MKDKOTIT) ' MATTi TRTBUNK. MKDKOKP. OURdOX, KATWRW. TniiEK II. 101P. TO DEE BEFORE U'o Ibe Kdilor: In response . to your uivilatiou. let tun nsk: Why sliuukl I bow in bumble Kervility to tin) uditor of tbe Mfdford Bun, tnidjjo to his office mill submit Jike a disobedient child, to his oral pastiftation for hiivinK dared to ex press nn opinion on the cliaruetor of tlio prmideulial candidates? In lie onother kaiser, to command ino thus? Ojut. is it to him whether or not I liuvo iv filiyhieiit iduuttty nnd u iiolit- kal opiuiou? I chu treat swb a command only Willi contempt. It is in line, however, toith the present TMilicy- of the Sun editor. I fain would talk with him if I hod reason to believe tluit his par tisnn heart Could bfl touched with truth, but he appears to lui've no sluifl oi truth in his eanimi(fii quiver. ' Unlike the millionaire Indies of the New York 40U, 1 have too much sclf Ifspvel to imoko eiiiiuvttes; neither do I wear n collar dosiu,nnU'd bv num ber; nor llo I wwir golden nnkle braovlrtri and Kport .jewels! boubt by the money honked with the souJ-sweat of child labor and th tears of broken-hearted mothers. You and I, and vour children and mine, hrlcd to pay for this uoldcn K)M'cinl train that brings its burden of jewelled bodies to Haunt their vis'ilth in onr faccfl. So did the tic nltfblcd editor of the Hun. Hut he ap pears not to have risen tu the plane of truly American manhood on which he dftntt to express resentment naiust the perfumed Rlainor and tin nelixl effrontery disphiyed by the presence of this Roldcn special in the west. He ndvcrtujcn it with approval, liut when I, a )oor woman, raminsr my own living:, dare to enuresis nn opinion i-ontmry to his wicked belief, he com mands me to come before him and let him see whether or not am dead or nlivel . , I have contempt for his effrontery, but I pity him for his luck of heart. I-am only sorry that I cannot make liim ashamed. I and my two sons arc Wilson re publicans, bee ii use he is the most righteous and courageous lender of (he people since Abraham Lincoln. ; The itreutest war from which this country is suffering humiliation at this time is the war on Wilson, licspcctl'nllv, ELINOliE u:VIS, Mother. Ashland, Or., Oct. 12. Over a thousand Wilson buttons were distributed Saturday at Wilson !icuditinrters, next the Star theater, and the drmand "ontmucs faster than the supply can be received. font ribttt ions are comint.' in slowly iiikI the committee uifres all to con tribute something to aid the cause. Previously reported $'15.35 W. K. I'hipps 10.00 Cash Cash J. J. Skinner K. 11. Salter It. Schuler Cash Cash . - C. A. Chapman.. Cash Cash C M. .Ji iiiiiiiKH .0(1 :, 2.00 J. oo l.oo l.oo l.oo 1.00 00 .:u l.oo J. H. Hoekcrsmith 1.00 Cash .i.OO -Total to ditto........ .flol.10 TO BEWARE OF 1 Nunni's bakery was formally own cd this afternoon when the doors of the modern hakeshop on South Front street were thrown nneu to the pub lic During the afternoon, from J to 4, a lnrs number of people inspected tlic baking methods and were served with coffee and pastry. The plant will bu ojs'n annul this evening from 7 to U oVIoek. . Metliods of modem baking; were explained to visitors. The niuuliiiicry was kept in motion and they were shown the process from the time the ingredients ore placed in huge mi, rs until the loaves, brown nnd crisp, tnierifc from the oven. The new plant is in a well-lighted building, entirely finished in white, llaking o)Miiations within the shop ran be seen nt uuv lime. ' roKTLAXD, Or., Oct. 1 ..