Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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    Molvtrtito 0re0n
Fair Tonight; Friday Fair
ami Cooler.
Maximum Venter lay 50;
Minimum Today '2;t.
Fortr-slxth Year;
pmrHM si nil IllUm 0111 III I
British Steamer From Norfolk Sub
marined and One of Three Firemen,
Negro Named George Washington,
Killed May Be Overt Act U
Boat Campaign Continues Ruth
lesslyMany More Vessels Sunk
Without Warning.
II..ONDON, Fob. 8. An American
negro fireman, Gcorgo Washington,
was killed, according to a report re
ceived today by the American cm
hut)', -when the Urltish steamship
Turino was sunk by a submarine.
Ono of the survivors is C'ulvin Hay,
an American citizen of Fillmore,
Washington was one of three fire
men who were killed. According to
,.lhe information received by the em
bassy, his wife Is now in Liverpool.
An effort is being made by the em
bassy to find her.
The Turino Was a vessel of 2,702
tons net. She sailed from iNorfolk
January 19, for Liverpool.
President Notified.
(WASHINGTON, Feb. S. Presi
dent Wilson was In the executive of
fices when the news of the subma
rlne attack on tho Turino with the
Killing of an American negro was
communicated to him. He Imme
diately Issued instructions that all
thfl facts he gathered as promptly as
Immediately after receipt of the
word of the sinking of the Turino,
President Wilson went' to the state,
war and navy building.
After spending fifteen minutes
with Secretary Daniels, it was
said that he had planned to make the
visit before receipt of the word of
ie killing of Washington.
Hate of Destruction.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Lloyd's
report for the third day of Germany's
rew submarine campaign shows that
the undersea boats arc maintaining
the average of destruction set by the
Ilorlin naval experts as necessary to
success. The third day's reported
losses totalled 27,895 tons and the
preceding two days totalled 50,000.
At such a rate the destruction of
one million tons a month, which Is
tho German aim, would seem about
to be accomplished. German naval
experts contend thnt such an average
would cut ICnglnnd off from the world
and end the war by her starvation.
It is realized here, however, that
the British government is not lack
ing in measures to keep the sea lanes
open and that these will become ap
parent as the campaign progresses.
It Is pointed out that while the world
knows of the losses of merchant ships
itjjtinows little If anything at all,
about the losses of the submarine
Mnro Vessels Sunk.
PARIS, Feb. 8. Six men of the
crew of the British vessel Daunt
less were picked lift after she was
torpedoed by a German submarine,
the Ilavas agency announced today.
Two members of tho crew were
killed and the captain seriously
J.ONDON, Feb. 8. The sinking of
(Continued on Page Six.)
VASIUXfiTON Kefc. 8. Formal
uinuiini'ciiHMil wns mum' lorlny tlm!
mi spile of l'on'i;'ii situation tlir
piililje linmiiiintt ion ei'ronionies or;
Matvli 5 will be ImM n lamnI. It
stated thnt it will bo mnlr i.'n-piH-;ivp
"in oniVr to ntYnn! mi op
hortuiiitv f'r a trfWlv spmt;ui-
ous exhibition of the patriotic li-c'.
i of the coiMiti y."
Steamer California Not Warned
Nearly Fifty Passengers anil Crew
Missing No Panic Aboard, All
Acting Courageously U-Bcat Not
Seen Injured Are Doing Well.
LONDON', Kcb. S.-Tlir CVnlrnl
News says I Ik California sank nine
minutes iil'tin she was torppiluetl.
Aeeortliny to the Kxi'h.muo Tele
graph cumpnny, nearly fifty passen
gers or members nf the crew are re
ported misinjr. The Central News
sitVs tweuty-eilil of the inisinir are
motuhers of the crew. The purser is
reported to have been killed.
The Central News says the Cali
fornia's lifeboats on the port side
were launehed ami that some of the
passengers mid crew were able to p-t
away on them. A few who fell into
the. water were -rescued. There was
no panic and although a number of
unssenners were inpired, all acted in
a calm and conraj-vous manner. Af
ter being in the boats a short time
they were picked up by a steamship
and landed last evening-. The purser's
body was brought to land.
I'-Itoat St Seen
The California was armed for de
fense, but did not have r opportun
ity to u-l her guns, as iu. submarine
was seen.
There were pathetic scenes at the
piny side where the survivors were
landed. .Many were only scantily
clad for such severe weather. Nurses
and doctors were wailing to rare for
the injured, who were removed to ho
tels or hospitals.
According to information obtained j
from the survivors, the Press associ
ation says twenty-eight members of
the California's crew and tiineteen
passengers are missing. Four per
sons were killed and about twenty in
jured by the explosion, the associa
tion reports.
Injured Doing Well.
