Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Pcrtland Livestock
l,(ll!T!..VND,..Ur., Feb. 1U. Jlojis,
steady; receipts lillS. Hulk of pack
ing grades,' if 1'2.'J0( !2.2."i; heavy
packinir, 1 1!.2. l'J.:i"; light pack
ing, $l'J.'JU(ii 12.25; rough heavies,
tlU.."iO(u 11 ; pi.ns untl skips, $1100
11.25: stock liojo, !l.25( 10.
I'nt tie steady; receipts MS. Sieers,
prime light, $!lf(ii).25; prime heavy,
(C 9.25: (ioikI. 8.40C'8.8I1 ; rot's,
choice, !r'i5U((t T.".') ; medium to goi.d,
$7(ii'7.25; ordinurv to lair, $(!( U.75:
heifers. -l('S; bulls, $.oO(iiQ:
calves, .b'(!.
Slicep l.ninlis higher; receipts 7.
I.timbs east of liiomitaius, $12.5ll(i
IIS; lnmbs, valley, $12.25(1112.50;
lambs, g:ood, '1 l,25(o 11.75; choice
wethers, .$10.5O(('l(l.75; ehoiee ewes,
$H.2j(ji 0.75 ; heavy ewes, $8.75(if
Portland Butter
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. Hi. P.uttc.
sy; cube extras, :t7e.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Or., Feb. VS. Wheat
strong; no trading. Spot bids un
changed to le lower. Blucstcni, $1.57;
Fortyfold, $1.5D; club, .1.52; lied
Russian, $1.-W.
liarley unehnngeil.
Today's ear receipts; Wheat 0,
flour 2, oats 11, 'buy '
Chicago Grain
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Wheat:
Open. O!o.-c.
Mav 1.71' i $1.7;
July 1.48 1.-18
Ashland's celebration dates this
year will be Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, July 8, 4 and 5. Of
course the 4th will be tho red letter
roundup date, though something will
be doing every hour during the cele
bration period. Already the coin
nierclnl club and Roundup Assoein
tion arc Jointly planning for the btf
vent of that holiday week. The
"old guard" of the roundup associa
tion will again have charge of these
special features. They are Monte
Itriggs, president, and Amos Ninin
ger. secretary, assisted by Oscar Berg-
ner of Ashland, Doc Helms of Med
ford, and Clarence Adams of Pendle
ton. Hugo Frohbach has been elec
tud secretary of tho commercial club.
and will on and after March 1st di
rcct the efforts of that organization
in behalf of the celebration event.
Following legislative precedent Pres
ident Jordan of the club has appoint
cd a steering committee consisting
of himself ex-officio, Harry Hosier,
Louis Dodge, Al Kinney and Secre
tary Frohhach to whoop up arrange
ments generally, the preliminaries
already being well in hand.
Jn tho dual series of basketball
games Tuesday and Wednesday ev
enings, between Ashland and Kiam
ath Falls high school teams, played
' nore, tho Ashland boys won both
games Tuesday evening by a score
of 24' to !), and Wednesday evening
I"i to 17. Tho Ashland girls team
won on Tuesday evening, and tho
Klamath girls on Wednesday. Mem
here of the boys' visiting team were
Jake Steiger, Maurice Craves, Clar
enco lennox, John 'Houston, Clarence
Montgomery and Kenneth Perry. The
girl visitors were Karle Montgomery
Helen and Florence Du Fault, Erma
llambcr, Ida Drown, Ruth Humphrey
and Dorothy Sanderson.
David C. Kilgoro, who formerly re
sided in this vicinity, died at the
State Hospital In Salem, Thursday
morning, aged about 70 years. Fun
eral services will be held at Stock's
undertaking parlors here on Salur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The de
ceased was an uncle of George and
Charles Hargadine of this city.
Roy Iierry, former Ashland boy
and now of Portland, was among tho
Oregon troops passing through here
Sarly in the weok bound for Vancouv
er barracks.
