BUNE i EDFORD FORECAST TonlKlit and Buutlny 1'iuUy ' Clowlj'. WEATHER Maximum Yesterday -IK; Minimum Today ID. Forty-alxth Tear. pnllv F,l"Venth Tnar. MKOFORl). ORlXiOX. SATl'UDA V. .JAN'TARY '.!0, 1917 NO. 'J.")7 LAST "ALOHA" MAY SOON BE SUNG II LOSE LIFE WHEN SEATTLE THREE U-BOATS NATION PAYS FINAL TRIBUTE II E, PORT TO SEA RAM TU NAVAL M Mail LONDON IS THREE BURN TO FOR FAMOUS QUEEN OF HAWAIIANSj gj 5 SCOUTS ! DEATH N HOTEL SHAKEN BY THEATRE BURNS LAND HERO 7 f P 4 Munition Factory Blows Up With Tremendous Roar, Setting Entire Neighborhood Ablaze Forty Bod ies Recovered From Ruins and Over a Hundred Injured Entire Country Shaken as Smaller Ex plosions Follow. LOXDOX, Jnn. 20. lletuecn thirty mul forty bodies have boon re covered today us a result of the ex plosion in n munitions factory now London lust night. Practically all the explosives as well as t lie factory wero entirely destroyed. The effects wero felt at a great distance and three rows of small houses in the neighborhood were ulmost demol ished. About 100 persons are reported to have been injured seriously. LONDON, Jan. 20 Last' niRhfs explosion was not only heard within a rndins of ninny miles from the scene, including; London and subur ban towns, but shook buildings and 'rokc windows a long distance away. " In normal times n panic probably would have resulted in the theaters, where the audiences were just assem bling and in other public places, but tho population in this case was re markably cool. Tho general churaeler of the ex plosion, as it wns experienced, in the center of London, was a roar of short duration, as though a vast res- . orvqir of (?us hud ignited and eun Kimied'in one burst of flume. A tre mendous puff' of fire flashed high into the air and then quickly subsided. Eyewitnesses in suburban towns said the flame had disappeared a full min ntc before thev heurd the roar which accompanied it. Iliv Follows rtUv-l". Kilo had broken out more than a quarter of nn hour before the explos ion and firemen were on the spot lighting; it. The day shift of work ers in the neighborhood were with their families at their evening meal. As swiftly as a battle-hip is wrecked by a magazine explosion, the chem ical works were virtually wiped off their foundation and with them the flour mills adjoining and blocks of workmen's dwellings. Heavy clouds of smoke and flumes rose to a great height throughout the night, but the worst of the destruc tion had been accomplished in the minute of the explosion. Tho following official announce ment in regard to the explosion was given out here today: "At about 7 o'clock lust night fire started at a factory in the east of London, near the river, which was employed on refining explosives. V Fortunately n few minutes elapsed after the commencement of the fire before the explosion ( urred. during which interval many operatives were able to escape. KartoiT 1'Cti-nyeil. '"The explosion appears to have in volved practically all the explosive in the factory, which wits itself com pletely destroyed. Fires were caused in neighboring warehouses and fac tories, one of the largest of which was an important flour mill. The ex plosion was felt for a great distance. Three rows of small houses in the immediate neighborhood were practi- (Continued on Page Two.) FREQUENT RAINS WASHINGTON', Jnn. 20. The weather predict ions for the week be ginning Sunday, issued by the weather bureau today, are: "Rocky mountain and plateau reg ions; Generally fair, except local noffs are probable over north por tion by Wednesday or Thursday. Temperature will eontimie below sea sonal average. ''Pacific states : Frequent rain probable in northern California, Ore and Wa-hing(nn, Southern Cal ifornia generally lair; teiuHUature he'ow seasonal average." Assistant Fire Chief Killed, One Man Missing and Eight Injured When Roof of Grand Opera House Col lapses During Fire That Guts Structure. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 20. The tJrand Opera house, on Cherry street, near Third avenue, was binned this morning. Assistant Fire Chief Fred (lillani was killed, another man is inis? ing anil eight men were injured. The alarm was turned in at li:l." o'clock. At that time the interior of the opera house was burning fiercely. Firemen entered the building with hose, ami while they were ut work the roof crushed down, burying them all. The tall Alaska building mid the Hotel Hector, adjoining the theater, were saved. The (Irund, built nearly twenty yeurs ago, was once the prin cipal theater of Scuttle, but Cutely had been a moving picture and continuous vaudeville house. With the northward growth of the business district the theater became unprolitutde. It was built for John t'ort, and was under his management for 'a dozen years or more. List of Injured. The seriously injured are: Ocorge I'oyd, broken leg and bad bruises about the head and body; t'hurles A. Hull, broken right shoulder and cuts about the body; Otto llooncy, broken right mm and bad bruises. Those slightly injured are: Hon M. Ginley, badly cut und shocked; J. M. Longhi'un, bruised; L. lirunsou, shoulder injured;-, L. Shuughnessy. cut und bruised; A', li. t'olliurn, cut and bruised. ' J- , The injured men verc removed lo hospitals. Assistant Chief Oillain was lake: from the flames with both feet cluirr eel and his body badly crushed and burned, lie was rushed toward the city hospital, but died before the am balance arrived there. The fire started shortlv after li o'clock on the fourth floor of the theater building. The building is n brick structure extending four stories from the street, but with a fifth story in the shape of a slightly sloping roof. Ituililing Collapses. A Japanese janitor noticed the rlanics shooting from the fourth floor und turned in an alarm. When the firemen arrived the entire roof was a mass of leaping flames, which threat ened the liector hotel building at the right and the Alaska building ut the left. The firemen soon checked the flumes. Host of them had entered the building and were playing water on the flames from within when, with a resounding crush, the roof col lapsed, pinning the firemen beneath debris and heavy pillars. L. Hrniison and A. 11. Colburn were working on the flames from the gal lery of the theater when the collapse came. They were carried two floors to the main floor of the theater. The others injured were working on the stage. E ON SERETH RIVER BKHLIX, Jan. 20. The town of Nauesti, in Rumania on the Sereth, was taken yesterday by German troops, It Is announced officially. I'KTUOG RAD, Jan. 20. In the face of an attack in the Nanestl Hec tor along the Sereth line on the Ru manian front the Kunsians were pressed back towards the Sereth, the war office announced today as fol lows: "In the region of Haras, ten miles south of I.amuntelu mountain, the enemy attempted an offensive, but. was thrown back. Southeast of KaUo tlach the enemy also attacked with out sneieJ'R. Here the enemy used explosive bullet. "On the Nanestf front in the vicin ity of th River Rimnik the enemy pressed hack our detachments toward the Kiver Sereth. "Muring the lRst engauenients with the Turks It was discovered that tl. used explosive bullet " New Rosh Hotel In Lower Part of City Destroyed One Roomer Se verely Burned Eight Lodgers Res cued by Firemen Overheated Stove Causes Blaze. PORTLAND. Jan. 20. Three men were burned to death and a fourth received serious Injuries la a fire that gutted a hotel in tho lower part of the city shortly before dayhreuk today. The dead are: Taylor Washburn, Keliio, Wash.; Krnest Marquette. Portland: Thomas Lauren, Portland. Frank Talbot, a motorman in the em ploy of a Portland street railway company, was seriosly Injured while making bis escape through a Hecond story window. Ho was burned about the chest und cut on bis arms and head by f lass. As tar