Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Maximum Vi-sli'i-dny -17:
y Minimum Today ;f:l, I'r. IV
MKPFORD.. OlMXiOX. Tl'KSDAV. .)ANlTARV -:i. 1917
NO. 12"))
TTt IfT.
frortT-alxtb Year.
President Noble and Chairman Streit
Examined as to Methods of Opera
i tion Records of All "Short" Deals
During December 10 to 23 Asked
Ij- Committee.
J '.); NEW YOKK, Jan. 23. Governors
: of Ibc stock vxvhnuKe toilay postpon-1
v l, til action on t lie request ot tin1 liouie
i",Jruli'S fonunittro that they ask their
fSncmbers to submit to the committee
!n list of nil their transactions, with
k'ustomers' names, for the permit
from December 10 lo December 2:.
I In connection with the postpone
ment the board instructed Mr. Noble
Jto appear before the committee with
.counsel and say that grunting the re-
1" iiiest would impose great hardship
. on their members.
lioiird itliout rowor.
Noble immediately came before the
committee and made his report.
Not only would the production of
the books impose great hardship upon
'a larger number of houses who arc
not mixed up in this mailer,'' said
Noble, "but it ilid not appear,'' he
ksniil, that the board had any power lo
enforce the rcipiest.
Mr. Noble wanted to know if the
request could not he modified.
"J do not understand," interrupted
.'jfeirney Whipple for the committee,
"Hint the quest ion of power is in
volved. The question is whether they
will make the request to the brokers
and turn over to the committee such
responses as are received. If the
.loard will make the request, the com
mittee will determine how lo enforce
it, if there is not prompt compliance."
I 1'lcniLs Mlsiippivlicnston.
! Whipple, Ktnlinn- , tlmf - there, -had
fy)ccn evidently a misapprehension as
So I lie nature of the committees re
quest, asked that it again be subniit-
rd to the board and mat me nonrn
cport what it was willing to do.
"X am not interested in excuses,"
fjiiterruptcd Kcpreseniaiive ( tnper-
lield, "but in compliance."
i, ....i i 11...1 : 1...
i 1 res aicni -miiiic nsicn mill, u .a-
'understood that the board did not re
fuse to comply with the request, but
that. it had been a question of its
power, lie said he would reassemble
it lie board tonight if possible, but lie
'kliil not think he could do so.
I ,
I NKW YOKK, Jan. 'j:i. Sear.h-i-lighls
of the house rules committee in
.fthe "leak" inquiry are to be turned
. 'immediately on all the ."short" deals
nvhioh took place on the stock ex
.' change between December 10 and
; December 2.'t. It was on such specu
Jation, if any, that profits were made
roll advance information regarding the
''.president's recent peace note, it is
That this feature of the inquiry
I may be expedited the committee at its
j first session today ordered II. CI. S.
Noble, president of the stuck ex
change, to request the governnm
iiard of the exchange to order its
I members to supply the committee
forthwith with a list of all their
transactions between December .10
and December '.lt designating all rii
tinners by their real names and U"l
) by numbers or nppcll itions.
I Ilnsls of I'lufits.
.TJie Matemcnts requested also ai,
? to the numbers of stocks bor-
rowed, by whom loaned and the (lain
With this information in h:M:d, the
committee believes it soon cm be
, learned if there is any bas;s to the
i charge of immense profit -taking
through "short selling"' by tlmsff ii
possession of "leak" information.
Noble was the first witness called
" after Sherman I.. Whipple, counsel
,' (Continued on Page Four.)
SAI-KM". Or., Jan. 2.1. rinn of Ihc
Oregon legislature to economize on
public expenditures by consolidating
departments nre heinir enrried out.
Today n bill was introduced in the
-enate whieii abolish. -s the state dc--ert
board nnd confer its dulie upon
the state land board. Yesterday the
state tax commission was consolidat
ed with tho public .-crvice emmi--aion.
Teutonic Forces Again on Offensive i
Near Tultcha Only Minor Engage
ments Along Balance of Line Op
erations Elsewhere Mostly Raiding
A new development in the. Ruman
ian campaign was revealed in today's
Oernian official statement, which re
ports a Bulgarian movement north
ward In Dolirudja across the southern
estuary of the Danube near TultchiT
Along the remainder of the ilu
manian front there have been only
engagements between advance de
tachments, these resulting favorably
to 1 lie Teutonic forces.
