VXCffl SIX MEPFORT) MATT; TkIRUNT:. MKDFORn. OREOOV. FRIDAY. FKIlWrARY Irt. 1017 PREDICTS WAR I-oo;, the li;;nii:f: returns :-how in f'aiiun and re. Iticti-'ja in reserve.-;, Lut jlhi is nut now tin ta-e. Not with- WOULD CREATE landing our wonderful the financial and bun kin t'(:c;tio:;;ii;v ;rcni;. T;i ran piitM-'i L the ! status ..roi-i"Titv, po-iuon is 'FEDERAL STATUTE IE BUSINESS BOOM in tiio . eut of war with Ci-r- . ii'iiiiv ttt.u.d if-1 chio'lv of i eomm.r- iclul and fimuii ial character. V 1 would as-d.-t the allies with our , w-ea)lh. our farm products and our l , J manufactures. We would put forth a j mighty industrial effort such as no Noted Financier Says Conflict Would other country ou!u capable of. America would surpass her.-eif and clips.- all previous re oj Us iu the Industrial and Prosperity Era Ever iI,r,u!uctiul1 oi l aMC commodities, in '. n an;if.i( tun and in foreign trad. Known Conditions All Set fort. mi our p0Opie would benefit by the Cclossal Burst Towards Wealth. jur I'pcritr that wouM tome h'n our arts ot -en re e:e applied AT BIG TERMINALS -a. ramrntal, scientific ,r other pur-! taininL' liquor ii.lv.Tli-in. nts in m. nls mil-wins pneumatic mail (! pose if the -tan- l,ns such luws. I -t.it.- lii.-h have l.uvs aain-l such c.mtnicts in lni;.a- cities t,- Ui When cou-idcnuioii of this subject advcrlisin;:. .'' w,, "s ,l,e l""ul"litioii n, had Ut-n concluded the senate fin-1 The scnale then i,a-ed mo urn .s.-, . u,.--,eU ayan, ally nareed t- the ordinal J.,ne-1 earning :!:c.',U0U."OM. The uu.cn.l- conleienc,-uitli tin-limi-e. amendment to rloe the mail- l'i ucvsiiaiH-r- or other publications eun- 11 y Start United States on G-eatest . ( lilt'ACU, Keii. 10. While lead-ii:-- rere-eiitatives of tr:sn-oriation line-, manufacture and finauee. ad- E DRY STATES BAD COLD? HEADACHY E i Iff mmm m m in-:: ! timt to I:-! t:ie teilhllia! IT freight '"itL'e-ti'Mi in railroad ; -ciitfil serious obstacles, ; optnm-tie t"it;iv concern- ! vt!iimi'ii!v of tile near t'u- ! , to the exigencies of war. BY UR. AKTHL'R SKI.WYN-IUIOWN. tXoted American Financial Authority j and Contributor to Business Jour- tiaU. WASHINGTON". K.b. 10.- Would war with Germain knock the bottom j our of our present unpara'teled pros perity? Would war bankrupt the I'nited States aa it is bankrupting Europe? I think not. War would cause the greatest industrial and financial boom this or any other country has ever ex perienced. It would almost make u& able to pave our streets with gold. War would at once restore com mercial confidence, promote the es tablishment of new industries on a gigantic scale, give everyone work at the highest wages, bring untold wealth to our farmers and miners and make our colossal trade returns of last year look like a corner grocer's profits. ltMr tViifiik'ure. Our experience would be different from that of the European belliger ents. England, for instance, had to iinance tho other allies, and at the same time England is not a producing and self-supporting nation. i The first effect of war would be to temporarily disturb confidence. The stock, grain, cotton and other markets, would suffer an immediate slump. Then prices would rally and continue strong until after peace was declared. That is almost the invar iable effect of war upon market con ditions. But price fluctuations are influenced by financial conditions, and fortunately our financial strength is now so great that we could af ford to watch the market changes with confident detachment. Tho Immediate effect of govern ment war munition orders would be to stimulate the ntanu fact tiring in dustries. Tho unification and center ing of political thought would strengthen financial confidence and stimulate Investments. Such activi ties would be cumulnflve. Hunker fur World. In England. Germany and France, the business firms are all investing their wartime profits, partly iu estab lishing new Industries and partly In subscribing to new government loans. We would witness similar actions here. But everything would be done on a far sounder condi tion than any of the present bellii? erents were at tho beginning of the war. Our banks today hold $90n,Aon.OOO more gold than thev did when the ar fomme'icfd. This gold wine to Ameri ca from alt parts of tho globe in pay ment for commodities purchased and exported