' TINT, KIT M EnFOTin irnr, trtt.ttnt!. itrrcDTOTro.- orison", ran? at.' septf,mtvrt" ' is. " Totfl COAST STEAMER OFF COOS BAY Pacific Coast Liner Destroyed by Fire While Racing for Port All Aboard Safely Removed to Dredge Three Miles Off Shore Special Train Brings Officials. FINE DISPLAY AT CONGRESS BURNS R BYMERCHANTS IN UAVIo BUILDING WELL PATRONIZED MAKRIII'IKI.O, Oro., Sept. 15. Willi miioko mill nourlni! from her liatchcH, through In icaMncd quant I tics, the burned ntenmor C'onxrexH luy at anchor oft Coos nay today at Hie spot wheru her 253 iHRseni!er nnil 175 crew were lant niKlit triina ferret! to the tlrodRO Miehle and the gas schooner Tillamook after tho sue eesBful Issue of the mighty race with deiilli which the ConRrcFB had run af ter she wan (Uncovered to ho on fire nt sea. Ashore preparations were proceeding rapidly today for taking the pasReugnrs on heard a speciul train sent in hy the TaclHe Coast Steamship company. '" ' ' :'" It was apiiarent from her appear anco that the flro on the t'oiiureHs had-burned Itself nearly out. ' Hiillc Is Raved " "DurlnK the night," said Captnin CoiirIiih, coinnntler of the burned ves. sel, "the vessel burned fiercely. The worst fire was amidships and all. The fire forward did nol last lonn and 1 think the caruo In holds No. 1 and No. 2 may he mostly s.-.ved. I Tiolleve the hull Is still In grod condition. With the possible exception of tho car go In the forward holds, everything nboard Inflammable Is burned." Captain Cousins thinks the hull of tho Congress will be towed to Seattle or San Francisco as soon as the flro dies out. Captain Cousins fail Into Coos Hay from the year 181)0 to the year of on the steamer Areata and so :iml 1912 was familiar with the entrance and would have come Inside had not the fire gained so rapidly, he said. Captain Cousins after standing by nil night on tho stoamer A. M. Simp son, left the wreck at 9 o'clock this morning. He loft the first officer nnd six men still standing 1y until he could return. . I'liw n Mystery . ,. "I haven't the slightest Idea of the cause of the fire," said Captain Cous ins. "The only plausible explanation Is spontaneous combustion. The first was reported In after hold 'No. 3 nt 10 minutes arter three o'clock yesterday. We Immediately began fighting It with steam and water hut It gained fast and we headed for Coos lliiv, nciuUnij wireless calls for vessels to come to our aid. W continued fight ing tlits fire and made all tho speed possible. We were about twenty-four miles off shore at tho time. At 4:40 we reached tho whistling buoy nnd cast auchor. Tho smoke and Tire nud become so denso t lint the men were driven rrom tho engine, room. The ship carpenter who aided In lowering the anchor from tho forward windlass was overcome' by smoke beroro be could get nwii ' "We ordered tho women nnd chil dren Into tho lifeboats. The passen gers were absolutely cool with not the slightest Indication of panic. The lifeboats were loaded at the rail. The dredge Colonel P. s. Jllclilo was then near un nnd nil boats got away suc cessfully, liefurc tho erew could get off, the smoke was so thick that In ten minutes more wo would hnve hail to Jump qverbonrd." All yesterday eveiiiu;; the crowds poured into the uptown exhibit build ing mid taxed the capacity of llie sec ond story room, where local mer chants (.