Mrs. Clara I). Purucker of Medford
accompanied by Mrs. II. O. Purucker
and son Hob of this city, leave next
week for a visit of two months at
San Diego. Cal.
- Valentine day passed uneventfully
Churches were closed from 6 a.
till 7:30 p. m.. but the hanks
schools, postoffice and stockyards re
mained open for routine business.
The weather was perfect and of the
groundhog had ventured out a sec
ond time during the season his shad
ow .would have been distinctly sil
houetted against the spring land
On the occasion of Rev. Ward W
Macllcnry leaving Raker to accept a
new pastorate at Mt. Tabor Presby
terian church in Portland, the Metb
odlst. Baptist and Christian churches
of Baker, participated In a farewell
in a farewell service In his honor, the
leave-taking being a spontaneous ex
hibition of tho fraternal 'spirit. Mr.
MacHenry was pastor of the Ashland
Presbyterian church for several
Karl liasor's temporary adtess nt
Aberdeen, Wash., Is No. 11 North 1)
iV. A. Froobcrg returned an Wed-
nesdny from a six months' stay in va
rious parts of California, lie brought
his car as far as Hilt but owing to
tho condition of roads returued to
Horubrook, from where the machine
was shipped over tho mouutalns.
Funeral services of the lnle Geo.
Englo were held at the family resi
dence on tho Boulevard, Thursday
afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. J.
Douglass. Methodist pastor. Inter
ment was in Ashland cemetery. The
deceased leaves a widow and two
children Miss Gertrude, principal of
the junior high school, and Fred S.,
assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank,
which institution was closed during
tho funeral hour as a mark of re
spect. Miss Anna Purucker of Medford is
visiting this week with tho family of
her brother, H. O. Purucker, living
on Pioneer avenue.
Cwln Butler of this city has re
cently furnished tho Medford Com
mercial club with a lot of Newtown
apples for advertising purposes, the
size and quality of the fruit being
universally considered as paramount
Homer G. Smith, a private in Co.
l.'th U. S. infantry, died at Tien
tsin, China, Dee. 27 of pneumonia,
ed 2C years. Ills remains readied
Ashland on Wednesday, by way of the
hitippines and San Francisco. He
was the son of A. 10. Smith, residing
on Sixth street, who is in the employ
of the Southern Pacific as watchman
of tho AVlilto Point trestle on the Sis-
iyous. Funeral services will be
held at the family residence next
Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev.
D. D. Edwards of the Nazarene
church. Interment In Mountain
Iu a free for nil rumpus on the
mezzanine floor of an annex to Curtis
restaurant at the depot Wednes
day night, the color scheme was red.
some blood being shed. In Justice
Winter's court on Thursday, Alec
Hall pleaded guilty and was fined
Otis King elected to stand trial, was
found guilty, and flued $20. Moral:
Avoid a common multiple of 5 by
pleading guilty.
Major H. O. Butterfleld, owing to
the resignation of Col. Geo. Holley.
has been advanced ten numbers in
the official ranks of the Boy Scouts,
and now is in command of the three
patrols of the organization here.
After temporarily supplying the
Baptist pulpit. in this city for some
time past, Rev. H. .1. Vino has ac
cepted the pastorate on a permanent
basis, and hns moved to the par
sonage on Oak street.
Spray calendars as issued by the
county pathologist, are now available
at the Commercial club and Fruit
and Produco association offices.
Oliver Paulserud has purchased of
W. W. Caldwell the old Downin
property on Oak street ,and will re
model the building into a fine res!
denco, the location of tho promises
Justifying It. In tho deal Caldwell
receives a-resldencc lot in Spokane
and balanco In cash. Tho Beaver
Realty Co. negotiated the transfer.
. L. I.amb has tho contract for
replacing the damaged portions of
tho Cunningham "block.
Jesso X. Drew of Klamath county
and .Miss Hazel Smith wero married
at the. home of the bride's pa rents
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Smith-on Wed
nnsday, by Rev. H. A. Carnnhan. The
newly married couple will rosldo on
a ranch near Dairy.
