Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 27, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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jjpAsj M'iwfwri "Matt Titottmi? I"
,f i PltCillAIH.V KAMI. PJ Hlllj 31 H J Ttok $ A? W N ZJA 33 II rl G" H ' Hk IS I I Ivi Max. Yesterday 41; .Mil,.
JLvjjLJJLJ?JL iOli JLV ilxik. JL JLi il iLMJLJ U 1 1 Jo
. V meufo j7T"as9
I UVUll nil I No Effort at Rescue Made by Sti'ima- Mis. Mary E. Hoy and Daughter, Miss 7 I, J tifeT Cerman Clumellor Declares Tlmt He U M l A R
1 . rillP Thirteen Rriate I ninnhoH PlnxhatU Umi nf Phlnimi n I A. J ' uJ Jfft 4 i p i
Sinking of Cunarder Without Warn
ing With Loss of American Lives
Regarded as Clear-Cut Violation of
American Rights by President
Action, However, Awaits Decision
of Congress First Step Is to Fur
nish American Ships With Guns.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 17. 'flip
sinking of the La con! a with the loss
of American lives is looked upon In
the. American irovcrniucnt as a clenr
i'iit violation of American rights, ac
cording to an authoritative expres
sion of opinion obtained alter a cmi-iVreiu-c
of President Wilson and Sec
retary I.nnsinjj;. Xn further investi
gation is considered necessary.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-Official
dispatches con firming reports of the
"ifctli of Americans on the La con in.
torpedoed without warning, establish
the ease as ''the overt act."
The situation, however, was un
changed from where the president left
it yesterday, when he asked ennun s.s
i'r mithority to deal with the subma
rine peril.
Wait on ('jnj;i'ess.
i . President Wi:on and state tU'pn'H
meat officials look the position thai
no further step would be taken uiiiil
congress has had an opportunity to
act on tile president's retjuesf.
The view prevailed that lite sinkini:
of the Laeonia should hasten action
by congress. The first step of the
government, it is indicated, will be to
furnish American ships with tzuns and
Runners for defensive purposes and
insure them in the overinuent war
risk bureau.
On the basis of the official reports,
the sinking of the Lneonia is regarded
: another T.Usitania ease in principle,
even though fewer lives were lost.
President Wilson, it was said today,
is opposed to callimr an extra session
of conjiKi, unless it is absolutely
necessary. Word has been conveyed
to him thai the republicans may fili
buster in an effort to force an extra
session, but lie is hopeful thai thi'
intention will not be carried out.
"President Objects.
After today's cabinet mecfinu' it
became known that the administration
will oppose any vital change in the
proposed legislation to authorize
President Wilson to protect American
lives and rights.
The administration expects that
while a number of changes may be
suggested, the bill as now trained will
be adopted by both houses without
material alteration.
OHF.AT FALLS. lVli. 27
Aluut 500 HH'ii arp out in (iiv;it Full
ns a rsult 01' a lm-knnt i!Tn
rviy s(oros nf thi' city ih morniup,
olorks reporting for wirk luin in-
Innned tliat tlicre was no work lorj
Ihcni. Jlrivers of oi'hvprv :r'nns.
loti propcry and tm-at. ilrlivoivd until
tioon toilay nnd were Hu n told In lay
off. All wliolcfiili' houx'- in (lie city
shut down this tnominu and laid "t !'
employes. The lumber yard-; of the
oity nnnounee they will loe tnn;or
row. All eontraetir have eht-;.d
work, although there was little doin;.'
in this line.
l'nntriH'tion upon the Jioti.OtiO til
trntion plant of the oily ea'uo to a
suimeii Mnp. jn the prcery st-re-;
proprietors arc working ami Mate
that they will nine t.i k' ep theirj
stores open, ns do meat ,-liop-;, hut j
people must come for their cood? and.
wait their turn to be waited upon.
. It is regarded as extremely pos-,
mI!o that the lockout may involve sew!
ernl Ihnn-nii.l instead nf liimdn-di it
settlement he not soon reached. j
No Effort at Rescue Made by Subma
rineThirteen Boats Launched.
One of Which, Containing Hoys,
Was Swamped Gale Blowing anil
Swells Twelve Feet Mijh.