-The "(loldim S)ecinl" wotnen's eumiui'.tu train for Hughes arrived here today nnd was met nt the station by a delc .iition from republican organizations. An early moniing isu-adc was follow fd by the beginning of n strenuous Kpeuking program at different points in the city. The t'irst meeting was licld in tlio'oln higli school audi torium, where Mrs. Ithclu Childc Doit of Now York was the principal (eakcr. Among the speakers at other places were Mrs. Henry Mos kowiU, Mrs. Hnynmnd Kohins nnd Jtrs. Mauile lbme Kllintt. Alter the depurturt! of the swcinl for Salem, Or., en route to California, late to day, local democratic women will hold n cbiinter-deuioustralion in behalf of J'rt'sidcnt Wilson. Jamen Kamet of llcnd. Ore., In a tusinma visitor In Medford nnd vicin ity till" week. WASHINGTON, Oct. II. Th federal farm loan hoard's warning to farmers ng'uinst swindlers seeking to prolit by organization ot land banks has bexun to bring in many reiwrts of victims. The board recently an nouneed Hint it would refuse chnrters to any banks in whose organization money had gone tor promotion pur poses. Jacob Ft. Itlnmcr of ' Denchlnnd. Mont., wrote to the lioard that nn agent ot a promotion concern pre tended to have been employed by tin: government and got from him a if'jao check fur ten shares of slock and that he later received notice to pay ifT.'iO more. K. T. I'eck of Fishtail, Mont., com plained that agents of the same con cern told him that to borrow he must become a shareholder of the concern. I'eck paid $25 and obligated himself tor several more payments. J he board today issued this supple mental warning: Fanners who borrow through the National Farm Loan associations arc not required to pay any advance com missions. So all of these enterprises requiring payments from farmers are leelared by the board to he fraudulent and the attention of the department of justice has been called to the matter and an attempt will be made to bring the offenders to justice." DAVID LUBIH FOR WILSON (Continued From 1'ngc, One). "Willi Wilson it was different. I wanted to see him about n certain matter. 1 was allotted forty-five min utes, and 1 got forty-five minutes. Ilu didn't tell me stories nor look at bis watch, nor well- we interrupted a dozen times. I Kut a real hearing as a business man expects to get from the general manager of the nation's business. He was effective; he was efficient. Call l'itm i'ni'iiicps. Let mn give you another instance. A couple of .veal's ago twenty-seven men, commissioners of agriculture, distinguished men, representing the gTent agricultural interests of Amer ica, went to him. They were urging a measure similar to thai which is so effective in Canada, to improve the quality and enhance the value and in general extend the whole principle of crop reports. He went over their pe tition with Ihein, with a kind of ginn humor lighting up his face as he waded through that hill, punching a hole in it here, criticising it there, pointing out the weakness of this phrase, the vagueness of that clause. For a while tbcM big agriculturists didn't know how io take him. They thought he was merely criticising their proposed bill, lie was. He was tearing it to pieces, but before he got through, these men saw that almost at once he had got their point of view and wns helping them by putting in a word here, striking out a phrase there, adding one here, helping them draw a bill more efficient to perform the work they wanted than they themselves had devised. Ui-fiiH Scholarly Mtnit. 'President Wilson brings a --rliol-nrly mind to business. He knows that good politics and good economies are the same thing. That is whv Mr. Wil son is such a good politician, in the highest sense of that luueh-ahused term. And he is fearless I In all mv relations willi him. direct or in.lirect. I fail to tiuil anything ,,r imvboilv he is afi'uul ol." TO EXTEND TRACK The sfati' nittlic service euiiuuis sion, I'dIIom in' a hearing fit Mcdfuid, Oeluber 10, lilts rallied tlie upplieii i'um of the Southern I'ucifie company for iHTinission to construct nt rade ii railway traek aeross Thinl street, Mctlfori). Tlio order reuds as fol lows : 'The traek, permission for the con struction of whieh is sought, is n passing track parallel with and adja cent to the main line of the applicant uompanv in its station uroumls at Medford, Or. The present traek lay out is iiiKiiffteient to permit or the prompt and eeonotuieal handling of traffic at this point and hi an en deavor to better oHTHtin conditions the eoinpany desires to extend nnd enlarge its present passing traek. This aetion will neee.snitnte the cross if tx f Third Ktreet in sneh city. . "The toi)0raohv of the coimtrv is sueh as to preclude separation of grades