The local Masonic lodge will con-
lcr the third degree on Saturday
evening of this week, a prominent
Welis-Fargo messenger on the Ash-
land-Portlaud run being the candi
Leslie R. Coombe has returned
homo after an absence of several
months in eastern Oregon, engaged
on an extensive building contract.
Geo. W. Jones. Dead Indian ranch
er, whose city residence is on Fair-
view street, and who has interests
near Oakland. Ore., has gone north
to look" after property there.
The State flame and Fish commis
sion reports SO.fiiO fishing licenses
Issued in 1S1G. and on this basis it
Is figured that anglors spend $1,
250,000 In Oregon annually.
The current issue of t It e Kond-
.-. - - -
You simply Ray to the drug store
man, "Give mo a quarter of an ounce
of freezone." This will cost very little
but is sufficient to remove every bard
or soft corn from one'a feet.
A few drops of this new ether com
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn should relieve tiie sore
ness tiifttantly, and nn the entire corn,
root and all,' dries up and van be lifted
out with the fingers.
This new way 1o rid one's feet of
corns was intnidueed by a Cincinnati
man, who says that, while freezone if
sticky, it dried in a moment, and sim
ply shrivels up the corn without in
fla'ming or even irritating the surround
ing tissue or skin.
Don't let father die of Infection or
lockjaw from whktjln at hfs corns,
but t-lip this fut ftiul maks hiui try it.
muker, published at Mollne, 111.,
contains an article by Morris J. Dur
yea, whilom socretary of tho Ash
laud Commercial club, dcnliug with
the Pacific highway and illustrated
with scenic attractions appearing in
this vicinity and northern California.
Dnryea now holds a sinecure as "ex
ecutive secretary" of the Moline
chamber of commerce, Incorporated
and limited.
The midwinter meeting of the Iowa
society of Medford, held on Wednes
day evening, was a notablo reunion
J. F. Hopkins was elected president
and Mrs. E. J. Runyard secretary
Frank J. Shinn Is president of the
Ashland Hawkeye association.
A delegation of Chinese from Yreka
were here early in the week making
preliminary arrangements as to the
celebration of their new year anni
J. W. Merrill was u recent busi
ness visitor here.
Many of our voting folks attended
the concert given by the O. A. ('. (lice
club Friday evening at the 1'uge the
Jits, l.izzie Johns, after nil ab
sence of many ye:it, is visiting a I the
home of her parents, Mr. and -Mr
William Witle.
licit II. Dyer of llillsboro. Or., has
purchased tho Central Point Herald
Mr. Hrowcr, fnriuerlv owner, will
farm in the Willamette valley.
The revival mectiuiis conducted bv
Uev. liecd, the jinslor of the .M. K
church, ore well attended, and much
interest is shown. Clarence ireeke
of .Medford is chorister and each eve
tiiiitf sinys effective solos that tire
greatly appreciated by those who at
tend. Mrs. jleed is also present uiul
is doing all pos.-ible to make the-
mcctmiis a success.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sti
Circuit Court.
-Mary 12. Ilnllock, vs.' Glen Kubrick,
ct ux, cost bill.
I.add and Tilton Bank ,vs. M. P.
Schinllt, et al, trustee, alius sum
Urueo Locke, vs. 1Q. 11. Crouch, oi
al, demurrer.
Aaron Anderson vs. Winifred Scr
croinbe, mandate.
Charles Dodge vs. C. V. Root, man
Rogue River Valley Ry. Co., vs;
Louis Xcidermeyer, mandate.
Druggist Says Ladies are Using
.Recipe of Sage Tea and
Tin Ir Mint Iopoc its colnr and JjljpI r. or
when It fades, turns pray, dull und life
lrsti, is rnuv-d by n- Tak of sulphur in
tho hair. Our praTidmothor roado up a
mixture of apn Tea and Sulphur to
keep h'r locks dark and beautiful, and
thousands of women and tnn who valuo
that evon color, that beautiful dark
shrtdo of hnir which is so attractive, us
only this old-time rwipe.
