PAGE TWO I0CAL AND L' PERSONAL K. l-'rnnUc Is n Mcl Corrl visitor from Kansas I lly. Mu. J. C. UI'-!,IT of I'lirllnliiJ Ik St i- liij! ii fi'" daj.i in thi' ' iiy ti it ji :;a -t i 11 tiunlncss. Mm. i'iirh, corsetlrrre. Models up to dale. Guaranteed, l'houe r,S:!-J. .1. W. limit of I'urtliiiul If n .Mi-il-t'nril Int.-iiiess visitor for it ivw ilas. Oliver Weaver or Myrtle Cretin is upendine; ii f' day.i In the 'My vls ii I up ni'iiils und nilenilinK to lumi hckh miitlerH. See Dave Wood uliout tliat flro In Biirimco policy. Office, ltooni 404 M. V. & II. Will,'. A. S. noKeiiliaum, Southern l'nelflc claim uncut. l spending the day In Medforil. lllg 5c milk shakes at De Voe's. I. J. Ryiui of San Fram-lsco, Cut.. In HUomliiiK a few ilayt in the t It ' look i mm after bintlnesx Interests. I'nclfic rtiiRiin-HM Collce.e, over (lutes Aulo Salesrooms;, Spai-tn hulld Iiir. Sec display ml. 2x4 A. V. Field of tirauts Puss spent Tliurmlay anil Friday In Mil) city at tending to mutters. Sweet cliior nt Do Voe's. A. Hreynmn of Portland Is A Imsl iichs visitor in the city for a few tlayn. Cinten koIIh Fnril cars, $200 down nnil J2j a month. J. l. Powell of Kelso. Wn.. Is upending n few dnys In tlie city look ing after hiisiiieti.s Interests. Fresh chocolates at I)e Voe's. J. II. Runner of Portland Is a Mnil ford business visitor for a few days. Dr. Heine, physician anil surgeon. Specialty, eye, car, nose, throat. Of fice over Meeker's. Classes fitted. AV. B. Lambert or Seattle spent Thursday mid Friday in Mcdford on business. raciflc Ilnsluess CoIIoko teachers Tirlim twenty-six years of iractlcnl ex perience to your aid. Phone 341-X. 2S4 .Indue W. C I lit lo Is u visitor to day in .Medford. where be has none on matters connected with the (lul Ice Consolidated mines. 0. P. Cour ier. For Urn best Insurance Bee Ilolm6S, lite Insuranro Man. A. P. Fields, who is planing on the erection of u process smeller In tin Waldo dlstr.U'l, was In .Mcdford for u few dnvs this weel;. To revive the dead spots In your lawn use the famous Wizard ferti lizer. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Fred Col Ik of Medt'ord, spent a short lime In the city visiting his par ents. Mr. ami .Mrs. (1. W. I'olvls, lie left tills morning for Knterpiise, lire. - lirants Pass Courier. flaskets, toys, chlnawaro, novelties at Japanese Art Store. tf Miss Fmnin llohinson. ounor of Mi-.-Callee Consolldateil mines, was In Medford Thursday on business con nected with the mines. Baths 2r.c. Hotel Holland. The first farm loan association lo he or:;Htiieil In Josephine county un der the new federal act was formed lit Williams Wednesday at'tetnonn. The directors elected are Messrs. Hicks. Sutton Turvey. Sparlin and lllckson.--llnruU Pass Couriir. We carry a full lino of lawn, gar den and field fertilizer. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Steve Trimble of (limits Pa" h- a Medford visitor for a few days. Dr. Hart, physician nnd ptirpeon nffiie Jackson County Puuk Build inn. .Mrs. J. 1. Fry of Grants Pa-s i: spending a few days In Medioid vis ItlUB friends. I. line and sulphur In luili;. Hiini: our container. l-rot coin pany. Opposite Mail Tribune build 111. LM Mrs. C. A . Clements of lirants Pa- spent Thur'dav In Medford looUu after lej;.il l.usinc-s Pbone sst Heath's finis Store. Paaiel i'.:r. n of tiranls Pus-; wi: a Meitlonl bii'-iui'-is i-iior Tlmtsdiii nuttern.llk 10c sal. Ho Voe's. A. W. Hahlbera of lirants Puss ar rived In the cl'v