The operations on tho other fight
ing fronts have been mostly raiding
I'iCMitne Advance.
UKUUX, Jan. 23. Tho Teutonic
troops have resumed their advance in
Dobrudju. it is announced officially.
Unitarian forces crossed the south
ern estuary of the Danube near Tull
cha and held the ground against
Itussian attacks.
The breaking up of a Unysian raid
after the advancing troops had en
tered the German first line west of is announced by army head
quarters today.
Artillery Duels.
The statement reads:
"At some places in the wooded
Carpathians and alonR the frontier
mountains in Moldavia there, were
livelier artillery duels, the weather
beins frosty and bright.
"In encasements between advance
guards German and Austro-IIuimar-ian
troops took from the enemy be
tween the Slanic and Pntna valleys
1 il 0 prisoners and south of the Ka
slno valley drove hack stronger lio?.
tile forces, which were advancing.
"On the lower Pntna outpost en
RaKements resulted favorably to us.
"In Dobrudja. Unitarian troops
crossed the southern arm of the
month of the, Danube near Tultcha
and maintained themselves on the
north hank against a Russian at
Uritish Itepulso.
IJKUL1X, .Ian. 2.1. Successful re
eonnolterins operations by a Ger
man detachment and the repulse of
a British party which attempted to
move asainst tho German lines north
west of Fronielles on the Franoo-l't i
Rian front are anounced in today's
headquarters statement reftardint;
operations in that war area which
. "Northeast of Armentieres a re
connoiterinK detachment from Ba
varian, regiments entered hosi;'e
trenches and returned with some
prisoners and machine suns.
"HritiKh detachments advanci:ic
against our position northwest of
Fronielles were repulsed."
-It was
staled officially today that President
Wii-i.n has received no word from
(Vrmnuy that .-he and her allies wcrej
willing tn lay their term- of peace, i
even confidentially, before him.
The statement wn- made in re
sponse to recent I v publi-licd stale-
nt- that the (ierman tcrni'
hail Kl
in the
ready been -ecretiy phu-cl
prc-ident's hand-.
Stiiiic. i-.-i mi chief "f Ihf I ln-rlioorl
iif I.iii'iniii'tivc Kiv.-iiiriMs. ami L. I'..
Shi'pi:inl. ai'lini.' rc-iilint of Hit
OiiIit nf Uailway Cnmlui'tiir, trsti
licil toilay lifl'uiv Ihr limine -"ni-iiiitci'
mm it t ci- in n .-it to Ihc
AihiMi-nn liill I" picvcnt ititemi;lini
nf railluiiil Iral'lic by crcntini; a -'-cial
iiivi'-lialicm (i.niiiii--iiiii, ilnriii'.'
h.i-c ilclihcialiim -lnl.c aiul !'n-li-iiiiI-
nuiihl liu unliiKlu!.
1 ri
RV I (lMllflN P,l f!RF
I.ONDON, Jan. 'S.i. 1 he (ilidie, cruiser with two H.'J-itich jtims, sJ siv-inrh kiiils, i'2 iri-iMiiindct t. ii oic-a--kin
I'rciflent Wil.-nn what he had , poumlcrs, and ton:- tuncliiue umi'i, Shv eiiiTi4i t(r men and dK;i;ices
done "tin jn-tice and Immunity, !or;."HK.T tons. Itelow is the ltritisti cruiser (;ias)wt n-p, to liavf slink
the rif-iits of the weak ur the lumni ' I tin rnhlcr in the imIi Atlantic. The Cilnssow IikiU pail in Hie Tnt-imcl
nl' the stronu, that ynu hotihl now battle two years una ltiil In 1!11 she carries tw.i ( imh and leu I in''i
pro-iime lo lu'ld up llie present cni-Knns, dlsphictn.; ISOfl tuns.'
flii't to which we are committed and (
from whii-li you most arct'ully have,
held alool",' ;iys lie did not protest
auaint tin invasion ol' HcliMum. ami :
wrote a note when llie t'liiinrd. Iinei!
Kti--it:iiii:i was torpeiloed. I'ontiuti-!
ins, the newspaper .-ays: .
