9 KrEDFOTlD MATE TRTRUNE. METtFORD. ORIXiOK. 'ITESnAV. FKI!RtTATY G. 1017 PA OF; TITREE RICH STRIKE OF 64 T AT NAVY YARDS OF PHILADELPHIA 1MII1.ADICI.PMIA, Veb. 0. Condi tions along the river front, ut the navy yards, tho government ursennls und tliu private urnmnicnt plants to day assumed a war time aspect with every conceivable precaution In force to prevent overt acts by fanatics or others hostile to the United States. In semi-official and civilian circles patriotic and preparedness measures wero everywhere apparent. Itccruit fng stations were overwhelmed with applications for service in both the army and navy. Scores of Industrial establishments havo volunteered their services to the government in case of necessity. The state's Na tional Guard, according to Adjutant General Stewart, "Is ready as never beforo for active duty." One hour and half was added today to the working day of all civilian em ployes at the navy yard except those in the public supplies department The yard virtually is cut off from public communication, even personal telephone calls to sailors and marines being forbidden. Most of the war ships of the Atlantic reserve fleet are said to bo in readiness for im mediate service. The Pennsylvania Women's Divis ion of (National Preparedness, has tendered its services to the nation in event of war. It has 400 nurses en rolled and funds to equip two field hospitals. The Pennsylvania rail road has offered the division 500 beds. The division has forty conva lescent homes for sick and disabled soldiers and sailors In this city , alone. 20 PERCENT ORE AT BLUE LEDGE By W. V. WATSON'. Superintendent P. YV. Carnahau of the Hlno Ledge Mine, nreonivanlod by Mrs. Carnahau, came down from their mountain home this week for a few days in tho city, while Mr. Car nahau attended to business relative to tho continued shipment of ore to tile Tacoma smelter. Another carload will be ready for shipment Wednesday. Mr. Carnahan believes that tho new organization' recently effected . in I" Medford and known as the Mineral Development league may accomplish much good iu Increasing the world's knowledge of our vast copper field and the inducement It offers to In vestors of capital In mining enter prises. He believes that Investors, whose money Is needed to develop these mines commercially, would be much more willing to come and In vestigate the situation if they knew how conveniently and adequately such an investigation could be made in brief time, owing to the complete ness and extent of development work already done. An Immense showing is opened, exhibiting the stupendous deposits of rich copper ore, in which are both gold and silver iu consider able quantities. Strike nt IHuo Ledge. It has developed that, when work w-as stopped on the Illuo Ledge mine some years ago, the tunnel oxporu- tions were within a few feet of the immense ledge of 20 per cent copper ore, recently uncovered. The ledge at that time measured nine feet In face, while the recent discovery measures" 40 feet and Is constantly becoming richer in copper. It runs ilso from jr. to $G in gold and con tains some silver. The development on tho Tlloom WASHINGTON. Feb. C Official notice of the release by Germany of the sixty-four Americans held pris oner In Germany for having -taken pay on board llritlsh armed mer chantmen raptured by the German sea raider was received at the state WASHINGTON, Kih. (I Kcimhli ean senators iu conlVrence toiluv de cided to stand buck of Senator I'oin dcxlcr's hill for immediate construc tion of tweiit- Heel ami ciuhtv coast subuiurincs at u cost of if 1,0110,0011. The I'uinde.xtcr bill provides -lhat department today In a delayed dls-tlc unil.owi be used iu eiiuippiim patch from Ambassador Gerard. nnvv vaids for Hie eonslnietion of iioNni.ri.r, T. - Keir; c v.u- ' nines anil boilers of nil nine Oernuin merchant vessels lied U) in the Ha waiian islands have been disabled bv I heir crews. The crews of the North German Lloyd steamers Pommem and I'rinz Wnldemnr huve been form ally taken into custody and crews of the other seven vessels nrc detnined at the immigration station. Territor ial authorities have requested their removal to the naval base nt I'enrl Harbor. The ropiest was referred to Washington. Hosides the Pominern and I'rinz Waldemnr, (jennan vessels here are the (louvernor Jaesehke, liulsatia. Loonionoon and Staats SekTctnr Kraelke of the I lanibui;.'