MEDForcn Mxrn trtpthst!, flrEPFORTT, cvREfloy, Saturday. TECEMr,ET? 2. ima rxnrc Frr is Freckles and His 'Friends BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- Buy oil Btoc-k In CO milieu dollar com pany. 100 lift- cent -dividends, in 90 days possible.' Production now Coming In, ground floor block, 1 if nt o share, doubles price shorlly, $1 par vuluo, 111) buys 1000 'shares. Write full details. Amal gamated Oil Co., 1124 Colcoril Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okta. NO. I CJtkKl V- .-.- - IT lUr 9 BUSINESS OPPORTCNITY We lo cate "you free. Deal directly with owners. Send for our free maga zine. Western Sales Agency, Min neapolis, .Minn. BCsrvEsa biuccrroRY Anto Buppnu I -' - I i fiftOo'urtDMIULl . W W-". . I tT VU CAM DMT IT I -- -J. IPORTLAND MARKETS Portland Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2. Hog sternly; receipts 101. Prime, linlit .fil.TOfti '.0.75; prime .strong weights, .ftl.TOCq 9.85; good to prime mixed .ft)..,iO((T9..')5; rough heavy packing ..8..ri0(n;9.10; pigs and skips Jf8.2."i(iC IT 8.75; stock hogs 7(tiH. Cattle, steady; receipt 81. Steers, prime light $7(07.2.5; prime heavy r7$i$7.aU; good $(i.75(q7; cons, choice $5.75(iiC.15; meiliuin to good $5.25(n)5.00 ; onlinnry to fair 4.50(i! 5; heifers $((7,)6; bulls $2.7fi(ffi " ; cnlves $5(o)7. Sheep sternly; recoipls none. Clioiee lambs $8.75((i 9.25 ; common lambs $7(:7.50; choice yenrlings $7.!0(ff 7.95;' good' yearlings 7.5'0(5)7.65; choice light ewes .$5.50(0; heavy ewes I(i5((il5.5l). Portland Grain. PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 2. Wheat easy, no trading. Spot bids steady to He lower. Bluesteiri $1.50; fortv i'old $1.43; club $1.42; red Russian $1.38. linrlev unchanged. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 18, hurley 4; flour 4; oats 16; hay 21. Portland Butter. PORTLAND, Dee. 2. Butter will not advance. . Buying price butter fat dropped three eents to 40c for No. 1 and 38 for No. 2. , Chicago Wheat. CHICAGO,. Dec. 2 Wheat: Open- 1 Close December ;. ' $1.85 l.(l May 1.7.1 Vi ' 1.73 Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. Circuit. F. II. Potter vs. W. T. Veghtc, O. II. Veghtei for money. Emerick vs. Emerlck, demurrer. Cushman vs. CunningHam, ost., order for sale of personal property. lewisite. Elizabeth E. Brooke, estatoi order establishing notice to creditors, ap pointing day for final account. Mil triage Uccnsc. Lawrence Kaley Shopherd and Mir ian Stanley. Thomas Stanley and Mabel Stella Pruett. Ileal EMnto Transfer. Gold Hill Bank to W. S. Camp bell deed of correction to SW sec. 5, T. 35, R. 3 W 10 G. W. Wilcox, et ux, to John F. Lcaper, et ux. W. D. to land in sec. 10, T. 33 S., R. 4 V 2,100 Mary Ann Pryce, et vir to Mar garet Thompson, deed to land in T. 3G S., R. 3 W 1 Agnes Isaacs Merrell, et vir to Mamie R. Riddle Q. C. D. to land In T. 37 S, R. 1 W .... 10 j At the Churches St. Mark's Episcopal 8 a. m. Holy communion. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Holy communion. No evening servlre. Win. B. Hamilton, vicar. Catholic Cliurcli South Oakdale avenue First mass Sunday at S a. m. Second mass at 10:30 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Rev. John Powers, rector. Jacksonville. Prmtbytwlan. "Living for the Future" will be the morning theme at 11 o'clock and, "Training Die Spiritual Taste." will be the theme of the evening at 7:3'. Sabbath school meets at 10, and Christian Endeavor at 6:45. The prayer meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at 7:30. .Void COURTHOUSENEWS the change to Wednesday evening ALBERT H. GAMMONS. Minister. Oakdnle Ave Methodist. Sunday school at 9:43 a. m. Preaching service at Jl a. in. by Rev. E. T. Caser. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 30 p. m. All are invited. 11. M. BRANHAM, Pastor. F.vung.-I.uth. Ion's Church Fourth street and Oakdale avenue. Rev. Dr. W. R. Morenz-Oeser, pastor. Pastorago: 518 West Fourth. Sunday school (English) 10 a. in. Divine service (bi-lingual) 11a. m. German sermon followed by Eng lish sermon: Matt. 3, 1-12, A Great Preacher With a Great Message. The Lord's Supper will be admin istered. You and yours are cordially in vited. First Church of Christ Scientist. Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Mass. Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Sub ject, "God, the Only Cause and Creator." Wednesday eveuing meetings at which testimonies of Christian Sci ence healing are given at 7:30. All are cordially invited. Sunday school at 9:45. All tinder the age of 20 are welcome. Edifice, 212 North Ookdale. Reading room in JL F. & II. build ing, North Central avenue, open from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. dally, except Sun day and holidays. First Christian Clnu'ch -Cor.. Ninth and South Oakdale ' Music by the choir. Morning sermon 10:45, "Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters." This dis course will help you and will dispel the "blues." Evening 7:30, sermon that will ap peal especially to the young but will answer' the needs of the aged. Bible school at 9:45. A welcome to all. C. E. at G:30 p. m. Be present at this meeting. We desire your presence and ex tend a special invitation to nil stran gers in our city. Harry E, Tucker, minister. Res. 314 South Holly street. First McUiodiKt Episcopal Dr. J. C. Rollins, pastor. The Sunday services begin with the Sunday school hour at 9:45. A cor dial welcome and a helpful school. The Epworth League chapters meet at 0:15. Young people are cordially invited. A helpful hour. , At the hour of morning worship, 11 o'clock, the regular communion service with a brief Sacramental med itation, by the pastor. At the evening hour Dr. Rollins will preach. Theme, "Drifting." There will be special music at each service. The public Is cordially invited to all the services of the day. Strangers are made welcome. Worship with the church of the forward look. Presbyterian (liurcli Main street at City Park. Sunday school and Men's Bible class 10 a. m. C. E. at 6:30. By special request the pastor will preach a sermon on "The Bible the Most Popular Book In the World" for the Medford school teachers at 11 a. m. Supt. mills. Prof, llanby and Miss Winfrey will assist in the ser vice.' In the evening there will be a popular Illustrated sermon on "Imag ination." The interest and attend ance at all the regular services is in creasing. The great chorus choir in charge of Prof. Geo. Andrews with Mrs. C. E. McCurdy at the pipe-organ will give two splendid musical pro grams. All welcome. Rev. Alfred A. J. Hogg, minister. Residence Holland Hotel. First Baptist Church. "A live church with a cordial wel come." Interest runs high in the Baptist church. Larse audiences attend. Last Last Sunday evening there were two confessions of faith and threo addi tions to the church, church. Everybody is talking about the great chorus choir under the direc tion of Mr. E. XL Brown. Certainly, it is worth hearing. Services begin next Sunday at 9:45 with the session of the graded Bible school, under the efficient leadership of Mrs. Hans Holmcr. At 11 a. ni. the pastor will speak upon the subject "Blest to mess."' The choir wih veneer un anthem, entitled "Sing Alleluia Forth," by Dudley Buck. At 0:30 p. m. the young people hold their devotional service In the room up stairs. You- will need to come early to get a seat, This room is packed every Sunday night. The evening hour of worship be gins promptly at 7:30 with a Baptis mal service. Pastor will speak upon the subject: "Two Paths the Narrow Way vs. the Broad Way." This will bo the third sermon in the scries of sermons on "Christ's Contrasts in Character." There will be an anthem by the choir entitled "Praise the Lord," by Simper. Come and worship with us. You will find the Baptist a home-like place. FREDERICK W. CARSTENS, Pastor. Tobe Garrett who will act as depu ty shcrirf under the Jennings admin istration, will occupy the bouso re cently vacated by B. M. Collins. Mrs. W. II. Barnum and son, Wil liam Laird, have returned from Med ford. They were accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs. Eifert. At the game of basketball played with the Kuch teams last Saturday night, our boys were victorious, but the girls were defeated by the visit ing team. A social dance followed tho game. Mrs. John Dunnington had as her guests on Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dunnington, Mr. and Mrs. Rpw ell Hines, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dunnington of Medford. Mrs.Luclnda Anderson of Medford spent tho day with Jacksonville friends Saturday. Mrs. Isabelle Allen has returned to Oakland, Cal., after a short visit at the home of Harry Luy. Don Cameron and wife of Galice, Ore., were recent Jacksonville visit ors. E. W. Wilson left for Conley City, Wash., Wednesday, where he has se cured a position with a large grain house. Mrs. Melissa Taylor leaves for Oal: land Cal., soon to spend the winter with her son, M. M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nunan enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch at dinner Thanksgiving, afterwards tak ing In the foot ball game at Medford Mrs. John Hasklns and Mrs. Ella Cook were Medford visitors Wcdnes day. The Wednesday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. Harry Luy this week, the meeting being held a day earlier on account of the Thanksgiving pro gram at the school house. A very pleasant afternoon was spent with sewing, until 3 o'clock, when a de licious chicken dinner was served. Those present were: Mrs. Chas. Nu nan, Mrs. F. J. Flck, Mrs. Guy Har per, Mrs. A. I. Eckelson. Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Mrs. John Dunnington, Mrs. BILLIE BURKE GLORIA'S ROMANCE Page, Mon. Dec. 4th CHICHESTER S PILLS -arrit !lAM4f II K N ft I'll,!., fot ma MinlnMiM tat. &4tett.AIriRli:M SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE bQfBK. I'lllala K,-d tni Uol4 inrtiliicW I U Lewis Ulrieh and Mrs. B. M. Collins, of Medford. W. W. Klnnecutt, who suffered se vere injuries by falling under a log ging truck he was driving succombed to pneumonia Monday evening and died at the Sacred Heart hospital. The remains were taken to Myrtle Point, Ore., his former home. Mrs. Carolina Anderson spent Thanksgiving day at the Garret ranch east of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Barnum are entertaining; relatives from Southern California. , Miss Dahlia Oliver is visiting her brother In Hornbrooli. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson are visit ing relatives In the WllllmettB valley. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Oliver are spend ing the Thanksgiving vacation with Mrs. Oliver's parents at Myrtle Crock. Mr. Geo. Morse of Northern Cali- fornlt is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. B. Morse. Mr. H. B. nice left Friday morn ing for Montague, Cal., where he will remain for a short time. The Ladles' Aid Society will hold their annual church fair, next Thurs day at Engle's Hall. Supper will be served in the evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dug Stcadman have returned to Phoenix, after having spent the summer at Mistletoe. Mrs. Rebecca' Moore entertained the ' following guests Thanksgiving day: Dr. and Mrs. Dnlllle, Mrs. Clyde, OLD-TIME COLD CURE DRINK HOT TEA! ; Oct a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or at) tins German folks call it, "JlRialiurjrer liruet Thee," at &ny pharmacy. Take a tablespoon ful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the. most effective way to break n coM and cure grip, aa it opens the porea of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, tints breaking up a cold. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the Kr'P It a inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. Film JOINTS SI Bub Soreness from joints and mtuclei with a imall trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rlieumatisnik It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Hub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain. "fit. Jacob's Oil" is a harmlees rhcumatUm cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints,, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. ' Limber up! Get a 2.1 cent buttle of old-time, honest "St. Jacob Oil" from any drug utore, and in a moment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't sulfur! itub rheuma tism away. Medford, Oregon, Nov. 9, 19IC TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ihls is lo certify that I, the undei signed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August was nut expected to live, and hearing of Glm Chung (whose Herb Store is at 241 South Front street in Jledforti.) I de cided to got herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to feeling bet tor as soon as I used them, and today am a well man and can henrtly rec ommend anyone afflicted as I was to sec Glm Chung and try his herbs. (Signed) W. R. JOHNSON. Witnesses: M. A. Anderson, -Mcrford VVtn. S. D. Homos, Engli IViln!, Frank Lewis, Eaglo Point. Wm, I-ewls, Eiutle Point. W. L. Chiliircth, Eagle Point. C. E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mclntyrn, Eagle Point Geo. II. Von der Hellen, Eagle Point. Thim. E. Ninols. Engln Point. John S. Orth, Medford. "l Mr. Lehness and family, Mr. Luther Stnncliff and family, Fred Moore nnd family. Dr. Baillle and wife, and Mrs. Clyde spent an enjoyable afternoon at the foot ball game in Medford on Thnnksglving day. Comity Tifmsurers Eighty-Sixth mil for Warrants. State of Oregon, County of Jack son, Treasury Department. Jackson ville, Oregon, December 2nd, ID 111. .Notice is hereby given that there aro funds on hand for the redemption of all county warrants, which were protested botore November 8 1911. Also the following, which we're pro tested on Novomber 8th, 1911: 1:1082, 13250. 