MTCDPOllri MATL TRlBTTNT!. MTCWORP. OTflWONV' WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 1910 TODAYS NIMKEIS j 1 Purtluuil Livestock. PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. 20. Hogs steady, receipts 550. Prime light, 9.65tff 9. SO; prime strong weights, $9.00 19.75; good to prime mixed, $9 5i9.25; rough heavy packing, 8.r0T 8.75; plg8 and skips, $S . 8.50; stock hogB, $7 & 7.50. Cattle steady, receipts 293. Steers, prime light, J6.50 ffi 0.75; prime heavy, $0,755(7; Rood. $UifjU.50; cows, choice, $5.25"?t 5.50; medium to Rood, $4.50 ?i 5; ordinary to fair, $4 to'4.50; heifers, $4(fi'5.S5; bulls, $3 (if 4.25; calves, $3.50i.50, Sheep steady, receipts 507. Spring In ml ih, $S8.5Q; common lambs, $5.50 iff 0; choice yearling wolhers, $fi.500.75; good yearlings, $(1.25 iff i.50; choice light ewes, $5 j 5.50; heavy ewes, $3.50(ft' 4.50. Portland Halter Market. PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 20.: IJuttor 34; butter fat, 31. Portland Grain. PORTLAND, Sept. 20. Wheat strong. No trading. Spot bids un settled lc up to lc down, Blucslom, $1.33; Tortyfold, $1.29; club, $1.25; red fire, $1.20; red Russian, $1.23. Darley unchanged. Car receipts Wheat 21, barloy 1, flour 3, oats 21, hay 2. Chicago Wheal. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Wheat; Open Close December $1.49 $1.49 Way 1.6014 1.5094 MEDF0RD MARKET REPORT Lives tuvk. (Prices paid producers.) IIOOS Alive, 77i.e. STKKRS Alive, utfi'ji.c. COWS Alive, 44',c. VEAL Dressed. 83llo. Live Poultry. HENS Light hens. 12c; 1 His. nnd over, He; .springs, loe. Old roosters, 7c. DUCKS Fat, 86. GF.ESE Fat, 8c. TURKEYS Fat yoiuiR, 16c. . BELGIAN HARES, fi to 6o. Jlay and (rain. (Iiuviug Prioes.) WHEAT $1.0,5. DATS $30 ton. HAY Grain and alfalfa, $12 ton. HAH LEY Whole. $27. ,' , r Prices Paid by Dealers. KGOS--lM : ' POTATOES l'.c. ONIONS 1 vie. HONEY l2o per lb. ' ' ' CIDER 25c. PORK-DVio. BEEF 10(S)12o. LA 15 D 1 3 ' (ii 1 4 c. SMOULDERS 15c. ' BUTTER Dairy, 2 lbs., 50e. r.UTTFR Wholesale, 30c. BUTTER FAT 30c. Johnnie Rap-dale went lo Siilcin Saturday to resume his .studies after spending' his vacation with his par ents, Mr. ami. Mrs. Jesse Rap-dalc of Trail. (leorjie Fry mid family were Cen tml Point visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Miss Frances Simmon. Will Houston anil family and Miss Ida Houston are anions the fair visitors at Medl'ord this week. Miss, Lillian Hudson spent the week end with her sister, Miss Lola .Hudson. ... .sieve smith look Ninthly dinner wilh Mr. nnd Mrs. lOichcr of A.natc Mr. and Mrs. W. Hummel and Misi Hcihlcss Minler were Sunday visit oi' lint Xeulon home at Table Hock. ,Miss Ma Houston began the fall tej'in of school in the Dcbcnpcr Gup distnet the 1Mb. Frank Castor and familv. l.lovil French. Paul, Louis and Miss Mary Robcrl-oii, relurned Sunday from a trip to Abbott Rutlc. . Mrs. Dou- and children moved to Medl'ord the fir.-t of the week to take advantir.T of the Med l ord schools. Alee Ycstaf and John Foster were Fault Point visitors Suniluy. Mrs. Peter llctis mid Mrs. Ilert Clanio were at Pi'iij:le .Monday. ' Alvin Ctinovcr and familv anil M Blanche Conover are at the huckle berry patch this week. Miss Helen Moore of Aslilauil teaching in the Laurel district. Mrs. Grunt Mathews and Miss Helen Moore were Sunday caller at .Mrs. licit Clanio's. ' Among those who are aatherina entile in Hie mountains arc Gene llel low., t ik um-k. urccn Matthews and Jasper Hannah. . Joe Hannah, Sr., and daughter, . MisV.?ia. were the rucsts of Tim Dadv and wile. Henry French and Perrv Foster were in Knglc Point a few davs ago No trespass signs for sale at the Mail Tribune office. ASHLAND AND VICINITY The Odd Fellows have purchased the Itarneburg block on North Main street from Mr. ami Mrs. Barney Nichols, residents of Los Angeles. The buihliiifr is now occupied by A. R. Brown as the Pla.a market. Consid eration $3000. The order now owns several adjacent properties leased at a fair rental, in addition to lodge rooms proper which are rented lo the Woodmen of the World, Pythian Sis ters, Maccabees and Fraternal Hrolhtirhood. Ashland Lodge, No.