STEDFcmn mm ttctbttnis. srrcT)FOTm, ' 'onmoy. ratttrtvay. rnrsT r, ma OAKLAND BOYS CLUB BAND WHICH GIVES FREE CONCERT IN MEDFORD TODAY AND TOMORROW ' i. f Ci-wVas-V. hSi ki v"". v A h i i tv The Phihithca Bible class of the T'irst 51. K. church hold its regular business meetinjj ami social hour nl the home of Miss Kuto Still on Hentty street Tuesday evening, Aug ust 1. After u brief business nice-tint," Die social hour was held .consist ing of various panics and onlertntn luent. Kcfrcshiuenls of punch anil wafers wero served by the social com mittee. Those present were Minnie jUerLcr, Nolo Jackson, Tiornioo Kunz liinn, Myrtella Cnnaday, Dolly Hed di'n, Orace Wood, Lou Springer, May I'hipps, Mary Hess, Anna Hulcnian, .lulia Fielder, Friiiices llaskins, Nana Mntiicv, I.cla Spicule and Kale Stiue. The Med ford Red Cross Society, which was formed two months 1150, has almost completed ft sufficient amount of hospital supplies to send abroad. Funds have been supplied by the dues of the members, and one entertainment has been given to raise money. There have also been several donations. Mrs. ,J. V. Churchill of Yreka presented till society with 100 yards of hospital gauze and n large amount of absorbent cotton. Any one interested in the tied Cross work can help by becoming n member or by sending any material suitable for the work. A number of Medford people who were former residents of the south will attend the southern picnic to he held in Ashland I.ilhia Pork next Wednesday, August (Mb. . People from all parts of the valley who were formerly from some southern state are expected to attend. Kveryone will bring their lunch, and cup and coffee will be provided by the Ash land ladies. Mrs. Jennie Ki'inp, stale president of the W. C. T. V., will speak at the liaplist church Monday, August 7, at 2:11(1 p. m.; also at 8 p. m. Mrs. Kemp will speak upon the great issues that are before us at' the present time. The public is cordially invited to hear this great speaker. Miss Grace lieed of the Country Club Orchard near Merlin spent the week-end as the bouse guest of Miss Ltirile Messncr at her home on Holly street. Miss lieed is a student of the t'niversity of Oregon and a mem bcr of the Kappa Kappa Gamma so roritv. Mr. C. 1!. Smith and family of Morton, Wash., who are touring Ore gon in their car, stopped here n few days with bis sister, Mrs. A. K. Strut- ton. Mrs. p. 1). Smith, who has been visiting (he Strattons for some time will return to Washington .with them. The ladies id' the Oreater Medfnrd Club entertained the ladies of the state editorial convention with a 1 o'clock lur.cheou at Brown's today. Alter luncheon the visitors wen- taken for an automobile ride by the Women's College club. Dr.and Mrs. O. D. Roller of Inde pendence arrived in Med ford Wednes day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Messncr . Mr. and Mrs. liutler and 'ir. and Mrs. Messncr left Wednesday ufternoon for a trip to Crater J Mrs. i . II. Madden entertained at dinner Sunday evening for the follow ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Wil son, Miss O'Connell, Miss IJulb Man ning, Robert Wilson and Fred Tracy. , Mr. and Mrs. X. S. Bennett and daughter, Agnes, and son, Lester, spent the week-end at the Oregon Caves in Josephine county. Thev re port a mM cnjovbule trip. Mrs. James Cotchct! of Weed, Cal, is the guest of Mrs. John Wilkinson on South Newtown. From here Mrs Cotehctt will go to Seattle where she will make her future home. Airs. Frederick Webster and daugh ter, Margaret, who have been the guests of Mrs. K. H. Lamport, left Monday morning fur their home in San Francisco. Mrs. F. II.. Madden. Mrs. L.nml) of Chicago, Miss Francis (Juigley, Hob ert Wilson and Carter Drandon left Thursday for Crater Lake, retnrnin todav. Mr-. Win. Budge of ficne-see street entertained with an informal bridg party this afternoon in honor of lu st, Miss Martin ot San r rnneisoo Mrs. L. K. Wakeman entertained the Xullo BridL-r club at her home on North Oakdale Thursday afternoon, The W. C. T. V. met with Mrs. T. A. Howell on Cedar street Thursday afternoon. After a brief business session the following program was en joyed : Song, "Nearer My God to Thee." Pible lesson rind prayer Mrs. Klta Manning Discussions on Purity,: Mrs. li. 1). Benson, Mrs. A. J. llauhy I list i n i ii i it a I solo, M iss Nona Howell Reading, "That's Where the west Begins,".. Miss Mary Seymore Paper, "The Woman Who ruder stands,". Mrs. J. C. Wood Reading, "The Hatchet Crusade," Mrs. T. (1. Heine Benediction. , At the close of the program Mrs. Ilowell served dainty refreshments, assisted by Misses Nona Howell and Marv Sevmore. The Christian Women's Board of Missions met at the home of Mrs. ('. 