LONDON, Feb. ur. -Wesley Frnl,
the American eoiisiil at Cork, has sent
to the Ameiiciin embassy here the fol
lowinir report reunliii the sinking
of t he L:couia :
"The l.acoiiin was i.irpcdocd with
out warn tiii? at 1i);:in p. m. in a lieuv
sea while the .-hip was making 17
knojs. The irst torpedo lruck en
the starboard abaft the enuhie room.
The engines stopped and the ship
mined, li-tiim t starboard. Most of
the hoaU weie l:itin: hcd i nun the
t ;i rlioit l d side.
"Twenty minute later, after most
of tiie boats were clear, a second tor
pedo was lired, striking the engines
on the i h M't side. The ship sank forty-live
minutes after the 1'iriit" id' the
lir-l torpedo.
"The ship was armed with two 4.7
inch puns. The ship's wireless was
kept in continual action until the last
minute. Skyrockets al-o were sent
up and all (be HtVhoa'.s were equipped
an nitip'e - apply of flan
f.'iivii ei.nsi-ted oi' coltoli aii(t foot I -
"'fhe .-nl-ii ariae was'not seen from
(he-Lai onin, l ot .nl nr the s hh tor
pedo bad been fired and the hoals
launched a submarine appeared on the
surface, e;ime alongside the boat con
taining the s(.-ond officer and asked
for Use eantain.
"Tile subiua l ine commander t(dd
the ficopie in the erond ollieer's boat
thai a ad:i:iraltv patrol had
eauuhj the L:H'oniu"s wireless and was
coming to the .-c.-ne. The suhmarine
made no offer of aid and submerged
itu)ti"dia te! y a I ter.
"Thirl ecu boats were launched
from I he Laeoiiia. The Hoys (Mrs.
Mnry K. Hoy ami Miss Kliznbeth Hoy.
Chicago) were in No. S, which was
swamped, iN lile-beltcd passengers
beini: picked up by otiter boats, but
who snilired severely as the result
of ix)n.sire in the cold water.
"The bouts, after leavinu the La
conia, had to .cntii'i- rather widely in
order to aoid the danger of collision
in tin twelve-loot swells which were
rnnnin;:. Fhees were kepi ali;;ht by
most of the boats durin" the five
hours of anxious wailing for the pa
trol to arrive. The patrol bcL'an pick
in up the boats at 4 o'clock in the
mo r: i in i, but had md finished until
PARIS. Fell, r,'. ' South! ast or
'itilley we (Miter (1 the (lennan lines
and ("turned with prisoners," Rays
loday';; olfieial announcement.
"There v.ere py!ro cnBaRements in
the i.'uioii of li''Xonvaux and In the
Volt's. KIrewhere calm prevails.
ItKKI.IN, i T. lirilili troopy:
yeiterday many times attacked the
Cerniiin positions in from nf Ypres,
in Meljrium, ami the Itiver Sonime,
says the official Ptatement fued to-
(bty by the German army headqunrtcrH
staff. Only at one place were the
Hi ill.-h .succcH.sful in entering th
German lines, at n point to the ftitst
of Arra?, Hie :,iatcmont add, ant!
there the i'ri'i.Ii were ejetedby
eoiiuier ;i:;;e!;.
ISKUUX, Keb. Tlie Frankfur
ter eittiii- avs It lut.s received from
a private source in K ranee, by way.
of Sw it.erlaud. a report that niorcj
than 2 no pcr-oa? wcce killed and T-'o
wounded by an '.( br1-ion of ammu
nition ib'pot.-f on K-rua y 2. Ac
lordin to thi; report, more than
sojmmi ton ft uf iiaiiti'iuiii'tn wt-iv d-'-stroj
Mrs. Mary E. Hoy and Daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Hoy, of Chicago, Die
From Exposure and Are Buried at
Sea Total Loss of Life Thirteen.
20 1 Landed.
(- :
LONDON, Feb. 27 - The Can- !
aid company -ive.s the foliowini; '
muncs the Laecnta's pasKcn '
$ jicrH niifsIiiK" and nupjiosed to
1- have bt eu lost: I
.Mrs. Mary Hoy. j
.Miss Klizabeth Hoy. '
C. P. Iviitts.
William .1. Holiinson. '
Dr. Kortunat Xyndel.
