Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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    University of Ovtfl&n
'forecast wB 17TYEVYDI Twi A TT nP"D13IT"TI weather'
, .Jxlshur U1C1I JLvl Al ib 1 11115 SJ N Jjj .hti.
KVWv7r..-r MKHFORO. (VRE(U)N'. SA'ITKDA V. Q( TOl'.Kl. 7, IQlii .
German Warship U-53, From Wil
hclmshaven, Arrives at Newport,
Flying Flay of German Navy
Comes Only to Deliver Official Mail
for German Ambassador Will Go
Outside Harbor for Anchorage at
Night Conmiamler Makes Call.
NIAYPoliT, Ji. I., M. 7. The
Herman submarine '-t'. from Wil
lieluisha en, m ri fl in llir harbor this
:t It i' in ii. She t'i'H-x'i! the ocean in
seventeen dnys.
Tin- i'-: is a man-of-war. flies the
llntrr thf Herman navy and ha- a
.-imili' linn TiKUint fil on her deck .
Thr 1--V), in coin Mia nil of l.ieulcn
ii ut Captain Hans Rose, appeared
spick and span npi'ti her arrival here
and looked n- if sfie bail been out
uiily for maneuvers. Hit commander
reported that he h;ni not skilled any
hostile craft on hi voyage over, add
ing that the boat v:i- plentifully snp
plicil with provisions and fuel and
that nothing would ho taken aboard
her. Shortly al'ti'r t lie submersible
canu1 in, Commander Uose puid :ui nf
liciiil call upon I ear Admiral Austin
l. Knight, commandant of the Nur-ritynir-otf
fiity nnvai tnrion,"ro-'vhorri
In' -laled that he was prcparine. in
leave that port tonight.
Ti Deliver Mail.
Commander Ko.-c explained that the
submarine, whirl) is a reuulnr war
e--cl and equipped with wireless, had
put in here only to deliver official
mail !'' the Herman ambassador. He
dccljiii-d lo say whether be bad been
ordered to Ancii'-un water- to -can h
for the Herman merchant submarine
I'tiMiH-n, Iimilt overdue on this side.
The submarine anchored in the
outer harbor two miles down the hav.
No mie came n-horc. hut a rcpre-cn-lative
nf ibe Associated Pre-s was
allowed to un ahoard nnd learn the
Ye--els story.
The I'-.V! -.vill ".o out-idc the har
bor for anchorage dm in" I Ik niubl.
The I'-.VJ weighed anchor and
sailed from the harbor at IT o'clock
this afternoon.
WASHINGTON, !. 7. ISrili-li
.mliif-:ll(.r Spline liii ailed ill t he
-I nil- i1 p:i rl itifiit Inlc today, and al
though lie clM-Iin-l to di-cuss his
visit, il whs believed In' prole--led
nguin-t -m i .- ii-i- into mi) American
I t-t nl' the (icnnnn stihmnritic I'-oil.
The nlnba-sniliir ':i understood In
have taken the po-ition Unit 1 lie F
A:l was :l warship, was not entitled to
any privilege- nnd should not lie al
lowed to anchor in :i neutral port.
Acting Secretary Polk ' tin' stntc
department -aid after tin1 conl'.Tcnci'
that tho llrili-h nnilia--ador had call
iil on anothrr matti'r anil only i a-n-iillv
lvl'iTi'dl to thn uhniarinc.
' Ft, I'ASO. Tex., Oct. 7. General
Yonustlano C'arranza may not be n
candidate fur the presidency of Mexi
co in the election to be held by the
de facto government Krnesto Pck
(tuerira, the Cunm!-a consul (it I.os
Anuclcs declared here today upon his
arrival from Mexico City, en route to
l.os Angeles.
II. B. Tronson of Ea'-lc Point spent
Saturday in Medford on business.
Entire Campaign Develops Rapidly
Serbs Drive From North and Brit
ish From South Russians Report
Protji ess in Dohrudja and Volhynia
Quiet Along the Somme.
