Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    WEPFcmn MAtc.-TiimuNr.. medford, oukooy. rinn.vv. i?KBr.iiY in. 1017
Ilv W. V. WATSON'.
The L'Oiul opinion of those compe
tent to form it on impartial consider
ation of all the evidence obtainable,
both favorable and adverse, is some
thing to covet and to value. This los;ic
applies to anything worthy of con
templation. Since careful consideration is be
iiifr fjfvcn to the jrrent copper field so
.near to Mcdt'ord, in conjunction with
concerted effort to cause the iniiiiii-r
1 world to know soiuethiii," of the in
formation wo have thus obtained, the
!;aJ opinion of a disinterested per-
siVu whose life lias been devoted to
f mining nnd the profitable development
I ol mineral wealth, both in its scicn
t - lil'ic and ils practical phases, brings
us a meed of assurance of much
i value.
'- llliodes Klitlillscd.
David liobcrt lib. ales, who recently
. came lrom San llcriinrdmo, ( al., to
! investiute the ISlnp l.ede mining dis
trict, rcpn'sentimr two mining syndi
cates on ibis visit, was unfortunate
in comimr before (be snow had suf
ficiently di-appcarcd to permit more
than a casual inspection of that terri
tory; but be found enough evidence
; of the existence nf an immense min
eralized area, attractively rich in
; copper, to cause him to speak en
thusiastically about it.
"1 would not undertake to make a
j definite report on what you may or
i may not possess." said .Mr. Uhodes.
i "bid 1 am interested. You know, of
I course, what it is that interests a
I miner. I found aa immense mineral-
ized area in which some practical de-
I vchipnirnt Im, been made. Much of
I it, however, is in the prospecting
( sla'e. That whil h has been carried
beyond Ibis condition is very interest -
; a, because it is very proiuisiicj.
Sonic exposures leave no doubt of the
j existence of i irli copper ore in yieat
f ledges. The fact that old ami sue-
jeessfiil prosiK-rtors have located
scores of claims and, bf dint of hard
k effort and much hardship, have held
f them for years, unwilling to look for
iinythinu' better, should be taken into
J I'aiciiil accouiH.-. i. f n -i",
1 "Those who know nolhihi; iihout the
u'actical phases of mining have no
A lilit to tloubl their judumeiit. And
J found many id' these. The width of
I tilt four-mile strip, extending from
f. iiorlheasl to southwest, through which
I these lodge-, parallel each other al
V intervals of a few lilicdred feet, pass-
1 iiifT entirely through the range, tapped
J on one side by the lilac Ledge camp
i ami on the other by the Happy Camp
I .group, sixteen miles distant, is a
'j somewhat unusual condition. That
atone would make a large Held of op
eration. V I'l-oitiisin Prospects.
"In that area, on the Applegntc
5 side of the ramie, I made a harried
i sketch of the physical neighborship
j of Blue l.cdge, Sullivan, llloiuiil'ichl.
I t'mdc & (ireea, St. Albans, first Na-
h tional, Illue Caavon, Donkey, Iglo,
I Morris, Sam's l.edgo, Hlue Kxtcnsion,
1 Copper King and New London. On
b some of these caliias much has been
j( accomplishi'd iiiexnoiiMvely : that is
to say that- siie-e it is generally a tnn-
i:: 110I proposition, not much work has
s been required to make an ntmictivc
t showinir as a pro-ped. 'flic general
i character of the t'oriaalioii through
? oat the entire district, on the Medfon
iside, indicates a compact mineraliza
tion. I assume that that is the lea-
f son so many of the pro-pertors have
Vichl on to their Mind' in the confi-
donee that they are partners in a
1 mountain of ore.
i "Sufficient depth has not vet been
I ncmih'cil to indicate how rich a field
iit may ho per ton. J',very indication,
iiwever, shows that the values of the
y ore, both in copper and gold, increase
I with depth, jinny mining camps,
: with a much less attractive showing in
initial work, have become marvelous
I Jirodueers.
') Development Xoxt.
a ('So. you sec, I lane talked a gooi!
while without giving von mm-li inl'or-
I la.'ition. You have passed the stage
at which the prospectors are snti--
tied. The next stage i that of de-
velopnicnt. I'rospci'toi-s, as lt rule, ilo
4 not do much of that. Mines arc
j( made. It lakes monev to make them.
I That is what thai district needs
1 now.
A "That lerritory is e-ppeiallv bloss-
ed with timber and water. I!ut Irans-
Imitation is an essential pari of the
laiuing business, particubirlv where
I you ship the ores some distance to a
I Mueller. Thercl'ore, you cannot talk
mining development olTcctivelv with-
1 out talking railroad along with it.
