Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 06, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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    Mail Tribune
l'llt A.l WAIt.MI-'.lt.
TO.VKillT AM) SATl ltlAV
.Muviimini Yesterday 70;
Minimum Today ;i:J.
Fdi'lv-ftxth Year.
riitlv Klnvpnth T-'iir.
Progress Made by Czar's Forces in
Effort to Capture Capital of Gal
icia Heaviest Bombardment of
War Allied Success in Macedonia
Rumanians Driven From Bul
gariaBritish and French Capture
Trendies on Somme.
l'KTUOUli.U), CM. (I. Itiissimi
truops tin ve niiule lu'inlwit mi tliu
(ialii'imi limit in tlifir i-iiinpiiin I'm'
l.t'inlii'ijj. accuiiliiii; In today's war
t T'k-i- annoiiiicciiit'iit i-ii )t nrinu Ans-Iro-licniiini
positions in llie linii-t
south nl' liiv.fzanv, southeast nf the
(lalician capital. Ciniiitci' uttui-ks arc
Imlilin nn the liiissiuii oft'on-ive
iihuijj Uio line In llm mirth.
LONDON'. (.(. (. The Knssian al
iarks nn the eastern front arc more
violent tliau any known since the
shirt nt' tile war. ncciirilini: to 11 Cn
I'llliaen (lisiatch to the I'.vchaicjc
Teletrratih eonuiniiv. The ilispatch
sa that near Karvlruca anil Zuliilno
linssian infantry have altackcii Her
man lines lor the last thirty-six hours
without cessation. This assault was
nil a front of titty kilometers.
(iermiin officers who participated
in the hattle on the western front are
limited us sayinsj that the Russian
bomhardiiient was nearly as violent
as llinj iiii hy Sonnuc. ,1'hc .linssijin
arc iisini'Tlionsanils of cannon anil in
a few (lavs the Hermans fired (ill. (Mill
shells on a' very small front.
On Miifi'iliiititin l.t-,.itt
LONDON',-Oct. 0. While the en
tente forces hiililin;; the center of the
Incctlouinii front remain inert, liolh
flanks continue vigorously on the ajr
jrrcssive. Today's reports indicate u weaken
in;; of the Unitarian resistance to the
Jlrilish pressure on Ihe easlern end
of the line beyond the Slriuna. Here
the Unitarians have evacuated Nevo
lycii, which had been occupied by the
1'ritish, and are reported on Ihe re
treat. I'rcvioiis offensive movements by
the lirilish east of the Slninia have
not been followed up vigorously. In
Ihe present operation, however, the
Drilish forces have withstood numer
ous counter nliacks mid the consoli
dation of al! the ground gained is now
On I be w ostein end of Ihe Mace
donian front the Serbians and their
allies, ii appears from Ihe I'aris war
bulletin, have pushed their lines well
across tiie Serbian border directly
siiuth n' .Monastic and arc now within
seven miles of I lint city, aloicj Ihe
line of Ihe villages of Mc-djidli, Ken
ali and (Iradcshuitsa.
Sofia ujriiiii report- the failure of
liu--ian and Itttinanian attempts to
pu-h back 1'ield Mar-hal Von Jfack-en-en'.-
line in Dobrnd.ia. The com
plete clearing of the soulhcrn bank
of the Danube of the liiimaniaiis who
recently crossed the river near Ku
lmvu also is announced.
Attacks by the Itritisli on the
Somine flout have trained them ground
alon the l'ozicrc.-Iiapaume road, ac
cordiuy to London's official state
ment. A further inroad was nipde
(Continued on page tlx)
AMSTKRDAM. Oct. 6. A Constan
tinople telegram says that a general
congress of the committee of tinton
ami progress under the presidency
of the grand vizier, has adopted a
resolution to pursue the war with
Turkey's allies to a Tictorions end.
At the last general Pitting of the
confess Cnver Pasha, war minister,
reported on the general situation,
which he characterized as In all re
spect favorable to the central pow
er? and their allies. The prand vizier
announced that llnlim Paha had
been appointed general president.
