MEDFORD MATH TCIBrNF. MFPFODP. Dl.K'iOX. MONDAY. FKHUTARY 2.1. 1017. PAGE TWO TOCAL AND L PERSONAL j Mr. and Mrs W. Tin act Hamilton J of Vancouver. 1! C, were Medfori ; visitors over la week end. j ! Dr. Hart, physician and nrgeon,j lotric Jackson County Bank Build-! log. air W. Hoi! of Rate TVint County . o: J&se;fcine co-uno died Paw Saturday f.'O'.H U gre: teea ill s.z:ce his .1-uou ,!. S:ivai il Grams e. Hp ha Usl (all. in i Hy Qualilied for the of- 1 to ass'inie the du L'ru; Store aud tbesijta fie, never a lies. I Mr. Leach. eors!!err. Models up! to da:. G-iiracterd Phone isi-J. D. A. :. Ciilw-Viae ::!. BritUh ; consul at iV.-.a. Mexico, wno has : senl il.e ra-l two um:i.ers fis'.iiE? ob Kocue ricer. L.-.s purchased a tract 02 T.e;-.e rii-r, cj the north . aid ot the ttre.tu .".:'. i:vf th !k; formed ! lit Arr.i casn. ud '!, erect a (O:u:l-od:o fisr.-ng lode ita all latrM courent::. he re he i ill t:t t-ead tfc a sixer, j Se Pave Wood b'kjui that fire ia-' surasce poly . Off'.ce, Room 4M M. F. k H. Wet. ; Pea B:oii;- of Ess e Point a". i-c(ord visitor ctsr tue week end. ta::ong the o: The preliminary for ton;hf i earjLe ; tors ia t he fit- ; sp-nt Sundi. ! fk-nds. t A-slutely the l-r-st coab rr.edicine ; made, neither P;te compound. It'c aad i'-r per lottle oulv &t Heath" LOSSOFUVESTOCKf BY RiFLE DISCHARGE ; 7e b-Ai.rfi pr.piiAt.oa c. the iirs. I.e!i Rcstr aai Mrs. Carl i Cter of K!a.:i:l2 r ia xt.t rtord a: Lt kv. r:her o!- c :tr nvrr tht ff. e t:d ci!IJ b-r ihf- ti see" ii!S r.r-JaH of I 'l toe lie. ! :h ot ti-.fir bro:h-r. Joha I. Mar-j half e! wfcua ia tie torsi or Now is tht ti.e 10 jlait ern:Al. 10 S inche :n ce;:. 7h:s i rizes 1st. Those JT4. S';iJ -1 i:.cie. or a-ut .r.4 i.-.ort cl :be Mo aid Iror.fos of Kuceae j-; F r-:iT nor:; i! .;-:iatioa cf 2 6; srr.ilmc i f-w lia.'j in !f-i5crd. i sce. Tb r han..on'h:? of so'.hrs Or-j Ti..? t-r:; ihe 5-n ri-f-Ii l-e- ;cn iii (ojM c". ca Nit. iloor , siatl: 5 5e;.tex:-er 1 to i.. :cches. , diviaii r : Noverj I!: Jia'ja-v t;-:e.--t,r . : f4; Feraary J B tun of I'treaJa. CaL. fptstlOc1 :te rci ia .Vtford rifitSai'er S fr;eni. ; i Z I . Vct iLe fir..- t:tv.e year Phone S4 I-eitb f Drug Store. prv.":; -U'.ica 1? 15 xache. j F J. Hart of Pboe&xv Aril.. ij it it ,-et-c imfle for tie j toa latiar v:i-; weitier off". to atti' at any fisiiref j Da the io;I ofa:i for the moatb-! li.:: .. t.- .1. Mr. it v..- :-vt .. - : !r.-U. L-ii a a:--s :r.-t i whea :-c j.ia i5 w.t- h:r in irv ier! i.f -;:-a !. -i;.'r.!t;-j -T tht- fruii- ;ict. rvui- t-.-i ! liit- urail Mia a faiicnl tt ;i!.V n.-'.nr ilir:le. j!H? t'-r erv r;;; tisr tbe hHt- M.. r r t . 'j.i yr.-r- .!! nr.u .i h;- ii in ..k---a . r.-.-.n- I.f !-: - I..- u ! iii liii'Tiit-r. r-. y. Li M.irrriir. I"--ur Uit-r :1 t; -r-e t r tLer- Mr. H-run ;r.: 1. X. r:h lVts.. U-lie Ro?- rt!.'.i :r. rl I'i t i.f K'tiu-ath .'n'uri l at,-) Mrr-. T:i'.-:na. Genjc 'iri i!.!:iv::rr. Mr-. I'oiVr.' r-. H .r:- Mi-- M.trjre.tcr sr r.'