Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 28, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    r PA HE FOUR
V. Mvldo lltllls of Medford 1 In
I'ortlaud, attending the sessions of
Ihe Siuto Teacher's Association and
Is riUieied at Hotel Portland. Be
jsiilos the regular sessions, there will
be a banquet Thursday evening for
4"l teachers at the Portland, fol
lowed by a reception given by the of Mothers at the Chamber
of Commerce.
(1. C. Cromwell, chief engineer at
the Blue Ledge mine was in .Medford
Thursday buying supplies for the
mine. Mr. Cromwell recently came
from New York to take charge of en
gineering matters at the Blue Ledge
SSi I'houe Heath's Drug Store.
The Poultry Association will hold
a general meeting on Saturday after
noon, December 3flth at 2 o'clock,
which all members are urged to at
tend In order to help arrange mat
tors for the State Show, January 8th
The "Dutch Cleansers." captained
by K. M. Schmidt, last night "clean
ed" the team captained by Carl Teng
wald in three straight games in play
In the Elks bowling tournament.
Saito says: "There will te no re
duction In prices on articles at the
Japanese curio store between Christ
mas and New Year's because they aro
already low enough."
C. it. Dean Is spending a fow days
In Grants Pass attending to business
matters for the California-Oregon
Power Co.
Miss Ash of Portland Is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
, and Mrfl. A. S, Ash. ,
Start the New Ycnr off right with
a box of candy from Brown's. 240
K. M. Albright, of Waldo, Ore., Is
spending a few days In the city trans
acting business.
L. II. Skinner of Portland was In
Medford on business Wednesday and
For your old home friends. "The
Valley of the Rogue," 15c. 2G3
Miss II. Stickler of Indianapolis.
Ind., Is a Medford visitor for a few
M. J. Leo of Portland atlended to
Intt-.lncKs matters In the city Wednes
day nnil Thursday.
I'hoso 92" Brownlecs for groceries
Kd Morris is a business visitor In
the city from San Francisco, Cal.
C. M. (inrdner of Portland, was lu
Medford Wednesday and Thursday.
Sweet cider at De Voe's.
Mrs. K. K. Wilson of Montague.
Cal,. is spending a few dayB In the
city visiting friends.
V. L. Quinlun Is a business visitor
in tho city from Chleo, Cal.
Old papers for sale at this office at
2 e for 10O.
I). K. Casey, of 1'rlnevillo. Oio., Is
among tho out of town visitors in the
A. P. Olson of Kugcne Is spending
u few days in tho city attending to
business matters.
I'r. Heine, physician and surgeon.
Specialty, eye, ear, nose, throat. Of
fice over Meeker's. Classes fitted.
Miss Kstlicr Husen of Yrekn, Cal
is spending n few days in the city
visiting friends.
Miss Claire Tucker of Gold Mill
nucl Miss Louise Harvey of Grants
Pass spent Thursday lu tho city vis
it lug friends.
See Have. Wood about that fire In
surjince intlicy. Office, Koom KM M.
F. & II. Illdg.
C. K. Morchead of Pendleton is a
business visitor In tho city for the
.Imlgo W. S. Crowell and .1. S. Iter-
rian have returned to the city from
Portland where they spent a few days
on business.
Wifl the stork labels carried by the
Meilford Printing Co., if you are in
ll hurry.
11. I), llossen of Hilt. Cal.. is
business visitor lu the city (or u few
George Furry of Redding, Cal
rpcut the first of the week lu Med-
ford on bu-slness.
New Year resolution. To eat
Brow n's pultinan luncheans :;.".c. lMe
Arthur Long of Cottage Grove. Ore
is a business visitor In the city.
.1. !'. Hales spent Thursday at Gold
Hill on business.
Buttermilk, 10c gal. De Voe's.
i:. M. Btuwn will leave Thursday
rl:;lit lor Southern Oregon to spend
ilnee weeks. He will attend the t'ni
verslty of Oregon-Pennsylvania foot
bull c.u!no at Pasadena, New. Year's
On account of the heavy fall of
snow tiie city telephone lino to the
Intake has been put out uf commls
Mon. Members of the water depart
ment crew spent Thursday lepalrlng
the line.