- ; i -vu.uv.f rUIllLLHI1U
-feSw Virx DDflDADII ITV
LJ . mum mm mm 185 ft. m i m .m m m m ttfW fM K tlAll I II I
L . .'j 1
The i'iniires slioivinK the dime
side tin- "tiink" eoiitit ivacli only lui
Loss of License Tap From Auto Used
in Attempted Holdup of Pay Car in
Which Man Was Killed Results in
Arrest of Robbers Woman's Brav
ery Foiled the Plot.
rillLADKLI'IHA, OH. U.-Mi!U'
Dc Ma I'm, l!l-yiitr-nld irl, nlk't'd
tn bi the cliii-r of Hu1 "iiiuhIit tra 1 1 1
vli it'll tuuk .luic- lii'o-. yildrdny find
u'uiiikUmI two in n I'nlifc' nlU'iiipt to
1hM up iind nb A. A. ItidiT of "l)(li)
t'iili lit Al-inn, N. J., was Mibj'li'd
today ti liuurs u' third dfiM'ee at df-ttM-tivf
hcad(iiaiicrs and finally made
(Uiniainir admi.-Moiis, it was said by
the puHri'.
The uirl, the tat-d, admit
ted llial she and three men compan
ions had moiorcd fnnn tliis iily and
wito at Atfimi at tin Iuhm of tin
slmntiiur, and tiiat w had hcanl vv
eral sliots after their chauffeur had
stopped not far from the desolate
spot whore a number of masked men
fired on liider's ear in a vain attempt
to halt it.
llemils of Plot.
Oui.-M'piio liusso. an intiniale friend
of the He Maivo irl. aei-ordiuir In
t!ie police; Frank. Veeln, the rh,i uf- j
leur. and rrank Ladona were nrsn
grilled and alo admitted having been
at the spot indicated by ihcir al
leged chieftaine-.
The circninslaiices of the tracin
ami capture in this city reads like
fiction. Following the holdup the
bandits di-appeared into llic wood,
where tliev are aid to have hidden
their automobile, Fate decreed that
one of the license tu'js should drop j
from the car a- tliev let I the scene. !
This was recovered by a citizen andltnins. Alter the losses sustained by j
turned over to detcc-tive- who arrived ! lli' liu-siun emperor -juanls ,iti the!
iui the scene from Mount Holly.
Woman Tolls lloblwry.
Mrs. Klsie Sinathers, uho foiled ll
holdup by her phn-k iu keeping the
liider ear at top speed after .-he had
been hit by three bullets, was report
ed as re.-tiiiir ea-ily today at llie lo
cal ho-pital. wlu-rc she wa.s taken with
James X. Kihy, the other wounded
oeeupant of the Wider car. ll was A.
J. Rider's brother, Henry H. Ilider.
who was killed by llie holdup's bill- !
lets. The parly was carrying the
$."il)0(l ca-h pnyrol! to the :;mi em
ployes of the liider Cranbeny lni:s
when the attack took place. A- J.
Ilidcr is president td" ihe Xew Jersey
Cranberry (i rower-' a--cjat ion and
heavily interc-led in M,rious bn-ine.-
venture- at Hanimonton and Trillion,
X. J.
NF.W YOiUs. Oct. fi. -The Xew
York Kveninif Fo-1 today publi-hes a
torv -ayinir that it-has been learned
f from a trn-tworthy source that Am- i him ro, 'I he woman, I'.io'a tioibnan.
j ba--alor Jam - V, Oerard, now onialia- Alice William-, i- in n-lody,
; hi- way ba-k from Oennanv, w:!l lavjas arc Wdiiaio Itutlcr. Homer T.
iiet'oe I're-ident VA'il-nn a reiuie-t j Krench and Jaii.e- t hri-tiau. alt nam
that the pic-idcnt ne hi- '.'"d ottiee- ed a- defnndaii'-. Two t.thcr im ii arc
iu -innu' for pea:e with llie alhe-. . J'uitive- from ju-ticc.
nsions of Ibis inoiister dcalli eiiKiiK'
If way up tlif loi iillar tread mill,
This Year's Offensive Cost 1 .250.000
Men, Asserts German News Bureau
Russian Guns Used to Make Rus
sians Fiyht in Charges Against the
Enemy Guard Wiped Out.
HKKL1X, OeL (. t'n.Niialties
anions the liu-Mnii armies during tltis
year's (d lensive on the eastern,
aeeonliu.u' to ea at ions ea leu la t ions.
ays the Overseas Xev mreney, have
been at least l.J.")tl,(M0 officers and
Aeeoi'diu: to eon -erva live Dauih
ealeuIatioii. liie ne aueiiey adds,
Kuia ilnrinir ihe fiiM two years of
the war hi-t considerably more than
li.Oim.IHKI men. Wounded nicii who
returned to the front are not included
in this otimate.