Tim -.lav and mil llsii Iri'-nris (in :i lew da Mincriii Yarns for svu1 .iters. Handi craft Shop. '.' v i (iordoii .laiulx of Itoriil'MMik. l ii!.. U slu'lldin a 'i u .lavs In the iir. oil business. We are cvlusfro accnts for Solltbern ore-:(tn for the famous Uiickino ineu''.uors and brooders. Contiy In and let ms dirun-trate and Kvt our prices. Monarch Feed and Seed Co. A. I,. I-Vlict i t Mcd'oid lsiuir for a few tnei S..O...H!" flasoline and "il at He Voe's. Mr, and Mr- I l, Ki.l.l I. (i Tliiitv-d.iy.l-r PoiCii'l and i,.-, cc rOllle i-l I'.'l.Velle .Hid S;-b te I'lerC" tile lor in e ..i !i,s A fine line of -:;.ndard a id i, w u rleties. Pbone .: !. ' l. I. Wiiltb. r t. im. 1 f'.iiii Krld.vv .' nJ !!! f'i. v .a. i . Ho not mln 'IC at l-.e luiblic market t h.i.i- !..!. . the womrn of Hi" V. iilmtnn i'.r. fiit-Teaeher's vlrei . ; mi mttofoito C I'. Fcrmison if Porllund Is a I; :s!.p'.-- viiior in 'he city for a f'.'v day . Pacific Unslr.csK CollnsH over Hales Auto Sub-sroouis. Sfiarta build In:;. See displai ad. I Mi and Mrs. II I.. Frledhind or Albaii' , . Y.. nr': spenillni; aTew lays In Mcdford an I vicinity nnd ex pect lo make their nunc, in tills set ilou. Something new. Campbell's cafe, nest of cveryihlnit, 113 W Main, tf L. C. I-'rednian of Portland Is a .Me.lfid business visitor for a fev da vs Flails. All sias from button hole to ten loot. .1 eil lord Hook Store. " II. C. Cluuson of Poi t Orford. Wn.. is 'iiiioim the out of town visitors in the city. Ha!iory (ioods n( He Voo'a. It. .1. Kirkley of Portland Is among t ho lin-incss viL-ltors In the city. Take that broken pump to the Pa cific Illiihway (Jaiagc. 29 South Bart lett Ft. Havies Weids Anything. .1. K. Low of Asliland spent Thurs day ai e Krld:!" In the city vlsltlim friends and attending to business inutleis, $2.iiu0 to loan. It. A. Holmes, tin Insurance Man. (Icorue llandott of Hosebuix Is anioni; the out of town visitors in the city. Old papers for Falo at this offlco at 2 0C for 100. Mrs. Mary T. Carr of flr.iuts Pass visited Mcdford friends Thursday. What about your early gardeui. Wo have ii full line of fresh bulk seeds that Ki'ow. We handle alfalfa, red and crimson clover, sweet clover and everything in the grass seed line. It you nro looking for quality, we have It. Monarch Seed nnd Feed Co. l.yle llibee, former varsity pitcher and outfielder, was among the Is players of the Portland club of the Pacific Coast league which left Van couver. H. ('.. last night for Hono lulu for the spring training trip. Manager McCrcdie expects to use Hlglioe as a pilcher. Illgbee pitched for Klnmnllt Falls last summer. , Now is the time to plant porenlals. Home grown slock. Pierce the Flor ist. Phone 302" William Vawter, of liin university and a member of Sigma Nil fraterniay left .M'sterday for Portland, where he sang last night at the baniiuet at the Multnomah hotel given by the Sons and 1 laughters of Oregon Pioneers. Fllgclle lieglstcr. tiet ready to get and HOLD an of fice position at the Pacific Business College. Sparta Building. Phone all-X. as I" Churics Olson of Trail spent Thurs day afternoon In Medford attending to business matters. fr. Myrtle S. Luck wood has re sumed practice. Hours 2:il0 to .". p. in., 2o;i-::iii-::i i m. F. .t II. build ing. ' :nti C. 11. .Inines of Hold Hill visited .Mcdford friends Thursday afternoon. "The City of Perfect Peace," by II, J. McPlicc. Sung by .Mrs. L, Ho vlous at the M. IC. Church Sutldav evening. February I Mil. 2M Charles I), (lay, prohnlltm officer, silent Thursday aitcruoon nt Hold Hill and Rogue Iviver. Miss linilly Whitehead of Horrls. Oil., Is .