Mrs. Leach llareley, corsets. Phone
r,s:;-.I. S2i N. Harden.
.1. G. Vim Horn, who has a home
stead near Port Orford. Ore., Is
spending the holhlav season with
friends at the Modoc orchard where
for n number of .wins he was employed.
C. S. Suiilh of Portland spent Wed
nesday and Thursday In Ihe city
transacting business.
But one more day remains lu which j
for voters to register for the city
election lu January. I
Gasoline aud oil at De Voe's
Willis Garbe of Roseburg Is spend
ing a few days In the city visiting
friends and attending to business
The last of the machinery for the
Applegate Lumber Co., mill has ar
rived, and was unloaded Wednesday.
Work of erecting tho mill frame will
he pushed as soon as the weather
moderates. Subscriptions for tho mill
stock are being paid In rapidly and
the erection of the mill will not be
hampered by lack of funds for a time
at least.
Baths 2 Sc. Hotel Holland.
Robert Ray of Ruch was a business
visitor in the city Thursday morning.
A. A. Smith of Eagle Point spent
Thursday in the city attending to bus
iness matters.
Bakery goods at De Voe's.
Robert Medley and James Leslie
left In a car Thursday morning for
Prospect in an endeavor to locate the
trouble on the California-Oregon
ower Co. line.
Gates sells Ford cars, (200 down
and $23 a month.
Tyson Beall of the Central Point
district was a Medford visitor Thursday.
Big 5c milk shakes at De Voe's.
Thomas Perdue of Kagle Point
transacted business In the city Thurs
Fresh Graham at tho Russ Mill.
Get my prices on Olympic flour.
Itoy Peebles of Kagle Point was in
Medford visiting friends and attend
ing to business matters Thursday.
For the best insurance see Holmes,
the Insurance Man.
Police Sergeant Pat Mego return
ed to Medford Thursday morning
from Portland, whore he spent Christ
mas with friends.
Fresh, chocolates at De Voe's.
Chester Kublt of Applegate is
spending a few days in the city visit
ing friends and attending to busi
ness matters.
Range for sale, 6-hole reservoir.
Good condition, 214 Knight st. 242
Ray Barrow of Murphy, Ore., Is a
Medford visitor for a few days.
Clinton Cook of Aplegato is spend
ing a few days In the city on business.
On and after Wednesday, January
3rd, Dr. Kirchgessner will be at the
Hotel Holland from 12 to 4 p. m. 2jS
M. Bragg of Roseburg was a
business visitor In the city Wednes
day and Thursday.
R. R. Peterson of Los Angeles Is a
Medford visitor for tho holiday sea
Music at Brown's Friday night
Candy dance. 2 211'
Kdison Marshall and James Stod
dard of Kugene spent Wednesday at
Ashland as the guests of II. Ileiden
Oliver Harbaugh of Jacksonville
spent Thursday In the city on busi
T. F. Bolu returned to Portland
Thursday after spending Christmas
with his family nt Eagle Point.
Mrs. 'McDonald of Brownsboro
spent Wednesdav In the city shop
II. C. Crantz of Springfield, Ore.,
is spending a few days In the city
visiting friends and attending to
business matters.
Howard Johns of Eugene Is spend
Ing the week In the city visiting I'ni
verslty friends.
C. Heinking of Central Point was
a .Medford visitor Thursday.
J. A. Prultt, of R. F. D. No. 1, was
a Medford visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. L. K. King of Phoenix was In
Medford Wednesday. She will spend
the next month visiting at Ashland
Key. II. A. Tucker has resigned th
pastorate of the Christian church to
enp.ago in evangelistic work.
Advocates of the Medvnskl plan
will hold a mass meeting at the Nat
atorium tonight at 7:3". Earl II
I'ehl and K. V. Medynskl will be the
principal speakers.