Continuing, the Overseas News
agency says :
"The proplicy of Oavid Lloyd
(ieoriie, the lirilish secretary of war,
that Kns-ia 'will fihl until death'
is nftw about to be realized lileraih.
The Jiuian losses in (ialicia recently
nsiiin n-aehed :
t'Vi'ii this popul
intic figures which
. ountrv cannot
"b'u-Man artillery fires indi:rim
iuntely amoiii' I lie troops in order to
puh Ihcm forward and hoots down
t roups which a re ret reatin;r. In t he
battle of Koi vlniza. whicdi was victor
ious t or I he Ocrman, Ii u-ian col
umns were driven forward by a cur
tain of tire and whips. Kutire Ku
ian waves of men fell under the
Oermuli nrtillery ami machine i;un
J'i'-'. Ib'iid bodies funned in nioiin-
Stockhod river and m the sanguinary
enaireiiu'iits at Fustomyty and Ko
rylnilza inithinj- ivniained l the em
peror jMiard-."
X'lAV VOliK. Oct. (i. - Kie men and
a woman were indicted h"ic today in
the federal urand jory invc-tiatiou
into the iiperations of the "white
slave blackmailing -yndical'." They
are eharued with bbn-kinailin Kd
ward 1. Wi-t, of ihi- eitv and Chi
ciijio, out of .l".tHMl. Tlic indict
ments neeu-e the men with imper-n-atinv
rovernm'-nt nti'ieet-, while the
wornnn's part, it i- ehar-jed. was lo
lure Wc-I t ( "in Chicago t" ihi- city.
Mr. YVe-t told the mand jury that
while lie was at a hotel with llie wo
man the men forced their way iu and
i threatened to arrest him tor violation
L,f the Mann white -lave act and thai
thev accepted a purM.ited l)ribe to let
were plaicd on tjhc phutoiii'iipli l'.V a
The "tanks" arc made, hi Kalniul
E i
SjuM'iul ConvsiiinM'n-i'.
HALIFAX. X. S.. Orl. 1 (hy nmih.f
I am seudiii;
ytni lln t'iisl tictiuii i
d)tdnjri'aph id' the ureal
''tank" to arrive on tlii- id
of Ihe
This amazing war engine is mibt-j
ier and more terrible than any cabled I
descriptions have led readers in fan-
ada or (he I'ntted State to believe. j
Tanks such as ihal in llie picture!
are eiiuiiiped with four tireat Ireail
mill devices, which In hi mi sets of ui-
Auntie cogwheels. The treads ai'e held i oniionenls lu the reicliHlan which
l.'iiit by twenty Milid rolh-cs, five for. have been in progress slnee iidjoiini-j
iich tn-acl, and the bulk of Ihe' weight niont was taken utter Ihe ehaueellor'a
is borne by (hce rollers. speedy upparently hit vc aceonipUshod
The purpose of the eiht fifteen- ' little. The ehuncellor'8 position, how-,
loot cogwheel i- to lay a revolving ' ever, appears to lie unshaken and!
track for the roller, mi thai iu ef-jsucb Information r.s is obtainable in-
feet they ran mi a elf-layinir rail-i dicales tliat t lie campaign for resump- !
way. which is alhered up and relaii!
continually a- tlic maehine advance.
The treads arc ten feet wide and
twenty feet apart, so the tank's total
width is foily feet. As its hci'jhl is
about folly-live feel, the tank is
praet tea lly non-eapM.ahle.
'I'he treadmilN, from top I" hollom,
are seventeen feet over all!
The tank itelf is IH'i feet Ioipj.
Some tanks aie aid to be over "J00
feet lonjr.
Kach Ircadniill r-overs about sity
feel. This reat Iciiylh enable- tin
tank to leap practically any trench
ever built. A- hoij; as the front uf
the treadmill can reach til
ar part
.side of Ihe trem-h before tin1 lea
of tlic front tread runs off. the ma
chine will not dip.
In the center, aliovo the tank, ex-
tends a riid turnd, from the a per-
tares of which extend eitdit Lewi- ma- .
chini' mins. Their muzzles are about'
fifty feet above tin1 uroiind ; 1 lie lur
ret il-elf jut-about ten feet above the
top of the tank, making ihe total
heiyhl of ihe ma' liiiie some fifty-live
feet !