- 15, has funded its indebtedness ill u new issue ot $01100 in bonds which were sold almost before they were off the printing press. The denominations are $300 each, interest at li per cent, one bond redeemable each year oblig atory, wilh privilege of redeeming as iniiny more as the order sees fit. Lewis Dyrud, 30 years of age, died in Salem recently, and his body was brought here for burial on Tuesday, interment being in Mountain View comotcr . lie was a brother of A. M. Dyrud, Southern Pacific employe, re siding at 120 Fourth street. Yreka lias a roundup on October (I, 7 iim! 8, with Doe Helms of Medl'ord us manager. A trio of railroad representative including Traveling Passenger Agent Bryant of the Big Four lines, and James Mason of the Sunset Route both of Sun Francisco,, also C. ,(i Pattison of the Southern Pacific city ticket oltice in Portland, were here on Muuilny. Their Slav whs for several hours nnd in the meantime George Kramer, local representative of the llarriiiian lines, hilchcil up his Ford and took the visitors all over the parks and drives, greutly to their edi fication. Manager Ilirsch of the Seattle de murrage bureau, was a caller on rail road officials at Ibis terminal Mon day of this week. C. F. 1 1 :i in i ii it t . proprietor of the Ashland garage, has sold out to W J. Albert. The premises are located on Second street near Swedciihiir block. Winifred Caldwell, whose residence is credited to Ashland, was one of twelve girls who escaped from the State Industrial school at Salem la Saturday, nnd whose whereabouts are still unaccounted for. S. P. Moss of Lukeview and Mr and Mrs. L. P. Moss of Paisley, ur rived in their ear recently for n visit wilh their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. AY. J. 'Moore. '" ' Troy Philips, son of Mr. and Mrs E. E. Pliiips, is a new employe at Hie. Citizens' bank, succeeding Sam Pet ers, who goes' to Portland, Oclohor 1 to enter tlni Canadian Bank 61' Coin mcrce, a merited promotion. Bolh young men are gruds of the local high school Phipps in mid Peter! 1014. r mica llohenloe, consul of Ails Iria-llungnry at San Diego, went north through here earlv in the week not bound for fatherland to enter th trenches, hut on a hunting trio in the vicinity of Grants Pass, and also to visit the caves in Josephine count v. Mr. and Mrs. lialph Viiiing of Los Angeles are expected here this wc for a Msit wilh relatives. At the same time Ralph ami his, brother, Irv ing, will indulge in a huiiline I rip hit territory where game is big and plen (ilnl and where "sulci v first'' rule prevail. M. J. fjiierin of Salida, Col., is Asiiiuim tor a visit ol a week or (en days, mingling pleasure with business. Ihe winning ol the reluv races by Ray-Murphy at the county fuii .Medl'ord last week involved a purse I $1.10. As winner, his success was u foregone conclusion from Hie start one of a trio of brothers, the others being Carl and Murray, all bo nig expert horsemen. Pnslor llussell ol Brooklyn. N. Y on the occasion of nussim? lhrou ere a leiv days since, was greeted at the station bv a number ol' In,-, it members of the Intcinntionnl Bible Students association. It is planne lo have the noted speaker deliver address here in the not distant future hiuerson Howell mid party Icav tins week on a hunting trio into Ro'-iie nver tcrntorv m the vicinity of Prm peel. Aiming invitations to old soldier an individual one was registered bv E. A. Ilililreth of Butte Falls to have the organization of veterans meet that town for the annual reunion 1017. Mr. Ilildreth was a former re ident of Ashland and is now secrc tary-treasnrcr of the fire relief as sociation of the eastern Jack- ' nty district. Mrs. Emerson Howell. Mrs. J. Casebccr and others constituted I.. .):.. . , "i mole who nave ijeen camp nig near Huckhoin Lodge, in the lolnian Springs locality, cast of A land. They were their own hewers wood and carriers water, not masculine ciniir lollower being allow ed around the premises. (he-tor Stevenson of Studio As land is having the hide of the cinn, mon near which lie recently killed made into a handsome, rug that will ailoni the bare surroundings in the pailms of his Wiinei- Heights resi deuce. Ilruin weighed over pounds in ins bear Uot, aud