Ed Dutton of Eagle Point was a
business visitor In the city Thurs
day. 1'
It. V. Beall of the Central Point
district spent Thursday in the city
attending to business matters.
A number of young people of the
city took advantage of the snow
fall Wednesday and spent the even
ins coasting on the hospital hill.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. 1'. II
lia!' . Dec. 2i, an eiidit-pound
Mrs. Wayne Leever of Central
Point spent Thursday visiting rela
tives in Medford.
J. A. Rose of Griffin Creek was
a business visitor lu the city Thursday.
I'anco at Moose hall New Year's
night. Music by Hazelrlvg orches
tra. Itesular adtntssi-n. .1'c. 2:i!
The miuw storm which lia- rayed
inuTiniUrjitU lor nearly n week, nvc
wny to an icy t'ojj Wednesday nijjht,
which Hlill hUtnkcts the valley. On
the vnliVy tNor the depth of ?,nmv
iocs nut tx-id live or nix iuches.
hut inej('aes ith the elevation. Tei-
phune wires are down, so that re
port of the depth of snow are belat-
d. In the Siskiyous the hiiow is re
ported six feet in depth, and mueh
deeper in the Cu.-cades. At J'ro.-pect
there is over three feet.
At n late hour Thursdav the break-
in the Prospect hih-ten-sion power
line of tlie California-Oregon Power
Co. had not been located. Twelve
men are wading through the snow,
now three feet deep, seeking to locate
it. The breaks in the Siskiyou line
have been repaired.
Great damage has been done both
power and telephone lines in the
northern portion of the valley by the
storm bcj-'innin;? Sa tarda v. Miles of
wires went down in the sleet storm
prevailing Sat unlay ni,dit and tele
phone lines about Central Point arc
till largely out of commission.
People cm farms and in the city nre
lppealed to-to throw out crumbs and
M-raps for soiii; birds and fcrnin for
piail and pheasants, many of which
face starvation if the present weather
onditions prevail for an extended
W'herenB, He v. Harry K. Tucker
lias resigned the pastoral care of the
First Christian church of this city to
engage in the work of an Kvangclist,
And whereas, he is a tried and
true minister of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, faithfully proclaiming Christ,
tiie hope of the sinner,
And whereas, he has been one of
the very foremost members of the
.Medford Ministerial Association serv
ing as president and secretary, and
always manifesting the fraternal
Now, therefore, be it resolved:
First, that we express our deep re
gret at the loss of our dear fellow
laitorer from the religious work of
tho city of Medford.
Second, that we commend him to
Christian people everywhere, irres
pective of denomination, as a man of
fine Christian character, an able
preacher, and worthy of confidence
and co-operation.
Third, that the Medford Minister
ial Association serve a luncheon on
New Years day in his honor and ns
further giving expression to the very
cordial relation existing toward him
by ail tho pastors and churches
represented In and by the Medford
Ministerial Association.
Fourth, that a copy of these reso
lutions be placed upon the records of
the Medford Ministerial absolution, n
copy sent to Kev. Mr. Tucker, and a
copy furnibhed the city papers.
Submitted by Frederick W. Car
stens, pastor First Haptist church.
Adopted by the Medford Minister
ial association Pecomber 2S, .1916.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2S. The of
ficial text of Germany's reply to
President Wilson's peace note was
received here early today. So far as
was known, it was unaccompanied by
any other communication and was
said to be substantially the same as
the unofficial text received Tuesday
from Berlin.
The official text, which differs
some In phraseology from the unof
ficial follows:
"The Imperial government has ac
cepted and considered In the friendly
spirit which is apparent In the com
munication of the president (the)
noble Initiative of the president look
ing to the creation of basis for the
foundation of a lasting peace.
"The president discloses the aim
which lies next' to his heart and
leaves the choicest way open.
"A direct exchange of views ap
pears to the imperial government as
the most suitable way of arriving at
the desired results. The Imperial gov
ernment has the honor, therefore, in
the sense of its declaration of the
12th Instant, which offered the hand
for peace negotiations, to propose
speedy assembly on neutral ground,
of delegates of the warring states.