Wfllfnm Kv.
The first tlueo were Ameri-
c;ins. Four niembers of the
crew are also tsiven as missin.u;.
LONDON, Feb. 2 7 American Con
sul Frost at CJueenstowu reports that
an American. Thomas Cnsspy, colored,
a ineinber of the Laeonia's crew, was
anions the lost. He was (lie. only
American member of the crew that
WASIIIMITOX. .'eh. L'7.The lol
iowin dispaieli I'roia Consul 'Frost at
yiteeustown, dated al IMS o'clock
last nijihi, was received today uf the
-tale department : j
"Two American ladies dead of ex-
posure ami hodic.-. Iniried at sea from '
l.accaiia, li:imely. Mis. Marv K. liny I
ami Mi-s Klizaliclli llov oi Chic:i...i . '
Four .nieriean savi-d F. 1'. (iih
lioiis, Chicago Tiihune: Mrs. F. K.
Harris, wit,, of Colonel Harris. 1'. S.
A., Fort Dul'oni ; Arthur F. Kirhy,
I'ppcr New York slate, ami Father
Waiein of St. Joseph's Seminary.
I hill imorc.
'I.acoiiia lorpcdocd without warn
in:; 10::iO p. in. Fchruary L'.'i, l.")0 miles
wc-t of Fastnet. (Ivcrca-., heavy
-wells mil hreakintr, fair lirecze.
Two ToiTicdiM's,
"I. Miia carried 1.7 nlln inviildn
al nivhl. Second (orpedo twenty
minute- alter fir-i. Thiitecn hoals
K"t away, of which iiinilhi'r eiuht with
Hoy Indies was lo-t. Wirclcs- had
hecn -cnl out. lioals picked lip ail
inirally' palnd 1 a. in., Fchruary L'li.
Car-o cotton, foodslulfs and no ex-
deaths of no ; 'l -,l T., ..i
hundred and sixty crew and sevenly
fi'c pa--eni:ers, ineludiiii; many wom
en and children.
"Ship sunk in nhoul f.nly-five min
nles from lime of first torpedo. Had
t;,-,..i .... .a-....- i.:..i. i...
. ' : "
(Continued on Pane Six.)
i 5
- ?:rs
Wi'ini ii frnia ihc r -c.-lions .,f Xi-
bawl-, -tcriniii-.- the ciiy haM in pr..i"-t
lion win, claimed ihcy and their
tar , v v m - s
('apt. Uoui;selot of the French liner Onayaue is hero kIiowii, also the
gun with which he sunk a t'-boaL oft Hie coast, of France, January 21!.
The Omiyane arrived at New York from Uordeaux. After a torpedo from
the F-boat had missed the
the submarine.
lineiv one
IE '
SAN JIWN'. l'olto I.'ieo
Feb. 'Jli
( coi rcspniidcncc of tb
Pres.-). So sei ion- is the (pie-lion of
I' I supply ill I'oito b'ien that (lov-
ernor Yatter thi- week called together
the siiar ami other In rue planters of
the island and urjed Hie devote a
;iion of their hinds alicadv under
cullivalion to Ihc ruisi.4 of beans ami
other veyelahle- and fruits for home
I'rnei icnlly all of the commercial
crop- of the idand, including: -in:nr.
I"ba coffee and fruit
for export.
are mown
I oday, one week after Ihc ea!liiv'
j of the fir-i agricultural slrike of ihc
j season: there arc '.'."i.tllHI ciiuc licld
einployes out . accordilu; to the police,
who report that five sinrur eeiilral-.
"'' 1 I"'"
j Ihc l-laiid, arc n,.w (dosed. So far
there have been no di-ordcr-. accord
I iiiir to the poli.-e.
j The -trikei- are demanding ,l and
i an ciyht-ohur day. the sunn- demand
made liy them la-t year. I.a-t
i Ihev compromi -cd
Iter an iucr
i had been :ranlrd tllcin.
York, ninny carry in-j tluir Imbi'
i.j-i in.,, ,.,ii ,ini-. ue
children arc .-u
shot from the gun at the Mem auk
Fell. L'7. -Final
l)af'i"i:l ' "in postol'flee aiiroria-
lion bill witli tho Iticd "lionc dry"
prolllt'ltion anieniliaent seemed today
In Kravo doillit.
