UiK TWO I0CAL AND V PERSONAL KiKlil i'-hidi'iUK of .lutUmni county wrre Kinl''d tiBn niitnriiliation m-lii-rs tin' paMt wwk. viz.: 'li:irlr .1. Anilvrsoii ol Hold Hill, .lolm T. lliondluy, Curl Pciii-hoii, .lolin T. Ilultz uiul .lolin S, Donar of Ui'd ford, Kretl lliilierl of .iHcl.fonvlllo, W. 11. Mowut und Olnf II. N. Wiill-Mi-n ol All:iutl. I will lontriifl for your bwt pulp lit (IriinlH I'.'ish mill. A'Ulri'ss Clin ton Cook, Murphy, On1. 1"' "Hobby'' IVIoiim' of Knislo I'olnt. one of tlio unrest bull) for the Stanford ruc'iy foot hull toiini this full, mid u xopliomoio in llm tinivprity, in lnid 1 1 1 with a badly Hpniined nnklu. lit1 may be out of I ho stnnifi for the rost of tho nwisoii if It develops that the Injury Ineluiles a brohen bone, iis is now feared. Order n easo of NVeinhnrd .Vector. You will like it. Phone SI. Trunk K. tleorKe of KllKene Is in Midl'oid on business lor the latter part of the week. Illnhest prleo paid for strictly fresli raneli okbk. Cafe Holland. I'. A. Wilson arrived In .MiMlforil Yhursduy evening; from Vancouver. 11. C and will spend a few days in ;!eiHiird and vicinity. (let your nusollnc at Do Voo'a. It. II. Cromwell of .loplin, .Missouri, is a business visitor In .Medlord. Many people appreciate Welnhard Mortar, because they like It so. Phono ul for delivery. '." . Joint Hampshire and It. K. .lordau of Orauts Pass spent Thursday even Iiik In .Medford attendiiiK Hie "World of Pleiisuro" and the Klks carnival. I tat lis and mnssuKo. Drs. Hedges, a:tr. k. Jiain st. A. It. Illnbeo of l,u8 Anneles Is In .Medford for a few Uii.vh on business. Auto wheels ropnlred; tint class Job guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Mitchell's Repair Shup, oiipuslte pub. lie mark.it, Hundreds of Fine Garments, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Petticoatsthis season's Styles. A great big fine stock of Millinery to select from. The dollars must come in no matter how great the sacrifice may be IT'S NOW OR NEVER JUST A FEW ITEMS AN IDEA OF SELLING PRICES MILLINERY I 17c Never a chance like now to Pretty Coatsthis season's, A big line of Children's Coats A pretty lot of Silk Dresses v ,. ,, .. . ., :. Hosiery 'S.lc BUY FURS values $15, $17.50 $10.98 all must be sold at $0.89 .New I'iill elvel Muties. ")( r ( ' tsli mere I ln- e ")f - viilnes ... ir-1'..-M) $1.19 t:' (,sli,e,e ,',se (9r : A beautiful line of $20 00 Ladies' Coats worth think- Huiuli etls u, other wonderful v Pv, , vl , liu,. silk Filifi-Use He A few verv nrettv Suits left n.ja about a lot of dandy Ikiiwuiis, too numerous to Ne l'll elve! M..-,m-s..o si,k ll(s, 8o t the low pSce 89 8) A wonderful lot of beautiful Coats at $6.89 """"" - msill""" Si ' Coats, values $27.50 $17.98 Worth tbinkin abouta .U0 Flannel Xisht Ci-.w.is New l-'i.ll Velvet shapes, val- . --. , .. s; A lm ol I'letiy Suits, values Another wonderful lot of $30 whole rack of Coats, Dresses, 59? nes to l.iHi $2. 19 it l ni! s i'. '" $11.89 Coats : $19.98 last season's merchandise, fl.l" Flannel N i-ht (.iowns New Kill Ti'hitme.l ll.tis. .l.r.n ri Suits $1.1.'J Kxtia ni.-e line of Leant ili.l Ask to see our pretty $40.00 values to o, at q.t.ja . . . values to I $a.S l Silk an.l W-.o! $12.98 Suits, values s:;o $19-98 Coats, on sale at $29.98 , , 1 K' . Great big Bargain Tables of '" ,,g New l-'all Ti ii 1 Hats. I C.rsels $1.59 Kxtm ni.