"It Is also the view of the imper
ial government that the great work
for the prevention of future wars can
first be taken up only after the end
ing of the present conflict of exhaus
tion. The imperial government Is
ready when this point has been
reached, to co-operate with the Unit
ed States In this sublime task."
The board of directors of the Phoe
nix Karm Loan association held its
tirt meeting at tiie town hall, Phoc
nix, Wednesday afternoon at 1
o'clock and elected (he following com
mittee of appraisement : T. K. Scant'
lin, Medford, eh.unnan; John A.
fJammel and M. J. Xorris of Phoenix.
It i tlte desire of this committee to
irrt into communication with similar
committees of the various fctrrn loan
a-ociations throughout the county
with the view of establishing uniform
land valuations so essential U the
success of the individual associations
and of the syMem itself. There should
be some sort of co-operation, either
organized or informal.
NKW YOKK. Dec. US. The LirjvA
.single day'-, importation ot irr,ld into
thi country was recorded today with
the deposit of $:s:i,000,ou by J. P.
Morgan & Co. in tile Philadelphia and
New York a--ay offices. Uf this
amount, .fJ-VlMUUMM. deposited here
was in the form of American eaies,
being the identical jjold which was
shipped to Paris in April, 1!HU, dur
ing the lioo-evelt administration, by
thw government, as part of the pay
ment of $40.ll00,0mi made to the old
French Panama Canal company for
its equities in the canal.
It was brought hack to this coun
try in the same boxes in which it wa
sent abroad and in which it has been
kept for nearly thirteen years. This
jiold represented the t'ir-t importa
tion in the form of American gold
eagles since the present movement
hejan, the bulk of pievious receipts
beim; in bar gold and other forms.
Today's consignments bring the to
tal gold import-, for the year up to
.li7.H,000,noO, exceeding by several
hundred millions the inflow for any
previous year.
The movement was interpreted
here as an indication of the effort be
ing made by Great Ilritaiu to improve
the exchange situation and to keep
money rates in the New York market
favorable for borrowing purpose-.
Mr. Fred Alton Haight
Xfv tiTiti begins January "Jiul. Vhile all applica
tions will be considered, the ninrjber of new pupils
that can he a--reled is limited.
Jul (iarnetM orey r.uildin,
IMh.ih 7' Medford, Oregon.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 2S. Piv-i-detit
Wilson was (JO years old today,
lie was the recipient of many con
gratulatory nie.-sage- from ad part
of the country and abroad. No spe
cial celebration was planned for the
da v.
Married, at home of Kev. II. K.
Tucker. December 27. If'lil, J. lrvin
Vance, Spokane. Washington and
Mian Viola Armstrong. Talent. Ore
gon. The afair was attended by a
few relatives and friends. They will
make their home in Spokane, where
the groom is employed in a railroad
A number of programs of the
Farmers' and Home Makers Week to
be held at Corvallis from January 2
to January the Gth have been re
ceived. They pive an outline of lec
tures a .d demonstrations for everv
hour of the day. The number of
lectures and demonstrations va-y
from five to twelvo for every tjour of
the day, lonimencinB at S o'cfo.'k 'D
h morning and continuing until
n:ne in the evening. Those Imer
s;l' i (a'l at the office for one or call
us by I'iione and ask to have ono
you. In addition, It includes a de
tailed program for each convention
and coiuerevKc hold during tho Fame
weeK. of;i there are twenty or
more. The program is too extensive
to be published in the papers, as it is
a pa aplilo of is pages.
In spite, of search by all men
available, linemen of the California
Oregon Power Co.. have been un
able to di-"rover and repair the
break in the poer line between
.M'.iiord and Prospect. The city i
toiav sti'.l being supplied with eUe
trieltv from the Gold Kay plant.
III .yP- y ljly rooil.