as can be learned the killed were laborers. Ulght other lodgers, including two women, were carried by firemen down ladder from the second story windows. An overheated stove In the hallway of the second story was the cause of the fire. The stove stood near the head of tho stairs, cutting off flight in that 'direction. , The hotel wus the New iiosh and occupied the two upper stories of a thrco story . frame structure. The loss to the building prabably will not exceed $1000. Marquette and Laur en died as they slept, evidently, as their bodies wero found in their beds. Waslihurn was aroused by the flames und fled Into the hullwuy. where he was overcome. Talbot, the injured motorman, said ho received his in juries when he,. suiuh'id a window with his baud and escaped onto an adjoining roof. 1 COAST liCKNOS AIKKS, Jan. 20. Ac cording to press Uispntehos from Rio Janeiro, a stranne fiteaniHhtp with four smokestacks painted black, lias been sighted off (Vara. Brazil, run ning at high speed. Word of this vessel was brought by the men on a .steamship which arrived yesterday at Hahia, Hrazil, who say they saw the steamer. The Cerman raider which has been ; operating In the south Atlantic is re-J ported to be equipped with collap-: sible smokestacks, the number of stacks being changed at intervals to disguise the identity or the vesl. ! The state of C'erna is in the north ! of Brazil. ' AMERICAN CONSULATE AT ALGIERS ROBBED I'AlilS, Jan. !tl. The American con-ulate ut Airier. hii entered by hurulur- on Tuc-dny niubt, iiceordin;r In tlie Matin. The afe was broken open and all papers in it were fftolcn. MAYOR SEIZES CAR OF COAL, CUTS PRICE 1 -Jt-S ll 7 Seiiite of coat by (he carload by Mayor laVfrur of '" l0'""'"1. !"! the prhe ami made It (mis- .tb! for Hie HMr l jwh-iii-p fuel. Y lien coal InMiimc cjnrp and hiuh, Ihe inaor, with poll emeu, uenl lo ilie rnllroml ynnU. confiMatrd roul and dd it. The picture, crlolw to The Mail Trlhuire, dion om ,f ilo rai lcd with n Hiliriiiui on united. .1 :i'Jt 1 ,-Jv, itv1 W v Queen I.ilhiokalaiii, who is serioii ually sinking. Owing to hci for her i-ecovery. advance STATES WASHINGTON', Jan. 20.-The (ierniitn admiralty slatenient tliat the neutral -subjects in the crews of ilie vessels captured by the (iennan raider in the south- Atlantic have been "removed as prisoners of war" will raise a complicated question if any Americans are amoii them. Tile ( whole question lurns on whether an armed merchant ship is a war vcs.-cl and the yull' between t!tis country and (iermaiiy on that que.. tion is still unbridled. Of course, Americans on such ships could be considered prisoners of war only if the vessels were considered as war vessels. No indication has been received ,,(, that anv of the vessels sunk 'y German raider were other than de fensively aimed. The state dciia:'t ment has held throughout that a ve ; sel cannot be clas-ed as a waisliip unless it is under ii.ivnl orders, flics the naval flaj; and is manned by na val clew. The Genu an admiralty statement made just at 1 i lime on the armed ship issue between the two count lie-. indicates the situation is becumiin; more complicated anil was taken to forc-liadow a ui"ie pronounced atti tude as (.i the qtie-tiou on Gennany' part. I), f. Wilson of Sains Valle in Medford Friday. T;Tf 1 1 i s '! t it! 2 . U-"" V-LXsKi ' sly 111 in Honolulu and reported tfi-ntl- d age, 7K, little hope Is entertained E ON SOME HEM ItKUl.lX, Jan. JO.-The rcul.-e of lii'itih patrol attacks anil ilie. mic ccssl'ul carrying oul ol' reciumoiler in o)K'i'al inns (ierinaii troops on the Kraiieo-lteliau front are ed bv the war office (o.lay. rcpor IlKliUN. Jan. 2(1. forces w hieh recimtly sion of (icrmnn trench The Mritish tonk pi(St'S- near Serrc. on the Soiiime front Mililarv critic of ill arc s:iitl by the tlverseas News agency to have snt'lcrcd heavy losses in attempting to h"ld thee positions. "After Ilie l!rilili slicceciled ill ol) laininu' a footing in the Herman sal- ' it'iit on January 1J." he writes, "lllcv .