Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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j At the Churches j
St. Mark's Kinsconal.
8 a. ru. Hold "communion.
-0 a. in. Sunday school.
11a. ui. Morning prayer.
7:1)0 p. m. Evening prayer.
Win. B. HAMILTON', .
Ministerial Association.
T" .Ministerial
association will
Jin'f t .Monday
rooming at 9:30
1 Cutliollc
First Mass Sunday at 8 a. m.
, Second mass at 10:30 a. m.
)' Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
REV. JOH'N POWEliS, Rector.
I J (ditinl l'olnt PresUytMluii.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
1 Morning worship with sermon at 1 1
O'clock. Subject, "Brotherly Love."
8pectnl music by the chorus choir.
a Vespers at 4 o'clock. Hev. V. B.
iiamllton, vicar of St. Mark's Episco
pal church, of Medford, will preach
the sermon. There will be speclul
j'-.Hic by the chorus choir.
j. A cordial wolcome is extended to
s fc" Oukdalo Ave. Methodist.
J Sunday school promptly lit 9:4 a.
." Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7: 0
p. m. Morning subject: "Victory."
Evening subject: "Good Xews."
,; Otllcial board meeting Tuesday
evening at 7 p. m. ,
1 Prayer niPctlng Thursday evening
CI 7:30. '
All inn Thers and friends of our
church Ire Invited to attend these ser
vices. t Stranger'! are welcome.
; . . . tl. M. KRA.XHAM,
i Pastor.
1'lrst Climi'li of Clu-ist, Kiienlist,
Branch of tha Mother Church, The
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Mass.
JjSunday service at 11 o'clock, sub
set, "Mortals and Immortals."
Wednesday evening services at
which testimonies of Christian science
dealing are given at 7:30.
All are cordially invited.
: Sunday school at 9:43. All under
tho age of 20 are welcome.
;. Reading room In church edifice,
212 North Oakdnle, open from 1:30
to 4:30 p. in., daily, except Sunday
pud holidays.
Presbyterian Clhiuvh. .
Y-j Main st. at City Park,
-f Sunday school at 10.. Hon. W. H.
Cor superintendent..
!j' Prruary and beginners department
superintendent Miss Harmons. Babies
taken care of at the morning service.
The pastor's morning tlieme: "How
'to Keep Young and Look Beautiful."
' Christian endeavor at G:30. Leader
Miss Holt. Miss Holt is Presbyterian
W secretary of the Ladle's Missionary
Society of the Willamette Presbytery.
splendid service is anticipated.
T In the evening a grand sacred son
cert will .be given by Professor An
drew's students, and the singers of
Medford at 7:30. All scats free.
Evorybody welcome.
! Rev. Wallace Lee, D.D., president,
cf Albany college will make a snn.-l
. a .dross Sunday evening at tha P.";s
Imerian church
First Methodist Episcopal
Dr. J. C. Rollins, pastor.
The Sunday school hour is 9:45.
All made welcome. Just now we are
crowded for room, but the new Sun
day school addition will soon be in
use. Let us keep the school growing.
The Epwortli league meets at 6:15.
Roth chapters. Ail young people arc
cordially invited to attend.
public worship at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. in. The pastor preaches at
both services. Morning theme: "Tho
Dual Foundation of the Church.
Evening, "Signal Fires of Life."
The usual excellent music by the
vested choir with special numbers at
each servico will be furnished.
Strangers nre cordially Invited and
the public made welcome to all the
services of the day.
The church is located on the corner
of Third and Bartlett streets.
First llnptlst.
"A live church with a cordial wel
Where will you attend church Sun
day?- Somewhere, we hope. If not
undfr obligation to attend elsewhere
we "Aonld like to have you come to the
Baptist church. The services of this
church are full of lire and Inspiration.
At 11 a. in. the pastor will speak
upon the subject. "A Call to Conse
crated Service."