LONIION, Oi t. 7. The entire rum
pamn unalnst Monistir ill so'itlieni
Si-i-liiii, is developing rapidly. While
lillied I'orccK have pressed to within
not niueh more than a half dozen
miles from .Monastlr on the south,
the Serbians have advanced north
west from Kaiinakcalan on the wes
tern slopes of the Nidje ridge. Here
they are reported to have reached a
point only about 1( miles east of
I'KTUOGKAD, Oct. 7. The linsso
linmanian offensive in nobrudja is
being successful- pressed the war of
fice announced today. The capture of
two towns on this trout and a ridge
connecting them is reported.
(cnmitis Itcpulsed.
I'HTFtOtlRAl), Oct. 7. German
troops yesterday made four consecu
tive counter attacks in an effort to
recanture ground lost to the Russians
on the Ceniuvkn and Zlota rivers, in
(lalicia, says the official statement
issued .,,vbvUp1 Russian war de
part ment. but each time the attackers
were repelled with heavy losses.
LONDON'. Oct. 7. A fresh Ru
manian expedition is said to have
crossed the River Danube into I'.ul
gurla. according to a wireless mes
sage from Rome. Field Marshal von
Muekensen the Gorman commander,
is said to have sent troops to attack
the Rumanian force but without suc
cess. gt j
I'riliNh progH'-ss.
LONDON', Oct. 7.- Ilritish forces
niierating on tlie east hank of the
Struma, on the Macedonian front,
have pressed the Bulgarians further
back, the war office announced to
day. Several additional villages have
been occupied by the Hritish.
BKRI'.IN'. Oct. 7. Teutonic troops
have made progress on the entente
front in eastern Transylvania, accord
ing to an official statement Issued to
day by the Gorman army head qutir
ters. Ground has been also gained by
the forces of the central powers near
PARIS, Oct. 7. The French front
In the Somme region or northern
France remains in a state of compara
tive quiet. The only move by the
French within the past day or two
has been to the oast of Bourhavesnes,
where Paris has reported a slight ad.
vance In the direction of Molslans.
P.I'CIIARFST, Oct. 7. Rumanian
troops have resumed the offensive in
i)p. I'anei and the .lule valleys in
Transylvania, says the official state
ment Issued by the war office today.
In Dohrudja the Rumanians have cap
tured trenches from the Teutonic and
Bulgarian forces.
XKW YORK, Oct. 7. The Influ
euce of gossip or rumor as a market
factor was forcibly Illustrated during
today's short session, prices again
yielding, though only temporarily, do
spite the issuance nf numerous au
thoritatlve denials of linpendlnf
peace negotiations.
Recessions of 1 to ?. points oc
curred on this movement, the first
hour's trading amounting to 400,
eon shares. At no time, however, was
there any serious unsettlement or im
oortant liquidation. The closing was
strong. Bonds were Irregular.
l.nxu p.HAXril. X. .1., Oct. 7.
Pre-iileiil Yiiim tmiay nave rea-mis
why he thought independent and pro
gressive voters bitidil east demo
cratic votes in November. lie fpuke
to a lare di-lcalion of progressives,
tncinher- of the Wood row Wil-uii In
dependent lea v ne, and 1 be College
Men's league, who came here from
New York and inarched to Shadow
Lawn, pr led by a band.
J're-ident Wil-un de'dared in hi--peeeh
thiil every policy of the yov
cmmcti! fur the la-t three year- bad
hern qne,-t ioiicd, lint that no new line
of policy had lieen sm.'MC-ted.
"We ale indeed at a critical junc
ture of the world." he -aid, and added
that hehind him -t I a iiriit-d demo
cratic pa rl y while I he her pa rl y wa-ili-oraiiizcd.
The pre-rdent eri(iei-ed the lepnh
liean party a- made up of "cveryltodv
di-enni cut I'd with pre-cut condi
t ion-."