Nowadays wo pet this famous mixture
improved lmJhe addition of other ingredi
ents by akr nt any dru storo for a 50
cciit bnttlc H "Wjeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound," which darkens tho
pair bo naturnlly, bo evenly, that nobody
can possibly tell it has been applied. You
jtisf dampen a Hpone or Boft hmsli with
it and draw thia tliruuli your hair, tak
int' une email strnnd at a time. l!v morn
hit: the niv hnir disappears: but what
delights the Indies witltWyeth'n Sage and
Sulphur Compound, i.-i that, besides benu
tifnllv darkening the hair after a few
applirat ions, it also brings ba'k t lie gloss
and lustre and gives it an appearance
of atnin'Innre.
Wyefli'ti Sago und Sulphur Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite to impart
eolor and a youthful appearance to tho
hair. It is not intended for tlm cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease
Owner of two llili-Class
Jimf,raliiws must realize
snnio rush iui'klv. Iis loss
is your sain. Property pric
ed so low that buyer ran
Hear lflOO on each one with
in a year.
Now is the time to buy
Medford property.
neV;4-.r Zl X. Kir st.
E. Edsall.
transcript of judgment.
F. P. Swinson, estate, pitttlou or
Arthur P. Stoner, estate, petiliun
and sell real property.
Emmett Heej-ou, estate, order to
pay claims.
Heal Fstutn Tituisfers.
Ralph G. Jennings, sheriff, to
Pine Belt Hanking Co., shff.
11. to laud in sec 28, T. 34
S., R 2 K t
Ralph C. Jennings, sheriff to
HI. M. McFarluud Shff. D.
to lots lu blk. 3, Medford
Ralph G. Jennings, to 11. M.
'McFarland, Shff. 1). to lots
in blk. 19, Medford
II. M. McFarland. et ux, to C.
A. Knight, Q. 1). to lots
in blk. 3, Medford. Lots in
Humphrey Andrews Add.
(Medford. Lot on llartlett
at., .Medford. 20 A In Sec.
7. T. S8. R 1 W
Lottie Hull, ct al to C. A.
Knight. Q. C. 1. to lots in
blk. 4, Park Add. Medford. ...
Ralph G. Jennings, sheriff, to
.11. M. McFarland, Shff. D. to
lots in blk. 1. Humphrey-Andrews
Add., Medford
B. W. McFarland to C. A.
Knight, Q. C. I). to lots iu
"My, how "Viz' gltwlJens tired,
swollen, burning foet
It's glorious!"
Ah! what relief. more tired feet;
no morn burning feet; no more swollen,
aching, tender, sweaty feet. No more
soreness in eorna, callouses, bunions.
ro matter what ails your feet or what
under tho sun you've tried without get
ting relief, just use "Tijs." "liz" id the
only remedy that draws out nil tho
poisonous exudations which puff up the
icet. "Tiz" cures your foot trouble ao
you'll never limp or draw up your inca
in pnui. lour shoes wont awm tigltt
and your feet will nover, nover hurt or
get sore and swollen. Think oi it, no
more foot misery, no more agony from
corn, callouses or numoiifl.
tiet a 2.)"-cont box at anv drug store
or detriment store and get instant re
lief. ear smuiler saoea. Just onco
try "Tir.." Get a wholo year's foot com
fort for only 25 cents. Think of it.
In the circuit court of the slate of
Oregon, for Jackson county.
John Winter plaintiff, vs. Chris
Wooley, .Michael Wootey. James Wt
klns, Duck Walking, his wile, Wil
liam Mitchell, Susan .Mitchell, Ills
wife. Julia Wooley, Kinma Wooley,
Drusllla lirown. America l'iUBerald,
K. I. Matthews, Mary Dallack, Ita
chol Mnyham, tlreen Matthews, Grant
Matthews. Lizzie Geary, Krnest Da
llack, and Everett Dnilack, unknown
heirs of Jasper Hamilton, deceased,
unknown heirs of Michael Wooley do-
ccased, and also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest In
the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, also unknown heirs of
John Wooley, deceased, defendants.