'. At 7 ;!!( p. m. the sermon topic will
He, "Cash or Character, or Thing
That Moi.ey Cannot Buy."
' At the morning service Mrs. J. M.
Oressley and Miss Florence Haxelriftg
will sing, "Blessed Holy Night," by
Shepherd and Miss Fidelis Moran will
sing a selected solo.
At the evening sendee Mr. McPon
'nngh will sing a solo, entitled, ''Ev
Irnine Song."
t A uni'iue service has been arrang
eJ for Sunday afternoon, 3 o'clock, in
the Ashland Baptist church. In that
service a gold watch and chain, the
glit of a poor woman to the endow
ment fund of Mc.Minnville college.
vi lli be returned to the donor. This
watch was redeemed by the Baptists
of Oregon at a price of (00, and
Vied ford Baptist church asked to re
turn It. This will bo a great service.
Plan to attend. Phone H. S. Stine
for reservation on the Gold Watch
special car to Ashlnud Sunday after
First Christian Church
Cor. 'Xiutb and South Oakdnle
Music by large chorus. Special.
All strangers and the public invited to
Morning sermon, 10:45. Text found
ill I John 2:2.
"Evening, 7:30. Text taken from
17th chapter of John.
Sunday school at 9:4.r. A special
program has been arranged for Sun
day. Please come on time and enjoy
the service.
C. E. society 6:30 p. m., subject.
"How to Bo Strong." lieb. 1 1:32-40;
12:1-4. Get In the ' spirit of this
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
Let us rally to nil services with a
determination to do our best that the
Lord may bless us.
Harry E. Tucker, minister.
Portland Grain
I'OliTI.AXO, Or., Nov. 11. Wheat
firm; no lrndin;r. Spot bids :1c to M
hijrlipr. Hlucstom.,-: Kortvfold.
ifl.til: club, .fl.Gl; lied File, .1.U0:
Hcd Russian, $1.57.
Hurley higher. Xo. 1 feed, $.'17.50.
Today' ear receipts: Wheal. IIU,
flour .'I, outs II, bay U.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 11. Hogs,
steady: receipts l."1. . Prime light,
f!).50(d S.flO ; prime strong weights
.fl.50(a D.Gii; good to prime mixed,
f9.4u(aSI..'iO; rough heavy packing
$8..0S:9.1u: pigs and skips, 8.2j(i
8.7r: stock hogs, $7(d 8.
Cattle steady; receipts Steers
prime lilit. $7(7.2.V, prime heavy,
$b'.7.ja7.1"i; good, $ O.'J.'iffi' o.O.i ;
cows, choice, $3.'2."(nT..'iO ; medium to
good, ifcVL"i.Ui; ordinary to fair,
4.2.((i'4.73; heifers, bull
-fli." "( 4.50 ; calves, ii't(n 7.
Sheep steady; receipts X Choice
lambs, .8.."(lf(i8.7"; common luinb
s-ti(f'7.50 ; choice yearling wethers,
if7.50(S)7.73j pood yeavlinffs, $7.2nft,
7.511; choice -light ewes. $5.flO(a(S:
heavy ewes, .$,)(i;3.30
Portland Butter
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 11. Butter
unchanged. . '
Chicago Wheat
CH1CAOO, N'ov. 11. Wheal:
Open. Close.
December $1.88'-i $1.80 Vi
May : 1.81
Mrs. R. W. Ager, after a fortnight
visit to the Oregon metropolis has re
turned home here.
, W. E. Price and A. C. Walker have
returned from a hunt in Klamath
Many from Central Point attended
the Republican rally held In Medford
last Monday evening at the Natator
lum. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Holmes were
Sunilni' cuests at tlte home of their
daughter, Mrs. V. D. Hrophy of Med
Mr. Henderson, who has been
spending several months in Klamath
county and northern California, has
joined his wife, Mrs. Henderson, here
and is visiting his wire, Mrs. ,1. K.