132M, 13252, 13253 13254, 13255, 13256, 1300S, 13009, 13010, 13011 13012, 13013, 13014, 12905, 129tio! 12907, 12908, 12909, 12970, 12971, 12972,' 12975, 12978, 12977 1 2978, 129K0, 129S2, 12983, 12985 12987, 12988, 12989. Interest ceases on the warrants above numbered nnd culled, this 2nd day of December, 1910. FRED L. COLVIO, Treasurer of Jackson County, Ore gon. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED Llvo wires only wanted to sell dock In ono of the biggest and best going companies in the world. R. S. Davidson & Co. 42, Broadway, New York City. WANTED January 1. Advertising salesmen. Expenses advancod. Ex cellent opportunity. Write for par ticulars. Glvu age. height, weight. road experience, three lato busi ness references. Stanford-Crowttll Co., Ithaca, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED Crazy: every body crazy about the Dolco llnby Grand Phonograph. Full cabinet machine at lowest price ever known. Dig chance for holiday profits, f. Subi.mann, Sales Dept., Rodman Illdg., Clnclnntl O. SALESMAN Capable specialty man fur Oregon staple line on new and exceptional terms. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract for balance year, and 1917. $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Ulxler Co., 229-49 Caiiin llldg., Cleveland O. AGENTS WANTED Down with high gasoline. Gaso-Tonlc equals auto mobile gasoline at 3c gal. on. Soil it to car owners and make high profits. Sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co., Dept. 50, Cincinnati, O. WANTED MISGHLlilNEOrrS WANTED To buy a sulky plow in good condition. James Campoeil. Phono 311-R. 210 WANTED Mattresses and feather beds to make Into sanitary folding forms. Pillows to renovate. 75 eents per pulr. Steuui sterilized . feather pillows for sale as low as $1 per pair. 322 E. mil. Phone. 196-J. 20U WANTED Remember your poultry and eggs will bring you mure money at Warner, Wormian and Gore's. Ono price for hens, re gardless of size. FOR KXCrlASOB FOR EXCHANGE 640 acres coal land locuted in heart of the South . ern Colorado bituminous roal belt, unincumbered. Will consider farm land or good city property in , Rogue river valley. Deal with owner. P. O. Ilox 7X3. Medford. 210 INTER IJtllA.V AUTOCAR CO. TIME CARD. . Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix daily, except Sundny, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 0:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 10:15 p. m. Sundays leave at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. in., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur day nights at G:30. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, G:0u and 10:30 p. m. WHY? Irrigation means saleable land. I cannot sell land In this county unless It has water or a show to get It. The actual producing valuo of land in this county will be tnoro than doubled when properly Irrigated. Irrigation first. J. C. BARNES 103 West Main Street, WANTED STTOATIONS WANTED Dressmaking, home or day. 144 S. Central. Phone 497-M. FOB HEW! nODBKS FOR RENT 3-room house, fur nished; with bath. Close in. Phono 730-R. 218 FOR RENT - 0-room house, 200 West Jackson at. Phone 403-J-4. 21S FOR RENT 3-rooin furnished bun galow. Close in, 421 Jay st. Phone 742-J. 218 FOR RENT Well furnished 6-rooi uungniow, 4zz . i.uurci. il FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furlnshcd apartment, Hot water, heat. The Uerben. 'Olt KENT -Furnished rooms u Oregon Rooming House, $1 a ween Ada Fry, uuiuaKor. S J 1 FOR RENT Furnished and Iioubc keeping room. Cull 2 to 4, 322 S. Central. 218 FOR RENT MISUEIjLiANKOCB FOR RENT Or salo. 9 acres Med lorn iieigntn, goon nouso, sinaii barn. W. D. Roberts. Eaitle Point 217 FOR 8A1JV itmsTUcr FOR SALE Two heifers soon to be fresh. Forty-five and fifty dollars W. .1. Hamuli. 488-J-1. 218 FOR SALE Good driving horse that does not fear trains or automobiles. H. Minthorn, Rogue River', Ore R. F. 11, -1 Ilox 72. FOR SALE--Flftcon to. twenty head flvoyear old ewes. Price $ti.7ii n. RosenborE. Holland Hotel, Med ford. 217 FOR SALE OR TRADE One team buckskin nurses, single or double, 1004 East Main. 220 FOR SALE 2000 pound tonm, 2 sets of harness and wagon, J10U. c A. Colby, Phone C-F23, Lako Creek Oregon. av 'OR SALE Before soiling any lambs or ewes, call us up. Rosonburg Brothers, Holland Hotel. 