PHJE TWO MEDFOTtD MATH TTNBtTNT', TifEDTORT), OnF.nOX. TUESDAY. FEBRFAnT 27. '1017 f OCAL AND Li PERSONAL Lynn Mowat of Ashland spent Mon day iiiulii in the city. Ken Bropliy ot Facte I'oim i a business visitor In Medford tun first of the week. Mrs. Leach, rorsetierre. Models up to date. Guaranteed. I'hone ti3-J. Mr. and Mis. 11. f. Collins of Po ratello, Idaho, are anions the out of town visitors in the city. See Dave Wood about that fire in surance policy. Office, Room M. F. & II. Bids. Uo Stanley of Fjsle Point spent Monday and Tuesday in Medford ls itlns friends and aitendinc to trjsl ness matters. HiS ;c milk shakes at He Voe's. Charles C''.n of liosae Hiver war in Medford Monday and Tues day attcndini; to business matters. Sweet cider at Pe Voe's. K. P. Anthony of Albany Is among the. out of town business visitors In the city. Gates sells Ford cars, $.'00 down and t-'j a month. William J. Shaw of Fort Worth. Texas, is a Medford visitor for a few days. AVe have dried beet pulp. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. J. F. Baum of Kasle Point trans acted busiucss with local merchants Monday and Tuesday. Fresh chocolates at De Voe's. "W. K. Bokel of Rogue Iliver spent the first of the week in the city at tending to business matters. nr. Heine, physician and surgeon. Specialty, eye, ear, nose, throat. Of fice over .Meeker's. Glasses fitted. M. T. Manton of New York City Is upending a few days in Medford on business. For the best Insurance seo Holmes, tho Insurance Man. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fry are spend ing a few days In the city. .Mr. Fry Is a mine operator of Copper, Cal. During the w inter Mrs. Fry has made her residence at Yreka, Cal., but with tho opening of spring will move to the mines to spend the warm months. To revive tho dead Rpots In your lawn use the fnmous Wizard fertl llier. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Both north and south hound trains were late Tuesday morning due to the heavy fall of snow In the Slskl yotis and In Cow creek canyon. The trains met at Medford at 9: to. Baskets, toys, chinawarc, novelties at Japanese Art Store. tf Charles Nlcholl Is a Medford visitor from Oakland, Cal. Hatha 25c, Hotel Holland. W. C. Sharkland spent tho first of the week In the city attending lo bus iness matters. Dr. .Myrtle S. Lock wood has re sumed practice. Hours 2:30 to 5 p. iu., 309-310-311 M. F. & II. build ing. 290 S. Watterman of Milwaukee. Wis., spent Monday and Tuesday in .Med ford looking after business Interests.! We carry a fuU line of lawn, gar den and field fertilizer. Monarch 8eed and Feed Co. J. M. Fleming of Portland Is among tho out of town business visitors in the city. Bakery goods nt De Voe's. M. Crlffin of San Francisco. Cal., is spending a few days in Medford on business. Take that broken pump to the Pa cific Highway Carafe, 20 South Iiart lett st. navies Welds Anything. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ilurrls of lnc Beach. Cal , stopped off In Medford p.. i .. ' euioute to their home after spending a month at Seattle. Wn. " nat about your early garde:.: We have a full line of froh bulk seeds that grow. We handle alfa'ia, red ond crimson clover, swivel clover and everything In the grass seed line. If j on are looking for o,u;.i:-. we have it. Monarch Feed Co. und trol Hie trestle out the Uogue. Chi; c(lc:nian nrrive.l inllllitsnn atwl Ifnv V'l..,.,ii .i.. ill orce W the city Monday evening from San night truk, while Fred Turner pa Frnailsco. Cal., and will remain for i trols thru the dac Ail bridges and a few days on business. tunnels are wing guarded Hold Old papers for rale at thi.i office! Hill News. l'-r ie". . . .no it-lion icn .Mondiiv evening , lor nia nonie at