Iloswell and chlldron.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Rohnctt and lit
tle son George, attended the "Black
Box" at the Page theater Tuesday ev
Mrs. Lauo Walker spent Tuesday
evening In Medford.
Mrs. T. F. Knackstad and daugh
ter. Hazel and baby daughter, who
have been here for some weeks, left
Saturday evening for Grants Pass
whore they will visit friends before
returning home to Etna Mills, Cal
Rev. John Stlllo of Derby was here
last week visiting among old friends
Mrs. J. W. Jacobs, wife of our city
recorder, has one of the finest collec
tions of chrysanthemums ever seen
here. In fact, when one goes Into the
building where they are, one would
think they bad entered Pierce's green
house. Such tall plants with beau
tful bloom In different colors seldom
are seen In a private collection.
W. M. Ferguson of this city left
Saturday morning for Tampa, Fla.,
where he has secured a good position.
' One of the old pioneers of Central
Point and vicinity, Thomas Jefferson
Xeff, who died Nov. Nth, was burled
in the cemetery here Friday morning,
uiuuy friends attendiug the funeral.
W. T. Stldham has returned home
hero after an absence or several
months at the Slsklyous, where be
worked ou the road.
lilgb School Notes.
Tho high school of Central Point
east straw votes last Monday. The
entire afternoon was given over to the
pupils to discuss the entire Oregon
ballot. Some very fine speeches were
made and very convincing ones, which
proved the students efficiency to vote
with better judgment and considera
tion Hum their parents. The result
of the vote was as follows: Wilson,
38: Hughes, 18; Benson, 2.
We ara delighted to report the en
rollment of three new students to our
high school.
Fred Bohnert is back to school
again after an absence of six weeks.
This being election day a few min
utes were given to singing patriotic
songs and reviewing the history of
our country..
The Teacup club of the Methodist
huivh met with Mrs. Orlando Didra,
North Main street, Tuesday after
noon. It being election day, gossij,
was mostly eonfined to affairs polit
ical. Members of the republican af
filiation were compelled to make
speeches lamliiiir Wilson, while those
of democratic predilection were out
for Hughes. This reversal of polit
ical sentiment caused (Treat merri
ment, especially when a llanlv fol
lower, for example, openly lulvocated
local option, and for the lime being
teacup argument promised to assume
the phase of "beer amendment" en
thusiasm. file Sunshine supper served in Kiks
temple on t lit? evening of election day
was n fine one. Kutuhles were sub
stunliul and abundant nud the ser
vice was unexcelled. Meals were
available until nearly the midnight
hour. Tiie coffee and cider furnished
were- particular blends donated by II.
G. hndcrs & Sons, who, with many
others, exercised their kind offices in
making Ihe supper event a success.
Tho proceeds were nearly $100, a
sum which will greatly aid the Indies
in their work for sweet charity's
sn ke.
.1. W. Harvey of Douglas county.
who has been in Ashland this week
called here to visit 11 daughter who
lias been seriously lil. '
Notwithstanding inclement weather
dedication of the Lincoln statue in
the' park occurred last Monday after
noon, Ihe order of exercises being' as
heretofore, announced. Owing to ruin,
speeches were delivered in the Ohnu
taiirtiatabemacle instead of out in
the open. K. V. Carter presided. In
behalf of the donor, Superintendent
ttriscoe presented the slntue to llir
city as the pi ft of O. S. . Hutler in
memory of his stepfather, Jacob
Thompson. V. O. N. Smith acknowl
edged the acceptance. The main ad
dress was by Professor Irving Yining.
Schools were dismissed and partici
pation in the exercises was general,
The Kleven o'C'loek club held its in
itial party of the daneine; season at
Memorial hall on Tuesday evening.
An innovation was the announcement
of election returns between Ihe num
hers on (lie program.