To the ahove named defendants,
Michael Wooley, Julia Wooley, Kmma
Wooley, Drusllla Drown, America
KitzRerald, K. I. Matthews, and Liz
zie Geary, unknown helt-B of Michael
Wooley, deceased unknown heirs of
Jasper Illlmton. deceased, unknown
holt's of John Wooley, deceased, and
also all other persons or parties till'
known claiming any right, title
estate, Hen or Interest iu tho real
estate described in the complulnt
In the name of tho State of Oro
(ton: You aro heroby summoned and
required to apepar in tho above en
titled court and cause and answer
the complaint ol tho plaintiff on file
therein nuainst you within sis weeks
from tho date of the first publication
of this summons, said period of six
weeks being the lime proscribed by
the order for service of Ibis summons
by publication of Mm Honorable l' M
Calkins, juile of the above named
court, within which you shall so np
pear and answer or be adjudged to
be in default herein; whlrh order
bears date January 17th, 1!HT.
And you ar further notified thut
if you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint within the lime nforr
said, tiie plaintiff will applv to th
court for the r'-lief demanded in said
complaint, a succinct statement of
which is as follows, to v. il :
Knr a decree of tlm court:
P. L. Applegata vs. J.
1. That the defendants and each
of them be required to set forth
herein the nature of their claims to
the following d' 'cribed premises:
Lots numbered five ( : ) and six
(DI or Section fourteen (II); th"
northwest quarter: Ihe south half of
111" north'-a t iiuarter, norib'-ast
quarter of the southwest quarter of
Sertlon twentv-threo (j:t) and the
southwest quarter of tiie norlhensl
(Warier of Section tweutv-si (Jill
all In Township thirty-rive (::.'!
south, Kanji'i one (li west of the
Willamette .Meridian, iu Jackson
county, Orejron.
And that all adverse claims of paid
defendants and each thereof lo said
premises or any patt thereof may bo
determined by the decree of said
I. That by mid ilerp-o !t be de
creed and adjudged that none of said
detendants have any estate, or inter
est what ever in or lo raid land and
premises or any portion thereot, and
that the title of plalntilf thereto Is
good and valid.
3. That said (Wcndanlf and each
thereof be forever enjolucd und de
barred, from asserting any claim
whatever In or to said land and prem
ises or any part thereof adverse to
the plaintiff, and for mich other re
lief as this court mav deem meet and
iii.1t. ruin-Kit j. Ma'!-.
Attorney (or I'laiuliK.
blk. 1, Humphrey-Knight
Add. Medford
Corn L. Knight to C. A.
Knight. Q. C. I. to lots iu
blk. t, Ftultdale Add. Med
ford Anna M. Holmes, et vlr to
Harry 11. Rosenberg. S. W.
D. to 200 A in T. 30, II 2 W
Mary Frances Whitman to Olive
R. Hell. W. 1). to 4 A in Sec.
4, T. 3li, li 1 E
John Bodayla to Hosa Bodaylu
Q. C. D. to lund lu T. 3H, It.
1 E on Granite) street Ash
15 cto. each, 6 lor 00 cts.
Notice Ut Wood Dealers and
t 'otitractoi's.
School District iNo. 4!) will receive
sealed hids at the office of the Clerk,
until 7:110 n. m.. Feb. 2 ah, 101.. for
325 cords of wood, tho sump to be
first Kiowth, body wood, either red
fir. black oak or laurel. Maine to lie
delivered at the school arounds. be
tween Anril let anil Auj:. 1st, 1917
A.l wood n.ust he cut from live trees.