'And then vnu wrote a second note!
and then a third, because you were j
seek'mjr the siilTraue ol" electors in I
whose ears the hist, cries of thcirj
drmnin comilrymcn were smothered
beneath, the tinkle of piling dollars.
"Von did nut dure resent the pi r- j
ncy and murder, and now, forsooth,
we nun nac Knei. our uei nun una.
est by the hundred Hiottand tretis
nre by the thoti-and million, to save
the world, we must at your biildini;'
lay down our arms and dream with
yon your foolish dream id' peace.
"You and the ureal nation whose
chief magistrate you are have stirred
no fin-ert. prevent mlernnt.onnl law
lieinir vmlaled. W may say, ami
-ay truly, that the rnited States ha.l
not tne power. How, Mien, can ynu;
ask lis lo Int.-I our lives and liher
ties, the future of our race, the safetv (
of our empire mid the destinies df a
mankind to the flimsy guarantee
with which you would hack the peace
of the world .'"
LONDON, Jan. ::!. In an o:ir;h;p
nient between British lit-lit naal
forces and CJerman torpedo boat dv
st rovers! n the North sea last nijvit
! a Ceriuan destroyer was filing and
ithe other torpedo craft scattered, it
as officially aiii.ouuced today.
The sinking or a Uritish torpedo
boat destroyer in another engage
ment with (icrman torpedo boat de
stroyers in the vicinity of Scholium
bank last night with the loss of three
officers and A of the crew also was
l-'.vj'crl cwint: !:n-N al llie Schuylkill ar-cnal, Philadelphia, arc -hown
llaf- tn lie ii -i ll in Ihc iii,ni'"iratiMii of I'rc-i'lciit WiUmi. The ire-nlcnt
L'liitcd Staler llaj: mill many are itc-i 'l il lor llie hix cM-nt.
StSCi: 1
. i QL-AfiGOW
Above is the ViiK-t, the vessel supposed t he the inyMcrioiw "hhiclt
liii'lcr" sinkini; allied mereliaiit vliis
London, . Jan.
Wilson's speecii in the senate yestcr
,,. v on participation by the United
day ou participation
States in a league of peace main
tained its position as the chief news
event in the British eveniiiR news
papers, which devoted their front j
pape to the text and comment from
the morning papers of London and
Pjirit nndir lie:tdini4 siicli ns "Pepsi-
I ,ont w11k0.b .M jmini' and ' The
Washington Sensation."
T,C Westminister (lazette asKs
whether, if President Wilson had Buf
fered what the entente allies have,
he would patiently have listened to
a third party telling him he must be
content to end the war without win
ning It and to forego penalties
against the enemy who had sprung
the war, torn up treaties and com
mitted "unheard ol" crimes against
"Hold on with hlood'and treasure
until the arrogance of our one mien
lift shattered by our unshakeable will
In vintnrv ' ;nwt tlin noivwnnnpr nrtHc
I "Thus, so far as we are cone-erne
i we have no cognizance of nny willin
peace without a victory.
The Vestmini;-ter (luzette says it
is a reasonable inference, from tho
president 's mention of the Uermju
terms "that he knows something tiial
we don't know,-' and concludes:
"Mr. Wilson has something further
In view than rhetoric," and suggests
that "his most practical step, is to
tell us what the (Jcrinan terms are.
or if he does not know, to induce the
(jcrmans to disclose them. We shall
(Continued on Page Four.)
I' ' I?
in the soul li Atlantic, a prodcttil
XKY YOKK. Jan. 'j:t.Nea rly half
a million acre of oil land hi the
San Joaquin valley, California, val
ued at (Mill, (iiti), is at stake in the
government 's .-nil nirnin-t the South
em Paeilie railioad on trial here be
fore Judjie Bledsoe of the federal
court of Los Anucles. From IhK hind,
the testimony show-, the railroad
company has been taken about !HHI,
niili barrels of oil a mouth. If I he
government wins its suit 1'or pos.-es-sion
of the properly, it is said lhat
these oil fields will be u-ed to supply
file! for the navy.
Julius Knit Iselmit t, chairman of
the executive, commit tee .of the Sonth-
ern Pacific, one of the firt witncse-
called here for the defense, declared
! that when hi- company l'ir-t obtained
j title to the hind in di-pute he "never
I dreamed" that they contained oil.
j The government holds that the
Soul hern I'acit ic company obtained ,
: laud grams from (lie government.