-lii'lled lieaMly lor live days iicnnan Irenclii's which hail been abaniloncd on tlie following nibt, ami did not venture lo oeenpv tlie-e positions un til January 17. Ina.-iiiueli as tile trenebes had iieen destroyed, viviii": no protection, and as the tiermail ar lillery had the exact iiin-je. a hellish lire wa- showered on tlie llriti-h troops eoweriii'- in the open field. They were eolnpelled lo retire with heavy lo-s,.s ;l several plaecs. 'Kor eerel days military activity ba- Iieen impelled by snow at many point-. There ha- I n little riylitin- exeept artillery duel-, wliicb rejodied a piteb id' I reineiidoii- intcti-ily south r f Vpr. s." t v lift U w Submarines of New Type Accompany German Pirate Three Americans Members of Crew of Steamer Yar rowtlale Captured by Raitler antl Taken Into Port by Prize Crew. HID .1 AXHIKO, Jan. 2. Tlio .lor nale Pcqneno of I'ernainliuco asserts that it has Information that tho Ger man raider Is accoinpanlel ny three small Mihniarines. These slionini'ines are raid to he six meleif In leliKlh and of an entirety new t 'oe. .Mem bers of the crews of sliii's sank by (lie raider and who haw iieen held lil'iponer on lioard her, are quoted as sayiiiK that the submarines cCKHiiiit- ly leave tho mother ship and ro ap pear after short'intervals. r.pparently doing scontinK duly. T l say lllut (he raider lias a speed or t .venty rive knots, hut slows down dininf the nlKht. NKW YOltK, Jan. ' .--Tliree Americans were niemliers of the crew of tho HrltiKh steamer Yanowdalo, captured by the German raider and taken into a German port by a prize crew, according to the records of the British consulate here. Dispatches from Ilerlln last niv'ht said that the Yarrowdale had brought in 409 prisoners, crews from other captured ships, among them lull sub jects of neutral nations, but no men tion was made of there being any Americans among them. The Yarrowdale's crew numbered UT. Her ei'rgo, consisting chiefly of contraband was worth about $2,000,. 000, shipping brokers estimated to day and the fchlp itself, based on the present prte of ocean tonnage, 'be tween $1, .'00.000 and $2,000,0(10. Conveited Itaitler. NKW YOltK. Jan. 2 0. Tho warn iiiK Heut out by wirelesn to vhh1.h of the entente allies by the British all tliorities, that the captured llritlHh merchantman Sl. Theodore had been converted Into a (icrman commerce raider, was pointed to today by local shipping men as tending to prove that at least two German raiders are at lai'Ke In the Atlantic ocean. It won recalled that a steamship hud been sunk Kouth of the equator with in eisljt (lavs after the Samland had slKhted the raider December -1, about 4 00 miles west of Kastuet. Kor any vessel to have covered the distiince In that time, it was said, would have been an Impossibility. Docks at Kivineimteiidc. AMST KKDA.Vi. Jan. Aeeord inr to nn oflieial statement from Iter! in, sny the Cologne (iazet'e. the ltritih slejuner Yarrowdale, carrviu erew-i of earners eat urcd by t he (icrman raider in the Atlantic, vn bronchi into the port ot S ineinueude, rrus.-ia. The official .statement frhi Iterlin Friday flight, reporting; the arrival of the Yarrowdjile in harboi on le eember '. hi.-t, a- a prize of tlie (icrinaiu raider, did not indicate the ) mi t at whieli -he arrived. Sv iiK'Minendc in I'oinerenia, ea.-t of Sicttin, of which it U (lie outport. The town i on the Swine river, one of the ehanncis cotllieet in the Stet tiner I la IT with the I'.allie ea. Ycs-.-eU ea pt u red hy 'icrman war era It have fieoiienllv been taken into Swinenilieiide ui previous NKW Yo(K, Jnn. 'JO.