"It h-.pc-cl-et
'miwit,' "
member ot ill
afraid to he
klluW I cintld
ly for a return d "-e-hc
-;iid. lf I wen- a
t pally I would lie
:-r(ed. he",tl-e Woilld
ici-'.aili-b nothing."
fine blanch o the n-nihli'-aii paify
in New Yol k -iipporti d ii man for tlie
-cnate who u its op' iily nniieiit ral.
tlie pre-itlent as-erted. If one branch
of the republican (iiuty cuiit ml.-, he
,-aid, there would he u;ir fur the I'nit- !
ed Slates, and il' it doc- tmt aontiol
there would be war lor that party. 1
Tho pre-ideiit cb;ii'j;ed that the old'
jjiiani'of the repnidiiaii party ''fin-
t mlled it- la-t coin "it(i"ii and mk
re-pon-i!(le for e eryt lihiif done bv it.
including the jrainin;.' of its phiUoi?ii.
He -poke of the "prob.Jdy waVlike,
ccitaillly l-e;" poliey of lltfj
wP Mi urn
1AM M-
OAK l'! KK N. Colo., 'Oct. 7. - With
one (lend and four suspects under ar
ret ;n Ste,.iiihoat Kin'iicjs, Sheriff A.
II. Chiviiilon and deputies early to
day wet
in hiti-nit of half a doen
r nicnihei- of the band whieh kid
napped II. .M. Pi-iiy, manager of the
Moffat coal mine. Wedne.-day ni'-ibt
near here am) held linn two days for
$ir,(HH ran-on. Perrv late yesterday
jrabbcil a revolver from one of his ab
dnctor4and killed the -uaid. He then
fled to a nearby ranch nnd notified
the niilhoritie- at Steamboat Spring".
Sheriff ( 'hiviujton and I tfMil ies .1.
('. Fry and Kmory Park, with a citizen.-'
pii--e. -i;ir!ed in pnr-nit of the
band. In the tneiintinie S. A!. Perry of
Denver, father id the man kidnapped,
arrived from iMiver on a special
train with the .tI-"i,0IM) ran-oni money
demanded and -evernl private detee-tic-.
lie jihiiiiMil to leave the money
at the -pot de-i-riatcd by the kidnap
cis in a letter which -;nid his -on
would he killed unless (he money were
foitbcoiniiii: by Saturday ni'-ib!. The
detective- pliihiict to secrete thetll
elve ami (dn-e iii on the biind.
Perry wa- ab'e to come to Oak
('reck today and t;ike pari in directing
pur-nit of tin- I i'inapiier-.
The a u t hm l! ie- bid i eve 1 here w ere
about twelve of the aii. Sheriff
('biim:toii -t;it"d today lie had sev
eral el lie-, w it it'll lie believed would
re-'ull in th
Tin- name
ipnire .f th
ih.- di-itd ku!
-an- to
per and
t he foti r ,-n- i
They are -;iid
mer unio-r- m l
w ere unknot n.
be forci-jner-. fnr
Oitk Ci.-ek di-tii.-t.
Today's Football Scores
Harvard, ::; Tults, 7.
Yale, i; t ; Yirinfa,
prinentin, 2': North Carolina o
Illinois. ; Kiinsii.x, (V.
Nfivyt 1 ; (len-L'oiown 7.
Penns Ivania. 7: I'ninMin, n.
low a, ?, t ; "nrnell, t;.
uim i liu in
(( ';ii'alist iiiid I'nlitii-jil St iidciil.)
1 think we shmilil rc-clci-t Wnudinw Wilson lic
caiisf we have never iad to vvusv. a wider, deeper,
more dantre roiis stream tlian llie one over wiiielt lie is
IicpW naviatiii"; ns: anil we have never had a lietter
liorse ('! sm-li an niidertakintr.