The Presbyterian societies have
been having a busy time this week in
n social and industrial way. The
Wednesday Afternoon club met with
Mrs. F. ,1. Shinn on Oak street. On
Friday evening there will he a dime
social and old-fashioned Knelling bee
in the church parlors, given under the
ausoices of the first division of the
Wednesday Afternoon club. The lat
ter organization's four divisions arc
also busily engaged in milking articles
both useful and ornamental for the
forthcoming- holiday ha.aar, which
will be held early in December.
The Southern Pacilic transported
240,000 passengers during the past
year with the loss of onlv one person
through train accident fatalities.
The Aslilund schools reached tin
hi!:h tide of attendance early in the
weel;, 1013 pupils being present.
A sugar heel special will run be
tween Ashland and (Inints Pass Sut
uniay, -ovemiier II. It will leave
here al 7 a. in, and returning will
leave flrntils Pass al 4 :'M) p. m. Quite
a number plan to go anil look over
the big factory and participate in ex
ercises whieh Oranls Pass will -arrv
out in the way of a holidav. tine fare
for the round trip.
Albert finngwiseli of Monluaue was
visiting H. ('. Stoek on T hursday, on
his return home fiom a trio to .lurk
sonvillc, n heiv lie formerly resided
for many years.
II. T. Pifiitghman recently returned
from a visit to his father, .Incol
I'.aughman ol ootllinm, who is
!J0 years old. and one of ihe pionccr
of Ihe Willamette section, hale and
hearty for one of his age.
.1. W. Dodge, recently with the
Western 1'iiion offices here, lias been
tr.msterred to Sacramento in lb
telegraph service.
"The f-'.lopeiueilt of Kilcn'' is til
title of a eomedv in three eels whieh
will be the high school anniversary
play thi. year, to be given some Inn
luring the present month. J he play
wilt include seven actors in the east,
all stars .Kern Murphy, Merrill
Throne, Klwood Hcdberg, Bonis Jen-
niugs, Charlotte t'hapelle, l.eilh Ab
bott and Verne Blue.
Carl Abel, of n vehicle company
bearing his name, was here on Tues
day, renewing the neipiaintauce of W.
II. Day, from an Iowa standpoint. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Abel and
son Jack, the family beintr on their
way from t'enlrnliu, Wash., to Fres
no, Oil., for the winter. Yital sta
tistics as chronicled on Abel's busi
ness card, chronicle the tact that he
is 30 years of age; height, six feet
three inches: weight, '213 pounds;
hat, "'it; shoe, No. 11; disxisition,
passable; business good and funds
working. lie also volunteered the in
formation that he didn't care a dime
whether either Hughcs or Wilson was
I'nion Thanksgiving services will
be conducted this year on Thursday,
November HO, at the Methodist
church. Hev. D. D. Kdwards, pastor
of the Nazarcne church, wil preach
the sermon.
Klamath Falls has installed a fine
new fire auto truck at a cost of
There will be a football uanic in the
high school series between the local
team and Medford, on Ashland
;rounds, Saturday, November IS.
John I,. May, formerly in the train
lispatchiug service here, is a candi
late for the colonelcy of the third
Oregon regiment. He is now an as
sistant superintendent of the South-
in Pacific, Portland division. He
went to the Mexican border as lieutenant-colonel
of the third regiment.
A. I.. Lamb lias made formal an
nouncement of his candidacy for re
election as councilman from the third
Mrs. S. ('. Ilamaker of lily, Or., is
visiting relatives here, also renew
ing friendships in Ihe ilrdcr of the
F.aNtern Star of which local chapter
she is a member.
Mrs. .1. 11. Turner has returned
from a visit with relatives at Oak
land, Cal., extending her trip to San
Jose to meet her daughter, lluth,
who is n student in the normal school.
Superintendent Briscoe left on
Wednesday for Kugcne to attend a
meeting of the executive committee of
the State Teachers' association.