-o lim .f liojuitil'ul 'I'lu- ritflit time to l.uy Sweat Fine Waists, Skirts, Petti- A hi lino of Wool Middies nlues to .s .",n $5.98 I.M Coi-M-ts $1.98 Soils, values !. on $12:!. 89 ' ors. all ,s.'injj. coats, etc. .just arrived, iiin' on sale. STOCK A npiLTTp A J?1TQ9 Q A T 17 STOCK MustGo jTL 1 I llr-v AllljI.Vll C5 k3fllJCy Must Go Sale Continues Daily Until Stock Is Sold .Mr. mid .Mrs. .1. I' I.ukiui of Wiil do, Or., wui-e .lrlfnnl lienors Tlmr iluy, ultiNiiliiiK Hie (lnulru in I In: "War prices paid for clean cotton rasa at .Medford Printing Co. .Miss Fowler ol Ashland spent Thursday evening and Friday in .Med. ford. Ilavo vim tried the Weinhard Nec tar? it's the nio't pupular drink. Phono . I . .Mr. and .Mrs. Koliert Peloil.i' mo tored In from Kaiile Point Thursilay evening lo attend "A World of Pleas ure." .Mrs. l.eacii, llarciay Tailor made corsets, Kuarauteed. Phone (iS:i-.I. II. (I. Wood is a tourist visitor in the city from I'orl Cmiby, Wash. Sell those clean cotton ran whllo the hlith prices aro on. Medford 1'rlnlliiB Co. Miss I.. Hart of l.oim Hem h, Wn., spent Thursday and I'riday with .Med ford friends. Mb Gc milkshakes Tie Voe's. 11. H. Hush of Portland transacted business in .Medford Friday. MiineoBraph ietters( forms, etc., in any quantity from I u to ten thous and. Medford Hook Store. 0. I.. Stinson and 1). 1.. Klster of KiiKCiio are spendiiiK tile latter part of the week In the city. See the stock lahots carried by the Medford Printing Co., If you aro In a hurry. C. A. Ferguson Is a business visitor from Seattle, Wash. See Dave Wood about that fire In surance policy. Office Mail Tribune Mrs. Jane Simmons and Miss Mer tie IlKvenaiiuli of brants Pass were theater goers In Medford Thursday evening. No Hunting Biuus for sale at the Mail Tribune office. Oils Drown of St. Louis Is In Med ford for u brief business visit. Buttermilk, 10c gal. Do Voe's. 11. T. McCown, W. M. Cook, 10. II. Doffy, S. S. Johnston, .1. K. Unh and K. W. Jiicuer are a purty of Med ford visitors from Portland. Gates sells Ford cars, J200 down and $25 a month. "Wi i ill d-f OF WOMEN'S mkdfoim) mail Tnir.rxi:. At the direction of his sister, Mrs. II. II. Abbott or Vancouver, II. I'.. the body of Holbrook Wllliilintoil will he shipped tonluht lo Portland for cremation and burial. Buttermilk 3c quart at De Voe't. ! Special Oiricer Only yesteriia at'-1 ii.i noon put consternation into tin1; hearts of many Medford motorists I u i,,. i... i,.,,,i ii.,. ,.,ir-H..i- ,ir Mniii and Central streets with u star that, .Induing from its size, had been cut from the bottom ol a (lhllian. and innjestlcally stopped all ihiwr of cars whom he d-emed either were, or inlKlit l? inlrinsers of Hie traffic laws. After leadinu them a lisson on drlvltiK lie handed each ollender a card statlni; that lie was wunted at the l-.'lks carnival. Tao memliei'H of tile fair se. who were stopped played even for upon lieinj? stopped Ihey let llieir enttiues die and before Caily politely started cranking, kicked off Hie switch and let iiim turn until out of breath when sonic bystander would come lo assist and Hie motor would be started with one turn. Tim Columbia brapliopiioue Co., were the originators of Hie double disc record, replacing the old style cylinders. For sale by Medford Book Store. ' .1. W. I.conhurt of Oakland, Cal., is in Mid I'o nl for a few days on btisi- You will get good measure and good gasoline if you gel it at De Voe's. Mr. and Mrs. John b. MeMartin or Butler, Pa., are tourist visitors in Hie city. Do Voo buys beer bottles. Mrs. John Barniim of Portland Is the guest of .Medlord and Central Point relatives for the week. Bakery goods at De Voe's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Selig of San Francisco are spending the day in Medford. No trespass signs fur sale at the Mail Tribune office. b. P. Armstrong and A. K. Morton of Portland are business visitors in tlio city. - Mrs. I.uudy, Nu-iione Corsets, .S'S. For call T.'ill W. I 1 Hi street. Ashland Thursdays. 