MEDFORD MSIT; TRTBTTST3, MEDFORD" OREOOX. THURSDAY.1 SEPTEMBER 23, "191 6 HUGHES AND HUERTA I1EDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. PL'BLlHHKli rVilHT AFTEKNOONi EXCEPT FUNDAT BY THB MKLiFORD PKINTINQ CO. Offire Mall Trtlur Bulldlnc, U-27-21 North Fir tret; lelepiiuii 71. Th Democrat te Ttmi, tb M"iford Vail. The Medford Tribune. Thf South ern Or Konlan, Th Ashland Trlbuua. OKOKGB PUTNAM. Editor. SUBSCRIPT JOB BATES I One T r. hr man. Oub m, th. hy mull per ni'ith, d-Hverid by rarrler in and Cnlra Point . .CO Rat u May only, ly mall, IHsr ye&x. I l0 Weekly, per year. 1.(0 Official Patwr of the City of Mftdford Of ficlal paper of Jarknon County. Entered tia aepond-riana matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act ot Marcb I, l7. Bworn Circulation for 11B tilt. Full leased wire Aaaociated Preaa fl la- pa tciiea. EM-TEES Mary Plckford, the beautiful "movie" actress, Bays: "It is easy tor a pretty girl to be good If Blie is rich, but a pretty girl who Is poor ban a lot of tempta tions. The pretty ftlrl who In poor in a little bit in the position or the boy in the grocery shop: "A grocer leaned over the counter and yelled at a boy, who ntood close to an apple barrel. " 'Are you tryin' to steal them apples, boy? "'No no, sir., the boy faltered. "I'm tryin' not to!"" "mm The chap who courts more fhan one girl at a time is courting trouble. A KEXSI1ILE STAItT. The couple were married at the home of the bride's parenta, where they will remain until the bridegroom gets a job. The Centralia (Mo.) Courier. HAD TO OHEY OltDKIW. An old colored uncle waB found by the preacher prowling in his barn yard lute one niglii. "I'ncle Calhoun," said the preacher sternly, "It can't be good for your rheumatism to bo prowling around here in the rain and cold." "Doctors orders, sail," the old man answered. "Doctor's orders?" Bald "'. the preacher. "Did he tell you to go prowling around all night?" ' "No sail, not exuetly, sab," Bald Vncle Cul; "but he done ordered me chicken brolb." Purchaser I bringing back his pur chase) This dog Is the most fero cious beast .1 ever came across, and you said he was as gentle as a woman. Dealer In Canines That's straight. My wife's the only woman I know anything about. There's nothing a manly man ad mires more than a girlish girl or a 'womanly woman. i I'ACETIOl'S. It Is announced that In a now building to be erected In this city in which there are to be bachelor quar ters, a dumb waiter Is to be installed. It would be well, too. If she was also deaf and blind The Sapulpa (Okla.) Herald. A WI'.K HIT SANK. While a certain Scottish minister mas conducting religious services in an asylum for the Insane, one of the lumutes cried out wildly: "I say, have we got to listen to tills " The minister, surprised and con fused, turned to the keeper and suld: "Shall 1 stop speaking " "No, no; gang along, gang along, that will not happen again. That tuon only has one lucid moment every een years." COMPLETE REGISTRATION NOW TOTALS 8244 Ml. UrCJUER, the candidate who does not know what lie would do if jiremdent, challenges the administra tion to denv his charge that J-reKidont llson had author ized John Lind to say to the minister from a foreign power to Mexico that Iluerta would be ut out of the presidency of Mexico if he did not get out voluntarily. Ivo one denies that the llson administration put Iluerta out of business least of all the president. It is one of the accomplishments for which he should be proud, It saved Mexico from a murderous despotism by a blood spattered assassin. Mr. Hughes does not sav what he would have done had he been president. "Would he have recognized Huerta? Vhv should this (scoundrel have been recognized! Iluerta basely conspired against President Madero and used the army under his command against the consti tuted authorites to overthrow them. Should he have been recognized for such treasonable acts? Iluerta caused Madero to be imprisoned and then mur dered. Should he have been recognized for that bloody act? Iluerta caused the best members 01 the Mexican con- gress to be arrested and executed, even causing the tongue of a senator who had the courage to denounce him to be cut out before lie was executed. Were such barbarities suf ficient reason to recognize him? Iluerta was a drunken, dissolute, medieval monster who set aside the constitution and laws of his land, and in their place endeavored to establish a military tyranny based upon his power to imprison and kill. The Mexican people, with other Spanish-American peo ples, took the t inted States ot America as its inspiring ex ample and threw off the Spanish yoke years ago. By so doing they aided tins country in maintaining; its indepen dence. Had those people not done so, the civil war in this country would undoubtedly have been followed by Euro pean intervention because of their foothold in Mexico, Central and South America. Spain, instead of losing her dominions by revolution of the people of her various American