Game Rally Matic by Dodgers in Ninth
Innii.t), When Four Runs Are Scor
ed 15,000 People See Game at
P.KAYKS' I IKI.I). I!o-ton. ('. 7.
The I'ti-lnii America lis I ri urn plied
oer the Prooklyn National- in the
first amc of the world's .series here
this a l termini) by a mmiv of (t tfi .".
The Po-ltms ictor was threatened
in the la-t inning when Shore weak
ein d ami had to be taken limn the
Over 10, iHHt per-on- saw tbe con-te-t
which was inarkiil by brillianl
lieidiu- on the pari of the victor- and
the weak defen-e on the nart of the
llrooklyn-. Alaripiard started hi the
box for Brooklyn, bul hi.- defense
eoaipletety crumbled in the seventh
inning, when a couple of error- and n
bit cave !o-ton (hive runs ami a .-;ife
The learns were favored in their
first meet inu by w ent her conditions
closely appriiaehinir ibe ideal. The
day was almost suinuier-Iike, with
only a slight taie-: of autumn in the
air. The score;
AU. II. llll. a. i:.
Myers, cf. .. ." (I 2 II 0
Hnuhcrt, Mb. 1 0 1) 0 (I
Sicmiel. i f, . .. . A -2 tt , .1
'Wheat, If. y 4 1 l! "d ""b
Culshaw. 'Jh. .:, ;t I II -J 1
Mow rev, lb. . ;t I I 'J (I
Olson, s -1 0 I I, J
Meyers, c. ... I I) 1 :i 0
Manpianl, p. . . J 0 I 0 tl
MohuMnn . . . I II 0 1 0
Pl'el fer, p ) 0 II 11 H
r 'MarkIe .. 1) 0 It 0 tl
'Patted lor Miirijitai'd in eighth.
l Mailed for Pfeffer in ninth.
AO. II. MM. A. K.
Monper. rf. I -J I I 0
.liinvriii. 'b. . I I 4 S 1
Walker I I 0 0
llobiit.ei. ib. . -j 0 tl
Lewis If :: o i o o
(iardm-r. :tb. I 0 1 :t 0
tScolf. ss 2 0 0 I tl
i Cady, c. 1 0 0 0 il
; Thomas, e tl 0 0 II 0
i Shore, p. I 0 I) ;i I)
Tolals :n 0 8
; Urooklyn o o 0 1 0 0 0
II t-
; iioston o ii i o i o :j i n i;
I Two-ha-e bit-. I.ewi-, I luoper, .lan
1 m in ; three-ln.-e hits, Walker, Hob
j lit ell. Wheat, Meyer.-: -aerifice bil-,
j Scott, .Ianriu, Lewis; sacrifice lly,
iScoil: double phtys .bun rin. Scott
,iiii lit. I. In. II, Hooper and t'iidv,
, (iaiilner. Jan, i in and llobiitell.
; Slno'e, Sett', .lain rin and 1 loblitzcll :
' left mi base-, lironUyu Ii. lb,-ton I I ;
((ir-t ba-c on error-, l!roiklyn 1, llo--loii
;t: ba-c- on ball-, off Manunnl
; I. I'i'fl'tW 'J, Shore :i; bits and eam
ied run-, off Mariptnrd 7 bite- and
run- in 7 inniiej-, ot f Plet ler t hit
im! one run in one inninu, oil' Slmre
0 hit and run- in ekdit and two-third-
inning-, oil' Mays I hit and
one hin in oue-ihinl itinitiir ; hit bv
pitcher, by Shore "',l-liaw; -trm-k
out, by Munpii'n! li, bv Shore ."i ; pa---ed
ball. M.-ye.-.
I'mpiie- Pi.rtc, Coiiilo! ; lia-'-u'liay;
I. ii field. ttitii'jlcy: rivbt li. hi.
, llim-en. I
Tim-. J:li;.