I "The showing made in the lilac
I I.edge alone would jastifv lb n-
t stru:-tion of a railroad from that dis-
1 ri.-t to the Southern Pacific or to the
coasj. flic tirst money spent in de-
jvdoimcnt of the a pi hi rent mineral
wealth of that di-lliel, therefore, will
. lie devoted either lo the erection rd
5 a smelter or Hie pn-l ruction of the
S.U.KM, Or., Feb. !(!. Four con
structive nicusiires the tenure in of
fice bill for teachers, the certificate
of necessity bill, the Willamette fish
bill and the military code have pass
ed the house. All have passed the
senate, and as soon as the senate con
curs in an amendment to the certifi
cate of necessity bill, all four will be
ready for the action of the governor.
The other three passed the house
without amendments.
The senate committee on municipal
affairs introduced the certificate of
necessity bill. I'nder its term- a
public utility must obtain a eer'.'fi-
cate of necessity from the public sci -
vice commission before entering bus
iness in a field already served by a
utility, and it is believed that it will
sound the death knell of raiuoiis i
petition that has prevailed more or
less in the state between utilities.
The amendment that must be con
curred in by the senate was saggcsi
ed by I'ublic Service Commissioner
Imchtel, and it gives the commission
power to recpiire public utilities serv
ing a field to extend their sen ices
when it is for the public- welfare.
The military code was the product
of the deliberations of the joint coni
aiitlee of the two houses on military
affairs and it is designed to eliminate
polities Troai the national guard and
to put that organization on an effi
ciency basis. The code does not
change the present riualificalions of
the adjutant general, anil under ils
provisions it would be irnpo'-isible to
call the guard out on strike ilutv save
in extreme cases.
Senator dill is the father of the
Willamette lish hill and ils passage
was contested by Kcprcsentntivo
Brownell. It prohibits commercial
fishing above Stony IJoek, near Os
wego. Its object is to permit salmon
to pass up the river to the spawning
grounds, and it is believed that it will
contribute vastly to game fishing: in
this stream.
SAI.KM, Or., Feb. Hi. The new in
surance code, amended by the house
after It came from the senate, was
yesterday itpproved bv the upper
body, the amendments were concurred
in and it is now ready for the gover
nor's action. Insurance Commis
sioner Wells is well pleased with the
eoile. lie said in comment ing on llie
"The legislature, in my opinion, has
enacted in this insurance code a law
for the protection of the people that
will mean more to them than any
other measure they have enacted."
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1(1. I'mpos
: increased postage rates on news
papers ami magazines nnd provision
IVir I cent postage on drop letters
filially were eliminated from the pos
tal bill today on a point of order by
Sraator Lodge that they had no place
on stieh a men-are under the senate
rules. This action is cxpcetcil to end
the light at this session for ihe pro
visions. means of getting the ores out in heavy
tonnage. , I'titil one or the other of
the-e tilings is accomplished, the val
ues hi, thai mountain pile of ore arc
wholly speculative."
Mr. Uhodes indorsed the pun
of the Illue l.edgc I)isiict Copper
league very heartily. When told that
some of the most promising claims in
that territory had been patiently held
lor ten or twelve year.s he wondered
how the scoict had been smothered.
Then you must know that
sickness leaves weakness and
you should commence taking
to put an edge on your appetite, :
put power in your blood, induce
restful sleep and restore I
your nerve force. Scott's 4 '
is a true tonic-fond which is l 1
free from alcohol. ' 4f j
Representative Sheldon's normal
school measure passed the senate late
this afternoon after u hard fight.
When the resolution went over from
the house, a canvass of the senate
showed only about six votes for il.
I'.y holding it in committee until he
could carefully canvass the individ
ual members of the senate, Mr. Shel
dt n won over senator after senator
until he had the necessary majority
on his side. The nieasiire'came out
onto the floor with an adverse com
mittee report, but the organization
worked ap in its behalf.. went to bat,
turned down the committee's recom
mendations anil passed the measure
with a few votes to spare.
The resolution puts on the ballot
for Ihe vote of Ihe people at the next
general election n single measure pro
viding for (wo schools, one to be lo
cated at Ashland and another at
sono city in eastern Oregon lo be se
lected bv Ihe board of normal school
regents. A continuing niillage main
tenance provision is made of l-'ioth
of a mill for each school. This pro
duces an annual maintenance fund of
about if:)",!!!!!!.
