l'AOE TWO MEDTOin) AfATfi Tf'TBFXT!. AIF.DFOKD, ORKfiOX. Wi:DNT.ST.AV. XOVEMriF.T? 15, 101G (5 , -5 1 I IOCAL AND J PERSONAL Tlto regular iiii'iiii tji tin- tn'--U; si hot'l liiri'iil Ti-afhi'i - iln !.- will be! lii-lil ml l-'rlilm. Sm it 17. .it V o'l'lnel, . in.. In tin' lli-1: ultiinl Imilil-j Inn. A niMv fi'aturt' irtif ar twll !i , u iin'silnn Imx. I!rli M in n' llnilii ul .sIKTml prublritt in I he ri ljiioli i ol'j liuini- ami "l iniiil. iin.l .'a. It pav-nt i : r-.ninr-sii'il 10 hrlns l.ils ii-o'l..fi or j question to (hi- ll!l -.1 Inn Uok I ill Ji'in-i nil ilieciii-fiun. Tin' now of Irt-m : have business il" iitiiuti'tatire to lirinU; iNn'ore this mi. 'tin;1, anil all v liti nrej Interested in 1 lit lii-lt sfltonl work aiv; ri'ttiesteil lo hi lH-l'SIMl!. j .Inpanese Curio Ptor. SO North: Central avenm I .:lf Mitel; froni imlln. Toys ami Orient.tl novelties, la room open afternoons. , A liuiitl'er oi oi'tiitiain es have lu i-n ; Itassed tvieittlv I'f-tulaiinn t in if ii J tviihln I In i-iiv limits. AM if- ! iinnili alter iiiv.litfall ate result itl lo taiT.v a liiiiii sho-.vlni.-. whit" to the front and i .'it lo t In- roar. Wasiolf, li:ir'Kii's, 'iiirih'-arli. . .onto tituler thin oriliname. A safely 'one has ooi'P ostaltlishcil in the lU'iHliliovhooil OI tin' iMtltlie srhooU. Sit-llft will he .ov(oil reiiilrim; motorists lo slow r.own to ti-n mill's l-lT hour wilhi-i these zones ilurin;; schoon hours. To relievo I hi' liliiiilltiK Ili'iiiillKlH nili nani'1' n headlight oriliiiumi' has heen .assetl which will in- sli ii lly enfnri'eil. Cars will ho required to he provided villi dimmers or lo riosl the class In sni'li a way as to eliniinalo the hliinl litK rays that are thrown Tar ahoail. SnotliKhm aro absolnloly forWililon lor rity ilrlvlns. Tho ucailoniy hazaar will sorvo tiiliUon illtmiT imain on Thnisilay. All aro invlti'd. I.. K. Mit'onllio of TtK'onia. Wash., arrlvoil In tho city Tni'silay ovonlni' anil Is Kiiciiillnu tho ilay visitiii'" fi lomls. Attonil tho Closiii:! Out Sulo ovory ilny. Now bargains liully. Ahrons. .1. (.'. Canby of I'rosiiort is spenilinu a fow ilavs In tin oily visitini; frioinls and nttoinliim' to husini ss manors. If you want to sotnl your friontls a flno box of KiilUdiburK applos, wo havo thorn at tho f'o-0icratlvo Truit Assoriation. Also soiui' ;oo(l culls for homo use. A. Ii. Phillips of I'ni tlunil is a busi ness visitor In tho city for a tow days. Mrs. l-oach, Corsets mailo-to-order. Alulo-i-upport Corset, also holts. 32G Norih llartloU, Thonc i!S:i-.I. Wiliain Crawforil and Arthur I'erry left Tuoisday I'veninix for Uuiie. Mont., where they are suhpoened as wit nesses in a federal t-aso. Tho lluiiiinlow Store, eol'noi' Kiver side and .lai lisun. l'bono (n". It. l-'ree doliiere. .1. W. .lueohs f- Soli's, i m; Ai Hun Orlanil of I'errvdalo Wash., arrived in the eity Tuosdav atlernoou and will make his resideneo hire per nmnomly. Iliiudreds of vanls of vi'Kets and silhs, xa'iios rft.".'! ami J' per yaril. .Many are short lenliis. use yard Ahrons. M. M. Mai of t'hi. iu'.o is a l,uii:e. arrival in the i-ity Ifoni r'hieauo. Soo liavo Wood aliout that Tiro In surance policy. Oi'floe. Uooin liU M. & II. ltldR. !). Nal''.