The injured among the California's
passengers and crew are all doing
well. The Anchor line has arranged
for sending home the survivors, Mil
of whom have been provided with
clothing. Several of them landed
with no covering except blankets.
Three women and two children are
reported to have been among those
lost on the California. Surgeon Al
goe and Assistant Purser Eadie also
were lost,
Alfred Knox, a cabin passenger on
the California, said that for an in
stant the vessel seemed to be virtu
ally lifted out of the water, hut that
she soon began to settle by the stern.
The captain had t:i'i-n the pi caution
of assigning all passengers t-i par
ticular lifeboat-.
Mr. Knox went below to distribute
life belts among the passengers. When
he returned to the deck tin; stern was
almost awash, lie climbed into a
boat which picked up several persons
who had fallen into the water. Three
or four bodie.- were floating about.
The explosion, he said, must have
killed several persons in the after
part of the ve--el.
Wireless Uro light Aid.
A particularly sail ca-.e was that ol'
Mrs. Little, who with four children
was traveling to Scotland. She and
one of the children were lost. The
(Continued on Page Two.)
I'Ol.-ri.AN'I). Or., Feb. 8. A war
rant was issue,! here today for' the
arrest nf Homer Kurd, a hnnkkeeier
eliiin eil hv the Pellilisiilu Liiiuber
Co. nf Pmtlanil, who is charged with
I'nructy. The district attorney's nf
liee says he ,'i,ir,iiri.iteil between
.til.VMi aii.l miimj ,,f the linn's umncy
and left I'lii-thiii,! Saturday. The m
liee i!eelare lhe lndiee he ha- 'nnc
to ('ana. hi.
Olti.ials nf the c., -:' the
In may reach flo.niui.
Holland and Spain Decline
to Break With Germany
Netherlands Fcfnially to Ac-;
cepl President's Suggestion '
Spain Also refuses to Break Dip-,
iomatic Relations With Germany. !
Netherlands government through
the American legation at The
Hague has formally declined to ac
cept President Wilson's suggestion
Ilia; il follow Hie course of the ('tilt
ed Mans and break off diplomatic
relations with ('.eriniiny. Informa
tion m this effect reached here to
day h: confidential dispatches from
It also said in tho dispatches that
The Netherlands government has
made a protest against unrestricted
.sulimarine warfare and that at the
same time negotiations had been
opened with Great Mritnin for the re
duction of Its mine fields. The Dutch
government plans to have the Ilrit
ish field and the German danger
zone, which now overlap each other,
so contracted as to make a clear path
through which its ships may pass.
Spain Kolloivs Suit.
WASHINGTON, Pel). S. iRpaln's
note, which it is understood, formal
ly declines to accept President Wil
son's suggestion that sho break off
diplomatic relations with Germany,
was received today at the state de
partment, but was not made public.
Spain, it Is understood, protests
vigorously against the new submarine
order as n violation of International
law and invasion of neutral Interests.
Having taken over American in
terests in Germany and being the
best equipped diplomatically of the
remaining neutrals, Spain is anxious
to keep open communication with
Ilorlin as the best channel for nego
tiation between the central empires
and the entente.
No I'a.wige Safe.
Spain made an arrangement some
time ago with Germany for the safe
passago of enough, of her merchant
vessels to prevent a commercial panic
within the country, hut Germany has
withdrawn that nrrangnient with the
understanding that ships now hound
for Knglnnd shall return at their own
Spain Is entirely dependent . on
Spanish vessels Instead of other neu
tral vessels and has demanded ex
emption on the ground that she has
never carried munitions of war.
OltD. Neb., I'eh. s. Alice riar
kon, thirteen year old daughter of a
farmer, was last night ravished nnd
strangled lo death In her home, rive
Hoc north of Ord. The murderer
secured n ladder, placed It to her
window and thus gained entrance.
Tlie teven-year-old sister was asleep
iu :iie same bed and was not aw aken-1
i d. Tlie crime Was discovered w hen i
tlie parents, below, heard a fall and I
investigated. The girl was dead audi
ln.r slayer had disappeared.
Tr icks of a stolen automobile led
to the place.
J'llH.AIiKI.I'IHA, Feb. H.-Arter!
ilelajiii" lief departure several il.ivs.j
llie Aicerieaii tank steamer finl.l I
Shell passed ni, ,, sea I,, .lay with a!
eiilVn of is'ti nleuiu Inr li'nuen. i
Kraiiee. The Iniiker, which is owned,
by llie Shell eniiipanv nf Ca liful ilia,
'.-.l lies n erew nf furl v--even. of
w llnlll l-ti: III '
il tire American citizens.
, if
i tt V
j i j jt
, M4k if ft
Queen wilhelmina.