SAI.KM, Or., Feb. 1(1. Two mea-i-ures
having for their object the build
ing of good roads in all parts of the
state were rushed through the senate
late yesterday. They are house bill
-1, by llcan and Barrett, providing
for an emergency bond issue of
-fl.HIMI.niHI. the funds to be used ir.
matching the federal appropriation
under the Shaeklcford net, when no
other funds are available, ami house!
bill fiO'J, by the house highway com-
mittce, providing for the doubling of j
the automobile license fee, after Au
gust 1 next. The two bills, it is
claimed, will work nicely with the
bill, providing for the larger bon ', is
sue of .$7,ll()tl,(lll(l, proposed in Sen
ator Olson's bills nnd which will gj
to the house soon. For the first lane
In the history of Oregon, the legisla
ture has set ils seal of approval on
Ihe plan to bond the stale.
Tracy Spencer left last week for
Charles Ciiamplain was a caller in
Hogue liiver last week.
Last Friday the Ilogue liiver bas
ketball team played Central Point til
the latter pi
Hogue liiver schools will give a
patriotic play the latter part of the
V. W. Ttirdseyc, John Cameron and
James Cotton hauled several loads of
hay to Hogue liiver last week.
The liivcrside liecrcaiion club met
last week with Mrs. Alden, an inter
esting urogram being given. The next
meeting will be held with Mrs. Porter,
.lack P.cnson let! hist week for San
(lien Woolridgc returne.l home Inst
week from Grants Pass, where he has
been under 1 1 are of a physician.
George V hox and family, with
Will Covcrdalc, spent Saturday on
Foots ( 'reek. .
Floyd l.ani'e and Miss l-'inma Oaun
yaw were callers in Gold Hill Fridnv.
L00K for "JONES" Saturday
Everything Good in Vegetables
Our bunches of LETTUCE arc whoppers
If you don't trade with Jones you are passing up the largest
and cheapest grocery store in Medford
pi; Jones' Cash Grocery
MOW YOKK, Feb. 1C The Krit- ; l.IYKIil'OOl., Feb. I.V The I'hila
Ish admiralty's decision to permit ! delphin, the tiist American liner to
neutral vessels sailing from American ! ll'"v'' lairope since (lermanv's dec-
ports for Europe to umicrKO cxuml-
nation for Kurope to undergo exami
wall or Falmouth, brought immediate
relief today to the congested cargo
Kttuation at New York. StetimshiiiK
of llio Dutch nnd Scandinavian lines
which bavo been held in this port
on account ot the submarine block
ade made preparations to sail by tho
new route nnd It is expected that sev
eral will get away before tho end ot
the week.
Tho Itv ndam of the Holland-American
line which returned here Wed
nesday after sailing- to the very edge,
of t he submarine zone, probably will
leave today for Rotterdam. On this
trip, however, she will curry no pas
sengers. The Stockholm of the
Swedish-American line is duo to leave
today for Gothenburg with passen
gers. Ily stoppiiiR-for examination at Hal
ifax, vessels hound for Holland and
the Scandinavian countries will be
aula to skirt the north boundary of
tho blockade, waters Included in the
Ciermnn proclamation. Several freight
carriers that fly the stars and stripes
nro making preparations to leave
soon for European ports.
Agents of the big British steamship
lines declared today that thero was
no need of any congestion of ocean
cargoes nt American ports. Ono of
them pointed out that Great lirltnln
has about forty steamships now at
Now York ready to leave when loaded
and representing a cargo capacity of
150,000 tons.
Tho same authority asserted that
there were in port here today about
2G0 steamships of Uritlsh, French,
Scandinavian, Dutch, Spanish, Ital
ian and American registry and esti
mated their carrying capacity at 7.",a -000
SAI.KM. Or., Feb. 1(1. licpresenla
livc D. C. Lewis of Multnomah coun
ty, lilclnllv Ihrew the nroverliial ,
monkey wreiieh into the machinery
Thursday when the house had under
consideration substitute senate bill
(!.'!, providing for the advertisement of
deliii(iicnt tax li-ls.