,," V. I"
! inc goeinmcm min'i;ii- hihiitsihoo
itiiai tne properly u i ne nscu mr
agrii'iuhtra de elopmcut. 1 lie suit
: i i.i i , I r." ..
aininal ion of wit ne
1 he defendant ra ilroj
tinned todav.
ompany con-
! LOTMN. Jan. j:i. The en-unltic-:
to date iii ln-l I'Yidnv'- cxplo-ion
w ere ot'l icjiillv announced today lo
coiupri-e (i!l killed, 72 -eriou-l v iu
i jurcd and :'i2S -li-jhttv injured. This,
it i hclieed. coinpri-c- the complete
i li-1.
in m U iti uric of the new jiic-alcnt ial
Una i-. ilil lcrcnl I loni nil other
Senator Cummins Wants Week De
voted to Discussion of President's
Message Resolution Goes Over
Until Tomorrow, When Arguments
BcQir. Neutrality Code Compiled.
WASIMNtiToN, Jan. 'J.'t
Cuinniins of Iowa submitted a reso
lution to the .-enalc today which
uotiht devote the seimle beginning
ue.l .Mouilay lo u full and free dis-i-u
ion id the pre-ident world peace
policy expressed in his mc-sage of
yestciday. Ail oilier liu-inc-s would
be excluded until every -ennlor had
an opportunity to .-peak iio( more
than an hour. Chairman Stone of the
foreign relation- committee objected
to immediate coii.-iilcrntioti and action
uiis detcired until tomorrow.
Wants Week of Talk.
The re-olntiou cited that inasmuch
as the pre-iileut's address calle.' for
no oM'ieial legislative action and thai
the president hud iuwlcd free and
frank cxpres-ion of opinion for ejiid
nnce a matter involving the inlcjnn
of the nation and peace of the vv..rld.
it was the boiiiidcii duly of the sen
ate lo thoroughly consider the pro
posals and lo advise the pre.-ident re
garding them.
'ln the prcsenl pressure of puhlic
bu-ine-s," said Senator Stone, !
shall have to object lo selling a-ide
a whole week, for that's what it
would take, merely In hear speeches
or opinions regarding the president's
address made ye-lerday. Such a tiling
is wholly out of the question nl this
time,'' v
Sent to Committee.
! Senator Cummins insi-led thai hi-1
resolution had u right tn lie over for
a day without reference ami -Jiid he
w ould ohec to its going lo I lie com
mittee. Senator Slonc then with
drew his motion ami llie question will
come up loinorrow ami probably will
precipitate general debate of all the
issues involved,
I hsca ion in nil American nations
of the underlying principles embodied
in I'le-ident Wil-on's nddrc-s js ex
pected lo come abotil through the ac
tion of the American Institute of In
ternational Law, now meeting in
Havana, in taking up a code of mari
time neutrality prepared at the siig-gc-lion
of Secretary Lan-ing. The
code i- o be taken up within the next
year l:y the societies of inleriiational
law in each of the twenty-one Ameri
can republics.
In this code the principle i- laid
down that il neutrals are unable to
prevent a conflict they mu-l do ev
erything po--ihle to cud it on the
ground thai one of the obligations of
neutralily is "a duly of pacification
toward mankind."
The code al-o dwells on ihc free
dom of he -efi
I'lider the propo-ed code nciitral.
may utilize "an inlet-national force"
lo puni-li violation- of neutrality.
I'AlltO. K.vil. .Ian.' -'.'I. The
ncuiaier Al Mmln miy- n joint
lorce ot Oelnian- and 'I'nrl;- ha- -eiz-eil
the ialace ol the jialliarcli of Mil
iniioi I j, ii I Man. nit, ehiireh in the
Inn n of I iUi l lif Ii. near lieii nl. in
Syria. The Malonite- in the l.elianon
ili-tlict. hi' h i- tlicir chief i at. ..nine Thcv are in
communion with the tinman Cntliolic
ehiireh. lint foim a ili-lim t ilcnoniina
lion ami al-o maintain a ci-rlnili ile
jree of inih'.cnilcnce of the T.nhi-h
unvi't inncnt .