at this Doint hy the expendi ture of uny reasonable amount of money, nnd the nature of the traek. toother uith the cm-nil layout of the eitv, make it impossible to avoid n jrade rrossintf by a relocation of tlio traek in question. In other words a relocation of the passing track ho as to avoid the erossintf nt Third street Would neeessitate the construe tioii o( a similar erossing over some other street, equal in importance from the standpoint of the traffie cfirrieo Nothing in the interest of public safety eould be gained by such a hane. The commission therefore Krauts the rilit and privilege to con struct such crossing at Third street, in the city of Medford, at yrnde." MILITIA IS STILL E , been followed by fresh aggression from .Mexico upon the lives end the property or the people of tlio United j Suites. Tho militia have therefor I been useU and are being used to re ipel invusion and are rendering ter I vices of the highest quality and most i urgently needed character to their country. J "It would, of course, be Impossible to set a date at which the release of I tlin remaining New York units can twlth certainty be accomplished. I am happy, 'however, to holleve that the practicable upon the organized mill-!,.011,,mon , nortnef Mexico is lm tia forces. It has already resulted In irovlK alld (hat , the nvar fllluru tlie return or a nmuuer ol Acw vors organizations. The Hth and "1st in quiry ami me nrai oriaaue quancrs . raH.s ,llen t s under which these organ are at present In their state armories, , , ,,,,.... rfi,.,,11Hn, lmvo nMtM. jsarlly Buffered. Sluices Admiration. ALLIED LOSSES IN E (Continued From Page One). wo will be able to do even more than j has been done to relieve the embar- U-BOAT SIGHTED OF NEW YOIIK, Oct. I I. When the White Star .freighter Ilovic sighted an eastward bound submarine ill the At lantic yesterday morning she was ap parently in pursuit of n Danish pas senger ship, the Ilcllig Olav, accord ing to observers on the deck of the Ilovic, which arrived here today.. The nationality of the submarine was not identified. The Ilovic, in fear of attack because of being a freight diip, put on full s)Med and headed lirectly west. At the time she pass ed out of sight of the other tw-o ves sels the Danish boat still seemed to be endeavoring to escape from the submarine-. The weather was clear niuj the Ilcllig Olav was between two and threcmilcs distant at the moment she, was first observed, with the sub marine about one mile to the Dane's stern. This was about 8:.'K) a. m., when the Ilovic was approximately 200 miles east of New Yolk. The Ilcllig Olav left here Thursday for Copenhagen and other Scandinav ian ports, carrying llti passengers in the first cabin, 'XT in the second cabin and steerage passengers. Many of those in the cabins arc Americans. At the time she was sighted by the Ilovic the Dane W'us flying no flag, hut her identity was distinguished by her mime and the Danish flag painted m her side. Royal Typewriters oiiti tlio "trading out" ox pxpoiisp. Tho Roval is so enlist nit-ted that all noarms haviii; to do v illi tho opera tion ot tlio tvpo hai'K nnd lligninont tnav ho replaced in five minutes at a few cents' expense. I no lioyal outside or end keys have .just as light n touch as the center keys. Ti'v vour machine. Wr can tnd will ho very glad to dem onstrate whv tlie Koval is a hotter typewriter for vou than any other standard ami at the same time end the' trade-out." The makers of I the Koval do not holiove in' "trading out," hut believe a; machine should last a life-1 tune, the same as it watch. Medford Book Store pcrpurlng to muster out., the second Infantry Is preparing en route from the border to the state mobilization i camp also for muster out. The first ambulance company and the first I regiment of field artillery have been ' designated to return from tlio border to their state mobilization camps for muster out. and tho first aero com- j pany was not sent to the border, but mustered out at Mlneola, N. V. Thus, u substantial number, of the New-; York contingent have either been or j are In course of being released from the federal service