it took considerable pumping from a maga zine rifle before the fierce animal live up (he ghost, and even then tile beast yielded supremacy to the hun ter reluctantly. The account of the hooting uffriiy which occurred amid the jungles of the Lake of the Woods ion. reads like a chapter from Roosevelt s harrowing experiences in iilrul Africa. Or. Laudi'ilh, candidate of prohis for vice-president, and who was here 1 Saturday with the teclolal spe- al. in response to a fear expressed by a Redding audience that the prohi naetment would ruin the vitieiiltiiral interests of California, retorted wilh following paraphrase on a I'ami iar poetical sentiment; "Hush, lillle incyard. don't yon cry; you'll make grapoiuice by and by. 1). M. Lowe leaves for Hie stale lir at Salem Thursday of this week, iving in chaise Jackson comity's ex ibit at the big show. J. R. Pillenge Ashland and County Pathologist ate nnd Sid Brown, seerelary of tin1 'ounly Fair association, bolh of Med l'ord. will accompany him. Lowe is in harge of a full carload of Jackson county's best products. From Salem he w-ill "o to lite land show nl Seattle in behalf of the Great Northern rail otid. Pursuant to call from F. W. "Moore, president, the First Spiritualist soei- tv ot' Ashland will meet in the Tern of Triilh. Wednesday, September . George Og'j is secretary. Rev. Myron llavnes of McMinn lo will occupy Ihe pulpit of Ihc Baptist church next Sunday morning nnd eveniii; Advance copies of Ex-Governor rn nk llanly's hook. "A Duv in Asli- md," hnvo been received here, hav ing lnadc their appearance coincident with Hie visit of the, nnlional prohi billon candidates last Snturdiiv. The ork is a de luxe volume gotten out in tin highest style of the printing and engruving art. Many of the il lustrations ure tit lauuliar scenic beaulies hereabouts reinforced by de scriptiva text interspersed with poetic (imitations which lend timely senli ment. The barn on the B. L. Powell prem ises, Milley street, was destroyed bv ire early Tuesday morning. Hay and oilier contents, including a mini ber of chickens, constitutes the loss asiil! from the building. Insured Leslie G. Johnson of lied Bluff and Miss Annu Lee Johnson of Ash land, were recently married at Horn brook by Rev. II. 0. Edson Charley S.' Johnson and family oiitcmplatc going to Arizona this week. The trip will be taken with the view of trying' a change of climate in behalf of the husband 'and futlier health....; .. '......., i The local Uiighes. alliance will e feel, il pei'iiiiiiient organization ', i rnilny evening of this week lit the Cliautauiua tabernacle. There, "will be music nnd speeches. A special oinuiiltee consisting of K. V, Cur tcr, E. D. Briggs and 0. F. Carson lire attending to details of the event whie. hwill assume proportions of a rally The Ashland band will give the closing concert of the scries in Lilh'ui park on Wednesday evening of this week.- Dr. Lance Briscoe and bride of Rogue River visited Ihe doctor's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe, earlv'in the week. The bride was for merly Miss Capilola Willis of Roso burg. Porlrails of Hie ncwlvwcds ippc.ired in last Sunday's Oregoninn. EAGLE POINf EAGLETS ' By A. C. Howletl John Oi'ob, his two daiighlers, Frances aud Myrtle, ami J. II. Smith, Chicago manufacturer, relurned from their trip lo ('ruler hike Wed nesday, pcrl'eclly ilc.ligliled wilh Ihc trip. They rode as far -u round the lake as the road is completed, I'mir miles, ami Mr. Greb declared that the scenery is beyond description. Our school opened Tue-dny morn ing and its u commencing exercise they had a school fair, consisting f tests jn writing, spelling mid arith metic, and an exhibition of the prod ucts or the garden and Ihe culinnry art. There were prize- offered to Ihc ones who proved to be the best in the various lines, the l'irt prize to the one who proved to be the most proficient and another to the second best. In the primary room, Roscoe Roberts re eeived the first and Donuld von der Hellcn the second in writing. In nr ilhnietic, Roscoe Roberts first and Dorrcll Goi-man second; in spelling, Roscoe Robert first, Donald von der Hellcn second. Internieiliiite Writing. Ethel