-pending a few days In tile city vi-ltluK friends l. A. Mallcrsoll of Ko-eluirg was In Medford Tii'.trsday attending to bllsine.-;. matter-. Mrs. Clara II. Punicher of Med ford accompanied bv Mrs. 11. U. Puc- ueher and son Bob of wlil leini' next iv i i : for an extended visit ,'.t San 1 i i:o, Cai. Illllu'ier of bual Lll.s intended ' dame shell ! tlie As!i!and Klk lodr'e at til,' rill Wednesday evening. A .1. Umiiai' of Central Point spent Friila; in Hie cit attending lo busi ness mat lets. W. K. Vi'n ef Talent n:n a business v isllcr In ho -.'it'.- n iilay. Mr. and Mrs. John liooilrich left Friday for PovCand and liilerinedlaic i'oillls. T C M.i'.i of ;;,any. Or, ., spent i he fi.-t oi i he , in the ills. San: Nnouaii ,v W,,t;,ia-. rc , xi;ls a Mi. tlo!. I vi-itnr ditrllig flic- ve.s. I. o:d. .a UK.' of Kedriilis. i'.i!.. i--.'lidlti ii,-, k in tlie city. lieerue ii.iM.--.ini of Montague. Oil . i- a Medtord ''usincss M'-itor lor a few da.' s. I', Intel ciPr.'an of descent City. Oil,, i -pending a lew dais In the clt i. Flank I.e'lis of L.mie Point spent Ft Ida'- in the c:n vi-iting friends and atti n.liiu- lo )Mlsin-s matters. I ' V Mi a ef i eiioa. Wn . is a Mialeid for a f vv , I'!'11''" i.rin.s of lil.ndalc is n teisi.,,,,, v;-ltor in Medford for a few dai- c.i-s 'i',.Mia Na'j-cn of S.ile'n Is M-ndln-i Ho i nek in the city lslt i1' ! " tei - and i . at ii i s ' ' - d !i. imis ,,: K ii-ie Poit-l spent r't in 1 1: ! .nt. i.diitg to t.UM- r. M.-dfuid vi--:,.;- pri. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i"oi; iio K lii:T Vinni-- - ' nth, i It ! r. in-'.. T ; i Hire in. -l : matt; Trcreuyn, medford, ot?lwat. Friday. Fr.RRFART ltoy Allen of lirants Pass Is spend l'ig the week In the city visiting friends and allendliig to business t.iatters. Arthur Lang has returned to his home al Kiddle, Ore., after spending a fi iv days In Mcdford. Joe Ma.ihaiu of Kaglc Point was among the out of town business vis itors in tiio city Friday, M:. anil Mrs. C. II. Struthers i,f iieiiver, Coin., are upending a i'c.v days In the city. Wlliain Winkle of Kagle Point transacted business In the city Fri day. AV'illlaui Ward left Friday morning for his home at Bend, Ore., after spending u week in the clly. K. V. Carter or Ashland, who lias receitily reluriii .l ''r-un a trip to Call fo.'iiia. was a Medford visitor Friday. Mr. at. d Miy lleorge II. Bobbins of St., are spcm.iug a few days in Mcdford and vicinity looking over orchard properly with a view in buying and locating permanently. Orriu Roberts of Kllgene Is spend ing a few days in the city visiting friends. Sirs. F. It. Foltz of Taiioma. Wn., left for her home Friday morning, after spending a week visiting rela tives in .Medford. " The I're-ln leri.'in ehnrcli w ill be reopened lor nil the regular .-orvieos ou Sunday tiller repairs it nil being rc dccoi'aleil. The church lius one of the litrgrsL best fiirnWied nnd most nt Iraclii'e auditoriums in southern Ore gon. Kcv. Alfred A. .). Hogg's theme in the iiioriiing will be ''Love and Loyalty." Two .-deuiid niuical programs will lie contributed, iiccniu panied liv llie choral orchestra. The lull musical program will be publish ed tomorrow. SUNK BY U-BOATS l.ONHOA", Kt b. Hi. Lloyd V an nounces thai thf Iritisli strainer Iot)KHcar, L',777 tons, the snillnjr slilii Poivy Hoy, Mil tons and a trawler havn Ix'on kuiiU. Tin llritish Ktriimcr Kynnstl has been sunk, says another Lloyd's an nounremeiit. The sinkiuR of the I'.ritish steamer Creenland l.T.'