colonies, would have sold them to other European countries or had them taken from her by them. During the civil war Maxniilian of Austria, with the aid of Napoleon III, set up a monarchy in Mexico, and this country started an army on the way to overthrow him, but the Mexican revolutionists succeeded in doing so without our aid. We forbid European nations from acquiring territory in this hemisphere because we consider it dangerous to our independence. We have gone further under Woodrow Wilson in say ing that the peoples of the southern countries are entitled to a republican form of government. If it is best for us, it is best for them. Liberty is necessary for the advancement of Mexico, as it was for the thirteen colonies. Mr. Hughes insinuates Iluerta could have maintained a stable government. When was a stable government maintained by military force, short of extermination and enslavement of the people af fected? Spain failed in Mexico, Central and South America and in Cuba. Turkey failed in Armenia, Bulgaria and Servia. Spain failed in Holland. England in South Africa, and fin ally surrendered the government of that country to the Boers slie was supposed to have conquered. To say that a drunken creature like Huerta could have done so is the campaign clap-trap of one who is without sympathy with enslaved and oppressed. Mr. Wilson said nothing nobler than his declaration that we should view the Mexican situation from the stand point of the Mexican people. It is the welfare of her mil lions of downtrodden people and their future, and not the interests of alien adventurers and investors that should claim the attention and efforts of all liberty-loving people. If there is any great number of people in this country that would in a spirit of revenge seek to conquer Mexico, the avenging of wrongs is only -the excuse, but robbery is the real motive. Once installed there, the plunderers would raise the cry "that once the flag is raised it shall not come down." Let us beware. Those who would conquer and bind the Mexicans would do it for commercial gain and commercial greed is always deaf to the appeals of the submerged. We know that from its opposition to laws against child labor in this country. Let us beware. Those who would enslave the Mexican people would not. hesitate to more firmly rivet the shackles of our own work ing class, and nothing would help them to do so more than to bring the laborers of this country into competition with the slave peons of Mexico, which would surely ensue if we conquered that country. As the New York World puis it: It is a fine "party of Lincoln" whose leaders applaud assassination In the Interest of human slavery and wear mourning for the assassin. N The following Is a complete list of! registrations, showing the number registered in the various parties up to week ending September i.1rd, IMC: Male Female Total . L'M'." 20S2 AOS:, Itepuhlican ... Democratic ... Progressive ... I'rohibition .. Socialist M Iscelluneows To! lis If K.4 1K3 St! 10 U':: t'.'. nr. 2 4T.2 ; "x ! it:! 4S7; ssr.s tit Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackncrc proves it 23c at all druggists. K. K. lluRley and son, Elmer, of Ashland, were callers in Rogue Kiver Suturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hull of Grants Pass were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lance a few days last week. Maude and Leslie Carr were the guests of the Mathcw girls Saturday. Three of the Koesier brothers left early Monday morning for Deer creek. C. i: Stumbo was a caller In Cold Hill Saturday Mr. Cunningham of Medford was a business caller on this creek, Tues day. He Is a representative or a pholo ioluiUny in llerkeley. (.orge Lance installed a tele phone at hts residence here a few das lino. Chief lud.rwood and his camp ot government surveyor and cruisers left here Monday for Galls Creek. 'Eleven mea comprised the camp. The weather has changed now. The morulugs and evenings are chilly. Albert Mattls hauled lumber m few days this week from Kogue River to H. J. Fisher. MAW IX MEDKOHI) TltV SIMPLE MIXTl'ItE Many Medford people are surpris ed at the QL'ICK action of simple ; buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as I mixed In Adler-l-ka. This simple 'remedy acts on BOTH upper and low er bowel, removing such surprising ;luul matter that ONE SPOONFl'L re lieves almost ANT CASE constipa tion, sour stomach or gas. A few .doses often relieve or prevent apnen jdirltia. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. The IN STANT, easy action of Adler-i-ka is astonishing. L. B Hasklns, Druggist. t t T y y f t y f f t t y t y y t f y y t t y t t z f ? t y y t Dl? AT ATTTHMnK n sr. re, r i i i i itm i a jlji " VALUES r'" ALCO. 1913. BTJICK. 1910. BTJICK. 1911. CASE. 1913. CADILLAC. 1911. CADILLAC. 1912. CADILLAC. 1913. CADILLAC. 1913. CADILLAC 1915. CADILLAC. 1916. DODGE. 1915. DODGE. 1916. DODGE. 1916. GLIDE. 1914. JACKSON. 1911. LOCOMOBILE. 1912. MAXWELL. 1911. MARION. 1913. PIERCE. 1911. PEERLESS. 