Win kle first, Fern Lewis second; arith metic, there was a tie between Elliel Winkle and Esther Shaw; spelling Fern Lewis first, Lyle Van Scoy sec ond. High school room Writing, Nclli Coy first. Miss Freilu Lcabo second; spelling. Then Florey first, Yerte Grover second. For some reason to be explained, there was no test in arithmetic in the high school room, but I am nof able to nign a reason. The copy before me was handed lo me by Ihe principal, W. O. Wheeler. General exhibit Field corn, first. Aden llazeltuu Tomatoes, Tiico Fly.rrons., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. rey; baking, Joyce von der Hellcn first. Judge Florey second; (inrden ollection, Cyrel Hank. It was not generally known that iu fair was to be held at that lime, and tlie consequence was that there was not the attendance or perhaps tip. lisplay Hint might otherwise have been. Since S. II. HnriiUli was burned out 1' Ihe livery business 1 see that he bus rented the barn .joining the Farm- rs' hotel and is doing business there. Thursday morning We that is, rol'csKor C. E. Johnson and nivse hitched l'abe to the Imggv and started take in the county fair and hear x-Governor West speak at night. teaching the fair grounds alter din ner, I did not like the idea of rutin; ilinnrr in the sun, and we concluded to eat at the Montgomery house. reaching the grounds, about the first thing Hint attracted my attention was the immense crowd that had collect I, and especially to see so many from this section, especially from Bulte creek. There are others more pablo of writing up tho fair than myself, mid so I will simply say that the exhibit of grain and fruit was up to dale and there was a good display f slock of different kinds. But 1 wish to cull the attention of the man agemcnl, especially to Ihe one who has charge of the grand stand, lo an ugly place in the floor a short dis lance from the ciifraiice, where hurt piece of hoard has been laid over a hole m a hoard, t noticed a lady leading one child and carrying another stumble over il mid clinic near falling down. It should be re moved. At a lillle before 8 p trolled around lo Ihe Presbyteiiun church to lieu r ex-Govenior West and Mr. Coe speak, and al 8:115 the speak ers arrived and Dr. Rollins introduced the speaker. 1 inn sorry that there w;us not more present, for the chore wns not "packed," bid there was fuir iiudicucc, hut the most of them seemed to be heads of families and their wives. The governor began by relating a portion of Ids experience while he was governor ill his dealings with the convicts, telling of tho vn number there who were sent there on account of their intemperate habits, He then rend the amendment Hint is being placed on the ballot for our consideration and lo be voted on No vcmber 7. There was in his talk one of the most impressive lessons on the necessity of proper punctuation that 1 over heard. He showed as how, by the insertion of a comma after tin words "for medicinal purposes," and before the words "upon prescription of a licensed 'physician, it makes possible for draft-gists to sell for med ieinnl purposes without prescription and for -physicians to prescribe for other than medicinal purposen. , lie then showed iis how, by the adoption of the bi'ctt-crs' "amendment, Ihe brewer could opeii i!p a 'liner saloon anywhere, ' close lo our school; churches, and sell lo anyone, oliBor young, not only the moderate drinkr but the habiliial drunkard, lie also ui'l-'cd on us the importance of regis tering and voting against the beer amendment and voting for Ihe amend incut lo make Hie slale absolutely! dry. lie spent u few iniuiilcs on the subject of taxes and also on (he state hanking law, showing how the fann ers, bv thai means, couhl borrow nionev ul a low rale of interest. He was followed by Professor Coe wilh hovt talk on the prospect of uni versal prohibition, 'and Mr. Smith gave a short lalk on the lax bill. Af ter taking in Ihe lair, two square ills and Ihc three speeches, we started home al 0:45, had n very pleasant ride and by twelve midnight were ready lo go to bed. I just learned today. Saturday, that there was n picnic party on Rogue river near Eugene Bellows' TWICE PROVEN If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distress lng urinary disorders, don't expert ment. Head this twice-told testimo ny. It's Mcdford evidence doubly proven. Mrs. Win. Charley. 