Piinsuiuir. Cal.. afler spending the past two weeks in Med ford. looking ufter liusle.esii Interests We are exclusive iigcnti for Southern Oregon for the famous Buckeye incubators and hroodeis. Come In and let us demonstrate and get our prices. Monarch S.ed and Feed Co. Traoy Savory of San Francisco wasUrtv at 22 Hkh slroot. now ooi-uiUM In Medford the flrM of iho wook on'l' S It. MsNnir. to K. li. Toft, aIo ousineiw. Dr. Hart, physician nd nrpeon, office Jackson County Bank Hulld Ing. Mr. and Mrs. William 11. Hanson of Miles City, Nov.. are Medford Uors for a f w days. Absolutely the dost rough medicine made. Heather Pine compound, .ic and 2.".c per bottle only at Heath' Drug Store. J. C. Iioicomb of San Francisco. w In the rity Motidav and Tueada on PiisineKS. A. M. and J. II. Tyrell of Lake creek were in Medford and Jackson jville Tuesday attending lo legal niat ! ters. 11. fi. Chamberlain of Seattle, Wn.. I is siHMulillK a few das in Medford at tending to business matters. Now Is the time to plant perenlnls. Home grown stock. Pierce the Flor ist. Phone STL 002 K. T. Fuller of Oakland, Cal.. was a Medford business visitor the first of the week. II. T. Payne of San Francisco, was anions the out of town business vis itors in Medford the first of the week. Phone SM Heath's Drug Store. A. Nibiey of Medfoni Is registered at Hotel Portland. Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pearson of Yreka. Cal., are anions the out of town visitors in the city. V.. F. Serseant of Portland attend ed to business matters in Medford Monday and Tuesday. An advanced idea in courIi medi cine makes the Heather Pine Com pound positively the best cough medi cine made, ;.i)r and LT.c bottles only. at Heath's Drug Store Miss Josephine Travis of Stockton pal., is spending the week In the city as the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. ". T Lyons. K. L. Simmons of San Francisco. Cal., was a Medford visitor the first of the week. W. 11. Jenkins of Portland Is spend ing a few days In the city on business. Buttermilk 10c gal. De Voe's. A. A. Kentnirk of Portland Is spending a few clays in Medford on business. Howard Bronson of Cleveland, O., was In the city the first of the week on business. O. Hnseltnn of Portland is among the out of town business visitors In the city. Pierce the Florist for rose bushes. A fine line of standard and new va rieties. Phone 374. 202 K. It. Brainard Is a Medford busi ness visitor for a few days from Fresno. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Osburn of Hose burg were in Medford Monday even ing to witness the Hoseburg-Medfoid basketball game, their son being a member of the Hoseburg team. Benjamin Collins of ('rants Pass spent the week-end in Medford vis iting his family and returned to drains Pass Monday. Gasoline and oil at De Voe's. The De Lay Motor Car Co. the latest addition to Medford's auto firms will be established shortly in the St. Mark's block In the room fornierl occupied by Ahreus store. The com pany will handle Stutlebaker cars and supplies. ,.lr. I)e Lay, was for many years cashier of tho Glendalo State Dunk of Olendale, Ore., and was twice mayor of that town. Best coffee at Campbells Cafe. J. O. Morris of Portland Is spend ing a few days in the city attending to business matters. Hot waffles at Campbells Cafe. W. S. Neil of ('.rants Pass spent the first of the week In Medford on business. Postlvely the best cough medicine1 made. Heather Pine Compound, cue and 2uc per bottle only at Heath's Drug Store. Thomas O. Webb of Seattle, Wn.. arrived in the city Monday evening and will remain for a few days on business. Dr. Margrave. Farmer's and Fruit growers Bank btdg. I'hone 230. It. 11. Savage is a Medford visitor for a few days from Portland. C. B. Burton of Vancouver. Wn.. is among the out of town visitors In the city. W. K. De Iiy wants to buy a sec ond hand cash register mil int. hd.l and tniewriter desk. See ,.i i Porter's offic 1ST K. W. tlardner of Portland was in Medford on business Monday and Tuesday. Thede liara in The Vixen." Tlinrs nmtinee and evening. Page. ljist week the Southern Pacllic Co swelled their pa roli in Cold Hill M the aditlon of throe watchmen to ra- The fishing in the lloue the a.