LONDO.V, I'll). S. The Ilolivlan
minister of foreign affairs, snys u
Renter's dispatch from I.a Pax today,
has announced that llolivia has de
cided completely to support the atti-;
tudo of the United States in the crl- i
sis with Gcrmaay.
' i
ItIO JANKIKO. Ilruzil, IVb. S.
It is reported on good authority that
Peru and Chile will address protests
to Germany iu regard to tho German
measures of naval warfare.
LIMA. Pern, Teh. S. Tho Peru
vian government today Instructed its
minister at Ilorlin to make a written
claim on the German government for
the sinking of the Peruvian sailing
vessel Lorton, which was torpedoed
insido Spanish territorial waters
I'AlilS, rVb. S. -A (lennan pal roll
was Cllillireil last nihi by (lie I' relleh
near linnzee. in the Verilun ,.,!, ,r, .
day's nlliei.-il cnllililllllieiitinli s;is
l'lilrnl eiieiiiinleis i need during 111:
niulil in oilier pails nf the Iriu.l..
A 1
-5..S. CALH-ORNIK.-cumW'U LiNt
WASHINGTON. Keb. S. -The latest report on til" destruction or tho
California, received this morning at the state department from Consul
Krost at Qiiecnstown puis the number of survivors at I Hi and the miss
ing ut 41. It sajs the ship apparently was torpedoed about ten o'clock
W'ednc-day morning without wattling.
IIf iv
v 51
erf Holland,
WASHINGTON. K,.,. s. NwiMur
Met 'umhi-r, if iiilili,..-ui of Xnrlh h
k"lu, inlniiluccl u I'CMiliilicm linliiy
to have the secret. 'irv ,,' slate, if
-ni,,i t ililc willt Mililir iiilere-t, sub
mit In the senate the err.Micnt's
icw ol' the 1 il ii t ii I lulls- mi tile u-e !'
Mihmuriiici ili'iiiamliil by the iiveni
liiciit t'riim Gciiiiiinv as set fmth in
1 1 io iliplnnintii' cnrrcsn)M,linr,..
"I think il is nnl ,.i.,ir jM, what
we liniil 1 1 1 liiiiiliiiiniis nf Milium Hue
In be in this Hiir," sniil he. "As It
was mi this siih.jccl Hint we severed
relations with (ierumnv, we iiiiejil In
lillnw as tieeiirutelv as possible jtist
what I lie pivcmiilcnl deems In be uu
inlrinL'cnioiil nf iiilerniiliiiiial law lo
I lie Cllil llllit We tllliv oviiiil a ennl liel,
il' I'lissilil,., a nd tlm) nt her nations
mil v lie i I mi llieii miaril as to what
we believe In he n abuse n
these Mill-sen erilil."
The resnltitinn was tint iliseiissed,
lint limy lie eillleil ii Inillnl lnw.
AlliKS. .'eb. K. - Ai-en-
' line's reply In tin
siilinuiiine wai 1'eri
Gel'maii ante nil
declare that she
I w ill
! ei
Milniiii her cmiiliiel In llie iirin
mill I'u in!: ii ic-ri : ii I rules nf iu-
l i..,,,:,,; I.,,,-
r ; i. . a
' '
w J
1 v M
Germany Refuses to Let Americans
Ce;:art Until Assurances Received
as to Safe Dcjiaiturc of German
Envoys From America American
Ft isone: s on Yarrowdalc Also Held.
WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-Nollee
tliat Great Itrit ;i in ul.-o lias graiitcd
safe passage tor Count Von llern-
storff and his staff was received later
nt the state department.
WASHINGTON, l-'eb. S. Ambas
sador Gerard, American consuls and
the American sailors brought In on
tho prio ship Varrowilale. are Ileitis
held in Germany until assurances
have been received I rom here as to
the safe departure of Count Von
llernstorlf and the German consuls
and I In: safely of German wai bilund
rf-liis iu this country. Ambassador
Gerard is still at Iterliii mill nut in
itcrito, Switzerland, us wiih roportel
; cstc rday.
It waii said at the stain depart incut
today Hint sensational reports have
become current In Germany that the
German ships here have been confis
cated anil their crews seized. Pend
ing coiifirnuitlou, Goi'lliany has de
tained the Americans.
Due to .MlMinderstiinillnu;.
Ortlcinls here are inclined to min
imize the importance of the deten
tion because they believe it laVgeiy
bus arisen from a misunderstanding
and soon will be sti iiightencd out.
Proli;ibly l.",0 Americans arft af
fected in the American embassy at
Merlin and the twenly-two consul
ates in Germany, the four iu llel
glilin and the one at Warsaw,
LONDON, Teh. S. Dispatches
that Gcrtuaiiy is lioblitig Mr. Gerard
and all Americans in Germany as
hostages for the safe return of Count
Von llernstorfl' and a large number
of Germans, eclipsed all other news
in the London evening papers today.