Kaeh stick to he four leet long and
not lesB ti'an 0 inches or more than
12 inches iu diameter. Wood to he.
so piled tlM'.l it can he easily mea
sured at t'.ie school urounds, and all
measurement? to be made by the de-
uarinieht of wein'hts and measures of
tl'c slate arid such measurement to
be tatislaciory to both parties.
Tiie hourd reserves the riyht to re
ject any or nil bids.
I!lt. K. K. SKKI.EY.
11. S. STINK,
Ono cent per word per
Issue; 0 times for tho price of
Fitly eenls a line by
month, without change.
Five words to the line.
WANT KI.I Trappers attention! Ens
tern buyer hnre. until 2 ltli. High
est cash prices. All furs wanted.
Phono 2S3-.I. Roy Allen at Med
ford Junk Co. 28 1
WANTED Fifty Hers wood cut.
Three miles southwest from Med
ford. E. E. Morrison, It. R. No.
, Box 120. 282
WANTED To rent a poultry ranch.
Prefer one with privilege of buy
ing. Carroll liush, Grand Meadow,
iMlnn. 2 SO
WANTED 1 adv roomer, object com
pany. 4 3i N. Central. Phone
r.i;!'.!. 28l
WANTED Vacuum cleaning, the
largo machine. 1 furnish my own
power. Henry Currier. Phone
S26-X. 30r
WANTED To buy cwo sheep. Phono
Oeorgo Mansfield, Prospect, Ore.,
Phone 22-F13, Eagle Point, Rutto
Falls Tel. line. 2S0
WANTED Houses to move. Phone
4S8-.M, or 4S8-X.
FOR RENT Two completely fur
nished apartments for rent, steam
lient, hot and cold water, hath,
kitchenette with gas range. Apply
Hotel Holland.
FOR RENT Small furnished cot
tage, modern, close In. 24.
(liaiio st. 2S5
FOR RENT Furnished and unfur
nished house. M. A. itador, 123
East Main.
FOR KENT-- Prune
miles Iroiil Medfiird,
orchard. I !j
Phone 2S1-.I.
l'Ol; itlvN'l-- I'l acres good levi 1
land. 1 mile .;outh Sales Vallev I
(l. C. C. Pierce, .Medford. 2SI
Hjstetn. I
-It. I. Red et
.Mated, under
hone I'.K-X.
:s for
2 8 I
FOR SALE.", dozen White Minorca
pullets. 721 S. Central, Medfonl,
Phone .'. I l-Y. 2 8::
FOR SALE Stock carrots.
A. W.
Stone. Phone tifi2-.l.
FOR SALE White Wyandottes,
breeding viuck. Fk::s for hatch
ing. White Holland turkey eggs.
.1. H. Fuller, Talent. 280
FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn
eggs. Hee.'-y laving strain, 7.7c
setting. ! no hundred. J. S. Craw
ford, Talent. Oregon. 2S3
FOR SALE S. C. Rhode Island Red
cockerels, pullets and eggs for
hatching. Ernest Wenb, Central
Point, Phone 247. 3 1 2
FOR SALE - Eggs for hatching, from
f'rst prize wlners st Slate Poul
try Show. S. C, While Leghorn,
li.OO per setting. It. O. Silver
Laced AVyandottes. H 'iTi per set
ring. Order now for future hatch
ing. P. E. Wvticoop. .420 Wet
U' I Ll 14. l'hbliu 201-W, if:
What to Do for Ecr.ema
t,irt:;isy saUcs ami ointments .MiiinM
iiut be ai'pltcd ii jiood sl;iu i:;
vv;i:tU'd. i'rom any drui-st U t J5c or
fl.OO i:r i';ra luri. si.i-, yit a boitl:
-t ztinti. lun ai in tied as directed, it
fTectiu-U' removes eczema, tuileklv
tons ikhimr, and heals skin tnmMes.
ilso sores, tuinis. wounds and eliahiiL'.
(t penetrates, cleanses and soothes.