-t scleral da's has li, n good and sev oral nios.M's of i:cmt havt hooxi uk. n Allele ttorm hail is iVintt use!. Kusuo Kher Arcus. KathiT K. A. Wall of ('.rants Pass tf ppeiuting u row ilas in Motifon. and will return tit Crams Pa Wttl ne.M.ay. 0. K. Call. rmi)!t?p of tho Moafonl ico plant, ha trailt-il As'.ilnn.I nrnn from Medford tor an euhty-jvre r:i:i. h. This residence as built and formerly owned by It. A. Panc, now of HarrNhurR. Ashland Tidinps. Mr. and Mr. Carl Murphy of Ah land sient Tmsrla in the city visitir.t 1 lends and attending to business mat terit. I'Mn Neathamiuer of Kans cr.oV. si'cm Monday afternoon in Medford attending to hutne$s mutters. J. H. Spofford of Ce-nralia. Wn was in Medford tlif first of toe w.s loolJiii; after tumms intere: tv Miss Kvelyn Itogers has returned to her home at Portland after visiting Medford friends for a week. Otto Iteicltman of Fort Jones, Cal., was a Medrord visitor the first of the week. Mrs. V. liner has returned to Med ford, after a visit with Grants Pass friends. Police Sergeant William Crawford has left for it visit with relatives at Dallas, Ore. D. C. Ilcnn of Itose'uurg Is among the out of town business visitors in the ell y. .Mrs. yi. TnrrlLh of Los Angeles, en route home from New- York, has been visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kchniitt of this city. Mrs. Tnrrish is a sister of Mr. S. bmitt, and Is in the employ of the ttroi.dway De partment store of Los Angeles, she being rated as one of the very heav iest buyers of merchandise on the Pa cific coast. Money to loan at reasonable rate. F. L. Tou Velio, Jacksonville, Ore. 2i'l Ldison Marshall, who has been on an extended visit in this city, left Monday afternoon on the Portland train. He Is a former student of the I'niversity and is now engaged In writing short stories. F.ugene Guard. One thousand and thirty students now are enrolled for regular work In the I'niversity. The figure Is the highest ever reached, exceeding last year's registration by 1 7r. or 2S per cent. The number of new students to register at mid year was 102. ICu gene Guard. J. D. Welch of Portland of the Co lumbia Basin Wool Co.. of Portland, is spending a few days at the Holland hotel, endeavoring to stimulate local interest in the sheep Industry. His company is building up a wool center, where buyeis from all parts of the country can select and purchase the wool of the northwest. His company loans money to farmers upon wool at six per cent. Dr. C. It. Itay will arrive in the city tonlglit from Berkeley. Cal , w here he has spent the past year. Dr. Lay will remain in the city for an Indefi nite period. Dr. Warren L. Cameron and A. J. Potts have recently purchased Max well cars from the A. W. Walker Auto Co. J. W. Morris, former city engineer of Portlund, is a Medford visitor. Mr. Morris is visiting Southern Oregon towns ill the Interest of the Oregon State Motor association, of whom he Is consulting engineer. BREAK UNPRECEDENTED (Continued From Pnge One.) office of the breaking off of rela tions and asked for his passports. This form of breaking off relation? between great nations, living in peace is without precedent in history." Protects r, s. ilensins. "AH ct tieia! (ImMmcnt- hein hu k ini:. I ntu I'.nve.l t. veiy upon doubtful iKiirees tliat i-, upon the outer ( UVuterf l i.fiiee'. vcr-l .n i f the eon tents of t!ie u.i'- t-e x -it by Presi dent WiNon on rVbnuiiv :( t. eon-irrv--1. In tii: veri'tn ilu- pre-itient reported t. h.wr -a:,; tiuit .nr note of January 1 Midd.