11. McCurdy on Orange street Wed nesday afternoon. After the business session a short program was given. Soto Mrs. J. II. Bellinger. Lesson review, Mrs. A. .1. Biinby. Review of Chapter F.leven of "Forty Years of Service." It was decided to have the Sep tember meeting ill tho evening lit the home of Mrs. K. K. on Orange street, at which lime the Tribute day offering will be taken. After the business session and pro gram refreshments were served by Mrs. McCurdv. ' The Standard Bearers and friends of the Methodist church met at the ionic of Miss Mildred Heine on F.ust Mam street Wednesday evening. The program openeing with the singing of the Standard Bearer hymn. followed bv "History of the Standard Rearers,' by Georgia Whillock, and "Call to Young Women." by Ruth Daniels, Missionary solo, Geurgia Whillouk. The remainder of the evciing was pent With games on the lawn and music, alter wnicti reiresiimcnis oi punch aiid wnl'ers were served. Miss Myrtle Purkeypile entertained :it her home on Olson street Friday evening with an lnlormal (lin.'er party. The color scheme was carried mt very daintily in pink and white, the centerpiece being sweet peas. l'he evening was spent in games and music with Miss Grace Purkey pile, sister of the hostess, at. the piano. Those enjoying M'ss Purkeypile s hospitality were Misses Doris Layne Klhel Troutfeather, Vivian Stewart, Mvrl Davis and Annabel Olson. A very pretty wedding look pine at the South Methodist parsonage, 2t North Oakdale avenue, Thursday, Au gust ;t, at 8:110, when Mr. Karl Rio Isaacs and Miss Olive Mildred Gage were united in marriage by Rev Hranbain. Both voung people an known in Mcdford and have the best wishes of their many friends. After a few weeks spent at the home of Mr. Isaac's parents in San Fran cisco, Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs will return to Mcdford where thev will make their future home. The Misses and Minnie liorchnrdt entertained Tuesday even ing with an informal party in honor of their guest, Miss Anna Lcider, of Caledonia, Minn. The guests were, Mrs. Crawford, the Misses Anna Lcider, Ivy Itoeck, Margaret Cromar, June Hinman, Fan nie Wli'tninn', Helen Yockey and F.thel Currv. Mrs. C. W. Aborrrombie entertain ed Wednesday afternoon at her home Oak Lodge on King's Highway, with a garden party for the pleasure of bcr sister, Miss Fdna Warner of Gar den City, Kumiss. Six tables of bridge were enjoyed followed by a de licious luncheon served on the indi vidual tables. Mr. Eli Campbell and Miss Yenita Keizur, both of Mcdford, were mar ried by Rev. F. W. Carstcns, pastor of the Baptist church, at his home Saturday, July 20. The happy couple will reside in Fall Keizur's home on Alder street. Mr. and Mis. C. .1. Dexter of t,of Antrelos who arc makiiur a several months tour of the I'nitcd State? were sue.-ls of Mr. and Mrs. K. ('. Jerome at their home on West Jnokson Fri day. , Mrs. W. I'. Iliuuill entertained ut dinner Tuesday eveniiiir tor Mr. and Mrs. Cumins Kenley, Mr. and Mi-s Donald ( lark, Mrs. II. W. Huhl and: Mr-. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Davis and fain- dv and Judge and Mrs. F. M. CalkiiiH left Vridav afternoon fir ( rater Lake, where they will camp for week. Friends in this city of Rev. and Mrs. R. 11. Rluckwrll of Juneau, Alas ka, have received word from them nn uininciug the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Jilaekwell, to Mr. Ralph H. Kletzing, the mnriiage to lake place this evening at 8:110 o'clock. Rev, Blackwell was a former pastor of the First Methodist church of this city and now has charge of a mission iu Alaska. The bride to lift has many friends here win wish the young Couple much joy in their mar ried life. t