2emo is a clean. dcpendaMe and inex
pensive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid.
try it, as we believe nntliintr vou have
ever used is as effective and satisfyinj;.
M1B . Y, J.OSC iu., uicvuaiiii, u.
, ANThilJ dirt for Beneral house
work, "bone eti -J'-. JtJ'
KOil SAI.K Five room modern
house nnd lot; 2 blocks from Slain
street on North Itiversldo, J3U0.
Phono 900-L. 2Si
KOlt BALE Will sell CO-ncro stock
and wood ruuch below cost for
nsU if takon at once; excellent
outrange, llorbert Lunt, Talent.
VOU SALE Cheap. Kour houses
and nine lots. Three six and ono
three-room house. Near new mill.
Will sell one or nil. Easy terms.
Jasper Glllnsny, 44 l'ark l'laee.
Phone 91D-X. 2!4
KOH SALE Younit black mare,
weifht 1 .000 pounds. J45.0O. V .
l. Dodue. 010 S. Oakdale. 2 Si
EOU SALE Horses und mules at
4 ul Orchard and Land Co. Also
plows. 284
EOU SAl.E- Good work horse. 1300
lbs. No phone. Ranch east of city
reservoir. Call noons or evenings.
11. I). Janes. 2S1
EOU SALE - 470 goats. Welborn
lieeson. Phone :172-.I1, Ash
land. 2S3
EOR SALE Elrst class Jersey cow.
just fresh. Tuberculin tested.
Phone !iS2-L. Call KM E. !th. 283
FOR SALE Team, horse nnd mare,
or will trade for good cows. Phone
lleaulieu. Central Point. 2S3
FOR SALE Hi-coding stork Duroc
hogs, glllv, young boar and pigs.
Oakmont farm, Talent, J. II. Full
er. 280
FOR SALE OR Tit A 1)10 Jacks and
.lennv 'Inrros. Suitable for chll
dren o work. Cor. Niautic and
Liberty, N.' Medford. 28'J
FOR SALE Extra fine pure Jersey
cow ami calf, three fine heifers
horse, buggy, Sharpless separator.
fruit jars, 2 woodcutters' outlits,
heating stove, iron bed, bicycle.
iron wheelbarrow. Herbert Lunt,
Talent. 280
FOR SALE Manure. Havo your lots
plowed. Phone 1 7:4-1 . .102
-One power spray rig.
ail ready to operate
Geo. Hilton. Phone
Price, 12
FOR SALE Looso alfalfa hay for
sale. Fred 11. Hopkins,
FOR SALE Early Sunrise seed po
tatoes. Phono 452-W. 280
FOR SALE Chcnp. Slngln cylinder
Indian. Call at 838 West 2nd
street. 282
FOR SALE Hnby rice pop corn out
fit. 1 4.1.00. E. C. Sthultz, at Hol
land Cofe. 2 Si
FOR SALE Ono 20-H. I'. Atlas
steam engine nnd ono 2.1-11. P. ver
tical holler In good condition. Al
so following list orflce rixtures all
excellent condition: Ono roll top
desk, ono roll top typewriter desk,
one book-keepers desk, ono revolv
ing offile chall, all oag. one typor
writer chair, one Edison Mimeo
graph, ono Oliver typewriter,
ono letter press, ami one me
dium sized iron safe, cheap
for cash. Address E. E. Ragle;
Ashland Oregon. 28
FOR SALE-Second hand overland
car, or trade for driving horso.
llox F. !., Mull Tribune. 284
plowed. -Manure. Have your lots
I'hono 172-V. 283
lng room
'Rose avu.
- Washing mai bine,
luhle, chiffonier.
FOR SALE Nearly new covered
back with curtains, 2 auto-style
seats, Sarveu wheels, duplex
springs In front, full platform
springs rear, long distance, uxie.
1 Inch. E. .MuiMlcville, Medford,
Route 2. Phone S41-W. 27S
FOR SALE - Hay. Call evening or
meal time. C. W. Isaacs.