305 N. Clrape St. Medford, says: "The kidney action was too frequent and the kidney se cretions were unnatural. Resides this, I had much pain In my hack and sometimes, I could hardly bend or straighten up. At night, it. bothered me, too. and often I couldn't sleep. I tried plasters and liniments for my back and medicines 'for ii,y kidneys, but none of them helped me any. It was while I was feeling III and dis coursKed that I heard of Doan's Kid ney Pills and began taking them. In less than two weeks, I felt better. 1 look In all four boxes when I felt well." (Statement given September 1 4, 1907.) On March 16, 1916, .Mrs. Charley paid: "I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills just as highly toiluy as I did several years ago.- I still consider them a medicine of merit and when ever it is necessary for me to tako a kidney remedy I use them, for I know they are most reliable." Price 50e, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Charley has twice publicly rec- ouimeniled. Foster-Mllhiirn Co. last Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Miss Drhluus Minler, ho are both leaving the neighbor- ood. Miss Miuter, I understand, ex pect to fro eust to attend school. -M. D. Bowles, who has a farm up .ake Creek wav, brought in two rates of chickens for our railroad agent, Amos Ayrcs, Inday, .Mike Sidley passed through town Saturday morning with a smalt lot f finishing lumber. Norman Hawk and wife and E. A. Ilildreth and wile, II. 1). Mills, all of Unite Falls, were on (he P. & E. Sat urday on Ihe east-bound trip. Wednesday morning the Eagle Point-Trail-Persist stngo auto had four passengers, two strangers, John Simon and Mrs. Trusly. Since iny last report Frank Ahboll, T. I). Singleton and P. W. Haley, all of Kagle Point, have paid up their ubscriptions to the W. M. T., and C. Iloogerhyde has paid up on his sub scription lo the I). M. T. Phillip Me Cabe bus paid up his subscription to Ihc W. M. T. Then Glass and family returned home from a pleasure trip down to the const lust Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman attended the funeral of J. G. Martin of Med l'ord Hist Siiturdny. Olio (Ireshain and family, Mrs. Dc Ford uinl son Byron, slurled lor the huckleberry pnlch one duy lust week Died Thursday night, September 11, at the family residence, 1124 North nli'al, Medl'ord, J. CI. Marlin, aged 70 vein's. .Mr. Jlnrlin was u pioneer rancher of the Aulioch district and was a correspondent for the Medl'ord Mail' for' a number ol years. His friends ure legion in this valley, who are sorrv lo hear ol ins ucauvns n takes away from us one ol u,ur trust ed friends, mid one who would ul wavs extend a helping hand and a kind word to those who needed it. W. C. Chapman and family, sou Bert and Percy end family, enjoyed a picnic dinner on the river lust Sun day. Most of Ihe people of this neigh borhood visited the fair 'at Mcdford last week. Roscoe Dolv and wife of Medl'ord visited home folks last Sunday. Jim Vincent and family, who have been gone since June, returned home from Fort Miininlh last Sunday. Mr. Abbott made a business trip lo Ashland last Saturday. Mr. De Ford-was shearing at the Chapman ranch last Monday. Lillian Cliapiunn is working for Mm, Perl of Medl'ord, ' Jesse Glass nnd family, Elbert Glass mid family, Arthur Jones Hint wil'u relurned home Snliirdiiy ii'oiu I rip In ('ruler lake. . Mr. Dodge passed through Anlioi' Inst Wednesday. Roported by Jackson County Ab- gtraet Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. 