( their style show. Both style show nnd exhibits me n ercdi: to 'lilts enterprise, iip-to.dutenesN nnd gind tastes of .Med ford's, nicrclianls. The In test kinks in dress were dis played by griicel'iil living models mi a KtiiLje Htlrncliely furnished li.v the Weeks & .MeOciWiui coinpiinv. It. iwutjii ine style displays f,r t lie vnr ouk mercliuiils, selections by the hi and local vocalists were uiven. J'nliiicr Piano Place has vtli.il probably the most attractive booth imoiis the lwcnlv-1'our on the seeoiu floor. Auninst n backi-roiind of mile yellow arc displayed n piunn and tlirci lisnn pliiino-i niiilis in dark rosewood lllllsll. Mann's shire shows a number i I lie new I'n II models in suits ami emit In Ihese, as Inst winter, lilicrul use ; mime ol ur as triinming. Tins slore is also slimviiiK the new ehanuealile tnlletns in several nltrnelive similes. I ne .vi. & ,, slnre Iii.iiI ii eonlains a display of sinking- I.irlicnslein nnd lassie huts, the line favored bv .Miss .iiunsliery. They are also displaying several lur sets in mole nn.l mink. (II interest to men is the display I the loguery, winch is sliowiii" fall models in Marl, Schnffner & Mnrx lollies, the latest things in shirl neck nnd hnlweur. This company also makes an nllraclne showim? uf men port out I'il s. r or the spoilsman, l-'.wing's flun lore lias. most allraetive ilisnlnv I lie scene is rusiie with a eoiilc.il shelter lent in the rear, a pheasant and trout temptingly placed. The .May company is making n spe cial showing of hats, the small tiirlmn and toque being much in evidence. An niirneiive model is shown in a tiny rose toipie Willi cape to mulch. I hi? Model ( lothing company dis plays llirsch-Wickwire clothes for men, in addition to line of shirts, gloves nnd neckwear. Kverv Ford owner in the buildinc. last night stopped before Ilia displav of ('. K. times, the local aucnl. and figured out how many of the little eonveniences on the shelves he could afford to buy. Pruniinenl ninonr I host! were win ning signals, robes mul aulo clocks. Several makes of tires were also shown. Swem's Studio mid the Pacific i 'i' ne a i-ixiurc riielory upv one large hiiolh. On the walls are a variety of examples of portrait pho tography mid nicliiro fiaiuiii". In I lit other section of the booth premier honors must he given to a table, the lop of which is made of a silicic slab ol highly polished redwood. The dis play is completed with a variety of the Pacific cedar chests. iioanng i nmp opened in the arm ory last night to the sounds of music, the shouts of gamblers inviting- the public lo take a chnnee nt winning h million, and the cries of hot. dog- ven dors. In the billiard room of flic armory were layouts for faro, roulette, twen ty-one, tnreo-eaitl moiite nnd n vari ety of oilier games presided over hy liiindnnuu-hfdcf l:cd reminders of the old mining days. The show proved especially interesting to those who had never witnessed a wide-open ginn ing house. Incitement inn high around the Indies, even I hough the handful of bills the players clutched were phony. In the iniiin hall a Ihrce-pieee or chestra furnished mnsie for dancing. During the evening the floor was Ihroiigcil mid I lie management is mak ing preparations for handling yet Innrer crowds both Friday and Satur day nights. . Admission fo tile camp is free, with tile dance run on Ihc lll-cctit-n-throw plan. ' ' tlal candidate and Charles W. Kali-1 wire mailt) to Nutionul banks, republican vlce-presldentlal i Vance .McCoriulek.. noutlnee. Chairman ceremonies. I the present All the speakers praised democratic adnilnlstra- Murtln II. (llvnn. former governor ! Hon,1 replied to the republish attacks Prominent democrats from all over 'of New York, delivered the speech of j which hod