FOR SALE -Oat and barley baled
bav. $13 and ?t 1 per ton. phone
4o:;-R2. 280
FOR .SALE- One elerlric range, used
six mouths; perlc t condition,
f'osi Im:'. Sell for STo, sir.
Dennett live.. Phone IJS-Y. 21'
biiL'uv, harness, for
2 10 Knight s!.
'4 Mitchell
small horse.
ro'i SALE Heardles.) barley si
Phone 201-113.
FOR S A L E P I o w s, h a r i o w s
4 7 3-V.
FOR SALE--A Howard llrothtn
,n, J.,, m',-1. L ,..'i , .,,,
Sixty dollars cash takes It. Joe built for less than two thousand dol
OMiien, 3 111 S Giugstreet. tl'jlais; on paved street; sixty-five feet;
FOR SALE- Hydruulic placer mine, East front: good shape. Will sell
fully equipped; good piping
ground. Address
Mail Tribune.
J. C. il
ea re
FOR SALE Seed, aiiulia, rea ciovef
sweet clover, timothy and other
grasses; strictly fancy stocks. Write
for sample. ILtlph Waldo Eldeu,
Central point, Ore,
l''0lt It K.N T l''uriiished sleeping
rooms, with buth. 2 1") X. Grape
TO LOW $ 1 iiOO to loan on ranch
property. 1-iox S, Mail Tribune.
MONEY TO LOAN Have money to
loan on first mortKiiKfs. Quick
tervlce. E. S. Tumy. 210 Carnett
Coray bid.
business orror.TcxrriEs
WANTED Partner to Bood money
making business proposition with
1000 eunitul or more. Address P.
O. llox 51, Ashland, Ores;. SSI
1X1ST Tiro on denionnlnblo rim,
30x;iVi. Cull E. E. Guthrie, 2:t2,
Jacksonville. 21
EOll TRADE SO acres Texas, to
trade for city or county property
here. Might ussumo. Box Aer?.
Mall Tribune. 2 SI
B. '.L WILSON Certified Public
Accountant, room 411 M. E. & H.
llldK., Medford, Oregon.
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldest
end best equipped plant lu the Pa
cirio northwest. Use our spring!
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Flfteentb St
Portlond, Ore.
Room 412, Garnett-C'orey llldg.,
Medford, Ore.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10. Jackson Coun
ty Bank nulldtng. entrance N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
rORTER J. NEFF Attorney nt law,
rooms S and 9, Medford National
Hank Ruildlng.
A." E. REAMES Lawyer.
Coroy bklg.
collected some accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to Ret the
money. The Rulloek Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3. Has
kins' nidg., 210 E. Main st.
DR. T. T. SHAW Dentist. Ovor Dan-
lels Clothing store in rooms for
merly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phone
Oarnett Coroy Uldg., Suite 818
Medford, Ore. Phone 856.
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CU.MM1NGS Engineer and
contractor, 401 M. F. & H. Bide
Surveys, estimates, irrigation drain
age, orchard nnd land Improvement
Oar huge
G AR11 AGE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on tiie city garbage wagons fo
good service. Phone 874-L. r.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Height Music
Studio, 401 Qarnett-Corey Uldg.,
Phone 72,
EARL S. TUMY General Insurance
office. Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contraoi
and Surety IJonda. Excellent com
panics, good local service. No. 210
Garnett-Corey Uldg. .
Physicians nnd Surgeons
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic!
physician. 303 Guruott Coroy build
ing. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien
tlfically tesled and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P.
R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
uldg., opposite P. O. Phone &C7.
Printers and Publishers
best equipped priutins office In
Southern Oregon; Hook binding,
loose leaf lodgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front st. Phone
315. Prices rhjht. Service guar
anteed. WHY?
Rest buy for money on our list.
I 6-room modern house on one of best
stieets In town.
House could not be
; ,,,,,, wlth houae nt ,.,, Brc.
Terms on part.
See me now.
Kl West, Mlln Ulfsat.