from our ports. In addi tion to this immense influx of pold our merchants have received from abroad $2.2.'ui,iun,niio in securltii of American origin and a similar amount of securities of foieign origin in payment for gneds and snippU' purchased in America. In other word our banking rerords show lh;:t we have received $ '.mm nii.t .Htu in p;i. ment for goods pun !ias-d from uv This is a permanent addition to tit country's wealth, ami it will t an enormous factor iu national proper By in east of AunMicau participation iu the - ,tr. our foreign trade return in. that these foreign p;i:, ;:.srs ar Ing made al an increa-mu rate exported last yeai n-atl doiih: amount exported in KM., tal foreign trade in 1 : ec $7.;:i. loH.v.O.M.t. W exi-oited doit! , the quantity of maiiuiactnred goo 10 REDUCE H. C. 1. 1 they wei MIL' the d tare. Hale Holden, pre eau-u. lUirlinti-n & said: "The pre-ent eiahafL'o. I helieve. il he of .-hurt duration. With uf fieient foot 1 1 n:.- available I believe the ituation would adi;-t i;-e!f in tli-rtv -idellt of the l.'hi-t'.uiu-y railread. XHW Yul.K, Keh. IU. - Uennanv"-una-strieted subniarine warfare will soon have n favorable effect on the lH'kctbnnk of housewives, according to food investigators aeting for Jo-e llartipan. etnniii--iont-r of weights and mea-ure-. There ari- indications that ooii- -i;nors and eon.-ignees of peri-hable; - tond lreight on piers, in boat-, m yards and in storage here, the eoin niiioncr said, will place the food on the New York market todav or to morrow". They will do this not only because of the ix-ri-hablc nature of the products, but because of the de murrage, in-urance and other high charges they are incurring. "I do not btlicM- the -ituatioa will ht i-oiiic -eriou- enougli to cau-e a fin ancial dfprc--ion, lor 1 do not be lieve it v. ill last long enough.'' George M. Ii'evnohl-. pre-ident of the Continental t'nnnel cial Na tional bank, said : "The situation will do no harv fin anciallyat lea-t tor the pre-ent. The only financial effect will be a heaHhy tightening of the money nmr- ! WASHINGTON. Keh. Hi. Sena tors favoring plohlbitioll failed todav1 in an cfl'ort to re-..i-e tilt- action oT a,,.-s Cold Coniiuuml" Kn:l- Cold the -enate ye-lcrdav bv eliiuiuatini: " ' and (iripe In a Few Hours, from the .-tal bid the Itced amend-j Takc -pape's fold Couipouna'' ev ident to make it a ci nue to import li- ery two bours until you have taken ouor into states which prohibit ii- thre doses, then all grippe misery manufacture nr.,! -ale. llv a xote of oes " 50ur cold be brokcn- I , . . ,. It promptly opens your clossed "P ; Ji to .IS a motion ot Senator ieuvon . . t ; nostrils and tlie air passages of tlie , to throw out tfcc itcid aiueadinent wa- , hl.aJ. stops na3t). discharge or nose jdeteated. running; relieves the headache, dull- An uiuendii.eiit to the liccd provis-; ncss. feverishness, sore throat, sr.eez I ion by Senator Keiiyon. which was ing. soreness and stiffness. I adopted without objection provides! Don't st 'v stuffed up! Quit blowing J lor full ob-ervanee of laws of states jsnd snuWiiK. Kase your throbbing I which vote "bone dry.'" The Kinvoiij head nothing eke iu the world gives 1 amendment tleelan--th.it the Heed i;iu!i tuompt relief a.? "Hape's Cold I provision shall nut a pliorize -hip- i Compound." which costs only 23 i . . ... t incut of liciuor in!" :i -tate ivli-n law - cer.ts at any drug store, it acts witn- of u-h t:-.tcs piohibit the -hitiment. ' out asristance, tastes nice, and causes This would roiii'orec "hone dr'' lawsj no inconvenience, ccept no subsii prohihitipg litpior -hioment. even for'tute. Protect Your Future Till-! I'ir-l nence and -u account ; the triih iu the dilection of periua-- i- the opening of u bank olid i- io keep it glowing Capital $100,000 always. Anyone, any age, may open an account at the Kii-t National. $1,110 or more Mill -tart a Savings Ac count here. Only a rcuMJiiuble amount is required for ( lieckiug Ac count. Hou't put II off uy on;;er. sillaiionaiBank MEDFORD OREGON i? I'AKIS, Feb. 1G. The IVtit Jour nal rejKrts the death at Meudon, af ter a Urn? and painful iline--. of Miulnme Auguste Hot in, tlie wife of the famous -eutptor. Madame Ilodin, whose maiden name was Ko-e I'etirre, was married on Jauuarv 'J!