-niv and without jux-vioii" indication Hitern:iti"n;i!! v nithdrew the solemn v'",,nii-e- mndr n the rn-ie ol May. llHi!, m the I'nilt d Sli.te- L'o cntTKelll. tlielejore. 11.. chi'iee eoinpntiide with diiuty and lienor was li'tr other than the a which li:.d t'e:i annomieed in ! r n-tc of Aprd L'i'. !!!. eoVerin- ti - -;,m' if tuiiiiiiny whouhl ii'it wan; ;o -he ;tp her -uhiiiai ine ir.ethod-. I: iIjc-i arj i!!ne!!t .;re corrocjiv reported by liei'!er. I'irii mu-t dv-eide.V.y pvote-: iijiint tiuit',. For nioiv tii;in a etii I :iry i ro iniiy re:aiii'n -cl -en u- and An i :iea ha;- lie. n carefully p :-.-::; ti ed. We h'.nor. d tl.eni ;w P.:-it ar.'r, "ii'-c pa; il - a- mi t ci:'(Mini fro-r Fr'dx-nr; the ;..!. Itoiii!trje h it t ,1 ;;y i:, botii uMiiiu and t;tl.- m. TUiiis Have I haned. "Since li t- b L'inn::; itf the ;-: :hi::- ).:,-.. . hltll.t d oil tile oth. v -;i.' -'t the w.llilv i lid J'inici;ite '.er "eii';:.'V 11. ( tn A 'e.u-t -7. P. ! :!. laiit:u- the Mexiean liouJpic-. Fre-i-dt-nt Wii-.-jt in a -o!t i u ji;c; t en,:, tie -ian d that he iaier. icd to i'olimv (In- hi -I i"-.;"re of jikc: i.n : i. ip:-1 law by a ':o!nfiiti"fi ot the -;M'i' ;n- .f ;ir,!. to borh M ltftic-. at BiiV n.'iiwi o.:eii o- In r. Mm- -a y later, in 11 I. t!te-e uave- JU 'K Ter.t -jy were r.o I r.i:t r etui-ideicd i:od. t o-:!U i - - !-at' Tin'- of W :i : ha, e bee! .lip'acd by Amm fi.'ii to fa- ev.tcnte. and while ;he rid't of t!ie A' citi-eii t. iiave! ;:lioat iiindr.uuc t elit iHe CMuntiie- :u:d t!a ri:M to Hade witii.oit hin!iaiice v. ifh France ;:!;d Kiutalld, Own through the l!;id-t of lite 'vittb !-ld-.. cm n the r;-tl -u. 'i in v.e bad pav f-r .th 'It!'';;,:i M-nni" v. in!e ail :hee ir.-'n-" et e Ji-.iVll! V UIU' ' df t. I IH' -a me r:ht t-t Ann iirau eiti'en- tow:tri-t!'a-.M'-al powers d.d li t --'m t- ',. wor'i'y ot proteetM-n and a- v.ihi-.-.h'e.'" Tic e-t ll;n!inr -p'-ue !ia !iv i'l ro .'aid t UC e!H it !t!l' of t ic tier- ::) tut .on, - i m- : ll.itd inter Felt. "A 1 :"d v..n;er t b, i ;t d a-, t-.fc- ei.oiv ( i lac poorer peopii . 'i't.edlt- With both teams playing iit a ter rific pace in the first period the Med ford hii;h school basket ball team last niht took the lead from the Hose burj; aKrofiiition und carried away tlio honors 1 s to 1 0. Itoth tea us were played to a walk by the end of tho first period, but while the Uuzzlins Hpeed of the local men seemed only to slow up their own bailie, the pace was lto much for ltosebnrg's so-called champ? and .with the losing of their wind they a!ro lost t heir wonderful team play and bf-eanie badly disor.aa lizd. After Hoseburg failed to convert several fouls there was nothing to it tor the locals. Several players were eorapelled to take time out for minor injuries dur ing the second period which was somewhat rough. It became appar ent to Coa-h Klum's men after the first game of the three-game series with Hoseburg that the only hope for a victory over the visitors was to muss tip their well oiled machinery and while the locals threw a monkey wrench Into the aforesaid machinery Friday night, they most certainly threw the whole tool box in last night. The decisive victory over the ko called Southern Oregou champions last night seems to return the local men a sure winner over anything of their class in the state. The local stars were handicapped in the first game by unfamiliarity with their sys tem, but w hen this was overcome they enthusiastically mussed up plays and came back strong with the weil known spirit that has brought victory against all opponents. Enthusiasm ran high throughout the game, the record-breaking crowd being well satisfied with the game as a spectacle over which to chortle al though had the second period been up to the standard of the first, it would have proved more interesting. 