. M -r.;.y m m;: tw tttena the If Your Syslem Is Poisoned i:h acids, y?a eanr.ot Vno ahat 1. is to be healthy. Acias pouon tne Lood ar;d are ii.e source c nan? ois aea affecire tile bear: and arteries, ilia ar.d mucous surfacta, joints and taus-rlcs, and the train ar.i general r e-rous avftein. So!te of these dis eases are Rfceuntatifaa in various forms. Catarrh. Ec:ema. Pimples, boils, rashes, ar.d ether skin aiseases, - - c....1. m ttfmoral blood Ju a :Jl . ii, - - - J - " ' " 1. . troabiei. Ia order to restore yourse.t the?e acWa fro" Tour y'n purifv your Mood. - S S. haa botn purifyme and re vitalizing the Hood of thousand, for fttv years. It is a purely vegetable remedy, ' 'ho most efficient agent known for cleanting the blood and building up the system. Ask for it at your druggist s, and don't accent a substitute. .For special medical advice- write to Med Ml W I partment. Swift Specific Co, 308 Swift I tuiidins, Atlanta, 0a. ;3 Ca: r-o'a Sir.den fcas bea visiting here .'or a sbcrt time with re'.atiTrs. Si.e left e:erday for her hon?e at MecforJ. G P. Cotirier. 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1a5T A tin: of ke5. Finder pleis leave at T.-ii'uae o it ice. iSC l' :.rr !. ri r.r.--. staru at T:4i. Aa adrarred idea ia eo-'Ch iteii- ilea$reti.e2t? taea o 1 T.Z- incb- W. H. Boke! of Kosue Rirr ultise lie Heather Pise Cos-;- bi. ioier. i fir too low. due spendics a few da ia tie i;;- T:s-;;isad ;sit:ie'.;. tie U-st co-jfi ceii-j'-o tie fad that n-.ueh of the. ao liitg trietds. leia ciaie. lit and ixti;es oaS:-. aieV.ed almost as !ast as it fei! The Tiig "e iniik shakes at I V's. Swee: cider at De Voe . j Tlav StanVy o! Kisle Point speal the wee end in the eitr visiting friends I Gates fells Ford cars. i;M down! end 2i a moaih. Jlr. ar.d Mrs. C. 1 Fry- of Kofe HiTer were Medford visiiors Suada? and Mooda . We bare dried tet ptilp. Vocarh Seed Feed Co. H. ZinVler of roe ere; rs srad ins a few iJays in the city vis:tiar friends and itteniiinE ta Usiae irjttter?. Fresh chcolates at De Voe's. Mr. and Xlrs F. B. Chanif.ios o; Ijke Forest. III., are the otii of town tisitor in the ctiv. Dr. Heine, physician and snre.eon. Specialty, eye. ear. nose, throat. Of fice orer Keeker's. Glaea fitted. Mr. and Mr. E. Parr of Yreka. Cal spent the week end in Medfoid risit ine friends. Early Sunrise seed potatoes at Foots frocerr. Buy now. !SS' I- K. Schmidt of Grants Pais is spending a few days ia Xiedfor i tt tendins; to bu&iuesa rjatlers. For the best insurance see Holmes the Insnrance Man. Jatces Ia!ey of the Hillcrest or chards Sunday and Monda- In the city. 10 revive tne dead spoti in yoar lawn nse the famous Wiiard ferti liter. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. 1 E. P. Anthony of Albany. Ore . i among the oot of town au:.ine?s, vis itors in the city. j Kosehart rs. Med ford. Nat. tonishi for championship of southern Ore fon. Bryant Hamilton of Huch is spead lr.K a few days la Medford yitint friends and attending to busines matters Easl.ets. toys, chiaaware. novelties at Japanese Art Store. tf Rte.-.b"-n obin of Casper. Wyom ing. s;ent the week end in the city. Baths :5c. Hotel Holland O. Hendrikson of Portland i spending a few di;s in Medford at tendiat; to tus:ne-s matters. Pr. Myrtle S. I.ockood has re suo;ed praaice. lioi'.rs Z id to i r in, jaj-no-Jil M. F. k H. b-iild-ln. :? l- A. T'-pt.; wn o.' J.irs. .v:ft-V.a, is anicng tie out of toc ils.i.iri tr the city We tarrj a full Use of lawn. gar Sea and t:'J fe-tilirer. ilo&arc! 5eed atii Ked 'o y J Kcha-4-a .' Port:ar.d i. specdir.s a few ca - it the .-it! a, tending to t?usinef n;j!tei'ts '.-3.:.kt In adrar.e f." t.v nichl s sar.-e vcu ; 1 u ar.i Xr- C ' ji'i.-r o' r-il;. i:-.' -.