Mr. Lewis declined lo approve Ihe
subsiilulc bill as it came from the
.judiciary committee and offend
amendments of his own which provide
that Ihe sheriff shall in an envelop.-:
bearing the official letterhead nolilv' SAI.KM, Or., Feb.' III. -li -prcscnl-each
and every dc1inriieut taxpa c ! alive Gordon's bill, prev ioiisly passed
as thi! names appear 011 the lax rolls. ' by the house, regulating the circula
If any of Ihese notices are retunn-M ' lion of initiative petitions, was passed
I hen the sheriff shall advert ist t'se by the senate bite yesterday by a
names in newspapers of more laan j unanimous vote. It will restrict sig
lO.Onn circulation. natures on petitions and do awav with
Get at Ths Source of
Don't be misled by this term, for
the appearance of pimples, boils or
rashes indicate something more se
rious than a mere "breaking out" of
the skin. These eruptions nre, in
reality, signals from nature that the
blood is impoverished, debilitated and
in need of help. Of course you can
sometimes drive away the infected
places by applying a salve or lotion,
but unless you treat them through the
medium of the blood, they will occur
again and again.
a. S. S. has proven its wonderful
iaratiou of unrestricted submarine
warfare, sailed from here late Wed
nesday alternoon. She earned H.'i
passengers of all classes, of whom
;IS were Americans.
The Philadelphia was unarmed. In
addition to her passengers, she car
ried n general cargo of what is known
lis express freight nnd two tons of
dispatches from the American em
bassy in London for the state depart
ment ill Washington.
, LONDON, Feb. 1(1. Officials of
the American line assumed today Unit
the Philadelphia has passed outside
the danger zone, as no word has been
received from her since her depart
are late on Wednesday.
Among the Americans jvho sailed
011 the Philadelphia were Miss (lert
rude Cohen, San Francisco; Charles
lloyle, Dawson, Yukon Territory; (leo
Kccles, Fresno, Cal., and Stanley J.
Wheeler and wife, Tokio.
NFW YOIIK, Feb. Ki.-The Phila
delphia should bv this lime be well
beyond the submarine one, American
lino oflicials said today. The ship
had on board, according to their ad
vices, 'j:i7 passengers, divided us fol
lows ;
Firs! class, 01 ; second, (ill, and
steerage 1 10.
SALEM, Or., Feb. Hi. The ap
proach of the end of the 1!U7 session
of the Oregon legislature limU bolh
the senate and the house of repre
sentatives rushing to get through.
There are bills yet to be passed in
both houses, appropriations consid
ered nnd appointments approved.
Tonight should end the session, bet
is considered very probable that the
two bouses will sil through until In.
morrow night, ami possiblv Sunday
morning, the members serving after
tonight without pav. If ue.-essarv,
clock will be I Mi ned back as it ap
ichcs ininucjii Saturday night.
' pro
Your "Skin Diseases"
buildinr? and tonic properties in thou
sands of cases arising from disorders
of the blood. It washes the poisons
from the system and aids the blood in
its work of cleansing and invigorating
the body organs, throwing off waste
mutter, and keeping the body in a nor
mal, healthy condition.
Prove these facts for yourself by
taking a bottle of S. S. S. and write
to our Medical Department for infor
mation about your case. Swift
Specific Co., 301 Swift Building,
Atlanta, Ga.
wholesale Mijiiiilii by floater. I.cyal
voters, who have not reviiMorrd, arc
allowed to sin petitions, but they
iimM make oath that thev arc iiuali
tied voters, and this must be dune be
DON'T BE satisfied with a
tobacco you can get along
with. Find the tobacco you
can't get along without.
wf f
Lossons in Oratory, Elocution, Dramatic Art, Poise,
Interpretative Gesture and Voice Building.
Phone 190 L 803 W. 11th st.
Wo (nn liirtvnso Your Kamlng Capacity nt tho
In Sparta IliiihlinK, over Gates Auto Salesrooms
I-'Ell. 1DTII. PHONE Stl-X.
AV. E. SHANK, Principal.
Seasoned Wood
.W Spray Materials
Sold by
The Portland Hotel
The Rose City's world-famed hotel, occupying an,
entire Mock. All outside rooms. Superior dining
and grill service. An atmosphere of refhw- incut, with
n service of courtesy. t "
European Plan, $1.50 and Up . 'i
fore a notary public. The bill pre
vides thai all proposed measures must
be sent to the u'.tomey general before
they can be circulated and that of-"
I'ieer must prepare the titles.
VELVET is a nat
urally mild tobacco
its mildness improved
by natural ageing., A
naturally good flavored
tobacco made smoother,
mellower by nature's pa
tient ageing method. Try
it and see if Velvet isn t
tne tobacco you
can t do without.
What is Your
Tire Mileage?
What la your tiro repair bill poll
5'oar? Tho tires we handle are built
to stand up under the roughest ot
usaKO. They aro near fool-proof ds
It is possible to make them. That
Kivo tho careful driver an added ad
vantage In wearing quality. jr;. ,
37 N. FIR ST.