( to the sculptor. Tiie marriage of Auuste Itodin ln-t .lamiitrv came on the heels of a re M'it that the sculptor, who U 7ti vear old. was seriously ill. The inn fringe toi k place at Meudon, and wa- at tended by only a few intimate friends of the bride. John I, (iriltin. pie-ident of the! I'hieniro board of trade, snii! !;e he-I lieved that -liippin' condition- will ' -how L'rcat improvement within the! next forty-eiuht liour-, epecially in , -liifir.enl of tit a in. YOU'RE BILIOUS! LET "CASCARE1S" LIVEN LIVER AND BOWELS Don't Stay Itcn-bicliy, on-tipat'I, Si civ. With Breath Bad and Stomach Sour. V IC01 STANFORD, t'onn., Feb. 10. The, Ninth company, const artillerv corps,! i umitt m hi .niuiuti iiiiui u, tuiii i equipped for active service, left here '. today for guard duty at the Import- ant railway and highway bridges! along the Housatonic and Connei ti ; cut rivers. Orders for the service' were issued by direction of Governor Holconib who acted upon the request I of Major General Wood, commanding of the cast. . Get a lO-.eni Vox now. You men and womvn who can't g ' feeling right who have, hcad-v!.- coated tonpu bad taste and foul i-rtcth, dizzine.--. can't slc-p. a 1 1 1 ic iiii, uervou:- and upst-t. lioihercl wrtth a sick, gassy, disordered stom ;.ch or have a iiatl co'd. Are you ke-'ping our bowels Miar. J with Castarets. or merely foicing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oils? C'aj-earets work while you s!t;i; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take rhe excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet, liver and bowels revi- t I t jujjj forget the children. The love as- careis necause tney taste good never gripe or sicken. !; , ! V it If Starring the Great White Event This Unusual Event Is "Playing the Great Audiences of Thrifty Shoppers Every Day." Look for the Start in the Store There have been many " White Sales" held hereabout, but this one. we believe, is the best of them all. We do not remember any sale of White Goods that aroused as nmeh interest and eoinment as this one; nor do we re member ever having seen white wear and white fabries of equal qualities offered for sm-h low priees. WHITE MERCHANDISE OF EVERY SORT IN THE NEWEST AND DAINTIEST SUMMER STYLES IS FEATURED IN THIS EVENT AT LIBERAL SAVINGS Assortments in everv .line are more extensive than anv we have vet offered. While the event ineludes mini e rous speeial purchases, the merchandise in everv rase is up to our high standard of quality, and is perfect in every respect. Tomorrow's bargain list is an all-star one. Don't miss it. Mann's The yVomen's Store MEDFORD OREGON Dainty Neckwear Fresh from NewYork ; and Sets in spring styles. 29c of paiila!l ' compared and double the quaittit manufactured good i with tlMi. Kcixud Hmtking ligitie-. Our shipping, railroad and bank ing return' all show ret uid-hrcakinis figures. The ilcarincs of tlie Chi cago banks, for evample, were $.'', 5 U. Ooo.o, .m hi 1 l K. This M near ly S. 000. oho. nun in e.es of the 1915 returns. Hanking, railroad and Industrial reports firm ail part? of tlie country indicate similar prncre-ij Never before has thete been such a demand for la'mr at high wag- and such an Incessant outcry lor all kinds of agricultural products, raw mater ials and manufacturing goods There Is sustained business activity, a great flow of money into the (armim and Industrial centers, and we find in all directions, striking aplendld wave of pre-i benefiting rapitalist farmer alike. C-timlly during mh BETTER THAN CALOMEL i Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are ' a Harmless Substitute ' Dr. Kd wards' Ohve Tablets the sub stitute tor cal-mcl arc a mild but sure laxative, ami their cticct on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the re sult of lr. F.d wards' determination nt to treat liver and bowel complaints with c.ii mcl. H-s etf .rts to l-am-h it brought out ihcvc little olive-colored tablets. Tliee pleasant little tablets do tlie gx! that calomel doe5. but hive no bad after eitcct. They tl"ti't injtire the ttvih like stromr bouitis or calmiel. to- j T ;ny take hold ot the trouMe a-id 1, ,1 itiuickly correct it. W'hv cr.