Conferees on the bill were unable
t0 '"'Pi,lt ,lloil' ll'"ll' l' " "'" "'iiutci
I""""1'1""'"1 '"'-ectlnK the postmaster
' pe,"!r'11 lo Pii''nmtln mall tube
cities lor another
I year.
Opponents of the "hone dry"
lnienilmcni are jubilant and their
. lion., fin- II u r.. II,,,-,, n- ....., ....
i n..--w j
Mhe fart that its passage Is not abso
lutely essential.
Postal iiiiproprialions have failed
in the past and existing appropria
tions have hecn continued by resolu
tion. $100 A MONTH PENSION
:rantiiu: a pen-ion
Feb. 'J7. A hill
f HKI a month
he widow oj' the l.ile .Major cn-
e era I J'redi-i if -U KuU'lun wa-. naoeil
loilnv bv llie -cuaie.
-. and pl i'l. idcd in -t the
old by
if tlie
wain lileaii: wa- llie civ
sf t e -r
German Chancellor Declares That He
Knows No Rcascn Why the United
States Should Sever Diplomatic Re
lationsSays Old Principles in
America Overthrown Since War.
ItKKI.IN. Fell. Chancellor vou
Melliniauli-llollwcK's address lo the
reiehstim, postponed from hist week,
was delivered today. The chancellor
"While our soldiers on the front
stand in the drum fire ot lie trenches
and our submarines, defying death,
hasten through the seas; while wc at
Home nave no other- aasoltiiely no
other task but to produce cannon
ammunition anil food anil to distrib
ute victuals with Justice; In the midst
of this KtriiKBle lor life and for the
future of our empire. Intensified to
ilio extreme, there is only one neces
sity of Hie day which dominates all
questions of policy, holb torciKH and
doincsllc lo I'lKlit and naiii victory."
"To terminate the war hy Ihe last
iiiK peace which w ill sraiit us repara
tion for all wroiiKs suffered ami guar
antee the existence ami future of a
siroiiK Ceriuany that is our aim
nothing less and untiling more.'1
Sitliniarlue Warfare.
The chancellor then turned lo Hie
esiaoiisnineni oi tun narreil zones
around KnKlaud., Franco. an, Hal
unit lo the answers received from
neutrals (o tho coinmuuicatjon niadi
by tho neutral powers, lie said:
ue hy no means uniler-estlmale
Hie difficulties can; oil to neulral
shippln.!; and we therefore Iry to al
leviate tlieai as much ns possible. For
nils purpose we made an attempt to
supply raw materials kucIi as coal
and iron, needed by them, to neutral
slalcK wlililn the boundaries of our
sea forces. Hut we also know that
all these difficulties, after all, are
caused only by KiiKland's tyranny of
tho seas. We. will and shall, break
this enslavement of all non-Knullsh
trade. We meet half way all wishes
of neutrals that can he compiled with.
lint in the endeavor to do so we never
can ko lieyonil the limits Ininosed
upon us hy the Irrevocable decision
to reach the aim of tho establislinienl
of the barred zone.
"I inn sure that later the moment
will come when neutrals themselves
will thank us for our firmness, for
the freedom of the seas, which we
it In by riKhtiiiK Ih of ailvaniaKo to
tlicui also.
I lilted Sillies Itroak.
"One slcp further ihau taken In
Kiiropean neutrals ban been inade -
as Is known - by tho rnlleil Stales of
America. President Wilson, alter le
(eivllli; our note on January I . j
brusipiely broke off relations lih us. I
No authentic eomiiiuiilcallou about I
Ihe reasons which were
si'U's rcu'-acu mi". I lie lornier I lilt
ed Stales ambassador here In Merlin
communicated only In spoken words
lo the state secretary of the foreign
(Continued on Pago Two.)
I.ONIION, F,.h. J7. .. The llriii-l,
.-learner Arie.. of :iurj Inn.-, ha- been
-unk by a Hcruiitn -iibinn i inc. Lloyd'
Shippim; n..niry c niniiinccd loihiy.
I he crew was landed.