Miss Charlotte McDougnll who has been teaching physical education at the I'niversity of Molilalia during the sitnimcr session, is visiting at the home of her imrents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. MoDongall, -10(i North Realty street. She is on her way to take up teaching next veur in New York. l'he Misses Helen Yockey and F.lhrl Curry entertained the Misses Minnie and Kmiiia Borchardt and their guest Miss Anna Lcider, of Caledonia, Minn'.', with an auto drive to Lithia park, Ashland, Friday evening. Before returning home dainty re- freshnicnls were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts of Portland, and Mrs. M. F.. Riddle motored to the .Merrill ranch near Central Point "Friday ev ening, where they wore entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Normaii J. .Merrill. f Miss Virginia O'Connell who has been visiting at the home of Air. and Mrs. Richard Wilson for several weeks left Monday for her home in Chicago. m m m Mr. and Mrs, P. J- Ynndcrinis and mother of lalent were dinner guest I'liesdav evening of Mr. and Mrs. L. F.. WaUcman on North Oakdale. m m m Rev. and Mrs. McC. Reed, Mks.Cul- he ogeli, and .Mrs. I. Price were dinner guests at the ranch home o Mrs. K, G. Lunt Sunday. , Mrs. John Wilkinson will leave next Friday for a month's visii with friends at Woodburn, Roselmrg and Portland. m m Mrs. 51111101 Parley Stone of Mo desto, California, is visiting Mrs. Geo. W. Cherrv at her home on Cap ital Hill. . Mr. and, Mrs. W. F. Isaacs left Thursday in their ear for Portland, where Ihev will visit for two weeks. 'A'"' Aliss KiUl, Kline left this evening for Newport, lit!- sister Mrs. Hurry White of Alhjniv, will iicnninpiinv her. AI'rK. Lou D. Jones Tofl Monday for Tillamook where she will .spend a monlh visiting her daughter. Mi', and Mrs. Uilev 1). Henderson and little son, Stanley liiee, wens I'heoni.x visitors Snndav. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taliner and family left Thursday in their ear Tor an outing at Crescent. Citv. Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Tloekenyou of f'alnry, Alherta, are visiting friends and relatives in this eitv. Miss Martin of San r'raneis,eo is the house guest of Mrs. Win. Mitdge on (lenessee street. Mrs. Piiul Jiinney was hostess to the Girls' Thuriiav eluh at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Miller of Phoenix wmi (lie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kiley I). Ilenson this week. PLAYS FOR EDITORS Miss l.oiK (tAtke, violinist, daugh ter of Mitor J. K. tiatke of the .Vs. lorin lliiduet, ivlwi tiill jilny ut to night'!) banquet. y - A -r , ; J f ' SilifiiiP Tho OaUlanil Hoys l.'lul uaiui ar-touay niui tomorrow. Tiuh niorniuR aumiasiou win no cuargeu for liiobu 10 oe one of ine uesi ori;iiiii.uiious oC r on a ton o( 0l.e. ! there will bo an open air concert In attending this dunce. Sunday oven- the kind on tho coast. The object ot rives ti s morn ng 01 i o i front of the Commercial eluh and to- inii the boys plan to give a tree con- the trip is not profit but merely to Bon, Wnshiimton aim i aiiiornia anu will give several eonceits In the city. At the Churches Catholic ('Iiurcli. South Onkdalo avenue. First Mass Sunday at (i:110 a. 111. Second .Mass at 9 a. m. No evenillK services. ItUV. JOHN 1'OWlOltR, Hector. I'lvsbyterinil tlmreli, Jacksonville. MorniiiK worship at 1 1 o'clock. Theme: "Confiding in Jesus." Kvening Worship at S o'clock. Theme: "Would-be Disciples." Sabbath school at 10 a. in. Prayer meeting on Thursday even ing at S o'clock. Subject: "The Certainty of Cod's Cure." When visiting in Jacksonville, do not slight the House of Cod. We welcome all to worship with us. AU1KKT Il CA.MMONS, Minister, Oakdale Avenue Methodist, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Presiding lOlder Hev. S. M. Cheek. Siie.renient of the Lord's supper after the morn ing sermon. Itev. S. M. Cheek, presiding KUler ot Hie Willamette district, will be here and hold the business session of the fourth quarterly conference at the church at (i: 30 p. m. Union service In the city park at S p. m. Itev. 11. II. Cheek will preach Union choir and long service, everybody Is invited to these services. II. .M. HRAN1IAM, Pastor lYesbyleri.