KOU S.VI.K - Perfection oil heater. practically new, nt a
bargain. Sl V. KniclH. 2:19
.'V !.!-! AtlJutirP-orjUtf .
U$S I'liN i II. J l.oM i..o.-..V
n IvJ TV r Oi-r. n r tar v
- y pfBi.i. a . ' -run in K.trm
LOST HilM-r and r-arl iiamllo um-l.i-i-lta
with Initial ' K." Lost near
my resilience, tii:! North Kir (..
Friday night. Phone ell X.
Certified Public Accountant
Mi'ilford, Oregon,
ltoonn 41 1 and 4I'J, M. F. & II. IlKlR.
Are you really Retting all valuable
Inforniation out of your bookkeeping
8V.tem. Mutual benefit toav reniill
'if jou talk il over nitii Wilson.
Portland, Oregon. "I was troubled
lor years witn te
male trouble and
Ujj tried a great many
KSs? remedies without
any benefit until
j. was auvisea w
fiiuse Dr. fierce s
$rfZ$&2- Favorite Prescrip
tion. 1 took sev-
1 or il Vint 1 1 no ni if.
j r 'and received great
' i fi ! -V- Deneiit tnereironi.
H 7 1 can heartily rcc
ommend this med
icne to all women who arc expecting
to become mothers, as I do not think
there is anything to equal it. It is
also good during the period of middle
life." Mrs. C. A. Andkiwox, 1451
Macadam Street.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
a true friend to women in tunes of
trial and nt times of pain when the
organs are not performing their func
tions. For headache, backache, hot
flashes, catarrhal condition, bearing
down sensation, mental depression,
dizziness, fainting spells, lassitude and
exhaustion, women should never fail
to take this tried and true woman's
For girls about to enter woman
hood, women about to become moth
ers, and for the changing days of
middle ace, Doctor Pierce's Favorite
Prescription should always be on hand.
Jt's a temperance remedy that is
extracted from roots with pure givcer-
ine and its ingredients are published
on wrapper.
Any medicine dealer can supplv it
in rimer nijiiiu tr uiuivi lunii. auu
cost is modest, the restorative bene
lits truly remarkable.
Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids Hotel
Buffalo N. Y., for free 1'W page book
on woman's diseases. Kvery woman
should have one. You can also have
confidential . medical advice without
Igoat milk
A V-. I f W i!-0 for iH..a'-.
"y, ll..-!,. 20:. ..v
korcsD ltoTt;ty
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
Money to Loan
Six Per Cent Interest
FROM $250 TO $5000
O. C. Boggs
III Her Latest Sensation
Srvstie llayakauu in
"Tho Hoimmhlr Krioinl."
Hotel Medford
;l!Al TAIil.K K'MOl TI-:
in Siimhiy. IKi-rmlvr at.
Ami Monthly. January I, 1UI7
Hour3 11:30 a. in. to 2 . m.
Ti p. ni. to S p. m.
Antl mi Momlay. January 1, 1!117,
At p. in.
At One Vi,-.r
l;cnc Your TaWts No',
Still Goingl
Leather Goods
Prices Greatly Reduced
Give New Year
Medford Pharmacy
Phone 10
A new ear in appearance, with large radiator
and enclosed fan; streamline hood; crown fen
ders, front and rear; all black finish a mighty
handsome car and yet the same reliable Ford
simplicity, strength and economy. Tho ever-increasing
demand for Ford cars is mainly due to
the dependable, practical service given by tho
car in use, in every line of human activity, and
tho further fact that it is a pleasure care in tho
broadest sense. It is "work and play" combined
in one car. It is a better car than ever before,
aud Ford Service is as universal as the car. Tour
ing Car ?3C0; Uuiiabout $313; Coupelet S303;
Town Car $o!lj; Sedan $013 f. o. b. Detroit.
Easy terms.
m M
f 111
: :i m
IL V" .-iti'
JUiUcr I ires
Geared to
the Road
The tire that has stood
the test of Oregon roads
the past season; a quality
product thjat is well
worth the price.
Rnhprfe.Rmc Prnn