.a tons. Is also an nounced Uy Lloyd's. The crew were lauded. PLEASURE IS HELD TO BE ROAD TO RUIN Some Christians let the "Stran0 Mod" of "Custom" stand in their way of saving souls. The Strang Cod of preferring other books to tlie Bible. Lydia PinUliam's hook, on Scion e and Health will never he found in any way a substitute for the good old liible. 'The Strang Cod" of ' Self Wor ship". The man who is so eircum sodbed as to worship Felt' as to make ;i deity of self Is limited fa his know ledge. "Pleasure Mad" is another "Strange Cod." primrose pat h-- shows, cards, dances, damnation and lull. . Hut your mother's Cod is not a strange Cod; your mother s Saviour i not a strnne Saviour. Come hack to Him. Tonight's subject, "Hrfnidii'i t'p Fatht-r." Saturday nfi;ht v ill In Youni; 1'i-oplo's niKht. subject, "Tlie Call of the Wild." Markets to Chfe. H';uii)niiu', Saturduy ni&ht all ima( markets wll! clo?e l;ereiitter at ! p. mi. on S;ii urda s. " M Li'MmV, -VU. HI. Tbe Amrue.,u : : tritm ielt London ti-diU' f.i rr iu; al.'i.t liliv ia--eui:t'r-. inn-tly Amer Hinw. Cur the nui-fc'tiinr lm-r. MOTHERS JLO THIS When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats I and Chests X. -!!:. Iiciii c.t.-.i til tvmftlrlrrH M1r Jt:et.p uiio crp'.tp, or A-rc. And then's w'.vi - u'u yon have a j;ir of MuS t-n le ai h.iiul u c-ve prompt, sure re- !;-. It !tvs not bllUT. A t;t aid :::; a v'crt.e.n rrn-.cdy. Mi '.c;cL- ;s ecciU,,'t. Th."isamis uE no;i..s ki'ow ii. 'oll hor!d keip a ,.r -a the Ivmw, rc.t'K instant iic. U s'u1 H'mcdy tor adults. !". Ke tves -re Ciroai. bn.nK'liti. t'n!'itit T..:ii, . tut ih-v. .iil;;'.t. ucuraJcij. hcad .ci!C, tvmii. 'ii- -ii. .!.;:ii'-y. i!u".iin.ui-ni, r-ib. "..ii :tid .u'h t)t or v.Mits.' M'lLr.v rui,-U'. clu!' i.i'iis, irovt.d trtt A'ni cLU t t'.ic chc-l Ct .On I'lccoi oi '''-:"- !'-). CROWD FLOCKS 10 HEAR FIRS! Tlie ease of tlie St;it of ' reL'im v-. Kil L:wiiiorl, Mrdl'ord liurue-- dealrr. aecuM-d of illeullv iiUMn in liipior into the -late, wa !:: it n in dii-lire Ta vl'ir"- '-ourt tin- it ftei mmii. The a-e i- rreatinx intcrc-l i'ud nt- trat'tin larger emwiU timn any lield in llie i-ity ditiiiii: tin pa.-l yviu: TheS-a-e was opened at 'J oVIim-L thi iilternoon and the work nf -e-lertinf a jury was lu-mtu. Al the eiul of the first hour oiilv one juryman iiad been p:i-.-cd unrbalh'ir.'ed. Two -nit en-e.- t" liiimr ntitl a paekiii'j box e"ntainiiiir t wenty-l our ((Uarts of heei', ,-eized in n raid on Lamport's Imine two week- au"-, will be introduced ir- evidence. The car-e of heer bears a Wells Faro e.nes lahei and is directed to il. llankin, .Medford. Tlie fact 1 lint llie beer was found in Lamport's home iudie.'ites, aeeordinir to thoe who coudueted the raid, that Lamport obtained it llirouiih indirect con-urnmcnt, con trary to t!ie prohibition law-. The beer was .shipped on .lanuavy 'J."i. Tim conductor and brakeman of the train on which Lamport is alleged to have brought in tlie two suitcases of liipior from Ilornbrook, will In two of lite .state's principal witnesses. Preliminary to the jjame between tlie Bedford sclioyl basketball tenm nnd the Ashland nnnory team at the Xatatorium tonight, tlie Med ford !?irls and the Cirls t'ommunity tenni of App!ej;ate will p!:iy, tlie jiame beinir etilied nt 7 :"0. The main yame will bei-iri at 8:1 "i. Seely Hall ha- been -elected to of ficiate a referee and Charlie liob- ertson id' Ashland to act as umpire. The lineup of the Medt'ord team wiil be; Willi;imou and Jones, forwards. tHm-tcad beiiiur Im'UI a siib-lilule for this po-itimi; lirandon. center; Tor ney and Youuir. uard.