Mrs. K. F. Anderson is conducting
the dining room of the Hotel Ash
land. George A. Slannnld and Klmer lv
Kenvou of this, cilv arc submitting
final proof notices establishing
claims to homesteads in this vicinity.
Proofs will be made under provisions
of the old homestead law.
The young people of Ihe Episcopal
hnreh have, been selling tickets for
"The Smuggler" al the Yiuihg on
Friday evening of this week, and their
share in the proceeds will be donated
to the Armenian relief fund.
C. W, Banta, city councilman, is an
avowed candidate for mayor at the
approaching- city election. Having
learned that n certain other parly
would not enter the licld, he has; cons
eluded to enter the race.
Mr. and Mrs. I!. Nelson of M
Miiinvillc are here for the win(er;nnd
arc located in the former jSlorcy
property on Granite street.
Raymond and Paul Thompson o
the Blackwcll Hill district, were in
flold Hill the first of the week visit
ing their mother, Mrs. Coe Thompson
at the Home dining hall.
Mrs. Maud Stickle, who has been
employed in Medford for some time
past, came to her home in Gold Hill
Tuesday morning to vote.
Mrs. W. H. Gardner spent Timi
dity in Grunts Pass visiting friends in
that city.
Mrs. Mollie Harrison spent a cou
ple of days in Gold Hill on hiisini
having come down from her home in
Washington, Tuesday.
Mrs. Mallie Ilcc-c, .who has been
at the home of her daughter, Profes
sor and Mrs. G ,V. .Milam, .the past
five months, returned to her home in
San Francisco Tuesday.
F. V. Dodge spenl a couple ijf days
this week in Grunts Pass on busj
iicss matter.
-Mrs. Sam Xeas of Grants Pass
spent Friday with friends in Gold
Mrs. Ralph Dnrlinir spent Tliurs
day with her mother at her ranch
home of Gold Hill.
Lee Bostwiek, iiiuuagiiig edilor of
the Rogue ifivcr Ai-'iis. was in Gold
Hill XUni-Hilny on bu-iiicss matters.
Geore Lllnce and nife of Foots
.i k were in Gold Hill Thursday
shopping and seeing friends.
Marion Lance of Medford was in
Gold Hill the greater pari i,f the week
attending to the improvements being
made on his properlies in this city.
The brick building formerly occupied
by I.iince & Co. is to he thoroughly
renovated and redecorated in time for
occupancy by Ihe Truux Co. on the
13th of Ibis month. Also he has had
a new walk laved in the premises of
bis cottage, occupied by the W. II.
Gardner family.
The hardware store of II, II. Mil
ler changed hands Thursday when
Mr. .Miller sold his stock of goods lo
,1. (. Thompson of Hold Hill and X.
H. Hull of Montague. Iikvoiee is be
ing taken today ami 'possession will
be taken by the new owners Saturday.
Dr. linker of llostou, Mass.; Engin
eers Ounnell ot (irants Pass and
Holmes of-the Greenback mine, near
l.elnml, Dr., visited the Meadows cin
nabar district in company with Pro
fessor Parks of the Oreeon bureau of
mines and geology. Thev carried
awav some splendid specimens and
good amnions of the pronerties.
Jim Diukcns is hack home on the
ranch and was on hand Tuesdav to
see that the people voted right. The!
same old Jim.
Bill Pomerov has been helping Bob
Hubbard in gettin;r supplies to the
miners in Mill Hollow.
Fire w-ns- started in Ihe new relori
on Ihe Rainier mine of the I'tuh
Ouicksilver company Thursday, the
0th. A new tunnel bns been started
to get dentil oa the vein and real inin
imv is muking a slarl.
Theodore and Lornn Tec drove lo
Medford Tliursdav for a couple of
lavs' stay.
T.aue Wvlund and wife snent three
or four davs in the vallev this week.
Plcntv of snow on the hills and the
ranee entile came down to the home
ranches Monday and Tuesday.