-.oii in" Toledo. tM.io. arm-ed in ibe i-it Tuesdai evening for a l-rief !'M..iie- s isi!. t'Uie sells l-'ord rarsi moo down mid a mouth. Herald Soo -Suiit h will leave ibis ' Viuiiu; for rurliaud. wln-re he uiil : i inii in iiideiiniteh , "Tho Valley of the Rcno," words snd music l.'.o. ;ii9 lai Stirrano of Hm ntiMi-. veend iiu: a few t!as in i t v iiin;n friends and at I en il in lo bu-dui ,. ni.ttt' i Si .' the 'hi'.l '.ius nn "J'.'c table, T laM.e and '.". t.: 'do. I'binm Out Sail Ahr, n. J. V. of tlutlr .lii"da Mia; in !lit n husui. Miiths 2;c. Ifiitol Holland. I O. l.r h tl! p, r;.,tl,! j ;, ,',. fuj d vKi'.ov tar a u i. - IT. T I). Heine, j r;t ft o Ihnitod to tm r:ir, no o. throat; aUi.-'-J1! fitted. Ka-i Main. Vw :- !oni u Ji,v..u, 'U,rr ;a;, .1 r. vi!to! tii tJif-' inr ;i f-u ii.,'---P.akery noniljt at Dt Voo's i. ft in V5..,i - fi'l.l lor .1 i th.' sto.-iv n' Mcdtonl riiiiling ( hm-r.v. .hili-i- r. K... .- I:i ,i!C I'ltv Tu. V'li litli!!. . Wuuh l'..t .. Kri.ill . S ,(,i,i;i bil.-iiu 's V jrin. -u ; ll'.- Vur th" h''"t (": i'h ln'ir tf 1 '.ln Mrs ' K U.m. (! . i- S!UT.'!1: ;i '. ".Vt!(Mi;d Ojir.: IVrtC. ' 1- at.il '? irrfpfl iv th "a rtt f f" Mc't ! ,. It. KtTKl'SDIl l)f I'DI'ltuilll IS lM'iulilu; Hie Wi'vk ill tit.' ritf Htt.'iitl- tlt4 lO lMl:-i i !.'"' IlllllWIH. Three Inlial snoclal Xiuas Kmhoss- I'd stationery at tho .Mciiford Priut-j'!'' store on Hie corner ol lltversido inK Co.. Order early. I'rlres are at- ' Jai-imon- is now open for buri tracllvt'. 1ne.is. -''1(1 A. .M. K!iii:-n.;.i! of Cli v-l anil, i.. '-olth Ahhoti and Clco KirU, siti snent Tuesday and Wiii'i.i' .u the'd.-liiK of Ashland hl-.-.h school, wore eity on business. ! vii-ilors at llie Medford hii'h school i!,. r. .t h tr- iiiK in I rimmed ! lodav and at noon addressed the hats at SI '.is, ti.HS atet 1 1 Ahn lb. ' .1. I'. Croce of Portland i ,i, city vlsitin'.' friends and aiteudluK iojl',sult. tliore would be a continuance hnMness mall- rs. I " K0"'1 foollims liotweeu the two IHshest prion paid for utrli-tly "h,,,,ls- u 'hey said, w ill be fresh ranch eKK. Cafo Holland. .eloso and hard fought from start to (looi'tu1 H. 0;tM?i ol' Sun i'liui' it'O arrival! in tin1 t ily Tuesday ovcnini; for a tii-iff hiifiiiii.n viit. IirusInsK troahnents for all diseases ! srk'ntti'icallv rtdininlt'nod. Drfl. Ht'ili's ';!rt .Main st I r v rr..r -.iM-iv...i in c.o ,-iv f ro;a Chicago Tin-Mi;. j cviiiii will su iul a fi'W ihiys in the eity on iMisin'ss. Cliild) en';; liooks? See our win dow. Mrdford ItooU Siore. Zora A. Shaw cif Salt Lake ("ny is a 'Mod ford visitor for a few days. Dr. Klrchtiessner will lie at Hotel Nah every Wednosda . Hours for consultation, J 0 to 3 K. I,. I.alli'r of Kiinsas City is a tnisiness visitor in the t- for a lew days. (let your Kn:'raved Xntas cards now. Medford I'.