WASIIIXIiTnX. Oct. d. The war
depart me ut amo'iiriceil tod.ty that
with the arrival of new militia uii-tiipjctit.-
al border ptu'nt-, liliied-,
Kan-a-. Mi oiiri ami ralifoinia j
Irooos will In n-lca-ed. '
( A ut lu d' of "Advent u res in 'output im-nt " )
Mv riiicf rciisoii tor voting for Wilson is lirritusr I
1m'Hc liini 1o He a t 1m!i Mth-vf it: jirorcssivc. lw-i-;ill'
In' li's llbldr ;tll MIMMll;ilt'( rrrord in tin
three yeiirs in s''riirinr the jtiissiie of h -iis-htt ion ein
liotlyiny idens for wliieh ejtriP'st proi ssi ves luive
lonir been working : herit.iise in no iidminist r;it ion
since I c;m reineinlier Intve tin' old .sieri;t nnd privi
leged interests Keen so utterly without inl'lueiiec pt
AViishintoii its they luive Ween iiire Mr. Wilson oc
cupied tiie white house; hecptisc, as Thomas A. Kdi
son says, if Mr. Wilson blunders, he always blunders
forw;ird; liecause, in sliort. lie is a clear -headed,
steadydiandcd leader who ran he trusted to take the
broadly human mid democratic attitude toward pub
lic fpie.-t ions. I trust him beyond any other leader to
meet the stormy events that are before us with the
true American spirit.
n ni tlst and eeiupluisize ttio sie of
hum farm tractors iiiaiitil'a(lircd in
in frmPTC Til
in li I uii I u iu
! Indications Are That Campaign for
Resumption of Submarine Warfare
on Old Basis Is a Failure Chan
cellor in Full Accord With Hinden
burg and Navy Department.
1 1 K It L 1 X ( Oct. t!. Ki'l'orts to coni-
;pose tlic (litiereiiees nenveen cuau-
eellor Von lethnian-llolUvpR und his
Hon of submarine activity on the old
basis bus met with no success.
Submarine Issue.
After several days of conl'idenUal
conferences of the chancellor and
members of hU cabinet, with a com
mittee from "the reielisla discussion
of the. submarine issue and other
prohlems of foreign policies was re
sumed today heforc the ways and
means committee. Merr Von Jaow,
secretary for foreign affairs, and Ad
miral Von ('allelic, secretary for Ihe
navy, made, statements explaining the
position or llie government. The na
val secrolarv fri'tpiently interposed in
i tin debate which followedt answcrinn
iqnostions and meeting obji-ctlons con-
cerninn the novcrnmeiil's policy in re
gard to submarine operations.
Notwithstanding the confidential
nature of the proceedings iu both
emu m tttei's the follow inn probably
may he taken us a fairly accurate
statement of the prenoul sll nation.
Idttle I'rotrivss .Made,
The conferences thus fai'( noth
w it list audi ii; cousideralde c,oor will
on both sldcs( have not broimlit the
opposing elements much nearer to
frelher. They have shown the ihaii
cellor to be in full accord with Khdd
Marshal Von H ipib-nbui cliief of
stauff, and with the navy department.
(rontinuod on four).
the "(jink." A soldier, slJUidhiK
the l iiited Slnt.-s.
Only Independent Conyressmnn Sees
President as Victcr at Polls
Johnson Progressives, Labor, Inde
pendent and Peace Votes People
Recognize Progress Under Wilson.
SAN KUANCISCO, Cal.( Oct. li.
That WilHon wll carry ;( "nl f fi'nfa and
probably euoii;h other stales to he
elected Is the opinion of KopreRonta
live William Kent, known as Ihe one
Independent member of the house of
representatives. Kent bus voluntar
ily declined to run for another term:
so he has no personal stake lu the
comiiiK elections.
1 found the ralifoinia congressman
at his home in Kentfield, across the
bay from San Kranclscoi much ab
sorbed lu n'vintf several hundred
thousand acres of Ills redwood forest
land to (he city tor a public park.
This K'ft follows that of the famous
Al u 1 r woods,
"I have not been taking nil active
part lu the campaign," he explained,
"hut I have made diligent imiulries
of thoe In a position to know, and I
am convinced Wilson Is ruining
ground every dayt and if Uiiuhes will
no mi doiim ami saying what ho has
been doing and sayiiiK. President Wil-j
son's election will be a foregone con-;
'alt Torn ia for WHsmi
"Of California lucre Is no doubt. It
will go for Wib-on and Johnson.
"A lot of things besides UufAhes'
speeches are helping Wilson. First,
:he has labor almost solidly with him.