Accol ililn; to the le.ol l, the oeeil
.yiii... fnrei- ill, I "ri-iil ilnlnacc t,, the
hiiililiiej- ol Hie -co anil the (lennnn
reaioieil lo licilin llie irieele--- lih
rary, which containcil nneient niann
-ciii:- ami of treat hi-tnrj.-viihic
The m t riii reli anil his liiii-.,o-I
" .1.1 me r- mil e, to In- ,ri-oii'.. h,
Ihc .nlaoe, -iirrniiiiilcil hy ricinian
anil Tmki-li li.,,..-.
From Ihc -amc miiiicc it i-. learned
lhat a court martini in Alcih, Svtin.
In'- ' lemiied lo death and cveeiilcil
-clilcnce lip. .0 the (in hhi-hop of the
tiioct, 1'nlhnhc chinch in Acre, 'or
Aklin, Known in the new leMnnuiit ih
i'lolenini, '
War Department, With Approval of
President. Recalls Expedition As
Soon as Outposts Are Withdrawi
Movement Begins Villa and Za
pata Unite.
ot the outposts or tieneru'
Pers!iih:;'s force in .Mexico has heen
ordf red by the war dcpartmoiu with
the approval of President Wilson.
Thero v-re intliualions tody W ut
as soon ,is 'lie outposts are .vjuyh'
in. the -ive-neut of the main boCy
of troops '.oward the hordrr wit! to-
No date lot the sending ot Ainyi!?
sador Flelcaer to the .Mexlca.i ctp
Lal l.aa In en set, it was stated oilie
laMy today.
The question of lifting the em
bargo on the exportation of arms Into
.Mexico is being considered, but no
decision has been reached because of
the complexity of the problem.
The position of the government, it
was learned, is Hint the eiubareo will
be lifted as soon as the administra
tion can be sure that the arms will
go to the proper authorities.
Villa ami Zapata,
WASIII'MJTON. Jan. 2 It. A new
allianco between Villa and Zapata
against Carranza was made by rep
resentatives of those two chiefs at n.
conference at San Andres, near Chi
huahua, last week.
Officials here are Icbh concerned
in tho alliance than In reporU mndi
by Vllla'B field ot'flcerH that thoy
havo now concentrated In t.he territory
south and west of Chihuahua .eight
thousand men equipped to launch a
new campaign to carry out Villa's
Villa's concentration of n strong'
force was taken as an indication of.
his Intention to contest control OC
the region about to lie abandoned y
the American expedition under Major
(leneral Pershing.
(ouiImui All Points.
Officials hero hope that Cnrranza
will he able to dominate the territory
as (lenerul Obregon, minister of war,
had ordered Generals Murguia And
Dieguez to garrison all points left b
tho American troops.
Partisans of Villa and other nntl
Carrauza leaders, both In the Cnited
States and .Mexico, were invited to
confer at San Andres for the purposn
or co-ordinating. If possible, tho dir-
ierent factions and agreeing upon u
general pian of action throughout.
.Many of the representativert were
not military men, but professional
men and agents of exiled groups rep
resenting interests once powerful In
Mexico under previous administra
tions. They went from Snn Antonio.
KI Paso, Los Angeles and New York,
S.M.K.M, Ore.. .Inn. 2::. Oregon
will have a maximum railroad rati)
of two ami one-liulf emtH per inlle,
Insteaii of tlii-pc. as at pri'Rcnt. If n
1111 liitrodiiccil Into the Itoime of rop
respn(atlve today by lteireseitatlvn
Clinrles .. Crundall. Vale, beeomfis a
law. Mr Cranilall said bis bill wad
fashioned after the three-rent law
adopted in Cleveland, Ohio, wben the?
I.i to. Tom Johnson was mayor. Tho
law would apply lo steam roads on
hauls of over five miles.
KI'liKKA, ('nl., .Ian. 23. Sirnr.
hearings of ehnrnes made by l.leuten
anl W. II. Howe, cnnininnding the
lulled St a ten niniiliiir Clieyenne, thai
Captain Laurence Klllson of the I'nlt
ed .states coast unaril statton here re
fused to assist In snlvnisim; the sub
marine II-;!, were lieiinl hero today
liy a lioai d of Inquiry.
Captain S. It. W'lntnu), Inspector
of tin; coast mtnrd, presided.