172" miidkoim). oimxiox, fri ha y, octohkr c. win A. .V. Morey of Sau Francisco is a business visitor In the city. Mr. .Morey is president of the Western Land Syndicate, and Is at present buying properties in the vicinity of McUloril for California clients. bet your milk, cream, butter ggs and buttermilk at De Voo's. h i Davis Is a business visitor In ..I,.- r i, u. it-.. A free lecture on Christian Science i wm iVen ut PaKe theater at s . p. ,. this eveiiiiim to which the pub - ', c is ir'Vliy invited. j a. It. Owen and .1. S. Owen, of j Owen, Wis., H. V. Owen of Fan ' Claire, Wis. and A. F. Owen of Port - bind are snniidlli" a lew il:ivs In llie eltv on business. . . You will get good measure and good gasollnu If you get it at De Voe's. ' According lo City Water Superin tendent, the city water has already cleared considerably and the odor antl taste present for the past week will probably disappear by the mid dle of next week. Baths 25c. Hotel Holland. V. It. Watklns and V. Edwards of Watklns, Ore., aro buslncs in Medford. Siskiyou or Colcstln water, 10c bottle at De Voe's; 5c deposit on botllo. Arthur Morrison, Siivex Hern and Amorla Flocklm of Smith Itiver transuded business in Medlord the latter part of the week. For the best lustirauco seo Holmes Tho Insurance Man. Draper Walsh or Wellen was a bus- John Heed, Jack .Morrill, Spraguc ' iness visitor In the city Friday. Rlegel, Roy Tucker, buy Cronemiller, Miss Ethel Tucker returned to .Mod Fletcher Stout, Mr. aud .Mrs. A. 1.. ford Thursday arter visiting with Peterson Hiss Dorothy Smith andibrants Pass friends. Mrs. Jesse McClendon were among the out of town residents who attend - ed tho "World of Pleasure" Thurs day night. Dr. Kirchgessncr will be at Hotel Nash vory Wednesday.. Hours fof latlon, 10 to 3 John Campbell, who has been tlio guest of Medford friends for the pasl week left Thursday for his Typewriter paper of all kinds Medford PrlnllnR Co. R E A L Mrs. F. M. Harris of F.lna Mills. ; Cal., spent Thursday and Friday with j .Medford friends. Robert Kinley is a Medford visitor , f,om Yreka Cal j E,mcr K Qul.Alvy ut Walk.r. Cal., , ,s a Medford visitor for a few days, j Frank Sutter of Williams, Ore., Is In the city for the latter part of Hie i. .... II. h. Itasol Is a business visitor in the city from Pordand. 1 X. McAuliff arrived in Medlord jThursday from Oakland, Cal., Tor a (brief business visit. j On account of the F.Iks' Carnival , there will he no dance at .Moose Hail Si.tiirdav nlulit 1 TO i .1 T f'hiniincl; shile water com- , tnissioner, left Thursday lor eastern! Oregon after an official visit of three days in Medford. Mr. und Mrs. C. B. Mouaghan lefl Friday morning In their car for their home in Del Rosa, Cal., going by way of Crescent City, after having been the guest of Mr. and Mis. T. K. Duu- for the past month. A. K. Whitman of Klamath Falls! is spending a few clays In the city - on business and visiting friends. Hugo l.uy of Klamath