1 'I'll ere are more laboring men than
bank presldenlsi and w hen It Is made
clear where their interests reall lie.
the consequences will be notable,
j "Second comes the so-called pro
igresive vote, the iudeiendent vote of
the country. It comes pretty near
to swiiifilim the balance (tf power be
tween the two old parlies. The pro
gressives realize that Wilson already
has done more to carrv out (lie social
i Justice prora m than t hey could ex
pert Uughes lo do in eight conseeu
live years - yes, or aeons. They see
that Wilson believes hi Dial kind of
tiling, wliile Hughes tloes not.
"More surprl-ini: is the large num
ber of former republicans getting be
hind a democratic pn'tddent who has
made good.
"Finally a third big element in the
campaign Is the (e ace sentiment.
(ContiiMicd on I'age Four)
rilli ,i;n. o. (. i
ill' y found them-e
sudden drop i.f the
ncjlit of .in ib-.-r
( 'bieagoati
c- -hi ei'iny
in a
, the
hotte-t October day in the hi-totv of
tiie local weather bureau, -aw the
no p-:i v climb to H7 decree- above
Al 7 oVhick tin morning the teruper
atuie iui- 57 degree-.
If Ireland Remains Sane, No Question
of Seif-Government, Declares Red
mondThreat of Conscription a
Base Political Device Spells Ruin,
Madness and Disaster for Country
Recruiting Should be Continued
Discusses Nation's Future.
WATKRFORl), Ireland, Oct. 6. In a
notable address to his constituents
hero this uftcrnoon John Redmond,
the Irish nationalist leader In the
parliament, declared that despite the
recent rebelllont "with all its Inevit
able aftermath of brutalities, stupid
ities and inflii mei passions,' homo
rule for Ireland is safe If Ireland re
mains sane.
.Mr. Redmond utso declared that
conscription could never be forced
upon Ireland, adding:
"I cannot bring myself to believe
that, malign though the Influences at
work are, the government will be in
sane enough to challenge a conflist
with Ireland on this subject. Con
scription for Ireltiud, far from help
ing the army and the war, would be
the most f.Ur.I thing that could hap
Conscription Keni-slotl
''That could happen. It would he
rcsi-ted in every village ill Ireland.
Its attempted enforcement would be
a scandal whic h would ring- around
llie world. It would produce no ad-,
dit ioiml men.' ' ''
Continuing, the Irish parliamentary
lender said :
''The mere threat is paraly.injr re
ciuiliie. which, mark you, is not dead,
as some people say. The latest fig
ures, indeed, show that from the date
of the ri-inir (caster Sunday) until
September, (101)0 recruits were re
ceived. "This demand for conscription is
not a genuine military demand. It is
a base nolitical device put forward
by men who want to discredit Ire
land's political future and revive by
any and every means bad blood be
tween the two countries, in (he wicked
hope that when the war is over the
ltri(ih people may ((derate some at'
tempt to re pi-a 1 (he home rule act.
Hut whatever the motive back of the
proposal may be, it will never be cur
ried through the hoite id' commons as
ong as the Irish nart" remains as it
is today, united and entitled to speak
for Ireland.
Spells Country's Itiiin
"The way U con I in ue lo get re
cruits is far different. Appease (lie.
inflamed feeling in Ireland. With
draw martial law, make it plain that
Ihe defense of the realm net will be
administered not as it is being admin
istered now in ditferent parts of Ire
land, but in the same spirit as it' is
administered in Knghmd, Scotland
and Wales. Treat prisoners arrested
during the rising as "oliticnl prisoner-.
I'ut an end to insults and at
tacks upnii Ireland and recognize
generally what -he has done. .
"(tn lhe-e lines the government may
succeed in recruiting even after all
that has happened. I!ut as for con--cript
i"ii, in that way lie- mildness,
ruin and di-aster."
.Mr. Redmond said it was absolute
ly ful-e llmt he or his colleagues even
favored a scheme -roviding for a per
iiianei.t divi-iou of the ancient nation
The Lloyd-tieuige plan which ws fa
vored was delinitilv for the limited
period of the war, lie continued, its
object being to give twentv-six eonti-
(Continued on Page Tour.)
KL I'ASO. Oct. (1. Francisco Villa
and his command wus at Malpaso, tiU
miles went of Chihuahua City and 20
miles northwest of Cushlhutrluchie
laft Sunday a message received here
from Malpaso today stated. The mes
sage stated that Villa had left Cusi
h itl ri tic hie for San Antonio, whence
he and his men headed ."at toward
the Ouerrcro district. j