at this time and as i other forces are sdnt to the border, It i may be that (ienernl Kunston will ! find It possible to afford New York inllttia oven further relief. RnifTgeiicy Ntlll Kxisls. "Tlio emergency which led to the call of the militia was, as defined in i my call of Juno IX, the possibility of aggression from Moxlco and tho pro tection of our frontier. This emer gency still uubnpplyl exists and I am advised by the military authorities that the withdrawal of tlio militia at any time from the dnto of its original I call up to, nnd Including the present, would in all human likelihood have "I share your admiration, my dear govornor, for the spirit ill which these men have ( served and are serving their country and would be very sorry to huve it supposed that their retention on the border Is for uny mero purpose of completion of tbetr military training or any less com manding purpose than the preserva tion of our frontier from aggression. "Very Truly Yours "WOODKOW WILSON." George Wilson of Drain, Ore., wns business visitor in the city Friday. DHitLlN, Oct. 11. llrltlsh und French losses in tile Soiumo nro dc clnred to have totalled a million men. declares the Overseas News Agency. The news agency's military critic writes: "The heavy sacrifices ot the Brit ish and French for the recapture of each square yard on the Soiuiuo Is proved by the fact that in three and 'one-half mouths about 9U fresh di-. visions were virtually ui-ulhilatcd. so that It was necessary to withdraw them forever. (Ninety divisions rep, resents a total of considerably more than 1.000,000 men. There 'are about 12 000 men in a French .di vision and 19,000 111 a British di vision). "These divisions disappeared com pletely from battle. FJfty-flvc di visions In consequence of their great losses, were able to engngo In coin bnt only twice, 1! three times, and only one was able to engago In com bat four times. Four divisions had suffered so severely after their sec ond 'engagement that It was neces sary to send them to quiet sectors, but on critical days thoy were again thrt'V'i In." BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate 1 I Deafness Cannot Be inured br local tpllratlo&, na tlicj cannot rcmli th" (IWommI porllou of th pr. Ttion- i nnly nnr wny to rnrp deg(r-. nJ tint 1 by constitution Hi rrfUfdlf. Dpafnen I (nii by nn ItiU.itno! rotidlllos of tbt miic-ntH lluing of Hit KiiKlurbi jti Tubr. TChra this tub H lnfl:mni yon li.irt n id n find unices tmi Intlsmmntlon cnti be tnkn out nml thli ttb rewtorfl to ttr. nortunl eonilH Ion. Iieiir i Ida will be oVutrovrd forirrvr: nine niHoH ont ul tm ire oaiwfd hr Catarrli, which n nothlnfi but a lnflnmd cotirtUlfin of thf rpiH"" mrfuwn. will grv On HnndrrH Itollur for tiny caw of IVafiMso traiipcd by catBrrti) tbnt cntniot be cr .'Ml hy Hill'ft Catarrb Cure. -d for cirt.'U lan, tit. P. J. CIICXKY CO., Toh'.Io, O. Sold by PrugRlsts, Ttk-. Txke trait trolly Pillf for wnMpntbr.. JHghcat (itialltyl Jewelry m reialring diamond Betting,, watch repairing Martin J. Reddy The Quality Store for Reliable. Goods. 212 E. Main St. Medford. Ore. ? ; t ? J ? ? T T t ? ? f ? ? ? The Woman's CampaignTrain That left New York October 2 will arrive in Medford, Sunday, Oct. 15 At 3 p. m. and will remain at the Southern Pacific station 30 minutes. Short Talks Will Be Made by Prominent Social, Immigrant and Welfare Workers THE MEDFORD BAND WILL GIVE A CONCERT Everybody invited, especially women and children. Politics Will Not Be Discussed 7 f f f ? J- ? y y i. f t f X ? ? ? t Dress-Up Week i rietes a LonJ ) of understand fnghQtweenrfie Mnmg Fellows and V This StoreT Because tkey can depend on us, for what they waht style, with ths quality fer your money. An Overcoat in Time is Great Satisfaction Why wsit uhtil ths cold days catch you off your guard? Take a momsnt tiow and ws II show ygu the best line of Winter coats ws ve ever had in stock. You remembsr y?u had trouble last year looking late for ah overcoat? So did we couldn't get them. Then, whsn you've selscted just the one you waht, we'll held it for you until you nssd it. How's that? $12.50 to $30.00 Model Clothing Co.