-iutini; Co. is sliow iik a lieautiful lino. t'orbiu Kdell or Ka(;'l I'oini spent Tuesday and WeduoMiay In the eity. .1. V. I'lalts. V. II. Ormhy and Olio ltruudt aro business visitors in t-Ite city from rurthuid. Cordova, the fine, t A nierl- an line of leather yond-i. Medford Hook Store. The V. C. T I. will hold a meel inj; at the M. K. Chnrcli. south. Thurs day afternoon at 2;:Ht. A .uood pro rnm will he liivt-n to which all are invited. Bicycles! Motorcyelo?! Parts and Sundries. Kxpert repairing. Work Kuarunteod. II. ami X. Shop, Sparta bldg.. now manamnont. j.I. (1. Townsend of Portland is a bhsiries:-; visitor in tlie city for a lew days. Typowritor paper ot nil kinds it Medford Printing Co. Milton Church of Uoselniry: is spending a r.'W days in the city visit ing friends and attending to busi ness uuuters. IV market baki-t iit I'uiit's (Iro eery Co.. for 1 He. V. A. Woodward of Porlhind spt'iit Tuesday and W'eiluesiiay in the tit atiendiiiu; to business matters. Hii; re mill; shakos at Do Voe'8. Ii. A. (Yoke f Waldo. Ore., h spending a lew d.is in the eity on business. No charge for Ppoclal embossing dies with tho Xiuas fainy stationery sold by tho Medford Printing Co. All special order and is not carried In stock. D, 1.. Tson of Sacramento is in (lie city for a few da: s alt-mdinj; to bu.d ness matters, Kine peanut butter at l-Ytits, tlm eery Co.. for I e. The meetings beitu iiebl ai the Metbotli-t eh'iivh t tiis eek b the K'pwnrih l, a;-jie are proving wrv in tere tn:-4. The ?;ok-pe! I "a v tf t he leuuue wii! b;'e chame of the meet in toiiiuit! "hi.-h beuin prompt ly at ; :;o All yonuj; people of (he fitv nir inie.th in iieil u attend A special nt us tea l no m In r is u: i-n every eetnnu. w ttieh adds ;.re;it id tlte meeting Old paiers for sal" a! this office a' 2 op for 100. M sr- Mthired Ittuon ii bi en is.it : ii - her h-ler tu K latitat !i Talis for the past six moutiis, returned to her home in Medh-rd !.ii uiiiht l';eh KonMed Peanuts a! I'eut t.,ro fi Co . lev I He. K T;if i : bra r ha a ,-y ol iltdiMni ie 'Uiol-. form i;tol oth'T no Mies ..u,i ;-iffui's of h-' pia whi. Ii n:a. " aKed tor -i the deU C.asoliue and oil at Do Voe's. Sif i , lahlinc l,iviiuv t ' 1 '.tli't b I for to T l-criie 'ede,isii n',o;i'inu. :tti si-.-Vr-'in- a e,-;. . -r v,vu I t.-,;!ord and '.!:;d. i Sweet eider ;l i'-e Vo Vii -l v.-- I'nroiii. r,;il'j, of S-at ri .1! Hi' Yv t r. ."i IVrptial eiiiiivfii Xira curds and ior.l Printlnj Co, i-i.. iit i, lon o:' ! iiintiiir is .". ' U--iM -- V;.l,.; Ul th.' i t E '. n ! t r..i ilk, l"c s.ii IV VoeS. it ,i II.,' . - ul !. rif .!.!.! -i '".t I ''.' ... lit ;h.' . it' iiti. -.i.tit'. '. :'t.'-' ! t'u'.t' It i'" t,:.i "it i at; .'.iv r'i'!!' M'im. n i ... r' .hitf. i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ; . . -. ' "i. . , r ; " - o t : n ! , t ' ' ". .! .... ! . i I I Iloli Wilson of llt.t Out nil I'diii' .ilftriit ;cn( V'eiliK'stluy 111 t In? itltv visitini' frlcntlp. The Iltiiijilow I loin'ml .M.-ritltiin- ' hft;Ji srliuol y.t'tiiliK on llu- conihiK' v jumo. TIhiv (ii'i'iiiclt-d ii'lory lor Alt- luuU, It-it tliut whalt'VtT tho Mulsh. Itev. ii. il. IlrooKo will civo a Now ThouKhl lecture at Smith Hall nn Wednesday cvenhiK viti'ri. The public is in- ivitod. in:; M n r Morrison of liuckijorl, It. f.. is siKMuIiim a tVw da i in tiit- lily on business. Mrs. i.undy. No-ltono Corseis Medford Hotel. Phone S2S. MS . James Kjrk of Poise. Idaho, is spending t he w eek with Medford friends. OPENS WIRELESS TO ORIENT (Continued From Page One. linka, ilircetor general oi' pu-ts and leleu rapier id' the .lupane-e mint-lrv .'