-. with Wallace beld as Mibstilic- L, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! All Piinili uff llMliK'nrs nnil llah' Stops ('oniim; Out. Surely try., a .."Oanderine .Hair Cleanse" if you wish to iinniediaiely double llie beauty of your hair, .hist moisten a cloth with Hand' t ine aud draw it carefully through your hair, taking one imall strand at a Uni": this will rb anse the hair of dint, dirt or any ev.'essive oil- in a few min utes you will be ania.ed. Your hair will be 'ny. fluffy and abundant and possess v.' Ineonipaialile lustre and luxuriance. Ilesides beaut Ifyjiis the hair, one appliratfon of Panderine dissolves every particle of dandruff: invisor ates the scalp, slopping itching and falling hair. dianderine is to the hair what fresh showers of lain and sunshine lire to vegetation. It goes right to the tools. Invigorates and strengthens tlieni. Its exliiliraling. stimulating-and life-pro-duelllg properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and heaiitilul. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it. if you will Just get a L'.l-rent lioitle of Knonltou's Panderine from nnv drug store or toilei counter nnd try it a dirvted. A.Ml'SK.M KNTS TOXIf; I1T. l.KNOliK IMIII'll t Original l.uana In The Uird of l'nradise. 1 in "THK INTIIKil l-:." n modern story revolving around (he invention of an X-ray gun. Hum nnil Itnil Conieily "ll HKS l-Olt A KAY." Tomorrow liKSSIK r fiffC '-OVK nni1 Triangle Kiddies. SAFETY' FIRST Huv home product. CAUKOUM j WVSIHM; I'OWOKK is ei-. ialiyj .,.. in ,el bard, or hpl water. l'' with or wtt'iivit soap !a',i-s the w.istiinc eas.'.. llove-, nnient tdt : I.'-1 1. To; si.le at Your Grocr. HOVIK I'liOlU I T. I'.Hiorv Ashland On-. inn SAI.KM, On'.. Kill 10. -The Ore gon hoiiM- of ri'i'iisnnlntivea was to voio late loilav on a liill proviilinn for tin- ifsuaiu'i- of $r..li0ll.lHMi In t.onils to lOiiMtrm t a system of stale lii.lnmys In Oregon. Tlie bill iro-: viiles Hint tlie interest uiul nrinriiml i would he puli! friiin ini-reased auio- niobile lieense.s. KollciwiuK a statement from (lov- TO KELP YOUNI 0 GIRLS A Mother Wants Her Letter Publisher. Enton, 111. "I wish you would pub lish this letter for the benefit of young jrirls. My daughter suffered greatly from female trouble with cramps, and headache, and backache most of the time. She never felt like working and it seemed as though she was sick all the time. 1 decided to try Lyiiia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and it has helped her in every way, in fact it has really cured her. for she no longer has periodic pains, and no more headaches or backache, and want all young girls who suller as she did to know about iU' ' Mrs. Mills, Eaton, 111. Another Girl's Experience. New Castle, Ind. "From the time I was eleven years old until I was seven teen I suffered each month so I had to he in bed. I had headache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not know what it was to be easy a minute. My health was all run down and the doctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I . took it, and now I feci like a new person. T don't suffer any more and