-American line, tiie Setos of the Kosinos line and the l.ocksun of the North Cicrnian Llovd. The (). J. Aiders of the llansa line is al lliln. Tho prisoners were released. Ger many claims, because at the time of their. enlistment they did not know J Germany had planned to treat all armed ships as war vessels. This seems to Indicate to officials hero that Germany decided to treat such vessels as war ships as far hack as when the men taken Into port by the Yarrowdale took out their service papers several months ago. One of the last American acts be fore the severance of relations with Germany was the demand for Imme diate release of these prisoners and a most energetic protest against their original detention. Ambassador Ger ard's dispatch today announcing their release appears to have been sent before ho requested his pass II tho submit rini's ami that six I'hvt and twenty-t'ivo const undersea hoats shall be built in I'acifV const yards. It lias not yet been actod upon by tin naval committee, but it' early action is not taken an effort will be made to brinjj it before the senate iu some other way. The conference discussed revenue legislation, but derided for the pres ent at least that the republican minor ity -would make no attempt to frame a bill of its own. but confine atten tion lo efforts to change the bill passed by the bouse. There was no discussion of the for eign situation aside from that in con nection with the submarine bill. REPLY TO AMERICA has sent his best wishes to llie Ger man emperor from Querctaro. LONDON, l'eli. (i. Count Von l.crnstorlT, dismissed German ambas sador lo (lie I'nited Stales, has been frranled the iron cross witli the white Tililion by the German emperor, ue cordinj; to an Amsterdam dispatch to Hie Exchange Telegraph company, lolinir a report from German head quarters. This dei-oration is one con ferred on civilians for services ren dered in time of war. loll A HAD COKiH Here Is a flue old-fashioned recipe for coughs, colds ai- ca tarrh trouble that haB been used with great success. Get from your druggist 1 oz. of Pariuint (l)obue Strength 1 nbout 7"c worth and add MADRID, Feb. 0. The govern ment has prepared a reply to the communication from Washington In viting the neutrals to associate them selves .with the United States in Its policy regarding the German naval I measures. The reply will be submit ted to the lenders of the minority parties and then passed upon finally field mine and tho Copper King, the by the cabinet. It may be made pub- former owned by Andrew Jeldncss lie tomorrow and the latter by K. L. Jones, shows an equal increase in rich ore and enlargement of ledges. An investi gation of tboso properties will leave no place for doubt as to their charac ter. To use the word "immense" in description of their showing Is to crowd it to the limit of its significa tion. Ore Very Well. While a score or moro of other properties In that field may provo to be equally rich In copper and gold as they are opened more fully, miners appear to ho justified in fig uring largely on 2 0 per cent copper ore as they get hack into the depths of the mountain. That means $1"6 a ton in copper alone, at Its present market quotation. Government as says of these ores on practically suiierficlally showing, after a verti cal exposure of 800 feet and a hori zontal exposure of 2000 feet had been made, show $22 per ton of cop per ore. It is estimated that a dozen proper ties, including mines opened on lioth sides of the California-Oregon line. havo ore blocked out at tho present time measuring 1,925,000 tons. On the government assays, therefore this tonnage is worth $42,3r,0,0O0. The increased value of ore In copper content alono would make this stu pendous figure a vast sum. Posting the Public. It Is not a question as to whether or not this rich tonnage is wortli the cost of transportation to a smelter, even by teams as Is now being done; it Is rather a matter of getting this information to investors. That will be the object of the Mineral Develop ment league. A general distribution of these alluring figures among peo pie, who know nothing of mining will do little good. The purpose Is to get them to people whose business Is tho development of big mining proper ties people with money enough to handle colossal enterprises of this nature. With such vast wealth at Med ford's back door ond the markets of tho world begging for its develop- SPAIN'S REPLY 10 BE DELIVERED TODAY . LONDON", Feb. 6. Iteuter's Ma drid correspondent cables that tho note of tho Spanish government to the central powers will he delivered todny and published in Madrid to morrow. HHEST, Feb. 0. The captain and twelve men of the Spanish steamer 1 ovrinv i.,i. i: v t;,.,ii,.i-'s ,1 s- Algorta, which was sunk uy a suu- ' ' . . . I ..!.. i i .. 