-in (-'lilll-cli Main and Holly, at City Park Rev. Alfred A. J. Hogg, minister. The church extends a cordial wel come to all classes, ages, races and creeds. Strangers are made welcome. Sunday school at. 1 0. Men's Bible class taught by Attor ney Uordcn. C. K. at 7 p. m. The Itev. Hogg will deliver the first of a series of popular Illustrated sermons. The chorus choir will ho in charge of Professor Andrews, witli Fred llalght at tho pipe organ. Large crowds are attending the services. Keep Sunday for the great things of the soul. Come and bring your friends. All welcome. l'irst ( liiisliaii ('Iiurcli. Cor. 9th and South Oakdale. We most cordially invite you to tile services. A helpful message will he given at lli:-t.". Special music. Quurtette, "Abide With Me," C. McCurdy, Miss Inez Coffin,, Mrs, Lou Mischlor, .1. Klrkpatrlek. Solo How Lonely Are Thy Dwell ings," Miss Inez Coffin. Other selections by choir and eon gregutlon. Do not miss this service, yon will enjoy It. F.vening union service In the park al S o'clock. fllble school nt !):t."i a. m. The superintendent is making an effort. to make- this a real service, help make it so. Christian Endeavor society meets at 7 o'clock in church. Please altend HAHAV K., Minister. Flit liaplist (Iiurcli. "A Live Church With Cordial Welcome." 9:45 a. m. llible school, subject of lesson: "The Greatest Thing in the World." 11:00 a. in.-- Communion servl This service will be a departure from the usual service; the communion night a dunce at tho Nat, the music cert In tho city park. The band is pay the expenses of an outing for the i being supplied by tho band. A small composed of 34 members and in said I hoys of the club. service will occupy the wholo of the 11 o'clock hour, instead of being held at tho '.-lose of the morning service, as heretofore. Unique and attractive- feutnrea will enter Into tills service, and will bo helpful to all. 0:30 p. m. Junior young people's service, lor young people under 1li. 7:00 p. in. Senior young people's service, Topic: "The Consecration of Friendship." A special feature will ho tho appearance of the young people's quartette. 8:00 p. m. Sermon by tho pastor. Subject: "The Tale of a Doughnut, or Optimism vs. Pessimism." At the morning service Alesdiimes Frank Isaacs ami J. .M. Cressly and .Miss Florence llazeli-igg will sing "Come Unto Me" Tiy Coenen. At the evening service there A-ill bo a solo by Miss Cladys Hinman, (selected) and the church quartette will render Rodney's famous com position, "Cavalry." Quartette: Hiss Florence Hiuel rigg, Mrs. .1. M. Cressly, Mr. J. M. Hunter and William Vawter. Services are just one hour long, full of Inspiration and lielpt'ullness. Come and worship Willi us. STOCKHOLM, Aiiir. n.-The Swed ish steamer Commerce, (i.'tH tons, load ed with LHiO standard of battens con signed lo Kngtund, was .sunk yester- lay oil' Koedcrhuiiiiu by a (Icriuan submarine. The ship w-'s carrying no contraband and the Swedish gov ernment will file a protest in llerlin igaiiist this anil other recent allacks on Swedish shipping in the Baltic. SHACKLET0N FAILS TO RESCUE POLAR EXPLORERS LONDON, Aug. .". Lieutenant Sir F.rnost Shacklelou lias again failed lo rescue the main lioity of tils Ant arctic expedition left on Elephant Island, says the Dally Chronicle, and has returned to the Falkland islands. Sir Ernest returned on board the steamer Kniina, says a Renter dis patch, from Port Stanley. .The ship was forced back -by heavy gales and Ice and It was found Impossible to get near Elephant island through the pack Ice. The ship was battered, the engines were Injured and the Eniiiiu was obliged to proceed under 'sail. Sir l-Jrnest, the correspondent adds, recognizes that It Is useless to force a passage with a light ship and he is walling for the steamer Discovery to coyie from F.iigland. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. HIGHEST CLASS STEPTLIZED HAIR GOODS For Sale Your comliiiifis made up in any style to your order. MARINELLO HAIR SHOP 407 Oai'iiett-Corey IJldg. CLOSE ENDUS1RIES RECORD EARNINGS TO FREE AGITATORS FOR UNION PACIFIC DIII.UTM, Minn., Aug. 5. Threats to close every industry in the United States, unless the 10 I. W. W. agi tators confined in tho St. I.ouis coun ty jail, Duluth, are freed, were made by Joseph Ettor, an 1.