-e t!'e liver at ti e expetve ot tee teeth l a! ncl ' tiiettme. plav lnoc with the gums. N" do strctie b-iuuN. It is oet n-'t to Second -Handle and Rebuilt ! Typewriter i at W,-l!io Bargains Underwo..,! S2I.00 L. C. Smith 822.00 1.. ('. Smith $36.00 rli.k. nd..itVr S0.00 Corona $37-50 MEDFORD BOOK STORE take lalomcl. but to let Dr. hdwaros VY:- e T-r h t Xdkc it place. M.l headache?, "dullness and that lav i el'itif cme from censo'.j-; n and a (il.o-t'frctl liver, l ake Dr. l.dwards' Obve T.iMrts wbrti v-nt feel "Iqcv" and "liea. v." tc !imv tbev 'clear" clouded brain and b nv thev "perk on" the pir itt. 10c and J5c a box. At! druggists. MEDFORD Vulcanizing Works All work guaranteed. Auto Tire Repairing. We eel!' l-'isk and Mich el in Tires. 36 South Grape St. Medford V f V t 'i tu !' of a enty whieh 1 workers and l or Corr-ect lime I'lione to, The Growing Demand for Diamonds IMamond are being universally rei.osntzed a? a Sur Investment. This ha created a demand for Diamonds of the better c!a-s. I have real b.-trtains In Ixoe and ;r.tel Stones of the fine-t grade. MARTIN J. REDDY (Quality Kii-st Vlltnr Ainii. WrliANne New Collal up-to-date on sale Saturday at neautiful New Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets. Qp very special, each "wL Sheets MO Bleached Sheets. 72x f, worth Toe this sale, each 48c Jap Crepes Just in, comes in beautiful stripes and plain colors. very special, yard, at..' ' 25c Towels 1 lea vy 1 luck Towels. irrade. now. each. Kxtra larire Turkish Tow els, lu-avy weight. chea at tins sale onlv, ea.h lie Tow- ;t at 21c WASH RAGS V" it ii pink and blue pi ethres, jjraiii-. at, eah it 3c Advance Spring Models in Wirthmor Waists Bl Made of sheer fine Voile. Ktoni is prettily tucked with tucks of alter nating widths. Col lar cut in distinc tive design, and outlined with dain ty Val. lace and hemstitching. Turn back cuffs trimmed w ith lase to match collar: sleeves are inset with hem stitching ana trimu srotip tuckings flA nop) A TO IRTHMOR if-d with B2 The o u t- siandtns fraturo of this pretty mod el is the deep col lar, nhiih is out lined with bands of Organdie daintily embroidered. The front is prettily tucked, has large ornamental but tons for fastening, and hemstitching is liberally used to join sleeves, to trim cuffs and collar. We count ourselves extremely fortunate in hcimr able to continue to provide our patrons with these thoroughly desirable Waists at this exceed ingly moderate price. Only the co-operative plan under whieh they are made and sold with the large resulting economies, could make possible such really wonderful values. Sold in Just One Good Store in every city, an.l sold here exclusively Mann's The Women's Store MEDFORD OREGON Saturday Sale of Toilet Articles 5c Soap, We Pow 15c for 25c 20c 20c 20c ? ? t ? ? y ? ? X t t t ? ? 1 IJlue Seal Vaseline, special ( 'ashniere UoiKjuet medium size. er bar Colgate's Talcum tier, all odors, spe cial J. Hubert's Violet Jellv chapped hands. at Colgate's Tooth Paste, best made.... Colgate's Mirage Vanishing Cream... Colgate's Shaving Stick, verv special. White Corduroy oli-ineh White Corduroy, velvet finish, will wash, suitable for skirts and suits, worth todav 1.00. sale price Saturday card ' Heavy White C'ordurov Wide Wale, guaranteed U wash, worth todav '2.00 a yard, sale price, vard t 75c t t v y r V y (iood Size Cotton Towels, 10c value, ea... ? f y t Opening Sale of Pongee Silks This promises to be the most popular fabric fev Spring and Summer Wear. Prices have nearly dou bled since we bought oui-s buy yours now. 3l-in-h soft finish Im-p'p-d I'onsree Silk, worth today 1.(K. sal pri'-c. vard o4-iiieli soft fini.-h loii-g-c Silk, iiu-dium weight, a splendid cloth for di csses. waist and suits. i heap todav at 1. ''". s.ile jii iee. yard.... 69c 89c 34-inch Heavy All Silk Pongee, soft finish, worth at today's prices Q0 'rl.-'iO, sale price, yd.wOL 34-ineh extra luavv gee lllc tor coats. today !.( M, sa I '; I'oii- wortli S2.48 7c First Showing New Spring oars, uits and Dresses New Spring Coats in long and short styles, this sea son's most up-to-date models, priced from $8.50 up to $35.00. Sample sale of Silk Dresses at One-Third Off Inst about It' new Spring Silk Presses, traveling man's samples, on sale Saturday One-Third Off Beautiful New Spring Suits in plain colors ami fancy cheeks, this sea son's most up-to-date models, from $18.00 up to $40.00. Sample sale of Silk Waists, onlv a few of tliem left, up to .").(H) val lies, tins sale at. each $3.69 t t