Sinking of the lliili-h -ti
Hull, of ton-, al-,
by Ihc iigcney. '1,'hc Sea tlull'-lll.ewi-c
wa- hindcil.
A liiie"ii-l(iwn ilis,lt.,., hi- ntglii
rcpoilcd the -inkiiiL' of the steamer
' '''- N" H el of hnl uauii i-li-lcd
and it wa- thoughl the Hrili-h
-Icaincr Km-. ,. HI:i Ion-, niiglit lie
out- Toi'iiy'. .-.iiii, .inn in, i nl ol ihc
-inking uf tlx. Arie- warranl- il i,n-
lii-ion that the tucen-lown report
ri lerred lo her. The Aries wa- 1,,-t
rcpoilcd arriiin... at Miii-cil,s ,,,,
January u'l from Larry.
Foreitjn Relations Committee Agrees
Upon Measure to Give Presitlent
Authority to Supply Merchant
Sl.ips With Arms aivl Gunners
Also Empowers Presitlent to Use
"Other Instrumentalities" as Ask
:ctl Opposition Materializes.
WASHINGTON, Feb. J" - The sen
ate foreign relalioiis coniniillce Into
today agreed upon a hill to jriw tho
president authority to supply mer
chant .-hips with arms and uiinnci's
and lo use other menus necessary to
handle developments in the submarine
-it 1 1 .-1 1 ion. A million lo "direct" the
president lo arm the ships was voled
The hill as framed by tlc, commit -lee
follow s Ihe precedent" of IS Ml, em
poweriiu; c'liiiiuaiiilers of merchant
ve.-scls to nrin for Ihciv own defense
and authorizing the president to sup
ply Ihe mean- for arming vessels fore
and all for defensive purposes.
The senate hill empowers the presi
dent lo use "oilier iuslriimenlulilics,"
as he asked.
This feature is expected to meet
sdinc ojlposii ioii. Two democrats ar.,1
two republicans voted against it ii.
WASIIfNOTON", Feb. 2 7 Whlln
details of Ihe deaths of four or morn
Americans In the unwarned destruc
tion or the l.aconia. henn coming lu
today, Ihe opposition in congress to
Hiving President Wilson tlin broad
authority to deal with Hie submarine
menace homin taking definite form
and showed considerable strength.
At the white house It wan made
known authoritatively Hint. Ilio de
struction or the l.aconla was ft clcur
cut ami ruthless violation of Ameri
can rights and a demonstration ot
wliut nilghl be expected In Ihe future.
of sufficient force to hurry congress
Into elolhing the president with full
atllhorily to meet Hie peril.
I, hull the President.
Nevertheless, the house foreign
affairs coniinitte, after debuting the
Flood bill, which has the backing or
tho president, decided that the broad
powers to he conferred by the use of
tho phrase "other Instriiiueutalllles"
should be modified and that the presi
dent should bo limited, to using the
naval forces of the I'nited States,
including the naval nillitln."
Thi" senate foreign relations com
mute.', republicans, voted solidly
against giving the president hlunket
minority ami it was reported they
drew supiioit from three democrats.
given nil nis;Senalors Slone. Hitchcock anil ri'tlnr.
ma ll.
Xo formal net Ion was taken In
cllher coiainitlce mid while the house
committee was in adjournment until
four o'clock tills afternoon, Chairman
Flood took lo the w hile liouso pro
posed niiieiidnients, including one to
'prohibit arming of ships carrying niu
iililotiH or com rahanil and the other
to limit Ihc president' authority.
Send licouiit Case.
A ! 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 -1 iii l i ii of I'iclti Ih considered
the altitude of conuress In the fact of
the l.ncoala ( use of sufficient Impor
tance lo discuss sending an oft'lclul
report on the killing or these Ameri
cans to congress in some official way.
(Continued on Pag-) Six.)
11ACIXK, Wis., Feb. .'T.llcpro
scnialivcs of lo-al manuraclurlng es
tabllsliiiienls. ( whom Ccdrlc II
Ivatts, a victim of the I.aconla dis
aster, lu ted as roielgn"reprcscniatlve.
asserted today that Ivatts, nltliougli
born In Knglaud, was a citizen of thu
I'lllted States, having taken out Ids
citizenship papers.