Falls attend - ied the show in nntl will remain in the city for theied in this vicinity. Elks carnival. ! She was a member of Hie Central Mr. and Mrs. K. .1. Knowles and ; Point Presbyterian church and of Re children of Bingham Junction I'tali, 'becca lodge No. 107. Central Point. aro visiting relatives in Medlord and Jacksonville. Mr. Knowles spent his boyhood in the latter town. Mrs. James Erskine of Flounce ; Rock is visiting .Medford friends for Mrs. Lizzie Nichoi and little sou of j will be in Jacksonville cemetery. Flounce Rock are the guests of Mrs. William Henry at Medford. j ATTENTION A, V. AS A. 31. Sid Brown and Dr. E. J. Holms are i a Special communication Med suending the week in Yreka managing i rSr ford Lodge 103 on Friday ) i ,n... .!.,,, i. ,n.i ,.i ii. .i Uv William Illawn Is a business visitor in the city from boldendale, Wn. Howard McKensie of Calgary, Can., Is spending; the week in .Medford. ' APPAREL I Frank M r of l emrai t uiui ia few hours In the city I' rlday. Krlek Anderson is down from the ! Blue Ledge purcliaslns supplies. i . '' Davies of brunts lass is a naval recruit secured by John Nordstrom of the local station. Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Flnlaysoii arc tourist visitors in the city from San i Fra : (1- xl- ''t,"'lu'11 . . , .' ! Friday nioininK after a coinh ned bi s. , Iness und sifhtsecini! visit 111 lie i valley. j ' Mr- C,crKc Manstieiu ol 1 Prospect were Medlord visitors rrl- r r-..nl,...l Pntnt William lifc"i ' 'spent Friday ill the city on Malcolm Mcbown, a former ilo"t r Medford, of visited the city Friday. He is cn- gaged with the government survey crew going over the O. & C. land granl. DIED Itebecca Moore died October ti al her homo In Central Point, aged SO - ?ears. She was the widow of the I late William Moore of Central Point. i Mrs. Moore came lo Jacksonville in INT.". and since that time has resnl- SIic leaves three children, Robert II. Moore, or Central Point; W. T. Moore ol' I .os Angeles, and .Mrs. .1. W. .Merrill or Central Point. She also leaves a grandchild, Ksther Mer rill Sanderson and a great grandchild .1. V. Merrill. Funeral services will (he held at the residence at C I Point Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. ; Doi an of Ashland und Rev. Bandy of i Central Point officiating. Interment ni.rlii n.-f nth nt X n ni.. Tor the purpose of conferring the F. C. j Degree. All Masons cordially invited to he present. A. N. IIILDUBRA.VD, Secy. BRITAIN PUIS EMBARGO UPON COIION G000S WASHINCTO.V, Oct. U. O beueral Skinner at London today no tified the department of commerce Unit breat Britain lias exle embargo against Imp the t'nlted Kingdom to include cotton knit goods. .Mr. Skinner's cablegram said in part: "Proclamation or October 3 pro vides that from and arter that ditto the importation Into the United King dom of the following goods Is pro hibited: Aluminum powder, birds, alive, other than poultry and gnnie, bone horn, Ivory and celluloid and manufactures of cotton hosiery." Officials of the department said Hie term colton hosiery used In the Eng lish sense includes not only hosiery as known in this country, but other knit cotton goods. Mr, Skinner said the prohibition was ordered because of "an active campaign of a protec tive nature. Ho added that the cm- id been lilted. Myron Root lias rctLined lo Med ford after a business trip to Mimic- JJshby-Lexicon-ll LAR B 1 S cln. Mch, 6 tor 00 els.