1. ...... 1,., n nit. I time tlx, u-linln milfnn nvnn in patch from Amsterdam ciuolcs the i marine nave uue.i ..u , ...... - Telcniuar as savins that a wireless (steam trawler.- They wero adrift for the aged and the women and chll- ,.,, , i,., ,.,.-, red in the German 46 hours before being rescued anu (iron, are in mo position oi uchik miners statin" that General C'urranza ! two sailors, Uaitholemo Parcgan and j warred against. iNo one can suy tho oral Sbarpe, quarterniuster general to (t, ment, It Is difficult to conceive the measure of local stupidity that The fact that con it one-fourth pint of hot water .ditions have been confused and do . . . H . . .... would conceal it i and 4 oz. of granulated sugar. JJi pressed for some years In this field This will make full half a pint should have electrified local energies to a mode determined erfort to de velop such vast resources and over come the depression with real enter prise. It is the confident purpose of the new organization to produce that electric spark and apply It to the when mixed. Take one table- spoonful 4 times a day. ; No more racking your whole S body with a cough. Clogged nostrils should open, air pas- j sages of your head clear up so you car. breathe freely. It is ij; easy to prepare, costs little and Is pleasant to take. Any- one who has a stubborn cough or hard cold or ra- tarrh In any form should give this prescription a trial. g: Heath s Drug Store, Strang's Drug Store, West Side Phar- i niacy. napkins' Drug Store 5, and Medford Pharmary will S supply you. ft A Madrid dispatch last night said the noto was understood to bo an en ciKetlc protest against Germany's new measures of naval wai'Tare, pro claiming tho right of Spain to free uso of the seas and commercial In tercourse with foreign countries. WASHINGTON, Feb. C It is stated aiitlioritativelv that there is a perfect understanding between the I'nited States and .Inpau on the working of the new immigration law and that on neither side is there nnv apprehension of friction or difficult v. A careful study of the law dis closes no discrimination against Jap anese and no provision for their ex clusion from tile I'nited States, I niter tho Knot-1 alialura agree ment, Japanese coolies nre kept out by tiie act ot their own government in denying llieni passports, but not by any act of the I'nited States aov ermiicut. Tiie fact that the new law provides for continued exclusion of nlicns "now in any way'' excluded from en try to the Tinted States does not lif ted Japanese because these remain away of tlieir own volition nnd not through prohibition hnpuscd by the United Slates. I'nder this understanding the Jnp ancse government has refrained from any protest ngniiist the act in its final form, though inquiry was made to clear up the exact meaning of thai part. TO LEAVE BERLIN P.F.UI.1N, Feb. G. Whatever may be their feelings toward the United Stales, Germans In llerllu and, as far as has been heard outsldo the capital, have manifested considera tion and courtosy toward Americans since the news wus received of the breaking oft of diplomatic relations. Aside from an occasional frank com ment on tho action of the American government, no acts of an unfriend ly nature havo been reported. Tho only difficulty which has heon reported thus far bus been at one dis trict hendquurterB of police which is charged with vlselng passports to go abroad. Officials of tho passport department refused to vise passports until tho holders wero able to show steamer tickets to America. On the other band tho police in tho main residential district are accepting "re turn to America'' as an adequate reason for departure hut aro Insist ing that the customary interval of a fortnight for military Investigation of tho application cannot be waived. The Moment "Piipe's 1luiopslu" I'.cuilios the Stomach All lll.slivss Goes. SAFE CONDUCTS FOR BKltLIN, Feb. 0. Ill commenting on the attitude of the United Stutos towards Germany, tho socialist news paper Vorwaerts says that after February 1 It saw little hope that friendly relations with tho United States would be maintained. Ro garding the possible attitude of other neutrals Vorwaerts says: "lu accordance