- -The Itritish steam-hip Toflwood, earryim: n cargo worth $7iU. OUil, wa- submarined and sunk 'in her voyage shirting from New York on Clm-tmus day, aei nrd itig to advice- received here by the French line, which cleared the es-el. The me--age received from Havre, ihe pint to which the Toft wood ".u bound, did not say when and where the freighter was sunk or uive the circauisl:nces of the attack. Tlie cablegram wn- dated January 17, Tbe To 1 1 wood carried a general enr-o, u Inch included machinery, -Icet and twine. She look no ammu nition and no foot! -hipiucitl--, accord iiiLT I" Kreneli line ollicial-. The ve--sel m a- of lm; i,,,,, ,., Funeral of Admiral George Dewey Imposing Private and Public Ceremonies Attended by President and High Government Officials Middies Form Escort. WASHINGTON, Jan. 'JO. Ad J Uliial Dewey was laid lo rest today with nil the honors a erntcful nation can bellow. After funeral services conducted under Ihe dome of the capital und attended by President Wilson, tho cabinet, the supreme court, the dip lomatic corps and a notable company, the admiral's body was taken to Ar lington national cemetery to rest with those of naval heroes pme before. Two of Dewev's commanders at tho battle of Manila buy Ucn.jnmin I Lambertou, the fleet captain, and Captain Joseph' I'. Cojihlnn of tho ruiser Raleigh, lie nearby. Not tar i way on the wooded slopes rest Sehlev and Sampson,' Attended hy President. Private sitvVh at the home wero nllcndcd bv President Wilson, Secre tary Daniel and a limited company. The funeral parly then moved to tho capitol. All business of the govern ment was suspended for the day; all. private business in Washington Mop ped for an hour. On every American naval ship on the seven sens an en sign fluttered at hnlf-tuast and nn admiral's salute of nineteen guns was fired. The entire corps of midshipmen from Annapolis, who came not under orders, but as Admiral Dewey'n friends, as be bad wished, escorted Ihe body to Ihe rotunda of the cnj ilol, where Chaplain J. It. Frazicr, chitphiiu of the Olytupia at -Manila, buy, conducted brief and simple fu ueial services. Mrs. Dewey did not accompany the funeral party to (ho capitol, but joined it on the way tn Arlington. Kseoited hy Middies. The private services ut the honid were begun promptly ut 10 o'clock. Soon (hereafter a procession of mid shipmen escorting Ihe admiral's body mo veil along Masacliuetts avenue for the plaza of the capitol and into the rolundn where the body was placed on a catafalque directly un-i der the great dome. President Wilson and Ihe cabinet assembled in Ihe president's room on the senate 'uv and marched to their place.- beside Ihe bier. The supremo eonrl justices, Ihe diplomatic corps, Ihe chief of staff of the army, tho committee- representing both houses of ciumre.-s and officers of the army and navy followed. There wus no funeral oration and (he occasion. As1 the admiral wihed. was very -implc. After the reading of (he funeral ser vice a qiuirlet atig "Lead, Kindly Light." and "Abide With Me," tho admiral-- favorite hymns. l-'tiiieml Procession. While Ihe services under (he dome of the eapidd were proceeding, thy midshipmen, drawn up on the plaa, were joined hy the remainder of (he in i lit ary escort. Six companies of ma riiie-, a but t a lion of bluejackets from the Arknii-ns ennpanies of sea men from the iruuhont Dolphin and the presidential yacht Mayflower, a com pany of army engineers from tho Wa-hinyton barracks and two eom- (Continued on Pago Two.) K ANA P(i. IS.. Knn., Jan. 'JO. Jarae- Covvie. Jr., on of the president of Ihe Kxehaiiu-e Stale ban!; here, was uonnded early today in a running fight with a band of four or five men ! who blew up the bank vault and es caped in an automobile with $'J50l) in cash and 10011 in stamps, after cullui- all telephone ami telegraph wires out of the town. James Cow to. Sr., the bank presi dent, and hi- -on were aroused by the explosion that wrecked (he safe, and bcjaii finny at tbe robbers from their home within a block of the bank. Other citizen;- came to iheir -sUt-auce and a general fiuhl ensued, in whieli more than tiftv shots were fired.