1030 STUDENTS AT KCOKXK, Or., Feb. 27.-(ne hun dred and tvu new students June en rolled in the I'nivt r-ity of Oregon -iinee January .1, making- the lota! en ndimer.t on the camp'.w 10;!(l. The .rreate-t number at anv time bet ore has never exoceded Mil, This is a gain of 7."i, or over '2i wr cent. To tal rci-lration in all departments cx eept the eMeiiMoi! and correspond ence eoure, i- l(l:l!. A deereae in the school of medi cine Win nttrihuted not to the hiek "f applieanis. but heeau-e tlie cn ti;in e retniremeni- iiave been raied. Aduit-sjon i refu-ed to -eondittoned tudont, it i- :illci:cd. V.?!i:'.)TO.'. Feb. 27.- Late thii afternoon Consul Frot cjhled that Thomas Coffee, an Amerivun tic cro of Baltimore. a among the lost. Officials tho tight this prohahly nas the neg:o seaman reterred to in Lon don news dispauhes as Thomas Ca sey. The con.'!!' dispatch added to the list of urvivor.s, 'llahert Ciihs. Urooklv u." :tuit:- of mucoid tra'lie iinrea--ed and the nil l ten 1 tic in supplying K-od and tuc". Wfinen and eluldieii became heroe-. At no time has th--p:rit ot of country -tood the te-t tirndv a- in the midM of -ufterin-and want. b in Ii-rre. -ince my lat si'eeb the mii'larv -ituatton has haitilv been banged. F. cry where our fronts nre n-.a'ic -trouper and our brave -oidier-hvd; with lull confidence to their iei'der- who are aen.tvncd tt vi. toiy. Morally strengthened hv the -corn fid relu-al of our red dine-- for eaie. on our iand fronts safi-lv pro tected by tiie genius of our -upreuie 'ni; -'mm;tnuer. oiv our water front victorious and many time more pre-i-.tnd than a ear a-jo for submarine war. we bmk cn!idently toward the t'oniing months w'uich, a we hope, a il1 iie fallowed by the happy tennimition M the war." ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FvH'M Auto pas tank cap. 0nr may have anje by p.yins for this ad. WANTKi' lrins; us your regs and poultry. We p., t'i. Mdiord Po iltr? and Fa Co. UM HOG THEFT CASE L The grand jury having fiiiihrd it-M's-duii Mitudav attorn. ton, the petit jury v;s impaneled Tuesday mnruing, the l'ollmvini: men com pricing the jury: A. S. V. Curpenter, Kdwnrd A. Krton, Forrest Howard, Fritnk Cameron, William H. Miller, Frank D. Clark. A. Conm Fiero, William W. I little. Harold W. King-hum, Samuel Mathis Charles De Carlmv and Ibwiald S. Chirk. The ea-e oi the Mate of Oregon vs. Tom Kinney. K'uv Watkin and Carl Hammond occupied the attention of the jury today. The defendants nre accused of the larceny of n hoir be longing to A. M. Tvrell of I.nke Creek, which they are alleircd to have killed ami to have taken to the home of Turn J Kinney. OBITUARY " MOKKIS William M. Morris was born in Given county, Missouri. De cember 2S. IS-ld, and died at Ins home in Koek Point. Juek-on eountv, Ore gon. February 14. 1!U7. at t:l. p. tu.. a-jed 80 years. 1 month and 17 days. Interred nt Hock Point cemetery on February Id. Mr. Morris was married to Sarah V.. Cook in Dade count-v. Missouri. Marvh 2(1. 1S.,7. She. -with ten chil dren, are left to mourn hi- loss. They were the parent- of thirteen children. Those living nre: Mr.. Matilda Har vey. Grants Pa-s. Or.: Mary 0. Cook nncj Mr-. Lottie Smith of Gold Hill. Or.: Mrs. R. Cook, Ro-e A. Hny mond and Alex Morris of Roek Point: Mrs. Margaret McAdams, Creseent Citv. Cal.; John A. and Andv Morri-, I.akeview, Or., and Joe W. Morris. Creswcll. Or. Nine ebildren and one brother, Rob ert li. Morris, of Grants Pasc. were at his bed-ide during his last illness. Mr, Morns was a veteran of tlie civil war, having enlisted on July 1. 