been made on It and ex the United States were present. In- notification after having been Intro-; pressed confidence of a democratic foiinal conferences were held by the'duccd by J. .M. Adair, candidate for j victory. A big parade preceded the leaders and plant for the campaign I novnrnor of Indiana, chairman of the Ceremonies. REFORMS IN CONSTITUTION (Continued from page one) probable at this lime that any agree ment can be formulated without pro longed discussion, Mn.jor (lencrnl Tusker II. ltliss, as sistant chief of staff of the iirniv, was before Ihc commission lodny to pinnl out objections Ihal can be raised lo many uf the proposals, jn- eludiui. thai of nil iulerniillou.-il con- SCANDINAVIAN CONCERT . AT ASHLAND SUNDAY The Ashland blind will give n Scan dinavian concert in l.itbia park next Diiuiiii v iincnioon at ;i o clock, to which the public is invited. The hautl has been prnclicishig the entire sum nier on several of the musical master pieces of the north, which combine Hie melancholy and contemplative sentiment, of n Hamlet and the ciiin jeal nm witty nonsense of a llcllman. Mrs. K. A. Woods, who is an au thority on such mailers, has arranged the piimram. All Dip Scnnilinnvinns in the viilley nnd all lovers of classical northern music lire urged to be tires, cul, as this is the first time n por- joiiiiiuii-e ol i iitii kiiki lias ever been given in southern Oregon. DIED .lames (!. Martin died at his home 021 North Central, Sept 14, aged 71 years. The deceased, w ho served In the civil war, leaves only his widow Funeral services will be held ut Perl's chape! at 4 p. ni. nr. Holllns of the First Methodist church officiating. Ill torment will bo In the I. O. O. F. com otory, .Med ford. , i . . , , Corns Loosen, ' ' Lifl jjjght Off Nothing Jut "GETS-IT" Will Do This to Conn and Calliuo. ".u v? f," "nil corns, you'vs tried lots of thliiKl to gel i-lil ot thorn -ulvcs Hint em your loo auU leave th corn remaining, cotton i Idks that make your corns ige out like pop. 'Cf. Stop Fooling .Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Terrlll or Lake Creek spent Thursday in Jledford, You Can't Hid. Co,n Ml. Arouodl Uto "GETS-IT"' ToniJ rww un vgmi vonita. eVfS. srtspor and knlvrs thnt mnk corns blent nnil ore. hiinioioiea and bandages that till up your shoe, prea pn llie corn and make your font foe! like a paving block. Wlml th tt,,i Why not ilo wht million are dolim. take 3 secomlit nir uml in.lu "oi.'i..? IT.". It. dries, y.m pot vour storlilnir wo riKin unay. nnti wear your ri"RU Jar ehoes. Your eorn loosens from fi toe. ii inin rurni on. it a putn. ene. us me t-otmnon. sense way. thn i-nnie-.,. iiiDni eneeiive wav It s ttlfl nntlonul enr. mi iM'vrr Till I K. tiftTS-iT" l nM snrt reeommenrt. ed hy tlrnrrlsts everywhere Itr.e a ...Hie, or fpiii on rec.-iin or pru-o. by uwrenvo a Co., l lilinto. 111. simplest. ' In tho world. 1-:. Sold in Modtonl nnd recommended s tho world's best corn rouiedy by LtJO.N li. 1IAS1U.N3. st.ibuliirv to relieve the mililurv forces tif both countries of the border pnlrol work Ihcy are now tloing. 