220 FOR SALE REAb ESTATE FOR SALE Or rent. Two acres highly Improved; five room bouse city water. Phone 820-X. 221 FOR SALE Small acreage good lan In good location. Price reasonnbtu, Hox L, Mall Tribune. 221 FOR SALE Cheap for ca.ih. 40 ucres of fine black soil, nil tillable, running water. In Idaho. Phon D93-J-4. 3 FOR SALE Property, very cheap Address 1150 W. Sin st. 22 FOR SALE Or exchange, 20 acres partly in fruit for business or smaller place In or close to a town Write or inquire mile northeast of Central Point. Ore., O. S. CI lite. 21 FOR SALE Seed, alfalfa, red clover sweet clover, timothy and otiier grasses; strictly fancy storks. Write for samples. Ralph Waldo Liden Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE MlBCEtiUUVBOCi FOR SALE Large I'niiln & Oren droff 24-inch breaking play. Wll sell for ono-half price. Weight on ton. Call at A. C. (lottschn. 21 4th St., Grants Pass or Phon 4-Y. 2 FOR SALE liano wagon cheap Palmer Piano Place, 2S So. Cen tral. FOR SALE A bargain In a five-pas senger Uiilck automobile. Valley Gnraw. 21S FOR SALE lftlfi Ford seat cover. Slraiimbcrg Carburator. Call 491. 219 FOR SALE Steam hoist, 6 H. P. en gine and 10 11. P. boiler, and laree Falrbanks-.MoiMe steam pump, 3-ln. suction, 2-in. discharge. For full particulars address Arthur II. My ers, It. F. D. I, Rogue River, Oro. 219 FOR SALE Gasolinn wood saw and small team, cheap. Box 20, Mall Tribune. 219 LOST. LOST .Package containing baby bon net. Reward if returned to Mall Tribune office. 219 LOST Round gold brooch Medford Hotel ThnnksRlving evening. Re turn to Mrs. Fred Hopkins. Teliv phone 19S-J-1 and rocelve reward. 217 LAHER AUTO BPRINO CO. Wa are operation tbe largest, oldeat and beat equipped plant In tbe Pa cific northwest. Use our aprlng when others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Or. Attorney! GEORGE A. CODDINO Lawyer Room 412 Qarnett-Corey Blilg., Medford, Ore. Phone 221. GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Bank Building, entrance N. Central, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford Natianal Bank Building. A. VS. REAMES, LAWYER Gar.att- Corey bldg. O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank BnlldinB. Collection. COLLECTIONS AND KEPORTS-i-W collected some accounts 14 yean old. We know how to get th money. The Bullous: Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, I, I, Baa kins' Bldg., 218 E. Main t . . Daaltsia Dr. W. M. VAN BOOYOC DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOO Dentist Garnett-Coray Bldg., niU IK Medforo, Oro. Phone go. Collection and Report Engineer and Contractor G. D. CRONEMILLER Consulting" electrlcnl engineer, hydro-electrio developments, industrial power, utility valuation., Lakevlew, Ore gon. FRED N. CUMMINGS Sngtneer an contractor, 404 M. F. 4b H. Bldg Burvey,, estimate, lrrlgatlo drainage, orchard and land lo provement. Gorbsc GARBAGE Get your premln eleaned up for the ummer. Call on th city garbage wagon lot good lervlo. Phon I74-L. 1 V, T. Allen. , House Mover MEDFORD HOUSE MOVERS W Move House, Barns, Garages, Ma chinery, Etc Phone 488-M, or 488-X. 612 8. Newtown, 811 Da kota. Instruction In Mntle FRED ALTON HAIQHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Halght Musi Studio, 401 Qarnett-Corey Bldg., - Phone 72. InannkBC. EARL 8. TUMY General Insurance office, Fire, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Plate Glnss, Contract, and Surety Bond. . Ezcollent com panies, good local aervlo. No, 210 Qarnett-Corey Bldg. Physician and tsxrgeon DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 80S Oarnett-Coray, building. Phon 110. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician an urgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eye scien tifically tested and gl&ssoa sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor B. P. R. R. Co. Office M. F. ft II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone C87 PlilLIC STENOGRAPHER O. J. BELL Public Stenographer. Legal Work a Specialty. Room 209 First National Bunk Building, Tel ephone 203-R. 234 Printer n PaiiiisiieT MEDFORD PRINTING CO., ha th best equipped printing offlcd 1 out hern Oregon; book binding, loos leaf ledgers, billing iyBtm etc. Portland prlcei, 27 Nortli Fir t. Trans Term BADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front at. Phon 215. Prices Hunt Same guar Mtaoit WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, : Medford ; The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Orecon Negatives Made any time ot place by appointment. Phone 147-J -We'll do the rest I. D. WESTON. Prof7.