Talk Iu the streets soon became fo
cussed on possible resultant develop
ments. (''alii Safe Conduct.
The general opinion hero was that
there probably would be no insuper
able objections on the part of tlie
allies to the granting of a safe con
duct to Count Von llernstorff, but
that, it was unlikely any such, sale
conduct would be ext led to a con
siderable number or Germans wheth
er officials or civilians.
single American has arrived in
Cop. nli-igea from Herlln since the
breaking of diplomatic relations be
tween Germany and the 1'nllcd
Ilegliiald Poster, agent In Germany
ol llie Itockcreller fund, was expected
to arrive hero Monday night. Inning
reserved iiccom nioilat ions hero by
telegraph. He had not reached
Copenhagen lain last night and no
further word has been received from
LONDON, Keb. S. - The Amster
dam I liiliilelslila.l In. lay nun. unices
lluil a pnwelliil Ih.iiiI, loaded with
nails uu, I binkni o, haled ou
llie slops nf llie s,-k eeli,illt:e there
III I 1 n'rlnel; ,.- ,,i;;,. ,., , .,
wa, ilnne :ili, on CMsiinllics re-iltteil,
llie newspaper lepi.lls.
SAI.KM. Or., l-'eli, .s. The slate
-Cliale .,l!a passed :, ,j which praeleally el..-e he Willam
ette ii er In .mil reial fi-liiie;. I'.y
llie bill. -cine,, traps ami wheel, arc
barred limn 0-wri;. I,, Willamette
Falls, near I 'oil lull. I,
Destruction of California Not to Lead
to War, But Tension Growing
Tiijl.ler and Break May Come at
Any Moment Campaign of Rutli
Icssncss Now in Full Sway.
WASHINGTON, Pel.. S.-On tlm
basis of reports received on tho do
slriictloh of the California and other
ships so far, It Is staled authorita
tively that none of (he cases consti
tutes llie overl net which will lend to
u:,,' ul.l r:i.,.i,- nrpi, .l.,i..
j .- ..i..w..s I,),,-,,,;
express tno neiiei. However, lllat HIO
overt act Ib merely a iiiestlon of
time. . i
'While regarding the destruction of
tho California as plain evidence that
Genua ny has rully ubundoned I to
pledge to the I'nlted Slates, It was
staled that the government will not
be hurried Into war until there in
undisputed evidence, of violation ot
American rights by destruction ot
American ships or loss of American
lives In violation of international
Campaign nr Itiitblcssncss.
All hope, if any ever oxisiert, that
Germany might modify her campaign
of ruthlessness has vanished and
there is no doubt here that It will lx
only a matter of hours or days before
an American ship Is sunk or Ameri
can lives are sacrificed.
The only effort, so far, of ilia de
struction of the California, lias been
to quicken the preparation Ilio gov
ernment Is making for the oxpectil
Tho breach between the United
Slates and Germany is growing wider
hourly and hope that hostilities can.
bo avoided has been almost swept
Germany's submarine campaign ot
ruthlessness is developing with a fury
which many officials bore belief,!
soon must confirm tho 'worst fear
thai hud been held for It nnd produce
Ike overl act which President Wilson
has sai l will be the signal for war.
California Oise.
Consul Frost's report that the Au
di. ir lino steamer California, with im
,'.niirl;-in aboard and rescued, hail
beep sank in vlloal'i.ti of inteination
cl law did not resell the capital last
night until after the president had
retired and it was the first thing to
come lo his attention today.
t'n HI all Hie racts are established
beyond question, the president Is not
ep"cln to Indicate whether ho con
siders toe Callfiirilla case i,r,.s..,,l
I issue demanding action. It was point
e.l out that so far as Is known, no"
I American was lost on tho Cnlirorula
land no American ships havn lien
sunk without warning since Gnrmany
aniioiinced her new campaign.
American ship owners today had
official nolice from the state depart
ment that II could not advise them
whelher their vessels should
through Hie war zone, but thut In
Iscneral they still held the same right
'to go nnvwhero on tlx, u.,!u is.,.. i 1
eei-ore issuance or the new German
submarine notice. In errect, they
we,-,, inld i hey might arm their ships
for defensive purposes. .' .
New lull in Congress.
To give the president authority to '
an.leer American merchant
vessels and other broad pownrn re
lating to slilping In limp of war or
(Continued on pno Six.)
PKTUOGIIAD. Koli. s.rtussian
detachments yesterday attacked tho
Teutonic positions near Klrllbaha In
Hie Carpathian mountains, says tho
ltusslan official statement Issued to
day and despite artillery nnd rifle firo
and mine explosions, dashed through
the barbed wlru entanglements and
occupied tho German first lino
trench. A German counter nttack
was not success! ui j recapturing tho
ground lost.