1 he commission held only n brief session, llie .tlcMcnn pmiy planning- to leave for New ork toduy lo at tend the celebration there iomorrow f Mexico's iiatlonnl holitluv eommem. orating the declaration of her iutlc. pctitlciiee nnd thi throwing off of Spanish rule. They will return Mon- iay, when tiie conferences will be re sinned. I'.x-uovernor West and other speaker discussed the prohibition tax limitation uml rural credits amendments to un audience that packed llie Presbyterian church Thimsdity evening, audiences at (he two meetings being consolidated. Mr. West ndvoi-Mted the amendment pro Msed by the clrys to make Oregon dry in fact as well ns name hy for bidding; the . importing of booze nnd urged the -tlcfeut of llie amendment permitting the manufacture of beer in Oregon as the opening wedge to undermine prohibition, lie also ex plained the tax limitation amendment, preventing an increase- over ft per cent in the Inx levy of any one yen r without authorization hy vote of the people. liohcrt I). Smith of liosehiirg de fined the rural credits hill and its benefit to furmersj Curtis P. Cue of McMinnville ex plained the "joker" in the "brewers' nursing bill," and ndvocatetl Ihc pass age of llie prohibition .-liiienilmeut. LEADING DEMOCRATS HEAR TOM MARSHALL - : , IN'niAN'APOLlS, Sept. 15: Vice- President Thomas It. Marshall , was notified lost night of his lenominution for vice-president on the Democratic ticket and formally accepted the honor. The ceremonies were the third of the kind to be held in In dianapolis within the last few weeks. Tho qthor two nominations were for J. Frank Ilanly, prohibition preslden- I'rotestlug Prohibitive Prices Hardware Herald Published Stinl-Ocraslnniilly by Outer Jjike Hardware- Co, Written Willi lloiihle-llitlotl llrontl A. Vol. 4. MEDFORD OHECSCV-, 323 MAIN ST.,' Sept. lfi, 1916. Xo. 4 Tremendous Sacrifice of Celebrated Garland Ranges Our payment plan puts them in reach of all. $10 DOWN AND $2 A WEEK $10 DOWN AND $2 A'WEEK These Ranges are at before-the-war priceees made. O.ualitvs and are the best ran ifuaranteed. Come and see them. Remember, this is your opportunity. When it knocks at your door, heed it if may never come again. This Sale Lasts from Saturday, the 16, to Saturday p. m., the 23 ONE WEEK ONLY Xo- Malleable Cinrhind. Reservoir, high closet, polished steel top, combination grate and wood exten sion. 18 Inch oven eequlpped with thormometer y-ti.oo YOU CAN BU1T IT FOR 10.00 Down 6nd 12.00- WEKK. - . . . - , - 2. Same as No. 1 only has 16 inch oven . VilH.no ' YOU CAN HI! Y IT KOR $10.00 DOWN AND $2.00 A WEEK. 3. .Modern (Jarlnnd. Pouch feed, high closet, pollslufd top, re-movalle base, 1 8, Inch :oven ' ' equipped with thermometer : ljt.H.(l 4. Kitchen Garland. Reservoir, noucb feed, wood extension, hleh closet nnllslmil ton is inch oven equipped with thermometer t y.ia.nn Xo. 5. Same as No. 4, only 16 inch oven fi'iPtl No. 6. Staple Garland. Pouch feed, high closet, polished top. 1 6 Inch oven, equipped with thermi iii.'i.Ko OOMI'I.KTK No. No. No. .INK OF IIK.ITIXO CJASOJJXK AND OILS. STOVKS FROM lt2.r,o to 20.00. SICK I S ItlCKORK IH VIXrt.' FIKHIXO TACK I. K AXI) AM.Ml'XIT10X.T(ilt.XITE AXI) TINWARE, , , i : ) -.; '' . -"j'i'ip MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED TkeWoman's Store 1-1-22 NORTH CENTRAL Fair Day Sale MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID 9, MIDDIES High R.'liool Middy liloust's with class pinliloni, fiicli, at color $1.25 HOSIERY Women's Fiber Silk Hose, cdlovs onlv, vcrv T::"l.:... 