PAflTC KTX MTCDFOTcT) MATT, TftTBTNTl. WJVFOITO. OTtEnoy, TTTTTiftDAY. TVPX'E'MP.ET H. "lAlo. IE PROGRESSIVES PLAN GAPTUR E ... mm Conference Called to Meet at Chicago in March to Advance Hiram John son's Cause Want to Rule or Get Kicked Out of Party, Don't Care Which. Ily OlI.SuN OATiUXKlt. NKW YOIIK, Deo. I t. In 1111 ef fort to "progrrssivci.c" tlio repuljli- i-nn party nml to make possible the pouiinution uf Iliinni Jnlinsim ii 111110, u e,encr:il cunl'erenee of pro e.res-ive repnljliean-i is to bo culled to meet in t.'liieiifio early in Marrh. A mooting to iiimnpe prclimiimrios will 1)0 liclil in January. Suoli, lit lenst, lire tlio plans of Ketib!l(':iii ('oiimtil-tei-inun CIi.;f,tiT I'owell o Calirurni:i. now in Xew York. ' Colonel Roosevelt linn boon ' eon Rilled, but in niuleriiloou to havo ratlior thrown cold wrier on tlio plnn.s. The colonel is Miiil to tool lliat tiny luovos looking so far ulienil us lil'JO aro u bit premature. To Capture Party. Anions those who are eo-oporuliue, with the movement aro Uiffonl I'iu ehot of l'ennsylvaiiia, Harold li kes, liayiiioml Itobbins and Medill Mct'or Diiek of Illinois', uiul James li. (Jar field of Ohio. The inirpose, frankly expressed, of this i;ri.)up is to eapture the rcpub- lieiin party or to iet kioked out of the ropublioan party, openly and ie noiiiinously. "Vo don't niueh onro which,'' said Chester Howell, "but wo want n show down. The other crowd have had their iiininpi; now it is our turn lo (Jo to bat. If the other fellows don't want to let ns have our swat at the ball the sooner we know it the bettor we can organize a nine of our own.' Whiob means Hint the progressive party will be reorganized if tlio -tnml-piit erov.'d do not (live up. If the progressive parly in reorganized it will, as before, hold n veto power over any kuooosk by the old (,'iinrd, even thoiich it may be unable to win fur itself. Deiiuind Hcpnwenlntlon. In order to foree I ho issue, the progressives will demand Hint, the six progressive who wore added lo the executive eommitlee of ton to make a oanipaitiii committee be re turned lis a permanent "executive" committee. In addition, it is propos ed to make use of primaries in the Western states, or in other states wliioh have workable primaries, to nominate progressive candidates for eonercss: anil state offices, and lo displace any but pronrcssivcH in the organization of the party. Mr. Will cox is expected to resign ami Messrs. Murray Crime, Frank Hitchcock. Ui'iirgu I'cl'kins, Tobc Hurl, ,lo Konl iiiK, Jim Watson and the lest will be nskod lo take mar seals or leave the hall. All oE which is reeojaiilioii of the fact Hint there is a nrrnt independent element nnione; tlio voters, even the nominally ropublioan voters, which will not bo delivered under parly la bels to stand-pat candidates on reac tionary platform-. Kt forts to deliver this element to a lluphcs do nut suc ceed. Tile parly and its of.-niii:'.iitiin must ho made over if ii is to ictain this vi. to. Such is Ihi' belief of this yroup. Many FriH' Lances, Tlu'i'o is another wiim of I In- pro gressive party which i-. not eo-oper-litiut; with the pre. cut movement. This is the ,I,.hn M. I'nrkcr, Mall Halo, .lutipe Noitoni. I'limci- .1. Hcney, llainhiido Colby ttroup. They lire the niuro radical iirop,i'-sivcs. Wiiilo the (iiirticlds.iiud liowclls wont ulon on the reecnt Hughes cxcir-i-ion wi'tit relueiiuitly ami with tongues in their check-., the oilier ;,,ip .iioMped tin- p.Mitv fence and campaigned openly and sincerely lor WiUon. Tlu-.