!' eimimunicaliiui-, and i'nmt .Melville I',. Stone, ueueral nuiuaiier ol' the A--ociateil Pre-, In the tnint-ler of for ci'jit al'lairs. NKW VoKK, Nov. i;.-The , i i:iicd Pre-s ha-- received from Itaiuii Iveni'tio Den, the ,laane-e tnini-ier id' ci'intumticulion-. t he Itdlowinv message on lite oeeasiou uf the es tablishment today of direct virele--enmmunieMlioil between the t'uiled States and .htjutn ; "I la ron Kenjiro Den. miui-ter ot eMUimuuieations in hehall' of the Jap anese uovernment, to lite Associated Pre-s; you ay to t Ite people of America that it is a matter of mutual iMiiiratulations that our countries hove ju-t been linked together by an "ther chain of communication which !nuni--e-. I a r-reaeltinu re-nli- a an ivenite of amity, commerce am! ei iii.ation lutuecn llie en1-! and the we-1, It is added denton-t ra I i'ii of tlte fact that the ont and west, !ar from hciti',' nn irreeimc-ilahlc twain. i:ie already met ami daily are he coining nn rued in a life of cuminon 'liimanil v." STRIKE FRENCH LINES (Continued Krom ra.ee One.) ivith heavy ll--e-i The enemy ie iiealed hi attack diiriu- the nihl of oe tuber pi. hut va ai;aiti re nuUed. -tu lite Vanlar valley, at the !'n.i t' t he Ptelaseliit a nmutila in. tliete pa t nd em:a''emeiit -cr fiht inu." HI, I In Trim vt .nnia. HCUAKr.ST. X..v. l."t, (.ider of wc-tern Moblu Li.un t!i. a t lite biuie and ( hi u v atita, tiie Au-l in Trait--( ieriiian t oi e"- i e bciu- par-ued lie olid the t fon n i- by ihe Uuiiiaejvin troop-. a--eud-ii',' " ; nnotinecinent hv the liuauni- ;iti w;t f o: ! iee t'da . Ill I ite .lei! ;;He lite UMU';Utiail- ha e been 1 1 reed b:!'-S. P i heir -eetuol lute i en- u - a- t be rc-nit of enat d !.!( lit T'ettt oi :ill;i. k-( lite -talcmcnt e-. and X be Ii timauia n- al-o ha c oidi-ed lo xield mc u found All n: Ti;otiiiAD. Nov, '.i-tiiiidx. Ah omi .Ii llie , "11 Ii : .Ii, ie fi a u- l man i rout . be '.Huan- have been forced l!;i.-! :e Au-:rian- and iormai!-. 'i' i o.ubt op lelli I "I i-elUrUi ! lie t fl rport- Alterative Do You Like 'Em If Not, Learn To! Wc arc now serving Imported Chinese Noodles (ASTILLIAN GRILL ASK INCREASE FOOD SUPPLIES LONDON, Nov. la. The price of food which has become such a serious malt or iti K'nUintl as in all ot tier belligerent .countries, was discussed in ih house of ctunmons loday. Wil Hum K. Hewins, unionist member of 'the Hetviord, introduced the follow- I'jij? resolution: ''In the opinion of the house it is lite duty of the jjovrnmeut to adopt ; further met hods of organization to : hierease and i-onserve the national I nod supply and to diminish tho risk I ol shortage und serious iiu rease of ; prices in the event of (he war heiuy ! ;.roloni;od.' j The debate on thi.-. resolution was expected lo result in drastic irotosals to deal with the difficulties of the pi esent situation., j The activity of Oerman subma rines in tho sinking of a larjie nunt- , !er of ships, which is re'ated so .closely to tho price of food, will be dh-cussed in the houe of lords this 'e-nitiL- by Lord Charles Herest'ord jiiiid Uaron Sdenham. S TO THE ELECTION WASHINGTON. Nov. i:,. Invoti iiatioti td' election 1 1 ;i ud- tvns dis-cu.