18li4. as saddler in company A, see ond Arkansas volunteer cavalry, and served until the end of tlie war. lie was discharged nt Memphis. Tenn., on August 20. 1Sf."i, after whieh he re turned t't hi, family iu Missouri nnd engaged is farming until May, 1877, when with hi- family and several oth ers be started on tlie long journey aeross the plains with nude teams. The party-at rived at Roek Point on Seutember 14, 1877, and a little later he located with bis familv on Foots Creek, where he cnuaqed in mining until about 180(i, when his health began to fail, and be moved tf Hock Point, where lie remained until death called him. By MRS. XAN'XIK GARTEN". TKD1UCK To the memory of Har old Le Hoy Tedrick. Precious darling thou hast left us, How your sad death has bereft us, As gathered around your dying bed. As the prayers, words of love and sympathy were said; Where Jesus says as in the days of old To gather the lambs into the fold. Where t here is no more sick ness, sorrow or sin. And only the redeemed ones can enter in. O, sorrowing parents, I pray do not weep. For your darling baby In Jesus asleep. For his short youns life was aU suf fering and sad; !t will surely make your poor hearts glad To know he puffers no more hunger or pain. And safely with Jesus will always re main; tl.ut pat your trust In God and live here rie:ht. And in the end you will again unite. ('. F. lann of .Montamie, Cal.. was' a .Medford visitor .Monday and Tues day. ' i A ; jii.iik ixk That mo.-t successful of all reme dies for women's ailments. Lydia K. i''s Vegetable ('ompound. owes it.s orinin to a i'otanic recipe which came into t';o possession of I.ydia K. rir.kl:.:rn a'.out fifty years aso. This uiipe had proved fo effective in the prnrtiro of a skilled physician that Mrs. Pinkham procured the herbs and steeped them in true old fashion on her kitchen stove for her friends and neihlors who suffered from women's nilmems. The fame of the virtues of this wonderful medicine spread, until it is today reeoirniied as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Adv. Yor will si:k r.F.TTF.K With our ou will not foe any better CI A-iSF.S DR. RICKERT rye-Si .;; Spe-!.;. buit 1 J. Over M.iy Co. t;lavcs, tit PEACE I.OXIMIN". Keb. -J7.- I'ihIi-i- lli-lu-;uliiiL-. "Anntlier Sti'i l"r Wiir." (lie VetTiiiii-ter (luzftti' t'ulny miv-: "l'ri'iilelit Vil-"li iuhiini-c inn' sti'i at u time, nut whi jijiini.' or riii-li-inv opinion, lull nllowiir.' lull nimr tuililv liciween eaeh -(( lor oio-i-tion to ili-veoi. if there i- liny, mill for en lit if Ml- eollll-el to pril'il ll renter eaution is (o-ilIe. Clearly aero tile :inllll mile- ol -ea the at mothere -till i- eool ami lllieXilos ivi'.'.' The l'all Mall Oazetle -ays thai ' ivucp hetuven (iernianv anil the I lilt - e.l Stele- iiuw- is lianiiii; upon a thread of teehnieality. Lit OI.YMPIA, VYa-h., Feb. J 7. - The senate todiiv passed tlie following bill-: Providing that the stale -bull net-opt federal aid for roads; regulating drug package labels; creating the of fice of state ditveto! of faun mnrket and providing for investigation of the produetion and marketing of farm products. The house passed the morning dis cussing the new eupitol bill. FOR THE LEGISLATORS: An ''appreciation" hnnuel will be tendered the Jack-on county legisla tive delegation by the Medford Com mercial club, Jackson County Ihi-i-ne-s Men's as.