25c UNDERWEAR Wohion's Flcocod Lined 1'nion Suits, ' (irc values, at, suit...., BLANKETS Lai'QO Size Ooilon'Blank- N ets, good $.1.25 values, sale 59c j T''''' v1"imv' HieWomaifs Store 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON. SWEATERS "Women's Heavy Wool Sweaters, in red and grav, worth today $5.00, j"j AO sale price..... .vtftfO Silk Sale We carry tlie most complete stock of silks in southern Ore gon. Our fall assortment sur passes anything we have ever shown. Fancy Silks 2t)-iuch Fancy Satin Stripes and Plaids, regular values, $1.25, sale price, per vartl 98c .lli-inch Fa Stripes, in worth $.1.7." cial. vard. y Plaids and all-silk Taffeta, ), very spe- ff Q PXXt Just Received Our now line of Fancy Silk, 10 different styles to select from. These silks arc worth yaS.;,-:,:::,:.:,::::;:!:..ji.75 Black Taffeta 2-inch All-Silk Taffeta, QO worth $1.25, this sale, yd.. wOC Lining Satin (i indies witle, in due, spt $1.25 v yard... til colors. :' $1.10 my A ii;U' mM mm X An Extraordinary Selling Event that Again Evi dences the Pre-eminence of Our Blouse Department BEAUTIFUL CREPE DE CHENE BLOUSES AT $3.98, $5.48 AND $5.98 tmwifrkmi which would ordinarily sell at considerably higher prices There's just a limited number all so unusual in value as to insure rapid selling. WI.en these are gone, no more of the same styles can be obtained at the same low prices. No. 1391 Price $5.48 Of ht'iivy, lustrous cri'iw tic fliem', front tiiiflv i ticked willi tucks of ulffnuitiiiK widths, Uirtie ownn prnri huituus lor I'nstonini, smnll piuirl buttons Iriiiiiniim rvvt'i... convert itilo ciillnr. rim ho noin t'itlu'i' liii;h or low, n lilnu-t' of .ilri'iili'.l flini'iu. No. 1393 Price $5.98 Mii.li' of nn cli'nnl quaitvl of cropo ilc fht'iip, tlut'o plnits twIi'iKlinR ncross lio.l i.'t1 un.l six lit ryo ppnrl hut tons, offociivf ly trim front, shuuhler yoko mill sloovcs mi' joinotl willi lipnistiti'liin;, uml lu-m-stii.'hiii; is usM to oriiniupnt ruffs. THE REASON No. 1272 Price $3.98 Tucks of viirvin- widths, crepe covered .hull buttons on trout uml cuffs, nnd licinstitchiti!; unspiirint:ly used, jtivc (one nnd ehnrnoter lo this very desirable model. Developed of n line ull-silk crepe de clienc. No. I?7I Price $3.98 Two rows of henistitchint; down front thut closely resembles fine Jrawnwoik, tlnee rmv of bcnisliti binn. on shoulder yoke, with nuiteriul in hclween prettily ..uthcred; tumhnrk cnfl's oiuilned with heinsliichin, all tend to inake this blouse oxocedincjv ulti-.ictive; collar can be worn either hip.li or low, nui.le of ex cellent crepe de chene. 98c '.- ' , 4 -'.' " - ' . - Dress Goods Never before have we shown such a complete stock of the latest weaves and colors, for suits, coats, dresses and skirts. New Ohallies 25 pieces " heautiful patterns, strictly all wool, fast col- CQA ors, at, yard vvlj New Serges 69c r(i-inch All-Wool Serge, full line of colors, very spe cial, vard .1 Throui;h tin1 cii-oporntioii of sevevnl bunilied !od stores with a maker of line blou-es nre the iTinni'knble vnlues possible. The orders were placed by the retailers earlv prriiiiltitij? llie lunnufiiclurer in turn to then plnee his order with, the mill, and both because of his Inrsje quantity purchase nnd the time nt which purchase was ninde, the price paid for the silk represented n tremendous siivinif. Then, too, the nielli. id of inaniifiicture eicntly reduced the making cost and the selling eosts were entirclv eliminated. , AH of these savings have jrone into the waists nnd the prices quoted nre radically under what tho waists would sell for if houirrt in the usual wov. Rentfmber: There s just a limited number to be sold at these prices. New Poplins 42-inch All-Wool ' Poplin, splendid quality, in all the fall shadcs.:ver vspecial ?t-nri -v $1.25 New Coating 58-inch All Wool Coatings, made in Oregon, beautiful new .$2.98 patterns, special, yard New Plaids 4 -1-inch Scotch Plaids, suitable for dresses, waists and skirts, splendid qtialitv, verv special, vard....'. 98c