'limit. John II. Edwards vs. Liu-ill wards, summon. s Producers' Fruit Co. vs. i C. Ed I. D. Phipps el ul., answer. Big Pines Lumber Co. vs. Pills, Iraasciipl from justice Adeline Srhocnleld ct al vs, II. Piihucr ct al, cict bill. G. ! cour I (ax F. Zana vs. Maud lfaudis foreclosure. Probate. el nl Estate of George A. Lundis, cluiiiiK of F. Zana. ; Ileal Mstalo Transfers. .). T. Ilanley ct ux lo Frank Weill, laud in sec. 4-4 1, 3W $ II. J. Van Fossen el ux lo W. II. Wenticr el ux, land in sec. 5-30-IE J. S. Ilcrrin lo Fred W. llerrin, 3IIII 1511 land in sccs. 21, 2K, 20, twp. 3K-1 E .1. II. Whipple ot i ix to J. M. Whipple cl u.x, land in sec. 1li-3!i-lV William Roberts el ux lo Oscar Giislul-on. land iu Iwp. 30- 1E. l'OIl HUNT IIOtHKKttKPl.Na KOOMS FOR HUNT Furnished liousckeeii ing rooms, 220 So. (Ira pn. FOlt ItKXT MISCKIXA XKOt.' S FOR RENT 10 acre ranch near C'cn tral Point, good hou:e, barn and chicken houses, low cash rental. M. Janney, Jackson County Ah Htract Co. 1 FOR RENT DeVoe's two Btore rooms, at 418 W. Main stroet. Finn location for milliner. FOR REJT1 noxHm FOR RENT 5-room furnished house 805 Portland ave. 1 FOR RENT Two modern houses, close In. Inquire L. G. Porter, C E. Main. 1 FOR RENT Two modern houses close In. Inquire L. G. Porter, 60!) K. Main. 1 II lil,P W A JTTKfl MALR i WANTED Blacksmith. 117 N. rUH SAI.H I.1TIOVTUC FOB SALE Good, light work home 'cheap and nice family Jersey cow. James Campbell, 311-11. 155 FOR SALE ORTRADR Cheap. Team horses weighing about 220U. Phone 695-J5. 157 FOR SALE Four Jersoy cows, one with eulr 3 days old: three to calr next month. Phone 869-H. FOIl SALE Ramliollett bucks. D. C. Wilson, Gold Hill, Ore. 158 OR SALE 15 splendid milch cows 40 2-yenr olds and yearlings, both soxea, 20 calvos. hogs, hay, pasture. luqulre 304 South Ivy St., Mcd ford. , 155 OR SALE Fresh Durham cow nnd calf; also Duroc Jersey guts, eli glhlo to registry. H. W. Davisson, Central Point, Oro. 155 KOH SALE RKAb ESTATE OR SALE 12 acres of corn In field close to Eaglo Point, bco ( Allder, Medford. 157 OR SALE Highly improvod 30 aero orchard; apples and pears; closo In. Reniarkablo offer for September. Address Bov F. W. Mall Tribune. 157 'OR SALE Farming and fruit lands timber land. Land from tier acre upwards on long timo easy paymonts. Address Box R, Mall Tribune. 104 Ton sale msctiJiiAJTCOCi FOR SALE Duff Orpington pullets, 1 cockrel, 5 young turkeys, good Spnuldlng hack. 230 North Hart lott. 155 Oil SALE Household goods of all kinds, 5)3 King st. Cull betnrn Wednesday. 155 FOR SALE Pay horso, weight about 1200 lbs. Eor particulars write to John Thompson, Climax, Ore. 155 OR SALE 20 acre placer claim on Forest creek, or will trade 5 or II acres cleared, good garden, plenty of wator. James Spencer, Jackson ville. 155 'OR SALE 1015 Chalmers 6, thoroughly overhauled and pulnt ed. Now tires all around. Pevfeet. rondltion. Cash or trade II. W. Bingham, Phone 537-J2. FOR SALE 5 stamp mill, oro crush er, amalgamating tahlos aud con centrators, electric motors, pumps, pipe and pipe fittings, air compres sors, air drills and hoso, miscel laneous mining machinery and tools. Address Box 42x care Mail Tribune. 164 HELP WANTKI1 FHMALK WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Tel. 703. lou' LADY SOLICITORS Made to order corsets; knowledge of business un necessary; Intelligence and respect ability Imperative. St. LouiB Cor sot Co., St. Louis, Mo. 157 ' WANTET SITUATIONS WANTED Lady of refinement do- Blres position bb housekcopor for gentleman In roui fori utile financial circumstances and nico homo. Ad dress Box 200, Central Point, Ore, 50 WANTED Exporlonced man wants position as foreman on ranch or orchard. Call 325 South Riverside1. 100 WANTED MIS(l:i,I,ANi:)(IH WANTED Clean cotton rags at Mall Trlbuuo office WANTED TO BUY Barley and onls, vetch and wheat. Reply box ii, Mail Tribune, giving full par ticulars. WANTED Remember your poultry and eggs will bring you more money at Warner, Wortman Biul (loro's. One price for hens, gardless of sl.e. MOIS'KY TO IOAN TO LOAN $311110 to loun on ranch. Holmes the lnsuruuco Mall. MONEY TO LOAN Have monoy to loan upon city and country prop erly. Quick service. Money on hand. Earl 8. Tumy, 21.0 Uarnett Corey Bldg, tf KTOLK.Y STOLEN -Miami bicycle, blue with white stripes, box hiindlo barB, sleel rim, Federal rubber tread tires. Re ward it returned to Mail Tribune offlco. 15 I' UK ICXCHAKGIS FOIl EXCHANGE John Dec-ring ma nure spreader for a good young work horse. Phone 5sl-.l-4, 15y FOR EXCHANGE 20 acres, half pears, half apples, 0 years old, miles tram Medford, to exchange for Texas land. Box 30, .Mall Tri banc. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. TAKTrVGmTE R IN COU USE Steam, gas, auto or electrical Courses to suit all. Work done helps nay tuition. Send for fr Illustrated catalogue. Seattle lin glneerlng School, Roy plreet, Si1 ottle. INTEIIURBA.1 At TOG AH CO, ' TIME CABI). v Leave Mcdford lor Asniand, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, al 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:11 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:80 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 6:30 and 9:84 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p, m, Alss on Saturday nights at 6:30 and 2:20. Sundays leave Ashland at :0 a. m. and 1:00, 4:30. 1:30 and 10:11 fi. m. . KOH KK.NT laitXISMKH ItOOMS. FOR RRNT Furnished rooms with nr without hoard; reasonable rent. 30 N. Riverside. 158 BIJHINF.SK fcUlfcCTORT ' Auto Bupprien LAflER ATJTO BPRINO CO. -W are operatln? thB larcest, oMett and best eauiooed plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee 2d North Fifteenth St., Portland. Ot Attorneys GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and Notary. Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Dank Building, entrtnea N Central, Medford. Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank Building. A. 13. REAME8. LAWIER GarMtfc Corey hldg. G. M. ROBERTS 1,WTr. Medford National Bank WnlMttis Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Ws collected some accounts 14 years old. We know how to get th money. Tho Binloc Mercantlts Agency. Inc., Rooms 1. f. I, Ifa klns' Bids.. 216 K. Main st 1nUst Pr. W. M. VAN KCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN BOOTOO Dentists . Oarnett-Oorey Ttldg.. "Its lit Medforn', Orn. Phono 86. Collectlcns and Ilciwirt Engineer nnd Contractor FRED N. CIIMMINOS Engineer sn contractor, 404 M. F. ft II. Bld, Burveys,, estimates, lrrtatlo drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Garbs GARBAGE Get your prsmlss cleaned up for tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for rood Berries. Phone 74-Ij. J", Y. Allen. ITouse Movers MEDFORD HOUSE MOVERS W Move Houses, Barns, Garages, Ma chinery, Etc. Phone 488-M, or 488-X. 612 S. Nowtown, 811 Da kota. Instruction tn Mnsle FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Haight Musio 8ttidto, 401 Garnott-Corey Bldg., Phone 72. Insurance. EARL S. TUMY General Insuranos offlco, Fire, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Plate Glass, Contraot. and Surety Bonds. Excellent com. pantos, good local lerylcs. No. 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Physicians and bmrgeons DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osloopatnio physicians, 410-417 Carnett-Coroy bldg., phone 904-L. Residonco 20 South Laurol, phono 805-L. DR. W. W. HOWARD OatsopstnH physician, X03 Qarnett-Coray building. Phons 110. DR. J. 1. EMMENS Physician anal surgeon. Practice llmltod to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tostod and glasses sup pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. R. K. Co. OfHces M. F. ft H. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 667. Dili R. W. CLANCY Physician ao surgeon Phones, of rice 3 0, resi dence 780. OfHce hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6. I'ublle Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mar garet A. Dally, Hotel Holland. Phono 710. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Transfers EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phons S16. Prices right. Beryice guar SBtAAll WHY? NOW TIME TO TRADE. I have a 160-acro stock ranch; good location; 100 acres In grain, some alfalfa. This place recently sold for 312,000; no Incumbrance. Will trade tor good orchard, profer pears, or would tako city property. Would trade evon or assume some In cumbranco on orchard proposition. J.G.BARNES 102 West Main Street. Owner Here forShortTime On account of slckncsB offers for sale small orchard tract, mostly In bearing, best of condition. One halt mllo city limits. Ideal home silo. Bank mortgage 60 per cent of asking price; can remain. $2000 will handle. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. loa West Mala st.