--ed briefly lodav at a ton Terence between President WiUon and Atlor ucy (Jeneral (Ircuciiy. Later ' Mr. 'Ireuiy declared hi- investii-ation ni!l In- separate from the eite pro-.to-ed by llie seiialoiial ettmuiit tee, "My sole tluty is to investigate and pto-.eeult.' violation- of federal law," uiil the attorney Lieiu-ral. "The in-ve-lipalion now in prorc- is enliro (y ttointarti-ai: and cwdein-e both from repiihlican and dctinx-ratio -oitrec- will be u'tveu et)ua attention. "I Iiae e' idettee thai a h'.r.'e nutn iier of neupio- -i'ruu the .uith moved into noitheiii within niu-'ty day- before e!ee:i.tii. So far I do imt l.n.iw whether thi- uior;,'ent v.a- in-dti-lrial or ;diti al. altbu-ili .-o-ne of them attcn'pted t-- nt-f. .' e Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Gt:t at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Kd wards' Ulive Tablet, tho .-i:h tiuue tor calcnicl, aci gently . n Cm howds ami poiiivcly do iht wrk. iVuplc afflicted with had brer-.;!; p:u ('lick relief tltnnmh Dr. lid ward; Olive Tablets. The pleasant. i:r, cicttcti tables are taken for bad i rc.iti by all who know them. Dr. 1-Y. wards' OHe Tablets act i;en t! (!!; firmly eu the bowels and li.yr stimut.itim: them to natural ac:! -n ckarint,' tin bleod and .ucntly purii isi tbc entire sv-tctn. "J hey dv ifra1 obui daucruus cal-. un t ik es widioitt :tey .. the had after vrt'iv??. U t!:c beiieb;- ot na-tv. t v:-)-y' ipinv; catiuirtics are derive'! in hi Dr. Kduards' (ihc Taib l wiriieu- u i ip iii. pa-n or ativ disagreeable Dr. I. l. Kdvcard. dic-vcr-d re lormuia ailer eventccn years es t-cc .i;Ti 'Cii ti.i!a;i;- a-rhcud w'n and lier cniphdin with thv a;; bad breath. Dr. Mdward- ClJive TaMct are pt:re- 1- ;i met able c- -inti.Hind mixed with olive !: u wit! knw tlicn by tlicir oiif c b'r. Take one -r twi every nik,ln -r a wcvk and n.'te the crTeet. t?and -'5c tycr box. All urtipts. IF") . l liniMF-:. j TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning. Pressing and Altering i 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS NO CHANGE VOTE I CIIAl.'I.KSTdN'. W. Vu Xi..'. 1 ' i nU'ii'ial I'lci-lii'il ti'lill'li lt;ii- ln'i'll I'ercivi'd ,it llto otriic tit' till' c.'lt' tttrv ul' -lilli'. lull it ii- eNM.-i'L'.l tin Villi' "I' tilt- -Hi ;t !! i r i-iilltllii'i- will I"' i iiitiili'li'il iiiiil ri'i'i.nliil by inliiulil. t'rai'hiii'i lii't'c i 1 1 1 1 taint tiitiiurri'tv. t'htiut'' jtlrt.-inly are iiiiirlfil rr.iin l!'i' ttttt't t ii-ial I'i'tliit ami (-.mi. '-tint' GIRLS! GIRLS! Mil! STOP DANDRUFF HI BEAUTIFY YOUR HI Hah- Stops I allin- Out and (Jcl.s Thiek, Wavy, Sti-mis and Iteaiitiful. Your hair heroines liht, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, luairous aud beautiful as a youn idt'I's after a "Danderine hair clanse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a !ittle Danderine and carefully draw ii through your hair, takini; one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few inoinnts you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Itesidcs beautifyinii tho hair at once Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and in vigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Hut what will please you most will be at'tor a few dcew's use when you ill actually wee 'new' hair-fine and downy at first yes hut really now hair prowins all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a :!