the hair
of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and In
just u few moments you have dou
bled the beauty of your hair. A de
lightful surprise awaits those whose
hair has been neglected or Is scraggy,
faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides
beautifying the hair, Handerine dis
solves every particle of dandruff:
cleanses, purifies and invigorates the
scalp, forever stopping itching and
fulling huir. but what will please you
most will bo arter a few weeks' use,
when you see new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really uew
hnlr growing all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots
of it, surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Dnnderlne from any drug
store or toilet counter and just try
What Came From Reading
' Pinkhm Advertisement.
ed at hirf Midden death.
l'OU SAl.lO'Olt TH A mo Two red
wood tanks never used, t 'a pacify
M'u'Mt gallons. Yon enn trade for
iliese lor less than half what remi
tar dealer would charge you. Wan!
Heed whertt or potatoes. Carving',
$ ! cuitisnioi , Jackson hay
fork. , jack screw. S,. ; l f-eo-ttnn
liam-w. $:.; ore hart I plow,
11 tons hu. o pet ton. In
quire of t'arkm and Taylor or C'lar-
rtl.e i'. Pierce. M. K A. II. Ul.lg
"Medford. ;!
kMS llilf
For Individual, Household
and Business Enterprise
l nuitter what in tcre-l-. you li.'vr
wbclbrr 1 1 1 . v are eoiitllled In umiv
ell'. our home or eoniiiiere
i.;i will liml a deMillnienl
the I n -t Nalumul !' eenh
re.iUUeM.enl -..
aeh it v
with y
Whoever is receiving and paying out
funds regularly should have the pro
lection and vonveniettre ot a Cherk
intj or Commercial Account.
Taterson, N. ,1. "I thanlv yon for
tne Lyuia I'ml-.nnin remedies as they
have made me well
and healthy. Sorae-
timo ae;o I felt so
run do'.vn, had painp
in my buck and siuo,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did not feel like cat-
nip; and had short
ureuth. I read your
advertisement in
the newspapers and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.Pmk
ham's Votretablo Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, ao I took a second
end a third, also a bottle ot Lydia
Pinkhani's Dloed Purifier, and now I en.
3u?t it well as any other woman. 1 ad
vise every woman, single or married,
Who is troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wbndcrfal
Veirotabb Cerormmd and Dlood Purifier
and I am sure thi y will help her to pet
rid, of her troubles as tfcey CUi jnt."
Mrs. Klsik J. Van li b S.Mir. 'M No.
York tit., Peterson, N. J.
Wriirtbe l.yuinK. I'i.ikhnn Midicii.e
Co., (eonlidentii'') Lynn, AJss, if you
need special ndviuii
Platinum and
Platinum, the richest of metals, Is a
fitting cofplemcnt to the rarest of
stones. Nothiny can equal it as a
setting for the diamond's brilliance.
Tie Pins l,n allicrc-i Pendants
r.rooi hes liar Pin-; TJitiirs
Platinum has advanced in price aain.
Our Platinum Jewelry is the same
price now as when r e purchased it.
Martin J. Reddy
(Quality Fiisl.
Visitors. Always Vcieollle.
Piionc 10 correct litec.
Send Us Your Mail Order
'3 ... -
The Royal
j Coiupuuv ilo net lielievc in trailing oat
In tii' rili-r every two or three veal
I lltlVAl.S me made to le-t a liielim
; like a --nod ualeli. All heoriiius hav-
' inj;' Jo do with alignment eon he
newed in a few minute at a eo- ot
1 a lew cell Is.
Medford Book Store
A Ml M '.A I K TS IX ) I ( iT.
C til-. A i
4-x !f m A s
for best remit in Spring flower
and Teetable. Plant now Sweet
peaa, panaiea'knd other Crandl Priie
California Seeds
Alao CtSie, Carrota, Ontooa,
Beet, Pea, bpinach. Turnips.
Pcnt ttlt tts tkt art "jH
Oa Sate Ey all Leadhitf Dealer
If your it lit dat mat rtrry Mrw'a
5t(d. rnd direct tar our ca'aUeu Fi.
ur ftdtt will k yrotnptljr altJl to.
SeeJsmca Sin Frandsco
of Hit most snnppv tomUs
vt i ho stM.sun. "SKV KNTIv KV
with ,l;u PitklcrtJ. broth'M- of
tin' fa nui u- Mai . aiui ii;int
l.(ini-r U'iff, ulvluj: ho li linht
f til ( 'i:it a i -:M ion fro?n llooih ! liiMnnV nrwt'st 1km 'U s-ic-i-r.-i.
Also 'Mnl t'rtTut-ily,
K Vlttlt K
Bud Lawrentz
has purchased hn Inteerst with G.
I'. W illiams in the
Cleaning Works
All kinds of cleaning work guar
anteed. We call for and deliver
I'hoin ,-,7 8 . frntrnl
By telling us what you think
of us
WE ' "
liavtr liecii tryiiit;' to aniilyzc oui'sclvt'S in find
out just what makes us tlic Itcst hank in Malt'ord.
'(' think we have i'tnuul the answer, but wc want
to know ifwe are riifht.
Then Fore we ol Tef a i'ize of ilO.OO for
the best letter that tells IK in 100 words
or less (the shm ter'tho better) iii what
way we best fill the banking needs of the
citizens ol' .Medford. All letters received
before the loth of April will receive eon
siderat ion by our. board of directors. An
nouncement of the Avinners will be
The Jackson County Bank
.Medford, Oregon
Kst a blished 1888 .
Coming Viieluuignl, Intact from lonf inn New York, Boston, Chicago
I H I H AiunBJl
r "mFWconicoPERAmytm
1 CMities mm mat KMti
l lil
3?df 4 i?C5 By
Compute nw york
QOlfT itlEAIKt rtfODiK ffOM
n w -i:-(c,i
n.wii) qhx.axo AVr. yrixiiY jack foiilard
isaiiku.i: .IASOV Kli.Ni; SCAM.OX 1 I.OKKXCM rilKSS
iE.v iikmi:icks clap.k loi isk casavaxt
luil oi-dci-s now. Scots on ?ale toinorrow 10 u. in? ei-iees l.oiver l-'loor
first I I l-mvs l?2.0(); last -I rows $!.."l Italcjuiy, 1st 4 rows $1,.0; next
I rows, $l.iiO; next :( rows .7rc; liulunce ."Sin
t rrn -
L t
i i!
To The Insuring Public
A"lien iiiFurin your (iroperty did you specify
the company that lias lari;est amount of money
loaned in the Konc River Valley, 'thereby con
triliutinK directly to our well lieini;? '
Did you desire that your patronage be extended
to the company that led. all others in declaring
that all the San Krnuciseo conflagration losses
would he paid In full; a stand which nearly cost
its eslstence at the time but which lius resulted
in the everlasting gratitude, of the .C upturn
people? .
Hid you want to be protected
showing tile highest book t'
assets In the Vnited Stater
II-' St). V(H' AUK IN'
I'AMKS l:i:i'l:i-
r inpaiiy
1 M
Mi-:iroin r.v
McCurdy Insurance Agency
.National flank lltiilditiuc.
- - .-."W- v ' . srV- . T1 ; !;::' i! !' ! -1; Y'1'--
oil cup, shot k absorbprs. and all tht
arps?ories whith makp for comforfl
in riding arp to be found In our atoro
Wo cairx a full lino of automol:J
sniipliei.. There is no long
wliil a flerk hunts up the thing
want. The system In our store ninl
a isalr.-Mhan sure of the location
eat h fu ticle.