-e Wilson proi:rcssi ice not bv tiny mentis coiifinneil dem ocrats. They are merely poliliciil i'l'eo-liiiioes, nnitc at liberty to sup port lliram JoiiiiMin, or to support Wilson if the John-en boom is stop ped and the old fitim-il is triumphant in its stupidity. They wijjit oven reore,nnire the progressive party ami keep its principle.- nlivo, reeardlc-s pf both the old parties. Whatever liiippctn, the present interest centers jdrotif.'ly in Hiram Johnson. On all hides bis star is veeoeni.ed as a ris inif one ami his principal diftieiiltv at tlio pre-ent time is to bob! in cheek the enthusiasms of his fi'ieml-- and wotild-bf manager-. HERE ARE TWO ADVANCE TIPS ON SPRING STYLES. FUR IS STILL TO REMAIN GREAT FAVORITE -W v,v' -AWAif ;fr vv.v1,. i'AM ' T4' hJ if " " f A h L A - i ! i! t , lU ' i I r 1 1 1? Ww si vie nroiiheoies have nr- I remain the favorite tiiiamini; for still Ku-ter rived. Here are two advance models for spring as worn by Iicssio liariiseale, the Tiiangle movie star. "Miss liarriseulu's street suit is of pule itruy chiffon velvet bordered with inonkev fur. (Ill, yes, fur will The lied liidiiijihood cape is made of black chiffon baiideil" with silver tulle. It uxtcmWo the foot of the .1.:... i ,.i i e... .1.: 'ri, .. , . ,. . :11IL tlllU JHSieilS llill llliuuil. j lit .Miss rtarriseale s siumuii -sneri and black restaurant frock onelit to j .-"-' ' ls uf blu(,k oliilfon over nroviile anv eirl with n dozen new no-! silver eauze. The skirt is banded tions for n spring wardrobe. ar- I remain the favorite triiaminx for still i another summer. The coat is hip it-ii-.-1 Ii and the skirt is lomicr than the avoraee foi' tile winter. Iwi'li black velvet to (live it eiuht. 10 REGISTER FOR CITY ELECTION t Several hundred ipmliru-! voters of the oily of Mcdford mo as yet not resistered under the city's pcrmanonl rcttislration system, accordim;' to Kl- luer Foss, city recorder. All those who have not registered at the re oorder's office since the vv clcciion f last Janiiaiy iiiust, do so before December 'JO, or have their votes sworn in election ilav. Those who have changed their residence from one ward to another must re-reeister. lteistralion may be made al the recorder's oll'ioe lioi'u now until De cember tit), ten days before the city election, when the books close. Ilceailse of the fact that they lee- islercd for the recent county election some voters are under the iinpre.- -.ion that they need nut re-reyisler for the ily election. Cilv and eountv rce- islratious arc cnliiely separate and rejfisli'alion must In- made lor each bv itself. BSo BERAFTED TWENTY MINERS DIE AND SEVEN INJURED PITTSBURG, Kas., Dec. II. Twenty minors wero killed and seven Injured in an explosion late today In the Heedy and Ryan eoal mine at Stone City, fifteen miles southwest ot here. The injured men will recover, it la believed. A combination gas and powder explosion Is believed to have been tlio cause ot the dtaastcr, but state mine '.exuerts have not yot been able to muko a thorough exam ination, r 6000 BOXES OF APPLES PICKED FROM 10 ACRES KiliMiij: a el-op ol' :tj)k" iiml pears this scnnii t'(iia! to tlic bumper tmp of 191J and more tlian twice us rcat iih tin; crops nl' cither 11114 or 1915 is what 1!. liiiihaiu was able to accomplish vh''!i 110 acres of the Mini Vistu