- W. W, leader, at a meeting ot Duluth socialists last night, when resolutions were adopted demanding that Governor J. A. llurn qulst bring about the removnl of what the resolutions termed "gun men" from the range strike zone. The socialists went on record us favoring fusion with the. I. V. W. uiid approving the strike meeting of that organization. N0RDICA LOSES SUIT TO SECURE ESTATE OF WIFE FRF.F.IIOLD, N. .1., Aug. T. George 11. Young, husband of the late Lillian N'ordlca, lost his fight for pos session of the million dollar estate of the singer In a decision given by Judge Lawrence hero today. Judgo Lawrence held that tho will of 1914 leaving the bulk of the estate to three sisters of Mine. Xordlca should be ad mitted to probate, throwing out the will of 1910 which named the hus band as the. chief beneficiary. The will execuled In 1910 was filed in New Jersey and Ilio one executed in 1914 was filed in New York. After contests bad been started it was de cided that Mine. N'ordlca was a legal resident of New Jersey and tho New York proceedings were dropped. The last will was mudo while Mine. Nor dica was III on Thursday Island wiiere she died. NOTICE. Sealed bids wanted or painting and calclniliiing Washington school rooms. For particulars Inquire of H. O. Nordwick, who will receive bids. 1 15 $100 Reward, $100 Tho r. iul. r if Mil jmprr Mill lie nli-aund lo Ifnni ttml lln-rc !.; nl J-':tl (iiii-.iIii'iMi. jJimMiwt lliiit Dili'iii'v lid Im'I'H h t 1 lo cure til all lu hiiij;-'-, ihkI Unit Is fitirirrli. IIhII'h Oiturrli Cure J I lie onlv I'OHlllve iiii- now known lo llie Icnl fruh-niJtv. ('nUirrh Ivlnu n coiikI ltntlTiil dhfiixi', ri'ipiirt'H it coti'Jlitiitltmiil trinttnint. HuII h C;itnri1t Ciiti' Ik liiken fn1Tintlly . ui.ik Hi n th iixn ttif liloo'I niiicoit-t Miifnct'it of tin NyVtem. tliiTdiv 4lfiriyhitt tin- foiirirhill'Hi tif tin- .', kikI (ilvlnit Hit' imtli'iit Mlrutiirlli liv tmlliliDif up tin' coii-UIinlon nnil tlrl Ink nu tirrc In il"lnir It1 M'ork. Fl hi- Jin iinif 1 1 H' havi' Hf IIIIH'll fllllll 111 It1 ClinillVtl MiWIT!t Ulllt till')' ofT'T ((in lliiiili"l DoIIims for mty iiittf Hint il fulU to vine. 'int fur MmI "f t-'-tliuoiil.ih. AiMn-Hi !, J. ( I!i:N:V ft CO., Tulftli. O. Sold li.v nil I irnt-'KtHtu, 7,.c. iik lltiD'K 1 iitnil? I'ltlt fr mtiHtlpittl'iu. Save Your Rags Medford Junk Co. liny all kinds of Junk HIDES OUR SPECIALTY 33 North Bartlett St. Phone 283-J. Farm Loans Low Interest Rates Money ready upon approval of security and title. O. C. BOGGS X FAY YORK, Am?. !. A statement of the earnings of Hie I'nion l'ucil'ie railroad company for llie fiscal year eiulin; June 110 shows gross earning of if 104, 717, (lOo, the largest revenue in its history. This compares' with gross earnings o :fH(,!l;H,oo.i in tho preceding year. The net earnings af ter the payment of preferred divi dends were .:t-i,Tfl.T,TtS. which is equal to to.!!.") per cent on the common stock, as ciunpai'cil with 1(1. !)8 in the previous year. ! CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK IfIA.HONI IIRANlh X yrM known as licit, S ft!, Alwys Re I tab t SfltD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Now Daily Except Sunday. Howard's Auto Line Ashland and Klamath Falls Ashland Reservations Ilotel Austin. I'ake early ear Valley Auto Line for Ashland connec tions. FILMS DEVELOPED (Any Size) 10c A ROLL 12 exp rolls lmcks developed 20c. Prints up to 2 14x3 '4, 3c. each; 2 Mi x4'4, 3V4x4l4. 3ix3'i, 4c each; 3A. and 4x5, tic. each. Postals Gc each. iKastmun's improved method In finishing used. All work guaran teed. Films received In morning mail will be returned samo day. Vi vi:r,.iio Kodak Finishing Specialist "lly Mall Only." 1". O. Itov 1007 MiMlford, Oreifon. RandMcNally&Co. CHICAGO PRINTERS OF BOOKLETS CATALOGS HOUSE MAGAZINES COMMERCIAL ART WORK COLOR DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING FIXED FINANCIALLY AND MECHANICALLY FOR PROMPT HANDLING of LARGE EDITIONS WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time oij place by appointment. Phone 147-J : !w; Well do the rest I. D. WESTON. Prop. , Wf