H H iflLOUl? u hmLll On ii)
saved farmers
Frank G. Odell Shows That Produc
ers Have Been Face to Face With
Ruin, Which Was Only Averted hy
Prompt Action of Prcsi'lent In
Forcing Eiyht-Hcur Legislation.
lly I'li'ANK (1. ODI'.I.I,
(Menilier executive cemindlee Farm
ers' National t'ongies el' the I'nit
cd States, and cditov N'eliraskn
l''arui Magaine. 1
The farmers ui' Anieriea have jut
lueeil a crisis, triuu whieh they hac
been delivered by proinpt aelinn Itv
the president nl die I niled States.
It is the purpose ol' 1 1 1 a - article to call
their attention lo a condition which
they have foitunntely eesapcil.
For iipiro.Ntiiiately three months in
the summer !' HUli tin niilrv was
faced with the threat ..) u luillnli
wide riiiK.ay slrike. The ruilway
managers and representative-, ol' 'Ihe
I'ig l-'nut-' lirotllerlhiiMls. reproeutitlg
all Ihe rnilr U ol' tile I'niled Slates
and their dntl.llilll ciunloyeil in train
sen ice, were dcnillockcil in a con
troversy over hour of labor and wage
schedules. About Ihe middle of Au
gust a crisis was imminent. Presi
dent Wil.-on volunteered lo net us
mediator in Ihe interest ol' the pub
lic. His eli'iirls xvere unavailing be
cuue legislatiiiii loiikiiig toward the.
so'tllciiieuf ti T nil iiii'liisirial ili.-piil'cs,
oeaun n mis uemneralie congress.
hud not yet gone far enough, (lie pres
ident had no power lo loice arliitra
li'.n. An inipas-e was again reached.
The hrot lierliouils Uuei a strike or
der to be el't'ective on iaibor day, Scp
leniber -I.
(''nl-iuer (a-eatest l.oser.
The railroad iu.-tiiageineiit recog
ui.ed the iinmiueiiee ot' the strike,
l-lmliargo orders were issued on
freight :-hipmciiu. I'laenriU w're
pnsi-d all hut Ihe I'nitcd Stall's stal
ing that because of impending strike
conditions tiel.-eu would !,, -,.h mil--ub.jeel
to delay. Supplier and slrilfe
hreakeis were ,'tl r-lrategie
points. fl-be country waited, hreulh
le, lor the Menu to break. Il wa
Mpparenl Ibat neillier parly was
A-iililous ell'oii, arc being made
by polilicians ami reproent at i i.'s ol
special inlere-ls lo diere.lil Ibe mo
tive of the president in bis lelation to
tlli coull-oel. The inside lor- of
lite sll'ike legislalioii i here made
pilblie lor Ibe I ir-l I ime.
The president .-aw a national eal
amily iaipeiiding. Immediale ai-liou
was imperative, lie called eel'laui
leader of his parly into conference
wilh 1 1 i 1 1 1 in Ihe presideiil's room al
Ibe i-ii ii f nl . They were;
Semite;' Kern, del -ralie
lender ol the senate: Senator
lauds, chairman nl llle -eiiale
mil t n interstate comim-rcc
rescataln e K it -1 1 i i. demoei ol ii
New -com-
. liep
II '
leader of the lloll-e: 1,'epre-iUt a I iv e
Ailamsou, rhailuiau of l!o- liou-i i-
lllitlee on IMler-tale (-ojnliieree.
Miniibrgo on l-'i-eiglit.
'I'lle ple-ldent ami 111' so lour gen
tlelliell Biole Ihe I I ' I iilli'li was ptC
sellleii lo eoli-le-s nil!, he si.c-i;,!
lne--;eje ,.l the ple-idcnl on llie to,
lowing day. Neilher the railroads
nor thf In ol lo rllood- Were eoli-lllteil.
Neillor parlv knew ilt:il (In. bill con
tained until il was m.ole public.