The school house was used as noll
lir idace Tuesday, so the children
hud n vacation.
Finis Mavfield is liviiio at the
house across the eivck with Ihe old
Mollis. He is (retting his fall plowing
lone, the rain having driven in six to
"'"-lit inches in the sanity soil iilonjr
the creek.
A couple of new tunnels are lo lm
lviven on Hie claims of Iho I'lah
Ouicksilver company, according to
the idnns of Superintendent llerlel-
sou for Hie new owners. A heavy
hiitterv of retorts are also in imme-
liate orociteet.
Corstnble Hammond and Donutv
Sheriff Curlv Wilson weve Meadows
visitors Saturday. Politics, we sup
nose. Dave Cottrell and wife are back-
homo. They brought in a drove of
Amy Koestcr visited on Birdseye
reck last Thursday.
Mrs. Walil of this place is on the
sick list this week.
Mrs. Outer called upon Mrs. Mal-
tis Tuesdav.
Ned l-'vans of Cow ereck spenl
several weeks here prospecting with
his brother-in-law, Will Coverdale.
The first snow of the season oc
curred several day-, ago.
Mrs. Coverdale and son, Mrs.
Wooderiek ami daughter, anil Miss
Elsie Coverdale of Birdseye creek
were in Rogue River'last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Buyer of Birds-
.. a ..ti-4- -. - . . ..ft
CJ ot a Bmall pdr.kutfe of Hamburg
UrciiHt Tea, or us lite Gcrtimn folkii
cull it, "iludihurger UritBt Thw'at any
pharmacy. Take a tnlilpftpoonful of tho
tta, put a cup of bulling water umn
it, pour through a sieve mil drink a
teacup full at nny time during tho
day or before retiring. It iB the moat
effective way to break a cold and cure
grip, uh it opens the porea of tlio akin,
relieving congestion. Almi loouena tho
bowel r, thus break in if up a cold.
Try it the next time you uulTer from
a cold or tho grip. It in inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore eufe
and harm less.
Rub Soreiiesa from joint and musclei
with a imali trial bottle of
old St. Jacob) Oil
Rtop "douinn" lllieiimatism.
It's pnia only; not one case In fifty
required internal treatment. Itah sooth
ing, (H-nptratintf "Nt. Jacobs Oil" rilit
on the "tender Hpot," and hy the time
you say Jiu-k Robinson out comes tlio
rheumatic, pain. '"SI. .Incoh's Oil" Is
a harmless rheumatism cure which never
diHsppoinU and doesn't burn tlie skin. It
take pain, soreness sad stiffness from
actiintr joints, muscles itiid bones; stops
sciatica, lumbago, Iwkiirhe, ticurnlitia.
Limber up! (Jet tt 25 cent Iwttlo
of old-time, lionritt "St. .tiicobi, Oil"
from any drug sure, and in n moment
you'll be ftee from palm, adieu mid
uttfTneM. iJon't suHcrl Kul rlieiiina
tiam attny.
Leave Medford tor Asniana. Taieni
and Phoenix dally, except Sundar, al
8:00 a. in., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:11
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p
m. Bundaya leave at 8:00 and 10:80
a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 0:30 and :t
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dallr, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Alia
on Baturday nights at (:30 anil
1:20. Bundaya leave Ashland at (:0t
a. m. and 1:00, 4:10, 1:10 and lt:!l
t. m.
eye creek left several days ago lor
Pol llaud.
Mrs. Nelson Hosmer lost her horse
one day hist week. The more had
been in her service many years.
Fred Koestcr called upon the An
derson family Wednesday evening.
Cleorge Lance is making very stren
uous efforts to get his initio ready
to work when water comes.
Mrs.- George l.auee is learning to
drive an automobile. She drives all
right, but ask her about backing her
car into the shed and see what she
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta.
Henry Polilmiin vs. P. W. Watson,
strict foreclosure.