-.ti -tu: y.j:.:. : ! at Heath's l'r-c ore. itreseiit snowstorm has continued the lVi:i,aro Hilton ent to Neil creek. i longest irre ia recent years, and a sooth of Af'laaJ Moadav ntorainp heavy ':Unket still tovers the valley, xad will drive !ak drove of at-i Tte-e i Z, feet of snow at Pros tie, -'r-ect. feet also in the Vairiuas. and Butteratilk l?c gal. De Voe'a. feet of Wii:e of I'hoeriis, Ariiona. i ?iturd i . new snow in the Siskiyous cipht's rain l-rouptt Bea ii!t is a Medford visitor for a few da s. f creek op a eounle of feet, but the Pierce the Fl-orist for rose bnshes-j stream has fallen S. Inches' sin.e. A fine iine of standard and new Ta-jRogtie rier a;ne up a couple of feet riette. Phoae ITl. JOI-jalso. V. 1 Ctarrjlin of Rogue River. Cattle and sheep are l-etrinnicg to Tnird and deeding haskeiSall garr.e"- vision for feeding only a certain autn at at. Monday evening. .i ber of days during the season. Sup- AHss Anna M. Turiey of the O. A.iP-ies of hay are beginning to run 'out. . Corraills. Is spending a few davs,and slot: is being turned out to rustle for themselves in the hill sec- e-. IV goc J. K. SRfta) c: ;:::;s t .e ek rci : f- Ta'e tlat ro, r. ; iiflc Kifhway r.arar. U - lett tt !aie U ,;,; An F. A. Itorc:.t c :" Ca! . is -;c" thr o-.;t of ne ss V :;:c in i i: ri LJt i'-oi:t c.r earl We hare a f .11 lire of sceis .jt ;-o. We 3 revl and ri;r.Ti iLntr, s, th ; ga-it: '.z 1 1 ) U alfa" i rt ciovt arid ev.ryti:;:.; in jve t:ii Iin. If ton are for ,!.:. we hate it. Mctmh S-ta ai Feed Co. . Mls Kvott n Carxa of Portl-ad is speadir.g a f- 'lays In .Miiori on Old papers tor sale ai thli offit at 2 rtc per 1 Fred W. Itaris ef Portland is among ibe ont of totn lusir.os usi (orsj in the city. W are ri'iusire rit-i.ts fcr Southern Orecon for the famo'ji Buckeye incubaror a::-i Coroe in and let us fjetnnrTra?- nd get our prices Motrarth tf.ea id Feed Co. in Medford in the interest of the ex tension department of the O. A. (. Gasoline and oil at De Voe's. A. H. Roher of San Francisco, Cal. sending a few da s ia til, cit on business. Best coffee at Campbells Cafe. E. S. Bales of Eugene is Med ford visitor for a few dais. Hot waffles at Campbells C;fe. Charles Niche!! of Oakland. Cal.. transacted business ia Med for I Monday. Henry B. Walthall Page tonight. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones ot Weed. Cal.. spent Sunday and Moaday iu the cilt . Postlrely the besi cough medicine made. Heather Pine Compound, Jfto and Jic per hottle only at Heath's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. TboKisoa cf Roekford. Illinois, are Medford visi tors for a few days. T'r. Hargrate. Farmer s and Fruit crowers Bank bids. Phone iZ(: V. ii. Ky-ier of Uaker. Ore . i s;ndiag a iew days in Medford at tending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs M. C. Chaao'.ia Green Lake. Wn . are spending a few days in the cit H. F. ThoaJet arrived in t'e ci:t S-r..-,ay evening f.-eni rsrscn City. ev . and iil vis.t Medford for a fe da' s Orrin Itla-el) cf Ta.-onia. Wn , is in t'.e t:Tv for a fm cas ca busi ness A. B. Corufll has returned to r.rat-ts Pas after sretdmg sever: days in Med for 3 on vusmess. lister Colura tas rtt:rned to Pss a'ter (rrirr ?yP of the i-ek ;r. Mf-rif --: a-..! Ja. ,.