Neither parly inade an ib muml on
the i,re-ident or hi - iol'1-ojs, or had
(Continued on page two.)
HKI.MONT, Mass., Oi l. 7. . Miss
Alexa Stirling of Atlanta, Ga.. won
the woman's national golf champion
ship on the links ol the I'.eltuout
'Springs country club today by il.'l'eat
Ing Miss Mildred Caverly of I'hlla
delnhia. two and one in tho final
match n( the annual title tournament.
Famous War Correspondent Says
Americans Abroad Proud of Fact
Nation Has Had Sense Enough to
Keep Out of Conflict Object of
War to Upset Government.
lly W. (I. Slli:iMII-.l!l)
(Tin- iamoiis American war corre
spondent.) XI'AV YOKIv'. Oct. 7, -I have been
on every Iroiil in I'.unipe and in every
capitnl except I'rtrogrnd. On the
I'ronls hnve seen
the horrors ut'
war. And in the
capitals 1 liuve
seen tlie etToim
-jtb E various;
tW fighting nations
lo dnnv the Flut
ed Slntes into the
In war, think
ing men become
u n t Ii i ii I; i n g
ben-Is. Men of
nisiness, scienire
nnd achievement
"stop their work
and become Piere
physical mills in an iiniiy.' Youths
ilrop their life dreanis and their fu
tures. Amhilioiis crumble. Home find
I'amily plans are swept aside. Prog
ress, whose figure we earve-in niai--'
ble fot ilccoj'ale oip- proud buildings,
bcclutrn-s it vfithcCci;1' iaisn,vzeirw-i'e(-'k.
The hligbl ,,f hale reaeb'es into the
innermost corner of every cily, of ev
ery home, of every heart. Worse
things than death fall to the lot ot
millions of human beings in war, in
cluding and moral decay.
Inlo Ihe sihinlioii which would pro
duce these terrible changes 1 have
seen all the mil ions of Kuropc en
deavor to drag Ihe Fnilcd Status.
W'ntclieil Fiiroiie Try to Tangle 's.
From (hose capitals, at the other
end of Ihe line, I ha vc'wii tched Wash
ington ami the government there ox
Irieaie the I niled Slates from one
plol al'ler aiiother. from one diabol
ical machination al'ler another.
Siimcl i s we in Kurope, who were
-ceing the Furiipean side ol' the picture--
the efforts of the allies to drniv
tis into war willi (iennany; the ef
forts of the (Icrmans In draw us into
war wilh the allies -held our breaths.
There were limes when it seemed llial
war would be the only way nut.
I have seen (Icrmans rejoicing at
Hie prospect of lm ing (be Fnilcd
Slates ipiarrel wilh tile allies; J have
seen tlie allies wild wilh deliglil over
Ik" clu e that the I'niled ,Salei
would go to war wilh llennnny over
Ibe l.usiiania or ,s"ine other incident.
Proud of Country.
I'.ill always sane, sound, steady, the
I'niled Stale- came Ihroiigh. f was
a magnificent thing lo see from our
point of vantage in Kurope. Il made
oiie thrill to reali.e that Ihe I.'niteil
Slat.- was hi- own country.
Now, when I return home I find an
eleelion campaign under way. I Jiear
n -ay llial we have peace without
honor. We In Ibe Furopean capitals,
who -aw our government cscepe the
war ttap-, fell no loss of honor. We
were alway- able to look the other
fellow in Ihe eye ami be proud. Xn
one over there ever seriously charged
a- with o-s of honor, and men are
(Continued 0 pai..e ),
MOW YultK, Oct. 7.- lielief from
tho milk famine, due to a dispute be
tween farmers and distributors,
seemed in sight today when 1 com
panies slgir'd agreements to pay the
prices demanded hy the producers (or
the next six months. These cnmimnlesi
control about one-third nf the city's
su pply.
They have promised to pay an ad
vance of about I cent a quart to pro
ducers, ;