Mortgage Wallace Galhrcalh el
ux lo ,1. M. O'Neill.
Real ICstjito Transfers
('. B. Carlton et ux to Annie L.
Tanner, lots in Carlloii Add.,
Medford $ 10
Emilia A. Stephenson to Y. O.
X. Smith, executor of Emma
Archibald, property in Ash
land . . , 300
Isabella Rowley et vir to Geo.
li. Lindlcy, laud in sec. :tl-
, :i4-iw hi
Troy Woodward to Mary II.
Woodward, land in Slyer ad
dition, Ashland 1
Frank Tompkins el ux to Thos.
A. Feather, land in twp. 117-
2V 10
John Grieve el ux to Kennelh
Mac Itae, lots in block 4,
Central Point 10
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
wllb LOCAL APPLICATIONS, m Ujoy mnnirt
rt-ui-'h llii- i'ut ul Hi, dUfuMi,. cmurrli in a blood
or i-unKtltutloiiiit tl iHeaiw, null lu older to cuve It
ou uiuit Ink Inli-niiil riuitilli.i. Jliill'a Calurrb
Cunt in tukrn liitcrou lly. mid ai-u Olnvll)- upou
tup blood mill mm-oil inrfuoi'H. Hull's t'atnri-b
Cure ! Hot n uuui'k luo,lulm. It wni tuo-
si-rlbt'd br onp of llio brut lrHk-lnnft In tblM
country tor yoara mid In a rcuulnr rrpKoilptlon.
It la comiKiKptt ot llif brtt tonlra known, com.
blnisl tvllli tbo Wot burllliTH. otlnir dl-
m-llr on tlie tniit-01111 iturnurH. The p'-rfort
romninnlloii or tin lvo InKrisllontu Is rii:it ru
diK'P Miib wiwdorfiU ri'-uliN lit vuiiiiti i-utarru.
Ut'lid tor ttitluionlHIn, rroo.
F. 1. CHUNK! CO.. Pronn., Tolrdo, O.
Sold by !riwBlt, prlw Tltr.
Tiiko Hull's Futully I'llln for conatlpatloa.
rOK 8 A LJV--ii t n ;
KOIl SAUO Good team, watton
htiRKV, saddle. KM M. White, Spar
ta HltlK. au
FOB SALI5 Cheap. Team horses,
wlKht, about 2400 pounds, i)r
Henry Hurt. Tol. 14-K-1D. K
FOR SALU I'orn. I'honn 201-H2.
"Oil SALIC -Jonathan apples 110c per
box on treo. Foothills Orchard
TOIl SALIC Seed, alfalfa, red clovor
sweet clovert timothy and other
grasses; strictly fancy stocks. Write
for samples. Rnlph Waldo Klden,
Central l'olnt. Ore.
VOn SALE Young and old geese.
C. W. Isancs, rhono ri!)l-J2.
Phono 507-11-2
, 205
FOR SALE Fat turkeys.
Phono 10-F11.
C. Carey,
AOr.NTS Mow men or women can
make money, sell Yanoco Complex
Ion brushes, mirrors iintLaOlhcr
French ivory toilet actcsorles. Ap
proprlte for Xiuas presents. Write
for particulars. Yanoco ivory Co.,
YeenunHter, Muss.
POHITION A Kood position can be
hud. by any young mun or young
lady in the fluid ot railway or com
liicrcial telegraphy. The passage of
the K-hour law by congress has
created a great demand for tele
graph operators. Positions paying
all the way from $7ii to $tH per
month with many chances for ad
vancement. It will pay you to write
Railway Telegraphers Institute.,
Portland, Oregon, for particulars.
WA.vrrcn hituations
WANTED Widow wants plain sew
ing and gentlemen's uienillng. :iL'2
Sou til Cent ml, phone So.'i-L. 200
WANTED Dressmaking, homo or
day. 144 H. Central. Phone 4'J7-M.