-Veent bottlf of Knowlton's Danderine from any drus sist or toilet counter, and just try it. --Adv. KKJ SORE, SWOLLEN, TIRED FEET 4 Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUQ STORES ff Tubes 25c Jars soc ggg Save Money on Boys' Shoes Wr i' just landed a Iiuih Ii . .r !...... .-ti ii 1 1 1 1 nt l'i'.. .ll.'l. tilt M,t, It' it y.)., and 1 In ii. We aiv "o'tllH' tu sell thelll '(iui klH'W t'.ie I'es1. i Lot 1 going at, each 50c Lot. 2 going at, each 75c Lot 3 going at, each 9Se Lot 4 gcing at, each. 81. OS We also have better ones. We are still selling those Guaranteed All-Wool Suits, made cf mighty fine cloth, made to fit, made by some of the best tailors in the coun try, and cut to $12.50 MEN'S WORK SH0ES, MEN'S DRESS SHOES, j TRUNKS, SUIT CASES.! i FLANNEL SHIRTS, AND SWEATERS. And hundreds if othri' hai'-j wins. Kverv tiling just a Hit!,' loss. ' i i The Cheapest Store in the ' West 1 WILL H. WILSON New Japanese Hand Laundry Trill open for buslnesi ocTonr.n th We will do all kinJs of latmirj worlt ami dry cicacing. All work done hy hand. 1-SJ XOKTH FliOXT. ST. aii.li.lat.'.-. nn- wtiK-liiit iImmii ciuv - tttllv with ii vi.-- lo rttli-iilnlitis Hi" r. -iili. Tin. ,-.iii.il will hfc.'1-v I .",i- IGli'r " T"" SOUTHERN OREGON'S GREATEST PLACE OF AMUSEMENT Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7 p.m. BEGINNING TODAY LITTLE JANE LEE - VIRGINIA Present DEVIL A thrilling story that pits the brains of the East ' against the strength of the West PATHE Saturday Night, Nov. 18 (NotP?c?ureion) Mosssrs. Shitheit irt'("i( tlio (.'ivafeM IjuiIi int. of Voiii-s A lAsip Yenr ('nnutly 41" I-ntisli Lift, Hy liaiohl ii iuhoute. Don't be an old maid. For particulars soe f, ' v Srs. MARRIAGE I V ; license: f& TW it j. BUREAU . K.w JWmi -L ss&'i will M With the-siinip All Knjtlish Com; a I'hicaso tor out your. Or..' . o it t i it Mai! orders now l r.ti A JL 1 JJ12j Special Return Engagement Wednesday 99 Mats 2:15 Thursday nu . L, "OjVjghts8:15 . ELLIOTT o. SHERMAN PRESENT D. V. Griffith's Gipntic Spectacle 18.000 PEOPLE v - COST S5CO.0C0 FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRICES EVE. Lower Floor, first 1 4 rows. 7.tc: laM 4 rows. SI.OO Bakny. first 8 ros. 50c: ha! anre 6 ros. 25c. ' 1 l. t tutltiy, wli.'ii tlio rwnutit i iiKtit.litl ;'''' ili'itiiii'intic. cmnliilut ' inMi.'.jtit. Adults 15c. Children 5 and NEWS Southern Oregon's Greatest Place of Amusement ny that ylayotl New York, Boston and Htm iant;ii from rise to full of curtain. To $!.3t Seat sale tomorrow. Southern Oregon's Greatest J Place of Amusement 1 3000 HORSES 8 MONTHS TO MAKE - - :v'' MATINEES Balcony. 25c: Lower Floor, 50c. Not reserved. .in ! ; tii'Mir.- i III -'d riroxr t-,h.