1911. VELIE. 1910. ...$1150.00 5 Pass. A powerful car of the best material, that money can buy. Elec , . L . j i:v,.. r ms with two extras. Tires trie generator aim ukuw. . good. In excellent mechanical condition. Newly painted Speedbng. A classy little roadster. Just repainted 225.00 5 Pass. Foredoors." Thoroughly overhauled and repainted. Tires good. a light car for family use azt) W 5 Pass. Electric generator and lights. Continental motor 395.00 5 Pass. Good mechanical condition. One of the most popular models put out by the Cadillac Company. One at $400.00 and one 350.00 5 Pass. Foredoors. Dclco electric lights and self-starter. Overhauled and repainted A snap 450.00 5 Pass. In excellent mechanical condition 700.00 7 Pass. Tire pump. Electric horn. Good condition. Just the car for ' stage or livery use - . 750.00 7 Pass. An eight-cylinder car in fine shape , 1300.00 7 Pass. Used only for demonstrating purposes and consequently kept limed up to the'niinnte at all times - 1650.00 5 Pass. Everybody knows Dodge values 650.00 5 Pass. Used for demonstrating purposes only. A snap 750.00 Roadster. In fine condition..'. - 600.00 7 Pass. A fine appearing car in good shape 500.00 4 Pass. Demi-tonneau. Good tires - 225.00 4 Pass. A six-cylinder car in good mechanical condition. If good workmanship and materials count for anvlhing, this car is a good buy at .'. 800.00 Roadster. A snappy car in good shape J 350.00 5 Pass. An excellent appearing car in good condition. Just repainted.. 375.00 A roomy car in good mechanical condition. Repainted. Just the car for stage or livery puiposes. Good tires. . Electric lights. Storage battery and Presto tank. New top.... 750.00 4 Pass. Four-cylinder, 40 horsepower 500.00 Chassis. An excellent chassis for a bug roadster or a deliverv car. Overhauled. Good tires : T 225.00 Write us for further data. If in the market for a good used car at an honest figure it will pay you to inves tigate these values. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY WASHINGTON STREET AT TWENTY-FIRST PORTLAND, OREGON THE NEW GHUEX "Octathin" Wristlet Here Is a wristlet watch of real dis tinction. "Different" enough for Bhe who likes a touch ot the unconventional, yet withal the embodiment of digni fied design and good taste. The reputation for precision time keeping won by the Oruen Watch is your guarantee of time-keeping qual ities in this finely jeweled adjusted model. In 55-year gold filled case, 25. In 14k solid gold case, I. "hi. Let us show them to you. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler. Honse of Quality. 21 J East Main Street. Medford Visitors Always Welcome Correct Time, Call 10. (F) Suits (Hl VJliointy UUUJ VnnjfuW fLEIN I ran lioint: ADEl IN EDFWD TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS RANDMcNAlLY&CO. MAKERS OF MAPS for All the World TUCAGO NEW VORK JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKES Lad? ABltant B8 8. BARTLETT Phone M. 47b nd 47-J- Automobile Heart Etrvlea. Ambulance SexTlc. Coronar. BIG DANCE At TRAIL Saturday, Sept. 30 Music by the "Big 3" Orchestra of Medford TICKETS 75c TWO TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN. MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT I S. H. Harnlsh'g auto will 1M Eagle Point at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M- i daily, except Sundav; leave Medton 1 A. H. anil K P XL Will call f passengers at hotels In Medford ai hotels and business houses In EafU Point phoito Mn on -x THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Kor3 willi the new features; lariie radiator nnd enclose.! fan. streamline hood; erown fen ders front and rear, and entire block fiiu'slt, is one of the most attractive ears on the market. These qualities in combination with the smaller purchase price brinjr the Kor.i within the possi bihties of nearly every home. Why foretrn the pleasure an, convenience of For.! travel another tlnyf Ford prices itnin reduced mid Ford qual ity iiiuher than ever. Small f opmtjn nn,l upkeep-the utmost u. motor ear value am! scni.-e for business nn.1 pleasure. Strength, of construction, simplicity in design, real Ford mer its. I'lace your onler now. Tourin? Tar $1fif. !!unalt :i4.-,: Con,! JMS; Town Car vy Sedan H.V-f. o. h. Octroi,. F,,sV parents. ' ' C E. GATES tXTERCRBA ACTOCAR 00. TIME CARD. LeaTe Medford tor Asniand, Ttlnl and Phoenix dally, except Sundty, 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 andCH P. m. Also on Saturday at 11:1' m. Sundays leara at 8:00 and 10:" . .... . . ...i v m. ana i:uu, i:uu, t:3U ana '' i. m. Leave Ashland far Medfcfl laily, except Sunday, at :00 a. :00. 8:00. 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. AW on Saturday nlghU at 6: SO i:S0. Buodaya tear Ashland at I: a. m. and 1:00, 4:18, 4:10 and I:" t.m, . -1 A-rifto W ESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford Commercial Photofraptei' in bouthern Oregon Negatives Made any time pi ace oy appointmeuw Phone I47-J Well do the rest E I. D. WISTOK. Pro?