with the principles of common sense, the obligations of neutrals are not to dictate tho rules of warfare to one participant, but to lake the participants conclude a firm nd just peace." The newspaper concludes: "Tho policy of starvation is direct ed against the entire German nation LONDON, Feb. 6. A Iteuter's ills patch from Madrid says that the Cor rospondencia de Kspana announces that Germany has consented to allow Spanish fruit ships, now on their way to England with Bate conducts, to reach their destinations, but cannot allow them to return to Spain. The Correspondencia learns that tho Spanish noto to Germany has been drawn up nnd shown to tho leaders of the opposition. The note will be read at a cabinet meeting and mado public today. 1 lo some foods you cat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gussy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pope's Dlapepsln digests everything. leaT lng nothing to sour and upset you. Thero never was anything so safoly quick, so certainly effective. No dif ference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, hut what pleases you most Is that It strengthens and regu lates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without roar. INIost remedies give you relief sometimes they nre slow, but not sure. 'Tape's Dlapepsln" Is quick. positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come back. 1 You feci different as soon as 'Tape's Dlapepsln" comes In con tact with tho stomach distress just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clours and you feel fine. , Go now, make tho best Investment you over mado, by getting a ItCrga fifty-cent caso of Papc's Dlapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless It Is to sufrer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. ALL SUPPLIES FOR V WASHINGTON, Feb. C lmmo dlatu purchase of rcHcrvo quarter nmster'H supplieH for tho urmy up to tho limits of avuitablo appropriations was onlored today by Secretary BitU er. Purchasing agents havo been sent Into tho market by Major Gen- Phone 654-J MOREY WOOD COMPANY . Wood That Is Dry Office: 37 North Kir St, With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Jose Uivos died as a result of their. German pcoplo did not do tlieir duty ! to carry out the orders In the short- privations, toward the commonwealth." est possible time. Several other cigarettes taste good too; You can't get the fullest enjoyment from smoking un less your cigarette is also COMFORTABLE. That is probably the main reason why so many men arc selecting Fatimas for their Bteaily smoke. Because Fatimas are found to be truly comfort able not only to your throat but anil tongue, but AFTER smok ing, also. Even if you happen to smoke more than usual, Fatimas never remind you of it. Their delicately balanced Turkish blend of fesferZ-pure tobaccos takes care of that. Your first package will show you how comfortable a sensible cigarette can be. may eacer fus of development. FORECAST FOR FRENCH WHEAT CROP MADE PAKIS. l-Vb. ti.The f..rea-t fur Kuune' wlipnt rnip i- nw iix'l at t'ilty million iiuintuU Irmn the autumn -i-wiii' ami ten million to eb'vrn mil linn ((iiintaU trm tin prinu owin. Tit i ("imtiVs annual ruriumplin i irtim riuhty to ciuhtv-l'iu' million j Sensible 'dqarette ljl Y tm - i. THE HISTORIC I Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind ol a corn can snoruy do lifted liclit out with the nngere It you will apply directly upon the corn a few- drops of reezoue, aays a uinciraaui authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of freef one at any drug store, which is suffi cient to rid ono's feet ot every corn, or callus without pain or soreness or. tho danger of Infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not luname or evea lrritaio inc uurrounuuig unnuc. Thin announcement will Interest niany women hero, for It la said that the present high-heel footwear Is put ting corns ou practically, everj woman's feet. Attention, Farmers MKDl'Oltl) JL'XK COMPAXV 31-33 N. Dartlott St. 1'ay Highest Prices for UIDKS! Green hldos per lb lTo Dry hides, per lb 25o Green calf hides, per lb 2Gc Dry calf hides, per lb 30c Wo Also liny Sheep Polls nnd Goat Skins. Phone 283-J. Jh Original lurkult Ulcna Palace Hotel OF SAN FRANCISCO Located in the heart of the Business, Shopping and Theatre Districts OFFERS Rooms and Service ' At rates unequalled in ' a hotel of its class Rates for Rooms From $2.00 Upward m $- 't-vT' p Hint