WANTED To buy a second hand
took stove; also violin. Phono 4 0 7.
WANTKIl --To rent, a stock ranch or
farming hind, Joe Pool, Kauile
Point. !ll
WANTED Mattresses nud readier
beds to make Into sanitary toldlng
forms. IMIIowk to renovate, 7.
cents per pair. Steam sterilized
feiitiicr pillows for sale hk low as
l per pair. It 2 2 12th. Phone
I !'!-.!. 2
WANTED--Will pay cash for Rood
ranch with water and partially Im
proved preferred; no laiiev price.
Address P. O. llox 1KJI, Medrord.
20 1
WANTED Vacuum cleaning. Larg
est and most efricienl machine In
tho city. Henry Currier, Phone
820-X. 201
WANTED Remember yonr poultry
and eggs will bring you more
money at Warner, Wort man and
(lore's. One prlco for hens, re
gardless of sUt.
FOR SAI.K Or rent, modern seven
room house with garage: lot 95x
31 fi root, clear nf all encumbrance,
locution, S. Oakdale nve. Inquire
of II. B. Xyo, phono 25-J1. 202
FOR K 10 NT Kurn lulled room. Call
2 to 4, 322 South Central. 20 1
FOR RUNT Furlnshed apartment.
Hot water, heat. The Borhen
FOR UF-NT Three room furnished.
modern bungalow, close In. 417
Juy street. Phone 742-J. 201
Anto Bappnea
are operating the tariteitt nldect
and best equipped plant In the Pa
olflo northwest. Use our prlntrj
when others fall. 8old nnder auair
antee. 26 North Fifteenth . M
Portland, Ore. . K .. ,.
Room 412 Gnrnelt-Corey Bldg.,
Medford, Ore. Phone 221.
OEO. W. CHERRT Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Ore. ...
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law.
rooms ana . Meaiora Natlenal
Bank Building
Corey bldg.
O. M. ROBERTS Lawytr. 1
Medford National Bank BnlidliB.
Consulting Engineer. , i
Q. D. CIIONEM 1LLEH Consulting
electrical engineer, hydro-eloctrlo ,
developments, Industrial power,
utility valuation. Medford and Gold
Hill, Ore.
oolleeted some aocounta 14 yean
old. We know how to get the
money. The Bullock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 1, t, Haa
klna' Bldg.. 216 E. Main at
Garnett-Corey Bldg., site 111
Medforo, Ore Phone 861.
Collections and Ke porta
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMM1N08 engineer an
contractor, 404 M. F. ft H. Bldg '
Bnrvays,, estimates. Irrigation
drainage, orchard and land ln
GARBAGE Get yonr premises
cleaned up (or the summer. Call
on the city garbage wagona tot
good service. Phone 174-U T,
Y. Allen.
House Movers
Move Houses, Barns, Garages, Ma
chinery, Etc. Phone 488-M, of
488-X. 612 S. Newtown, 811 Da
kota. Instruction tn MaeM
piano und harmony. Knight Mush)
Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey Bldg.;
Phone 72.
EARL S. TUMY General Inmranoa
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident
Liability, Plate Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds. Excellent com.
paDlos, good local serrloe. No,
!10 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Physicians and ftatgeona
Br!" W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 803 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 110.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician aa
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyea idea
tlflcully tested and - glassoa . sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for B. P,
11. It, Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 1ST,
Printer ang Panilshnra
best equipped printing office la
out hern Oreaou; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing .trstema,
etc. Portland prices. 17 Nona
Fir at.
Office 4 2 North Front St. Phone
815. Prices right. Sorrtce guar
I have a 160-acre stock ranoh;
good location; 100 seres In grain,
some alfalfa. This place recently
sold tor (12,000; no Incumbrance
Will trade for good orchard, prefer
pears, or would take city property.
Would trade even or assume some In
cumbrance on orchard proposition,
lull West Mala Street, j j