I am reg-jlar everv month." Mrs. Hazel Hamil ton, S22 South 15th St.. Newcastle, Ind. Girls who are troubled as theBe younc women were, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking I, yd is E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Earl Fruit Co. of . the Northwest Successors to Tlio lroiliK'ers Fruit Co. of Oregon. Will still continue to handle a full Hue of well known reliable sprays such as Ilex l.inte nnd Sulphur, Swift's Arsenate of Lead and all oth er materials necessary in the care of orchards. kaisi. nir it co. or Tire x. w. J. C. liROW.V. Hist. Agent. Rnd Lnwrentz has purchased an intecrst with G. r . u liaitnis in ma Medford Cleaning Works All kinds of cleaning work guar anteed. Vc tall for aud deliver goods. l'honc. 37 8 S. Central Your Breakfast as well as every other meal will be highly appreciated if you use 'Medford Creamery' Butter It is made from Pas teurized cream, the modern method. In sist on having your grocer send you this brand. WESTON'S Camera Shop 'JOS Rnst Main Street, Medford Tlip Only Exclusive Coniimnvial riintoo-rniihor in oiHiiiieiii wii'troil. v .:.. -r 1 I'S Mjlllf ailV t llllt? or l-lai-e by appointment. ' ir,. EMERGENCY OFF SIX MILLION DOLLARS ROAO BONO ISSUE Phone 1 17-.T. We'll do the rest. E. D. WESTON, Prop. trnor .lumen Wlthyconil'e tliut lie ivunteii the measure to so before the lo;.le anil llierelore would veto It if it rami) Hi bin' 1,h a" emerselley rlause attai'hed. Ill- ho"'' roal1 co'"" millee today anuollliced tin' protest ed clause hail been eliminated. The emergency elause noulil nialie it ef eeiive inimeiliately upon passage. AUIioukIi lhiity-eii;lit represenla llves yesU'i'day agreed to vote tor the measure. Il was said today by house leaders that the vote on tin; bill would be close. LUMBER HANDLERS WANTED AT WEED ! 20 men for sawmill sorting tables. ' Wages on contract basis of 20c per i thousand feet. Average wage on thi basis will amount to approximately $2.90 per day. Write to Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. f for further particulars. 30 Dressers 40 Iron Beds 30 Mattresses 1 Steei Range Hot Water Tank Electric Heater 1 Large Gas Range Linoleum, Rugs vnuiis, i auies, iron j Large Electric Fan Almost New Wardrobes Office Benches Sheets, Pillowcases Blankets and Quilts All Going for a Song Also another bunch of those All-Wool Suits $9.98 That's all today WILL H. Hibbard's FREE DELIVERY I'relViTed stork I'anrv Asparagus, large eau. Ameriraii Sardines, ran '. Diainond W l'';ui, v Maine ,.,, Diamond W I'an.'y I'ras 'ZZZZ -I larjre mils Toilet I'aprr Hulk 1,'ipe Olives, (iliiiardellis Ci'imnd Chornlate. 1 il).7anZZ Hills Ihns.' lilne C-ui Cul'fee, 1 lh Hills I!r,s.' IJe.l (',., Ciffee. 1 lh Srhillinu's liakin- I'nwder. I .', lh. 'liillin.u's liakin- Powder, flh." Hauaiian Pineapple. No. ean...ll H' st (iiade.lap. Wire, lh ' """ Special-Saturday Only I'nree Tiiinaiiii-s. :! ,.ims M'Mint elimii .Mil, 1'oiitx fiiwery Company. v Two blocks west of the public mi l;et. .lust the placo to get grocerli ..i tl.n InwoHl nndslhlu iii-l,.,, n.. neij not have the- ltiKli reut to pay u' is asked ou Main street. We don, pay ti.e uik ucuverj uni. we lu,, 1,0 bookkeeper to pay. Wo mil (, eash nnil have no lost or bail t counts for ou lo inako up. You p the benefit in the close prleo that l put on our foods. With Medford trude Is Mcdford maj WILSON Grocery PHONE 143 25 M 15 15 25 15 .30 .35 40 .22 43 .15 6 25 25 ivins - imit ti runs