-.n-jviile ii"r.i:r.; lo gl btisir.os. P-rt'"r j Nell retirrued to Mt Jfcrd j S rs .! - fro::-. i.o ALstvlc-. Calii. J '.: - ' I'-a, :. of Medford. ho i.i.- -e.-n .i.-r.irc JiCre tor a .o.orl ti:r.e ith (isurhter. Mrs Met- - hn. r tnrne-.i to her hou.e ester- ''t Ni ! -tpsnt Ftiuar in Med iiri 1 : j.i v,-r;-; for r.'f r:. to set acr.-jre ff- :-:.:r -ts for tie N;. I,-;. :i h ai .y '.o ,,e i::J son 1 :3l:c ii f .-. :t 1 1 f:o;u (o.-tianj C. P. Couri. - ''' I! iv !!. .:u4 t,t a s.--- 3r.d tst..i cah re: s'-. ro'! top ties, arti t:-pe.n:.-r n at !: !'o-l.-' efii-e V'.lia::'. W. o' Mori.'-ue. Ca! a in Veifotl oaJav. tat. ' a -el to li s Mstioa ly :i- afl o' l:s si-t--. Thr-r. is J Noo-.icc at Ct-n;-: i',- r.t 7h" rrcti.-L to fir.-- ir;r-l .ci Cift Kttorae. - I ar. -a tie ls- e! Ctarlss I iv .. t- f . c: V.-.ifori. i.;rr a r'-,tra:r.;r.c c"cr; re prevent t.-- ?.- r; .!;.; 'e iiar-'r. ':.. a- ''-"r-i i .'f.-el 'a;.:as :t;- krA a.. uv.; i.iM-er.:. Tie iuc;:c 'a1; .n!rod'u- t;.t tL a-vra't rf - case. i:t event it ,s ta-r.--i t j ;:t 5:-' te " o . -1 j at e i -et ' i ir: (lurs'ii cf lrrta!-at -J-f , cfe-iiun on ti e r ot c:i ;.a".i'f dour, in a in.:'. NT! CI s Cc-orr- is ra:..-r a feaj djaa in t;.e cm v -.'ir.; h: f.-i', and t :vt-vi-tic 1 r.a'te-s. Jo .n Ca-i:. ?.-'m-t4 to tfei'P, Sur iav (?-.- B Ir :;) lv r,.-!,.ir.-.i ;r- saTn : tions around the valley. In the Persist section, northwest of Medford. many of the ranchers have put their stock on short rations and will be forced to turn their stock or.t within three or four days. An a; pea! was sent in to the patfjologists office, asking if something could be done to relieve the situation. Hay. however, is short in the valley and in addition it would be practically im possible to haul it into the hills on account of the de;ith of the s,cow. A rumor is current among local stockmen that cattle are dying in tho snow oa the Dead Indian and Kit ath rinses. Valley stoi k is farir.g better, most of the ranchers having a plentifu supply of fodder in their barns. A heavy loss of lami'S is rejorted. CHEYENNE, Wyo . Feb. 2 Gov ernor John I Kendrick. ele-tc i tc represent Wyoming in the senate . j: the terra commencing Vary i 4. to eight handed his reoiirstija to Frank I.. Houx. secretary of stnte. wto il: succeed him in 'he e. tive c-ffice as Yo:n!ns i.a-. :;. l;.-u-lenant governor. Gve :icr Ken dncx is a democrat. CASCAREIS" BESI IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS, 1V.( ffr I.irrr an.1 Iinrl a l "'-- nt : ;;:r, ::tAi v. torr-M'i-r-1'; r.o-e f'.t ram or. I , tie :i d- .-. .a i ' ' i t-i- AMI SJ1MKT TOVIGHT Page iui i ik i.t iv -T'lK VHV!,Hr lecflti mrttw A I-: HI i:v Ii. W l TM II I. I 'I ITT I r. MtK.- t. - . i. ... tiie -rt-:., ..: t:.- W" ANTES without T. P m -Man and oa ranch 'ar.'.i'.y. Call s or roons block. it"-1 NEXT time you buy an OWL just notice how fresh and well - conditioned it is. That is part of our service to smokers. We try to deliver to each retail dealer only as many OWLS as he can safely sell in fresh condition. The factory does its part and we do ours to make sure that you will get a full smoker's satisfaction every time you smoke an OWL. THE MILLION -DOLLAR CIGAR , a. WW The Nerves of a Nation Western Union wires serve the country as the nerves do the human body. These wires are the nervous system of the coun try's business. WESTERN UNION Service flashes a message here sends money there and all with accuracy, safety and dispatch. Varied service for erery need. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. h! A.G'Jl.'ST J.CO. IXCOP.PORATKD jrfmrm FREE FROM PESTS Thafs What Your Orchard Will Ee If Yon Use Swift's Arsenate of Lead Rex Lime Sulphur Black Leaf 40 EAEL FRUIT CO. OF THE NORTHWEST J. C. Brovrn, District Manager. 1 QUIT i V d? t ! i01-h;;' ,!'-v uv'n'''- I ri. rv: fV-Oll TT a TT- Havin? your Carpets and Rugs Beaten to Pieces. Uf t:;r Dilr-tlw Mc:li-.l t.. rcucvate yov.v r."i:it'. I.xtornv Icati'S !!li-i!i. -T'' TT-- A VT-.. aiii aa. ij5us Jack-urvii;a 252 i'bene LUMBER HANDLERS WANTED AT WEED 20 men for sawmill sorting tables. Wages on contract basis of 20c per thousand feet. Average wage on this basis willjamount to approximately S2.90 per day. Write to Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. for further particulars. AN APPEAL in Behalf of Little Children IT IS MADE TO THE FARMERS, FRUIT GROW- ERS AND BUSINESS MEN AND RESIDENTS OF THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. In the ;itliway of the w..r!J war stooil a little i-ountry whii-h was unfortunate t-noiih to oppose the advaiii-c of an invadim; arniv it was Delirium. Way tin- link- .-LiMn-nof Delirium 4.(X.000 of them are paying the jii iee. IniiiM-ent of any wrong doin?. lmt nevei'Tln k-ss ti.ey pay. Four niiliion Deiirian '-hiklivn are hunprv today. A larire iK-ret-inaf.'- of them are starvinz. and will die l-epardies? of tiie haste with whi.-h money is raised and J-ilshed thelil to ;UV fnod. Dm a larger peive:.Ta:re of them .-an Vie saved. We ask you. to pay a li'tie sum of money to scud to those children, so th; t all may Lave suf;'i knt food to keep them alive until the -.v:;r is over. We appeal for any sum you wisii to jjive. kut .- ii'1 it .iiii.-kly. The eoinminee can keep a DcLrian ehild alive at a rest of si per;. v a little over ' cents a day. One hundred dollars will feed children one nvnth: 1.000 will feed .-hikln'-n one month. The children will only have three Ikcs of bread spread with urease and a howl of v. -in taMe soup, but it will sustain life. We ask every s-ho., in Ore iron io unlei'take the support of as many Deiirian -liildren as the pmpils think they can care for. A fund of") a month from eveiy school in Ores"ii wor.i.l he caring for several thousand hunu'ry kiihlies. Sunday. March 4. lias heel! dcr-unatcd as Del-jian Children's Delief Fund Day. We urge every minister an l i very priest to speak of the conditions in Del eium. and to take rp a colh-ctior, to my food for the We urge i-veiy Mayor, ewry i .;;:;fy School Su 1 erintendent. i very eor,,inerci:l l i.'ar.i.atioii to help in this work. All remittances s;oi;!d W r-eiit to S. L. Kddy. are I,Tid and Tiiton iiank. I'oriland. Oregon. Tin y will he a-know:ed,'e.l and full credit will be irivt-n cacti tow n and -itv i. p what it does. I BELGIAN CHILDREN'S FOOD FUND, PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB, J. E. WKl.LKIN. i haii man, Portland. Ore. The Portland Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON The I?ee City's werld-fanied hotel, occupying an entire block. All outside riKir.s. Superior dining and grill service. An atmosphere of lefiti' ineut, with a sen i'-c of courtesy. European Plan. S1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Maua-er