-oeiation and Rogue River Fish Protective association Fri day evening nt tlie IIoeI Medford. It A CHILD GETS CROSS. Uwk Mother! If Tongtte is Coate't Clean Mttle Idver and Powels. If your little one's tongue is coat ed, it is a sure sign the stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thor ough cleansing at once. When your child Is cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, system full of cold, throat sore, or if fev erish, give a teaspoonful of "Caliior nie Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know Us action on the stomach, liver und bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little giv en today saves a sick child tomor row. Ask your druggist for a .", 0-ctnt bottle of "California Syrup of Fig.-," which contains direct :or.s for "ahies. children of all agei and for grown ups plainly on the bottle. Iteware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine made by "California Fig Syrup Company." THE SEASON'S MOST ; I'nolumstetl, Inuict from Coiniii; ! 1 1 1 1 PJ.? 8 S B 8 3 3 E g e I ri ir 'M 8sr comic opera ism' y iff latest y i ; Hfffiy &L05XT1 EWjJk Pf ' 1 9 ! is. c-'vi!rt - s& . a E 1 1 ! I ITi2f0 1 1.: I LATEST OPERATICTRlUMh AUGMENTED SPECIA TIIK rST IXCI.I'liKS IIAMI) C..I 1XAXO WM. Q1IM1V ji(K I'llHVIIII ISAIIFt r.F. 4ASOX l:i:xi; SCAMDX I l.oni XCK l'HFSS iiuni nt. in un t il i m i: nr. llhM llllus. M ,K.AXII Wall Ontcr Xmv. S.-..J S.ilo S.itnixluy in . M. 1 filst 1 1 row Ri.iM); las( jn..-,,i l!alt)ny, l-i I I io; nevt 4 r .7"c: Nilame ,""i,-. i iiliiiuteit t niiiki' lilt event t'uunty vviile anil " tribute of iiiii'i'i'intioii for the l:itnl wiirk tloni' li.v the k'(.'isluturs iliinn',' tlie iT'-etit .esi.m nt Sulem. It ! i- ciei-ti il Unit !''U "' iii'H'e will at- It.-ri.l. INDIGESTION. GAS OR The Moment "Pape'N Dijipeptdn' Hoa' hcs tho Stomach All 1 IHstivss toes, "Really does' put upset stomachs lu order -"really does" overcome In digestion, dyspepsia, gas heartburn and sourness duo to acid fermenta tion in rive minutes that just that nialies Pnpe't Dinpep.sin the largest Felling stomach antacid and regula tor l:i the world. If what you eat fejii.oiits and turns sour, you belch mis and oruMato undigested food or water; head is di..y and aches; hriath foul: tongue coatc-d; your In siiles filled with Indigestible waste-' remember 'he moment "Rape's Dia pepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly a.-loJiinhing almost mar velous, and the joy is Its harmless ness, A large fifty-cent case of Papc's I Hap-. sin is worth its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their ..t.omach.s regulated, it belongs in your home -hould always be kept J handy iu c;o-(! of a sick, sour, upset stomach during tho day or at night, Ill's the quickest, surest anacld for the stoma', h in t he world. A M I S KM FATS TOXK'T. QI AI.ITV HIU, ISliSKII-: II AltiMSC.XI.IO II S. HAV in "A (ii:M:ii ix iii.i,i:i:xs." Also Mr. nut .Mrs. Sidury Drew in ( 'mildly "HIS l lKST TOOTH." TOMORROW ANITA KING. TIIOS. MEIGHAM ge Accident and Health Insurance Insures You "While Living. GEO. E. BOOS, Licensed Agent Roprosonting THUK1-: OK Till-; STItOXUKST AU'IIIKXT, 1IKAI.TI1 nml LIFE IXSlliAXCK COMI'AXIKS In America. " Refers to Ihe Mccirord patrons who Iiave hail their elalms Katisfactorlly adjur-tcil and promptly paid: J. W. Mitchel, II. C. Hazelricg, I-.'. F. Schmidt, .1. L. Helm. Vet. J. K. llostwicli, O. U. C. Grow, K. W. Liljegran, Emil Pech, J. T. I'avne, t .l. nnette C. Holt, ii:o.i:. nous. : Office Iluli 1 Holland lilds. Phon ?,M or Tin. Medford, Ore. ! Home l'liore r.SO-M. r. O. llox 102. j I'ays OaiiiK from the First Kay o! ; HiKiliillty. Iton't have to Wnit a Wevk to bi' benefits. Vrftsvi Draw. Why lng - $30.00 Worry i i h 1 " ' N Veck- TUESDAY M A R C H NIGHT 4 U 111 NOTABLE MUSICAL EVENT Ion:; run X. n 1 cn-k, lloslon, ( liirao ,Stv" HERBERT ORCHESTRA mum K M M n H 1 1 MX w- ft fk;viax v.v K.Vl.U- - ,lt CI.AHK Ltil'ISH CASAYAXT rii e l.'iwi'r Floor $!.."; next