and llntnptfui orchards were broti;;lit ximlcr irrinliuu lust siumuct'. On one ten-acre block over COUl) boxes ol' 1 leu Davis apple were packet), practically all of these, beinj extra l-aiicy ant! all under 175 in sie. The peiir yield from both orchards was exceptionally heavy and the fruit was the largest in size and of the" liC't quality ever raised on Ihee or chards. These yiekU, Mr. lliujiliam stated "A'cMncday, wi;ic due to the use of it'jjti.;n. Witliont water he consid ers the ciop could have been no heav ier than in the two previous yearn, as tlic natural supply of water has proven entiiely inaileiuate for the propir maturing of fruit. "To bring the benefils of water to the valley," Mr. tin,u"Iiain stated, 'Mhe preliiuiniiiy election should he voted upon favorably by every fanner and orchardist. I am certain of the abil ity of the men who me to be chosen as directors of the district to work out a plan which will he fair to both the landowners and the company whose proposition for the furnishing of water may he recommended by the directors." The land to which Air. Bingham applied water is free noil and sticky, lioth types of land were irrigated three times heavily and both types showed equally beneficial results from the applications. ! With Mcdford trade Is Modford made Does Not Rub Lasts as irs. SaTcs Yorfc. Get d Can Today IIKRI.I.N. Dee. I t. Ile.-'tn workers In the various triulei will not be drawn Into tlio government service or called under the new hoiucamiy law until Kebruary, accordinj; to an iinnouncenient by (Jeiicral Clroener, head ot the wur bureau, to the Berlin chamber of trades today. That, niucb llmo will be required to organlzo the new national service, questions of transportation and raw material prob- j ' "r- , , , , jYou'CanlGo to Many Points (leueral tJroener further states that j , when it wan necessary to call upon the trade, their representatives would be consulted in regard to ilral't Ing workers. His announcement was mailo in order to tpiiet uneasiness over rumors that the trades workers would be called out Immediately, JX IM RECENTLY ADDED AT PUBLIC LIBRARY n MM Oreg'on-California Washing'ton-Idaho ON Hooks recently added to lb" siulv ot the public lihrnry l:ielin!e 1'ie Ii lowint;: "American Literature," .Mn.nictb False .Saint." tdraina) l-'rr.nt-oi ' t'urel; "How to Kim a I'ti,,.. ,. I'rofit." Sy.-.em "Mali, oca." (drama ) Qtilntcrn; "I'icn i t'rlio SekliiK Coiiti-st.i." i'r:ii:;, ,, Ciiniilson; "I'lain facts About m . co." Iluucr: "t'nlou I'unraits," lord;.. - Verier Talks .to tiir Knott; "Washington Siiuare llir Urania l.camie ., !!, .;'" Wii ll An cans of rant and l'reent Pays." I sci'and: "Writlni; the Sliort Stoi l-'sciiw ein. FOR LUMBER ILL 'flic fiiM car of machinery fn (lie iil uf l he Aj'ph'-aU- Lumber t . ar- t .i in MiMMind Tli -1 1 sdiiv ami i- i . iM-', n'lli'.'tlcd ,-iti.l plai cd mi '-turayei .-.! l-n- ihf cou-.p1 I ion of niill ' I n.-l ;.!,-tl ia :tc arc lit-' t'llam i I u t cutl'i --. civ ! ! b: ;:d j v ;i i i.nil ;.' ol - : I '.;r.v ;ud ' , tlic !-.; nVc.l : ..s.iprjicut 1 v :r phtnl. ; 'flu- i't'!ii:; iii in'.:1 four nv- a re c -ii'd lo i"Tic and be iiuhaIcd Low Round Trip Holiday Fares Low- raiv ol' 1 1 out' iy. ltlit'ral ri'ltirn limits. Go for Xmas and stay for New Years Tin- still- dates, faros, train service, informa tion may lie oiitained ly asking loo-tl tttivut or adilressinjr .101 IN M. SCOTT, (ieneral l'as.sen;j;er Agent, Pol tland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES ot- rl l-'oiiti (iroi'i-y l'o. Thirteen pounds pure cane suitar. $1. Wo ore the first to lower prices and the last to raise tiieni. The only utrletly eoh imd no delivery urocery to ileilforil. "'. DGNT FUSS Illi! lISfiSROPlilSTERS! Musterolo Works Easier, Ouickot and Without the HI T!ur's no M-me in irlxiiic: a ir.cs oi iuutaril. Il ur and wlicn w.i car ca-dy rc!ue, ,jri-nc ,.r juit'ncs with a little clean, wlmc Min-trrole. .Miin.cride is ro;i.!c ot pure oil oi nets- l;il(l anil other IhIimuI i:ii;ud'-c.t, C: til billed in the form ol a pl' uii unitiitcut. it lakes the p!tlc-- o ..m.,,;. dale pniMard plant r., an-i will loibli.irr, .Muslcrile uiiallv ic t1'"::;!"! i.t;--from ore ',r iiiciiitK. t n-du .'riaip. stitt mok. astni.i. muraii.i, h- ,i.i cbe. eonycMioii. jnui.v, ihcciii.iii.t!! hiinb;u!, pair an I a.-l!c'of Oie i-i ioiuttt. 5pr.iiiis, o;c liii:sj,, brtiiM-.--hiiW.iiii;. f r. -t. I feet, e !.!; of tin licit t.'lcll piV.mU puu'.r; int. 3r HI Beware of Our Competitors Don't pay two prices for your Nuts, Oranges and Candies We guarantee our line to be the cheapest in town FOR SATURDAY SPECIALS Flour, per sack - $1.50 Spuds, per 100 lbs. - - - 1.35 Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. for .25 1st Grade English Walunts per lb. - - .20 Remember, Jones is the place, first store east of park next to the Golden Rule. rmk JONES CASH GROCERY P3SE iduinly. 1'aroclM mav be indorsed "Do not nH'u until (.'liriMiiii'." with out t-liatiiriiiir the cla-ilicaiioii. WEDDING BELLS The Jledford posiolTice is the busiest place in town today ami the otl'ice force will be kept rti-hin at ii. i sliced until alter t'liiislnias. IVople are realiiiny; that on ac count, of Christmas cotuiiii: on Holi day this year it will be necessary for ail iar i Is to rem h their destination by Friday prccoiliiij; Christmas in or der to insure delivery on Sal unlay. i'oslmastcr .Minis tire.c.-- all to mail early, wrap secure!- anil address Kd lleanelnian and Mis. -Mny H'-"'-i.ett were married ut .laeksonvillo Taesdny alteruoon ut five o'clock ttiiil left on a Bhort lioneytuoon trip. Tlio weddins came an a complete surpilto to the many friend!" of the yoaut: eouitle. W Cnnl of Tlmnkn. Wo wish to thank all friends and neighbors, w ho so urnciously extend ed us aid und aymimthy during our recent bereavement. 1IIIS. It. M. KIXC'Ain, and family. Profit by our diamond experience Don't jiHioe a diamond liy its ettrtit weight alone, for iliitnionds of equal veit;lit. aro not neeessarily of equal value. Tlie worili of a diamond its purity ol' eolor and perfeeiion in cutting e;tn lie judged best by nteu who know diamonds. . Profit, by our diamond experienee. We know true diamond values. Our reputation for integrity is your assur ance of honest service. Comeiiu and talk with us before you buy. IMARTIN J. REDDY I Vlu.nv 10 ynnlily First II l Visitors Ahvayv Welcome 1 ' "' ' Auto Owners Attention Comply with the new dimmer law and use the OSGOOD lens in your lamps the best that money can buy. "Lights the road, not the air." We also have the "Noglair" lens and the "Masta Dimmer" to fit your lamps appro vd by the Chief cf .Police. Prices right POWER AUTO CO. m m$ m mm i hi teg! 11 tea WW- JBiller It res t4Mi!ler" Geared to i the Road Tires ;Try a "Miller" this time; as good as they look Roberts Riverside Garage